#steve is popping billy's cherry later for sure
weird-an · 2 years
Max has been getting on Billy's nerves for a whole week now. She wants to get ice cream at that stupid new mall they can't afford to go to. Billy has been ignoring her bitching, turning the volume up in the car or just walking out of the room when she started moaning about it. .
But now, she got on Neil's nerves, too. "Buy your sister a sundae," he orders, face already red with anger - which always ends up being bad for Billy.
So, Billy ends up at Scoop's Ahoy right after work which seems safer than ending up with bruises at home. Max nearly drags him into the store, all shiny pristine tiles and the smell of artificial strawberries in the air.
There's nobody behind the counter. Max presses her nose against the glass. "They've got Butterscotch!"
The door opens and voice he knows way too well says: "Ahoy ladies! Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me, I'll be you captain, I'm Steve H-argrove."
Billy blinks. Steve Harrington stands in front of him. Wearing a fucking sailor's uniform that could be right out of a wet dream. He's turning red from his hairline down to his chest where a surprisingly huge amount of chest hair peeks out underneath the blue fabric.
"Harrington," he says weakly, not able to look away. "You don't look like a captain."
He wants to laugh. All his dad's efforts to get Billy away from any queer shit in California, just for him to end up in the gayest ice cream parlor in this dump that calls itself a town.
"Billy wants a sundae," Max just quips and basically runs out of the store. Wait. She wanted to come here, she has been getting on his nerves for day now, she - definitley planned this. What a bitch.
"Uh," Steve clears his throat. "You want a cherry on top?"
Billy shrugs. "I got promised an ocean of flavor."
It doesn't sound nearly as nonchalant as he wanted to. Harrington is wearing shorts. Way too tiny shorts. This might be his most favorite place in the world - or at least in Indiana.
Steve gives him a crooked smile. "I won't disappoint," he promises. In Billy's ears it sounds dirtier than probably intended.
Ice cream, Billy thinks, we're still talking about ice cream.
He watches Steve making him a sundae and decides to come back tomorrow. And probably jerk off thinking about Harrington in his sailor's uniform later.
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chaoticpete · 3 years
Young Avengers!
Young Avengers x F!Reader, Peter Parker x F!Reader
Warnings: bit of a crack, some fluff
A/N: Not my best but just a fun little thing I wanted to write since we are getting the young avengers (Allie this is for you 💜💜)
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(I know the picture has absolutely nothing to do woth this BUT HOW COULD I NOT SHARE THIS)
“Do you think they’re ready to go on a mission like this on their own, Tony?” Steve asks as the original team watches the younger ones.
Peter and Harley are arguing over some lab mishap earlier, Billy and Tommy having their own petty argument. You and Casey are debating and Kate just watches everything rolling her eyes wondering how she even got here.
“Nope! But we have no other choice. It’s an undercover mission and the event is the target son’s party. And not exactly like any of us can blend in with that crowd.” Tony says looking at them.
He looks at Clint and squints. “I think I’m even starting to see some grays.” He said pointing at Clint’s head as he swats his hand away. “Let’s go discuss with the children.” He says opening the door and walking into the conference room.
“Younglings, hooligans. Whatever you are. Eyes on us.” Tony says walking in the rest of the team following in. “We have a mission for you guys.”
He presses the remote and a shady man pops up the screen. “Hans Wittaker. His name has been moving up very rapidly lately. And he has something we want.” He says before changing slides.
“There are some plans that we would like to access but, we can’t beat his firewall from outside but we can from the inside.”
“But why do we have to go get it?” Casey askes.
“Because Wittaker is holding an event for his 18-year-old son. And we’re not exactly nobody’s at this point and don’t exactly blend in with a teen cast.”
“And no one really knows what any of us looks like.” Peter finishes. “Bingo.”
“So here’s the deal. Kate will be watching from the outside. Making sure everything goes smoothly. Casey will be blending in with the crowd being Y/n backup if anything goes wrong. Billy will be working for staff and Tommy will be on standby with Kate. Y/n will be the bait. Pete-“ you cut Nat off.
“Why do I have to be the bait? Why not Casey?” “Yeah, do you guys not remember last time Y/n had to flirt with a guy?” Harley asked. “When she stabbed that guy with a fork,” “Or was it when she broke the other guy's finger?” The twins ask laughing.
You flip them both off. “I think she’ll do just fine,” Casey says. “And those guys deserved it putting their hands on her like that,” Kate interjected. Peter places his hand on top of yours. “You'll do great N/n.” He says, giving you a small smile. “Thanks, Pete.” You said taking his hand in yours.
“Simp,” Harley says in between a fake cough before Casey smacks him in the arm.
“Is everyone clear and their positions?” Steve asks, rolling his eyes. “Eye eye captain!”
“Oh, and Y/n, let’s not try jumping off the roof this time.” “But what if I need to make a quick getaway?” “You're just keeping the kid distracted. If anything, don’t break anything on him.”
Your heels make a click sound so you make your way through the marble-tiled room. You swiftly scan the room giving billy and Casey slight nods when making eye contact.
Noticing a small crowd you see a suave, blue-eyed brunette. “Locked on target.” You say from behind your champagne glass. “Go and talk to him,” Nat says from your coms. “I mean I really don’t want to.” “Y/n.” “Fine, I’m going.”
“Well, it seems I finally found the guest of honor.” You say approaching the guy. It takes everything inside of you not to kick him in the chest as his eyes roam over your body as if undressing you.
“Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before. Definitely would’ve remembered an angel, such as yourself.” He says grabbing your hand and places a kiss. A small giggle leaves your lips.
“I don’t like the way he’s watching her,” Peter grumbles from across the room. “We all know she’s your girl but Y/n can take care of herself. Now come on we have to find the office.”
“Why don’t we just change that then?” You say a teasing smirk. “Go somewhere a bit more...private.” you finish while taking one of his hands and placing it right on your hip.
“Okay, Y/n is getting the kid to leave the room getting like three of the guards to follow him. Harley and Peter, you guys know what to do. Casey and Billy stay on stand by.”
Sadly, the plan didn’t keep going so well.
“Uh, so you guys know how you told me not to break anything on him,” you say looking for a way to escape.
“Y/n what did you do?” “She broke his arm and shoved him into the closet.” “Kate!”
“Okay well, I still have things to download.” “I think you're safe, Harls. All the guards are heading to Y/n’s location.” Casey says. “I’m going to help her,” Peter says leaving the office door.
“No, if they know were here the whole mission will be corrupted,” Billy says. “Right now they think Y/n is just some psycho.”
“Y/n you need to get out of there!” “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize that.” You say frantically looking around. Banging begins coming from the room door and the bathroom door.
“Is there like any secret entrances or something? Don’t evil rich people usually have those things?” You ask while starting to pull books off the shelves.
The banging on the door gets louder as they begin to kick in the door.
“Got it!” Harley exclaims. “Great now everyone gets out of there.”
“You guys know how you told me not to jump from anywhere. Gonna have to break that rule.” “Y/n don’t. It’s an 80-foot drop.” “I’ve jumped higher.” “Yeah with a harness on.”
You climb out onto the balcony. “Guys she’s gonna do it.” “Where the hell is Parker?”
You hear the door give in and guns start clicking. Looking over your shoulder you give the guards a sly smirk. “Almost had me, boys,” you say before leaping off, a loud whoop leaving your lips.
“I really hope som-off” you get cut off and you come in impact with a red and black-clad body.
“Perfect timing,” you say giving peter an innocent smile as your wrap your legs around his waist holding onto him tightly.
“Do you have a death wish or just love to give everyone a heart attack?” Tommy asks through the coms. Before you could answer, Peter lands on a roof top and chimes in.
“She’ll have to answer you later. We have somethings to discuss with what happened at the party." He says before turning off both of your coms.
Tags:: @tommyunderoos @spideyspeaches @frenchfrostpudding @holland-styles @gwenvrse @allegra-writes @blizzardbabe @cherry-hyejin @kitkatd7 @buckys-other-punk
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
#HarringroveApril Day 10: Peaches
He tasted like strawberries the first time Steve kissed him.
He’d ran out of his own, melted and resolidified, generic ass chapstick, and without even thinking, he grabbed one out of Max’s room before his date with Steve, because maybe he was hoping that he’d get a chance to kiss him that night, not that he’d ever to admit to it.
He didn’t bother to read the label before putting it on, but he noticed something odd about it as he smacked his lips on the drive over.
He only remembered, he only knew, that it was strawberry when Steve pulled away with a smile and closed eyes, completely silent before saying
“You taste like strawberries.”
When they first had sex, just two nights later, he tasted like cherries.
He couldn’t get over the way Steve had kissed him until all the chapstick had completely rubbed off and that night when he got home, he took every flavored chapstick out of Max’s room that he could find.
Cherry seemed so fitting. The pop of his cherry lips when he put it on would then be followed by the popping of his own metaphorical cherry.
And when the first thing that came out of Steve’s mouth when he kissed him as soon as he walked through his door was a long “mmmm”, he knew he had made the right decision.
He tasted like blood the night he showed up at Steve’s doorstep at two in the morning, soaked with rain, adorning a black eye and a matching split lip.
Steve was there, right there wiping away at Billy’s rain-masked tears and kissing him gently despite the metallic taste.
He held him tight that night. Under the covers in Steve’s bed, Billy felt like he could rest for the first time, knowing for sure that he was safe in Steve’s arms.
He tasted like peaches when he told Steve that he loved him.
They were out at the quarry just watching the clouds pass by above. But Billy couldn’t stop looking at Steve and the way he pointed up at the sky with so much excitement when he said “that one looks like a squirrel!” and it just came right out.
“I fucking love you.”
Without missing a beat, Steve rolled over on his side and said it right back like he’d been waiting to say it.
And then he kissed him. The same gentle, soft press of the lips that Billy loved, that made Billy feel loved.
“Peaches?” Steve asked.
Billy just nodded his head.
“I think this one is my favorite.”
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bird-in-a-cage · 4 years
Inspired by the wonderful @cockasinthebird, for being my muse and talking filth in my ear.
Steve was riled up. Inventory day usually made him edgy, but this week was bad. Bad to the point the regional manager just happened to 'pop by' to help discover why Scoops was down a case of whipped cream and a whole kilo box of rainbow sprinkles. Steve was sure it wasn't him or Robin giving out too much, mostly because him and Robin just didn't give a shit about customer satisfaction and just wanted to get through the day as easily as possible. Yeah if it was a kid's birthday or something they would both put a bit extra on, pile the whipped cream a touch higher, be a little heavy handed with sprinkles, a couple extra cherries even. But not a whole case or a kilo's worth.
It just, bothered him.
It bothered him all the way driving home, tapping his thumbs on the wheel, his brain coming up with ridiculous thoughts like maybe there was a very specific thief that only took cream and sprinkles and not the cash register full of money, or the safe that lived in the back office also full of money from the week's takings ready to go to the bank. Maybe the delivery guys were running a racket, siphoning off little pieces of product and reselling it to make some money on the side. Maybe it was just the fact that Steve couldn't count when taking the delivery, which he knew for a fact couldn't be the case because he didn't do deliveries any more for that exact reason, because of The Butterscotch Incident, which he was pretty sure they were still trying to use up three months later.
The bothering feeling dissipated as soon as Steve saw rainbow sprinkles on his doormat. They did have the tendency to follow him home like glitter, but never carefully arranged into an arrow pointing inside under the closed front door. Steve rolled his eyes like he had an audience but still couldn't help the grin growing to his cheeks.
Only one person had a spare key and the gaul to decorate the welcome mat in such a way.
Unlocking the door revealed a trail of multicoloured arrows over the carpet, clearly placed with loving precision, pointing towards the kitchen where the only light was on, illuminating the scene in the hallway.
Steve kicked his shoes off at the door as always, and followed them like breadcrumbs. He wasn't sure what to expect, but what greeted him wasn't it. Even if the image before him did make his brain melt out his ears, just a little.
Laying on Steve's kitchen island, on top of his mother's best dish towel printed with little corn flowers and chickens, was Billy, naked as the day he was born. He smirked hot at Steve's presence, shifted to lean up on his elbow, and sprayed a whipped cream arrow down his chest, pointing to his rock hard cock.
Steve's dick kicked to life rapidly in his uniform Scoops issued shorts. At least this answered some of his questions. He stepped into the room and could feel Billy's smirk burning his attention. There were little dots of cream all across his chest, in seemingly random spots. Some of them were just simple sprays and others looked a little like cheesy love hearts. The two over his nipples definitely were.
"How long have you been here?" Steve stopped when he came flush with the edge of the island between Billy's tree trunk legs that dangled down at the knees. His thighs were warm under Steve's hands, sunkissed from sitting in the lifeguard chair all day, a small tan line starting to circle the muscle that Steve's fingers found with ease. He resisted touching what clearly needed the most attention, throbbing and standing proud between them.
"Long enough," Billy purred, reaching down to rub over the back of Steve's left hand, trying to force it higher. Steve dug his fingers into the firm flesh and resisted, just for now, demanding something of an explanation with the look he gave. Not that Billy was about to give him one. Instead he sat up properly, shook what was left in the can, and sprayed a picture perfect whip on the head of his cock. The designs he'd given himself over his body melted down a touch, leaving his skin greasy and shiny. Like he’d oiled himself up. It made his muscles pop. "You want me to put a cherry on top too?"
Steve felt his throat tighten as his mouth threatened to run over. He knew what Billy could do with cherries. The guy had been teasing him all summer with knotted stems left on the glass display counter, much to Robin's annoyance when she would find one. Steve knew first hand how talented that teasing tongue could be. He was lucky enough to feel it most nights.
"Oh, you wouldn't wanna be too sweet now, would ya?" Steve leaned his head down to flick the tip of his tongue through the little cream pile before it started to melt, nowhere near where Billy clearly intended the first lick to be if his unfortunately desperate whine was anything to go by. But Steve wasn't one for a drawn out tease like Billy was, and soon licked again, dragging his tongue slowly through all the sweet to find salt starting to weep through. Billy groaned and moved again, leaning back on both elbows, still elevated enough to watch.
Billy liked to watch. He also liked Steve to wear the stupid sailor hat, which he had thankfully left in his car. He doubted Billy would want to wait for him to go and retrieve it.
Muscular fingers found their way into Steve's hair, twisting and grabbing loose and he started running his tongue over more of Billy's thick, aching length, rolling down low, tracing the edge of a vein that disappeared into a well groomed tuft of musty curls. Just breathing hot over velvety skin was enough to make Billy's thighs tense. He must have been here for a while, just hard and waiting for the grand reveal. 
Fuck, if that wasn't a thought to ponder on later.
Just as evenly paced, Steve worked his way back up and slipped his lips around the head in a perfect o, pressing his tongue up firm against the sensitive underside and swirling in a slow circle around all those responsive nerve endings, like he was licking up a dripping cone. The hand on the back of his head started pressing down, getting desperate. Steve flicked his eyes up and was met by dark pools of blue like the middle of the ocean in a storm, straight teeth capturing a plump pink bottom lip to keep the noise back even though there was no need. There were only the two of them here if the purpose of the dish towel was anything to go by.
Steve’s mother would have a fit otherwise.
Only when the sweet taste of the cream was completely cleaned up did Steve start sinking lower, sucking down more until his lips stretched painfully but not unbearable, and Billy hit the back of his throat, twitching on his tongue. Steve groaned softly around what was in his mouth and pressed a hand down the front of his shorts to help alleviate some of the building pressure. Billy’s hand moved to the back of Steve’s neck as he swallowed as best he could, ripping free a strangled cry from the other boy.
“Fuuck! Baby… you’re so good, my double fudge.”
Steve pulled back his mouth immediately at that and pinched at the soft skin of Billy’s inner thigh, which caused him to yelp but not for a moment did it stop the grin under his moustache. 
“Call me that again and I’m stopping. I mean it.” Steve tried to sound threatening, even a little, but even by the end of his sentence he wanted to laugh. They both knew he didn’t mean a single word. Not when Billy had literally caused Scoops regional manager to blow a mental fuse trying to work out where all the missing cream stock had gone just to get a blow job.
Steve didn’t want to look in his fridge, but he knew the rest of it would be in there. Depending on how much Billy had eaten during the apparent midnight raid of course. The picture of Billy behind the wheel of his camaro, squirting a whole can down his throat while driving was far too real. He didn’t even want to think how Billy had made it out of the mall with all those cans, but they were in the back room alone a lot, most of the time Steve didn’t have any real recollection of what was happening…
“You don’t like my nicknames, my sweet vanilla bean?” 
Steve pinched again. Billy laughed around another small yelp, but Steve’s slender fingers soothed the skin this time, rubbing up higher towards Billy’s sac which looked heavy and full. Not touching but getting teasingly close. It was kind of a reward even though Steve hated the barrage of nicknames he got daily, all based around ice cream flavours. Well, he didn’t hate them really. Just pretended to hate them because he couldn’t really call Billy anything lifeguard related. Steve had called him a pool noodle once, which was quickly turned around as a nickname for his own dick. The timing of it had been quite impressive really so he couldn’t be too mad.
Billy’s hand on his cheek brought Steve back to the moment, to the urgency in front of him. With one last stern look that they both knew meant nothing at all, he sunk back down until his lips were firmly clasped around the wide base of Billy’s cock and sucked. Hard. With all intention to shut his boyfriend up. At least for now. Sweeping his tongue over weak spots seemed to do the trick as Steve started to bob his head, Billy’s hand just resting in his hair again. Not pushing for more or pulling for less, letting Steve take control of the situation at last. He knew every one of Billy’s soft points, had them memorised like landmarks on a city map. Knew the exact amount of pressure to put where and when, whether his tongue should be pointed or flat, when to suck deeper or let up for a second, using more and more spit because Billy liked it messy to the point where all the fluid was spilling down Steve's chin.
He may not have done all that well in school, but he would have aced a cock sucking class hands down.
It was no time at all before he could taste more salt, hear Billy’s moans getting desperate and ragged as he leaked more and more over Steve’s tongue whenever he would make his way to the tip to sweep across the over sensative slit. Every now and then retracting his lips totally so Billy could watch and observe just how much Steve loved his taste. A little ego boost.
The more he tasted, the more the pressure in Steve’s shorts got intolerable. But he refused to just drop and shoot in his kitchen. Not without getting Billy’s hands on him in some way first. And Billy could always go two rounds. Always. 
Steve placed his hand on a tanned thigh, felt how tense it was under his fingertips, how much Billy was trying to hold back. That wouldn’t do at all. But Steve still had one card left to play, his guaranteed full house. He glanced up at Billy under hooded eyes, all innocent and coy in the way that made the other boy groan deep and protective, made him pull Steve just that little bit closer and push his head down just a little, desperate to be enveloped again. Steve obliged of course, but ever so faintly, dragged his teeth over the aching cockhead on the way back down.
Billy was gone. He cried out and came heavy and thick over Steve’s tongue, painting the inside of his mouth in three strong surges. Only when the grip on his head relaxed did Steve move, slipping off with an obscenely wet pop and shifted onto the balls of his feet to kiss over Billy’s sculpted torso, licking off what was left of the cream over his stomach hungrily and letting the flavours mix in his mouth. 
It wasn’t wholly unpleasant.
Billy sat up before he got any further and cupped Steve’s cheeks to kiss him deeply, tongue licking against his, manic and bold. They panted hard when they broke apart, foreheads resting together as Steve cupped the hands over the ones on his face, thumbing across strong fingers that disappeared into his slightly sweaty hair. The grin Billy wore was adorable and stupid, blissed out but also still socially aware. Aware enough to notice the tent in Steve’s shorts and the unavoidable growing wet patch through two layers of fabric. The grin turned hot again.
“Need some help with that, my sweet honey almond?”
Steve was far too desperate and turned on to correct him a third time. He could do that later, once they were both satisfied.
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daddystevee · 5 years
Crashing Down
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(steve harrington x hopper!reader)
Guys, I'm super emotional… this- is the last part to the fic. But more importantly this chapter is what the whole fic was written around. It's insane. Well more so like the very ending of it. But I'm so happy that this happened and I finally wrote my first fic ever. I just can't believe it. Thank you to everyone who read this and continued to support me through this. A special thanks to @harringtown who literally always has my back and was helping me out with this. I think i might write another fic one day but in all honesty who knows. It's freakin hard idk how Brooke spits these suckers out almost every day??? But who knows maybe i'll be more original next time and not have a full fledged slow burn fic.. Anyways love you guys! Xx ps its finally (steve x reader) !!!!
catch up here
Warnings: cursing, death, fluff, angst, super hella sadness, all the good stuff. And season 3 spoilers ig
Part 9/9
Word count: 3.7k (THIS IS INSANE??)
Summary: Sometimes things just don’t go as planned and your world just comes crashing down, but it’s a good thing that you have people in your life to be there to catch you when you fall. 
You squirmed out of Steve’s arms and ran to your dad, El limping close behind you pulled him into a big hug. Even though the last time you saw him was a few days ago, now was not the time for full fledged reunions you had to figure out what you guys were going to do to beat this thing.
As everyone was explaining their part of what had been going on over the last couple of days, you took your place under Steve’s arm. You watched as Jim gave Eleven the extra care she needed in that moment, making your lips curl up at the corners. 
“But instead of, like, screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon with melted people.” Steve said trying to make sense of everything he was being told
“Yeah, and it was fucking terrifying.” you say remembering what happened at the hospital yesterday.
“Yeah, okay I’m just makin’ sure”
Hopping up on the counter next to Steve, you watched everyone scramble around trying to make last minute preparations before, Joyce, Murray and your dad headed down into the Russian bunker. You look at Steve’s face and how messed up it is and then look back at your father, hoping nothing too bad would happen to him down there. 
Steve notice how deep in thought you were,
“Don’t hurt yourself, thinking to hard over there Hop.” he said trying to make light of a situation
You laughed slightly, still letting your mind wander in and out of focus.
“You okay?” he asked moving across the counter to be a little closer to you
“Yeah just thinking. A lot of things could go wrong, just nervous I guess.” 
He nods his head in agreement, “But this is your dad we're talking about, he’ll be just fine.”
You overhear Dustin telling Hopper that they need a head start and a car to get to the highest point in Hawkins. He turns and waves Steve over, Steve gives you a pat on the knee before jumping off the counter and heading over to him. After telling Steve what he needed to do, he hollered out your name meaning you were needed. 
Steve met you in the middle causing you to stop, he pulled you into a hug while telling you that he was in charge of taking Dustin and Erica to some radio tower. 
“For the love of God, please be safe. It’s bad enough you’ve already been fucked up by the Russians, I really need you back in one piece.” you say to him pulling him just a little closer
“Oh you don’t have to worry about me, it’s you I'm worried about.”
You took a deep breath in before pulling away. You looked up into Steve’s eyes and placed a hand on his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb before walking over to your dad. 
“I was summoned.” you say marching up to and standing next to your dad
“C’mere,” he said, pulling you into his side, “I need you to keep a really close eye on El for me, okay?”
“Of course dad.”
“This thing is after her, so you guys are going to Murray’s house, so you guys can stay safe, protected and off the radar until this is all over.”
“Alright.” is all you can muster out before he pulls you into a lung crushing hug.
You climb into the backseat of the Wheeler’s family car before Will and Lucas, leaving El, Mike and Max in the very back of the car. Nancy tries cranking the car but the engine just won’t start. Jonathan gets out to look, and says that there's a part missing, and it doesn’t make any sense. But all thoughts are put aside when you hear the sound of a very loud and familiar engine revving up.
“Get out, get out the car now” you say rather loudly nudging at Lucas’s side. 
You all get out of the car and head back into the mall where you would be a little bit safer.
After you get inside Mike instantly pulls out his walkie and starts sending out a code for ‘Scoops Troop’. You're standing next to El with your arm wrapped around her shoulder rubbing up and down her arm in an attempt to keep her calm. 
You see Jonathan, Nancy, Will and Max all walk over to the car that El had flipped over onto the Russian’s earlier that evening. You call Mike and follow in pursuit, climbing over the counter and behind the car to try and flip it over. You even let Eleven try to slip it over with her powers but it’s no use, but suddenly a bell goes off in your head. The same bell apparently goes off in Mike’s head because almost as if you were reading each others minds.
“Physics.” you both say in unison.
You flip the car over with the use of leverage and Jonathan begins his search for the ignition cable. 
Max was the one to notice El digging through the trash, you were the first to walk over to her and Mike was the one to call out to her. You were asking if she was okay and telling her that she needed to save her energy when none other than the Mind Flayer comes crashing down into the mall. 
“Fucking hell..”
You grab hold of Eleven’s hand and pull her away and out of sight. 
The four of you are hidden behind some sort of stand in the middle of the mall when Dustin comes over the walkie talkie telling you all to confirm your safety, but the Mind Flayer wasn’t having any of it. It let out one of the loudest screeches you had ever heard, you hadn’t been that close to it before. Tears formed in your eyes from the pain and from fear.
“We’ve gotta move.” you whisper to Mike
“There’s a way to get out, through The Gap.” El whispers back
Mike peeks his head up to see where the Mind Flayer is and is looking,
“Okay, okay. Now.” he said, grabbing El’s hand making a break for it, but of course not without making some fort of ruckus making the Mind Flayer turn and charge. Luckily you push them behind a clothing display just before it makes it to where the items had fallen,
You put your index finger to your lips signaling for them to be extremely quiet before you covered your mouth with your entire hand, attempting to silence your heave breathing. Looking at the three teens you motioned for them to crawl over behind the checkout counter in case it was just playing games, not wanting to risk anything. Though moving to this new spot didn’t help too much because you heard to your left the nasty sound of what you could only imagine was the flesh moving around.
As you turned and looked to your left you could confirm what you had heard, seeing the flesh like claw coming around the corner to snap at you. There was a loud popping noise, that sounded a lot like a balloon that caused a distraction making the claw retreat now redirecting its attention to the new sound.
“Go, go go.”  you said to the kids and you got up making a mad dash towards the exit.
You run out the back door and towards the gate that allows delivery trucks in and out trying to catch up with Nancy and the others. But as you make it just outside the gate you see Flayed Billy standing behind his car. You make the kids turn around and go back inside the mall in hopes that Billy didn’t see you, but you wouldn't go unnoticed especially since you had to go back and press the close gate button a second time because it didn’t work the first time. 
You run down a few different hallways trying to find another way out, whether that be up or down. So you pulled off into a side room where an elevator was, and mike pressed the button a few times. You really thought you had lost Billy at this point so you were good to take a little breather, until you heard the opening and shutting of a heavy metal door. 
Max was the one to round the corner and see who it was,
“Billy. Billy, you don’t have to do this. Billy. Your name is Billy, Billy Hargrove, you live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy please, I’m Max, I’m your-” was all you heard before the monster backhanded her out of consciousness. Mike was the first to lunge at him, but instantly got thrown against the wall and was also knocked unconscious. That left you and El, you take your stand in front of your sister and attempt to throw a punch at him, You successfully hit him in the jaw,
“You’re gonna regret that you little bitch” he says as he grabs you by the arm and twists until you’re facing away from him and he slams your head into the wall, everything goes black
You wake up, what seems to be like hours later, seeing both Max and Mike still unconscious on the ground. You sit up, head pounding and your wrist and shoulder in excruciating pain. You crawl over to Max and get her to wake up, and when she does, she yells at Mike to get up.
“Are you guys okay?” you ask them. The both shake their heads, but then begin looking around the small room.
“Where’s El?” Mike asks.
The three of you run around in a panicked state of mind calling out for her hoping she had fucked Billy up and ran for help, but the more you looked the less hopeful you felt. You ran back down what you thought were the same hallways from earlier, but with your new concussion you weren’t so sure anymore. 
You looked down to the ground and saw drops of blood and some sort of black stuff.
“Guys, look.” you say pointing down the hallway where the trail of blood led.
After some time you finally manage to make your way to the main part of the mall. You pulled yourself to a complete stop, sticking your arm out to stop Mike and Max from continuing on any further. El was on the floor talking to Billy. 
You watched with wide eyes as Billy stood up in a protective stance over El. He stood there and stared at his creator, the thing that had destroyed him. Millions of memories flashed before his eyes as the fleshy tentacle that was supposed to kill your sister, shot out towards him. He stuck his arms out to stop it, to sacrifice himself. 
You watched in pure shock as tentacles pierced into his sides and back, grabbing hold of him, hoisting him up. It all happened in slow motion, as if the universe was trying to torture you in some way. You watched as that thing took your Billy Hargrove and pierced into his chest.
“Billy!” you and Max screamed one after another
You choked up a sob as you took off running over to him, Max close behind. You slammed your knees into the ground as you grabbed Billy’s shoulders and shook them trying to keep him awake. 
“Billy, Billy. Stay with me. Billy?”
His eyes fluttered open for a split second, this was the last time that he’d see your beautiful face.
“Hey, hey, hey, I need you to stay with me. Baby I can’t lose you. Please, baby please.”
He somehow managed to get an ‘I’m sorry’ out but you didn’t care he didn’t need to be apologizing right now, but that was the only thing he said before his whole body went limp. You continued to shake his shoulders, in disbelief that this was happening and that if you kept him awake long enough he would be okay.
“Billy, no please, Billy.” it suddenly feels like you can’t breath but the only thing you can do is yell. You’re choking out sobs as you strain your voice yelling out his name. 
Steve makes it down to the second floor as quickly as he can and is behind you in seconds. He puts his hands on your shoulders in an attempt to pull you away and into his arms but you turn and yell at him.
“No! Stop it! Don’t let them touch him! Billy! Billy!” Each phrase is spoken with more sobs. You finally collapse into Steve’s arms, shaking violently with each cry. 
All you can seem to say at this point was Billy’s name. Steve leads you to a paramedic and says that he’ll meet you outside, turning around and running back inside. You along with all of the others are checked over and are cleared to go home after sitting in ambulances for a while.
After Steve is checked, he walks over to you, Max and El and takes a seat next to you. The two are in a very tight hug, your sister is doing her best at comforting Max in this time of loss. You sit in silence, not having enough energy or emotion to talk. Steve wraps his arms around you with his blanket and pulls you into a tight embrace. You mellow out your breathing until you realize that you haven’t seen Murray, Joyce or your dad anywhere.
In a panic you release from Steve’s grip and grab your sister’s hand leading her to stand up. The two of you spend a few minutes looking around for them with no luck, suddenly you spot Joyce. No sign of Hopper, you notice that El see’s her too and looks to you confused as to why dad wasn't with her. But then she realizes, you know it too, dad didn’t make it.
Eleven turns into your arms and lets all of her tears out, and just when you think you don’t have any tears left to cry, all of your tears fall on top of her head. She lets out one scream and that’s it, the rest are sobs. You cradle her head, holding onto her and not letting go.
Both Joyce and Steve offer to take both you and El in for the night, seeing as how the cabin had been destroyed earlier that night and Hop wasn’t there to take you in for some extra loving. Of course you spent the next couple of weeks staying the night at the Byers’ house. But after a while it started to get a little too cramped so while El stayed with Joyce while you stayed with Steve. Most days were the same, super hard and emotional. But other days, you would be taking a few steps forward to recovery. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn't ever going to get easier, but you at least had the right people in your life to help you out.
>3 months later<
Over the last three months things have gotten better, you spent lots of time with Max and Eleven. Making sure that they’re both okay and that they know that they are both very loved. Your dad always told Joyce that if anything were to ever happen to him, that if she was up for it, to take care of El. It wasn’t that he didn't trust you to take care of her, he just knew that it would be a lot for you at such a young age.
Joyce took her in with open arms, and even offered a room to you when she mentioned that they would be moving to Maine. You declined, only because Steve couldn't handle all the kids by himself. Steve’s mom even offered to let you stay in their guest room until you and Steve could get your own place, you had only been talking about it since you were 11. The two of you still planned on doing that, but with being unemployed at the moment it was kinda hard to have money to pay rent.
Today was the final day of packing up the Byers house. You had planned on being there but got pulled into a last minute job interview at Family Video with Robin and Steve. But as soon as you were done there, you were heading over to say your goodbyes. It was a hard day and you were trying not to think about it. 
Good news: the three of you start work on Monday. Bad news: it was time for the Byers to leave.
As you and Steve pulled up it looked like they had just put the last box in the moving truck. You hopped out of the car and jogged up to the door right as Joyce was coming out with a box for you to take home.
“What’s this?” you ask, taking the box from her
“Just a couple of Hop’s things, I thought you'd might want them.”
You sat the box down on the front porch and pulled her in for a hug, “Thank you, for everything. For the stuff and for basically being my mom and for taking El in. It means a lot to me.” A few tears escaped from your eyes.
As everyone was saying their final goodbyes you pulled El in for one final hug. 
“You don’t have to go, you know..” you say in a half joking manner. “you could stay here with me, get our own place or fix up the cabin. He did it before.”
All she does is chuckle lightly and buries her face deeper into your chest.
“I'm really gonna miss you, kid” you say quoting something your dad would say, “but I’ll see you soon. I think we’re all coming up for Thanksgiving next month and then Christmas is right after that.”
“I know” she said quietly, “I love you, Y/N” 
“I love you too El.” you pulled away from the hug and locked pinkies with her and kissed your own hands. Giving each other a small smile before moving on to the others. 
“You have Steve’s number right?” you asked before pulling her into one last hug. She nodded her head as she pulled you closer for one last squeeze before climbing into the passenger seat of the moving truck. You shut the door behind her patted the door and just like that they were gone. The kids all ride their bikes back to their designated homes and you and Steve climbed back into his car to head home too. 
As Steve puts his car into park he shifts a little in his seat, you don’t notice because you're looking down at your hands with tears rolling down your cheeks.
“I know today’s kind of a hard day for you, but I have something that might make you feel a little bit better.” he says running a hand through his hair.
He reached behind you into the back seat and pulled out a flat velvet box, you give him a curious look,
“Max and I, we talked about this for a really long time and she really wanted you to have this.” he says handing you the box.
You open it and your eyes fill with more tears as your hands drop to your lap and your head hung forward. Inside the box was Billy’s Virgin Mary necklace. It had been polished and shined and cleaned and it looked better than ever. You set the box to the side and you wrap your arms around Steve and give him a hug. After you pull away you pick up the box again and look down at it. 
“I miss him Steve,” you say resting your head on his shoulder.
“I know you do.” he said as he wraps his arm around you 
You sit up and look at him and he's looking back at you with nothing but love in his eyes, you think it’s time you told him.
“Steve there’s something I need to tell you.” your heart is beating so hard you’d be surprised if he couldn’t hear it. “These last 3 months have been some of the hardest months of my life, not only because I lost so much but because I’ve realized a lot of things. I learned my self worth, it’s been a while since I’ve truly been happy. And I found that I’m only truly happy when I’m with you. I also know that Billy would’ve wanted me to move on at some point, and as much as he said he hated you Harrington, he wouldn’t want me to be with anyone but you.”
He looked at you like if he blinked everything would fade away and none of this would be real. You reach out and place a hand on his face, looking over where wounds had once been and were now turning into scars. 
“ I love you Steve.” You finally say 
He doesn’t say anything back he just leans in and presses his soft lips against yours. The kiss held so much love and emotion. It felt just like the movies, like the moment when these things always happened. Time seemed to have slowed down, allowing you take it all in and cherish it.
“I’ll take that as the feeling’s mutual?” You say with a giggle. 
Steve brushes his nose against yours before kissing you again, only this time with more force. You took this as his way of saying yes. His mouth hot on yours as his hands grabbed your waist awkwardly from the place he was sitting and pulled you as close as he could. You both only pulled away to catch a breath. 
This would be a moment you would remember for the rest of your life. It wasn’t your first kiss, wasn’t even your second, or hundredth, but it was your first kiss as lovers, but it definitely would not be your last. The world would throw crazy things at you, especially when you aren’t ready for it, but you don’t have to deal with it alone anymore. 
You just always have to know that sometimes things just don’t go as planned and your world might come crashing down and it’ll fall apart, but always remember that you’ll have people in your life to be there to catch you when you fall.
@ughhhitsfan @eleventhdoctorsangel @chloe-skywalker  
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hoeforbilly · 5 years
science project
request: Hey!! Could u please write a Billy x f!reader where the reader is new to school and has like this super cool car and when she gets out of school she sees a bunch of people around her car and like Billy is there because he thinks it belongs to a guy and it's ready to beat his ass so he gets and idea of who runs this school and he doesn't care about his stupid car (because everyone is paying a lot of attention to your car) and then when you get there you just get on your car and get out of there and he waits for the next day to talk to you (because you know, y/n is a cutie) and you can still from there however you want @amarachoren
Hey! I love your writing and I was just wondering if I could request a smut where Billy and the reader are paired up for a project. Reader tries her hardest to ignore his attempts at flirting but as we all know... he's irresistible. He states that he'll get to work if she gives him a kiss. She obliges but it's really hard to stop kissing him. Especially when his hands are touching her and he smells so good. @jamesbuckybarnes13
warnings: filthy filthy smut, daddy kink, choking, spanking, overstimulation, orgasm control, basically everything oops, also unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it pls)
genre: fluff, smut
word count: 4.3k (my longest one yet!)
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There was a fucking Toyota Supra parked outside of Hawkins High and Billy didn't like that. People swarmed around the car, pointing out how awesome it was and how the red outisde matched the burgundy leather seats, and how sick the pop up headlights were and blah blah blah. Every square inch of that car oozed with coolness and Billy was furious about it. It drew attention from his Camaro and as much as he hated to admit it, it stung. He was the cool guy with the cool car. He ran this school. And he was determined to make sure whatever asshole drove the Supra new about it.
The final bell rang through Hawkins High and Billy sped to the parking lot. There were already people waiting around the Supra, curious to see the owner. He stood a few feet away from them and lit his cigarette, waiting. Not even halfway through his smoke he noticed a girl he's never seen before, confidently walking through the parking lot. Tommy said something about a new student at lunch but Billy never payed much attention to what he had to say so it just flew over his head. She was cute, pretty face and a nice body, he smirked scanning her figure. She wore a short skirt and an oversized denim jacket and the closer she got, the more he liked the look of her.
She stopped right in front of the little crowd formed around the Supra and cleared her throat. Billy raised an eyebrow, taking a drag of his cigarette.
"Excuse me, guys I'd like to get to my car" his jaw dropped at her words. She couldn't be the one who drove that car, there was no way. But sure enough, she took the keys out of the pocket of her jacket, opened the door, threw her bag on the passenger seat and drove away, leaving everyone dumbfounded. As much as Billy didn't wanna admit it, he enjoyed this little turn of events. He decided it would only be appropriate to give the new girl a warm welcome. And maybe a tour of the town. Or his bedroom. Whatever she was into.
You were used to your car getting a lot of attention and you didn't really mind it. It got annoying at times, especially when people were more interested in the Supra than you but you didn't take it personally, not interested in getting to know most of them. Pretty much the only person who caught your eye was the tall blond guy you saw in the parking lot. He had a cute curly mullet, a little moustache and that look in his eyes that made girls melt as soon as it landed on them. He radiated confidence, the cigarette hanging from between his lips, and that's why you noticed him. He looked like fun. And you were determined to find something fun to do in this boring town.
When you rolled into the parking lot the next morning he was already parked in the spot right next to yours. A smirk on his lips as he leaned on his blue Chevrolet Camaro. Cool car. You chuckled realizing he was probably waiting for you.
"Hey there sweetheart" he looked at you from under his lashes and extended his arm to greet you. "Name's Billy, I hear you're new around here" you shook his hand and held it a little longer than appropriate.
"I am, actually" you smiled as sweetly as you could. "My name is Y/N."
"Pretty name for a pretty girl. How 'bout I show you around huh?" he offered. You thought it would be harder to get his attention but it seemed like being the new girl had its perks.
After a rather rushed morning tour with Billy you couldn't stop thinking about him. You were convinced he was pretty much the only interesting person in Hawkins. Some kids were talking about Steve Harrington but he seemed too stuck up to be fun. So did his girlfriend, Nancy. You quickly decided to stick with Billy, at least for now.
You smiled as you noticed him at one of the desk in the science lab. He waved at you to sit next to him and you gladly obliged.
"Mr. Newman hates me" he whispered right into your ear, sending chills down your spine "He might hate you too if he sees us together" he had a cheeky grin on his face.
"I think he's gonna love me" you winked at him, getting your folder out. "I mean, look at me" he chuckled as you turned to face the front of the classroom. He liked how no matter what he did, you weren't intimidated. It was refreshing.
You didn't really take notes the whole class, occassionally scribbling something down when you thought it was especially important. You noticed Billy glanced over at you pretty regularly.
"Do you wanna hang out today?" he whispered in your ear, making you jump a little.
"We can talk about that later" you simply stated, returning your attention to the teacher. Since when was science more important that Billy Hargrove asking you out. You really were something else.
The bell rang and people started pouring out of the classroom.
"Miss Y/L/N, would you mind staying behind for a second?" Mr. Newman didn't even look at you from the paper he was studying.
"Of course" you smiled politely, gathering your belongings.
"You too Hargrove" Billy's face twisted into a grimace but he nodded, moving to the front of the classroom. The last student left, closing the door behind him and Mr. Newman turned to you.
"I've had the chance to get familiar with your report card Miss Y/L/N" he started and you saw Billy's expression turn into a smirk. "And I have to say, I'm extremely impressed" this time it was you smirking.
"Thank you Mr. Newman" you answered with a wide smile.
"This here, Hargrove on the other hand" he scoffed. "Let's just say he could use some help" you stopped yourself from laughing at the offended expression on Billy's face. "I'd like for you to work with him on an extra credit assignment. It would help his grade a little and give me an insight into how you work" you nodded, a polite smile ever-apparent on your face.
"Of course Mr. Newman, if Billy doesn't mind" you turned your eyes to him just to see him blush furiously.
"I don't mind" he tried to sound confident but it was apparent how out of place he felt.
"Then it's settled. I'll give you the topic today after 5th period. Have a nice day" he smiled at you and left. Billy swore it was the first time he's ever seen Newman smile.
"Seems like we'll be hanging out more than just today" you winked at him and left the classroom before he could say anything.
Billy managed to collect himself pretty quickly, determined to get you back for how flustered you made him. He was excited to see you again and spent the whole 5th period staring at the clock. When the bell finally rang, he quickly walked over to Newman's classroom. You were already inside, collecting the papers from Newman.
"Billy Hargrove, that boy is bright I can't deny that" he heard the teacher say from outside the door "He's just so damn lazy. Don't let him talk you into doing the whole project alone Miss Y/L/N" Newman warned you.
"Oh I won't let that happen" you answered with such confidence in your voice, Billy almost believed you. Almost.
"So how about we go over to my place?" he shot you his signature smirk but you shook your head. "Can't do, I have to go get my brother, his baseball practice ends at 5". you weren't just gonna give in to him that easily.
"My place at 6?" he winked and you laughed.
"Works for me. What's the address?"
"4819 Cherry Lane" you nodded and got into the car.
"See you then!" you shouted over the music and drove away.
"She really is something else" Billy mumbled under his breath and got into his own car.
You pulled up into Billy's driveway, instantly recognizing his blue Camaro. It was just a few minutes past six, if he asked you would blame it on the fact you were unfamiliar with the town. In reality you couldn't decide what to wear. Eventually, you opted for a denim skirt, a cropped sweater and high top converse. Casual, but cute enough to make you feel confident. "Here we go" you thought getting out of the car.
The house was empty except for the two of you, seated on the floor of Billy's room. Despite what you had told Mr. Newman, you were finding it extremely difficult to make Billy cooperate.
"Come on" you moaned, frustrated "We gotta work on this Hargrove. I'm not doing it alone" the smirk never left his face, your irritation amusing to him.
"I can think of a lot more fun things to do" his voice was so sensual you wanted to punch him.
"Quite frankly, me too" you scoffed "So let's get to work so I can go home."
"I wanna get to know you better" he stated, completely ignoring what you just said. "Where are you from?" maybe the best option was to just answer him?
"New York. We moved cause my mom was tired of the city. She grew up here" he nodded. "What about you?"
"California. We just moved out here last fall."
"So you were the new guy before I was the new girl!" he just shrugged.
"Yeah, I mean, I'm not gonna stay here any longer than I have to. It's a real shithole".
"It really is huh?" you pulled your legs up to your chest, resting you chin on your knee. "I can't wait to get out of here too" he gave you weak smile.
"So you have s brother?" he seemed genuinely interested.
"I do. He's 14."
"My stepsister is 14! They probably go to school together."
"Probably. He's been hanging out with some kids, I don't remember their names though." he chuckled.
"So, Y/N..." he inched closer towards you. You crossed your legs. "How about we make a little deal princess" your heart fluttered at the pet name.
"And why would I wanna make any deals with you Hargrove?" you raised your eyebrow. He reached out to brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I'll work on the project. I'll actually try. But that's if..." he moved his face closer to yours, leaving less than 2 inches between the two of you "You let me kiss you" he finished.
"You're nuts" despite your harsh words, you didn't move away from him.
"It's your call sweetheart" he smirked and you nodded slowly.
"Okay Billy. One kiss and we get to work."
"Whatever you say" he smiled and leaned in, placing his lips on yours. It was almost as if he wanted you to take the lead. You tangled your hand in his hair, moving your lips over his. He hummed approvingly, deepening the kiss, placing his hand on your waist. Before you knew it, you were seated in his lap, his hands roaming under your sweater.
You pulled away to look at him, your fingers still playing with his hair. His eyes were filled with lust, heavy breathing sounding in the room. He gripped you waist tighter and you couldn't stop him if you wanted to. Everything about him was intoxicating. From the way his hands felt on your body and how he looked at you to his scent lingering in the air. He smelled like a mix of cigarettes, cologne and leather. You didn't hold back when he pressed his lips to yours again.
His hands held your ass firmly, guiding him to grind into him.
"That's right baby" he mumbled, kissing your neck. A small moan left your lips, your pussy getting wetter with every movement. You threw your head back, and swiftly took your top off. He groaned at the sight of your boobs, cupping them through your bra.
"Such a pretty girl" he moaned sucking a hickey onto your clevage. You rythmically moved your ass on his clothed dick, rubbing him through the denim of his jeans. You felt one of his hands leave your body and not even a second later a slap landed on your ass. You didn't even try to stop youself from moaning. His hand rubbed over you ass before spanking you again, gaining another moan from you.
"You like that baby don't you?" you nodded furiously and he laughed. "You have such a pretty little mouth, so use it". Another slap landed on your ass.
"Yes Billy, I like it" you managed to get out, the throbbing between your legs making you go crazy.
"What is it that you like babygirl?" he asked making you blush. "Don't be shy now".
"I like it when you spank me..." you opened your eyes to examine his face "Daddy".
His eyes widened at the name, cupping your cheek to bring your face closer to him.
"What was that princess?" your heart was pounding so fast you were sure it would jump out your chest.
"I said I like it when you spank me daddy" you whispered and he spanked you again.
"Like that?" he wrapped his fingers around your throat. Another spank.
"Yes, fuck, just like that."
"And do you like daddy's hand around you throat?" you nodded. Another spank.
"Use your words baby."
"Yes daddy. I love feeling your hand around my throat" he gave you a proud smile.
"Good girl" he rubbed your ass before spanking it again. And again. And again. "Go lay on the bed and spread those pretty legs for me" he whispered and you nearly tripped trying to get there as soon as possible. Your skirt was bunched up around your waist, leaving your lace panties on display. You quickly layed on your back, leaning on your elbows, legs as far apart so you could get them.
Billy stood up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, finally throwing it to the floor. His pants quickly joined the rest of your clothes, leaving him in nothing but his underwear. Your mouth salivated at the sight of the buldge.
"Like what you see" he laughed and you nodded, your own smile just as wide. He finally started making his way over to you and you felt your pussy throb in anticipation.
"You're so pretty" he whispered running his fingers up your sides. "Such a good girl" he squeezed you boobs and let out a moan.
You reached behind your back and unclasped it, revealing you hard nipples. He instantly leaned down and took one into his mouth, sucking and biting a little. The way his tongue felt on your body was heavenly.
"Fuck Billy, you're so good" you moaned, tangling your fingers in his hair. He hooked his fingers under the waistband of your panties and looked at you for permission. You nodded furiously, lifting your hips to help him get them off. Your skirt shortly joined them on the floor, leaving you completely naked under Billy. He kneeled down and inched his face close to your pussy.
"So wet..." he whispered, massaging the insides of your thighs. "So fucking goregous, just for me" the last words came out close to a growl. He looked up at you before running his tongue down your slit. And you just melted into his touch. His blue eyes, probably the prettiest blue eyes you've ever see, analyzed your face as he places his mouth around your clit, sucking gently.
"Please more, I need more Billy" you moaned to which he hummed in approval, picking up his pace. Your pussy was so wet his chin was coated in your juices. He ran his two fingers down your slit, gathering up some of the moisture and moved them up to your face. You instantly started sucking on them.
"That's it baby, taste yourself on daddy's fingers" he squeezed your boob with his free hand. "Good girl" he smiled as you let his fingers out with a loud pop.
He attached his mouth to your clit, licking and sucking, while his fingers teased at your entrance.
"You want my fingers princess?" you nodded, eyes rolling at the very thought of how good that would feel. "Then you gotta beg for it" there was a challenge in his voice and you were always up for a challenge.
"Please finger my pussy daddy" your voice came out a lot weaker than you expected. "Fuck Billy I need your fingers inside me, please, I promise I'll be good" you felt like your whole body was on fire.
"Good girl baby" he pressed a kiss to your clit, making you tremble. His fingers stretched you out in the best way possible, he slowly slid them both all the way in, giving you time to adjust. You felt your pussy clench once his tongue came in contact with yout clit again and he let out a low growl.
"God baby girl I can just imagine how my dick is gonna feel in that tight little pussy" his words made your walls clench once again. "You like that huh? Such a dirty little slut" your pussy tightened around his fingers again. He started moving his fingers, while his tongue found its way back to your clit. Not even a minute later you could feel your orgasm coming.
"I'm getting close daddy" you panted and you just knew he had that smirk on his lips.
"You don't get to cum until I say so" he responded, going right back to sucking your clit. You whined at his words, knowing you wouldn't be able to stop yourself much longer.
He kept working his magic on you until you couldn't take it anymore.
"Please let me cum, please. I need to cum so bad daddy please" you cried out but he shook his head. "Fuck daddy please, I can't hold it anymore" you sounded desperate and he chuckled a bit, his eyes finding yours.
"Who does this pussy belong to?" he asked, his voice so raspy you basically saw stars.
"You, fuck it's all yours Billy" he smirked. "I'm all yours just please let me cum" you cried.
"You can cum now" he said, fingers moving in and out of you even faster. "Come on now baby girl, be a good girl and cum for daddy" these words were all you needed. You threw your head back, toes curling and felt waves of pleasure go through your body. It was the strongest, most amazing orgasm you've ever had. He never stopped sucking on your clit, making you ride it out for as long as possible. Even longer than that. Your pussy was so sensitive you tried to squeeze your legs together but his firm grip made it impossible.
"Please stop Billy" you moaned out. "It's too much, I'm too sensitive" he didn't say anything and just shook his head. It was like nothing you've ever experienced before and you felt a knot form in your stomach once again.
"Come on princess, I know you can take one more" Billy murmured into your pussy, the vibration making you arch your back. "Just like that, that's my good little girl" you felt yourself get so close and you tugged on his hair. "Fuck yes baby, cum for daddy" you let yourself go at his words, wetness pooling out of you. He keeps his fingers on your clit, but moved up to attach his lips to yours. By the time you came down from your high you feel him smile into the kiss, his hands caressing your sides with such affection it was unbelievable.
"You did so well for me angel" he whispered. "Such a good girl" he placed a kiss on both of your cheeks and despite how sweet he was, you could feel his hard dick pressing into your core.
"I want you so bad Billy" you whimpered and he smiled at you, kissing you once again.
"Ass up, face down. Right now" he growled getting off you. You didn't waste any time, immediately rolling over and doing as you were told. "Good girl. You like to do what you're told don't you?" his hand ran over your ass, making you shiver.
"Yes daddy. I only want to be a good girl for you" he spanked you and you jumped a little, not expecting it at all.
"Such a perfect little slut" he spanked you again before he lined himself up with your hole. "If it hurts or feels uncomfortable just tell me and I'll stop" he reassured and you nodded, excited to finally feel him inside.
He moved his hips, sliding his dick into you painfully slow. He was even thicker than you aniticpated, the size making you gasp. His pace was slow and steady, and before you knew it he was moving in and out of you. One of his hands rested on your hip, the other wrapped around your throat. He bagan to pick up his pace, making you cry out in pleasure after every move. You heard him moan behind you and it made you feel even better. It was you making him feel good.
"Fuck Y/N your pussy is so tight" he panted.
"It feels so good Billy" you cried and he started going in and out even faster. His left hand found your clit, fingers rubbing furiously. He was making you see stars.
"I want you to cum for me angel" he whispered. "I need to feel this wet little pussy squeezing my dick" his voice alone was making you tremble. There was no way in hell you weren't gonna cum when he asked you like that. You felt a knot form in your stomach and seconds later, your whole body was shaking in pleasure. Billy let you ride out your orgasm, not sure how he managed to keep himself from coming when your perfect pussy was clenching on his dick. He swiftly turned you around, and nearly choked at how gorgeous you looked laying under him. Your cheeks were flushed, forehead glistening with sweat. Your lips were red and there was nothing he wanted more than to kiss you. So he did. He leaned down, placing the most gentle kiss on your lips. You both felt like you were in a different world. The kiss grew more and more intense and before you knew it, he was sliding his cock back into you. You threw your head back, eyes shut tightly, it felt even better than the first time.
"I need you to look at me babygirl" Billy mumbled and you did as he said. Strands of hair were sticking to his forehead, his eyes glued to your face. "How are you this stunning" he asked before kissing you again. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he moaned into the kiss. "I'm not gonna last much longer" he warned.
"Me neither" you smiled weakly and he picked up his pace once again.
"I want you to cum with me princess" he was back in his dominant persona, voice low and movements sharp. "Do you think you can cum again?"
"Yes daddy" you gripped his bicep, pleasure building up.
"Yes what?"
"I can cum again daddy" you managed to get out. "Please make me cum again".
That was all he needed. He didn't know what about you made him feel this way but it was like nothing he's ever experienced. He slept with plenty of girls in his time, most of them absolutely gorgeous. Not a single one made him feel the way you did.
"Come on babygirl" he gripped your throat with one hand, the other lowering down to rub your clit. "Show daddy how much of a good girl you are." he was determined to make you feel so good you would lose control. There was nothing he wanted more than to see your body shaking under him.
"I'm so close Billy" you panted and he hummed approvingly.
"That's right angel, get right to the edge" he felt himself get close too, his movements getting slightly sloppier. "Don't cum before I tell you to" he warned. A few thrusts later both of you were ready to let go.
"Daddy I need to cum please" you cried.
"Not yet" he growled. He wanted to make you hold it in just a little longer, though he wasn't sure he could take it.
"Billy I can't" you whimpered.
"Yes you can" he squeezed your throat harder. He was hitting all the right spots inside you and you really didn't think you could take any more. Thankfully he didn't either. You felt his dick twitch inside you.
"Come on baby, cum for me" he moaned, letting go as well. You watched him throw his head back, waves of pleasure going through both your bodies. You've never felt this good with any guy you've been with before. No one could stand a chance with Billy.
You had no idea Billy was currently breaking all of his rules for you. He let you sleep in his bed. You were cuddled up to his side with your head on his chest and he was stroking your shoulder gently not to wake you up. It wasn't something he ever did, Billy Hargrove didn't cuddle his flings. But you were so pretty and your skin was warm and soft and your hair smelled nice and you just seemed like someone he could actually talk to. He didn't want you to end up just being a fling.
He thanked heavens that Neil tagged Susan along for one of his work event thingys and that he had the house to himself. He didn't want you to see just how fucked up things really were for him. Maybe this could turn into something. He wanted to get to know you better, try to actually be friends with you first and he was determined not to let Neil scare you away.
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thirstbxtch · 5 years
Rated: E (Smut)
The thing is, Harrington's new girl is hot and Billy's still not sure if Steve is actually a good fuck.
Cross posted to AO3.
This took an embarrassingly long time to write, like actual months okay, so if you guys could say nice things about it, that would be cool.
You're in the kitchen getting drinks when Billy sees you. Harrington's new bitch. His eyes land on your ass as you reach into the fridge. What can he say, definitely an improvement over Wheeler.
He thinks he vaguely remembers seeing you around school; thinks you must have filled out in the few months since then because he would have noticed an ass like that. Or maybe it’s just the skirt. He wonders if Harrington even knows what to do with you.
"Hey," he grins, grabbing the fridge door, holding it open for you.
"Umm, hi?" You return uncertainly, coming out of the fridge with two beers.
"I don't think we've ever met officially," he offers smoothly.
"No introduction needed Hargrove," you reply dismissively, stepping away from the fridge so he can shut the door.
"You here with someone?" He asks, playing dumb, nodding to the two beers you're holding.
"I'm here with Steve," you answer neutrally.
"Oh, I see, how is King Steve these days?"
He cuts you a smile.
"He's fine, Billy."
"Really? Heard he hasn't been doing so hot since graduation, let me guess you're with him just for the free ice cream?"
"We're fine, I'll tell him hi for you," you answer, trying again in vain to dismiss him, moving to step around him, but Billy's not letting you go that easy, not when he can feel Harrington's glare all the way from the living room couch.
"Why so tense sweetheart? King Steve not, uh, doing it for you?" He questions with mock concern.
"Oh he does it for me, you're not though."
"You sure about that?"
You square and tilt your jaw.
"Why don't you join us then Hargrove? And you can see for yourself," you retort, stepping into dangerous territory, but you have a good buzz going and it seems like the most logical comeback.
Billy's gaze flickers in interest. Mouth as sassy as it is pretty then.
"I'd love to but I don't think your vanilla pretty boy boyfriend is gonna go for that," he challenges, leaning in, smelling of cigarettes and cologne. Steve always smells of spring, new and green and faintly of chestnut.
"We'll just have to see, won't we?" You reply, not wanting to let him call your bluff.
The moment drags as you size each other up. Definition of his chest visible through the undone buttons of his white shirt, lightwash jeans tight on his thighs, blue eyes darkening rapidly as he looks you over. Somewhere in your alcohol induced haze you think you might end up regretting this later.
"Guess we will, princess," he remarks smoothly, finally moving aside for you to pass.
He locks eyes with Harrington as you make your way over and perch yourself on his lap. He's pissed; Billy can tell and he holds Steve's glare until Tommy finds him, and he reluctantly breaks away. Fucking Tommy, always getting in the way.
"What did he want?" Steve asks, watching Billy drift off to another part of the house with Tommy.
"Oh nothing," you hum, sipping your beer. You're hoping Billy is either going to get shitfaced or stoned or both and forget the exchange.
"It didn't look like nothing, come on, what did he say?" He pushes, eyeing you carefully, hand resting on your lower back.
"Just talking shit as usual," you start, "he doesn't think you're doing it for me."
Steve runs his tongue along his lower lip.
"He what? What did you say?" He asks, tone sharpening now.
You worry at the inside of your cheek.
"I told him he could come see for himself," you shrug.
It’s a near thing when Steve doesn't choke on his beer.
"You what?"
"I told him he could come see for himself," you repeat, avoiding his eyes.
"Why would you say that?" Steve hisses. "Why would you invite Billy Hargrove to a threesome with us?"
Steve's fucked around before with Carol while Tommy was over because they were all bored and Carol is kind of a whore; he's not really sure if that counts as a threesome. It wouldn't matter anyways because anything involving Billy has a way of putting him out of his element. And there's no way in hell he's sharing his girl with Be Sure To Leave You Some Hargrove.
You quickly see the need for damage control, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"It was nothing, we were just talking shit Steve, " you murmur sweetly against the shell of his ear, just the way he likes.
He bites his lip.
"Yeah, well, Billy doesn't just talk shit okay? He follows through," Steve adds uneasily.
Speak of the devil; Billy's weaving his way easily through the living room when he sees you and Steve are still on the couch; Steve's hand sliding possessively up your thigh as Billy's gaze lights on the two of you.
"Harrington," he nods.
"All those bitches in the sea finally dry up Hargrove?" Steve returns flatly.
Billy smiles slyly.
"What can I say? Your girl looks like she could use some attention," he takes a drag off his cigarette, "And I guess I was right after all, seeing as she did invite me for a three way and all, guess King Steve isn't enough for her," Billy adds snidely in a cloud of smoke.
Steve tenses and you know if you weren't in his lap, he'd be on his feet already.
"I said you could see for yourself Hargrove," you say, cutting into their pissing contest and reminding them that you are actually right there, between them. "Meaning you can look, not touch."
"And I said your vanilla pretty boy boyfriend wasn't gonna go for that."
A beat.
"Was I right Harrington?" Billy drawls.
Steve's fingers are digging into your thigh now. That dumb kind of anger rising within him.
"Can't be right all the time Hargrove," Steve returns evenly. The echo of Nancy's voice is calling him an idiot.\
Billy looks between you and Steve, shit eating grin slowly affixing itself to his features.
"See you love birds upstairs in five then," he says, leaving no room for argument as he slips away into the crowd.
Steve runs a hand through his hair, sighing. He's not nearly drunk enough for this. He finishes off his beer; wants to be mad but can't really, not when there's some fucked up part of him that's secretly thrilled at the prospect of having Billy eat his words.
So he just says "You owe me" low against the crook of your jaw before shifting you out of his lap to stand, brown eyes glinting as he takes your hand and makes his way over to the bar; grabs the first thing he sees--whiskey thankfully-- and pours a shot. Then another for good measure. You follow, finding you could use the liquid courage yourself, already starting to feel like you're in over your head at the thought of heading upstairs. You're no virgin, but this is a first.
"You ready, baby?" Steve asks, looking you over, drawing you close. He looks good tonight, more so than usual in his black jeans and the deep blue of his soft tee.
"When you are," you answer, placing a hand on his chest.
Kisses you briefly, before leading you through the crowd to the stairs now and you follow, fingers tightening in his grasp.
You manage to snag the last empty room, which is thankfully at the end of the hall. Billy is nowhere to be found as of yet; you both sit on the edge of the bed.
"We can stop anytime you want, if you get uncomfortable, okay?" Steve says, knows this situation is inadvertently your doing, but wants to make sure you're comfortable nonetheless.
"I'm good, really," you answer, gaze falling to his mouth, just as Billy opens the door.
"Oh I'm sorry, are you having a moment? Should I come back later?" He mocks, closing the door behind him
Steve gives him a flat stare. There's not a chair in the room or anything so Billy just leans against the wall for now, pulling out his nearly empty pack of Marlboro's.
"So let's see it then, Harrington," Billy says roughly after flicking open his Zippo and lighting up a cigarette; his blue eyes weighing heavy on you before sliding over to Steve.
"Be sure to take notes, Hargrove, you might actually learn a thing or two," Steve replies coolly and Billy merely scoffs.
Steve turns towards you, leaning in to kiss you full and smooth as he cups your jaw, lips   teasing your own apart so he can run his tongue slow and sweet across your bottom lip. He always kisses with an easiness that makes you weak in the knees. You open for him with a sigh, hands sliding up his neck, buzz of the shots you did really starting to kick in now as his tongue strokes yours at the same time Billy lets out a low breath that has nothing to do with his cigarette, chasing the rush of alcohol flooding your system.
You and Steve continue to make out, kisses and roaming hands growing steadily hungrier. You slip Billy a sideways glance when Steve breaks away to run his mouth over the skin of your throat. Billy's blue eyes both hazy and calculating as he meets your gaze, cherry burning on his half finished cigarette as he inhales. Already getting hard in his jeans and all you've done is kiss.
Steve sucks particularly hard at your collar bone and your eyes fall closed, his teeth nipping a pretty little mark there, which he laves and sucks to seal into your skin. He cuts Billy a look when he's finished; Billy just eyes the red and purple blooming there and gives Steve a knowing turn of his lips. Then Steve's hands are slipping up under your shirt and you help him lift it over your head, revealing the lace of your bra which they both eye hungrily. Steve palms your tits through the fabric as he catches your mouth again, running a hand up your spine, pausing briefly, brown eyes searching yours, silently asking permission to go on, deftly popping the clasp when you make no move to stop him, straps falling down your shoulders as you shrug out of it.
Billy bites his lip, shifting against the wall--you have nice tits. A shiver of trepidation runs through you at Billy's hooded gaze, only to be quickly pushed aside by Steve, already flicking his tongue over a nipple and you lean back on your hands with a whimper to give him a better angle, arching into the touch of his tongue and running a hand through his hair when he sucks; the sensation going straight to your core, pressing your thighs together at your growing desire. You catch Billy palming himself through his jeans, thumb hooked his belt loop, fingers resting over his fly, and it has heat running the length of your spine or maybe it's Steve's mouth on your tits or both. All you know is that you're aching and hot between your legs.
Steve knows you're absolutely wound up by this point. It's going better than he thought it would so far. Billy is surprising quiet for someone who's always running his mouth, and the weight of his ever present gaze doesn't bother him as much as he thought it would. He likes the fact that Billy gets to watch him take you apart. He releases your other nipple, sitting up to press his lips against your ear.
"You still good?" He asks lowly.
"Yeah," you reply in a rush of air.
"Wanna taste you," Steve murmurs, Billy still catches it in the quiet of the room, no mistaking his meaning in the low pitch of his voice and you lean into him, licking into his mouth in response, before you move to stand, hand reaching for the zipper at the back of your skirt.
 But then Billy is pushing off the wall, coming to stand behind you, hands resting carefully on your hips, testing the terms of the agreement.
"Hands off, Hargrove. We said you could watch," Steve deadpans.
"And I think I've seen enough Harrington," Billy smarts back, voice hot against the side of your neck.
Steve has half a mind to tell him to just leave then, but the other half currently controlled by the blood rushing to his dick is focused on the way Billy's hands are splayed over your hips, and then Billy's hands themselves, and then Billy's skin, golden with summer, and the way he's looking at Steve, like he used to in the locker room, teasing like he knows something Steve doesn't, and it's annoying in a way Steve can't place he moves his honey eyes from Billy's to yours, finding no argument there, only the mirror of his desire.
Then Billy's slowly pulling down the zipper of your skirt, pushing it down over your hips until it hits the floor, leaving you in panties that would match the lace of your now discarded bra. Billy takes a moment to appreciate the fantastic view of your ass, before wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you with him fluidly as he comes around to sit on the bed, pulling you sideways onto his lap, an imitation of you and Steve earlier on the couch.
Steve drops to the floor in front of you, thumbs hooking in your panties and dragging them down. Billy takes advantage of your raised hips to nudge your legs apart with his thigh, so you're bracketing him, and moves his legs to a v, spreading you wide for Steve.
Steve bites his lip. You look so good, spread open for him on Billy's lap, and he shoulders in between Billy's thighs, looking up at the two of you before bringing his lips to hover against your clit, placing a chaste kiss there, tongue flicking out just so before dragging it along your slit, groaning at the wetness of you on his tongue, and your head falls back against Billy's shoulder with a gasp and an "oh", Billy watching Steve eat you out in between pressing kisses into your throat, his hands pressed against your ribcage, holding you tight against his chest, the worn leather of his jacket smooth at your back as Steve kisses and licks so sweetly between your legs.
You card a hand through his hair, so soft , like silk between your fingers sometimes you wonder if you could get off just from touching Steve's hair and you know Steve likes it too, always leans into it, likes the way it tingles from his scalp down the back of his neck.
Steve flicks his tongue hard against your clit and you moan.
"Hmm, he's good at this isn't he?" Billy hums against your ear, Billy hums against your ear, and with Steve on his knees between Billy's legs, eating you out so pretty.
Billy's hard in his jeans, bulge pressing against the curve of your ass as you squirm in his lap. His hands move up, cupping your tits, thumbing your nipples already sensitive from Steve's attention, and you arch into the touch with a choked off gasp.
Steve sucks at your clit, your fingers tightening in his hair, tongue working tight little circles, Billy nipping at your earlobe, and then you're coming in a rush on Steve's tongue with a whine, thighs squeezing in tightly against Billy's while Steve drags his tongue languidly along your folds tasting all of your release, aching in his jeans as he does so, Billy holding you in a vice grip against him so he can feel every shudder and watches Steve with interest--who continues until you tug at his hair oversensitive and flushed.
Darkened hazel eyes look up at you, mouth shiny and swollen.
"Still think I can't take care of my girl, Hargrove?" Steve prompts, shifting his gaze over to Billy's.
"Guess you're King Steve for a reason after all, Harrington," Billy replies lazily, a contrast to the mischievous glint in his blue eyes.
 "Can I taste her, pretty boy?" He asks slyly, and you clench at the thought of Billy's mouth on you, but that's not what Billy has in mind at all, because before Steve has a chance to respond Billy is reaching down to drag his thumb along Steve's lower lip.
Steve is thoroughly dumbfounded as you both watch Billy draw his thumb between his lips, letting out a sound of approval at the sweetness of you, letting his thumb go with a soft pop.
"Taste good, princess," Billy says, keeping his eyes locked with Steve's, who's moving to stand now.
Steve leans down, locking eyes with Billy before kissing you deeply; Billy watches intently, rolling his hips beneath you, eager for friction while you palm the front of Steve's jeans, lightly cupping the bulge there, and Steve breaks away with a hushed sigh.
Billy quickly takes advantage of the opportunity, turning your head towards him, capturing your mouth from the side, licking into you hungrily, taste of cigarettes and beer hitting your tongue, the angle making it a sloppy exchange of tongue and teeth that floods you with heat, moaning against him when he slips a hand between your legs, petting you gently before pressing two thick fingers against your entrance, sighing at your tightness.
Steve watches Billy finger you with hooded honey eyes. Pulls his shirt off because its suddenly too fucking hot in here.
Billy strokes you just enough to have you wanting, before pulling his fingers out with a smirk. Then they're both moving you out of Billy's lap to lay back against the pillows; Billy laying beside you after shrugging out of his jacket and shirt, while you pop the fly on Steve's jeans , dragging the zipper down with certain amount of anticipation.
Steve toes out of his shoes, pushes his jeans and boxers down his slender hips until they're a pile on the floor. Billy's gaze immediately fixating on his hard length; sure he's seen Steve before, soft in the locker room and isn't this so much more impressive? Maybe a little more slender where Billy is thick, like the rest of him, but he's still nice and full at the tip with a generous length; he's certainly not average, nothing to shrug at.
Steve catches the weight of Billy's stare.
"See something you like Hargrove?"
"Just sizing up the competition, Harrington," Billy replies; can't have pretty boy getting all smug on him.
Steve runs a hand through his hair and climbs onto the bed, sitting on his knees between your spread legs, running his hands up your thighs and you shift closer to him, Steve's hands sliding beneath your lower back to pull your hips up, and you hook a leg around his, stroking him before placing him at your entrance, and then he's sinking into you, filling you slowly inch by inch, the three of you cursing and sighing at the high of it. Billy biting his lip because you must be so tight at this angle and Steve is already starting to lose his composure, breaths getting shallow, and Billy slips his hand down over your arm, over the back of your hand that's gripping the sheets, fingers lacing in yours -- an outlet for the grasp of your pleasure.
Steve lets you adjust once he's fully seated, waiting for that moment when you relax around him, exhaling sharply when you do. Any doubts Billy might have had about Steve being a good fuck are already disappearing with the first smooth roll of his hips, pulling almost all the way out, before filling you again, your eyes rolling back into your head, fingers tightening in Billy's grasp in time with Steve's unhurried thrusts, Steve's name falling loudly from your mouth, breaking the relative silence.
They both groan in response, and Billy leans over to capture your mouth, kissing you deep and slow like the way Steve is fucking you, and Steve can't fucking decide who's prettier as Billy's tongue slips into your mouth, it's too much, he thinks he gets it now--the teasing behind the blue of Billy's eyes or maybe he's always gotten it, he doesn't care murmuring a soft "Oh shit", dick twitching within you. You feel it, and rock your hips to meet his. Steve pauses to gather himself, and you take the leg that's wrapped around Steve's hip, and move it up to rest against his shoulder, bringing him deeper, tighter.
Billy's stopped kissing you, cheek pressed against yours as he eyes the line of your leg raised against Steve's shoulder and then he's unlacing his fingers from yours so he can get his dick out, god he's so hard and wet at the tip, he's not wearing anything under the rough denim of his jeans, pulls himself out without preamble because Steve is really giving it to you good now, wants to stroke himself in the same rhythm, and all you can do is stare at how thick Billy is, it has you clenching around Steve, your eyes meeting Billy's as you replace his hand with yours, and he sighs at the lightness of your touch as you tease him before really pulling him off, and the sigh fades to a moan that goes straight through you and Steve.
Steve feels so fucking good, every drag of his cock sending you higher, tingles of white heat curling around your spine, and your back arches off the bed.
"Are you gonna cum? Are you gonna cum on Steve's pretty cock?" Billy asks, voice low with desire.
Steve thinks it’s the first time tonight or maybe ever that Billy has used his first name in earnest, without the King Steve, and it has him flushing, rolling his hips harder.
"Yes, fuck--yes," you curse, and Billy presses two fingers against your clit, circling it deftly, and then you're seizing up seconds later, release hitting you hard, fluttering and tightening around Steve who's starting to lose it and Billy's watching him lose it, and you're still coming, and Steve's hips falter, head tipping back towards the ceiling, cock throbbing within you as he comes with a groan.
Your hand had stilled on Billy's dick at some point, but you resume its movement now. Billy's so wired, he spills after only a few good strokes, jaw going slack, letting out another moan, and Steve watches you pull him to the edge of oversensitive, hand thick with his come.
 Eventually you all come down after long minutes and shifts and sighs and Steve coming to lay in the space next to you and Billy lighting a cigarette.
The silence is only broken by the exhale of Billy's drags. Then he's sitting up, puts his shirt back down simply because he doesn't want to carry it or some shit, so he doesn't even button it at all, just leaves it open and shrugs his jacket on while you and Steve are still wrapped up in each other.
Billy casts you both a lingering glance and a careless "Should do this again sometime". Gets off the bed and leaves to rejoin the party before that dumbass Tommy comes looking for him.
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gideongrace · 5 years
#31!! “You’ve got something on your lip, here let me.”
Ahhhh, this one is so cute!!! Also, I am in a canon-type mood, tonight, apparently.
Steve is utterly, utterly hopeless, he knows this. And Billy is an ass. And fucking with him. 
And he doesn't fucking care. 
Because Billy coming in and asking to sample every single flavor of ice cream that they've got at this Hell they call Scoops Ahoy and hemming and hawing about it for five solid minutes and then not buying anything is sometimes all he's got to look forward to.
It's sometimes what he dreams about. 
Okay, he dreams about it a lot, actually. Like an alarming amount of his nights are spent dreaming about that idiot.
Especially on the days Billy comes directly from the pool with his tight red shorts on and that stupid whistle still around his neck and his even more stupid (or more accurately, stupidly gorgeous) arms on display. 
Like today. 
When Steve's hair has been flat for the past hour and Robin is holding up the sign that all but says "Steve Harrington is a big loser" that she's added two new marks to today and not under the win column, either. 
Billy stops in front of the counter and licks his lower lip like he's been looking forward to this all day. Probably not for the same reasons Steve has, but then Steve is pathetic and call this strike three, whatever, Steve's over it. 
"Hmmm…" Billy says. "I think I'd like to try the Cherry today, Captain Steve." 
Except for that Steve's not over it. At all. He might never be over it. Ever. 
"Alright," Steve says real slow. He gets up off the back counter even slower. He might be hopeless but that doesn't mean he's got no pride. He leans against the plastic of the front counter and slides the door open at a glacial pace, glaring at Billy the entire time.
"Oh," Billy says, grin shark big and just as feral, "I think you're forgetting something." He reaches up and over the ice cream freezer to flick Steve's hat. "Say it."
Strike four. 
Steve says it. 
And he hates himself. 
And he wants to spit in the cherry ice cream but with the way Billy won't stop staring at him there's no way to do that and get away with it. He's tempted to do it anyway. He's tempted to say, "Fuck you, Hargrove," but then Robin would pop out of the back just to ask him why and that would really just cause more problems than it solved. 
So he rolls his eyes hard enough he feels it in the back of his neck, scoops out the tiniest portion of cherry he can manage into a cup he crushes half to death before handing it over.
Billy dips his spoon into it and takes out half, like he's gonna savor this, fucking bastard, and moans as he dips the tiny little plastic spoon into his mouth. 
It's the dirtiest clean thing Steve's ever seen in his life. It's obscene. He's glad there aren't any children present. 
Billy's eyes widen as he takes the spoon out and somehow that's worse. Like Steve is never going to not be thinking of Billy making that face worse. Like Steve already knows he's doomed to get himself off tonight thinking of Billy making that face worse.
And then... 
"There's…" Steve says. He presses himself into counter. Pretends he doesn't. "You have…" He waves a hand at Billy's bottom lip. There's a tiny spot of pink cherry ice cream on Billy's full, perfect lower lip. It takes more willpower than Steve thought he possessed for him not to reach out and wipe the offending spot away.
It takes more willpower to not just dive over the counter, knock Billy to the floor and lick it off then lick into his mouth like he's a goddamn ice cream cone. Steve wants to. He's starving. He wants, wants, wants - 
"Right here?" Billy says. He swallows heavily enough that his Adam's apple bobs and Steve can think of nothing but licking at Billy's neck, sucking a bruise right in the center, right where it could never be hidden, not that anyone could ever know he'd been the one to do it.
"Y-yeah." Steve averts his eyes as Billy's hand rises to his lips and wipes. For the first time since this all started, he finds himself wishing Billy would just pick something and leave because if he has to take much more of this he might just spontaneously combust. 
"You know," Billy says, that sharp grin evident in his words so much that Steve doesn't need to look at him to know that it's there. Steve looks anyway and instantly regrets it as his brain floods itself with images of Billy looking up at him with that sharp grin wrapped around his dick.
"I think I'll take the cherry tonight," Billy says and thank god for small mercies because Steve is so not making it home before he has to deal with himself, dear god, he's not sure how he's going to even make it to the bathroom or how he's going to keep Robin from noticing at this rate.
Somehow, his voice comes out of his mouth sounding completely unaffected as he says, "Sure." 
He scoops the ice cream into a cone, takes Billy's money and that's the end of it.
Or at least it is until he walks out of the mall an hour later, the tar of the parking lot still hot under his cheap sneakers and smelling of ice cream and shame that he sees Billy standing in front of his car, the remains of his ice cream cone still gripped in his fist. 
"Harrington," Billy says as soon as he's close enough. Like this is a thing they do. Like they know each other. Or…
Steve says nothing. He's too tired and it's too late and he doesn't care. 
He doesn't care except…
Then Billy tips the cone up to his mouth and drinks down the contents at the bottom of it and it has to be gross, he bought it over an hour ago, it has to be hot and nasty and Billy has to have…
Totally been waiting out here for him for over an hour in this stinking summer heat with melted ice cream and a plan. 
Billy bites into the cone like it's the greatest thing he's ever tasted, bite by excruciating bite until it's all gone and there's this tiny patch of chery ice cream making its' way down Billy's chin and - 
Steve glances quickly around the parking lot. It's late, it's dark and there aren't any other cars left in the parking lot other than Steve and Billy's. 
"Fuck it," Steve says. In a second he's on Billy, pushing him against the car and licking that ice cream off his chin and licking up to his lips and kissing him and he tastes like cherries. He tastes goddamn delicious. 
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
You Don’t Mess Around With Jim
(where Billy has been living w/ Jim and El for a lil over a year bc he’s been adopted and he never died and he just knows Hopper is a pushover and knows how to use that to his and El’s advantage)
It’s a calm and balmy night and the roads in Hawkins, Indiana are decently quiet. Billy likes it this way. Back before Hopper took him in, this was one of the few things that he felt made this town worth it: the quiet roads late at night.
The quiet can be suffocating. Billy’s thoughts thrive on the silence; they scream in its presence. Which is why quiet nights on quiet roads make for the perfect canvas for loud as fuck music and races with bad memories. It’s also why Billy got picked up by the local police department twice in his first week in Hawkins. But that’s why Billy met Jim. So he’s not about to lament that.
Billy was usually out later than this, considering it’s only 8pm, but even so, the streets are still quiet enough to be pleasant, especially for a nice summer night like this one. He has his arm out the open window, letting the humid air wrap around it softly as it cuts through the night. When he’s feeling playful, he likes to encourage El to follow his lead in sticking his head out the window as they drive.
But tonight is calm and warm and a little too humid to do something like that, so Billy settles for the softness of the air on his arm. He lets it touch him gently. He closes his eyes and breathes. The less than favorable thoughts of a home he no longer lives in flash through his brain in a second, and they’re gone just as fast. The night is nice.
He briefly thinks of Joyce and her boys and what a weird family they’re going to make when Jim finally realizes what a fool he’s being in not asking her to marry him right now. She’s gentle and nurturing to her children and she gives that same stuff to Billy and El, even though they’re in no way related and she absolutely doesn’t have to. And when Billy thinks about it, he isn’t too surprised about her showering El with affection, seeing as she may gain a daughter (or will adopt her whether Jim gets off his ass to pop the question or not). Plus, everyone loves El and decides to shower her with affection pretty much the moment they meet her. But giving all that gentle nurturing to another boy? To Billy?
It confuses him to say the least.
She’s constantly inviting them over for dinner. She lets them stay over sometimes when it gets late and El gets tired. She’s inviting and strong as all hell and is hard on Jim when he needs it. She puts up with Jim, even though Billy recently found out that they grew up in this damn town together. So that means she’s known Jim for decades and still puts up with him and if that isn’t a miracle in itself, Billy is going to eat his shirt.
But it’s not his job to babysit lovesick adults. He might make it his job if they get completely hopeless, but for right now, he’ll just appreciate the non-TV dinners and the soft, music-filled drives back and forth from the Byers home. Plus, Billy has a bet going with Jonathan about when Jim and Joyce get together and he needs to wait it out a bit longer if he’s gonna collect the reward.
Billy notices the sound of Jim’s fingers thumping against the wheel of the car as the next song begins to play.
~Uptown got its hustlers…~
Jim is mumbling along to the words, very clearly not sure of them, but when the chorus starts, he’s singing. Loudly. Not necessarily excited or anything, just loud.
“They all call big Jim boss… and they say you don’t tug on Superman’s cape. Y’don’t spit into the wind. Y’don’t pull the mask off that old lone ranger and you don’t mess around with Jim.”
He -would- like this song.
El is giggling in the back of the car and Billy eyes her before he looks back to the smile cracking Jim’s face.
“That’s pretty cocky.” Billy says, eyeing the man next to him and being an overall brat about it. He scoffs a bit when Jim turns humorously disbelieving eyes onto him.
Jim laughs as loud as he sings.
“That’s real rich coming from you.”
Billy laughs back at that. He knows it’s true, he’s not one to deny that he’s a cocky son of a bitch, but he shakes his head all the same. He wonders how he got here, listening to old music from the 70’s with the Chief of Police and a girl-raised-lab-rat in the back seat.
Jim looks over at Billy again and just asks: “What, do you think the song is wrong?”
There’s a challenge in his voice and Billy sees a matching challenge in his eyes.
Oh alright, old man. Game on.
Billy doesn’t know what’s running through his blood, but Billy has felt it boil up through the year he’s been living with Jim. He tried to push it down out of anxiety, but when he realized the safety of his new situation, it was a little hard to cool it off. Because getting under the skin of others is a borderline hobby for him. Will has his drawing, Jonathan has his photography, and Billy has his being an overall public menace. Some may say it’s not as “constructive”, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. People are always telling kids to have fun while they’re young.
A shit eating grin splits Billy’s face and he looks out at his hand sticking out of the window and slicing the air. He hums to himself, alongside Jim as the song continues to play in the background.
“You know what I could use?” He asks, loud enough to make sure El can definitely hear him. “Some ice cream.”
He hears sudden and excited shuffling from the backseat and smiles even wider as he waves his hand around out the window.
“Ice cream?”
“No.” Comes Jim’s voice, firm and sharp. Billy looks in the car’s side mirror and sees El deflate in the back of the seat.
“Seriously, think about it.” Billy continues. “Ice cream on top of some Eggos?” El perks up again, her tongue licking her lips quickly in excitement. “Some of that good vanilla ice cream too, with the little black specks in it?”
He looks over to Jim, who is gripping the steering wheel tighter, knuckles turning white.
“I already said no.” He grumbles.
“Y’know, we didn’t get any ice cream the last time we went shopping.” Billy can hear the smirk in his own voice. He chuckles when Jim turns down the wrong road, closer to the store.
“Or the store trip before.” El pipes up from the back. Billy points to her and gives her a thumbs up.
“Good point. Plus we have some of those cherries at home that we can put on top.”
Billy can picture them on the center shelf of their cabinet: those maraschino ones in the little jars. El had pleaded for them the last time they went shopping, because they’re sweet and sticky and she likes to put them on top of waffles and inside her glasses of water sometimes when Jim isn’t home. Billy had helped her get them, reasoning that they were practically fruit, even though Billy knew that was bullshit. They’re a semblance of fruit, sure, but as much fruit as something bathing in the most unnatural looking syrup can be. Even so, Jim had folded pretty easily.
“Ooh, cherries!”
Jim shakes his head. He’s not humming anymore.
But now El is hitting Jim’s shoulder, her little hand rapping furiously on it as she goes in for the kill: “Please, Dad?”
Billy can’t help the chuckle that bubbles up in his chest as he hears it. He joins in.
“Yeah Dad, please?”
And every time Billy’s mouth forms around that word, it feels less and less like alcohol-infused cotton on his mouth. Sometimes Billy says it without thinking, like when Jim is trying to make them dinner and Billy asks if he needs help, or when Jim’s on the couch helping El read and Billy needs to know where something is in the cabinets, or that one time he needed Jim to hold something for him as he fixed his Camaro. It always catches both of them off guard when it comes out naturally like that. But Jim never makes a big deal out of it, he just lets it float away through the air between them as he responds to whatever Billy has asked him.
But sometimes… he uses it to his advantage. And it works like a charm.
Because Billy isn’t imagining it when the breath leaves Jim’s chest quickly and his knuckles get whiter.
“Fine.” He says under his breath as they take another wrong turn away from their house and towards the store.
El cheers a bit and sits back, pleased. Billy is just as pleased, leaning back and tuning in once again to the song as it ends.
You don’t mess around with Slim…
And this time, Billy is the one humming along to the end of the chorus. His grin doesn’t fade.
Jim Hopper can grumble as much as he wants, but Vanilla Bean ice cream on top of 2 warm Eggos with Maraschino cherries on top was a marvelous idea and Billy thinks he should be rewarded. And he knows Jim is happy because he’s smiling every now and then inbetween bites.
After Billy helps wash the dishes, he looks to Jim with a smirk on his face. 
“Can’t mess around with Jim?” Billy asks.
But Jim just isn’t having it, tossing the towel he used to dry the dishes over to Billy.
“Go to bed, kid.”
“Yeah, yeah. Night, Dad.”
Billy doesn’t think as he says it, but his heart stops the second that it’s out there. He turns away as quick as he can, before he can see Jim’s face. His own face is burning and his heart is running as he walks to his room and shuts the door quickly.
The sound of an irritated Joyce reaches Billy’s ears from his spot on the couch, sitting in between Hopper and Steve.
Joyce stopped by on her way to the store to ask them if they needed anything, and then to check their kitchen when they ultimately said no. Billy has noticed that she likes to do this. It’s completely unnecessary and most definitely just an excuse to come see Hopper, but it makes Hopper smile and provides Billy some entertainment as the two adults trip over each other, so he chuckles through it. Little does she know they just went to the store a night ago.
Steve is over because Billy really wanted to suck his dick.
And the nerds are also meeting at the Wheeler’s house and Steve was already planning on coming to pick El up because Billy doesn’t want to spend more money on gas. But after they drop them off, Billy and Steve are going down to the quarry so they can listen to music and Billy can suck Steve’s dick to the rhythm of a Springsteen song.
But for right now, they’re waiting for El to get ready and Joyce must have just found the 3 ice cream cartons they just recently bought.
Hopper looks over to her like a deer in headlights. There’s a laugh threatening Billy’s chest but he can’t let Joyce see it, so he turns his head to Steve and chuckles into his neck. Steve immediately starts to push Billy away while squirming and whining about being ticklish.
“Hop, can you come here?” Joyce’s voice is all business. She’s clearly not happy.
Billy is pretty sure she set a deal with Hop once they started getting serious to stop keeping so much junk food around. She knows Jim doesn’t make fresh food for them hardly ever. It’s always frozen dinners or fast food. It was probably just fine for the Chief when he was a mess living alone, but now he’s a mess living with two minors, so… frozen dinners every night don’t necessarily cut it. When Billy started living here, he quickly realized he’d have to be the one to make something for the 3 of them that wasn’t freezer burned peas on a tray, if not for him and Hop, then at least for El. No matter how content she seems, Billy still thinks she deserves more than only TV dinners and freezer waffles.
So since Joyce can’t be here every night (except she could if they’d get married), she cut some deal with Jim to limit the junk food in the house so she would know they’re not just living off sugar. They can’t die of some weird sugar overdose if there’s no sugar in the house.
“Why are there 3 cartons of ice cream in your freezer?” Joyce hisses at Jim. Billy can just hear it from his spot pressed against Steve. He fights hard not to snort, so he bites Steve’s shoulder instead.
“Hey!” Steve yelps, wriggling and trying to brush Billy off.
Billy shifts his eyes over to Hopper when he doesn’t hear the man say anything and notices the man flailing, mouth gaping like a fish as he struggles to bite out some words that might explain himself. It’s then that El walks into the room, a skip in her step and a bright smile on her face, showing she’s ready to go.
Billy gets up along with Steve to meet her at the door when he hears Jim reason with Joyce on a loud whisper.
“They called me dad.” He hisses.
The two kids glance at the adults, who are now looking back at them with wide eyes of shock.
Billy looks to El, sharing a glance of knowing mischief with her, before they give sweet, twin smiles to the adults in response.
A flustered blush begins to color both of the adults’ faces.
Billy gives El a victorious high five.
“Ready to go, kiddo?” Steve asks from behind Billy.
El nods, and waves to Hopper.
“Catch ya later, dad.”
As soon as the words are out in the air, Billy is frozen. Because those words didn’t come from El, who is currently opening the door and skipping out to Steve’s car.
“Hey, babe,” Steve starts, arm out to hold the door open for Billy. “When did you start calling Hop ‘dad’?”
Billy’s going to have a heart attack. He looks over to Jim, who looks like his face is seizing from trying so hard to force down his smile.
Goddamnit. Billy’s chest is too warm.
“Just get in the car, Harrington.” Billy mumbles under his breath, pushing his stupid boyfriend out the door and letting the air cool down his burning face.
(catch it on AO3 here!)
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flowers-creativity · 4 years
Whumptober Day #14
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Max Mayfield, original character
Warnings: None
Summary: Max’s walk home is longer than anticipated.
Notes: /
AO3 link
Max tried to wet her lips with the tip of her tongue but it only grated unpleasantly over their rough surface, just as dry as they were.
This was ridiculous. She could deal with some heat – she was a California native!
Only, she had forgotten that she was a pale, red-headed California native … And though Indiana might have been a few degrees less hot than California at this time of the year, it was a different heat. No ocean nearby to send a cool breeze her way, just dry, thick air that dragged through her lungs like sand.
The girl sighed. If only she had taken Steve's offer … But her mom was supposed to pick her up. And if only she had her board … But no, that had been Neil's latest discipline. Max knew better than to complain about it. She knew what Neil's discipline could look like, too. She knew, and she was dreading the day when he would turn it on her. No more Billy to draw his ire.
She shook off the thought like she always did. Thinking about Billy didn't help. Neither did thinking about Neil. For now, she just counted her blessings that he just took her board, and that it meant she had to walk when her mom didn't show up. It just was too hot today … Her head had started to hurt a quarter an hour into her walk, and without her board, it was about an hour until she was home. Still twenty minutes to go.
She blinked in the afternoon sun. She should have worn the sunglasses she had bought with El at the mall, they would keep her from squinting so hard that her headache was getting worse.  Everything was kind of fuzzy around the edges, too. She was tired, a bone-deep weariness that was unfamiliar to her. But she could lie down and rest when she got home, so she doggedly put one foot after the other. She wasn't sure where her mom was but at least Neil wouldn't be home for another few hours. Blessed, Neil-free hours in a cool, shady house … The thought of lying down on her bed, after drinking a huge glass of water, was almost hypnotic, and her dry throat ached with longing. Soon, she promised herself. She was coming up on her neighbourhood, three or four streets to go. She blinked again. Things were not only fuzzy, but they were also kind of wobbly, too. Or was that her?
It was only two streets now, she was basically home. But she was getting really dizzy … The next step had her stumble on the curb, and before she knew it, she was sitting down right there on the street.
Maybe she should just take a short break. It might be nicer to rest at home, with water in her cool, dark room, but she'd get there in a bit. Just a short rest. She wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her aching head against her knees, relishing the little shade her hair provided for her reddened face.
Someone touched her shoulder, and she startled upright, one arm raised to ward off whoever that was. For a moment, she only saw a dark shape outlined against the bright sunshine, and she squinted at it to get it into focus.
“--honey?” the shape was saying, and together with the sound, the image in front of her solidified into an older woman, almost grandma-age. She was leaning over Max, the lined face worried. “Are you alright?”
“Hmm,” Max returned, which was no answer at all. Her tongue felt too big for her mouth. “I--”
“Oh dear,” the woman clucked, shaking her head. “You're soaked with sweat! And your face is so red – I hope you put on some sunscreen, sweetie, pale as you are!”
Max tried to follow her words but it was hard. Her head hurt. “No, I'm-- it's okay,” she finally managed to say.
The woman crouched closer, and Max wrapped her arms around herself to keep still. “I think you're heat-sick, poor girl! Let me get you some water. Do you live nearby? I've seen you around but normally, you've got one of those skateboard things, don't you? Why are you walking today, did you break it? I've got a grandson your age, he constantly breaks his things. Terrible. But you're a sweet girl, I'm sure you're more careful.”
Max blinked at the torrent of words and latched onto the one word she had actually registered. “Water?” she asked hopefully.
“Oh, right, sorry. I'm an old chatterbox.” The woman smiled at her and got up. “I'll be back in a minute, sweetie. Don't go anywhere!”
Max smiled faintly. “I won't,” she promised and let her head fall forward again when she heard the woman's steps head away.
A few moments later, she was back, and Max gratefully accepted the water glass, even though she was disturbed that her hands were actually trembling and she had to take the glass in both hands. But the first taste was the sweetest she had ever had, and she had to fight hard with herself not to drain the glass in one go but stop halfway through to take a deep breath. The woman had placed a hand on her back and was speaking to her in a low, soothing voice: “Shhh, take it slow, girl, you'll make yourself sick.”
Finally, Max had finished the glass and slumped back, holding it out to the woman. “Thank you,” she said hoarsely.
“You're welcome, my dear.” The woman beamed at her and took the glass. “Are you close to home? You better go home and lay down a bit somewhere cool. I'd say my Thomas can give you a ride but he's went to the store, I don't know when he'll be back. But if you want, you can come in and rest a bit until he does?”
“Oh-oh no!” Max shot upright and jumped to her feet, which was a mistake – black spots were popping before her eyes, and she swayed. The woman's hand shot out and grabbed her elbow, supporting her until Max felt herself steady. She took a deep breath and told her: “You're really nice, thank you. But that's not necessary, I'm almost home. We live in Cherry Road.” She pulled back her arm self-consciously – one good thing about her head probably being as red as her hair from the heat, the woman wouldn't be able to tell that Max was feeling herself blushing furiously. “Thank you so much for the water but really, it's okay. I can make it on my own now.”
The old woman scrutinised her for a moment worriedly but in the end, she shook her head. “If you say so, dear. Just take it slow and take care, alright?”
“I will,” Max promised. She gave the woman a smile and wave and then set off again. When she turned the corner, she glanced back over her shoulder and saw her still standing at the fence, watching her go. Max felt another blush burn her face, and she hurried on. She would never be able to tell the others that a grandma had saved her from death by heatstroke, they would mock her so much for being a dumbass who walked home in the heat and almost keeled over two streets from her destination …
Well, maybe she would tell Lucas.
For now, she breathed a sigh of relief when she closed the door behind her, and the house greeted her with silence and sweet, cool air.
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weird-an · 8 months
There's no home Billy has ever been welcome in. His dad made sure that every house they lived in was a place that hurt, where he couldn't hide.
Steve's home is something Billy pays for with kisses and touches, pleasure and bites. Billy doesn't mind. He can't afford Steve, but he can take a loan.
He wakes up earlier than Steve, after they fall asleep, worn out from their orgasms, limbs entangled. He always watches the other sleep, long lashes fluttering when he dreams, listens to his breaths and soft snoring. Mornings like this Billy indulges the thought that he could wake up next to Steve every day. That Steve's home, a cluttered apartment above an Italian restaurant that always smells like cheese and tomato sauce, could be his, too.
He knows it's a dream, a pink bubble reality pops every time he goes back to Cherry Lane where Neil waits with his anger about Billy's lack of discipline, about his uselessness. When he goes back to the house where bruises bloom in purple and green every other night.
"You know you can stay here," Steve says one morning, when Billy is about to leave.
It's so cruel to say that. Sure, Steve doesn't know, chasing after more pleasure, still dizzy from sleeping in on a Saturday.
"We can have breakfast," he offers. "Robin comes over later. It's movie night."
Of course there's a limit. Don't meet the girlfriend. Or best friend. Or a person Steve cares about.
"No, thanks, pretty boy," Billy sucks on his cigarette and only tastes ash and bitterness. "Not hungry."
He is hungry. Hungry for more, hungry for Steve, hungry for home. He leaves with a rumbling stomach.
The next time it's before they fall asleep, when Billy is all blissed out and the pillow feels like a cloud, Steve's arms keeping him from floating.
"Stay tomorrow," Steve says. "I'm making pancakes."
Billy shouldn't stay, shouldn't fall asleep here. But then he can't count Steve's heartbeats in the morning.
Pancakes come with coffee, orange juice, bacon and eggs. Billy wonders if he can pay for it all, with his skilled tongue and lips.
Breakfast becomes routine. It's so easy to stay, it's scary. It makes the bruises turn bigger, too, but they don't hurt as much as the look in Steve's eyes when he leaves.
One day Billy comes over and there's pizza and pasta on the table, from the place downstairs it seems. Robin Buckley sits on the couch, waving at him.
"Finally you're joining us," she says.
Finally? His heart is in his throat when he sits on the couch next to Steve who hands him a pizza slice and then later wraps his arm around him. Robin doesn’t comment on it with words, but winks at Billy with a wide grin.
Billy feels like a fraud, like he has gotten a ticket to a place he can't be at.
A week later, when Billy sips on the coffee he doesn't deserve, another gulp of debt he can't repay Steve, he nearly chokes.
There's a key on the kitchen table. Shiny and silver. Way too expensive for Billy to touch.
"Move in with me," Steve says. "I want this to be our home."
Billy stares at Steve. The world turns all blurry and soft. All the words are gone as if Billy has run out of them.
A home is nothing Billy knows or deserves or can afford.
But maybe it's the garden of bruises on his back or his father's shouts ringing in his ears or the emptiness his mother left behind or the memory of Steve's arms around him, holding him together.
"Our home," he repeats Steve's words. It tastes sweet, almost like the fluffy pancakes Steve made when they first had breakfast together.
He nods and there's a tear running down his cheek, dripping into his mug and turning his coffee salty.
"I don't know what a home is," he admits, a little shaky.
"Whatever we want it to be," Steve says with a smile.
Maybe a home doesn't get bought, but made, Billy thinks.
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kohanayaki · 5 years
Caught in the Middle (Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy Hargrove) Ch 7
Links: Ch 1   Ch 2   Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7
Ch 7 .:Conflicted:.
Your expression was blank as you slowly walked in the general direction of your house, kicking a small pebble across the dirt road. It wasn't really a rational plan to just walk home. Hawkins was small, but you lived on the other side of town, and it would be way past sunset before you even made it to your neighborhood on foot.
As the sounds of people talking around you grew louder you looked up as you were crossing near town square to see the lights of Starcourt Mall, brighter than ever. You bit your lip as you looked around you, trying to avoid seeing anyone from school. Suddenly, your eyes drifted to the main part of the mall, landing on that same blue and striped striped sign you'd noticed your first day back in Hawkins. 
You knew Steve would be there, but you were out of options at this point. Quickly deciding the possible payoff was worth the risk, you found yourself swinging open the door to Scoops Ahoy, the bell on the door frame ringing out as you did. 
As soon as Steve saw you walk in he was worried. Your eyes were red from crying and devoid of that little sparkle that always seemed present in them. Your shoes were covered in dust from your trek over here, and you knew you probably looked just as shitty as you felt. 
“(Y/n)? What's wrong?” Steve asked, his brows knitting together. 
“It's fine,” you said, “Just. . . can I use your guys' phone? It'll be quick, I promise.”
“Uh, yeah,” Steve said, “It's in the back.”
You thanked him quietly and pushed open the door to the storage and break room, leaving Steve and Robin alone in the front. 
As soon as you disappeared Robin leaned in to whisper to Steve.
“This is your chance, dingus.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Steve's eyes widened.
“Oh come on, don't act like you haven't been obsessed with her since she got back here,” Robin said, rolling her eyes. Steve's face flushed red.
“ 'Obsessed' is not the right word,” he grumbled.
“Sure,” Robin said, unconvinced, “In any case, you need to make your move right now or you're screwed.”
“I'm already screwed, Robin,” Steve said, “She'd with Billy now, for some reason. . .” he said that last part under his breath, and Robin bit back a chuckle as he did. 
“Listen, it's not too late. I'll bet you five dollars she's upset because something happened with Billy.”
“Five?” Steve said, a brow raising, “You're on. And you know why? Because they were in their own little universe of gag inducing cuddles this morning. He would have to seriously fuck up to make her cry.”
“And you think he's incapable of that?” Robin scoffed. 
Steve went silent for a moment, but he didn't exactly get the chance to think too deeply as you came out from the backroom. 
Once again you had dialed your home phone and once again you wanted to slam your head into the wall when it went straight to voice message. 
“Thanks,” you said, getting ready to leave and make the long walk back home. 
“Uh, wait!” Steve said, a little too fast.
“Yeah?” You turned around to look at him.
“It's just. . . look,” Steve took a deep breath before he spoke, “I know something's wrong even if you say it isn't, and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But I'm your friend and I hate seeing you sad, so if there's someone I need to beat the shit out of, please tell me.”
As you stared at him you looked for any sign of insincerity in his dark eyes but found none. And just like that your walls started crumbling. You felt tears start to well up in your eyes again, and you stifled a sob as they spilled over. 
Steve started to panic as he saw you cry, but when you pulled him in for a hug he felt the tension leave his shoulders. He gingerly wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head. He inhaled the faint scent of your shampoo, stroking your hair gently as you cried into his chest. Your bodies seemed to fit perfectly together, and Steve wondered if you could feel it too. Everything about this just felt. . . right. 
“Something happened with Billy,” you admitted, wiping away your tears. 
Robin smirked at Steve from behind you, mouthing 'I told you' before pulling five dollar bills from Steve's tip jar.
Steve rolled his eyes, pulling his focus back to you.
“What do you mean?” he asked. 
“It's kind of a long story,” you mumbled.
“We got all night,” Steve said. Suddenly an idea popped into his head, “Oh, wait, I have just the thing!”
Before you could protest you were being lead into one of the booths while Steve started scooping ice cream into a large bowl. He topped it with whipped cream, caramel sauce, hot fudge, and a cherry before setting it down on the table and sliding into the booth next to you. 
“The USS Butterscotch Supreme,” he grinned proudly, producing two spoons from his apron pocket, “And don't even think about saying 'I can't' because it's on me.”
A small laugh escaped you and Steve's smile grew just a little wider. 
“I think this is just an excuse for you to eat free ice cream from your own store,” you said. 
“You caught me,” Steve said, scooping a spoonful of fudge into his mouth, “Now what happened?”
You told him everything- how Billy kissed you in your bedroom weeks ago and was sort of seeing you in secret since then, how you heard Tommy, Carol, and him talking in the hallway, and how you were basically left stranded after your fight since he'd given you a ride that morning. 
“Hold on, you walked all the way here from school?” Steve asked, surprised.
“Yep,” you sighed, shoving another spoonful of the sundae into your mouth, “That's why I asked to use your phone, so I could call for a ride. I gave my stupid brother the keys and now he won't pick up the home phone so he's probably still out. I'm not sure if I should be mad that he didn't take the car straight home or worried that he might be out committing arson somewhere.”
“Probably both,” Steve laughed.
After a few moments of eating ice cream in silence Steve set his spoon down. 
“God, I seriously want to punch Billy in his stupid face right now,” he said.
“Yeah, me too. But the worst part is that I still really like him,” You chuckled weakly as you picked at the cherry on top of the sundae, “Pretty pathetic, huh?”
“I mean, your words, not mine,” Steve said playfully. 
You shook your head, laughing as you took your last bite of ice cream.
Steve was angry, that much went without saying. Billy had always pissed him off, but hearing that he hurt you? Steve was livid. The fact that Billy, the rudimentary asshole, had somehow ended up with you made him think that maybe karma wasn't a real thing after all. But not only did Billy manage to steal your heart, he threw it away in an instant, and that made Steve more mad than anything. If he ever got the chance to be with you he'd never want to let you go, much less disrespect you and say shit behind your back just to impress his stupid friends. But he forced all of his emotions down for your sake. He knew you wouldn't want someone starting a fight on your behalf, it's not the kind of person you were. You handled your own problems, sometimes to fault, but your tenacity and resilience were some of the many things he liked about you. 
“I should probably get going soon,” you sighed, snapping him out of his thoughts, “I've still got a long walk ahead of me.”
Steve looked at you like you'd just grown a second head.
“I can give you a ride,” he said as if it was obvious.
“Of course,” Steve said, “You think I'd make you walk home in the dark? I'm not that much of an asshole. . . anymore.” he grinned as he nudged your shoulder.
Steve caught sight of movement in his peripheral vision and saw Robin waving her arms around behind you. As you leaned over to grab your backpack Steve mouthed 'What?' Robin rolled her eyes, pointing to you and making a 'go on' gesture with her hands.
“Um, hey,” Steve said suddenly.
“Hi?” you chuckled. 
“Do you want to go see a movie?” he asked.
Robin face palmed hard and you turned at the sound, only to see her whistling and leaning ever so casually on the counter when you did. 
“N-not like, right now,” Steve stuttered out, “Obviously, that's crazy. You probably have things to do when you get home. I meant, like, later. Any time you’re not busy if you even want to-“
“I'm free for the rest of the night,” you said, cutting his rambling off, “And I'd love to.”
Steve's heart pounded in his chest as you agreed and he had to mentally slap himself to get out of his head. 
'This isn't a date,' he told himself, 'She just broke up with Billy, don't be a douchebag.'
“I, uh, kind of don't have money right now, though,” you admitted, bringing Steve back to reality.
“Don't worry about it,” he said, a smirk tugging at his lips, “Neither do I.”
He lead you by the hand to the back room and looked over his shoulder before unlocking the panel on the wall that lead to the storage passage. 
“After you,” he grinned. 
You couldn't believe it, you could see the lights of the movie theater flickering underneath the door at the end of the hallway. 
“Didn't think you were one to break company policy,” you snickered. 
“Hey, I can be bad sometimes,” he said, biting the inside of his cheek immediately after. Did he really just say that? Luckily for him you just laughed before starting to head down the hall. 
“I'll catch up with you,” Steve said, “Just give me a second.”
He turned to Robin and panicked slightly.
“I'm so sorry, I didn't even think about my shift-”
“I'll cover you,” Robin said, “This is the first girl in a while that's actually made you feel something. It's written all over your face, lover boy. So go get her.”
Steve's eyes twinkled with silent thanks as he bounded down the hall after you.
“Don't embarrass yourself too much!” Robin called after him. 
As she watched Steve's back disappear into the theater she smiled to herself, taking out her whiteboard and placing the very first tally under “You rule”.
Steve found you situated in the center of the back row, and he slid into the seat beside you.
“What'd I miss?” he asked.
“The main character's trying to bang his mom,” you said. Steve nearly choked on his spit and you laughed at his expression. 
“He went back in time and met his mom when she was his age,” you explained, “Now he's trying to go back to his time.”
“Wait, I thought the movie was called Back to the Future,” Steve said in confusion.
“Well yeah,” you said, “He's trying to go back to the future because since he's in the past the 'future' is technically the present which is his time.”
Steve just looked at you, and you could practically see the gears struggling to turn in his head.
“Okay, it's official- You're way smarter than me,” he said.
“You're just now noticing?” you grinned.
“You're mean,” he said with a fake pout. 
You both laughed, much to the chagrin of the viewers around you. Throughout the movie Steve would give the occasional useless but funny commentary. You actually ended up having a really nice time. This wasn't like the banter between you and Billy. With Steve everything was lighter- he was more carefree and loved making you laugh. You looked over to him at your side and smiled slightly. He was watching the movie with child like enthusiasm, that dumb little grin on his face illuminated only by the screen. 
Never in a million years did you imagine you'd be at a movie with Steve Harrington, especially not tonight. If Billy wasn't such an ass today you would've gone to that record shop across the street, making out in his car and getting some greasy diner food after. You bit your lip slightly. You didn't want to think about that right now. 
Nonetheless you had an amazing time, and it was just what you needed to take your mind off things. Your day had been a hell of an emotional roller coaster, and as Steve pulled up to your house you couldn't wait to go to sleep. 
He got out of the driver's seat, opening your door for you. 
“Such a gentleman,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Well you know me,” he chuckled. 
As you reached your front door you turned to him, hands in your pockets.
“Thank you for tonight, Steve. Really,” you said, “We should do that again sometime.”
“Yeah,” he said, suddenly finding the doormat really interesting.
Neither of you noticed how close you were until that moment. You could smell the warm caramel on his breath from the ice cream you two had shared, and your breath hitched as his face inched closer to yours. Before you could register what was happening Steve pressed his lips softly to yours. It seemed to last for an eternity but in reality it was no more than a second, because you both seemed to realize what you were doing at the same time.
You quickly pulled away from each other and Steve immediately felt guilty. 
“Sorry,” he said quietly.
“It's fine,” you said at an equal volume, your head spinning.
“I should go,” Steve said, turning around. 
“Yeah,” you agreed.
Part of Steve wanted you to ask him to stay, but he knew that was just a fleeting thought as the sound of your door closing echoed almost tauntingly in the night air. 
Steve felt like shit. What the hell was he thinking? You told him you still had feelings for Billy and he goes and kisses you just a few hours later?
“God I'm such an idiot,” he groaned, kicking the tire of his car before climbing in and driving away.
You heard everything go quiet as he left, and as you lay in bed staring at the ceiling with millions of thoughts swirling through your head, you knew you wouldn't be getting any sleep that night. 
When you walked into school the next day you could feel the eyes on you. News spread fast at Hawkins High, and unfortunately your love life was no exception. You tried to keep your head low and get to your first period as quickly as possible. Of course, the universe wouldn't let you be so lucky. 
“(Y/n), I need to talk to you, please,” Steve said, running up to you. Kyle gave him a dirty look and he backed away slightly. “Look I shouldn't have-”
“Steve, please don't take this the wrong way, but I really don't want to talk to anyone right now,” you said, picking up your pace and wishing you had the ability to just teleport to your first period. 
“Well if it isn’t the Hawkins whore,” Tommy grinned, walking up to you. Carol was glued to his side as usual and Billy was right there with them, unable to meet your eyes. 
'Great,' you thought. Couldn't you catch a break?
“Just ignore them,” Kyle said, gritting his teeth as he pulled you away and continuing to walk.
“Two hours after Billy and you go running to Harrington, huh?” Tommy continued, “Gotta say, I always knew you were a bitch but I never took you for a slut. Guess looks can be deceiving.”
Steve's fists balled at his sides as Tommy said that, about to defend you when you spoke up for yourself.
“Does it really matter?” you spun around, eyeing at Billy who was still looking anywhere but at you, “It was nothing serious, right?”
As you quoted Billy's words he winced slightly and it gave you a bit of satisfaction to know he at least felt half as shitty as you. 
“That doesn't change anything, slut,” Carol glared with an annoying pop of her gum.
“That's rich coming from you,” you snapped, “Don’t you have a football team to milk somewhere else?”
“That's it,” Tommy growled, slamming you into the lockers by the lapels of you jacket. You grunted as the hard metal made contact with your back. 
“Get off of her!” Kyle shouted, grabbing his arm. Tommy just scoffed, twisting around to sock your brother in the stomach. He gasped as the wind was knocked out of him and he stumbled to the floor. 
You shoved Tommy off of you while he was off balance, running to your brother.
“Ouch,” Kyle chuckled weakly.
“You idiot, why did you do that?” you said, your eyes full of worry. 
“You've always been the one protecting me,” he said, “I don't know, I just thought I'd try to do that for you. Guess it backfired.” 
Even when he just got punched your brother always managed to crack a joke. You smiled down at him, but the moment was broken by Tommy's laughter.
“Aw, isn't that sweet?” he mocked, the rest of his group laughing along expect for Billy who didn't say a word. 
You felt red hot anger start to burn in your chest as you turned around to face Tommy. Everyone went silent when they saw your expression. No one in the school had ever seen you that mad before.
“Listen to me, you sorry sack of shit,” you said, your voice deathly calm, “Don't you ever touch my brother again, you understand me?”
“Or what?” Tommy smirked, getting in your face. 
You grit your teeth so hard you thought they'd break, your nails breaking threads in the cuffs of your jacket. 
“He's not worth it,” Kyle said, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
You sighed through your nose, taking a deep breath. 
“Yeah,” you said, “I know.”
You turned around with your brother, starting to walk away. But Tommy wasn't going to let it end there.
“Yeah that’s what I thought!” he taunted loudly, following your pace down the hall, “Just run away like you always did! You’re all bark and no bite, (L/n). You’d never have the guts to-”
You whipped around, slamming your fist right into Tommy's face.
He howled in pain, recoiling as he held his bleeding nose. 
“You bitch!” he snarled, charging at you. Your eyes narrowed as you stepped to the side, letting him run into the lockers, following up with a knee to his gut. It was like instinct took over you, and you hated it. This was the part of you that you wanted to leave behind, but in the moment you couldn't be bothered to care.
Before you knew it there were teachers out in the hallway, pulling you two away from each other. Well, more like pulling you away from him. It was a fairly one-sided encounter.
“What the hell is going on here?” the principal asked, his arms crossed.
“She just punched me!” Tommy said, playing victim.
“He hit my brother,” you countered.
“Now, miss (L/n), violence isn't always the answer,” the principal said in his usual condescending tone that drove you crazy, “If you really did punch him first you have to be held accountable. Besides, even if he hit you first, you should never respond by hitting back.”
“So I'm just supposed to sit there and let someone beat the shit out of me?” you said incredulously.
“Miss (L/n)!” the principal gasped at your language.
You scoffed, pulling away from the science teacher's weak hold and heading towards the door. 
“I don't have to listen to this bullshit,” you said, digging for your keys in your bag, “I already know I'm suspended,” you called over your shoulder, “And don't bother calling the house, because when my dad finds out what really happened he'll go ballistic on your asses.”
You ignored the protesting shouts of the faculty and the sound of Steve and Billy calling your name as you got into your car and headed towards the nearest gas station. You needed a smoke, and it wasn't as if it'd be your first relapse of bad choices in the last few weeks. 
You ended up a mile north at a 7-11 just outside the Hawkin's county line where you knew you could get a package for free. You haphazardly parked your car outside and walked into the store, heading over to the cashier.
“(Y/n) is that you? Holy shit!” the boy at the register smiled widely. 
“Yeah,” you said, giving him a tight-lipped smile, “It's good to see you, Jason.���
“You know it's on me. Need a light?” he asked, already getting you a pack of Marlboros from behind the counter. 
“Yeah, thanks,” you said.   
As you started tearing the plastic off of the box you spotted a rough-looking figure in the back of the store, grumbling to himself. His clothes were charred, somehow, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. Your brows knit together as you recognized who it was.
Read chapter 8 here !
Taglist: @in-my-dreams-2000 @ggclarissa @iris1697 @5sosxgrethan @ohnoniella @sarcasticalphaofthelooserspack @aspiring-fangirls-world @wow-im-so-tired @hopesxxhigh @justanothercrazyassfangirl @too-many-lanes @whimsylavender @bish-ima-clown @amarachoren @mosiacbrokenheartstf @mcuvlxgs @xapham @metuel18 @immirandaq @nellaphine @multi-madison @gingertalksshit @jojo-buttercup @kyberhearts @mvdelaine @minnie-marvel @caitlin-rose28 @zandaleekrz @r3inventedd @void-fire-rose @macymafia @wanna-be-idle @newtsshelbys @kimmydespell @weyheyokay @r4ttusr4ttus @cynthianokamaria @spookyartisanmuffineggs @youcanstandundermyamberella @ashadowoftheforest @shrektiledysfunction @arithatonegirl @banannie25 @daddyuwuss @truthdaze @supervoldejaygent @gigi-maria-argu @dolan-mendes 
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kahliethefangirl · 5 years
Missed you on my lips - Harringrove
Titel: Missed you on my lips.
Summary: Some heated cheesy thing In which Steve returns home from work just to find a sleeping Billy in his bed.
Pairing: Harringrove. Rating: M Warnings: Language, heated kissing and cuddling and that kinda stuufff *wink*
Note: I dunno. I'm down with a hideous cold and bored to death. Guess this is what happens. English is my second language you guys and I'm a dropout lol so, be kiiind! Popping my Harringrove cherry with this one so; sorry if this sucked harder than Steve sucks Billy's... errrr..
Steve is unsure if he is tired or bored, or maybe a little of both. The shift at Scoops Ahoy had been uneventful and even though he hated when people dropped by in enormous waves and a half of them were little shits that could never decide what flavor was to be had; it was probably even worse when almost no one came. Maybe it doesn’t happen that often, but today was such a day. He drags his legs behind him as he enters the hallway and is greeted by the scent of home-cooked food from the kitchen. "Steve, is that you?" His mother calls from the kitchen and with the white hat in one hand he pops his head through the kitchen door to see her standing at the stove at full speed combining chopping vegetables and stirring pots. "Yeah." Steve smiles softly, as his mother looks at her son over her shoulder. But a worried expression soon comes over her. "You look tired." She says motherly and he sighs. Steve just wants to escape to his room and lie dead on his bed before being forced down to dinner. He feels bitter and not in the mood at all.
"Lame day." He shrugs and an understanding smile sweeps over his mother's lips before focusing on the food again. Steve sees this as a sign that he can make a bee line for his room, but he doesn't have time to come very far before his mother talks again.
"Oh, Steve!" Steve stops  where he aims for the stairs and closes his eyes for a second. The more he stays away from the rest he wanted so badly since like four hours back or something, the more desperate he becomes. Maybe he should skip the dinner? He could heat some later.
"What?" He struggles to keep the tone as calm as possible.
"Your eh, friend, came by before." She leaves the stove and comes out the kitchen door where her hands are hidden in a striped tea towel. Steve frowns and turns to look at her.
"My friend?" He frowns and his lethargic brain needs a second or two before it connects.
"That Hargrove kid." She taste the name a little before nodding, sure it was the boy's last name. "He didn't want to leave although I said you were at work—" She nods to the direction Steve was going. "-I let him wait for your in your room." She explains while Steve feels heat rising from his clavicle over his jaws and climbs right up to his brown hairline. That Hargrove kid, huh? Steve mentally curses his boyfriend for having infiltrated his home. How the hell would he explain Billy to his parents if they began to understand who his 'friend' actually was to him!? "O-okay." Steve looks around nervously. Billy will never feel the end of this! They have set up rules for this shit. But ofcourse; Billy fucking Hargrove sees it as his damned duty and obligation to break every one of them.
"I'll go check on him." Steve points behind him and cocks a brow, as if to get his mother's approval and the woman in front of him just nods back. With urgency in his steps he turns and rushes to his room with his mother's curious gaze burning in his neck as he climbs the stair.
"How much of an idiot are you, Hargrove?" Steve wheezes under breath where he grabs the dorrknob of his door and tears it open, ready to tell Billy both one and another thing. But he stops as soon as he crashes over the threshold. The room is poorly lit where he never opened the blinds this morning and a faint scent of his own life and a second, which always causes his pulse to rise slightly, meets him where he stands frozen in his room. A sneaky streak of sun makes its way in from behind the blinds and falls on his unmade and messy bed. In the middle of the bed with his beddings all over it, is his equally messy boyfriend, with his head down at the foot end. Suddenly not in the same need to bark at the blond young man, Steve silently closes the door behind him. Both subconsciously and consciously, he locks it. The blonde curls are a mess around Billy's sleeping head and although he is mostly on his back with one arm under his head, his hips and legs are slightly twisted to the side; one of the muscular legs dangling over the edge of Steve's bed. A timid, yet embarrassingly tender smile, creeps across Steve's lips as he sneaks forward; unwilling to disturb Billy in the sleep Steve himself had longed for since he checked in at work. He bites down his bottom lip where he slowly and silently like a cat, sneaks onto the bed, holding the burduse and complicated guy. Billy's eyebrows twitch a little when the bed shifts under Steve’s weight and he stops with his breath in his throat. When he realizes that the coast is clear, he sits on his knees behind Billy's head and stares down at him. His eyelashes rest heavily against the sun-kissed cheeks and his arched lips are slightly parted to give free passage to heavy, rhythmic breaths. In his sleep, Billy looks calm, young and at peace. There are no signs of his ravaged personality and Billy seems almost completely untouched by all the crap that landed on him over the years. Suddenly Steve feels a stab in his chest. It's a familiar pain; one that shows up as soon as it strikes him how badly treated the young man has been, in more ways than one. Steve is not so quick about defending his boyfriend's sometimes crappy behavior, but he is also not late in understanding why the need to assert himself has come to him that way. "Billy?" He whispers, as if he's really unsure whether he really wants to wake him. Something Steve wouldn't say out loud, but that is no less true, is that he finds Billy at his most beautiful where he defenseless with his gard down, is sleeping deeply and quietly. The peacefulness about him that never otherwise appears, feels almost sacred. Steve leans forward so his own face hovers over Billy's and gently he strokes a few lost curls from his cheekbone. His skin is soft and warm against Steve's fingertips. "B." He coos, where he let the entirety of his palm meet Billy's cheek and his thumb gently sweeps over the soft shape of one of his eyebrows. Billy turns a little in his sleep. His lips grimace where he is disturbed and a not so charming grunt is heard. Steve has to bite his lip so as not to start laughing. Then those icy blue eyes open. First, they are sleep-deprived and lost, as if he doesn't quite understand where the hell he's at. But then they find Steve's brown ones, where they glitter cheerfully towards him and Billy's sultry looks lighten a bit; even if so just a little. "I was asleep, asshat." Billy points out with a hoarse voice and Steve awards him with a snorting laugh. "So I noticed." Steve smiles wide, no longer sad that he disturbed and awakened the young man resting beneath him. Billy tilts his head back a little to find out Steve's position before relaxing and looking at him again. Steve wants to think that just like in his sleep, there is a shadow of calm in Billy's face as he looks at him. Or maybe that is just whisfull thinking. "By the way; what the hell did we say about you coming here without talking to me first?" Steve squeezes his lips together and tries to sound harsh. He cannot deny that throughout his chest there is the tickling and swelling joy about finding Billy like this; but fact remains. "Jesus, Harrington." Billy smiles amused so that his white teeth are showing and the blue eyes are hidden behind his tired eyelids. "Don't piss your pants, okay?" He murmurs softly but with a husky undertone; a combination that causes a triggering little shiver to shoot along Steve's spine. Pleased with himself, Billy looks up at him with a wry smile. "I charmed her enough so that she wouldn't analyze it too much." He grins wickedly and a loud groan escape Steve. "My God! You're absolutely sick. That's my mother." Steve's lips are pulled down into a disgusted grimace and Billy laughs hushed before his hand reaches out for Steve. His fingers curl around his neck and a light pressure causes Steve to close in on Billy. "A means to an end, Pretty Boy." Billy mumbles so that his warm breath sweeps across Steve's face. Steve swallows hard and hell; this dude makes it hard to be upset with him for more than a couple minutes at the time. "One beautiful and sunny day, I will be knee-deep in shit because of you." Steve mutters where Billy leans his head back so that his soft lips can plant a light kiss on Steve's chin. "You gonna love it." Billy assures him, very sure of himself, where the kisses roam along Steve's cheek and his eyelids flutter before closing completely. A heavy breath escapes from Steve's mouth where he turns his head in Billy's hardening grip before his own lips finds the ones belonging to the blonde one. Soft and gentle at first, his lips glide over Billy's. Steve's heart catches up with the event and slowly but surely the life sustaining beats become heavier and faster.
"But seriously." Steve mutters into the kiss and his hands sweeps over Billy's shoulders; the white t-shirt warm like his skin; but not as sensual to the touch.  "You can't just roll in here like nothing when someone is home." He grunts in an attempt to put weight on the broken rule. Billy groans annoyed before his teeth softly bites down on Steve's bottom lip and Steve whines hushed at the stinging pain as much as the pleasent sparks igniting under his skin. "Missed you on my lips, baby. What to do?" Billy grins into the kiss and just like that Steve gives in. How the hell is he supposed to argue with Billy when he's doing this? Impossible, simply. Steve puts more force into the kiss and his long fingers fists the fabric over Billy's chest. There is something hot about having Billy like this, on his back below him. Usually it's the other way around. The thought causes Steve's cheeks to heat and Billy seems to notice the increasing pulse under Steve's skin. Billy's tongue is warm and smooth where it sneaks out and teases Steve's upper lip; trying to trick it into part a little more. Saliva is mixing and Steve's breathing becomes more rapid and heavier. That his mother is downstairs is like a shout from far away; audible but easy to ignore for a second. Just one, more, second...
"Take that shit shirt off, will you? You look like an idiot in that uniform." Billy moans where his hand now has a tight grip on Steve's neck and Steve's head feels like a batshit crazy carneval ride. His stomach is in turmoil as well; a burning ball of pleasure growing there, spreading a feverish heat throughout his body. "Mom's here." Steve points out and realizes just how much of a bummer that is. Damn. "And?" Billy laughs mischievously as he rolls over to his stomach and gets up on all fours. Steve looks at him dazed as he crawls closer. The blonde hair is messy and his intense blue eyes are like nails that force Steve to sit still on his knees in his bed. "And she would freak out if she found me half naked in the room with you here." Steve points out a little bitterly. Billy sits down on his knees in front of him and one of his hands combs through Steve's soft hair. The sensation of Billy's fingers dragging against his scalp is heavenly and Steve sighs in bliss. "Yeah, without a shirt would be gay." Billy hums sarcastically before diving down to Steve's neck and tasting a large portion of his skin. Steve's head falls back and his fingers gets tangled in Billy's wild curls. "Totally." Steve moans. His body begins to show all too well what he wants and maybe he could explain why he is with Billy without a shirt. But sitting without a shirt with Billy and boasting an erection; that's a whole other thing. Their upper bodies are pressed against each other and lips locked in heated desperation. The room feels warm and enclosed; the absent light like the protective shade they need to be close to each other. A knock on the door causes the two boys to throw themselves apart. On their asses in each end of Steve's bed, they stare with wide eyes to the door.
"Dinner is ready Steve. Will your friend join us?" His mother's voice is curious, but Steve can't seem to trace any suspicion in it. But his heart was escaping from his chest and he is struggling trying to keep it behind his ribcage. "Uuh .." Confused and panicked he looks to Billy who picked himself up much faster than Steve himself. As if Steve's mom could see them, Billy runs his hand through his hair and straightens himself where he sits. "That would be lovely, Mrs. Harrington." He replies with an unnaturally charming voice. Steve blinks at him as if Billy were completely out of his mind. "What the fuck?" Steve mouths and Billy simply smiles cockily before shrugging. It's quiet outside the door and Steve manages to calm down enough to think rationally. "You will be the death of me." Steve complains when facing his boyfriend leaving the bed and with his hand down in his jeans, Billy corrects his own proof of what just happened. Steve swallows hard. "You'll love that too." Billy winks and Steve clenches his jaws. It's too fucking easy loving Billy for his attitude sometimes, he realizes and maybe it will be the death of him; but as Billy said: He'd probably love that too.
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randogirlo-fando · 5 years
Andante, Andante Part 3/?
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Summary-Keg King Billy Hargrove becomes infatuated with Mike and Nancy’s cousin who is staying with them over the summer.
Warnings- swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of weed, eventual smut
Word count - 2.1k
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“So you thought the best time to tell me you’re going on a date with that jackass was right before I leave for work wearing a stupid sailor costume? Really?” He frustratingly slaps the spatula down from making eggs on the unheated stove and put his face in his hands making you roll your eyes.
“Steve it’s one date, how else was I supposed to get him to leave me alone? I’m trying to not get Hopper called on me because I punched someone....AGAIN!” He turns to you trying so hard not to laugh.
“I’m sorry, did you get in trouble last time? NO! He brought you to the station and gave you a high five for sticking up for yourself.” You look back at your memory of punching Tommy and giggle a little.
“Okay, so what if I go on one date!? I can make my own decisions and I already told him I don’t kiss or fuck on the first date so maybe after this date he will get bored and leave me alone.” He sighs and hugs you, laying his head on yours.
“Promise me you call me if he touches you?” You nod the best you can and he pulls away to look at you.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t tell Dustin.” The solemn nod you give back to him makes him smile before realizing the time.
“Shit I gotta get to work! Grab your stuff I’ll take you home.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you in the car.”
“I’m home!” Your voice echoes through the house while you close the door behind you. As you enter the basement the phone rings, grabbing your attention. You take the phone in your hands and bring it to your ear.
“Wheeler residence, (Y/n) speaking.”
“Hey Cherry, can you be ready in an hour?”
“Ah Hargrove, what makes you think I take any longer than an hour to put myself together?”
“Well I don’t know, do you have to practice your snarky comments ahead of time or something?” The rhetorical question brings a smirk to your face as you roll your eyes.
“Babe I could practically feel that eye roll. Are you free to be picked up in an hour or not?”
“I’m free. Hey, where’s the kids? They aren’t here at the Wheeler house.”
“They’re at that kid Will’s house. And I just left my morning shift at the pool, that’s where your hot aunt is with the little one.” You gag into the phone.
“If you call my aunt hot again today I will tuck and roll out of your car.” He chuckles.
“Fair enough. See you soon Cherry.”
“Whatever Hargrove just don’t be late or I won’t answer the door.” You end the call and walk over to your suitcase to find clothes.
“Hey (Y/n/n), what are you doing?” The voice behind you makes you jump. You turn around to see Nancy and Johnathan laughing.
“Shit, y’all are stealthy.” Once you calm your heart down you look back at your suitcase.
“I have plans today and I’m trying to find a good outfit.”
“What are the plans?” Nancy walks forward to look in your suitcase.
“I mean it’s technically a date but I also don’t count it as one.”
“Woahh already? I knew you were a guy magnet but you’ve been here for 3 days.” Johnathan stands there awkwardly while Nancy giggles at her joke.
“Well I only agreed to it so they would stop asking.”
“Wait, so it’s not Steve?” You look up into Nancy’s eyes and your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“What? No. Why would I be going on a date with Steve?”
“Because you guys are clearly going to end up together. I mean he’s been in love with you since you left.”
“Nancy since I’ve left he became the school king and dated you, my cousin. I doubt he’s in love with me. Besides, he even knows about this. We had a sleepover last night.” A small sigh escapes her lips as she continues rummaging.
“All I’m saying is who could you possibly be going on a date with when Steve is right there in plain sight.”
“I honestly don’t think you want to know...” she freezes in place before slowly looking up at you.
“You don’t mean...?” You clear your throat and ignore her shock.
“(Y/n/n) don’t tell us you’re going on a date with that asshole.” Johnathan butts in, scoffing at the silence.
“Okay I’m leaving, Nancy I’ll see you later.” He kisses her cheek and pats your shoulder before going up the stairs.
“I only said yes so he would get off my case. He will be here in like forty minutes.”
“Be careful, he doesn’t treat girls nicely.”
“Oh trust me I already know.”
“Here put this on.” She lifts up a yellow and white striped tank with some baggy blue jean shorts and throws them at you.
“I’m going to be in my room to do your hair when you’re ready.” You smile at her while she goes towards the door.
After you changed and did your hair and makeup, making sure to wear your signature red lipstick, you sit on the kitchen counter talking to Nancy.
“He should be here any minute. He’s got 5 minutes or I’m locking the door on him.” You two giggle before hearing a knock on the door.
You jump off the counter and open the door to Billy leaning against the doorframe.
“Hey Cherry, you’re looking...good.” He compliments, making sure to obviously check you out.
“Eyes up here Hargrove, lets get going. Bye Nance!”
“Bye (y/n/n)!” You close the door behind you and make your way to the passenger side of the blue camaro and climb in.
“So Hargrove, where are you taking me?” He starts the engine and smirks at you before pulling out of the driveway.
“Well for starters, the mall. Thought we could get some food and go to a movie.”
“What movie?”
“Oh so your plan is a horror movie so I’ll get scared and you can be my knight and shining armor? Hate to break it to ya but I’m not scared of horror movies.”
“Oh really? How much you wanna bet you’ll be in my arms by the end of the movie?”
“If I win, you have to buy me something at the mall.”
“And if I win you have to go on a second date with me.”
“Deal Hargrove.”
“Two for Hellhole.”
“That’ll be $10” Billy pays for the tickets before getting you a large bowl of popcorn and Pepsi.
“Right this way Cherry.” He guides you with his hand on your lower back into the theatre and to the very back seats.
“My rule isn’t going to change Hargrove. Just because we’re in the back doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you do anything.”
“Yeah yeah just pass the Pepsi will ya?” You hand him the drink and the room goes dark.
“I can’t believe you weren’t scared.” You giggle at him and smirk as you walk to the food court.
“I told you, I’m a horror movie fanatic. Now you have to buy me something pretty.” He rolls his eyes playfully and then you see Steve working. Billy drags you to the ice cream parlor by the hand, holding onto it so you won’t let go.
“Well if it isn’t Harrington. How’s the sailor thing working out for ya?”
“Billy piss off I’m working.”
“Now now Harrington. I’m a customer, which do you want Cherry?” You roll your eyes and smile at Steve.
“Your favorite?” He asks, making Billy clench his jaw. You nod and pull your hand out of Billy’s grip.
“That’ll be $2.67” Billy puts the money on the counter and watches while Steve gets you your chocolate cherry swirl. He hands it to you and winks before putting the money in the register and giving change.
“C’mon Billy lets go sit down.” You walk away and sit at a table, Billy close behind.
“Did you just ask me out to make Steve jealous?” You’re face is unreadable to Billy while he scoffs.
“Not entirely.” You sigh and lick your ice cream.
“You’re a dick you know.” He stays silent until an idea pops in your head.
“He already knew about this date, you know. I stayed at his house last night.” His jaw clenches again as he watches you lick your ice cream.
“His parents weren’t home because of a vacation. It was nice hanging out with him. Like old times.” You realize he’s watching you and take one long lick on your ice cream to stir him on more.
“Of course I didn’t have any sleep clothes though since we went straight to his after the pool so I had to wear his shirt and sweats while we slept.” You’re halfway through your ice cream before Billy takes it from you and throws it away.
“That’s enough of that. Let’s go get you something pretty like I promised.” He pulls you up and drags you into Lovelace Lingerie.
“Are you crazy!? I’m not having you buy my underwear. We’re going into The Gap.” You drag him into the store and start looking around.
After a bit, you find a baggy black mesh dress and fall in love.
“Billy I want this.” He looks at the price and huffs.
“Okay let’s get it.”
“Hey Billy?” His concentration leaves the road for a split second to acknowledge you.
“Yeah what’s up” a huff leaves your lips before tapping the car door.
“I’ve actually had a fun time today. You know, you’re not a total dick when it’s just us two?”
You hear him chuckle before hearing the clicking of a lighter while at a red light. You watch him take a puff and he catches you staring, causing him to smirk.
“Want a hit, Cherry?” He offers the cigarette to you and you hesitantly take it from in between his fingers, your fingers brushing against his. He watches as you place it between your lips, inhaling the contents before coughing and handing it back.
“Guessing you’re not much of a smoker?” The light turns green and he puts his attention back to the road.
“I only really do it when I’m stressed. Now that schools over I’m not as stressed. It was also usually blunts, not nicotine.”
“So the southern belle has a bite to her. I mean I could tell you were feisty but pot? We should smoke together some time.” You smile at him and nod.
“I mean if you have a dealer here then totally.” Silence swallows you until you realize you past the turn to the Wheeler house.
“What, are you about to pull a Ted Bundy on me?” That joke made a genuine laugh come from him for the first time and it makes you proud.
“No, I just thought you’d want to come with me to pick Max up from the Byer’s.”
“Oh shit, that might not be a good idea. Chances are Dustin’s there, and you have no idea how pissed he would be to see me in your car.” He senses the tone of worry in your voice and genuinely feels concerned.
“I know they don’t like me but shit it’s that bad that you didn’t even tell them we had a date?”
“The only people that know are Steve, Nancy, and Johnathan.” He chuckles before making a U-turn.
The drive to the Wheeler house didn’t take longer than just a few short minutes. You both silently wished it was longer but before you could make up a reason to stay out with him, he pulled into the driveway. The car stops and he catches you staring blankly at him.
“Well, this was fun Cherry. Guess now I gotta leave you alone?”
“Well I may give you a second date, who knows. Maybe you can even take me out this week.”
“So I should call you?” You lean closer to his face, a genuine smile with a tone of snark on yours.
“You betcha...” you look down at his lips before closing your eyes, slowly leaning in meet him. The kiss lasts a minute, just slowly moving along his while he holds your cheek. You pull away and keep your eyes closed afterwards.
“What happened to no kissing on the first date?” You open your eyes slowly to the shit eating grin on his face.
“Maybe I couldn’t wait.” You give him a wink before opening the car door and stepping out.
“Don’t forget to call me this week.” You blow him a kiss and close the car door. He watches as you enter the house before driving off, the smile not leaving his face.
A/n- hey again I’m so sorry it takes me so long to post, a lots been going on.
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allikatt9 · 5 years
SPOILERS: STRANGER THINGS SEASON 3–My favorite moments so far;
•OK the people at The Hawkins Post are LITERAL JERKWADS
•Billy crying in the sauna because he knows the Mind Flayer is making him do it
•Max crying with him :(
•Nancy and Jonathan’s fight in the car made me big time sad
•OH but Nancy and Karen’s enlightening conversation in the kitchen was GOLD
•Hopper getting beat up by the Russian man
•Joyce taking care of Hopper made my heart soar
•Hopper’s dad bod x2
•Erica is such a little diva...i LovE iT
•”Free ice cream...FOR LIFE.”
•Ol’ Mayor Larry needs to take a major chill pill
•Hopper beating the everloving squat out of him was SO NECESSARY
•The fact that Hopper was calling the Russian guy that they kidnapped “Smirnoff” made me LOL
•SPEAKING OF, when Smirnoff (Alexei) ran off because he saw a 7/11, I BURSTED INTO LAUGHTER
•And his happy little smirk when he had his cherry slushie in the car :D
•When El used her powers to knock the snacks out of the hospital vending machine for Mike and Lucas — <3
•How the did the Reception Nurse not realize that the lights were flickering and that there was an actual MONSTER down the hall?
•This is a very unpopular opinion I’m sure, but Max needs to mind her own business. Good Lord, she’s stirring up drama for no reason
•Alexei’s favorite slushie flavor is cherry, and that’s canon
•This was so important, I mean I was JAW DROPPED
•Lucas’ smug look and everyone else was like (^。^)
•El seeing Billy and his mom on the beach
•I really liked how it showed his childhood trauma, because it really does explain Billy’s toughness and hard demeanor
•Somewhat side note: I’m a huge Bobby Flay fan (please don’t judge me) and everytime they say “the Flayed” I picture hundreds of Bobby Flay’s running around
•Steve getting beat up looked painful
•Dustin and Erica were comedic gold
*NOTE: All of the following points are after I finished the last episode so if it’s out of order and somewhat angsty, that’s why*
•Steve and Robin drugged up was a nice touch
•Them throwing up together was even nicer
•Steve confessing that he liked her was SO heartfelt and sweet
•Her being afraid to tell him she’s a lesbian and then him 100% accepting it just proves how good of a human he is
•Hop, Joyce, Murray, and Alexei at the fair was such chaotic energy
•Alexei is so presh, I fell in love
•I REPEAT. It’s canon that his favorite slushie is cherry
•His little fan base of kids watching him pop the balloons
•I had JUST told my friend that I hoped he’d be in the next season, and then 30 seconds later meanie Russian man shot him
•When Hopper met Joyce and Murray at the car he actually didn’t call him Smirnoff for once
•The bite on El was NASTY
•I was scared that it was going to be like The Walking Dead and she was going to be flayed because she was bit
•The relief that washed over me when the kids reunited was so strong
•Hopper and El’s little father-daughter moment was so pure
•”Mike—be careful.”
•The car thing stressed me out so bad
•The Mind Flayer got bigger every time I think
•When Max asked Nancy if she was gonna kill Billy, I knew he was gonna die somehow
•The mirrors scene at the fair was so so so cool
•And a good singer!
•She’s so stubborn and I love it
•Dustin and Suzy’s duet was beautiful
•I died laughing when it cut to Steve and Robin in the backseat listening to them sing with The Mind Flayer just bip bopping after them
•Hopper and Joyce in the Russian uniforms was such a FIT
•However, this gave me the feeling that Hop was gonna die or get hurt
•The suspense was so real when Hop was fighting off the Russian guy and Joyce couldn’t reach both keys
•And then when he gave a little nod at Joyce to do it even though he would die
•And then Will hugged Joyce and El was looking for Hopper
•The fact that El is moving with Joyce, Will, and Jonathan was relieving
•El telling Mike that she loved him, YEs
•But I realized that El can’t find Hopper because she lost her powers
•Now, for the real one.
•The real tear jerker
•Hopper’s letter.
•Oh, my goodness gracious alive, the sobs coming out of me were not human
•He referenced so many things from season 1 and 2 and of course referenced back to the first episode of this season
•”Keep the door open 3 inches.”
•And he told El that he had forgotten how to feel until he met her
•I could go on forever about the letter, but I won’t tell all the good stuff :)
•Okay. Now. The End Credits scene.
•This, of course, hints that Hopper is indeed alive
•My friend and I argued this. She thinks he’s dead, but I think he’s alive. Here’s why.
•First, The Duffer Brothers are very good about making sure no storylines/relationships go to waste without reason.
•So, there would have been absolutely NO PURPOSE in building up Hopper and Joyce’s relationship and then just killing him.
•Unless, they want to continue to build Joyce’s list of lost loves. Which, yes, is possible.
•Secondly, the Russian guard said “not the American” when the other guard was walking by one of the cells
•So, OBVIOUSLY someone we know (or at least have heard of) is in that cell
•And who’s the only person we know of that could have possible made way to Russia?
•I think he jumped in the portal (or the gate, if you will) and it took him to Russia somehow or another
•Maybe it took him directly there, or he traveled through the Upside Down and ended up there
•This is not confirmed or anything, it’s up to interpretation. Hopefully, we will find out soon!
THANK YOU FOR READING THESE! Season 3 was fantastic, I can’t wait for 4!!
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Moved On
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(Gif credit: allywantstofly)
Summary: After being rejected by her childhood crush, Steve Harrington, the reader looks for comfort in Billy Hargrove. 
It had been two months since Nancy and Steve broke up. And only a month since he stopped coming over to my house a couple times a week sobbing about her. Nancy… it was a shitty breakup. She led him on, told him she loved him, and then cheated on him. He was busted up, he was arranging his future around staying with her.
I always had feelings for Steve. The two of us grew up together, he was the neighbor across the street from me. He was my first kiss… when we were six years old. He lost his favorite tonka truck and when I found it for him, he planted a big ol’ kiss right on my lips.
We were attached at the hip throughout middle school, always doing our homework together, going to each other's games and recitals. He and Nancy broke up, and I determined it was time to make my move.
I strolled into the library, my heart thumping so loud I swore I could hear it. I made my way to the back table, where we normally sat for study hall. He glanced up at me, one pencil between his teeth and another tucked behind his ear.
        “Hath you sthartted the scienth homork yeth?”
He spit out the pencil,
        “Have you started the science homework yet?” He clarified, pointing to his paper.
        “Uh, no. Not yet.”
        “We have to plot all this data.” He grumbled, going back to marking points on a graph.
He looked adorable with his brows furrowed in concentration, bringing his pencil back between his teeth.
        “I uh…” I sputtered, “Steve.”
I sat down beside him, he glanced up at me,
        “I… Uh… Can I talk to you about something?”
        “Yeah. Yeah… Of course.” He uttered through the pencil.
        “Steve… I… I really… really like you. And I have for years. And I can’t keep pretending to.”
He dropped the pencil from his teeth once again, his mouth falling open like he was about to say something.
        “Y/N…” He sighed, his expression unreadable.
        “I can’t… I don’t… I don’t…. It’s just that… I’m still… Nancy…” He babbled.
        “Oh... Okay… I… uh. I shouldn’t have brought it up. I’m sorry.” I stammered, collecting my books and shoving them into my backpack.
        “Y/N! Wait!” Steve called after me as I tore out of the library, tears running down my face.
My heart sank into my stomach, making me feel like I was going to vomit. I had just completely ruined a lifelong friendship because I couldn’t keep my damn mouth shut.
        “Do I need to punch somebody?” Billy asked, catching my arm as I tried to run past him.
“It’s stupid… Nothing” I sniffled, wiping tears from my eyes and trying to pull myself from his grip. He kept a firm hold on me,
        “Obviously it’s not nothing, princess.” He murmured.
        “Yeah… No… It’s… I mean it’s something. But I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Billy Hargrove was an unlikely friend. Especially being the best friend and neighbor of Steve Harrington. Billy and I got paired up for an English project when he first arrived in Hawkins. I went over to his place to work on it.
Moments after arriving, his father stormed in, drunk and angry. He yanked Billy up off the couch and slammed him against the wall, interrogating him about having a girl in the house.
Since then, I’ve found myself being rather protective of the boy. I always checked in with him at least once a day, invited him over for dinners when he needed to get away.
Steve was never happy about it, reminding me what Billy had done to him that night at the Byers’ house. But I knew that Billy wasn’t looking at Steve when he beat the crap out of him. No. Billy was looking at his father. Imagining his father’s face being pummeled. I refused to talk to him for two weeks until he came over with a broken nose.
He had become protective of me as well. He nearly broke the arm of some kid that cornered me at a party and was trying to feel me up.
        “Alright, come on.” Billy sighed, moving his grip from my upper arm and to my hand as he dragged me out to his car. I climbed into the passenger side, fastening my seatbelt.
I already knew where he was taking me. Bob’s Diner. It’s where we always went when one of us was down. After the owner’s suicide, the place rarely had any customers. I wasn’t sure how it stayed open, but I was glad it did.
He didn’t say a word as we drove across town to the diner. After parking the car, he ran around to my side of the car, opening the door for me. Billy escorted me in, sliding into the booth beside me and throwing his arm around my shoulder.
        “Tell me your troubles.” He sighed, giving me a reassuring pat on the arm.
        “It’s Steve.” I murmured, looking at my lap.
        “Steve is always trouble.” He scoffed.
        “Shoosh.” I scolded, “Yeah… I mean we’ve always been close… and I thought maybe after Nancy… You know he was so broken up… and I was there for him and I thought maybe… I don’t know.” I exhaled, grabbing a menu.
I didn’t need the menu. I ordered the same thing every time I came, but I just needed something else to focus on for the time being. I read the page, but none of the words stuck in my head.  
Billy didn’t respond, but I could tell he was biting his tongue to avoid saying anything negative about Nancy or Steve. The waitress came around, noticed it was us and jotted down our usual order on her notepad before delivering it to the kitchen. She returned a moment later with two milkshakes, one strawberry, and one chocolate.
        “Which I know is stupid, right? Like… I don’t know… We’ve been friends since we were diapers. If he felt the same way he would’ve made a move by know.” I stammered, catching the straw of my milkshake between my lips.
        “He’s a fucking idiot if he doesn’t wanna be with you.” Billy insulted, plucking the cherry from his milkshake and popping it in his mouth.
I rolled my eyes at him as he stuck his tongue out, revealing he had tied the stem into a knot. Usually, it would make me giggle, but I wasn’t in the mood today.
        “Seriously.” He told me, “You’re hot as hell, the smartest friend I have.”
        “Well, that’s setting a low bar, Hargrove,” I smirked, thinking of all the other useless hunks that were on the basketball team.
        “Come on, I’m trying to be nice… That’s what you tell me I should do… Be nice.”
        “Okay, shower me with compliments then.” I giggled, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.
        “You’re too nice for your own good.” He began, holding up his fingers to count how many compliments he was going to give me, “You always smell really nice, you actually give a shit about things and people. You actually know what the hell you’re doing with your life. You’re actually super fun even though you care too much about school.”
        “Okay, okay. Stop it.” I laughed, my cheeks burning. I covered my face with my hands.
        “You don’t need Harrington, okay? You’ve got so much going for you.” He reassured.
        “You’ve got a lot going for you too, Hargrove.” I grinned up at him.
        “Oh, like what?” He chortled.
        “Hmm… You’ve got a nice car… And your hair is…. Phenomenal. Muscles, wow.” I taunted, squeezing his bicep, “And you aren’t an asshole all the time… Only like… 95 percent of the time.”
He bumped his shoulders into mine playfully, wrapping his arm around me tighter so I was in a gentle headlock.
        “You know what I said about you being nice? I take it back.” He sassed, letting me go.
I let out a sigh, looking up at the boy. He had his trademark smirk plastered on his face.
        “You know you’re really important to me, right?” I told him.
His face went beet red. It was unusual that Billy got flustered. He didn’t get enough compliments. He wasn’t often enough told that he mattered, that someone cares about him.
I placed my hand on his chest, giving him a pat. I could tell he was about to say something degrading about himself. He interrupted himself, staring down at me. I realized how close we were sitting, his arm locked around my shoulder.
        “Can I kiss you?” He murmured, his face mere inches from mine.
I drew my lip between my teeth, nodding. He used his thumb to pull my lip from my teeth before leaning in to kiss me.
I started to step away from Billy’s car, but he seized me by the wrist and tugged me back toward him.
        “See you later.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to my lips. Billy wasn’t one to give me a peck. He went all in every time, running his tongue along my lower lip. No matter how many times he did it, it still made me blush.
I waved goodbye to him as I made my way into class. I scanned the room for a seat to see that the only unoccupied spot was beside Steve. He and I hadn’t spoken since I told him how I felt about him. Not because we didn’t want to, but because we didn’t know what to say.
        “Hey.” He whispered, granting me a bleak smile.
        “Hi.” I returned, not looking him in the eyes as I dug out my notebook.
        “So, uh… You and Billy.” He murmured.
        “Yeah,” I acknowledged.
        “When did that happen?”
        “A month ago,” I told him.
He nodded, directing his attention back to the teacher. 
Billy had me trapped in the corner of the room, the rest of the party roaring behind us. His hands were on my waist as he kissed me, the taste of beer on his tongue. His lips trailed down my jaw and to my neck, his hair tickling my skin and making me giggle. His hands traveled from my waistline and into my back pockets.
        “Billy!” I blushed, catching his cheeks and tearing him away to look at me.
        “What, angel? Nobody’s watching.” He smirked.
Well, somebody was watching. And that somebody was Steve Harrington. He stormed over to Billy, snatching him by the shoulder and yanking him away from me.
        “What the hell, Steve!?” I hollered, all the eyes of the party suddenly were on us.
        “What are you doing with this asshole!?” He interrogated, his words slurring. He was drunk.
        “Steve, Billy is my boyfriend.” I reminded.
        “He still doesn’t get to put his hands all over you like that. Not in public!”
        “Are you jealous, Harrington?” Billy questioned, tucking me under his arm and stepping in front of me protectively. I grabbed onto his bicep, a warning to not push his limits.
        “No, I’m not jealous.” Steve retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
        “Then what the hell is your problem?” Billy chuckled, stepping towards him.
        “She’s my best friend! And you’re just… all over her. Okay, she deserves a gentleman, not a fucking…”  He trailed off, incapable to come up with a strong insult in the state he was in.
        “You gonna finish that sentence, Harrington?” Billy growled.
I increased my grip on him, pulling him back toward me.
        “Steve. You need to go home. You’re drunk.” I advised him, placing myself between the two boys.
        “I’m fine.” He insisted, “Okay, you’re… You’re the one who needs to go home… Get away from him.”
        “Steve. He’s my boyfriend.” I reiterated.
        “No. No. No… No. I should be your boyfriend.” He slurred.
        “What the hell did you just say?” Billy snarled.
I shot him a glance over my shoulder, telling him not to move another muscle.
        “Steve. I told you I liked you months ago and you rejected me.” I reminded.
        “Yeah. And I was a fucking idiot to reject you.” He blurted, “Because you’re sweet and smart and caring and kind and you deserve so much better than a dickhead like him.”
        "Dickhead!?” Billy roared, straining against the hold I had on his jacket.
        “Steve. I moved on, okay? You can’t expect me to wait around forever.”
        “You… After you told me… you moved on right away! I didn’t even have time to think about it!” He argued.
        “Steve! I had been waiting for ten years!” I exclaimed.
His face went green as he brought his hand up to his mouth. He jumped for the trash can, throwing up into the bin. I peered up at Billy who was still on edge, his chest puffed out and muscles tense.
        “Shows over, dickheads!” Billy shouted over the music, making everybody pretend that they hadn’t seen what just went on.
        “Steve. Come on. Let’s get you home.” I murmured, reaching for the sick boy and patting his back.
        “Billy, we’re giving Steve a ride,” I told him, glancing over my shoulder.
        “No. No, no no. That asshole is not getting in my car.” Billy argued, “No way in hell.”
        “Billy. Please?” I threw him the puppy dog eyes that made him melt. I could see his indignation and anger breaking down as I pouted at him.
        “Fine.” He bristled, digging his keys from his pocket.
        “Come on,” I whispered to Steve, throwing my arm around his shoulder and supporting his weight as we traveled out to Billy’s car. I grabbed a trash bag to take in the car with us in case he threw up again.
The ride home was filled with uncomfortable silence, aside from Steve occasionally hiccuping and heaving.
        “I swear to god if you puke in my car, Harrington.” Billy threatened.
I gave him a threatening glare. He let out a grunt as he tightened his grip on the wheel, speeding up. Billy parked in front of Steve's house.
        "Alright, asshole. Get out." Billy ordered. Steve looked up at me with misty eyes as he opened the door and tumbled out. Once he regained his balance, he made his way to his door. I watched him stagger up the steps and into his house.
        “Thanks for not being a total asshole.” I murmured to Billy, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
        “The last time I do anything for that shit stain.” He griped, not meeting my gaze. I could tell that something was worrying him.
        “Billy?” I questioned, resting my hand on his knee, “You okay?”
        “It’s just… You’ve been in love with him since you were kids… and now he feels the same way… and I just…”
        “Billy.” I breathed, grasping his chin and forcing him to look at me,  “You know that I love you, right?”
He nodded,
        “Nothing is going to change that. Not Steve… Not anybody.” I reassured.
He nodded again, leaning in to kiss me.
        “Still never doing anything nice for him ever again.” He proclaimed.
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