#steve has the coffee shop bucky has the bike shop but they share a space
thelaurenshippen · 7 months
I don't know if this is a seattle thing (I don't remember seeing many/any in LA) but I have been to multiple coffee shop + motorcycle shop combos and every time all I can think is........the AU potentials....
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jpat82 · 5 years
101 Ways To Kill Bucky Barnes
Trouble Brewing
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The ax was deeply embedded in the wood target, the red and white on either side of the blade. You smirked to yourself as you turned to face Bucky, his mouth hanging slightly open as he looked from the target back to you. You took a deep breath, looking from the target back to him.
"I guess, we walk around and hang out here." Bucky said defeatedly, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"What makes you say I hit my intended target? Maybe I was purposely trying to miss it and end up hitting it dead center?" You quipped back, while it was true that you had hit the wooden target, it technically wasn't your target.
    "I guess I just assumed, most people aim for it." He slowly smiled.
    "Why don't we go back to this tower that you talked about and we hang out there." You said, reaching forward and lightly taking his hand.
Bucky pulled his phone out and sent a quick text as the two you walked toward the exit. He slid it back into his pocket, as he sighed contently. The night had just begun and the stars were slowly burning their way through the pinks and violets of the last remaining sunlight. Slowly you both reached Bucky’s bike and he handed you the helmet as he slung his leg over the machine.
Within minutes he had you both zipping through streets, lights flickered on as the night descended upon you. The air was still warm from the day, which was nice since you hadn’t brought a jacket. It wasn’t long before he pulled up to Stark Tower and into the underground garage after being waved by from the attendant.
“You live at Stark Tower?” You already knew the answer though.
“Yeah, I’ve been here for a bit after my stint in cryo. I’m looking into getting my own soon because, I just like having my own space. Here there are a lot of people coming and going.” Bucky explained as you both made it to the elevator, he pressed the button and waited some more. “Most of the guys are cool though, except Tony, he can be an ass.”
“Oh, I’ve heard my share of rumors about Tony Stark.” You chuckled as the doors rolled, Bucky motioned for you to go first and he followed you in.
“I mean, he can be okay sometimes, like he sure didn’t have to let me stay here. Then again, I’m sure Steve has a lot to do with that.” He chuckled as the elevator cab hummed into motion.
“Yeah? So tell me, what does a usual day look like for you?” You asked, you already knew the answer to a lot of that but it still gave you something to talk about on the ride.
“I mean I don’t go around saving the world like everyone else or anything, most of my day is spend out and about around the city. I don’t like feeling caged up, so I spend minimal time here.” He explained. “Plus, if I do then someone, mainly Sam, starts to push me to go to one of the meetings and I really don’t feel like going to those.”
“Oh yeah? What kind of meeting?” You asked, your brain running a millions miles on hour on his known associates.
“Mainly VA ones, and nothing wrong with that. I just don’t want to go to those. I wouldn’t have a lot in common.” He shrugged, the doors rolled open after the elevator came to a stop. Both of you exited in what looked to be a common room.
For the most part it looked like a living room with a stainless kitchen off to the side. A man was messing around in the kitchen with short dark hair and you could tell from the side profile that it was Tony Stark. You took a deep breath, a small part of hope to hell and back your back ground held firm. Cause out everyone in this tower, you knew he would be the person to look deep into you.
Tony looked up from the coffee maker and made eye contact with you, one of his brows raised as his lips pursed together.
“So Ice Bucket, is this the girl you been swooning over?” He asked point blank while point a thin wooden stir stick in your direction.
“You mean the one I told Sam about, yes. And I wasn’t swooning.” Bucky shot back, reminding you more of teenager then a grown adult.
“Nice to meet you Mr Stark.” You spoke up and walked over to shake his hand. Tony raise his other eye brow, making him look surprised by your boldness. “I’m y/n.”
“Always interested to meet one of Frozen man’s new friends.” He replied crisply. “Bucky told us you do photography.”
“I told Sam.” Bucky corrected, rubbing his brow with his thumb and forefingers.
“Yes, I do photography as well as work at the coffee shop a couple blocks over.” You giggled looking back at Bucky.
“Interesting.” He simply stated, a door opened from somewhere on your right and Tony smirked, before walking over. “Have you met Natasha?”
“No, don’t believe that I have.” You replied, your heart rate accelerating. The red head smiled as she walked over and took your hand as well. She gave you a good once over but didn’t utter a word to you.
“Bucky says you travel a lot.” Tony clipped out.
“That I do. You sound like worried parent, don’t worry mister Stark, I won’t defile your precious boy.” You jested walking back to Bucky.
“Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea.” Bucky stated, grabbing your hand. “We’ll do this another day, when Tony can behave like a normal person.”
“Good luck on that freezer burn.” Tony cracked back as he led you back the way you had come.
You weren’t going to lie to yourself, you were a bit disappointed. A part of you wanted to get to know Bucky further, the other part you of was relieved to not have to try and keep your cover. A million thoughts raced through your head as he sped you back through town, back to your apartment. You knew you would have to make your move soon, you had to stop pussy footing around and kill him right out.
“This girl is too squeaky clean.” Tony stated looking at the screen in front of him.
“What? You were expecting some where in her history for it to say evil secret press here?” Natasha stated while sitting on the desk.
“I dunno, but something is off about her.” Tony replied. “There have been to many attacks on Bucky lately and this girl is the only thing new.”
“I’m not arguing that, just if she has a cover, it’s a good one.” Natasha shot back. “I’ll get Clint to tail her, and I’ll find out more. If she doesn’t check out, don’t worry I’ll find it.”
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Bucky Tag-
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hela-avenger · 7 years
When Worlds Collide- Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
       The Winter Soldier eliminates them one by one…
        Fists colliding onto skin and bones…
        Guns shooting bullets that embedded into bodies…
        One single click, then the shot is taken.
       There's a burning in his chest as he falls back, but that wasn’t the worst hit 
       he received that night. 
Bucky wakes up in a cold sweat. The sheets were tangled around his body and his breathing was heavy. He couldn’t help but sigh in relief at the sight of his room. The sunrise coming from the window was the same wherever he went, but he couldn’t help but miss the view of a past time. It wasn’t beauty he found on the sunrise. It was the beauty that came with the company he once shared it with. 
Bucky slowly disentangles himself from the white sheets and walks towards the mirror at the edge of his room. His bare feet paddle against the wooden floor and soon come to a stop. His eyes rake over his shoulder and down his left arm. He flexes the muscles and the fingers feeling the metal support under his skin shift. 
After the accident, he was informed this was the only medical way that would allow usage of his left appendage. That same hand pulls down his tank top and caresses the bullet wound scar. His mind momentarily flickers back to his dream and his hand drops to his side once more. 
That night had plagued his dreams over the years. Bucky knew that his past was troublesome. That certain decisions he made were borderline illegal, but they were done for the greater good. Either way, it was Bucky who decided to raise the gun and pull the trigger which then caused a domino effect on its own. He didn’t want things to end the way they did, but he was betrayed.
They were betrayed.
Bucky pushed those thoughts aside as he heard his garage next door open up. He could faintly hear the two hired mechanics talking about their weekend. Hearing them talk led Bucky to get himself ready to start the day. 
After a quick shower, Bucky heads down from his apartment and walks into the garage. He finds Clint perched up on the second level watching Tony tinker away under some old Mustang. 
“Hey, has Peter come around yet?” Bucky asks them. "I didn't see him this morning." 
Clint shakes his head while Tony rolls out from under the car and sits up. 
“Well, Wade Wilson’s bike isn’t here anymore,” Tony comments as he nods toward the empty space at the front of the garage. “I’m assuming Peter took that baby out for a spin.”
Bucky couldn’t help but shake his head at this and bid them goodbye before making his way across the street. The cafe was just opening up and he could see Steve pulling out freshly baked goods from the oven and placing them into the display. 
“Good morning, punk.” Bucky greeted as he made his way in. Steve looked up and smiled at his friend. He took the apron off and quickly set out to make two cups of coffee. Bucky took both of them up while Steve left Wanda in charge of the cashier. 
“Hey,” Steve greets him as he reaches the far-off table that Bucky decided to sit in. “Late morning?” 
“Long night,” Bucky answers as he takes a drink and looks out the window hoping Steve would take the hint to drop the subject. 
“Same dream again?” Steve asks. 
Bucky sighs. He should have known that Steve wouldn’t let this slip by. 
“It’s been 8 years since the incident, Buck,” Steve tells him. “There’s nothing you can do now.” 
Bucky flexed his left hand anxiously as his eyes continued to scour the streets looking for a threat that he knew wasn’t there. Old habits die hard, he guesses. 
“Are you even listening to me?” Steve asks as he easily noticed that his best friend’s attention was elsewhere. Bucky turned to him and nodded before returning his focus out on the streets again. Steve sighed at this and finished up his cup of coffee just in time to see a regular walk in. 
“Hey, Scott!” Steve called over. 
Scott walked towards them with a sheepish smile. 
“Hey,” he greets. “I was wondering if you could spot me this morning. Money’s running short these days.” 
“Don’t worry about it, pal,” Steve tells him as he gets up from the table and makes his way back behind the counter. “It is on the house.” 
Scott thanked him for his kindness as Steve handed him a box full of pastries. It wasn't news that Scott Lang was trying to get his back life together after being in jail for so long. Finding work was hard enough these days, being labeled as a former prisoner made it even harder. Scott starts to walk out of there, but Bucky calls out to him. 
“Hey Scott, if you’re ever in need of work, my shop could always use an extra hand,” Bucky offered to him. 
“I might take you up on that,” Scott answered with a relieved smile on his face. 
Bucky nods at him and waved him goodbye. Steve walked back over to him and patted his shoulder. 
“Well, that was nice of you.” 
“I’m a nice person, Steve,” Bucky scoffed out, slightly offended. He stands up from his seat and tosses his coffee into the nearby bin. Steve couldn’t help but chuckle at his friend’s sudden change of attitude. 
“I never said you weren’t, jerk,” Steve shouts after him, but Bucky was already gone. 
Peter drove down the road doing a stand-up wheelie as he passed Ned. Ned could only cheer him on at the side of the road as Peter finally set the bike down and did a U-turn to return to where his friend was standing. He parked the freshly-painted bike and took off the helmet. 
"I can't believe Wade let you ride his new bike," Ned says beside him as he admired the shining motorcycle. "Dude, your uncle did really well on those stripes." 
"Bucky actually let me do it," Peter answers as he smiled up at him with pride. 
"Can I take it for a spin?" Ned asks eagerly. 
"Oh no," Peter answers as he pulls the helmet away from Ned's greedy hands. "Bucky would kill me if there is one scratch on this thing." 
"I promise I won't do anything to it," Ned pleads but Peter still shakes his head. 
"I can't risk that man," Peter answers. "Maybe Wade will let you once it's back in his possession. As for now, I am the only who can ride it." 
"You know that Wade is never going to let me touch it," Ned responds solemnly. "He only holds a soft spot for you." 
Peter shrugs at this not knowing why the 18-year-old deemed him his favorite but he wasn't going to go up to him and question it. 
"I should head back to the shop before Bucky gets annoyed," Peter tells Ned as he starts up the bike. Before he could put his helmet on his attention is caught by a girl who was sprinting down the sidewalk. The bus she had tried to catch up to had just pulled away and she screamed uselessly for it to stop. 
"Oh no," she shouts. "Not today! Please, not today!" 
Peter glances over at Ned who flickered his attention from the girl to Peter. 
"Don't," Ned warned him. "Don't you dare." 
"She's coming this way," Peter comments as he straightens up. 
"You are not giving that girl a lift," Ned states with concern. 
"Why not?" Peter exclaims. 
"You know what Bucky always says, girls are always trouble." 
"She obviously needs help," Peter implored to Ned. "She's here all alone." 
Ned really wanted to warn him against this, but it was too late. The girl came up to them with a shy smile. 
"Hi, I don't usually do this but I need some help," she states as she stood in front of them. 
"Ask-Ask away," Peter stutters out as he fully saw the girl in front of him. Her brown curly hair was put into a loose side braid and she wore a kind smile. 
"I need to turn in this paperwork for my sister," she explains. "I have to turn them in today or everything she's worked for will come to a destructive end. Do you mind giving me a ride downtown? I promise I'll pay you back for whatever gas we waste on the trip." 
"Peter..." Ned warns him quickly but it was no use. Peter quickly nods to the girl's request. 
"Of course I can give you a ride," Peter happily agrees. "Hop on." 
Without hesitation, the girl jumps into the backseat and Peter hands her the extra helmet. She pulls it over her head and buckles it tightly before wrapping her arm around Peter's waist. 
"I'm MJ, by the way," she tells him. "Thought we should at least get on a first name basis since I'm snuggling up to you so soon." 
Peter was glad that the helmet was covering his face. He wouldn't know how to play off the blush that was creeping over his cheeks and ears. 
"I'm Peter Parker," Peter responds as he kicked back the kickstand. "Hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride." 
Noon seems to come around early that day as Bucky and the rest of the crew took a break to eat lunch together. As always, Steve brought by some hot and ready sandwiches into the shop. They were all joking around amongst each other before a screeching sound pierced through the air. 
Bucky jumped out of his seat and turned to find the once polished bike coming into the shop with scratches on the side and a hanging mirror. The rider slowly parks it, making the bike look like it heaved in relief for finally being put to a stop. The rider then slowly takes off his helmet to reveal a nervous looking Peter. 
Everyone in the crew becomes silent as Bucky crossed his arms and looks down at Peter with a blank expression that was soon cracking with an underlying expression of rage. Steve quickly stood up and spoke over his friend's shoulder. 
“Buck, the important thing here is that Peter isn’t hurt,” Steve reminds his old friend who seemed to not be listening to a word he said as his jaw tightened. “Calm down, Bucky… Chill… Cool down.” 
Bucky snapped towards his friend, “Should I go cozy-up in a fridge now?” 
Steve took a step back with his arms up in surrender. He sends Peter an apologetic glance as Bucky walked up to him. 
“How did this happen?” Bucky asks him. 
“You’re gonna hate me for this…” Peter starts to say. 
“Spit it out, kid.” 
“I was helping a girl out!” Peter exclaimed quickly. Bucky’s eyes shot up at the answer and the rest of the crew laughed and wolf-whistled at the young teenager. Bucky’s icy blue eyes snapped towards them and they quickly became silent. 
“A girl you say?” Bucky asks him. 
“She needed help,” Peter explains himself. “Her scooter left her stranded by the side of the road. She needed a lift down to Manhattan to drop off some very important paperwork. She had a deadline she couldn’t miss so I gave her ride and in the rush…” Peter says as he motioned to the wrecked bike. Bucky narrowed his eyes at him and Peter straightened up. “Don’t forget you told me that I should always lend a helping hand to those in need!” 
“Uh-huh,” Bucky nods as he feigned understanding. “So if it concerns a girl, you must help her at all costs, even if it means you destroy a customer’s bike on a test ride?” 
“Yes?” Peter answers unsurely. 
Bucky shook his head at him and threw the rag that was on his shoulder at him. 
“You’re going to fix that bike all day and all night if you have to,” Bucky orders. Peter nods at him and Bucky turns to the rest of the crew. “Now everyone, get off your asses, we’ve got work to do.” 
Everyone scrambled off their seats and did as the boss commanded. Peter walked past Tony who couldn’t help but chuckle at the young kid. 
“At least tell me you got her number,” Tony prompts Peter. 
Peter quickly frowned and Tony couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh.         
“Man, you need to up your game.” 
The shop had closed down a while ago but Peter remained working on the bike. All he needed to do was put on a fresh coat of red paint, redefine the black stripes, and put on the final gloss. That what was occupying his full attention at the moment until someone called out at the front of the shop. Peter stumbled through the darkness and found himself face to face with the girl from this morning.
“Peter?” she asks in surprise. 
“MJ?” Peter responds in the same way. “What are you doing here?” 
Michelle motioned to the blue scooter at the front of the shop. 
“This thing keeps on failing me wherever I go. It was the reason I missed the bus this morning.” Michelle explained to him. “I thought I would get it fixed once and for all.” 
Peter quickly walked over to the scooter and rolled it in. 
“Well, you came to the right place,” Peter tells her. “I’m a professional.” 
Michelle couldn’t help but look at him in disbelief but took notice of the grease staining his hands. Her eyes then caught sight of the dismembered bike at the front of the shop. 
“So how's your friend's bike?" Michelle asked as she points to it. "I feel bad for causing you to scratch it. If there's anything I can do..." 
"Don't worry about it, MJ," Peter shrugs it off. "It was my decision to take a shortcut..." 
"You call driving down a farmer's market a shortcut?" MJ asked with a chuckle. Peter had to fight off the incoming blush and simply shrugged. 
"Whatever works right?" Peter responds as he parks the scooter. "So what's wrong with your scooter?" 
"It won't turn on," MJ responds as she motioned Peter to try it. Peter takes a seat on the scooter and attempts to turn it on. The scooter does nothing, not even a sound. After a while, Peter gives up and almost trips over himself as he stepped out of the scooter. 
“Yeah, your scooter has a serious problem.” 
“Really?” Michelle asks a bit upset. “So what do we do now?” 
“You do nothing,” Peter answers. “Let me take care of it.” 
“Are you sure you’re qualified to fix it?” Michelle asks him as Peter rolls her scooter to an empty spot in the garage. 
Peter looks up at her and nodded. 
“My uncle is the owner and he's taught me all I know,” Peter tells her. “I know what I’m doing.” 
Michelle couldn’t help but give in to Peter's gentle smile. She shook her head at him and nodded. 
“Fine, I’m trusting you with my scooter,” Michelle states before she starts to leave. Peter watches her go before he realized he was missing his chance again. 
“Wait, hold up!” Peter shouts as he ran up to catch up with her. “You should probably give me your number and an address so I can contact you when your scooter is done.” 
“Right,” Michelle replies as she pulls out a notecard and a pen from her purse. She writes down her phone number and address before handing it to him. “Call me when it’s done… or when it’s not done, your choice.” 
Michelle winked at him before making her way out. Peter couldn’t help but feel like he had forgotten how to breathe. He looked down at the card in his hand and couldn’t help but scream out in victory. He moves to make a flip against the wall only for his foot to land on a rolling trolley causing him to crash into the ground. Metal tools clatter to the ground creating a loud noise. 
“Peter?” Bucky asks as he walks out of the office upstairs and looks down at the shop. He finds Peter scrambling off the floor, wiping off the dust from his clothes. “What were you up to?” 
“Nothing, nothing…” Peter quickly answers as he raises the card in his hand. “I just got her number though!”
Bucky couldn’t help but shake his head at the boy, not knowing what he just missed, and sent him back home for the day. The bike could wait until tomorrow to be finished.
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