#steve's a military genius i can make danny an academic savant if i want
emphasisonthehomo · 2 years
SO, shocking no one, I’ve been doing a lot of reading on Pearl Harbor lately.
And I’ve been thinking about it, especially re: Steve and a modern au, because yeah having him be born in the late 1980s changes things. Besides just turning him into a millennial. Mostly meaning that his namesake can’t have been his grandfather, because that really stretches the realm of possibility of when John and Doris McGarrett had kids.
For the most part, the men entombed in the Arizona would have been younger, because ranking officers and such don’t live on the ships. This means that Steve’s namesake probably would have been 19/20 when he died. A very young man, having just married his Best Gal right before shipping off. So John would have been born in 1940/41 most likely. Maybe 1942, if Mrs. McGarrett was pregnant and gave birth after Steve McGarrett Sr. had already passed.
Which would have John be a whopping 80 or so when he was killed by Hesse. He’d have been 48-ish when Steve was born, and 55 or so when Mary was born. (Going off ages taken from the wiki, Steve is 33 during season 1, and Mary is 26/27) So that’s a stretch of the imagination. Obviously it’s not unusual for someone to have children late in life, but John McGarrett as an 81 year old man snooping around and investigating the governor is uh...... imho pushing it. Not our of the realm of possibility, but pushing it. Also Doris having a child at like 55? Uh. Damn. Not Likely, I don’t think.
Anyways, this is why I’m thinking having Steven McGarrett Sr. being Steve’s great-grandfather makes a little more sense in a modern AU.
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