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A Bad Omen: A Dream Of Three Presidents
What if I told you I heard voices, and these voices were emulations of other people? What if they calculated probabilities which don't occur? Certainly therefore I am ill. But what if these constructs were programmable, and I created three presidents, one of which, myself, was an altruist and opposed by both other constructed presidents or voices in his head? This arrangement has been calculated in my mind, and I laugh at it, for i am rather ill.
But why would there be such an arrangement in the first place? For, I am an altruist who is writing a book. I'd like to say to you today that there's a movie about the president of the united states in theatres. he's a super hero and turns into the incredible hulk and smashes at captain america. I suppose this is some small vindication, what I like to call a confirmed, for I am always rather trendy, and probably correct when I create art.
But why would anybody bother to knock off an artist writing a fantasy book about The Artist Gray, and method acting that character in his mind? Because according to the voices, that's exactly what happened today while I was trying to sleep and I could have been remotely executed. The Artist Gray can manipulate time and take a look at alternate earths. On horseback with daggars or a sword to him. Will this be in theatres one day? I can only laugh at the american government if it isn't. But I am ill. And I haven't written the book yet. I just method act as gray to the voices in my head, and tape record the story.
Now why was I woken up remotely today (it's 6:49am) and told there was an attempt on my life? Certainly I'm an altruist, and believe in selfless acts. I even created an altruist's guild in my mind, for the good voices, which are opposed to the evil ones. What was said to me remotely in my head was said in private, but i'd like to say this to the United States, in case they are opposed to me.
I'm a left leaning liberal democrat; and a bleeding heart liberal who wants free healthcare and an education for all peoples. But even I wasn't opposed to the will of the american people, who signed up for four more years of Donald Trump, and four more years became something of a slogan of mine to the voices in my head. Why would trump oppose me?
I was told that my mind blasted back and I took out a US decoy that I thought was trump - what a dream this was. If they drop me in my sleep you know what happened - and it probably wasn't even trump I retaliated against remotely, i'll tell you that much. It was a construct in my mind who appeared and sounded like donald trump. and I'm an artist who had a bad dream. Now nobody cares, but I'm already worried - Heck even the voices in my head warned me. Certainly I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and paranoid - not a psionic telepath and a mutant, who manipulates time and attacks presidents? Am I crazy? The Artist Gray is the book i'm writing.
IS there a war in my mind for my theories, or do people hate me already? See also: Mini's theory of opposition, which is currently being written. I suppose the closest thing we have to my theory outlines is a letter I recently wrote to my professor called: The Body Politic: A Letter to a Prof. Check that out in my other posts.
I joked with a babygirl today that I wanted to win the nobel prize, but that I had already calculated that I wouldn't. I don't think anybody cares for my dinky theories on art and life. Then a curious thing happened: She claimed that I could have. I laughed a little. Hubris is, alas, the final boss.
A Writer. Toronto
Thank you.
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The Body Politic (Sample Letter to a Prof)
By artist ("comrade"?) Stephen Miniotis
"We're all artists: else, none of us ever were." — Stephen Miniotis
Art is not the privilege of the few, nor the domain of the trained—it is the birthright of every human being. The very act of creation, from the moment a child scrawls symbols in the dirt to the grandest of masterworks, is a fundamental part of human expression. If art belonged only to the celebrated, to the anointed few, then no one would have ever been an artist to begin with. For art to exist at all, it must be universal.
Yet, before an artist enters the public eye—before their work is consumed, appraised, or understood—they exist in what could be called a pre-social contract state. Inspired by Thomas Hobbes, this is a condition of nature, a realm of pure artistic solitude. In this space, art has no intrinsic value beyond the artist’s own satisfaction. It is free from commerce, critique, and cultural expectation. In this moment, the artist creates for no one but themselves, their work existing in a vacuum, unseen and untouched by the greater world.
But this is not a sustainable state. Art, by its nature, craves an audience. The artist, like all individuals, seeks to leave a mark upon the world. And so, they step forward from obscurity, presenting their work to the public, unknowingly entering into an unspoken contract with society—one that will judge, elevate, and, ultimately, oppose them.
The artist does not simply emerge into the public sphere; they collide with it. To create is to invite opposition. The world is full of art, much of it unnoticed, derivative, or mundane. But when an artist dares to be different—when they break from convention, challenge expectations, or redefine a form—they become the subject of scrutiny. Opposition, then, is not a failure but a catalyst. It is the force that separates the remarkable from the ordinary.
This opposition gives rise to an artist’s Apotheosis, the moment where they transcend the common pastiche of their peers and become something more. Their art, once devoid of value, is suddenly priceless. They achieve recognition, fame, even veneration. They become icons, their work immortalized in culture.
But this glory is fleeting. The Apotheosis of an artist is merely the climax of a cycle. As new opposition arises, as tastes shift and styles evolve, the once-revered creator is cast down. Their art, once vital, becomes relic—respected, perhaps, but no longer at the forefront of the cultural conversation. They return to the shadows, back to the drudges of obscurity, once again in the pre-social contract state from which they emerged. The cycle begins anew.
If an artist is to rise, they must first be opposed. But even at the height of their Apotheosis, they are not free from conflict. Opposition is a constant. Whether they are loved, hated, misunderstood, or imitated, the artist is always subject to the gaze of others.
Opposition Theory posits that all art is opposed. No work is created in a vacuum, and none escapes scrutiny. Whether through rejection, critique, or imitation, every piece of art is engaged with, dissected, and challenged. The greater the work, the greater the opposition.
Even when art has no clear meaning, society seeks to decipher it. Symbols are projected upon it, messages are unearthed, and interpretations are imposed. The artist, then, is never truly in control of their own work. Once released into the world, art takes on a life of its own, existing independently of its creator.
To be an artist, then, is to be opposed. It is a social condition as much as a creative one. The artist exists in a state of perpetual friction with the world around them. But this is not a tragedy—it is a necessity. Without opposition, there can be no transformation. Without resistance, there can be no Apotheosis.
Beyond the realm of art, humanity itself is divided into factions: The Good, The Evil, and The Neutral. These are not mere moral categories, but existential states, ones that shape both individual identity and the role of the artist.
Goodness is a state of selflessness. When we are young, we are idealists. We create art for the joy of it, for the love of expression, without thought of personal gain. This is the purest form of creativity, yet it is also the most fragile. The world does not reward selflessness indefinitely.
Evil, then, is the reaction. In order to survive, in order to prosper, an artist must embrace selfishness. They must profit, compete, and dominate. They must navigate the systems of power that govern the artistic world—patrons, markets, critics, and collectors. In this state, art becomes transactional. It serves a purpose beyond itself. It is no longer simply created; it is sold.
But there is a third path. To transcend both selflessness and selfishness, to move beyond Good and Evil, is to embrace Neutrality. This is the artist’s final evolution. To be Neutral is to create without dependence on external validation, yet without rejecting engagement with the world. It is to understand the necessity of both purity and profit, to accept the cycles of opposition and apotheosis without being bound by them.
The Neutral artist is neither slave to the market nor martyr to idealism. They create because they must, yet they do not seek nor reject the consequences of their creation. They are beyond fame, beyond obscurity, beyond opposition itself. In this state, they are truly free.
(...) What are your thoughts? I suppose a reaction to "no reaction" or "opposition always" is absolutely necessary.
Or i'm just trolling. Sometimes even I can't tell.
Sort of reminds me of what we learned in your class about American Lit, professor! Thank you for the inspiration!
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Opposition Theory: An Introduction (Stephen Miniotis)
"In a Hobbesian environment, where life is described as a state of perpetual conflict—"all against all"—my theory of opposition emerges as a fundamental force shaping not only social dynamics but also creative pursuits. Opposition, in this sense, extends beyond mere social rivalries; it is woven into the fabric of existence, permeating individual identities, relationships, and even self-perception. This constant tension—between individuals, between artists, and within the self—can be seen as the crucible in which greatness is forged.
In this state of opposition, the artist begins as one among many, their work largely unnoticed, indistinguishable from the cacophony of human expression that surrounds them. Art, initially, holds little intrinsic value. It exists without the heat of contention, without the spark of antagonism that elevates it. In this view, art is a commodity without significance until it is placed in opposition to other art—until an artist is positioned as superior or is seen as a threat by others.
It is through opposition, through a contest of ideas, visions, and styles, that an artist rises above the rest. This artist, now distinguished through the act of being challenged, ridiculed, or even revered, begins the transformation into something greater—a godlike figure within the creative domain. This apotheosis is not merely the result of their skill or vision but of the opposition itself. The critics, detractors, and rivals solidify the artist’s standing, crystallizing their status through conflict. Through this lens, it is the presence of many other artists, striving, attacking, or competing, that gives birth to the "god artist."
However, this godlike stature comes with inevitable costs. The artist who achieves this status gains wealth, influence, and recognition, but at the price of their freedom. Fame, while offering a semblance of immortality in the artistic realm, becomes its own form of bondage. The once anonymous creator now lives under the scrutiny of the masses. Their privacy erodes, and the freedom to create without external pressures diminishes. The audience, the critics, and the world at large begin to dictate the terms of their creative output, further intensifying the opposition, but now on a global scale.
Eventually, the artist is once again consumed by the very opposition that elevated them. They become ensnared in the expectations of others, losing the autonomy that once allowed for unbounded creativity. The artist who was once a god finds themselves a target of the same antagonism that once fueled their rise. In this cyclical structure of opposition, they are drawn back into the Hobbesian struggle, their godhood both a peak and a prison, where they remain forever opposed by the forces that crowned them.
Thus, opposition in this theory is the central force that drives art from obscurity to prominence, from insignificance to divinity. Yet it is also the force that eventually dismantles the freedom that art once offered, pulling the artist back into the relentless state of conflict that defines the human condition.
1.0 "I shall erect an opposition theory, which discusses opposition in art, as a literary theory of sorts. The theory hath expanded in my mind so we'll see where it takes me." -Stephen Miniotis
Thank you to ChatGPT mini; MiniArmy.net; SteveMini.com; CrappyBlog.com"
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AWESOME Hunter Deck! Chatty Macaw Amalgam!
Chatty Makaw Amalgam
Class: Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam
2x (1) Awakening Tremors
2x (1) Bunch of Bananas
2x (2) Absorbent Parasite
2x (2) Bait and Switch
2x (2) Messenger Buzzard
2x (2) Patchwork Pals
2x (3) Bovine Skeleton
2x (3) Chatty Macaw
1x (3) Gorgonzormu
2x (3) Trusty Fishing Rod
2x (4) Camouflage Mount
2x (4) Twisted Frostwing
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (2) Haywire Module
1x (2) Power Module
2x (5) Death Roll
1x (6) Aggramar, the Avenger
2x (6) Furious Fowls
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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Big Breakfast/Egg Hunter
Big Breakfast Egg Hunter
Class: Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Awakening Tremors
2x (1) Bunch of Bananas
2x (1) Thornmantle Musician
2x (2) Bait and Switch
2x (2) Barrel of Monkeys
2x (2) Bestial Madness
2x (2) Nerubian Egg
2x (2) Patchwork Pals
2x (4) Camouflage Mount
2x (4) Yelling Yodeler
2x (5) Mystery Egg
1x (6) Mister Mukla
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (2) Power Module
1x (4) Twin Module
2x (7) Toyrannosaurus
1x (8) Stranglethorn Heart
1x (9) King Plush
2x (10) Banjosaur
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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I Will Now Be Posting On Twitter
Link: HearthstoneDecks.ca / SteveMini.com/x / x.com/StephenMiniotis "As seen on my twitter". Thank you.
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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AMAZING! Shudderblock Shaman
Neut’s Shudderblock Shm
Class: Shaman
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Murloc Growfin
1x (1) Patches the Pilot
2x (1) Treasure Distributor
2x (2) Adrenaline Fiend
2x (2) Sigil of Skydiving
2x (2) Trusty Companion
1x (3) Carefree Cookie
1x (3) Gorgonzormu
2x (3) Hozen Roughhouser
2x (3) Paraglide
2x (3) Skirting Death
2x (3) Turn the Tides
2x (4) Backstage Bouncer
2x (4) Dangerous Cliffside
2x (6) Horn of the Windlord
1x (6) Incindius
1x (6) Shudderblock
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (3) Pylon Module
1x (5) Ticking Module
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
this deck is AMAZING! You can shudderblock incidious for FIFTEEN explosions. You can also shudderblock patches for 18 charge pirates. You can also shudderblock the 8-cost murloc for x3 8/8s. Not a lot of board clear, but then, how could you ever fall behind on the board with this deck?
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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SPELL PRIEST "Parrot Automaton" It's BACK
Parrot Automaton
Class: Priest
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Astral Automaton
2x (2) Creation Protocol
2x (2) Nightshade Tea
2x (2) Pet Parrot
2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize
2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
1x (3) Chillin' Vol'jin
2x (3) Funhouse Mirror
2x (3) Grace of the Highfather
1x (3) Trusty Fishing Rod
2x (4) Delayed Product
2x (4) Posse Possession
2x (5) Death Roll
2x (5) Shattered Reflections
2x (6) Furious Fowls
2x (7) Repackage
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering#parallel#cards#decks
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1. AGGRO/TOURIST: Lowest Curve; Latest Expansion
Low Curve Tourist Amalgm
Class: Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam
2x (1) Awakening Tremors
2x (1) Bunch of Bananas
2x (1) Cup o' Muscle
2x (2) Absorbent Parasite
2x (2) Bait and Switch
1x (2) Bargain Bin
2x (2) Messenger Buzzard
2x (2) Patchwork Pals
2x (3) Bovine Skeleton
2x (3) Bronze Gatekeeper
1x (3) Gorgonzormu
2x (3) Trusty Fishing Rod
2x (4) Camouflage Mount
2x (4) Twisted Frostwing
1x (6) Ranger Gilly
2x (8) Draconic Delicacy
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
2. MID-RANGE/CONTROL: Rush+Draw+Control
Mid-Range Control Amalgm
Class: Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam
2x (1) Awakening Tremors
2x (1) Bunch of Bananas
2x (2) Bait and Switch
1x (2) Bargain Bin
2x (2) Bestial Madness
2x (2) Messenger Buzzard
2x (2) Patchwork Pals
2x (3) Bovine Skeleton
2x (3) Master's Call
2x (3) Trusty Fishing Rod
2x (4) Camouflage Mount
2x (4) Twisted Frostwing
2x (6) Hollow Hound
1x (6) Mister Mukla
2x (7) Toyrannosaurus
1x (9) King Plush
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
3. LATE-GAME: Big Beasts Go Bur! Breakfast/Egg Hunter.
Big Breakfast Amalgam!
Class: Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
1x (1) Adaptive Amalgam
2x (1) Awakening Tremors
2x (1) Bunch of Bananas
2x (2) Absorbent Parasite
2x (2) Barrel of Monkeys
2x (2) Bestial Madness
2x (2) Nerubian Egg
2x (2) Patchwork Pals
2x (3) Trusty Fishing Rod
2x (4) Camouflage Mount
2x (4) Yelling Yodeler
2x (5) Mystery Egg
1x (6) Mister Mukla
2x (7) Toyrannosaurus
1x (8) Stranglethorn Heart
1x (9) King Plush
2x (10) Banjosaur
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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AMAZING budget deck: Parrot Priest Automaton! It's BACK!
Neut's Parrot Automaton
Class: Priest
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Astral Automaton
2x (2) Birdwatching
2x (2) Creation Protocol
2x (2) Nightshade Tea
2x (2) Pet Parrot
2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize
2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
1x (3) Chillin' Vol'jin
2x (3) Funhouse Mirror
2x (3) Trusty Fishing Rod
2x (4) Delayed Product
2x (4) Posse Possession
2x (5) Death Roll
2x (5) Shattered Reflections
2x (6) Furious Fowls
1x (6) Harmonic Pop
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
note: This was inspired by a person who posted in the facebook group: "The Inn, Hearthstone Group". I basically made my own deck inspired by his post!
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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25 June 2024.
Neut's Disrupt Painlock
Class: Warlock
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Flame Imp
1x (1) Mass Production
2x (1) Party Fiend
2x (1) Spirit Bomb
2x (2) Cult Neophyte
2x (2) Elementium Geode
2x (2) Fearless Flamejuggler
2x (3) Malefic Rook
2x (3) Trolley Problem
2x (4) INFERNAL!
1x (4) Pop'gar the Putrid
1x (4) Sheriff Barrelbrim
2x (4) Speaker Stomper
1x (5) Symphony of Sins
1x (6) Party Planner Vona
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (2) Power Module
1x (4) Twin Module
2x (9) Imprisoned Horror
2x (22) Molten Giant
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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Neut's Copy Insanity
Neut's Endless Insanity
Class: Warlock
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Felstring Harp
2x (1) Void Virtuoso
2x (2) Baritone Imp
2x (2) Crescendo
2x (2) Dryscale Deputy
2x (2) Kobold Miner
2x (3) Encroaching Insanity
2x (3) Malefic Rook
1x (3) Sketch Artist
2x (4) Crazed Conductor
2x (4) Mo'arg Drillfist
1x (4) Pop'gar the Putrid
1x (4) Sheriff Barrelbrim
2x (5) Burrow Buster
1x (6) Party Planner Vona
1x (7) Tram Conductor Gerry
2x (9) Imprisoned Horror
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (4) Twin Module
1x (5) Perfect Module
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Dryscale Deputy copies either Endless Insanity or Crescendo (the only two spells in the deck). Sketch Artist temp copies and provides a copy of Endless Insanity, too, (the only shadow spell in the deck).
live 10pm EST nights: twitch.tv/NeutralG
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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Neut's Kill Cmd. Aggro
Class: Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Awakening Tremors
2x (1) Costumed Singer
2x (1) Jeweled Macaw
2x (2) Bait and Switch
1x (2) Bargain Bin
2x (2) Dryscale Deputy
2x (2) Greedy Partner
2x (2) Patchwork Pals
1x (2) Rat Trap
2x (2) Titanforged Traps
2x (3) Cyclopian Crusher
2x (3) Kill Command
2x (4) Camouflage Mount
1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame
2x (4) Jungle Jammer
2x (6) Starstrung Bow
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (2) Power Module
1x (4) Twin Module
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fcd08e28646bd16c3fc1ed1b9d7fb263/128b03804cdbd5b3-d4/s540x810/c3b988e4d14beff64c9f83965bb7938842affd93.jpg)
Got to Legend today with my homebrew decks! I post them here and on twitter!
Dude Pally / Spell Jammer Hunter! gg
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering
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Spell Jammer Hunter Dust & Aggro-Friendly!
Mini's Spell Jammer
Class: Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Awakening Tremors
2x (1) Bunch of Bananas
2x (1) Costumed Singer
2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear
2x (2) Bait and Switch
2x (2) Bargain Bin
2x (2) Hidden Meaning
1x (2) Ice Trap
2x (2) Patchwork Pals
1x (2) Rat Trap
2x (3) Nostalgic Initiate
2x (4) Jungle Jammer
2x (5) Lesser Emerald Spellstone
2x (5) Mantle Shaper
1x (5) Product 9
2x (6) Starstrung Bow
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (2) Power Module
1x (4) Twin Module
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
notes: Status: x4 Weapons incl x2 Jungle Jammer; Many Spells and Interactions including Vicious Slitherspear, Nostalgic Initiate and Mantle Shaper as well as a board flood spell: Emerald Spellstone.
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#Magic The Gathering
0 notes
Many Weapons Hunter!
Status: Secrets Hunter; added Ignis.
Mini's Many Weapons!
Class: Hunter
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
2x (1) Awakening Tremors
2x (1) Costumed Singer
2x (1) Thornmantle Musician
2x (2) Bait and Switch
2x (2) Bargain Bin
2x (2) Hidden Meaning
1x (2) Ice Trap
2x (2) Patchwork Pals
1x (2) Rat Trap
2x (2) Titanforged Traps
2x (3) Cyclopian Crusher
1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame
2x (4) Jungle Jammer
2x (5) Lesser Emerald Spellstone
1x (5) Product 9
1x (6) Aggramar, the Avenger
2x (6) Starstrung Bow
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (2) Power Module
1x (4) Twin Module
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#neutralg#hearingvoices#schizophrenia#targeted individual#hearthstone#tcg#world of warcraft#stevemini6ix#league of legends#magic the gathering#magic rp#fantasy#spell
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