#steve and eddie living together is just them blasting music from different rooms trying to drown each other out
batwirls · 2 years
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Thinking about Steve releasing music under a different name because he's too self-conscious to have people know it's him and he gets way more attention than he originally thought he would.
He'd started on soundcloud (he doesn't rap, don't worry) and then as his music got more popular and more people started reaching out to do collabs with him, he decided to add his stuff to Spotify.
None of his friends know. They think he goes on road trips to the big city for work. He feels bad about lying to them but he also likes living this secret double life. His manager tells him he has a Hannah Montana complex.
And then all his worst fears come true.
He hears an all too familiar sound blasting from the speakers in Eddie's (and secretly his) music room. He pushes the door open and yep, there's Eddie singing along to his song while tuning his guitars. Steve is mortified. He doesn't know what to do. Does he say 'Hey, like my song?'
Eddie spies him standing in the doorway and reaches over to pause the music. "What's up, Stevie? Oh, was my music too loud?"
"No, I was just curious. What're you listening to?" He asks casually, even though he is screaming and throwing things around on the inside. Eddie would have said something by now if he'd found out. Steve just has to keep up the act for a little while longer, he's going to tell everyone next week before he releases his first full album.
"I know it's very different to my usual tastes, but this guy is good! I want to marry his voice. It's so beautiful and his lyrics! So amazing! He's a genius." Eddie says all of this while excitedly turning up the music and ushering Steve over to listen with him. "You gotta listen."
Steve sits down next to Eddie and nods along to the music, trying to be a little out of time. He's got to pretend he's never heard this song before and it's proving slightly difficult because it's one of his favourites. "You're right. This is really good!" It feels weird to compliment his own work.
Eddie smiles and bumps their shoulders together. "Babe, don't you think it's a little conceited to compliment yourself."
Steve sits there mortified for a solid 10 minutes while Eddie laughs and plays Steve all his favourite songs by him.
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artiststarme · 1 year
Things never really went to plan for one poor Eddie Munson. His fate was sealed from his very first breath, his life would be a tragedy. And so, the universe set out to make him suffer.
It was like all the cards in his life were stacked against Eddie. He was born to a Bonnie and Clyde type of couple with Bonnie running away from the commitment of a family as soon as she could. Dick Munson was all too betrayed by the abandonment of his partner in come and set to destroy everything he had left. He cut ties with his brother, turned to a bottle, and drowned the sounds of his son’s screams out with meth and benzos. It was only a matter of time before he was arrested from a robbery gone bad with enough drugs to keep him behind bars for life.
Poor Eddie was sent to live with the uncle he hardly remembered. He was thrown into a loving trailer in a town full of hate. The kids at school ostracized him the moment they laid eyes on him, his bruised eyes and shaven head spoke all too lowly of his character. If he were lucky, he’d only get a few jaunts and swirlies but if he weren’t, he’d arrive home with another black eye or limp to hide from Wayne.
High school wasn’t much better. Just like middle school, the kids and teachers alike hated him. He blew off school and started selling drugs underneath people’s noses to help Wayne with the bills that were drowning them. He did make some friends, other loners that craved friendship and togetherness they’d never received anywhere else.
It turned out that he was gay. He knew as soon as he saw Steve Harrington’s shirt come off in the locker room and knew he was fucked. He was already the outsider no one liked, it made sense that something else would come up to make him even more different than everyone else in the suffocating small town. The worst part wasn’t the fact that people might find out. It was the part where no one he would ever have a crush on would ever like him back, least of all Steve Harrington whom had girls falling at his feet and guys wishing to be him.
As if it couldn’t get any worse, his skipping school held him back and made him even more of a loser than before. Eddie truly felt like the dumb-as-shit trailer trashed that everyone always told him he was. So he stopped trying completely. He fell into a persona adopted from his favorite artists, focused on his music and DnD, and tried to finally enjoy his life.
Then he saw hell on earth in the form of Chrissy Cunningham’s twisted body hovering in midair and fracturing with horrific snaps. He ran like the coward the universe had trained him to be and made himself the prime suspect in doing so. Eddie knew that there was no possible way to go back to how things were before. As fucked up as his life had been, he’d still miss his early morning coffees with Wayne and campaigns with the guys. As soon as the cops found him, he would be as dead as Chrissy.
So, he followed the kids out of fear. He felt like he was living in some sort of fucked up lucid dream. His long-reigning crush was there shirtless in his battle vest, Nancy Wheeler was there with fucking guns (plural), Robin the band geek was handling explosives, and the redhead that lived across the street from him was hanging on the edge of life fully dependent on a Walkman blasting shitty pop music. What the fuck, how was any of this real? He didn’t fully believe it until he felt the pain accompanying the bat bites and heard Dustin’s cries begging him to stay awake. It was only then that he realized the universe had royally fucked him over once again.
He knew with his luck, or lack of it, that he wouldn’t be waking up from this nightmare. His eyes slid shut for the last time and all Eddie could think was at least things would be better now than they ever were before.
When his eyes finally did open to a hospital room filled to the brim with his uncle and new friends, a tear dropped from his eye and his chest lightened. From then on, he knew everything would be so much better.
It seemed the universe had decided to call a truce and abandon the tragedy that had plagued young Eddie Munson. From then on, he wouldn’t have fate darkening his days. With the Party at his side, Steve Harrington’s hand in his, and his uncle’s Garfield mug on the hospital side table, Eddie Munson’s life began anew.
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Steddie things/ head cannons abt these two morons living in my noggin rent free
CW: Dick size comments, smoking/pot, brief mention of (a fear of, nothing actually happens) period typical homophobia. Briefly mentioned experiences with antisemitism. Mention of Chrissy Cunningham anorexic bulimia. Jewish Byers’s. Jewish steddie.
It’s a long one. Oops
think abt Eddie calling Steve “lover boy”, like the sweetest most affectionate tone, pulling him into a kiss and whispering “c‘mere lover boy”, sneaking up behind him when he’s cooking or leaning over anything and mumbling “hey lover boy” while he kisses the moles on his shoulder.
Also like, the theory that Steve’s actually packing quite the dick and that’s why Eddie called him “big boy” when he was hotwiring the camper, and and whenever Eddie calls Steve big boy he gets flustered about it because he knows exactly what it’s indicative of. That it’s an innuendo that only him and Eddie understand.
Eddie absolutely has a kink for being called master or dungeon master in the bedroom. I will not explain further. Steve did it as a joke once and the reaction was way too good.
But besides that nicknames for Eddie stump me. Of corse the usual “eds”, usual pet names/ terms of endearment, but beyond that I get stumped.
They use the same hair products, they realize, but in totally different ways and in totally different quantities. They both stand there infront of the bathroom mirror futzing for an hour in the morning, hip checking each other out of the way, teasing, hair spraying and all around being high maintenance bitches together. If Steve finds out eddie killed the last of his Farrah faucet spray? Oh, he is such a little bitch about it, whining and bitching all day until Eddie replaces it. Not like Steve hasn’t used so much of Eddie’s hair spray that the tow do them nearly choked to death in the bathroom that one time.
Speaking of hair, Eddie walks around with his hair in a ponytail or god forbid even a messy bun in the summer or if he’s doing house work or something, anything he really can’t stand his hair in his face for. And it drives Steve crazy, his pretty space all on display like that. Bonus points for Eddie in sweats, shirtless, tattoos and veins on gum tantalizing display, hair up, completely oblivious to how bad he’s got Steve.
Steve listens to the worst pop shit, in Eddie opinion. Bowie, wham, tears for fears, Toto, Elton John, queen. It makes his fucking ears bleed.
But when Steve starts belting good old fashioned lover boy in the shower and eddies sitting in Steve’s room, laughing to himself at the sound, it’s pretty cute. And he can live with it. It’s how Steve got the nickname anyway.
In the car Steve blasts head over heels on the radio on one of their first dates. They’re at lovers lake, Eddie’s trying to get the balls to make a move on him, palms sweaty and anxious that he’s taking too long to make a move or that he’s going too fast, and suddenly he, obliviously, himbo style, yells “oh my god I love this song!” And cranks the volume all the way up. Kills the moment, but when they talk about it later it’s all laughs at how they were both so oblivious. It instantly became their song, unfortunately for Eddie who has to hear is all the time. Steve leaves cassettes of this shit in Eddie’s car and you can’t tell a soul, but sometimes when he’s driving alone he misses his baby, and listens to some of that shit. To feel like he’s there.
Steve eventually comes around to Eddie’s music, even head bangs a little in Eddie’s car. Eddie loves it so fucking much. It’s like Steve’s just that much more into his weird little world.
Both boys are Jewish, I’ll die on this hill. Because I’m Jewish and I said so. My word is law.
Steve is the gold chai Jewish fuckboy. Eddie has an antique magen David from one of his grandparents he wears every day. Tucks it in in his shirt to survive Hawkins :(
“A little havdalah?” “Eddie that’s a joint” “so?” “Sure, fine”
I want to see a fucking yarmulke on all that fucking hair. Eddie is 100% the poor fella who needs to use bobby pins to get his kippah to stick. He and Steve end up barreling into the wheelers one day, accosting Nancy in her bedroom “we need bobby pins! Now! We’re already later to high holiday services Wayne’s gonna kill me I don’t have time to stop at the drug store HAIRPINS NOW WOMAN!”. Idk I just see it so clearly, so funny.
Unfortunately it’s probably where part of the “the freak” reputation comes from. Blood libel and all that good shit. So that’s a bummer.
Eddie and Wayne never had the kind of spare money around to get a lot of things, even after Eddie started selling drugs there was of corse new financial issues, so this lead to Steve noting, the first time he stayed the night in Eddie’s trailer, that they didn’t have a mezuzah. Eddie just shrugged. “We don’t have the kinda cash laying around for nice judaica, harrington”.
And yeah, it was a point. They grew up in such different households financially. Steve had two (albeit absentee, traveling for work all the time) working white collar parents, a two story house at the end of a cul de sac, with an inground pool. And Eddie and his blue collar uncle lived in a trailer, Eddie sold pot because he was too ADHD to hold down a stable job, while Steve worked weird little retail jobs for pocket money, because all the real bills were paid. Eddie paid half the bills at home. Different worlds.
Next day Eddie’s unhappy to wake up in an empty bed but he hears hammering. He rolls out of bed, shirtless, bed headed, grumpy mess, to find Steve nailing a mezuzah to the doorway of the trailer.
“Steve what are you doing?”. Redundant. “We’ll, I woke up this morning, remembered we had a spare in my garage from when my grand mom died and we had to clean out her house, so I went home, dug through the boxes of her shit and found it, came back here and put it up. Was gonna see how long it took you to notice. Uh, surprise.” Hes all sheepish and blushy. Cutest shit ever, Eddie thinks, as he kisses the daylights out of him on the living room floor.
Eddie makes a mean matzo ball soup. “It’s a good thing my ma wrote down one recipe for once. I’d be up shits creek without this to fallow”. Whenever their queer teen comrades™ or Steve’s kids™ are sick, they make soup and deliver it. They look so funny, like imagine mrs wheeler opening the door to this big ferocious grunge fella and nancys ex boyfriend, Eddie holding a Tupperware of soup saying “we made Mike soup. Sorry about his sinus infection.” Shit makes me giggle. Domestic lil bitches, party mom and dad.
Ms Henderson things it’s the sweetest thing when Dustin’s got a cold and they show up.
(This also means that Steve became the stand in alternate for any time someone can’t make a hellfire meeting.)
Joyce nearly court orders that they start coming to Shabbat dinner at the Byers’s. It’s a grand chaotic occasion. Hopper is barely getting the hang of things at this point, trying his best, 10/10, he’s not sure when his daughter ended up Jewish, but he came back from gulag and he was the house goy somehow. Max is always there, because well, max is always there, period. And becuase will and el and max are there the whole party wants to come, so what was once Joyce’s small Shabbat dinner with her two sons and herself is this big communal found family gathering now and she loves it so much.
But the boys! Steddie are so cute at Shabbat dinner. Serving eachother, Eddie grumbling that “you need to eat more vegetables, dumbass” forcing more into his plate, and Steve complaining that “every fucking time we eat a fucking meal together I have to force Protein down your throat! You’re still healing, asshole! You need it!”. And Joyce thinks it’s so cute how they fuss over eachother during dinner. Also bonus points to wills role models of a healthy, loving, competent gay relationship. He needs it. His stoned brother and his even more stoned boyfriend aren’t the best role models of domestic partnership. Mwah.
Steve alwyas makes his moms kugel. Joyce swears they don’t have to bring anything, sweetheart. “It’s the salt and pepper one”. Joyce can’t argue with that. It’s too good to deny.
Eddie once accidentally called joyce mom. He was helping her make something in the kitchen, and he just offhandedly addresses her as “mom” when he asks a question. He instantly goes bright red and apologizes, but, she just smiled. “Sweetie it’s fine. Everyone else calls me mom, you can, sweetie, it’s okay.” And the little punk is shy and blushy as he says okay, thanks. Joyce just adores Eddie.
Also bonus points for hopper having NO IDEA how HE, an adoptive single father, cop, from bum fuck Indiana ended up the surrogate father for like a dozen gay teens. He isn’t gonna judge them, god forbid let a soul put a finger on them but he’s like??? How did this happen??? And how did I become a pillar of the Hawkins Jewish community???
Friday nights also became family game night, with a desperate campaign which is extremely chaotic and idiotic. Eddie and will decided to DM together. Eddies entheasium and dramatics help will out of his shell a little bit- proves that there’s no reason to be shy about loving something, or having a cool campaign. And Joyce adores Eddie for that. They had to teach hopper and Joyce how to play, and they’re still getting the hang of it but it’s funny when they have to help them. Hopper asks a lot of weird questions. “Can I fight the door?” “No but you can roll to see if you can open it” “okay can I shoot the door?” “What are you, Nancy? Just roll to try to open the damn door, hopper”
Steve was such a little prep in highschool, he’s embarrassed by it now. And I’m heavily convinced he must have been on swim team, 100%. Idk it’s just his build. His personality. Eddie found an old team photo and ripped on him endlessly, teasing him mercilessly. One night Eddie gets one of Steve’s shirts and a pair of boxers to sleep in, like he always does, and he spots an old Hawkins swim team tee shirt. So he of corse takes it to be a little shit about it. He turns around to rejoin Steve in bed and Steve’s just slackjawed, realizing this is having way too much of an effect on him. Next day he steals a hellfire shirt to get back at Eddie, and ends up… ends up in a compromising position because of it. He’s gotta do that more, he realizes
Eddie comes around to Family video to see steve when he’s working. He props himself up on his elbows on the counter to loiter around, laying moves on steve, annoying steve, and only going home once he’s gotten a kiss. Robin is dramatic about how much she can’t stand them and how disgusting they are but she’s gotten used to Eddies weird antics and she liked having another weirdo around, and seeing Steve happy, truth be told.
Speaking of kisses, such a diverse array of kinds of kisses they share, but best of all, they mostly share soft, slow, sweet little PG kisses, smiley, cute little loving things. Murmuring teasing words against the others lips, gentle hands cupping faces to respect the hair.
So many smoking head cannons too
Steve obviously smokes (pot, if I need to specify) as well, but he always got that “rich kid crap” in highschool, according to eddie. Once these two are comfy and cozy together eddie just shares his shit with Steve. And he’s got some pretty damn good shit for himself. And Steve can’t get over the difference like holy fuck this shits kicking my ass Eddie god damn.
Eddie is a giggly high. He gets giggly at every little thing and it’s the best thing ever for Steve to Whitney’s. It’s so damn cute. Eddie has been through some wild shit, his childhood wasn’t great, but so see him so relaxed, fucking giggly, it’s the best to Steve.
Steve is a chatty high and an affectionate high. All over eddie, head in his lap talking about how they’re gonna have 6 kids and travel the country every summer in a camper and Eddie sits there nodding like an idiot but thinking ‘wtf is this stoned idiot talking about?’
This high confession is why eddie makes Steve drive the camper, 200%. He expected that Steve had experience with the matter considering this detailed life fantasy he had. Only to later find out he did not.
When Johnathan and argyle come into town and bring their California shit with them? Oh, Cali weed is no joke. They 4 of them get high and it really gets Eddie and Steve fucked up. Eddie has enough of a sense to get nervous when Steve starts to get touch freely, practically in his lap after a couple good hits, but he realizes he doesn’t have to worry when argyle literally pulls Johnathan in for a kiss. He lets Steve be as squishy as he wants for that smoke sesh after that.
I think that these two horny bastards would shotgun from time to time and I wanna talk abt that. The sloppy nasty make-out in the name of sharing smoke. Yeah, okay fellas keep telling yourself that. All Eddie knows is that a shotgun make out means he gets to taste his two favorite things: the inside of Steve Harrington mouth and good bud.
But also imagine how the Harrington house just reeks of pot, and when Steve realizes ‘oh shit my parents are coming home for a weekend’ him and Eddie spend the entire week before that trying to air the house out desperately, all the windows open, candles lit, etc.
Not exactly smoking HC, but not exactly not, Eddie takes Steve around with him to party’s when he deals. Steve gets him in most of the doors, TBH. he was king Steve in high school after all. And Steve just kinda sits there, glued to Eddie’s side while eddie does his shit. Like a lap dog.
Eddies like “you know all these kids and they like you, they hate me, you could drum me up some business you know” but Steve’s like they were all dicks to you in higschool why would I want to be nice to them???
They usually hang out and smoke with Chrissy once a week or so. Light a bonfire in Steve’s backyard. Steve’s gotten some weird shit from Jason carver that he thinks he’s fucking his girlfriend, but the reality is that he’s third wheeling to his very gay boyfriend and his cheerleader besties gossip sesh. Yeah, Chrissy is the worst gossip when she’s high. She also gets munchies like a mother fucker which the boys are SO HAPPY about, knowing abt her ana/mia. It’s not always just the three of them, Robin comes sometimes, sometimes even Nancy surprised everyone with her presence (just to take one hit and spend the rest of the night waxing poetry about her girlfriend). Robin is absolutely the conspiracy theory stoner of the group, and Chrissy surprisingly gets right into it with her. I wanna see these morons ordering so much fucking surfer boy, in weird ass flavor combinations, okay? To the point where they get a call to Steve’s address and realize shit it’s those stoner kids again, they’re gonna get some weird shit. Oh, and of corse once they Byers move back to Hawkins Johnathan joins them, just to whine about missing his boyfriend and get sentimental about how much he loves everyone. When argyle visits he’s the perfect gossip partner for Chrissy because he doesn’t know any of it and she gets to fill him in from the top.
Steve and Eddie to this disgustingly obnoxious thing where the call eachother ‘Steven’ and ‘Edward’ for dramatic effect. It annoys the fuck out of everyone. It’s pretty cute though. Eddie tearing into whoever’s house their hanging out of yelling ‘Steven! Steven how DARE you’ all to find out the dramatics are because he didn’t turn the drier on.
Steve is a moley Bastard. Freckles, moles, birth marks, he’s a fucking giraffe as far as Eddie’s concerned, and Eddie loves kissing all of them, makes a thing out of it, and Steve pretends he’s annoyed and tired of it but he adores it sm. He loves being loved on. Eddie just loves all his unique little bits.
Eddie has pleanty of scars from the demo bats. It’s impossible to ignore. But Steve loves them, reminds him how brave and amazing his man is. So he loves kissing on all his scars and marks, reminding him how beautiful they are
Steve learning how to paint nails just because he hates watching Eddie struggle with his non dominant hand. He just rolls his eyes, goes “gimme the damn bottle”, and does it without letting Eddie protest a second.
Eddie is ADHD as hell. And Steve let’s him use him as a human stim. Wanna play with my hair? Futz with my hands? Mess with my belt loop? Unbutton and re button my shirt sleeves? Sure Angel boy whatever you want.
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cactuseri · 2 years
your roommates au KILLED ME, like its literally. so accurate. robin and eddie stealing steve's shirts (bc let's be real, his clothes are probably Worn out and Soft and Perfect) and steve stealing eddie's shirt (either in retaliation or just because they all share clothes)
getting the most HEINOUS furniture just Because (and steve is secretly in love with the ugly ass couch bc he's never been allowed to display anything ugly)
being comfortable and domestic together; steve and robin slow dancing in the kitchen while they're making banana bread, robin and eddie doing each others hair during a movie, eddie and steve blasting music and rocking out in the living room, all three of them cuddling after bad nightmares and sleepless nights
the kids are over ALL THE TIME, draped over the couch and watching shows on the shitty tv and scavenging through the cupboards
steve falling in love with the lifestyle, so different from what he's used to and still so much better; he gets to weave around his two favorite people when they're all brushing their teeth in the two-square-foot bathroom; he gets to try new recipes with robin and eddie at his side, attempting to stop both of them from eating raw batter; he gets to kick his shoes off in the doorway and not worry about smearing mud across his mom's pristine carpet
sorry i kind of. vomited into your askbox gjshfjf i just have TONS of emotions about these three and how chaotic and also domestic their household would be. sobbing.
(also just like, these are my own personal headcanons so obviously they're probably different than what you're doing with the au!! i just wanted to share them with u, im not like. expecting you to add them to the au :P)
I LOVE THESEE omg i was literally just thinking about them dancing, and them bumping elbows as they’re all brushing their teeth in the tiny bathroom, and them just getting all the ugliest decor lmaoo
literally love everything about this and aghhh the steve not having to worry about the carpet im 🥺🥺 just. him finally getting to have a real place that’s lived in, chaotic, and so very loved… i am inconsolable
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oneshots-heaven · 7 years
“Would you forget?“
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To got your heart broken at a party is one of the worst kinds of heartbreak, and Steve Harrington just got to know that feeling.
Warning: swearing & underage drinking Steve Harrington x Reader Gif credit: (x) 
The music was blasting through the filled living room of Tina’s house. People were dancing close to each other, holding their red plastic cups filled with alcohol in their hands. Ever since the eighth grade, Tina held the most amazing Halloween parties as everyone got too old to still go trick or treating. It was a shame if you missed her parties in general.
The others started slow dancing to the music of ‘The Police‘ as you excused yourself and walked over to the little buffet and bar that Tina had built in her kitchen. 
You swung your hips to the beat of the music. Halloween was special in Hawkins as it was the only time where everyone truly had fun but after all what happened to that poor Byers boy, it felt wrong at first to even celebrate Halloween. You didn’t know why, it was just a weird feeling in your guts like something was still not right in your hometown. However, instead of worrying yourself the whole night, you still decided to come and enjoy the night, to be oblivious and just live your teenage life to its fullest.
Tina suddenly joined you, looking over the crowd of people in her house. Your parents would never allow that but her parents were kind of known to be… quite relaxed in such things. “Oh god, Y/N,“ she laughed while being obviously drunk, “have you seen that new boy? What’s his name again? B.. Bobby?“
You shook your head yet smiling you replied, “His name is Billy. I’m in the same history class as him.“
She laid her arm around your shoulders, pointing outside the big window where a smaller crowd of boys were standing around Billy, shouting his name with pride followed by cheers. “Isn’t he hot?“ Tina slurred in your ears.
“Doesn’t he have a shirt?“ you asked instead.
“Oh buh, Y/N, don’t you realize that that’s exactly what makes him so hot?“
Tina let go of you, trying her best to push herself up on the kitchen counter. You watched her ultimately fail doing it but she was giggling to herself. Good god, sometimes you forgot that drunk people were the funniest and most annoying at the same time. 
She glanced over to you, frowning. “What’s up with Nancy Wheeler and your Steve?“
Your eyes widened slightly but you tried to cover it up, although you believed that she wouldn’t even get it. She was too drunk for that. “Tina, you know he’s not my Steve. He’s just Steve, without anything.“
“Yeah, but you liked him before Nancy even knew him. You’ve literally liked him all your life!“
“Steve and I are just friends, and we never were and will be anything other than that.“ you assured her.
The next second, things started to get confusing. Nancy and Steve appeared in the wrong moment while you were still talking with Tina but Steve was too invested to keep Nancy from drinking more. She was slurring her words, trying to dip her cup in the punch while Steve was trying to take it from her and then the punch landed straight onto her white shirt. Everyone stopped dancing and starred instead at the young couple.
“The hell,“ Nancy murmured, looking from her shirt over to her boyfriend before she turned around walking to the bathroom.
“Nanc,“ Steve tried to stop her to calm her down, yet she was already running away from him and like Steve was, he instantly followed her. 
Your heart sank. 
“See,“ Tina said as both went away, “if you were being honest, you would admit that there is trouble in the air. And I don’t believe it’s coming from Steve’s side.“
She left you alone in the opened kitchen with her words that confused you and on top of that, Eddie Money’s ‘Think I’m in Love‘ had to be blasted. Tina knew Steve and you ever since junior school. Somehow the three of you always had been befriended but it was different between Steve and you. Ever since year seven, he and you had been friends and got the other’s back. Perhaps it was the most pure platonic friendship you ever had in your life, right until high school came around and Steve decided to grow out his hair. He looked like one of those boys from the movies your mother liked to watch and it was weirdly fascinating for you to see how many girls suddenly paid attention to him. In some ways, you had always liked him but back then it felt different than what it felt like now.
It was inevitable that you would end up falling for him.
You frowned as you noticed Steve grabbing Jonathan Byers rather harshly by his shirt, almost yanking him to the side. He told Byers something quickly before he turned away from him, walking outside. In the same moment, your empty cup felt down on the kitchen counter as you followed him outside, pushing yourself through the crowd and past Jonathan. You had no idea what was going on but it had been a long time since you saw Steve like that.
The coldness from the ending fall season hit you as soon as you were out of the house, looking around for a second to find him again. He walked past Billy and all the other guys from your year, ignoring everyone who called after him and before you knew it, you were already following him again. You had to run in order to catch him.
“Harrington,“ you called after him but he didn’t listen. He just kept on walking straight toward his car.
“God dammit,“ you murmured under your breath before calling out again for him, “Steve!“
You slowed down as he stopped and turned around with his hands in the pockets of his black jacket and his sunglass hanging around the neckline of his shirt. At first, he seemed surprised that it was you who was calling after him but then his mood took over him again. “What do you want, Y/N?“ he questioned.
“What the hell happened?“
“I don’t want to talk about it.“ he answered, turned around and started walking again.
You sighed and started to run after him once again. There was no way in hell you would let him drive home like that. Even if you didn’t want to admit it because facing the truth hurt only more, you knew him still well enough. You knew what he was like when he was truly hurt and no matter what just happened between Nancy and him, it had hurt him. It had hurt him badly. 
Steve’s hand was already on the handle of his car door, ready to open it up as you slammed it close, causing him to look up. “What the fuck do you want?“ he asked you again, this time more aggressive but his tone didn’t scare you. You knew his reactions all too well.
“Do you really believe I’m just going to let you drive now when obviously something fucked up happened between Nancy and you?“ you asked back with the same tone. He wouldn’t listen to you any other way.
Steve shook frowning his head. “Just leave me alone, Y/N. I’m not in the mood for talking.“
“I don’t care if you are in the mood to talk or not. You’re upset and you do stupid things when you’re upset and I don’t want to hear tomorrow that you crashed your goddamn car into the next crash barrier!“ your voice raised at him, until you realized how harsh you were being.
You pressed your lips together, looking around for a moment before you mumbled, “Just talk to me, Steve, to calm down. You know me. You can trust me.“
Steve let go of the handle to step back away from you. You couldn’t deny that that little move hurt you in the chest. “This isn’t about if I trust you or if I don’t. Yes, some fucked up shit just happened and I really don’t want to talk about it, can’t you get that?“
“No, in this moment I really can’t—“
Suddenly Steve groaned deeply, interrupted you within seconds, “Nancy doesn’t love me. She just thought that it might was the right time to break it to me. Are you happy now?“
Your hands clutched onto his car as your body stiffened, glancing speechless at your childhood friend. For the first time after years you saw him truly hurt. Steve Harrington wasn’t someone who got easily his heart broken and his head messed up but it only took minutes for Nancy Wheeler to destroy the boy you loved. And there it was again, the weird, empty feeling in your chest and the begging feeling in your lungs that screamed after air.
Tina was the one who broke it to you that Steve started dating Nancy. The whole day you had no idea what to feel or how to feel, what was right and what was wrong. You were so confused. Somehow, you were happy for him because he deserved it to be loved by someone and at the same time you hated Steve for running after that junior girl, instead of going for you. You were quick to realize that it always had been platonic between him and you. How on earth should he knew that his childhood friend might had feelings for him?
You felt a mixture of anger and frustration, and now… now you maybe should be happy to hear that Nancy didn’t love him but that was lie. Maybe it broke your heart just as much as his did. He didn’t deserve that, not after all what he had done for her and how hard he tried to be a good boyfriend for her. You weren’t angry, instead you felt sorry for him.
“She is drunk, Steve. She probably didn’t mean it.“ you managed to say but you knew that that wasn’t helping at all.
You gasped after air as Steve suddenly stepped closer to you. He couldn’t focus on what was happening. His body was trembling, while his hands shook so heavily that you instinctively grabbed them. 
He shook his head, over and over again, pressing his lips together and blink the tears to stop himself from sobbing. “You don’t forget that you love someone when you’re drunk. Tell me, Y/N, you wouldn’t forget that you love me if you were drunk, would you?“
His words hit you harder than Tina’s. This felt more real than your conversation with her. It was easy to deny your feelings in front of her, it was easy to lie straight into her face to keep your feelings hidden and safe. But in front of Steve, you were vulnerable like never before. He knew you better than anyone else yet he never figured it out and still you believed that there was always a chance that someday he will.
You couldn’t lie to him.
You could never lie to him.
“No… no, I wouldn’t.“
Possible a second part if you want? — Here you go: Part Two!
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