#steve x blackreader
crochetotterblog · 2 years
My California Girl
Chapter 1: Our Fifth Year
WORD COUNT: 2,511💕
Summary: Max comes home to find it trashed, heavily smelt of alcohol and cigarettes. She sighed, Billy always acts weird around this time of year, December specifically. Back in Cali he met the girl if his dreams, they only started dating for about 4 months until they had to move. Even though he doesn't want anything to do with Max or her friends, but Mike proposes that they should go to California for winter break...
A/N: sorry for not being active as much, working on a request and other stories!
Warning(s): 18+, drinking, swearing, smut, fighting, Jason Carter, talk about abuse, angst, fluff, (let me know if I missed any!)
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Billy was lying on top of his bed, staring at the ceiling, beer in hand, cigarette between his lips. His sad records were playing on repeat, this year would mark the full 5th anniversary. The front door opens to reveal Max standing in the doorway with El, she covers her face scrunching her nose to the smell of beer lingering like a dark cloud of dread. 'God what's wrong now?' she asked herself. The two teens walked into the trailer following the beer skeleton trail. The two girls walked down the hall, to the only room with more than one hole in it; it was closed. 'Billy must be home...' she thought, El reading her mind nodded. Max knocked on the door softly, no response, she knocked once again. A faint groan could be heard, overpowered by blasting music. Max opened the door gingerly, poking her head in to see her older step-brother lying on his stomach face down. "Billy?" she asked, he lifted his head slowly to meet her eyes, only for gravity to pull him back down to the bed sheets. "Billy, come on, get over yourself" Max lightly shouted. Billy groaned in rebellion, Max felt sorry for her step-brother. Even though Billy hated Max, and wish she was never in his life, I mean Neil Hargrove did leave his biological mother for Max's mom. The affair had been happening for at least a year before his mother found out and left.
Max sighed, not knowing what to do really. After all, Max knew what had gotten Billy so depressed. "Billy, come on; you can't stay like this; she wouldn't want you to stay sulking around, drinking, and smoking yourself to death." Billy tried to push himself up from his mattress, "S-huuuuut up. N'one caressssss what you's think." Max shook her head, walking out of his room and into the kitchen. "Why is he so unhappy?" El asked, Max, sighed once again, her vision became blurry, and tears trickled out from her eyes. "...Max?" Max didn't answer, her head slumped as her body jerked once before the water gates opened. El put her hand on Max's shoulder in sympathy. El decided not to push Max, but she did radio the gang to ask them questions. "El to base, anyone there?" she asked softly.
"This is base, what's up?" Dustin asked, El smiled softly. "Um, I don't know, but Max is crying because Bill-" She was cut off "Billy what?!" Lucas screamed into his radio. Billy began to not hate Lucas so much, he was upset that his beautiful coffee, mocha-toned girlfriend is still in California without him. The way Lucas acts reminded him too much of her, so he told Max to stay away from him so he wouldn't have to hurt seeing his step-sister happy. Before El could speak to tell Lucas that Billy didn't say or do anything to Max. *click* is all El heard before Lucas went dead. "Oh this isn't good.." El whispered, Dustin agreed on the other side, "I'm going to grab Steve, Robin, and Eddie..." Dustin rushed before his line went dead as well. Not too long after Lucas and Dustin's lines went dead, there was banging on the trailer door, Billy turned up his music, drunkenly singing along to one of his favorite songs. Max sat on the crusty cough, covering her face and whispering to herself, "I'm sorry.." El walked to the door and turned the lock, only to be pushed out of the way but Lucas flinging the door open. He looked around the room and spotted Max on the couch with her hands over her eyes.
Lucas clung to Max. Steve wasn't happy about what they heard from Lucas and Dustin; Lucas oversaturated over the fact that Billy might have put his hands on Max. Steve walked towards the bombing music, clenching his fists. I mean him and Eddie have been caring for these gaggle of kids, Eddie followed Steve, not to help him beat Billy but to stop Steve from getting phsyical. Eddie has been in Billy's position, his mother wasn't like other mothers. His father passed away once he was born; his mother blamed him for his death. Until his mother got caught saying horrible things his Uncle was there to pick him up from that hell hole and to bring him into a calmer and nicer enviorment. Which worked, his uncle accepted him for being gay and was happy for his nephew. Other than that Eddie has been the calmer of the group, not because he smokes pot, but because he doesn't like to fight unless it is needed. "Lovebug, calm down, let's not bring more pain on this guy." Eddie reached out to Steve, trying to slow him down. "Listen," Eddie says pointing to Billy's room. 'Two Birds' by Regina Spektor; everyone went to a still, no one said a word. All that could be heard was Billy, drunkenly singing along to this slow sad song; "Two birrds on a wiiiiiiiiiiiire..." beer cans and bottles clank together as he moved around his room. A dark cloud flew over the group outside of Billy's room. "Fuck *hic* Maaaaax!" he yelled, Max's head shot up and she turned to his door, Billy tried to walk to his door, to leave his smelly room. Max stood up, "Billy, I know..." she said. Lucas looked at her, in shock; he has never seen the person he loves, care about Billy. They never got along but now, she is calm and trying to talk or reason with her step-brother. Billy let out a big sigh, "I-I...I miss her man...." Billy whispered. Billy didn't know anyone of her friends was in the trailer right now, he thought it was just Max, and only Max. That's why he started his drinking shaningins.
"I miss her too..." Steve ushered the kids out of the trailer, to leave Billy to his own devices. After all, he beat up Steve, almost killed Max's new friends, just overall not a good man towards the Hawkins group. At the Wheelers house, Max finally calmed down enough to explain the situation without giving to much detail on her soon to be sister. You and Billy have been dating every since you were in 7th grade. 5 years of ups and downs, and you both still want to be together. "Billy misses his girlfriend and I miss her too. Today is their 5th year anivisruay together; this is the first year they haven't been together. All because we moved from California to Hawkins.. Lucas, he doesn't hate you, just, the way you act and sound reminds him of her, the one person he truly loves. The one who helped him out of this dark hole."Billy was lying on top of his bed, staring at the ceiling, beer in hand, cigarette between his lips. His sad records were playing on repeat, this year would mark the full 5th anniversary. The front door opens to reveal Max standing in the doorway with El, she covers her face scrunching her nose to the smell of beer lingering like a dark cloud of dread. 'God what's wrong now?' she asked herself. The two teens walked into the trailer following the beer skeleton trail. The two girls walked down the hall, to the only room with more than one hole in it; it was closed. 'Billy must be home...' she thought, El reading her mind nodded. Max knocked on the door softly, no response, she knocked once again. A faint groan could be heard, overpowered by blasting music. Max opened the door gingerly, poking her head in to see her older step-brother lying on his stomach face down. "Billy?" she asked, he lifted his head slowly to meet her eyes, only for gravity to pull him back down to the bed sheets. "Billy, come on, get over yourself" Max lightly shouted. Billy groaned in rebellion, Max felt sorry for her step-brother. Even though Billy hated Max, and wished she was never in his life, I mean Neil Hargrove did leave his biological mother for Max’s mom. The affair had been happening for at least a year before his mother found out and left.
Max sighed, not knowing what to do really. After all, Max knew what had gotten Billy so depressed. “Billy, come on; you can’t stay like this; she wouldn’t want you to stay sulking around, drinking, and smoking yourself to death.” Billy tried to push himself up from his mattress, “S-hut up. No one cares what you think.” Max shook her head, walking out of his room and into the kitchen. “Why is he so unhappy?” El asked, Max, sighed once again, her vision became blurry, and tears trickled out from her eyes. “…Max?” Max didn’t answer, her head slumped as her body jerked once before the water gates opened. El put her hand on Max's shoulder in sympathy. El decided not to push Max, but she did radio the gang to ask them questions. “El to base, anyone there?” she asked softly.
“This is base, what’s up?” Dustin asked, El smiled softly. “Um, I don’t know, but Max is crying because Bill-“ She was cut off “Billy what?!” Lucas screamed into his radio. Billy began to not hate Lucas so much, he was upset that his beautiful coffee, mocha-toned girlfriend is still in California without him. The way Lucas acts reminded him too much of her, so he told Max to stay away from him so he wouldn’t have to hurt seeing his step-sister happy. Before El could speak to tell Lucas that Billy didn’t say or do anything to Max. *click* is all El heard before Lucas went dead. “Oh this isn’t good..” El whispered, Dustin agreed on the other side, “I’m going to grab Steve, Robin, and Eddie…” Dustin rushed before his line went dead as well. Not too long after Lucas and Dustin’s lines went dead, there was banging on the trailer door, Billy turned up his music, drunkenly singing along to one of his favorite songs. Max sat on the crusty cough, covering her face and whispering to herself, “I’m sorry..” El walked to the door and turned the lock, only to be pushed out of the way but Lucas flinging the door open. He looked around the room and spotted Max on the couch with her hands over her eyes.
Lucas clung to Max. Steve wasn’t happy about what they heard from Lucas and Dustin; Lucas oversaturated over the fact that Billy might have put his hands on Max. Steve walked towards the bombing music, clenching his fists. I mean he and Eddie have been caring for this gaggle of kids, Eddie followed Steve, not to help him beat Billy but to stop Steve from getting physical. Eddie has been in Billy’s position, his mother wasn’t like other mothers. His father passed away once he was born; his mother blamed him for his death. Until his mother got caught saying horrible things his Uncle was there to pick him up from that hell hole and to bring him into a calmer and nicer environment. Which worked, his uncle accepted him for being gay and was happy for his nephew. Other than that Eddie has been the calmer of the group, not because he smokes pot, but because he doesn’t like to fight unless it is needed. “Lovebug, calm down, let’s not bring more pain on this guy.” Eddie reached out to Steve, trying to slow him down. “Listen,” Eddie says, pointing to Billy’s room where he is playing ‘Two Birds’ by Regina Spektor; everyone went to a still, and no one said a word. All that could be heard was Billy, drunkenly singing along to this slow sad song; “Two birds on a wire…” beer cans and bottles clank together as he moved around his room. A dark cloud flew over the group outside of Billy’s room. “Fuck *hic* Maaaaax!” he yelled, Max’s head shot up and she turned to his door, Billy tried to walk to his door, to leave his smelly room. Max stood up, “Billy, I know…” she said. Lucas looked at her, in shock; he has never seen the person he loves to care about Billy. They never got along but now, she is calm and trying to talk or reason with her step-brother. Billy let out a big sigh, “I-I…I miss her man….” Billy whispered. Billy didn’t know any of her friends were in the trailer right now, he thought it was just Max, and only Max. That’s why he started this drinking episode.
“I miss her too…” Steve ushered the kids out of the trailer, to leave Billy to his own devices. After all, he beat up Steve, and almost killed Max’s new friends, just overall not a good man towards the Hawkins group. At the Wheeler's house, Max finally calmed down enough to explain the situation without giving too much detail about her soon-to-be sister. You and Billy have been dating ever since you were in 7th grade. 5 years of ups and downs, and you both still want to be together. “Billy misses his girlfriend and I miss her too. Today is their 5th year anniversary together; this is the first year they haven’t been together. All because we moved from California to Hawkins... Lucas, he doesn’t hate you, it's just, it's the way you act and sound that reminds him of her, the one person he truly loves. The one who helped him out of this dark hole.”
Mike looked at his friends, “Why don’t we take him to California?” he asked. El shot a glare toward him, she didn’t want Billy to be in California if it meant that he would try to kill everyone again or something. Max, with her red, puffy eyes, looked at Mike confused, “What do you mean?” she asked, Mike smiled, “I mean I am going to California with El to visit Jonathan and Will. Why don’t we bring him with us? Maybe that way he can surprise her?” This is the first time, Mike actually cared about someone and wasn’t thinking about himself and his girlfriend El. Max looked at her shoes and then back at the trailer. “Maybe that will work; thanks for the idea, Mike. For once I thank you” she snorted at her own comment. Everyone laughed at Max’s comment. Max felt calmer now, knowing that her friends who are now family care about her that much to suggest we all go to California to visit Will but also so Billy could finally see his lover after a long year.
Not far from the trailer park, Jason and his group of friends overheard everything. “So the almighty Billy Hargrove has a weak spot?” he whispered to Ryan. Ryan chuckled, “I guess so; what we doin’ boss?” he asked. Jason smiled, “Pack your things, we are going to California…”
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witchywithwhiskey · 16 days
slasher summer masterlist
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summerween is over, and so is my slasher summer writing challenge. as promised, here's the masterlist of all entries in the challenge (if yours is missing, please DM me!)
thank you to everyone who participated, as well as all readers who liked, reblogged and commented on the fics!! i loved getting to read everyone's stories and see what y'all did with the prompts. you're all so creative and lovely—thank you again!!!
for readers, please heed the warnings on each individual post below, your media consumption is your responsibility. and please make sure to show your support of the writers by reblogging their work!!!
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When He First Got Me by @buckets-and-trees
pairing: soft!dark and rough Nomad!Steve Rogers x Female!Reader summary: Prequel in the Exiled Nomad Series. July 3, 2017. Steve sees you at a city festival for the Fourth of July, but he's not content with only seeing…
Dirty Little Secret by @buckys-wintersoldier
pairing: Professor!Ari Levinson x Student!Female!Reader summary: You share a dirty little secret with your professor.
In the Woods by @thezombieprostitute
pairing: James Mace x Female!Reader x Chris Beck summary: Using the prompts: Summer Camp; Sex in the Woods; You know how girls love to scream
Not A Common Storm by @nekoannie-chan
pairing: Steve Rogers x Agent of HYDRA!Reader summary: You and Steve are trapped in a storm, what would happen?
Once Upon A Friendship by @steviebbboi
pairing: Childhood Bestie!Steve Rogers x Female!Reader summary: Growing up together, you and Steve were inseparable. Where did it all go wrong?
Rosa by @perdidosbucky-yyo
pairing: Best Friend!Steve Rogers x Plus Size! Female!Reader summary: Trapped in a prison of your husband and your mother’s expectations, your only comfort is the ghost in your garden, haunted by the memory of your best friend. You thought you would never see him again but when he unexpectedly returns home from the war after 12 years, you’re not prepared for what’s to come.
A Night of Frights & Delights by @elixirfromthestars
pairing: Athlete!Bucky Barnes x Artist!Reader summary: It’s Friday the 13th and the college kids in town decided to host a weekend camping trip on the outskirts of town. Your best friend convinced you to go much to your reluctance. What could go wrong when the one guy you can’t stand is also there?
Sweet and Slashy Summer Saturdays by @buckets-and-trees
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Curvy!Female Reader summary: A first date with your neighbor Bucky Barnes.
Fool Me Once… by @dc418writes
pairing: Ari Levinson x BlackReader, Pete Brenner x BlackReader summary: Who knew grudges could be so deadly?
Slasher by @witchywithwhiskey
pairing: DARK Horror Movie Villain!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader summary: Somehow, you end up in your favorite old horror movie, and you decide to take the opportunity to fulfill one of your fantasies—you're gonna fuck the villain, Bucky Barnes.
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starksdaughter-3000 · 3 years
~Her Surprise~
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*Not my GIF*
Stucky x Little!f!Reader
Warnings~Smut f/m, 18+ ONLY, ddlg, oral/fem reciving,
Summary~Steve thinks you've been a good girl so he gives you a reward...
A/N~ Hi again this is my first titled story tehe. But enjoy this while I brainstorm some more. I have a lot of drafts btw.🙃
You and Steve are home alone missing Bucky, he had to go on a last minute mission with Sam but he said they would be back in about a month or two. That still didn't stop you from trying to keep him here with you and Steve.
"Oh bunny." He cooed. "I'll be back I promise. Be a good girl for Stevie. You won't even notice I'm gone." He said as you cried out and clung to his leg like a koala.
"Pl-please Dada!You can't leave me! Nooo!" Steve shushed you as he pried you off of Bucky's leg. When Steve finally got you unatached from his leg you cried into Steve's shoulder and hid your face away as Bucky picked up his bags and went to the door as Steve followed.
The door opened and Sam appeared. "Aye Buck we gotta get going." Bucky sighs. “I love you both.” He gives Steve a kiss on the cheek and on your forehead. You sniffle. “Bye bye Dada.” He smiles and walks out the door shutting it after he’s out.
2 weeks later~
After Bucky left that day it didn’t take you that long to get over it, Steve assured you he would return and you believed him. You have been Steve’s best girl like you always are but you have been extra good these past weeks.
Eating every last bit of your food. No trouble at nap time. Cleaning after playing with your toys. Overall an absolute angel. Steve has been pleased with you so he wants to give you a treat for being so good.
At the moment Steve is fixing you a sandwich so he decides to bring it up.
“Hey doll.” You look up from your Barbie coloring book and ‘hm’ “Yes Daddy?” He turns towards the fridge to get the cheese. “You have been such a good girl, I’m so proud of you so after you finish lunch I will give you your gift!” Your face lights up at the word ‘gift’. You gasp. “A gift! Tank you swo much! Luv ya Daddy!l”
After Y/n finished her and her Daddy went upstairs together holding hands. When they got to the room he told her to lay down. “Daddy please don’t tickle me!” She told him as he put his knee into the mattress making the bed dip.
Don’t worry sweetheart I have something better than that.” He smirked. He laid down on his stomach rubbing your thighs as he pried them open. “Relax doll. I got you.” After he said that he felt you relax your tense muscles. “Good girl, you’ve been such a good girl for me while Bucky is away. I’m sure he’ll be proud of you when he comes back.” You smile at the mention of Bucky. As Steve keeps praising you he slides your skirt down your legs giving you kisses all the way.
He teases your special button through your underwear with his finger, that makes you whimper and pushing your hips up to get more friction. “Ah ah, be patient doll you’ll get your reward soon.” With that he lightly pushes your hips back down to the mattress.
He slides his hand up your body to reach its destination at the bottom of your pink t-shirt with a small teddy bear in the middle and pulls it up your chest to expose your breast. Steve roll your nipple between two of his fingers slowly and teasingly. You whine. “Dada please give me more!” He stops and that makes you look at him confused. “You don’t run anything doll, I do and I’m gonna do whatever I want to your body. So either you shut up or I put the gag on you. You chose.” He looks for your answer and you snap your mouth shut. He smirks. “That’s what I thought.”
A few minutes more of him teasing and your quiet whimpers still afraid if you make to much noise he’ll put the gag on you. Until finally he pulls aside your panties and takes the first lick to your aching core, he wanted to hear your screams for him to stop now.
Surprised at how fast he got into it, you shrieked. “Dada!” That’s what he likes to hear. He looks up to see your head tilted back hands grabbing at anything that’s in your reach.
He focuses back down to the task at hand. Licking faster at your clit. Fingers teasing your entrance before sliding inside of you.
You gasp at the wonderful feeling. Moaning even louder as Steve sucks your clit into his mouth. He nipped at your button and moved his other hand to massage you nipples. That pushed you over the edge.
“Dada! Ahh-mmh please!” Even after your orgasm he still kept going removing his fingers from your entrance, replacing them with his tongue.
“N-no more! Too much! O-ohhh!” He pulled away and wiped his face with the back of his hand. “You did so well sweetheart. Now it’s time for you real surprise.” Steve whispers lowly.
Bucky smiles while leaning on the door frame wondering when they would notice him. But what he didn’t know was that Steve already knew he was there. Steve sits up to take off his clothes you look past him to see something in the corner of the room to see your other Daddy looking at you with a smirk on his face. You blush and look away.
“Cmon Buck don’t be a stranger, help me give our girl her surprise.”
Bucky chuckles making his way to the bed while stripping.
edit- i’m such a dummy i forgot to tag people whoops
@sunaswifi @dimples1026 @pinkflamingo2000 @peachykeen3502 @lovelyxjanett@cybersry @keepingitlokiii @aleemendoza2425-blog @xxmizzmariexx
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niyascribes · 5 years
princess diaries (2/3)
summary: when Ares escapes from depths Olympus and corrupts earth, the Avengers assemble and Thor brings the only princess that can stop him and Steve becomes infatuated with her.
info: steve rogers x black!reader, cursing, brat like reader
-masterlist| part one
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You grip his arm “What did she say?” You grit through her teeth while your chest heaves rapidly. 
“Only that you’ll have plenty of sex until death. You are meant for each other, her words not mine.” He shrugged breaking out of your grip. You ignore the vulgarity of his words “ That’s impossible, I have a duty to my father's throne.” 
“No! You had a duty to your father's throne until he turned you into his lap dog.” Loki says his anger rolling to the surface. “Having you watch after children. Your father turned you a warrior, into a school teacher.” Loki held the anger you were supposed to have. Loki was right it was demeaning but it is your father, what were you supposed to do. So you stood there stale face and hurting heart. Loki sighs “You have so much to offer than teaching children maths. You’re a fighter. You shouldn’t be in a dress. You’re supposed to be clad in the most suitable armor. I don’t think it’s just.” He comforts me rubbing my arm. I brush him off still frowning. 
“I’m going back home today, father is worried.” You muttered emotionlessly running your hands through your hair. 
Loki lets out a breathy chuckle “You can’t run away from this from him.” He says matter-of-factly. He starts to walk again and you walk beside him. Your eyes give him a not so believable glance “I’m not running away.” 
“Sure you’re not.” 
You don’t know what it was but the atmosphere changed. From the heated conversation, you and Loki shared with more of a joyful and cherished mood. You watched as a beautiful wedding came into your view. A large fountain spewing water from the top. You almost let out a coo of endearment but realized what was happening.
“Loki release your hold off of me!” You demand becoming angered at his actions. You watch as the scene melts in front of you reviling the fountain without the ceremony blocking it. 
You turn to see the frustration on Loki’s face “I know you’ve always wanted one, but you never talked about it to me at least. For some reason, you suppress your emotion of love, because you felt like you had too but you don’t.” 
“But I do. I’m a weapon for war. I-I don’t have feelings, gods forbid love.” 
“I just want to see you happy.” Loki pouts. 
Your lips are practically in a snarl when you say “I am happy. Stop worrying so much about my happiness and find out why you have none.” 
And with a flash, you were gone. Vanished back home with your father. Loki walked back to the compound with a long face. No one paid no mind to him as he walked back to his room. Loki tried calling for you in his room screaming for your attention in his head, but you had blocked him off leaving him devastated. A knock startled him from his grieving. He swings the door open with a flick of his hand and in walks Steve. Steve wastes no time into stating why he’s here. 
“Where’s Y/n?” He asks almost breathlessly but stern his blond eyebrows smushing together.
Loki lets out a sigh and rubs his hands down his face “She went home.” He states blandly.  He looked over at Steve and saw the panic rush across his face “Don’t fret she’s coming back for battle. Her father was worried.” And with that sentence, Steve leaves causing Loki to be alone. —- “Father do you know what your son is doing?” You ask following behind him in a soft voice. 
His deep voice rumbles through the palace “Ah yes Heracles is off spar-”
“I’m talking about Ares,” 
You watched as your father's mood shifted as he stopped walking down the wide corridor. “Oh him.” His words dripped of malice. “I could care less about what he’s doing.” He says honestly and proudly as he continues walking. He really didn’t care about your brother his son it was sad “Well he’s planning an attack on my people.” You inform trying to keep up with your father's long legs. 
“No worries child I’ll have Hermes look into it. But I think some school children are missing their teacher Athena. They miss you.” He attempting to shoo you away with his words.
“But father-”
“No rebuttals, now run along Athena the kids are waiting.” ____ “Y/n has been gone for weeks. And we don’t know if she’s coming back. I think we shouldn’t put all our eggs in one basket.” Tony suggests but Steve’s not having it. “Approximately we have two weeks until Ares comes down and do whatever he does to New York-“ He’s cut off by Loki’s manic laughing. 
The point of interest in the room shifts to Loki who is having a laughing fit “The way you speak of her is outrageous, do you not trust the one that created you?” He asks as Pepper slides her way into the closed conference room. 
“Pepper please I’m in a meeting,” Tony says frustratedly 
Pepper is not put off by his attitude she lets a smirk fall on her face “You have a visitor.” She says before stepping from the door. 
In she walks her curly hair now straight, doused in gold and white armor with a shield clung to her arm. 
“We have twelve hours until he attacks. He saw I was gone and moved up his attack. I’ll take no questions, and sorry Captain I’m going to take the lead on this.” Y/n sends a smirk his way. He pursed his lips together and nods you could sense his attitudes. 
“Can we have the room?” Steve asks keeping his gaze on me. His stare is hard and you keep your eyes on his. The people leave out of the room but Loki decides to toy with you just a bit by saying 
“You must have found out.” a smirk falls on his face as he was the last one to walk out. 
“You left for two weeks no warning we were supposed to do this together,” Steve says harshly. 
You nodded rubbing your lips together “I know. I have no explanation for why I went home.”   
Steve is still a little angry “Home, you went home. For some cunning reason, I have a hunch that you don’t like it there.” Your face stayed solid. “Steve I came here to make amends, not to have assumptions made about me.” You say trying not to talk about your horrid birthplace.
Steve lets out a sigh “Fine but after all of this with your brother is over you owe me a conversation.” 
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Chosen 02
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Pairing: Avengers x reader, Natasha Romanoff x reader
Warning: MIND B L O W I N G SCIENCE jk idk if it makes sense lmao. Fluff, fluff, fluff, sassy Dr Strange, implied smut but no smut.
Summary: The reader is a senior in a local high school, watching Avengers: Endgame in cinemas when something absolutely mind-blowing happens.
A/N: I present to you, Chosen pt. 2!! Take that, writer’s block!!! I’m obsessed with Nat, so obvi this one’s Nat x reader as well😂
Special s/o: @ihaeresortedtonothingness @blackreaders-assemble @katykat71114 @hpspngot @pyrowolfgirl1408
Part one
The next few weeks were mind blowing. The people you thought were fictional for all those years, they all surrounded you now, and you’d slip a few happy tears when everyone else weren’t looking.
Is this what it feels like to finally belong? Steve placing a warm blanket on you during movie nights, Wanda making tomato soups just for you after a tiring day of genetic tests, late nights with Tony down in his lab as he teaches you all you need to know about mechanics, playful banters with Sam and Bucky, talking to pigeons with Clint, and so many ordinary things that you would give your kidney to keep.
"Okay, place your fingers on the trigger, both hands, eyes on the target," Natasha brushed up against your shoulders as she coached you through gun training, all part of Bruce's plan to figure out what kind of spectacular powers you possessed to be chosen by the universe. "And shoot." 
"This isn't just a coincidence?" You furrowed your brows at Bruce, still not seeing what was so surprising that they had to actually create a rip in the multi-verse and reality to bring you here. 
"It's not. We looked through every possible explanation, and we only found that you were meant to happen." Bruce looked over at Tony as if to ask for support, explaining everything as best as he could. 
"We found a prophecy, kid. Well, technically, Chancellor Neighsay found it- but, it means that you were meant to be found, and you were meant to be brought back." 
“Chancellor Neighsay? Did I miss something?”
“He means Stephen Strange. He looks like Chancellor Neighsay from my little pony.”
“Ah. There was a meme about that.”
Bang! The gun forced your hand back with force, making you stumble back a few steps. The loud echo rippled through your eardrums even through the protective ear muffs. The bullet hit right on target, though. You were able to tell from Natasha's proud grin. 
“Maybe your talent is with guns. And fighting, and tech, and science, and, well, everything.”
Natasha stared at you, just as curious as you were of yourself. You’d never learned how to shoot guns, or to fight, or anything about tech. But it all came so naturally. Maybe you did really belong here.
“I don’t know why I can do these things.” You sighed short-breathed, fueled by adrenaline and the excitement.
“Whatever it is, I can tell that you belong here.” Natasha’s smile was contagious, leaving the two of you to stare at each other with a huge grin on both of your faces.
The trance is only broken when Bruce, Stephen, Tony and Steve all runs into the room exhilarated and out of breath.
“Y/N! Y/N, we- we found out why you’re here.” Bruce hunched down to take a breath, while Nat sprinted toward Tony to look at the documents he was holding.
“Oh- okay. Why?” Your eyes twinkled, finally about to find out what made you, a seemingly ordinary girl to be so important. Weirdly, it felt like a scene from a movie. Perfectly rehearsed. But this was reality for you now.
“You passed every test with flying colors because you have the power to do anything. Absolutely anything. You- are the product of the power stone.” Stephen announced as if it was the most dramatic and astonishing thing in the world, but all the reaction it brought from you was a furrow of brows.
Stephen sighed discontentedly, expecting you to understand like it was the easiest thing in the world.
“Don’t go all Sherlock on me, Bohemian Cucumber.” You replied slyly to his annoyed reaction, knowing very well that Stephen won’t understand a thing.
“Wha- okay. Anyways, with the Big Bang, came the infinity stones. The first keeper of the power stone, she wanted to harvest and protect its powers so she hid it in the void of the multi-verse. Waiting for the right living thing who would be chosen by the stone to possess its power.” Avengers started to gather in the room, Friday must have called for them.
“It chose you, Y/N. The day you were born. The power was too strong, and it killed your mother, father, and everything inside the hospital. That’s why you were found alone. Why you grew up in an orphanage.” Bruce explained, corners of his eyes dropping as he touched a sensitive subject for you as gently as possible.
“That doesn’t explain why I’ve been normal ever since though... I remember getting sucky grades for P.E.” You reminisce to the terrible elementary school years, cringing at the memories.
“Simple. It’s the nature of your original universe. It blocks your powers. When you got the powers is another story. Your original world contained it as best as it could. If uncontained, it could’ve caused a massive supernova on Earth.” As if reading your mind, Tony answered the lingering question in your mind. It all actually made sense. It was still very surreal, of course... but it made sense.
“And now you’re needed here.” Natasha’s hand enveloped around yours, the warmth radiating off of her palms.
“Now I’m needed here.” Your voice was lighter, feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You no longer felt trapped in your own life. Looking deep into Natasha’s eyes, you felt a sense of belonging.
Time skip to 2 years later
“Y/N!!! Sam stole my bedsheets again!” Bucky’s high-pitched yell sounded through the new and remodeled Avengers facility.
“Why would he steal your bedsheets??” You screamed back, placing the teacup onto its saucer.
“Because it’s a pain in the ass to put em back on the mattress!” Sam laughed maniacally, rushing past the living room with a flowing cape that was Bucky’s bedsheets dragging on the floor behind him.
“Let them do their thing, baby. Let’s go to our room.” Natasha placed her empty cup on the coffee table, grabbing your wrist and looking at you with mischievous eyes.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” You giggled as she led you down the hall into the elevator, pushing you into the compartment as soon as the doors opened.
In the next few hours, Tony would regret (again) that he didn’t make the walls sound-proof.
Life truly is a surprise.
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niyascribes · 5 years
princess diaries (1/3)
summary: when Ares escapes from depths Olympus and corrupts earth, the Avengers assemble and Thor brings the only princess that can stop him and Steve becomes infatuated with her. 
info: steve rogers x black!reader, cursing, brat like reader
a/n: yikes a mini series (i don’t know much about greek mythology so don’t hate me) i know Ares does not live/own the underworld it will make sense when I continue.
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“Do we have any idea what the fuck that is,” Fury asks pointing up at the patch of clouds that is a dangerous shade of navy blue with strikes of lighting flowing through them. “And why it’s been there for a solid week now?” He asks with a teasing hum after his words.
No one says anything, the Avengers looking at the patch in dismay. Except for Thor whose eyes are widened with anger “Ares.” He whispers, and everyone turns to him.
“The Greek God?” Natasha asks with her fiery red eyebrows raised and arms crossed against her chest.
Thor nods “There’s no way in Odin’s name we are going to beat him alone. He’s been here for a week he only waits for seven I know from when he attacked Asgard.” Thor says standing up looking at the patch.
Steve shakes his head “What are we suppose to do, then?” Steve asks putting on his captain voice.
Thor lets out a loud sigh “We have to get the only person that can help us.” “Well don’t keep us waiting who do I need to get?” Fury says raising his voice slightly leaning across the table palms flat.
“That’s the thing,” Thor lets out a nervous rumble of laughter “Loki is the only one who has access to her.” He says with an annoyance in his voice and pinching the bridge of his nose.
Whines and groans are heard from every corner in the room.
“I don’t care, get him here.” Fury says with an attitude before leaving out the room. ___
“Gods it always good to be back here.” Loki brags smugly with high-tech cuffs binding his wrist together behind his back. Loki’s long legs stride down the hall with his brother and Banner escorting him through the halls of the compound. They bring take him to a dull room where everyone was already waiting. “Hopefully this won’t take long, I have plans I expect to attend.” Loki keeps boasting. Everyone is already annoyed with Loki being here and his attitude is not helping.
“Listen Loki you see that big ass blue thing in our sky.” Fury points at the window.
Loki’s eyes widen “Ares.” He says then quickly looks back at Thor.
“We need her.” Thor buts in. Loki looks around the room at the worried faces.
“I need the room,” Loki demands. The Avengers side-eye him as they walk out the door.
Loki starts to summon her, screaming her name in his head hoping she will hear. Next thing he knew he felt a presence in front of him. He slowly opens his eyes to see her, wearing a flowy black dress with a slit on the side revealing her smooth skin, and her legs outstretched by the black expensive looking heels on her feet. Her face looked soft per usual and her silver extravagant crown sat perched on top her curls.
She opens her mouth to speak “Loki my darling what’s wrong? We are not supposed to meet until the moon showed its face.” Her sweet voice says. “And you know I’m not supposed to be on Midgard.” She says in a light tone but Loki doesn’t laugh he says nothing and moves his eyes to the now angry cluster of clouds. She follows his line of sight. “Brother.” She whines.
Thor felt her presence when she got here, he gave her a few minutes before walking in. He immediately saw her crown was missing it was probably for her own protection.
“Care to explain why Ares is currently scoping out Midgard?” Thor asks the beautiful woman. Her face scrunches in disbelief.
She pushes her shoulders back almost putting up her guard when she responds “You have the nerve to blame me for this.” She asks while pointing at herself.
Thor nods before speaking “He’s your responsibility.” That causes a laugh to escape the woman’s mouth.
“I’m his half-sister not his mother. I can’t control him.”
“Then your lazy father should, he never cared much for either of you anyway.” Thor pricks.
She lets out a gasp, neither of them noticed the crowd they had brought along. Loki was now standing at her side at the mention of her father knowing it was a soft spot for her, he was ready to hold her back if she wanted to strike Thor. The nosy Avengers had come in right after Thor only listening to the conversation. “How dare you, speak of him that way,” She demands more than asks and steps closer to the large man who’s hight was no fret to her.
Thor doesn’t back down responding with “I have more words I would say about him but I deem they be too inappropriate to say to you.” he teases.
She moves to strike but Loki who has magically removed himself from the cuffs he grabs her bringing her back into his chest.
“Now, Thor I thought I brought her because you needed her help and not to insult her in front of people she doesn’t know,” Loki tells Thor using his long limbs to keep her away from the God. Thor and the woman whose name is still unknown both regain their composure.
“Who is she?” Fury asks in anger.
“Princess of Olympus, born as Athena but goes by y/n.” Loki introduces.
Tony scoffs“I call bullshit.” He pipes up pointing at your head “She’s no princess.”
“I am so, and I expected to be treated as such.” You say prissily placing your hands on your hips breaking out of Lokis hold.
“I don’t see a tiara, Your Highness.” Tony taunts,
You didn’t say a thing as Loki grabbed the crown from the invisible hold he hid it in and placed it on your head. You wear a smirk as his face drops.
“So what I’m getting is that you’re related to Ares.” Fury asks raising an eyebrow causing you to nod
“Well, he’s my half-brother.” You admit shamefully.
“Well can you get him down?” Fury asks loudly which causes a grimace to form on your face
“No need for yelling, I can’t do anything now we have to wait until he comes down, only then we can do something.”
“So you want us to sit around while someone plans to attack New York…again?” Steve makes his way into the conversation his brass voice bouncing off the walls.
You nod letting out a hum. “And why should we listen to you?” Steve asks defensively stepping up towards you, but you don’t stand down.
You let out a cocky chuckle “Because I’m the only one that can beat him.” ___ You kept to yourself unless you were talking to Loki or glaring at Thor. The room they put you in was dull. A bed with a grey duvet and comforter sat on the bed in the corner, a black desk sat in the opposite corner. Your legs were on full display in the white silk robe you got from home. You grab a random book sitting on your dresser and then settle yourself on the bed. Not even five minutes into the book you hear a knock on the door and a deep brass voice ask
“May I come in?”
You let out a sigh marking the page and return a yes to the person outside of the door. Walks in Captain Steven Rogers.
“What may I owe for your presence captain?” You ask tilting your head. His eyebrows push together and he takes in a breath before letting out a breathy chuckle 
“I don’t recall telling you my title.”
“Oh please Steven, I’m the goddess of civilization. I know everyone.” You smile sweetly.  
He responds with a smile and he hangs his head down “So the team and I been talking,” Steven starts, grabbing the chair from your desk. “We want you to take the lead on this…situation.” He says straddling the chair.  You admire his thighs as they engulf the chair but quickly move back to eye-contact.
You wildly shake your head “I could never take that position from you.” You declined sweetly.
Steve was taken back by your decline, most people would have jumped to lead “Well, y-you have more experience in this situation.” He tries explaining. 
“Steven this is your team you’re the Captain. You make the decisions.” 
“But-“ Steve tries to protest. 
But you simply shake your head “I said what I said and you shall follow with no rebuttals.” You demanded picking your book back up. “Now out my room.” You end politely. You see Steve’s taken aback expression and you hide a smirk behind the book. 
“Nice talking to you.” Steve says before quickly exiting your room. 
“You too Captain Rogers.” You say once your door was closed. ____
It's dark. You’re standing on the balcony of the underworld palace. You are draped in armor with your gold shield clasped on your arm. Your hair now straight from anger which was a gift your father bestowed on you so he could always tell when you were enraged.
“Hello, baby sister.” A voice you know all too well. You whip your body around and meet your older brother. Your breathing picks up “Awn, not too happy to see me?” He coos with a smirk bending down a tad in a mocking manner.
“Not happy at all Ares. I thought father talked to you about this. He gave you the underworld and you would leave other realms alone.”  You inform with attitude.
Ares lets out a scoff “Oh dearest daddy. You’re still daddy’s girl huh. My gods look what he’s turned you into.” He exaggerates circling around you. “A little housewife. For who? I thought you were a warrior and wanted to marry who you wanted, not because daddy chose them for you.” He taunts with anger sliding off his words.
“Shut up!” You yell not wanting to talk about the man who raised you. “Why Midgard, why New York?” You ask getting defensive.
He kisses his teeth “Now sister, you know me well. Think of all the souls that would join the underworld in one sweep of New York. Seems like a perfect place dontcha think.” He smirks.
“Their not souls, they’re people, real people, MY people Ares.”
He chuckles darkly “And who’s gonna stop me? He asks with a grin.”
“I won’t let you get away with-“ You yell jolting up from the bed. Your breathing is heavy your eyes darting around the dark room. You quickly crawl off the bed making your way to the closes mirror. Even with the lights off, you could see your grey eyes through the mirror. You couldn’t go back to sleep now. You put on your robe and walk out of the room. Slightly stumbling you make it into the kitchen. You grab a glass from the cabinet and fill it with water. Just as you’re taking a sip you hear someone clear their throat, causing you to turn around quickly. 
“C-captain Rogers. Did I wake you with my ruckus I apolog-“ You stop but Steve polity cuts you off.
“No-no I was already awake and please call me Steve.” He says leaning back on the island.
“Steven it is then.”  You say exchanging smiles with each other. 
“Your uh-your eyes there-“
I cut him off “Grey. I know. It happens when I come in contact with a threat, it means I’m ready for battle.” I admit tracing the rim of the glass with my finger.  
Steve stands straighter and becomes more defensive “Who threatened you?” He asks his tone becoming more serious. 
I set down the glass on the counter and shake my head “It’s nothing, my brother he talked to me in a dream.” You shake your head playing with your fingers.
“He hurt you?” Steve stands up standing in front of you his arms crossed over his chest. 
You shake your head “No not at all just some scare tactics. Nothing I can’t handle.” You give a reassuring smile. 
“Hey,” Steve takes another step closer “If anyone is givin’ you a hard time just let me know, though you can handle yourself just tell me alright?” Steve says with concern looking you in the eyes.
You nod “Yes of course.” You say your voice coming down to a whisper not wanting your normal voice to be loud for you guys proximity. 
“Alright, we should get some sleep.” Steve suggests letting out a sigh. You nod and grab your glass from the counter 
“Good night Steven.” 
“Good night y/n” ___ You were in your room reading when Loki barges in “Go on a walk with me darling.” You paid no mind to him as you respond 
“That can be arranged.” You notify him before turning the page. 
“It wasn’t a suggestion.”
Your eyes darted up from the book and you lift an eyebrow “Since when did you start being so assertive?” He says nothing but a smirk spreads on his lips and his eyes roll. “Fine, give me a moment.” Loki still says nothing and raises his eyebrows before leaving the room and closing the door. 
I change out of my nightgown and into a dress and heels I’ve grown accustomed to. “You can come in Loki.” He walks back in and lets out a sigh.
“I miss your old attire. Seeing you in a dress is..new.” Loki sighs. 
A tiny sad smile forms on your face “The perks of being fathers favorite.” you say with a sad chuckle “Can we please get going before someone questions where you are.” You say trying to lighten the mood. 
“Steven fancies you.” He says as we're walking down the streets of New York.  I smile lowering my head adding a shake for effect.
“Loki I’ve been here for three days, one of those days I stayed in my quarters the whole day. Not to mention we’ve only had one full converstaion.” you keep your eyes on your heels as we walk into central park. 
Loki snickers. You look up at his tall figure sticking his hand into the pockets of his slacks “Who do you think brought you food yesterday during your misanthropic mood yesterday. Not me I was too busy being investigated by my simpleton of a brother.” 
“Why is that?” You ask innocently.
“Don’t try to change the subject. It was Steve he left it for you.” He says and you glare at him. “He even went to the library and checked out some books on you. He’s asked me masses of questions about you. He keeps mentioning you.” Loki stops walking “He’s besotted by the princess of Olympus, he is infatuated with you y/n.” He says before walking again leaving you standing. 
You’re flattered but furious. You storm back up to Loki “So what he likes me, that doesn't mean a thing.”
He quickly snaps around “It does when you have a little chat with Aphrodite.” He says with a smirk before continuing with his stroll. 
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
Baby Boy pt.3
summary: tony just needs a release and so do you
pairing: tony x black!dom!reader 18+
wc: 1.1k (something slight)
warnings: pegging, strap-on, degradation, oral, use of a fleshlight, PWP
a/n: yeah i know y’all voiced what you wanted next but i got the strong urge to fuck tony which is odd for a sub like me so i had to write it
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“You know I almost lost you, right?,” you didn’t have the energy to entirely be mad but you did want to let him on how you feel. Putting himself in the line of fire for Steve and everyone else. 
“I’m here. I know it was a close call but, I’m still here- hey, don’t cry,”
You were exhausted. You were in pain, you were glad it was over but still, it took a lot out of you.
“So sick of almost losing you because of them, Tony. When will you see that you don’t always have to play martyr,” you angrily wiped your tears and sat back on your bed and inhaled through your nose slowly to try and keep calm. Tony crawled on the bed right next to you to pull you into him.
“I don’t just do it for them I mainly do it for you. I do it to protect you, I can protect you within the confines of our own home but once we step out there... I can’t control shit, so I do what I think I have to, to protect you,”
He kissed your salty face and you shook you head, sharing a small smile, “I’m supposed to be the one protecting you,”
“It’s a shared responsibility,”
The tears instantly dried when you felt his lips trail from your cheek down to your neck.
“Get my dick,”
Those were the magic words. Tony always longed to hear those words come from you, knowing you’d fuck him til he sees stars. But tonight, he wanted to be on top so bad, riding you until he felt you deep enough to have him quivering. 
“Be a good boy and eat my pussy,” his mouth was addicting, Tony knew you like a map. He never failed to get you to your destination. No hiccups, no bumps in the road it was always a smooth journey. 
“Good boooy,” you sang. The puppy dog eyes he gives you while swallowing you down, had your clit throbbing harder in between his pink lips. Tongue so warm and slick you couldn’t help but thread your fingers through his pretty brown hair, “Yeah, look at you. Pathetic, thirsty little slut, drinking me right up,”
He gave your clit a forceful suck and nibble making your eyes twitch. He was such a little shit, but you loved it. He was writing you love letters with his tongue, signing them ever so sweetly with his fingers deep inside you to pull you where he wants you, where you want to be, where you need to be.
“Fuck, baby boy,” you rolled your hips into his mouth, keeping him still making sure he got every bit of you. His eyes never left your rolling ones, watching sweat form on your forehead. 
You had your dick ready in your hand by the time you calmed down. You worked him completely open. Using his favorite lube to make the intrusion sleek and easy. You loved to feel the rumble of his body when he moaned and grunted, pushing himself back on your fingers and his toys. 
“Yeah open up for me, baby. I know you’re hungry for it,” you smirked smacking his ass, loving how fast it turned red with your hand print, “I know my little cock slut wants his cum fucked outta him,”
A deep guttural moan filled the room, he wanted you in hims already. You fell on your back, legs open wide, “Get on top. I want your ass facing me,”
He never moved so fast in his life, him wanting it was an understatement.
“Yeaaaah,” you hummed, “Be a good little bitch and sit that pretty ass right on my dick,” feeling him ease himself down on it, had the dildo end for you moving right against you most sensitive areas inside of you and you two moaned together.
“Bounce that ass, baby. Show me how bad you want it,”
Oh he wanted it... bad. his skin was rippling every time his ass met your pelvis. He wasn’t holding back at all for nothing. He was whining and cursing and begging, you pounded up into him like he needed. You loved watching him hold his cheeks open for you. Your hands holding his hips, watching the way his skin turns sunburn red with you spanking him. You felt yourself dripping on to the sheets, you were close already.
“Turn around and let me see that pretty face,”
You were met with his red face, wet with blissful tears, bottom lip swollen but biting it so hard. 
“Yes, Y/N just like that, fuck don’t stop, right there, right there, pleaase!,”
You loved how pathetic he sounded. You sat up with your back to the headboard and he followed your every move, not wanting the dildo to be out of him just yet. You took a second to get his trusty fleshlight out of the bed side table.
“Use your mouth to get it wet and fuck yourself with it,” 
It was the same thing as sucking your own dildo, it was the same concept and whether he though it was gross or not, he still did it. Passionately at that. He quivered when it leaking head entered the toy, whining and moving his hand slow so he doesn’t bust so quickly. You open palm meets his cheek in a slap that echoes around the room.
“Don’t be a little bitch, Tony. Fuck it like you mean it,” you growled. Your hand wrapped around his throat before you push him on his back, fucking him like you hate him. Tony howls like a wolf at the full moon, ready to cum but he didn’t want this to end. You took the toy from him and used it on him yourself.
“I gotta do everything for you don’t I? You that fucking clueless and incompetent, baby?,”
All he could do was whine. His heels dug into your back and his toes curled so hard they cracked.
“Please, please, pleaase,” he was dazed. He’s all pretty, glistening with tears.
“Please what?,”
“Please make me cum!, cum with me, cum with me,” he wheezed, back arching off the bed. You knew he was right there. He couldn’t stop it and you didn’t want it to stop, You moved your hand faster, fucking harder and he let out a silent scream. You moved your hand in enough time to watch him make a mess of himself all over his stomach.
“My sweet boy,” you cooed. Cumming right with him like he had begged, he hid his face in his hands, not being able to help the tears of euphoria that were coming out in sobs and bits of laughter.
“Fuck, I love you,”
Your cheeks hurt from the smile that appeared on your face. You loved to hear the words coming from him. Knowing you’d do anything for him and he’d do anything for you. You just wanted to protect him and take care of him no matter what, you never wanted him to lift a finger. You wanted to shield him from anything and anyone that could hurt him. 
“My sweet boy,”
i just needed some quick smut of tony being a bitched out bottom lmaooo. this probably wasn’t the best but i’m posting it anyway
comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!
tagss: @blackreaders-assemble @yournonlocalpoc @warmchick @retroxvailles @here-for-your-bullshit @dumbchick @veryhellshdia @vozit @spideys-wife @chonisberonica @never-enough-time-for-sleep @alyssaj23 @persephones24 @crawlingnightmares @valkyriesnymph @xye-weirdo @hisxblackxqueen @mbaku-babygirl @valentinevirgo @kamahriii @youwishiwasyobabymama @miss-liliths-madness @babybubastis @hidden-treasures21 @whothehellisbinky @shannonr2003 @thickemadame @disregarded-details @akimi-youngblood @genevievedarcygranger
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
Oh Lord
summary: cast the devil away.
pairing: angel!steve x black!demon!reader
wc: 1.4k (something slight)
warnings: demon shit, smutty shit, rough shit
a/n: inspired by ‘oh lord’ by in this moment. please comment and reblog :)
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“I can smell it on you, halo boy,”
He didn’t want to work with you. An angel and a demon in kahoots just to stop a bigger force... and of course he had to be paired with you, a mortal meat suit, in which his body was in love with in a past life.
“Your mortal’s cock still pulses for me,” you swirled the rim of your wine glass before setting it on the table.
“What’s his name? Steve right?”
He hated talking to you, he hated how sinfully sultry your voice was. He hated it all, but he couldn’t help but pray to the Lord in his head to fight mortal needs.
Oh Lord won't you save me. Save me from myself. Oh Lord won't you forgive me, for I have lost control.
“All I have to do is touch the body and it bends at my will,” you go to touch him until he scoots away, looking entirely too terrified.
“Don’t do that. I will not be damned because of your sinful spells!,”
“Oh but don’t you miss me, Stevie?,”
He whimpered at the nickname. The mortal body reacting faster than the angel within could intervene.
“I need a new one! This one is broken,” speaking of his current body.
“Oh poor halo boy. It’s not broken... it just wants me. C’mon give in, get yourself some sinfully sweet pussy, just look at it,” with a simple snap of your fingers you’re naked and your legs are spread wide.
“My mortal body is craving for you.. might as well do something about it,”
Oh Lord won't you tell me, am I the righteous or the damned? Oh Lord won't you please hear me, do I obey or do I command?
Steve was praying but heard nothing from his superior. Holy Spirit guidance is supposed to be stronger than mortal wants but he was in the presence of you, a powerful demon that had a way with words.
“I can not betray my father in such a way. I would lose my wings and it would take 5 forevers to earn them back,”
“But once you get a little taste it will be so worth it,”
Steve hates how feeble these bodies were. He found himself on his knees like he was about to pray but no, his human body was about to worship yours.
Your fingers thread through his hair and smile at him, dark red lips framing your beautiful smile.
“Exorcise the demon, cast the devil away,”
Oh Lord can't you save me from my twisted little mind. Oh Lord won't you please show me how to turn the water to wine. Oh Lord won't you show me, am I the sinner or the saint. Oh Lord won't you please tell me was all my suffering in vain.
You lit a candle with a match. Steve felt his human body’s cock twitch when you put the match out by wrapping your lips around the flame.
The once water filled glass was turned to wine and you drank it down with ease before getting down on your knees in front of him.
“You’re gonna enjoy this,” your eyes flashed a venomous black and his back arched as he felt his cock become heavy. He couldn’t describe the feeling but it felt like all of the nerves in his cock were being electrocuted in the best way possible. His thighs clenched and he grunted loudly. Praying for forgiveness as he fell subject to the needs of the mundane.
Oh God have mercy on me. Oh God have mercy on me. Hold me down under holy water. I fear I been laying with the devil, I been laying with the devil, I been laying with the devil, I been laying with the devil
You didn’t even have to touch him to make him feel good and that’s what made his stomach stir.
“Jeez, Y/N,” the name fell off his tongue as if he’s been saying it forever. It was familiar, wanton and needed. He blamed it on the mortal mind and its need for affection and remembrance.
“Gonna blow already, halo boy?,” you licked the head of his cock and he hissed. It made his heart skip a beat but he couldn’t stop. This was too good. Maybe he understood why so many mortals sinned. He couldn’t stop it. It sure didn’t help when you swallowed the cock whole and purposely choked on it, making him place a hand on the back of your head and fuck himself into your mouth.
He felt disgusting... and it was exhilarating.
You pulled back, feeling him close already, “Not yet,”
You climb on his lap and place your lips on his pulse, leaving a dark brown lip print from your lipstick.
Oh Lord please forgive me for what I'm about to do. Oh Lord won't you believe me I burn in hell for you
Steve still prayed every single time your walls wrapped around him. He felt the muscles in his back ache, his wings trying to be the better judgement, trying to get him to stop now while he’s ahead but he just couldn’t. He was a weak angel or maybe you... were just too strong for him to be around. He was a good angel... it was your evil spirit, tainting his holy one and fuck, he should hate it.
Your head is thrown back with a moan when you begin swirling your hips in circles up and down on him.
“No wonder my mortal’s body is so needy for this cock. It’s too good,” your finger wrap around his throat as you ride him harder, ready to feel absolute pleasure course through your veins.
“Oh Lord won't you teach me, teach me how to see,” you whine, feeling some of Steve’s holier than thou essence flow through you, knowing he’s feeling some of your greater evil flow through him, “Oh Lord tell me you love me, am I Lillith or am I Eve?”
Steve knew those words were meant for him. You were like Eve and Lilith built into one and that’s what created the internal conflict.
He wrapped his hand around your throat all the same, giving into the mortal instinct and thrusting up into you, chasing what he was trying to deprive the body of.
“Just like that, Steve. Give into sin, fuck me just like that. Don’t you like the way my pussy feels?,”
He should hate the vulgar words dancing on your tongue but he can’t help but be hypnotized by it.
“Love it so much, cum around my cock. Show me a demon like you can be a good girl and listen,”
He growled as you gripped his throat harder, riding him harder to cum for him. Your moans filled the hotel room as you felt sweat bead on your forehead.
“Gonna cum, Stevie,”
He about made your human body pass out with the strength of his hold on your throat, but your body loved it. It loved the way stars danced on the edges of its vision.
You both saw the past lives of your human bodies as you orgasmed. Seeing all the dates they had together, seeing all the plans they had, the love they made.
It sent chills through both of you that it felt all too familiar as the words filled the air from the both of you.
“I love you,”
“Oh God have mercy on me,” he pleaded, “Oh God have mercy on me. Hold me down under holy water. I fear I been laying with the devil, save my soul,”
The initial task was done and you two went both of your ways, Steve dreaded leaving you to go back. But he knew he had to while you got to roam Earth at your own will and probably sleep with whoever you want, it made his blood boil at the temperatures of the hottest flames in hell.
“You can not pray for mercy for something at this magnitude, my child. You must pay for your sins and maybe you will have learned,”
Steve was on his knees as his wings were ripped from his back and he let out a scream, all the angels heard it, all the demons heard it. You heard it.
“You will live amongst the feeble until you’ve learned from your mishaps,”
Before Steve can continue to beg, the ground beneath him opened up and he fell to Earth. His first instinct should be to go to a church and repent, repent, repent.
But no.
His first thought was to find you.
Hold me down under holy water. I fear I been laying with the devil.
Just a little something slight.
tags- @blackreaders-assemble @mbaku-babygirl @retroxvailles @yournonlocalpoc @dumbchick @warmchick @valkyriesnymph @valynsia @veryhellshdia @disaster-rose @here-for-your-bullshit @valentinevirgo @spideys-wife @xye-weirdo @hisxblackxqueen @chonisberonica @crawlingnightmares @kamahriii @vozit @alyssaj23
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
America’s Ass
Title: America’s Ass
Characters: Steve x black!reader (platonic), Sam x black!reader (platonic), Bucky x black!reader
Summary: Steve chooses someone to be the new Captain America.
Word Count: 1022
A/N: I’m super proud of this one! The idea just popped up in my head while I was in the shower and I had to immediately write it. There’s probably some errors, I did light editing.
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Steve decided he would be the one to return the infinity stones to their correct time. You tried to convince him it would be better if he had backup, but he was dead-set on going alone.
“Be careful, Steve.”
“I will.” Steve whispered against your hair as he hugged you. He gave you a kiss to the forehead and then gave Bruce the go ahead.
You returned to Bucky’s side and gripped his hand. “He’s not coming back, is he?” Steve’s hug was what tipped you off. It was like the hugs he gave you before you guys left for a mission, except this one had a definite finality to it. One last goodbye.
Bucky wiped the stray tear from your face. “Yeah, doll.”
Sam, Bucky, and you watched as Bruce countdown and then suddenly Steve was gone. A part of your heart was missing.
While everyone was a little nervous around you since you were Nick Fury’s kid and treated you differently, Steve was the only one who didn’t besides Nat. Steve easily became your best friend. Then, he introduced you to the love of your life, Bucky and you couldn’t have been happier to have Steve Rogers as your best friend.
You were busy talking to Sam when Bucky took you to the bench by the lake. Out of nowhere some old man was sitting there.
Taking a couple of steps to find out who he was, you were confronted with familiar baby blues. “Steve?”
Old Steve’s eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Hey kid.”
You rolled your tongue around your mouth before breaking out into a smile. “You went back to her? To Peggy.”
“Yeah. I lived that life Tony talked about so much. Danced, got married, and had a couple of kids. Even had a daughter and named her Y/N.”
Damn Steve, he had you crying again. If he wasn’t so old you would’ve let Bucky punch him.
“So, how did it work with Sharon? Did she suddenly forget that she kissed her aunt’s ex-flame now turned uncle-in-law?” A headache was forming before you could put further thought in it. Time travel was a bitch.
Ignoring your question, Steve chuckled and reached for the bag next to him. “Y/N there’s something I want to give you.”
Steve pulled out his shield and held it for you to take it. For a moment you stood there slack jawed and dumbfounded. Dementia must’ve gotten to Steve because there was no way he wanted you to take up the Captain America mantle.
Putting a hand to Steve’s forehead to check to see if he had a temperature. “Are you senile, Steve? I can’t be Captain America! I don’t exactly look like your everyday American.”
He had to have lost his mind. Did Steve really think a black woman should be Captain America?
“Y/N, you practically been by my side every step of the way. You’re selfless, brave, smart, and an all around badass. You’re meant to be Captain America. Damn what anyone thinks how Captain America would look. Now take the shield, it’s getting heavy for an old man.”
Tentatively, you grabbed the shield from Steve and it felt right in your hands. You held Steve’s shield a handful of times before, but you never had this feeling before.
“But why not Bucky or Sam?” Both you and Steve turned around to look at the duo and found both of them had each other in a headlock.
With a shake of your head, you sighed in exasperation. “Never mind. But,” you raised a hand in objection. “What the hell am I gonna do with those two? I’m pretty sure I’m gonna murder them.”
Steve cracked a mischievous smile. “Your problem now.”
Stomping around like a petulant child, you pleaded with Steve. “Ugh, Steve it’s not fair!”
Your supposedly best friend laughed at your expense. He’s lucky he’s a senior citizen or you would’ve punched him by now.
After your little temper tantrum, you settled down and joined Steve on the bench. He reassured you that you were the best choice and made sure you promised to visit him.
You two were exchanging goodbyes when a thought popped in your head.
“Hey, Stevie.”
You motioned your head to your butt. “Does this means this is America’s ass now?”
Steve shook his head at your silliness. “Oh my God, I’ve created a monster,” he whispered to himself.
“Hey babe,” you called out to Bucky. Beginning to twerk in Bucky’s direction, you declared, “This is America’s ass now!”
‘I’m gonna kill Steve’ Bucky thought to himself. He threw you over his shoulder and smacked your ass. “No, it’s not. This is Bucky’s ass!”
You were kicking at the air in protest. “Put me down, you caveman! As my faithful sidekick, I order you to put me down!”
Bucky dropped you like a sack of potatoes. Lucky for you, the new America’s ass had some extra cushion.
“Sidekick?” Your boyfriend questioned.
“Yeah, you and Sam. It can be The Adventures of Captain America, Flamingo, and Summer Warrior.” You laughed at your own joke. Just to mess with Sam and Bucky you would give them code names similar to theirs. Usually you only did it to Sam, but on occasion Bucky would catch it and today so happened to be the day.
Sam caught up to you two in enough time to hear your joke. “Why did Steve do this? Now he’s made her head even bigger.”
Getting back on your feet, you pushed Sam. “Is that any way to talk to your Captain?”
Tired of your cockiness, Sam tripped you and Bucky made no effort to help you. Actually, him and Sam left you on the ground while you fussed at them about doing their Captain dirty.
“Is she really gonna be like this all the time?” Sam asked in annoyance.
“I doubt it, but even if she does, Stevie made the right choice.” Bucky turned around to look at you adoringly running back to him and Sam.
Sam followed Bucky’s gaze and looked at his other best friend proudly. “Yeah, pal he did.”
Tags: @blackreaders-assemble @chaneajoyyy @wakanda-inspired @valkyriesnymph @dumbchick @nickidub718 @destinio1 @dessianna1 @blacknthemix @blackpinup22 @euphoric05 @bitchacho25 @toniilaney @thefaithfulwriter
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Not Your Grandmama’s Captain America
Title: Not Your Grandmama’s Captain America- Sequel to America’s Ass
Characters: Bucky Barnes x black!reader, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, T’Challa and Shuri (mentioned)
Summary: The reader questions herself in her new role as Captain America
Word Count:
Warnings: Implied Smut and fluff
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With the death of Tony Stark, Justin Hammer thought he could be the weapons juggernaut of the world once again. Only problem was he tended to sell his weapons to gangs, mercenaries, and terrorists, causing you, Sam, and Bucky to put in overtime.
You were currently fighting a man almost three times your size who was trying to stop you from seizing the vibrianium bullets Hammer intended to sell. And oh boy, his big ass was giving you a hell of a time.
At times you would forget that Steve passed the mantle of Captain America onto you until you felt the weight of the shield on your arm. Remembering that you had one of the world’s most infamous weapon at your disposal, you threw your shield at the big guy effectively knocking him off his feet.
“Took you long enough. Steve Rogers would’ve already taken me down. Maybe you’re not cut out to be Captain America.” The man gloated like he hadn’t just got his ass handed to him.
“It’s true that Steve would’ve knocked yo ole big Deebo lookin’ ass out faster, but” you waved your hands up and down your body, “this ain’t your grandmama’s Captain America.” Then you sent a nose crunching kick to the man’s face, sending him to an instant nap.
Grabbing the bullets, you heard another dumb argument between Sam and Bucky as they entered the room.
“Man, bullshit! I saved your ass, just admit it,” Sam claimed.
Bucky outwardly groaned and rolled his eyes. “Listen, Parrot, I had it under control. I knew that guy was behind me.”
“Is this how it’s always gonna be with you two? Because if that’s the case I’m going up in space with Aunt Carol and my dad.”
Sam grabbed the case of bullets and kissed you on the cheek. “We were always like this. The only difference now is that you’re the only one to break us up.”
Bucky ran up to the two of you and pushed Sam away from you. “Keep your bird beak off my girlfriend!”
The two of them were about to argue again, but you kicked both of them in the shins to get them to shut up.
“Fuck, doll!”
“What the hell Fury?”
Both grabbed their injured shin and hopping on one leg, howling in pain.
Pulling from the memories of your dad giving you many lectures, you conjured up the spirit of your father and threatened your best friend and boyfriend. “If you two don’t get it together, imma buy you a get along shirt and make you walk around in public with it. Okay?”
Each nodded their head furiously, hating the idea of being stuck in a t-shirt with the other.
Once they got their bearings, Sam and Bucky handed off Hammers’ men to the feds while you were talking to T’Challa about the bullets.
“We’re all good here, Cap. What did T’Challa say?” Bucky’s noticed at how your eyes slightly watered at your new nickname, but he didn’t dare address it at that moment. He knew you didn’t want to show any vulnerability while you were in public with your suit on.
“Thanking us for getting the bullets. In two days, we’ll be going to Wakanda to give them to the Wakandans.”
Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God! Shuri can fix your suit.”
You looked down at your suit in disbelief. Shuri had done a good job you thought. She made the suit for your body and made it out of vibranium. The Wakandan princess was ecstatic that you were the new Captain America and said what was the point of a vibranium shield without a vibranium suit.
“What’s wrong with my suit?” You asked crossing your arms and drawing your eyebrows.
“That.” Bucky commented while pointing at your ass. He waved his hands in the shape of your body. “It’s too form fitting. How can I concentrate on beating someone’s ass when I’m too busy looking at yours?”
“Ugh, maybe I need to find someone to beat your ass so you could focus on saving yours.” You stuck your tongue out and laughed at him.
Bucky shuddered at the thought of having to fight more people. “Never mind. It’s perfect.”
Later that night you were sitting between Bucky’s legs on the bed while he helped twist your hair. The two were working in peaceful silence when Bucky thought it was the perfect time to bring up what happened earlier.
“Hey babe.”
“Earlier today when I called you Cap, your eyes almost watered. What’s up with that, babe?”
Grateful that your back was to Bucky, you answered him quicker than you would if you would’ve been facing him.
“Do I really deserve to be called Cap or even be Captain America? I know Steve thought it was a good idea, but I’m not sure. Some of my old SHEILD coworkers doubt me and I was the best damn agent there. Hell, even the damn criminals don’t think I’m up to snuff.”
Bucky dropped the twist he was working on and firmly gripped your chin to face him. “Listen to me real good, doll. You’re the best person for the job, Stevie wouldn’t have chosen you if he didn’t think so. Now, if anyone else got some shit to say point them my way and me, my knife, and them can have a talk.”
You laughed through some of your tears and kissed your boyfriend. Bucky was serious about stabbing anyone who did you wrong. “Thanks, babe. But I don’t think the stabbing is necessary.”
“I didn’t say anything about stabbing anybody,” Bucky’s voice raised a couple of octaves higher.
As you opened your mouth to respond, your phone vibrated, alerting you to a text.
“Babe, Sam just told me to turn on the news. Grab the remote please.”
Bucky followed your directions and Steve filled your tv screen. Both you and Bucky exchanged looks, asking if the other knew why Steve was on tv, but both of you were in the dark.
“Hello, everyone it’s Steve Rogers. I should’ve done this a long time ago, but better late than never. The other day, I was out getting a cup of coffee and I heard someone talking down on Captain America. Not me, Captain America, but your new Captain, Y/N Fury.”
You scooted out of Bucky’s lap and closer to the tv, turning up the volume making sure you didn’t miss a word Steve said.
“I don’t know how many of you have been loved or protected by a black woman, but I’m gonna assume it’s a lot, judging by the amount of people talking smack. Y/N being Captain America is the best thing that’s happened to the world. She will fight for you and be in your corner despite all the dumb things you do and won’t be afraid to tell you what you did wrong. That’s what you get when you have a black woman as Captain America. That’s what you get when you have Y/N Fury as Captain America. And if you don’t like it, I guess you’ll just have to be mad, because she’s not going anywhere.” At the end of his statement shrugged his shoulders, blue eyes twinkling with mirth, and left his seat.
Steve soothed all your worries. He got on tv, which he hated, and basically told those who couldn’t get on board to go fuck themselves.
Feeling like your old self, you grabbed your phone and logged onto IG live. “Hey everyone, sorry for my hair looking a mess.” You ran your fingers through your untwisted hair. “Anyways I just wanted to say…Steve Rogers just told y’all to stay mad cuz my black ass is the new Captain America!!!” Laughing obnoxiously into the screen, you then stuck your tongue out, while Bucky was in the background slightly embarrassed and proud at the same time.
I keep it realer than real
Fuck all the critics and fuck how they feel
I'm getting money, it is what it is
They wanna know how I did what I did
Don't worry 'bout why I do what I do (bitch)
'Cause I ain't worried bout you (bitch)
You were singing along to the chorus of Megan the Stallion’s song to share your feelings to your haters, while most of your followers were sending you heart eye emojis and commenting ‘that’s my Captain America.’
Bucky decided it was time to end your live when you began twerking. He didn’t want everyone to see what you were working with. So, he snatched the phone and quickly ended your live video. “That’s enough of that.”
“Buck, what was that for? I was only showing them what America’s ass could do.” Your boyfriend instantly turned red and you achieved your goal. You loved messing with Bucky and making his possessive side show out.
“I don’t remember America having your ankles up to your ears and screaming out in ecstasy last night.” Bucky gave you a crooked smirked as he cockily referenced your bedroom adventures.
“Anyway, do you feel better?”
You returned to Bucky’s lap and straddled him. “Yeah. I’m sure I’m gonna have my off days, but you, Sam, and Steve will be there to pick me up.”
Bucky pecked your lips with his pink ones. “You got that right. I’m with you til the end of the line.”
This time it was your turn to kiss Bucky and it was deep and passionate. You were telling Bucky you loved him without words. Sniffling between a few fallen tears you whispered to your boyfriend, “I love you.”
Rubbing his nose against yours, Bucky whispered back, “I love you too, Captain.”
 Tags: @chaneajoyyy @marvelmaree @wakanda-inspired @blackreaders-assemble @dumbchick @pastelastronomy24 @nickidub718 @toniilaney @amethyst09 @youwishiwasyobabymama @disaster-rose @destinio1 @dessianna1 @blacknthemix @blackpinup22 @euphoric05 @bitchacho25
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Title: Dolor
Characters: Steve x black!reader, Rumlow x black!reader, Natasha, and Maria
Summary: Steve meets the reader during one of her worst moments in life.
Word Count: 1578
Warnings: Major character death
A/n: I literally forgot about this fic because I couldn’t come up with a title and I still don’t like the title
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All you could hear was the clacking of the heels of your boots against the tile floor as you ran with your locs flowing behind you, trying to get to your dad. When you reached your destination, you faced a glass window separating you and the doctors working on your dad, trying to keep him alive. You didn’t notice the other three people until Maria gave you a hug.
“Y/N, what are you doing here,” asked your father’s right-hand woman.
“Rumlow called me and said dad’s been shot and to come here.”
Nat came into your view and drew her eyebrows in confusion. “Rumlow?”
“Yeah, we’re dating.” You nonchantly replied when your eyes met a blue pair filled with compassion and confusion.
Nodding your head to Steve, you acknowledged him. “Captain, its nice to finally meet you. My dad said a lot good things about you.”
Steve wiped his hands down the side of his thighs and then shook yours in a firm grip. “Umm yeah. I wish it was under better circumstances.”
You gave him a tight smile in return, wishing you could really appreciate the moment you met the Steve Rogers. “Me too. How did this happen?”
Steve was at battle with himself. Fury told him not to trust anyone, but did that extend to the daughter he never knew about. Looking at you, you seemed harmless and he wanted to trust you, but also you were a Fury and secrets could be second nature to you.
“The shooter, he was fast, strong. He had a metal arm.” Steve figured he could tell you that without revealing too much.
“Ballistics?” Natasha asked.
“Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable.” Maria stated. Too focused on the doctors working on your dad, you didn’t notice that Natasha knew the bullets were Soviet made.
It seemed that everything was going well, and you were getting hopeful until he started crashing. The doctors were now rushing to save your dad from flatlining. Both you and Nat were telling your dad to push through, but it was all for naught. The doctors called the time and you refused to believe it.
Natasha and Maria stood there in tears, Steve turned his back in disbelief, and you stood there silently until rage consumed you and you were beating on the window screaming for your dad to wake up. With the help of Steve, Rumlow was able to pull you away from the window and into his embrace, where you begun to beat on his chest instead.
“Baby, c’mon let’s get you out of here.” You followed your boyfriend outside the room and into a private bathroom where you could get cleaned up. Once you got ahold of yourself, the doctor informed you that you could view the body.
“Do you need me to come in there with you,” asked Rumlow. You shook your head and thanked him for accompanying you before you went in.
Steve turned his head when he heard the door opened and saw that it was you. He felt this overwhelming need to comfort you, but you barely knew him and you had a boyfriend, so he just gave you a head nod as you approached your dad’s body.
He looked like he was taking a nap, which rarely occur. You moved your face closer to his, like you used to when you were a child and you were hoping he would get up and say, ‘I’m not sleep. I’m just resting my eyes’ like old times. But this wasn’t old times. Nick Fury was taking a permanent nap and you were determined to find his killer.
Knowing your dad would be pissed with all the crying you were doing, you wiped your last tear and stormed out the room before Maria had to take the body.
“I need to speak to Pierce.” You demanded to Rumlow.
He bent down to your level and gripped your shoulders as if he was explaining to a child. “Baby, its not protocol. Anyway, you should let the professionals handle it.”
You shrugged your shoulders to move his hands away from you. “I don’t give a damn about protocol! Are you gonna set it up or not?”
Rumlow was about to answer you, but he got a call from SHIELD and excused himself. While you were waiting on him, you saw Steve and Nat in some sort of heated discussion, and you decided to eavesdrop.
“Why was Fury in your apartment?” Natasha asked Steve and he gave her the most unbelievable ‘I don’t know.’ You guessed super soldier skills don’t transfer over for super spy skills.
Rumlow walked over to the pair and was being kind of a dick towards Steve, when he told him that SHIELD wanted him back immediately. Then, he pulled you to the side to let you know Pierce agreed to meet with you. Soon, the Captain joined the two of you and all three you headed back to SHIELD.
By the time you got to talk to Pierce, Steve was to be arrested and got into a huge brawl with the STRIKE team. One thing you knew for sure was Steve Rogers always did the right thing and based on your short discussion with Pierce, you believed that SHIELD was compromised.
Not wanting to draw any suspicion, you visited Rumlow to play the dutiful girlfriend role. When you saw him, he had a little cut on his head and you didn’t know if you should feel bad for him, because you didn’t know if he was involved or not.
“You okay, babe?” You took the bag of ice he was holding and applied right above his eyebrow.
“I’m fine. Part of the job.” He gripped your hips to pull you closer. “Are you okay? I know it must suck to figure out your hero is a criminal.”
Rumlow was fishing for information, you knew it. He was trying to figure out if you were going to side with Cap and what he would have to do to you to stop you. You came up with a convincing answer, so you wouldn’t give yourself away. “It does, but I don’t care about him at the moment. He said a guy with a metal arm killed my dad and I’m focusing on that.”
“No no no no.” The STRIKE leader took the ice bag out of your hands and set it down. “You’re staying out of this. Rogers is dangerous. I’ll get him for you, I promise. You should go home and rest.”
A deep breath you didn’t realize you were holding, escaped your lips. “I guess you’re right. I need to make funeral arrangements anyway.” You lied through your teeth. There was no way you were going to sit on the sidelines.
“Good idea. I’ll drive you home,” Rumlow offered.
You placed your hand across his chest to stop him. “No, you got other things to do. I’ll take an uber instead.” That appeased your boyfriend and you both said your goodbyes.
Instead of going home like you promised Rumlow, you went back to the hospital. Steve didn’t notice you watch him leave something in the vending machine and you were sure it had something to do with your dad’s death. It was pretty smart to leave the USB with the gum, it blended right in.
Just in the nick of time you were able to grab it, because you saw Natasha looking for it as well. Confusion filled Natasha face as she looked for the USB. She knew for sure that Rogers put it in the vending machine and he couldn’t have had time to double back to the hospital since he was running from SHIELD.
As Nat contemplated where the hidden object could be, Steve came dressed in gym clothes trying his best to be disguised. Seeing that Natasha was already there, he assumed Nat already took it and pushed her into an empty room. Neither one noticed you as you cracked the door to hear their conversation.
“Where is it?”
The two continued talking about some pirates and you assumed it had to be about their latest mission. That wasn’t what interested you though, it was the knowledge Natasha had. She knew who killed your father. It was some spy legend, the Winter Soldier and supposedly he’s been killing for the last five decades. Steve refused to believe her until she told her own story of being shot by the same type of bullets.
“What are we gonna do now? The USB is gone.” Steve was already feeling discouraged and he just begun his mission.
Natasha smirked at him, knowing there was only one other possibility. “You can come in now, Y/N.”
Steve jerked his head as you entered the room and smiled when he saw the USB in your grip. He turned back to Natasha wordlessly asking how she knew it was you.
“She’s the only one smarter than us and Nick’s kid, it was obvious.” Natasha shrugged her shoulders and joined you across the room.
The super soldier stood there with his jaw agape, wondering how someone who looked so innocent could be as slick as Natasha.
“You coming or what, Rogers? We got a ghost to catch.” Your voice broke Steve out of his stupor and found himself once again following the orders of a Fury. Only this time he unquestionably trusted this one and may have a slight attraction to them.
Tags: @pastelastronomy24 @chaneajoyyy @blackreaders-assemble @nickidub718 @valkyriesnymph @toniilaney @bitchacho25 @marvelmaree @dessianna1 @lildashofmelanin @yoyolovesbucky @eratotalles @wakanda-inspired @euphoric05 @destinio1
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
Nothing More
Summary: headcanon where Steve gets insecure of your friendship with Sam
requested by @iliketowrite1996
pairing: Steve x Black!Reader
warnings: insecurities, a little angsty, little fluff
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-Steve knew you loved him
-but what he didn’t know was how insecure he would feel when you met Sam
-you two instantly clicked, no doubt
-you two liked the same things, watched the same shows, had the same views on certain topics
-it made Steve feel bad because you two were like polar opposites.
-When Steve would go on missions he’d come back to the compound to actually find you with Sam and Nat chilling and sometimes training
-he could never get you to train
-“Nat taught me that cool thigh move and I used it on Sam. He was pissed, so he taught me moves to get back at Nat for teaching me that thingy”
-any other moment Steve would have been fine and be laughing along with you but not this time
-he valued Sam as a friend and knew Sam wouldn’t go after you
-you and Sam would go out to basketball, football and baseball games
-he even took you to one of his family reunions like he does with Rhodey every year. It’s all friendly, you three had a great time.
-Steve didn’t like stuff like games so when he found out, he tried to fake it till he made it
-“I’m thinking we can go to a game this weekend,”
-“Sorry Stevie, me and Sam are going to see Hamilton on Broadway! You know how hard I’ve been trying to get tickets”
-his heart dropped to the soles of his feet, he’d been trying to get you those tickets for months.
-Steve talked to Bucky and Nat about it
-you were Steve’s heart and he felt like you were leaving him behind
-“She’s knew around these parts, Steve. Who the hell wants to be surrounded around white people all the time? Sam is a sense of familiarity for her,”
-Steve hears Natasha’s words but he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was more than that
-really, Sam was just glad to have you around, you were like a little sister and it felt good to finally have a black woman around
-Steve decided not to press the situation in fear of it pushing you away.
-you came back after the musical and found the house quiet as ever. you two usually stay up until the other got home
-when you walked into your shared room, you saw him scooted all the way on his side which was odd considering he’d wait in the middle so that you still had room to crawl in then cuddle with him.
-the next morning you turn over and find his spot empty
-he usually waits until you wake up to leave
-a small pit of sadness sets in your stomach as you head downstairs and see your breakfast made for you but no Steve.
-it was the same for a few days after. him being asleep before you came back, waking up before you and no breakfast with him
-he was barely around at the compound when you were around spending time with Sam and Natasha.
-“Has anyone seen Steve?, haven’t really seen him the past few days” you ask while out at lunch with the two.
-“You two live together,” Natasha stuffs her mouth a breadstick and pasta
-“yeah but whenever I come home he’s already asleep and by the time I wake up he’s gone,”
-“Hadn’t seen him either. He’d assign us missions then head out,” Sam shrugged
-you frowned, now your insecurities were taking over, thinking the worst of the worst.
-days after that, you hadn’t talked to Sam or Nat, you wouldn’t go out or anything.
-after work you’d come straight home and Steve would still be asleep.
-one night you decided not to sleep in hopes of catching him early in the morning.
-“Steve” you’d whisper
-you could see his hesitation when replying
-“A-are we... you still love me right?,”
-your mind was racing. You two dated long distance for almost a year and when you were offered a job here, you took the opportunity to come here and be with Steve and have a better job. A two for one.
-“Of course I do,”
-he almost sounded offended by your question.
-“Y-you’re sure? I just... I feel like something isn’t right with us and it’s scaring me a bit,”
-you tried to add a chuckle in there, in hopes to ease the tension.
-he was quiet, how does he admit he’s jealous of the relationship you have with his friend? You’re allowed to have male friends of course, why doesn’t he feel insecure when it comes to Bucky?
-“Are you seeing someone else?,” the words slip out faster than you expected
-Steve never sat up so fast in his life
-“Y/N, what? Of course not,”
-you gauged his reaction a nodded your head, knowing Steve would break up with you before he even thought about seeing someone else
-“So what’s going on? I haven’t seen you, your team barely sees you,”
- Steve sighs and runs a hand over his face and shrugs
-“Nothing. Everything is fine,” he’d rather be aloof than admit that he’s insecure.
-“But it’s not.. is it?,”
-you were always so good with reading Steve.
-“Did I do something? Say something?,”
-“No, it’s me,” he stood up and began pacing. He didn’t really want to say anything
-“So you are seeing someone else? Or at least thinking about it,”
-“Sweetheart, no,” he sat on the corner of the bed far from you
-“How am I supposed to admit to my girlfriend that I’m insecure? Like I’m supposed to be the strong guy. I- I... I don’t know,”
-he was rambling and fiddling with his fingers
-“Insecure? About what? You don’t have to be afraid to admit such a thing Steve. Yeah you’re a strong guy but even the strongest people feel emotions,”
-Steve felt relieved that you didn’t ridicule him for feeling
-“Do... do you want to be with Sam?,”
-the question throws you off guard
-“Sam? What? No,”
-you still hadn’t made fun of him for asking that question so he continued
-“Are you sure? B-because I know you two connect on reasons you and I never could. I know you two don’t get weird looks when you’re out together like we do. You two are so similar, you like the same things, have the same sense of humor, he immediately gets references that you have to explain to me which ruins the joke. He’s attractive and... and I feel like you’re gonna see you need a man like him instead of me,”
-“Steve, honey,” you scoot to him and he almost flinches away in fear that you’re about to let him down.
-“Sam and I are like... third cousins,”
-“What?,” Steve felt ridiculous now
-“My brother was in the field with him. Found this out when I went to his family reunion and saw my family there and even before that we saw each other like siblings,”
-he held his head in his hands feeling more embarrassed than he every had
-“I’m an idiot”
-“You’re not an idiot... I was thinking you were seeing one else when you got distant. I guess we never really had an in depth talk about our insecurities yet,”
-“I didn’t even know it was an insecurity until it happened... guess pre-serum me experiences came back to haunt me for a minute,”
-You felt really bad. You could see how being on the outside, one could think what Steve thought.
-you kissed his cheek and brought him back to bed
-“Pre-serum or post-serum. I’m not leaving you. I love you,”
-you didn’t want anyone else, Steve didn’t want anyone else.
-that’s what mattered in this moment
-you wrapped your pinky around his and kissed his knuckles before he kissed yours
-“I promise,”
I hope this is what you were hoping for💕
Comments and reblog are greatly appreciated!!
Tags- @blackreaders-assemble @vozit @babybubastis @yournonlocalpoc @mbaku-babygirl @mokacoconut @spideys-wife @crawlingnightmares @warmchick @here-for-your-bullshit @chonisberonica
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canumoveurseatup-no · 6 years
Summary: It's easy for a good girl to go bad. But once they're gone, best believe they're gone forever.
Pairing: Loki x Black!Witch!Reader; Avengers x Black!Witch!Reader
Requested by: @blackreaders-assemble
WC: 3.1K
Warnings: mentions of black magic, witchcraft, blood, transition of good to evil, homicide, nerve gas, angst, major character(s) death, slight smut, Bonnie and Clyde kinda deal.
A/N: I have classes everyday starting Monday (Jan 28) (obviously other than Saturday and Sunday) so I will try to upload as much as I can. If you like this, please comment. Feedback means a lot!<3 I also don't know much about witchcraft, I wrote it based off tv.
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“See our faces on the posters by the roadside?,” you pointed. You knew you were the wanted ones long before the ink dried.
Loki smiled at you, hand gripping yours as he looked at the road ahead, “We’ll be fugitives running from the mundane,”
Bringing your hand up to his lips, kissing it.
“You and I... we were just born to live in this lane,”
You’d been on the team for years yet they still treated you like the red-headed stepchild. It irritated you to the core and you begged your ancestors to give you the strength to keep pushing or to send you a better opportunity where you’re wanted and can thrive.
They accepted Wanda so why not you? They had more that one guy with the bird gig, more than one person with the fucking bug gimmick and pretty much two different Iron Men. No one’s ability or power was that different anymore.
Maybe it was because your magic was a birth given right, passed down from generation to generation and it was black magic. They didn’t understand that black magic is fine as long as the person knows how to properly use it and you obviously did. You learned it all from the time you were born to now. Two decades you practiced, learned and read. It was all trial and error but you were exceptional with your abilities now.
The more they underestimated you and pushed you to the side lines, the more you felt your grip on your powers loosen as you would just want to shut them up and prove them what bad you could really do since they wanted to believe it so bad in the first place without being open-minded. The only ones who actually cared about you was Sam, Tony and Wanda.
“Y/N, we need you on the East wing,” Steve spoke into the com.
You ignored his orders as you saw Natasha and Clint needed your help more right now. Running West, you saw the two trapped in a shit storm of agents from the opposite side. Helping them in the fight you heard Steve still yelling for you but you were too busy to reply. The agents kept swarming and you saw only one solution. Kill them before they even get close enough to try and kill you. With a wave of your hand, you pushed Clint and Nat out of the room shutting the door leaving them completely lost at what you were doing.
“Hello, boys,” you winked, “Now, I knooow you kinda hate us but I’m sick of fighting so I’m just gonna burn you to crisps is that okay?,”
The men raised their guns at you and started shooting, you put up an invisible force field and looked at your nails and yawning, “Aalllright. I’m a bit bored, goodbye,”
Your palms facing to them, raising your arms back you let the power of your ancestors flow through you and push your arms forward, a wall of fire standing before you as your eyes went blank.
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Once the smell of burnt flesh passed, you dropped your hands to your sides before sighing, “This all could have been avoided has you just surrendered. But now I’m gonna get a never ending lecture,” you spoke to the skeletons laying before you.
You strolled nonchalantly out of the room and saw no one in he hallway.
“Y/L/N, quinjet now!,”
Steve’s stern voice boomed in your ear and you rolled your eyes knowing what would happen. You’d get yelled at and removed from the next couple of missions. It’s happened before. You saved the people that needed more help than him and he took it as you disobeying him, what a crock of shit honestly.
“What about go East do you NOT understand?!” Steve was seething and you couldn’t see why. You just sat there uninterested.
“You don’t have to talk to me like I’m dumb. I went West because Natasha and Clint were getting swarmed. If I could fuse the two places together and make ‘Weast’ so I could help you all at the same time then I would. But I saved them from being mauled to death,”
Surprisingly Clint had admitted they did need the help and he was thankful you did help but Steve wasn’t hearing it.
“Why not use that magic of yours to make two of you then?,”
You sat back in your chair and glared at him and his stupidity.
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“Not how it works, dumbass,” you tried to keep your cool but the more he ran his mouth the more you just couldn’t take it.
“Why am I even getting yelled at by you?! Who the hell made you leader and why? If I need to be getting yelled at by anyone it’s Tony. He’s the real leader here,” you tried to walk away but Steve grabbed your arm which was a really bad idea. Your ancestors always looked after you and flowed in your veins so when it felt like you were being threatened, they took it into their own hands.
When Steve grabbed your arm he ended up getting thrown back, hitting the door of the the quinjet, knocking the wind out of him. This action did not sit well with Steve at all.
“I’ll be contacting Fury to discuss your termination,”
Anyone else would be upset, but after all the unnecessary pressure he placed on you, it was a relief honestly.
“You blasted Rogers into the door of the quinjet?,” Nick scolded. He had so much faith in you since day one but Steve and his unnecessary complaining put a bad taste in Nick’s mouth. On all the reports Steve would score everyone else well but you, you wondered how you weren’t terminated sooner.
“I don’t know why he’s out for me! I haven’t done a single fucking thing to that peewee baby,” you rolled your eyes in frustration.
“I won’t terminate you but you are on probation. I’m placing you on a babysitting job,”
“Nick, you know I despise children,” you stomp your foot and whine just like a child.
“Though he can act like one... he’s not exactly a kid,”
“Out of all people... you want me to watch Loki? it’s LOKI!,” waving your hand at the cuffed man.
“Oh please, you’ll be just fine. You just have toooo... keep him under control until Steve feels you’re worthy enough to come back,”
“Steve can shove it!,” you crossed your arms as Nick shook his head and paced.
“Does he need to be fed?,”
“I am not a dog,” Loki’s tone was laced with offense.
You’d honestly rather just be kicked off the damn team than sit and watch him for however long they want you to.
“Nick I don’t wannaaaaa,” you whines but he wasn’t having any of it. He gave your shoulder a pat and smirked before walking to the door.
“I’ll be checking in Ms. Y/L/N. I’m sure you two will get along just fine,”
You two and everyone else were in for quite the awakening.
Two month. TWO WHOLE MONTHS you two had been around each other and though you two bumped heads a lot. You couldn’t deny you two were a good pair. You were similar in so many ways, always misunderstood, pushed to the side lines.
Every morning at two o’clock you’d come to his cell and sit with him just talking about nothing. You realized he wasn’t so bad. Under his hard exterior it was just someone who needed to be heard and you heard him just like he heard you. Most nights you wouldn’t even return to your room, you’d stay with him so he didn’t feel lonely. He hated being alone and you wouldn’t let that happen as long as you could help it.
You’d bring your dinner down to eat with him. You brought your TV so you could watch sitcoms and have something to judge together.
You guys were like two peas in a pod but instead you were two cynics in a cell.
“Let’s run away.” You huffed. You sat with him in his room. You figured you’d never get the chance to get back on the team and the more you spent time with Loki the more you realized it just wasn’t worth it.
“I beg your pardon?,” out of all the people, you wouldn’t peg Loki to be hesitant.
“Let’s run away. I’ll take your cuffs off, we take a car and run and never look back. This hero life is not for me,” you were certain. You were forced into this, you had been on SHIELD’s radar far before they even approached you. They didn’t want to risk you becoming a threat so they gave you an ultimatum. Join or stay locked away into confinement forever where you can’t put anyone at risk. You didn’t want to live in a forced cage anymore.
Loki looked straight into your eyes looking for any doubt before raising his cuffed wrists to you.
“Once we leave... we can’t come back. We have to go off the grid,”
“Loki, I’m sure of it. You know the life you and I were meant to live. Let’s live it,”
“Loki they’re gaining on us!!!!,” opening the sun roof of the SUV you placed your sniper on the roof, kneeling on the dash as you looked through the scope.
You and Loki had be wreaking havoc on New York and SHIELD was not too happy about that. News stations referred to you two as the modern day Bonnie and Clyde.
“Bingooo,” you whistled when the bullet shot through the agents windshield hitting them right in the shoulder, making them steer off the road. The next car came and you easily shot the front tire making it flip over and over like a tumbleweed.
“Alright, sweetheart. Time for the real show,” Loki called up at you. You smirked and climbed out of the roof. Bullets from the agents not even touching you. All the time you spent with Loki had helped you reach your peak in your magic. You were practically unstoppable and the Avengers’ worse nightmare.
Loki open ya side door and pulled the grenade pin. With you jumping off the roof and him jumping out of the car, you teleported him and yourself to the roof of a skyscraper to watch it all unfold. The agents skid to a stop when your car blew up, some of the others sliding right into the blast. Some civilians getting caught in the shit storm as well.
You felt Loki's hand wrap around your waist and he pulled you into a strong kiss. You never would have expected your life to turn out like this. You're not complaining about it. You'd rather live like this... putting your life on the line, living risky and taking chances of your freedom being taken away from you rather than to live inside a box with a boring cliché life.
But with Loki by your side it makes this whole adventure even better. You both were once trapped souls and now you were are free. It's fun when the adrenaline courses through your veins and your heart pumps faster when you get away with another crime. You love laughing at the TV when the authorities think they're so close to catching the modern day "Bonnie & Clyde". You're precise with your work. No one is quite sure who they're looking for yet as you guys change your appearance but SHIELD and the team know, they're the ones leading the searches, but they're not disclosing any information until they catch you.
They've been trying to catch you for months now. You call Tony from a payphone and he always tells you to stop before you get caught but you wear a big smile on your face every time-
"We're too good to get caught,"
"Fury, they're pretty much causing Armageddon. What can we do?," Steve was in distress, pacing the room.
"Have we traced her calls? Thor you can't find Loki?," Bruce was pacing as well, he knew if it came down to it, he'd have to bring out the other guy and he wanted to diffuse the situation quickly before it got to that point.
"Loki and Y/N have fused their magic to disguise themselves. Not even Heimdall can see them and that is unheard of," Thor sat with a scowl, thinking hard.
"Their attacks... they're strictly twelve days apart at the twelfth hour and they're always at an important land mark that is specific to New Your. What place haven't they attacked yet?," Clint read over the case file and discovered the pattern.
Everyone thought about his words when realization hit them.
Tony took in a deep breath and his eyes widened in horror, "Here. Their next attack is here. The tower,"
You walked inside the tower with a delivery uniform and a cart full of boxes. You've been tracking their deliveries and you knew they were expecting something. You had disguised yourself as the original delivery girl.
"Delivery for Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers aaaand Ms. Romanoff," you smiled and showed her the clipboard even though it was a bunch of nonsense. She buzzed you win and let you go through to the elevators. While in the elevators, you used your power to distort the frame. You went into the boxes and set the timer. You don't even need these. You could always just use your power but you'd rather watch a domino effect. Setting it all off and then attacking. Loki was waiting for you in the delivery truck.
You went all the way up to Tony's floor and knocked on the door. You did hate doing this to him as he was one of the few that actually cared about you. But you didn't want to leave any room for liabilities. Knocking on the conference door where they all sat, you knew they were discussing you and your now husband as you two eloped. They were expecting you, but didn't know how you'd come in with attacking.
"Hello, Mr. Stark, I have a few packages for you,"
"O-oh you can leave them by the door," he waved his hand, fully engrossed in the file.
"Okie dokie," you said happily.
Tony paused, looking up at you as you placed the boxes down. No one else that he knows just says "okie dokie" no one except for you. He's interacted with the delivery girl, she never says that. Though it was simple, it was a crucial hint.
"Y/N." he deadpanned.
The team stopped and followed Tony's gaze to you.
"Pardon?," you smiled. Tony noticed the glint in your eye and he knew for sure it was you.
"Y/N, don't do this," he raised from his seat slowly. You frowned and tilted your head at him.
"I'm not quite sure I understand,"
They all stood, ready to attack and you sighed, rolling your eyes and letting your disguise falter pressing your ear piece so Loki could listen in on the conversation.
"Y/N, stop whatever you and my brother have planned," Thor pleaded, It was honestly adorable.
"It is too late for that Odinson," you smiled and Steve sent his shield flying toward you but you didn't flinch as it went straight through you, you looked down and tsked as they all looked surprised and confused.
"It turns out, Steve... that I can be in more than one place at one time," you pointed out the window and they saw the original you standing there on the roof of another building, waving.
"Why are you doing this?," Natasha questioned, hand on her gun on her hip.
"You can shoot me if you want, I am at my peak and I can not come down. My ancestors have blessed me and I now know the full extent of what I can do. So go ahead and try. You will regret it," you looked at the boxes and knew time was winding down, "In these boxes are a nerve gas that not even your god status can protect you from. It is efficient and to those who cared, you have your leader to blame," turning to look at Steve.
"Y/N, I am so sorry. I should have been a better Captain to you. There's no excuse,"
"Of course there isn't," you smile was sick and evil, "Now that I finally have my hands on the wheel you're begging for your life," you laughter sent a chill through them
"Sweetheart, they're sending reinforcements," you heard Loki state through your earpiece.
"By the time they get up here, you will have already been knocked out. First, the gas will paralyze you, then it will feel like all your nerve endings are on fire. Then is my favorite part," you smirked at the ground, "You'll start crying blood from all the pain. The opaque red covering your eyes in a film and you can't even blink it away. Your lungs will collapse, suffocating, then finally, you'll just choke on your own vomit,"
The real you had already gotten in the delivery truck and you guys drove off but the apparition was still standing there,
"Y/N, Stop it!," Thor sent Mjolnir flying into the boxes and then the pretty magenta colored gas started seeping across the floor.
"That was a bad idea, Thor," you waved a finger at him, "You still had a few extra minutes but look at what ya done did. It's sad that such a pretty thing can be so deadly," you laughed hysterically like you did at those stupid sitcoms.
Hulk came through and tried to break out of the glass to save him and Banner, "Black magic. You can't break out, bud,"
Hulk came over and tried to attacked you but his fists just kept going through you. Wanda started coughing and you watched it begin, "I better get going, as much as this would be a wonderful sight to see... my husband is waiting for me. Thanks for trying to make me good. But you pushed me to the edge and there is no coming back from this. Goodbye,"
Loki kissed up and down your neck as he thrusted deep inside you.
"You did so well, baby,"
After every successful attack he fucked your brains out. He slow stroked hard and deep bringing you closer to cumming. He kissed all over your neck, making sure to love you all over.
"Fuck, Loki," you whimpered as you came around him, setting off his orgasm as well. Staying still for a few, you two just gently kissed as the news played in the background notifying the world that Earth's greatest defenders are now dead.
You know how people fuck to slow jams or whatever? The news broadcast was the music to your ears instead
"Did you ever imagine this happening? Starting off having to babysit me like a sick child to us causing hell like this?," Loki asked as he held you in his arms.
"At first no.. But I wouldn't have it any other way,"
I WANNA CRY UGH, I hope you guys liked this though. I'll do better with my upcoming pieces
Please leave feedback <3
Tags- @sideeffectsofyou​ @chonisberonica​ @majikmelanin​ @babybubastis @scarletlingeries​ @mirajanestrauss1999
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