#stepmom!wanda x reader
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Everything You Need
Stepmom!Wanda x Reader
Summary: Wanda takes great responsibility with being your mama. Maybe even too much responsibility at times. She’s determined to be everything you could ever need.
CW: Breastfeeding, Somnophilia (so noncon), loss of virginity, first kiss, fingering, arousal tasting, Wanda is a little freak
Word Count: ~3.5k (I didn’t check)
A/N: The final chapter. It’s very bittersweet. I have loved this story quite possibly more than anything I’ve written before. However, I’m very proud to wrap it up and put a little bow on this series as a finish project at last.
Part 6 of Her Special Girl
Infuriatingly enough, Wanda’s milk came late one morning when you weren’t home. In fact, you weren’t going to be home at all until later that evening, after all your classes were over. It took every bit of her willpower not to text you as soon as it happened. She wanted it to be a surprise.
But all it would take is one text. You could be home in ten minutes. The two of you would have all afternoon to yourselves. She could have Vision pick the boys up from school. Email Natasha and take the rest of the day off. Your father wouldn’t be home until tonight.
No. No, your schoolwork was important. She would let you finish up your classes, and you would be home in six hours, and then she could slip into your room after the boys and your father went to bed. After pumping this morning, she probably wouldn’t have much more milk until then anyway.
It was a noble goal, truly.
She made it 45 minutes. She sat in front of her desk, trying to work through an excel sheet. But she couldn’t focus. All the cells twisted and melted together as her brain swam with daydreams. You were going to be so excited. She imagined your smile when she told you: your eyes would crinkle at the corners, squinting into crescents so tight it looked like they were nearly closed. Your cheeks would form your perfect dimples, 2 on your left cheek, 1 on the right. The one on your right cheek only made an appearance when you were really happy.
Finally, she caved. She shot Natasha a short, nondescript email, Vision a short text, and you an equally brief text, asking if you could come home early because she had a surprise. She paced around your bedroom, obsessively folding and unfolding the throw blanket at the foot of your bed.
She fluffed the pillows, made up the sheets, flattened out the comforter and tucked it in at the sides of the mattress, only to then strip the bed completely and put on new, clean sheets, even though she just changed them three days ago.
She truly hadn’t been this excited in ages. She hadn’t even been this neurotic when she learned you were coming home for the first time in three years. Of course she cleaned in the weeks leading up to it, a lot. But she hadn’t necessarily had time to prepare for the immediate event of your arrival, given that you had arrived a bit unexpectedly a week early.
She felt like a pregnant dog obsessively digging through her whelping box, or a mother bird perfecting every twig of her nest in preparation for her hatching eggs.
Her baby was coming. Everything had to be perfect.
Wanda laid awake, staring at the vaulted ceiling until it appeared to be stretching, tightening the walls around her that threatened to swallow her up. It was well past midnight, probably around 2am, but she hadn’t been able to sleep a wink. She couldn’t stop thinking about today: the twin’s kindergarten orientation.
She held it off for as long as she could, just like she had with every other aspect of their growing up. Every milestone they’d ever reached had been a blade through her heart. They all felt like the world’s cold hands were ripping her babies from her arms.
If it weren’t for Vision, they might not even be potty trained despite having shown signs of readiness very early.
She hated how fast they were growing up. How all the other adults in their life fawned over how “independent they were for their age”. She loved her boys more than anything in the world, but god she wished they were more clingy and needy. They never even wanted to sleep in the bed with her. She had tried to force the habit, but they always managed to wriggle their tiny bodies out of her loving arms.
It didn’t help that they were twins so they could rely on each other for some things instead of just her.
And then there was kindergarten orientation. She watched as all the other children cried and clung to their mothers with desperation. She knew it bordered on sadism, but she felt a slight tinge of hope that her beautiful boys might feel the same desperation at the thought of being separated from her.
But they didn’t.
They pranced into the classroom together, elated by the prospect of new toys and friends to play with. They hardly even gave her a second glance. They were no longer her tiny, helpless babies that relied on her for everything. She tried to tell herself that independence was good. Natural. But her heart felt like it was being ripped apart. Her babies weren’t babies anymore. They didn’t need her like they had before.
She couldn’t have any more children. She had a stepdaughter, but you hated her as far as she knew. Not to mention you were old enough to move out on your own. You didn’t need her at all.
And soon her boys wouldn’t either. She would be left all alone: the empty husk of a woman rotting away with no purpose. No one to care for. No one to love her unconditionally. No one to love her at all.
Alright. She was spiraling. She needed to take a walk.
She threw her robe over her thin pajama shirt and headed for the kitchen. Maybe some tea would clear her mind.
But before she could head down the stairs, she heard something odd. Was that the shower? No one should be in the shower at this time of night. You had gotten in the shower before she went to bed, but that had been hours ago.
She cracked open your bedroom door, finding your room empty. She knocked on the bathroom door. “Honey? Are you okay in there?”
No answer. Her stomach churned. Something wasn’t right. She stood on her tiptoes, reaching for the key they kept above the doorway in case of emergency and unlocked the door.
“Honey?” She called, stepping quietly into the bathroom. She didn’t want to invade your privacy, but she could feel in her gut that something was wrong.
That’s when she saw you, limp and freezing on the bathroom tile. She flung open the glass door in a frenzy, braving shutting off the freezing water and pulling your wet, naked body into her arms. “Oh! My sweet girl. How long have you been in here? I just woke up to use the restroom and I heard the water still running. You poor thing, have you been in here all night? You’re freezing. Your poor lips are purple! Come on, let's get you warmed up.”
She picked you up cradling you against her chest like a baby. Her baby. She looked down, taking in your face. Your lips were purple, but slightly parted. Your little noises mimicked a baby’s coos, chirps and whines made in place of words. She laid you down on top of a blanket, carefully folding the ends over your freezing body into a comforting swaddle.
When your small, shaking body inched closer to her, wrapping around her waist like a scarf, her heart melted. She pushed the wet hair from your eyes, gently caressing your head. And as she looked into your eyes, something in the universe clicked. She had spent all night feeling so empty, like her very purpose was fading away, but it was all restored by the look you gave her. It was the same look she wished to see on her boys’ face this morning: clingy, needy, and completely reliant on her.
You needed her, and she needed you to need her. “Aww my sweet girl. You’ll be alright. I’m not going anywhere. Mama’s here.”
When you tugged weakly at her nightshirt, pulling her towards you with tiny, desperate hands, she did not hesitate to crawl under the blankets and pull you into her arms. “You poor thing, you're still freezing. It’s okay, mama will keep warm.”
She thought nothing of it when you started to pull the nightshirt over her head, exposing her bare skin to your own. You were still ice cold to the touch, but she pressed your entire body to hers, cradling you to her chest. She held you like she would have if you had just come into the world, laying you bare against the skin of her chest. She cradled the back of your head with her hand, inhaling your smell. The smell of her baby. “Mmm, you’re right this will get you all nice and warmed up. You're a very smart girl.”
“I love you, mama.”
“I love you too, sweet girl.”
She kissed your head, enveloping you with her warmth. She held you tight, even as she finally felt your body go limp on top of her. She sang you sovokian lullabies as you slept, rubbing up and down your back, circling the swell of your ass. You were so soft. You were so little. She pressed her fingers into your palm, watching as your infantile reflexes caused you to wrap your hand around them.
She felt as you unconsciously shifted, nuzzling your face into her neck. She giggled as your warm breath tickled her skin. She held your face, placing her thumb just in between your parted lips. “My beautiful girl,” she whispered, lifting your face to press a gentle kiss to your lips. Your first kiss, completely forgotten by your unconscious mind.
There were other things you didn’t remember. Many nights when she had crept in after you had fallen asleep to explore your soft body. You only ever wore slips to bed, when you wore anything at all. You loved the feeling of soft blankets on your skin. In some ways, she imagined you did it just for her: leaving yourself as a little present to unwrap at the end of the day.
She always treated you so delicately, with the utmost love and respect. She did love you, after all. She would take care of you just as any mother would. So when your body started to yearn for more, responding to her gentle caresses with an arched back and whiny breaths, she couldn’t bring herself to deny you.
“Shhh,” she soothed, positioning her body over yours, “Mama’s got you. Just relax. Let mama take care of you.” She eased her hand down your body, slowly pushing up the hem of your slip and rubbing her fingers over your panties. She could feel a damp spot growing over the thin, silky material under her fingertips.
You whined and bucked your hips against her hand.
“Oh angel,” she breathed, kissing your temple. “You poor thing. So needy for mama. It’s okay baby. I’m gonna take of Every. Little. Thing.” She slipped her hand under the fabric and circled your clit slowly before sliding a single finger inside of you.
“God you’re so tight. I bet no one’s ever touched you here before, have they, sweet girl?” She whispered. You stirred, whining and rubbing your eyes. “Shshsh, go back to sleep baby. Let mama take care of your needy body.”
She slowed down, stilling completely until she was sure you were asleep. Only then did she start to move, slow and gentle. She kissed your temple, soothing your writhing, sleeping body. She cooed praises into your ear as she pumped a single finger in and out of you. Her palm massaged your clit in perfect, gentle circles. It was enough to make your untouched body cum in minutes.
“That's my good girl,” she whispered. “Letting mama take care of you like this.”
She slowly pulled her finger from you, drinking down the remnants of your first ever orgasm. One you would never remember, but she would, forever.
She was gentler with you than anyone else would be, she told herself. You were too good for anyone. She would have to protect you from them. She had to make sure you never wanted for anything. She would be your sole source of happiness and safety, more than your own mother, or anyone else for that matter, ever had been. She would feel your entire life with so much laughter and love you would forget there was even a world outside of her. She was determined to be your mother, your lover, your best and closest friend. She would be everything you could ever need.
When she heard the sound of your keys in the front door, she practically jumped down the stairs. She was in the foyer before you could even unlace your shoes, holding something conspicuously behind her back.
You smiled at her with giddy excitement, bouncing on the balls of your feet. She licked her lip, slowly pulling a small plastic container from behind her back. At the bottom of the container was a small amount of a yellowish white liquid. You looked at the liquid, then back up at her beaming face. “Is that…” you asked knowingly.
She eagerly nodded. You ran into her arms excitedly, beaming from ear to ear. She pulled you into a deep kiss, practically bending you backwards with the ferocity of it. You reached up to grab the back of her neck, holding her face in your other hand. By the time you pulled back, you were both breathless, but you could hardly keep away, following the kiss with several more pecks punctuated by smiles and bits of laughter. You nuzzled your nose against her, rubbing your excitement all over her.
She moved away only far enough to set the plastic container down on the nearest surface available before pulling you back into her arms.
“Can I drink it?” you asked, cradling her cheek once more.
“Not that one,” she responded. She had read it was best to pour the first milk out. As much as she loathed to throw any of the precious liquid away, your health was too precious to risk. “But every other drop I ever make is for you.” She kissed you again, resting her forehead against yours. “All for you.”
You smiled, wrapping your arms around her neck and jumping up to wrap your legs around her waist. She caught you with practiced ease, looping her arms under your butt and making her way up the stairs.
You tried to kiss her more, but she chuckled. “Careful, sweet girl. You’re gonna make mama fall.”
It wasn’t until she made it into your room that she gently laid you down on your back and bent over to press her lip to yours.
Your hands slid up under her shirt, pulling it up over her head as she crawled on top of you. Her bra came shortly after, sliding down over her shoulders revealing her perfect chest. She had grown nearly an entire cup size since she had started pumping two months ago. Luckily she was a small C to begin with, so most of her bras still fit, if not a little snugly.
You impatiently moved down to her swollen nipples, trying to secure one between your lips in the awkward position. She buried her hand in your hair, pulling you back firmly. “Be patient, sweet girl. Let me sit down first.”
You nodded, mouth still eagerly open and eyes blown wide with hunger and desire. “Yes, mama.”
She sat at the headboard, adjusting the pillows around her lap. She beckoned you up. You crawled into her lap, laying down with your head cradled in the crook of her elbow. “There you go,” she cooed, easing you into her chest.
Your lips gently closed around her nipple. Despite your prior impatience, your position in her arms eased your eager mind. Your suckling was slow and methodical, keeping a gentle and consistent rhythm. Wanda ran her hand through your hair, cooing gently. “That’s my sweet girl. Just like that.”
There was a tense thirty seconds where she worried the milk would not come. She had just pumped hardly an hour ago. But, in time, she felt the smooth start to flow from her breast. She inhaled sharply. The hand that combed through your hair started to shake as she brought it to her own mouth. She had waited so long for this moment: she was feeding her baby from her own body. Nothing had ever felt so magical.
“Oh,” she sighed, bringing her hand back down to caress your soft cheek. The thin peach fuzz on your face felt so unbelievably soft under her knuckles as she felt the rhythmic pulse of suckling from the outside. “My baby.”
Tears welled up in her eyes, gently rolling down her cheeks and neck onto her bare chest. She was so happy. She could sit here just like this forever, listening to the peaceful sound of your suckling. Your eyelids fluttered blissfully, as if you were drinking some magical elixir that calmed every muscle in your body. You were completely limp in her arms, maybe even more so than you would be if you were sleeping. Your head was emptied of every thought. There was just Wanda and her sweet, warm essence pouring down your throat.
Wanda chuckled softly as a small drop of milk formed at the corner of your mouth. She wiped it away. “Messy girl,” she whispered playfully. Her hand worked its way down to your stomach, lifting your shirt and circling the soft skin there. She imagined it filling, swelling with her milk until you were completely sated. Until you didn’t need anything else but her.
There wasn’t very much milk, at the moment. Between both of her breasts, you were probably only able to get about an ounce. But there would be more. There would always be more for you. She would make sure of it. There would always be as much as you needed.
You moved to pull away, but she held you close. “Not yet, little love,” she requested quietly. Her hand moved lower, trailing down your bare stomach until it slipped its way under the waistband of your pants. “Let me take care of you.”
Her hand slid between your legs, edging them apart slightly. Her middle finger gently traced your slit, stopping to circle your clit. You moaned into her chest causing a small moan to escape her lips as well. She pushed your underwear aside, pushing two fingers past your entrance. The rhythm of your suckling faltered as she pumped her fingers.
The angle was slightly awkward, but it was heavenly. It was the same angle she had used to give you your first ever orgasm, with an extra finger. You didn’t know, as you had no recollection of it, but she surely did.
The base of her palm rubbed perfectly against your clit with every stroke. The pads of her fingers curled so perfectly inside of you. Your eyes, already heavy with relaxation, rolled back. Your body, already limp in her arms, molded perfectly with hers. Your mind, already void of all stress and thoughts, was overtaken with pleasure.
She could feel every whimper and moan amplified with her nipple still tucked securely between your lips. Your pleasure became her pleasure in a perfect combination of two bodies.
When you came on her fingers, the moans and vibrations that rang through her chest sent her into her own orgasm, one she didn’t expect and, quite frankly, didn’t know was possible.
After coaxing every drop of your excitement your body would allow, She brought her fingers to her mouth, swallowing down your essence as you had swallowed hers.
She finally allowed you to pull away, adjusting your body to lay on top of hers. You kicked your pants and shirt off, removing any clothes she had from her body as well. There would be nothing in between. You couldn’t bear to feel anything but her skin against hers. Your legs tangled in with hers as you rested your head in her neck.
“Mmm, I love you mama.” You hummed pleasantly, craning your neck you to kiss her jaw.
“I love you too, sweet girl,” she said, pressing a long kiss to your forehead. “More than all the stars in the sky.” She rubbed soothing circles into your back. She rocked you quietly singing you the same Sovokian lullaby she had all those years ago, coaxing you to sleep.
There was no greater place of peace anywhere in the world. You were sure of it. She was everything you needed. Everything you would ever need.
#wanda maximoff#wanda x reader#wanda x you#wanda x y/n#mommy wanda#wanda maximoff x reader#mommy!wanda#her special girl#wanda maximoff x y/n#stepmom!wanda x reader#stepmom!wanda#stepmom wanda#mama wanda#wanda maximoff fanfiction
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Missed You
Step mom!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Word count: 859
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, stepmom/stepdaughter, induced lactation/nursing, emotional distress, guilt, age gap (W=35 R=19)
Authors notes: Thank you to @scarlethexelove for helping with this when I was stressing

You'd been at college all year, using every excuse to not go home. You were so nervous to see her again. Before you had left, your stepmom had let you know how she truly felt about you. You felt the same, but it scared you, so you ran away to college and stayed away. Now it was the middle of June and you sat in your car in the driveway, gripping the wheel until your knuckles were white.
She's your stepmom. This isn't right. It's wrong to be in love with her, but you couldn't help it. Her warm and loving nature pulls you in. You tried to get her off your mind at college, but every time you tried to be with someone else, it felt wrong.
Every time, you thought of her. Once or twice, you'd been slapped and left when you called out her name. You take a deep, shaky breath as you finally get out of the car and grab your suitcase. Opening the front door when you get there you call out, "Anyone home?" Then you hear her feet padding on the floor and she comes around the corner. The biggest smile on her face. You want to melt when you see it.
"Oh malyshka, you're home." She comes over and wraps her arms around you. You can't help but melt into her. All the tension you've been holding onto melts away in an instant. Your arms wrap around her waist as you bury your face in her chest.
You breathe her in, and suddenly you want to cry. You left her for ten months. Ten fucking months. You guys got to be together for two weeks, and then you left her. You feel so shitty for that.
“I'm..m'sorry for leaving like that...” Your voice cracks and breaks. Wanda rubs soothing circles on your back,
“Shhh moya krasivaya sladkaya devochka (my beautiful sweet girl).” She brings you over to the couch.
“I-I missed you so much, Mama.” Wanda shushes you again as she pulls you into her lap. She makes you feel safe and wanted. Who cares what others think of you and your relationship with Wanda. You want this.
Wanda kisses the top of your head as she cradles you in her arms. “I love you so much, malyshka. I'm just happy you're home.”
“R-really Mama?” You ask, looking up at her. She had you cradled so nicely. You were in the perfect spot to suckle. You had gotten to do it once before you left, and Wanda had promised that when you came back for break, she'd be lactating for you. This confused you because at the time, as you didn't realize you could induce that without being pregnant.
You doubted that she'd be prepared for this. Maybe Thanksgiving and Christmas she had tried, and then when you didn't show up, you assumed she'd give up on that little fantasy
Wanda gently strokes your cheek. “Oh moya sladkaya devochka (my sweet girl) of course Mama loves and misses you.” You whine and nuzzle into her chest.
“Love you too, Mama. M'sorry I didn't come back, was scared.” You mumble against her.
“What were you scared of, sweetheart?” She asks and you blush, burying your face against her.
“S-scared of you...of of falling in love and...and...” She pulls you back out and into a kiss that you melt into. Your racing thoughts coming to a halt.
“I understand that it's scary baby, but I do love you so very much.” A heat rises in you, your stomach flipping as you grip her shirt tightly.
“Love you mama! So so much!” You blush even harder and hide your face, which causes her to chuckle.
You're nuzzling into her chest, and you hear as she lets out a gasp. You look up to her, your eyes wide with wonder.
“What is it, Mama?” You ask.
“Mama's chest is sensitive, baby.” Then you notice it. A wet spot where her nipple is. You lick your lips at the thought.
“M-Mama...are..are you...?”
She smiles down at you. Without answering, she moves you enough to pull her shirt off, revealing her bare chest. Her pebbled peaks leaking some milk. You lick your lips as you can't help but stare.
“You...you still...?” You swallow hard just wanting to give in and latch on.
“Every time I knew a break was coming up, I'd start back up.” She pulls you gently until you happily latch on, feeling her warm milk filling your mouth. You relax against her, eyes twinkling up at her as you listen. “I never gave up hope that you'd come back. I knew you'd find your way back.”
You whine around her as you continue to suckle. Feeling bad for leaving her full and sensitive, just waiting for you to be here. “S-Sowwy Mama.” You mumble around her some of her milk trickling out your mouth.
She carefully wipes it up. “Enough apologies, milaya. All that matters is this and we have two whole weeks to ourselves.” You get excited at the thought of two whole weeks with just her and all the stuff the two of you would get up to.
#ley writes#ley writes one shots#leys kinktober writing#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda x reader#wanda maximoff x y/n#wanda maximoff x fem!reader#wanda maximoff x female reader#mommy!wanda maximoff x fem!reader#mommy wanda#sub!fem!reader#stepmom!wanda
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Imagine step-mom Wanda.
“This is what all step mamas do, darling.”
She says as two fingers are buried knuckle deep inside you. You whimper, nodding with teary eyes.
“A—All mamas..” You whisper, bucking your hips, begging her for more. She bites her lip, and slowly thrusts her fingers.
“Mommy!” You moan, to which she covers your mouth with her hand.
“Shh, detka, you don’t want to wake up your father, do you?” She smirks, her thrusts speeding up. She loves watching the tears form in your eyes, the way you try so desperately to be quiet.
You hold your breath in an attempt to silence yourself.
“Good girl, so good for mama, hm?” She whispers, leaning forward to kiss your lips gently.
You let out a shaky breath, kissing her back eagerly. Wanda was your first kiss, your first fuck, your first infatuation. So that means everything was so much more exciting. Kissing her feels electric and you only hope she feels the same way.
And judging by the wet patch on her underwear, she does.
#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda x reader#mommy!wanda#elizabeth olsen#lesbian#lgbtq#mommy wanda#smut#mama wanda#stepmom!wanda#stepmom wanda
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She absolutely knew what she was doing
#flositaa’s ramble#lizzie olsen#elizabeth olsen#wanda#wanda maximoff#wanda marvel#mommy wanda#natasha romanoff#wanda maximoff fanfiction#wanda x natasha#wanda mcu#mama wanda#mommy wanda 🧎♀️#step mommy wanda#step mommy wanda au#elizabeth olsen x reader#step mom wanda#mama wanda maximoff#mommy?#wanda fanfic#emo wanda#wandanat#teacher wanda#wanda maximilf#stepmom wanda#wanda maximoff fluff#wanda maximoff imagine
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𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓉𝓎𝓅𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝓂𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑒𝒸𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒
: ̗̀➛ stepmom!wanda x fem!reader

parts: TBD
summary: after years of internally pining for your stepmother, you become increasingly incapable of hiding your feelings. you didn’t know all along that wanda was aware of your attraction and was just waiting for you to snap and admit your feelings. once you finally cave and throw all caution to the wind, your relationship turns into something you never expected.
au/background: stepmom!wanda is shameless in life, but she’s still smart, careful and calculated. she lives for her boys, but you quickly become imprinted on her heart as well. she loves to revisit her old self (which was a bit emo) with you, smoking weed occasionally, blasting her favorite artist (bon jovi) in the car, and drinking too much wine with dinner when the boys go to bed early. it was almost like she had a double side—one that was presented to the world for neighbors, strangers, your father and her boys.. but you got a glimpse into a whole different side of her. (she also likes aerosmith, queen, led zeppelin, def leppard etc 😋)
authors note: my most famous/liked fic (by far) was pairing the reader with stepmom!wanda. you can read that here, if you’d like :3 i figured i’d finally indulge all your guys’s naughty little taboo fantasies by writing this series >:)
#not your typical may to december romance: series#nytmtdr: series#stepmom!wanda#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff x fluff#wanda maximoff x smut#wanda maximoff x you#wanda maximoff x y/n#wanda maximoff
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I love Bottom!Step-Mom!Wanda, just so desperate for affection and just so needy ✨

#wanda maximoff x reader#bottom wanda maximoff#stepmom Wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff smut#wanda maximoff#wanda maximilf#wanda maximoff x you#wanda marvel#bottom!wanda
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Wanda Maximoff is just so mommy, like even the way she breathes is mommy. I just want her to baby me and undermine me “aww is that good honey?” “Yes mommy yes please” goddd😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫
#stepmom!wanda#mommy wanda#smut#wanda maximoff#wanda x y/n#wanda x reader#wanda x you#wanda maxmoff x y/n#wanda maximommy#sapphicbaby#wanda maximilf
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Pairing: Step Mom Wanda Maximoff x reader
Warnings: slight dark Wanda, hints of sexual content

Your favorite time with Wanda was when your father would leave on business trips and Wanda would insist on cuddling together in her bed. She would hold you close and whsiper about how much she loved you and how soon you both would be together all by yourselves as she gave you kisses on the head and occasionally the lips. You weren't sure what she meant by the by yourselves part but you let yourself hum in contempt in gladly accept whatever she said you to you to out of it to realize the words.
"Are you mine?"
"Do you want me to take you away?"
No matter what it was you always agreed
Your second favorite thing to do with Wanda was cook. You loved seeing her cooking and listening to her explain the steps to you. You especially loved when she would come up behind you and press you between the counter and her to "help" you. Which often times turned into dinner being a little later.
Movie nights where also a favorite of yours. Getting to cuddle up close to her even when your dad was there because he was blind and thought you two were just getting along. Wanda would stroke your waist as you fidgety in your seat and slowly Wanda's hands would move down as your father started to fall asleep. She would whisper to you to be quiet and still but she eventually would have to take you upstairs.
#wanda#marvel wanda#wanda maximoff imagine#wanda maximoff smut#wanda maximoff x you#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff x reader smut#wanda maximoff x fem reader#wanda maximoff x female reader#step mom wanda#stepmom wanda maximoff#marvel#mcu#wanda marvel#wanda mcu#wanda maximoff
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Love all of my writers but I need y’all pumping more works out because a bitch is THIRSTY for content. (: please
#wanda#wanda maximoff#love quinn x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#stepmom!wanda#elizabeth olsen x reader#kate bishop x reader#wanda maximoff x female reader#wanda maximoff x fem!reader
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a/n: hope this is okay for you anon! just a quick drabble i typed up before i go to sleep <3 ps, thank you for the kind words :)
behind closed doors
warnings: 18+, smut, mommy kink, breeding kink, dirty talk, intersex!stepmom wanda, bratty reader, degradation, cheating.
words: 1.9k

“oh honey, that is not how that story goes and you know it”
you roll your eyes at the sound of the group you’re apart of laughing in an ear piercing uproar, the sound grates your ears and you bite back a wince at the sheer volume.
“i swear that’s what happened.. unless my old age is getting to me”
it was your mothers turn to speak, her words are in response to your step mothers’ first comment, in regards to a story that in your opinion, no one really gave a fuck about; but they all laugh along, eager to appease your mother and her boring sense of humour.
you shifted slightly on your feet, your hands tugging downwards on the hem of your dress before something catches your eye.
a waiter, mere seconds away from passing by you holds a tray of flute glasses in one hand that is filled to the perfect point with expensive champagne. you quickly snatch away a single glass and raise it to your lips, the bubbles fizz at the brim, the smell of limestone invading your nostrils as you take a delicate sip.
it’s an acquired taste to say the least, but you ignore the aroma, letting it hit your palate as you gulp down the rest of the drink. you feel eyes on you and just as quickly as you obtain the glass, it’s just as swiftly taken away from you.
you gasp softly, looking up to see green eyes that beam with fury. “you’re not allowed to be drinking y/n, don’t do that again”
the voice is low and seething with anger, instantaneously it causes a smirk to twitch at your lips upon hearing it. “oh i’m sorry wanda, i needed something to wash down the bullshit, you can hardly blame me”
wanda’s eyes narrow, a snarl curling in her lips as she speaks. “you pathetic little girl, can’t you just keep your snide comments to yourself for one night? this is an important time for your mother, you know that. now shut your mouth and show some respect”
silence had quickly fallen on the group, all eyes focused on the intense scene unfolding before them. your mother watches from the sidelines, embarrassment evident in her face as she stands by idly.
your mother was never one to correct you, always too careful with her words and too afraid to grow a back-bone and put you in your place. wanda on the other hand was the complete opposite; she had quickly grown to be the one who stepped up, even in the short two years that you had known her.
it honestly wanted to make you laugh. your own flesh and blood, too scared to reprimand you, but someone you had known for over 24 months was brave enough to take matters into her own hands and portray some dominance.
“i don’t have to show you shit wanda, you’re not my mother. now if you’ll excuse me, i’d rather be anywhere else but here”
you turn your body to leave, your feet stepping forward to take you out of the banquet hall and away from the fake facades that radiate from everyone in the room like a bad smell.
a hand latches itself onto your wrist, the grip firm in its placement that quickly stops you in your tracks.
“carry on everyone, i think y/n just needs some fresh air” wanda steps past you, her feet moving with determination as she drags you along behind her.
you remain silent as wanda moves through the crowd of people, taking you out of the hall and into a corridor that’s home to multiple doors that lead to god knows where. it was quite excessive in your opinion but you don’t reflect on it for long as wanda flings open one of the wooden doors and pushes you inside before she steps inside after you, pulling the door shut behind her.
the room wanda had charged you both into seemed to be an office. bookcases rested on the outskirts of the room and picture frames that held famous quotes and paintings hung delicately on the walls. behind you situated a large oak desk and you shifted backwards until you leant against the hard wood.
“what is wrong with you today? you aren’t usually this.. bitchy” the redhead mutters, her voice much less sterner than it was previously. “the way you spoke in there, i have half a mind to wash your mouth out with soap”
you shrug your shoulders, not really having an answer for the woman before you. instead, you choose to direct the conversation to something you have more of an interest in. “or you could spank me? that’s usually your go to punishment, mommy”
a glint of amusement flashes in your eyes along with a smile that soon spreads across your lips.
wanda tilts her head and you watch as the gears turn in her mind while she reflects on your words. “oh” she elongates, “so that’s why you’re being such a brat, huh? your slutty little pussy is turning your brain to mush and all you can do is act out like a child”
wanda steps forward, her gaze never faltering as she approaches your smaller frame. even in high heels the redhead stood taller than you, making you gulp as she looks down at your strong demeanour that quickly starts to fade the closer she gets.
“if you wanted my cock darling, all you had to do was ask. this whole ‘i hate you’ illusion is getting old, especially when we both know how much you love being my little breeding whore”
your eyebrows knit together as you bite down on your bottom lip, not letting out the whimper that’s threatening to escape from the back of your throat. “but it’s hard to ask when everyone else has your attention but me! do you know how hard it is to see my mother fawn over you like a lapdog while others gather around you to hear that stupid wedding story for the umpteenth time?”
wanda juts out her bottom lip in a feigned pout as she steps closer once more until your hips soon connect and your breasts press flush together. you feel something hard protrude from the confines of her suit pants and you can’t help but gasp at the feeling.
“oh honey, you don’t have to be jealous. this is what you do to me,” wanda accents her words with a jut of her hips, her cock pressing harshly against the inside of one of your thighs. “not her.. you know i have to play the doted wife when it comes to these fancy parties, image and reputation is important”
a groan escapes your lips when wanda moves her hips again, you feel her grow harder behind the soft cotton and you instantly wrap your arms around the back of her neck, pulling her in for a hungry kiss; something you had been dying to do ever since you left the house hours prior.
wanda moans against your mouth, her hands moving to grasp the back of your thighs before promptly lifting you on top of the desk. you break the kiss, huffing at the impact before quickly collecting yourself to move your head forward, peppering sloppy kisses on the base of wanda’s neck. “it doesn’t make it any easier”
“i know, detka. but, you’re mine.. all mine. don’t let your dumb little brain forget that”
you nod with a breathy, “yes mommy” before continuing your work against wanda’s soft skin. you nibble and suck at her neck, careful not to leave any marks.
you had learned your lesson long ago when you got a little too rambunctious and left a hickey below wanda’s jawline, she loved how you wanted to mark what was yours, but she had to punish you on disobeying her orders.
never leave evidence, that’s how you get caught, she said. and wanda wouldn’t let anyone ruin what you two had together, especially not over something so simple as a love bite.
wanda’s hands thread through the length of your hair, grasping a handful before tugging backwards until your mouth detaches from the comfort of her skin. you look up at her, panting slightly and wanda can’t help the twitch in her cock at your doe-eyed expression.
“god.. you have no idea what you do to me. you’re so beautiful, detka. so beautiful and all mine”
wanda’s free hand moves down her stomach until it lands on the leather belt that wraps around her waist snugly. she quickly unbuckles it and then shifts to unzip her pants, the item of clothing swiftly falling down until it bunches around her ankles.
“i have to admit, you aren’t the only one who’s desperate tonight. the way you look in this dress is mesmerising, and all i wanted to do was rip it off you and stuff you full of my cum”
you moan out, not caring for the volume as her filthy words echo in your mind. “please, mommy. that’s all i want, i need your cock so bad”
wanda chuckles, releasing her grip from your hair so she can let her hands fall to the hem of your dress. “yeah?.. you want mommy to fuck her cum into you? get you all good and pregnant?”
you moan once more, your hips bucking at the question. “yes yes, i do,” you let a hand snake its way past wanda’s arms, searching for the one thing you crave right now. once you do, you cup her cock through the material of her boxer briefs, grinding your hand against the hard member slightly until you feel it pulse under your touch. “fuck me, please”
that’s all it takes for wanda to tug at the hem of your dress until it collects around your hips. the mouth watering sight of a red thong now on display has wanda groaning and thrusting her hips against the palm of your hand, her body desperate for friction.
“i love it when you wear these skimpy little things. you look delicious, my love”
as much as wanda loves the sight of them, her attention lies much deeper than that; behind the thin barrier that stops her from seeing your bare form.
you mutter an, “all for you” before wanda grows impatient and yanks down the material. the cold air hits your now uncovered pussy, pulling a sharp gasp from you as you watch her blindly throw them on the desk behind you.
the redhead trails a single digit through your slick folds, a soft moan leaving her lips at the feeling. “such a messy pussy, i’m betting i could easily slide right inside”
your head falls to rest on wanda’s shoulder, your mind reeling at the touch of wanda’s hand. “mommy, don’t tease.. please. we can’t be gone for too long”
wanda tuts at your avidity before promptly speaking. “hmm, you’re right malysh. we don’t have a lot of time, everyone will be wondering where we are.. and we wouldn’t want everyone to know the daughter of the esteemed ceo loves to be fucked stupid by her step mother, would we?”
#wanda maximoff smut#stepmom wanda#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff#mcu fanfiction#the scarlet witch
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What the Body Wants
Stepmom!Wanda x Reader
Summary: Now that you’ve decided to stay home for good, Wanda decides to take a step further into her role as your mama. The side effects bring out parts of her you’ve never seen.
CW: Stepmom/stepdaughter, induced lactation, breeding, cum strap, ovulation, light choking, W wants a baby, R is lowkey a bad fuck, R is confused but enthusiastic
Word Count: ~5k
A/N: Writer is also confused but enthusiastic. I’m not entirely sure I did this right but I like how it turned out and I really loved the premise. I hope this lives up to the hype/the rest of the series!
Part 5 of Her Special Girl
Coming home actually turned out to be a bit of a better deal than you expected. You’d half prepared to be regretting your decision by now, longing for the dorm life and solitude that moving away had given you. But, in reality, that college had never really given what you had hoped it would, so it didn’t feel like you were leaving anything behind.
Home life had also improved in the years you went away. A new custody agreement between Wanda and her ex-husband meant the boys were gone every other week, and they had grown up enough to not be riding Wanda’s coattails like they had been when you left. Your father was still deadweight, but he fell asleep early and stayed at work late, so even he was only an issue on occasion.
Even though it was only a 15 minute drive to campus, you adjusted your schedule to only have in-person classes on Tuesday and Thursday so you didn’t have to go everyday. So you spent most days in the bay window of Wanda’s office with your laptop and a lap desk, silently working on classwork while she sat at her computer.
Since you’d decided to stay home 2 weeks ago, Wanda had started the process of induced lactation, a thing the two of you had discussed in the past. You couldn’t help but be fascinated by the process. She would sit down on the couch or in bed, and spend around ten minutes with the funny looking devices hooked up to her chest. She still had an electric pump from when she had the twins, and you love to watch in awe as the clear plastic methodically massaged your mama’s nipples. She’d simply be reading a book or watching TV, but your eyes never left her chest.
If you asked nicely, she would let you help her use the manual pump. It never failed to amuse her how seriously you took this task. You would straddle her lap, furrowing your brow and sticking out your tongue slightly in intense focus. You always made sure the cup was placed perfectly, and you watched her face to gauge her reaction as you started to squeeze the pump. You were so receptive to anything she told you, whether you needed to squeeze it a little bit more, or if you’d gone too far. You always felt so honored to be allowed to take part in the process.
Your favorite, though, was when she invited you to join. She always insisted that the best form of stimulation was your suckling. She would lay you across her lap, running her hands through your hair, telling you that you did it better than the machines ever could. You spent 10, sometimes even 20 minutes on each side longing to draw out the process for as long as possible. Occasionally, she’d let you suckle on one side while she hooked up the electric pump to the other. She seemed to get extra stimulated on those days, hardly able to sit still even with your full weight in her lap.
On this particular afternoon, the two of you were curled up on the couch watching one of Wanda's favorite movies. You thought it was a little boring, but you weren’t going to complain while you curled up in her lap, securely wrapped in a soft blanket. The boys were at their dad’s house, your dad was at work and wouldn’t be home for several hours, and Wanda didn’t have any meetings this afternoon, so you didn’t have to worry about getting caught.
You wiggled around a little, trying to get comfortable, and you accidentally pushed your shoulder into Wanda’s chest.
She winced and sucked on her teeth. “Careful baby,” she whispered. “Mama’s a little sore.”
“Sorry, mama,” you apologized, turning to face her while carefully avoiding hitting her again. She took her breast in her hand, gently massaging it to ease the tension. You could see through gritted teeth how sore she was. You wanted to help her in any way possible. “Do you need a massage?” You asked innocently.
She perked up a little bit, intrigued by the offer. “Do you wanna give mama’s breast a gentle little massage?”
You nodded, and she slipped her shirt off over her head, revealing her chest. You could’ve sworn it was growing, though not so much she couldn’t hide it with baggy clothes. She took your hand in hers and slowly raised it to her breast. She could see you were nervous. You didn’t want to hurt her.
“It’s okay baby,” she reassured you. “You aren’t gonna hurt mama.”
You bit your lip, determined to do a good job and ease her pain. She was doing this for you, after all. You cautiously massaged the skin with your fingers, working your way carefully around her chest.
“Mmm,” Wanda hummed, throwing her head over the back of the couch. You could see her chewing the inside of her cheek, breathing shakily through her nose.
“Is this okay, mama?” you ask, concerned. “Do you need me to stop?”
“No, sweet girl,” she assured. “Don’t stop, just a tiny bit harder… ahh. You’re doing such a good job making sure your mama is all taken care of.”
“Mama?” you asked nervously.
“Yes, sweet girl?” she responded breathily.
“Is it hurting your body? To try and make milk for me?”
Wanda sat up straighter and cupped your soft, worried cheek. “Aww, sweetheart. You’re not hurting mama, baby. Mama is doing this because she wants to. And it doesn’t hurt so much as it’s just sensitive.” She stroked your cheekbone with her thumb, noticing how worried you still seemed to be. “Can mama tell you a secret baby?”
You nodded and leaned in, pressing your ear to her lips even though you were the only two people in the room.
Wanda dropped her voice to a whisper, playing along with your overly stealthy approach. “Mama’s body is reacting like this because all this pumping is making it want a baby.”
She took your hand, sliding it down her body and into the front of her pants. You nearly gasped as you felt through her thin underwear just how soaked she was. You pressed lightly into the wet patch, sliding two fingers up her slit through the fabric. She inhaled sharply, already grinding up against your hand. “It’s so sensitive, baby.”
She pulled back, gauging your reaction. There was a glint of recognition in your eyes. You were familiar with this sensation.
You stood in the doorway of her office, anxious and sweating. Your body felt it was on fire, tingling from your fingertips all the way down to your toes. You typically had a decently high sex drive, but you couldn’t remember a time when you’d ever felt this needy. It would have been easy enough to go to your room and masterbate, solve the problem on your own, but you wanted more. You wanted Wanda.
Wanda turned her office chair to meet you. “Yes, sweet girl? What can I help you with?” She opened her arms, signaling you to come in.
You sat down in her lap and laid your head against her shoulder. She cradled the back of your head, stroking your hair softly with her thumb.
You hadn’t exactly planned to press your lips to her neck, to gently suck at the skin under her ear, but you were so hot, and her skin looked so soft, and you were so close, and she smelled so nice. And god, the taste, the sound you drew from her lips, the warmth of her skin. You needed her so badly. You slid your hand under the hem of her shirt, sliding your palm across her warm stomach.
“Sweetheart?” she said in a warning tone, using her hand to gently pull you from her neck. “What are you doing?”
She looked down, finding your eyes already glazed over with lust. You were hot to the touch, and just the simple tug of your hair pulled a low moan from your throat. “I need you, mama….”
She swallowed hard. It took a herculean amount of strength not to throw you over her desk and take you right there. If she hadn’t been a tad concerned that you had lost your mind, she would have. “Baby…” she asked. “What’s going on? Talk to mama.”
Your eyes looked into hers, pleading for more. Anything to take away the aching from between your legs. “It… I feel… It’s all so tingly. Everywhere. It… it hurts mama.” You were practically begging her to rip your clothes off and fuck you senseless.
“Ahh,” she hummed in recognition. “It’s that time of the month, is it?”
You furrowed your brow, confused. “What? No. My period was last week.”
“So your ovulation is this week,” she posited, smiling devilishly. “I’ll have to start keeping track of it, if it’s hitting you this hard.”
You groaned and buried your face into her shoulder while your hips bucked against her lap for any source of friction. You didn’t exactly know what ovulation was or what it had to do with you being so unbearably horny, but you weren’t exactly in the mood for an anatomy lesson.
Wanda kissed your head sympathetically and rubbed gentle circles on to the small of your back. “I’m so sorry, little love. Mama will take care of you in just a minute, just let me email Tasha and let her know I’m taking a long lunch.”
Thankfully, Wanda was true to her word, wrapping up her things rather quickly and carrying you to the bedroom. Your body hummed with electricity as she gently undressed you, making sure to egg you on with wet kisses and random hickies placed sporadically across your skin. You nearly jumped off the bed when she finally touched you, running a single digit up your folds and standing back to admire the results.
“Oh sweet girl, look at this,” she purred, holding her fingers in front of your face, covered in your excitement. As disinterested as you were in anything other than her hands and mouth on your body, you were admittedly a bit curious as to why it looked so different. What was usually a thin, clear liquid was now thick and white. She brought the fingers to your lips and you obediently took them into your mouth. “Do you know why it looks like that, sweetheart?”
You shook your head, quietly moaning at your own taste.
She leaned forward, whispering into your ear. “It’s because your body wants mama to give you babies.”
Just the raspy way the words left her mouth sent your hips flying off the mattress in a jolt of arousal. She stilled them with her hands, moving to kneel between your legs.
You had always had a pretty strong preference for missionary. You like to wrap your arms around Wanda’s waist and bury your face in her neck to stifle any sounds that she pulled out of you. This time, however, Wanda grabbed your legs and pushed your knees to your chest, gripping your thighs just below the underside of your knee.
You whined, feeling too far away from her, but she bent forward and kissed your head. “Shshsh. It’s okay sweet girl. Mama’s got you.”
You almost wanted to protest, but as soon as the tip of the toy hit your skin, any objections melted away. It was bigger than the toys you typically used, but you were so soaked the first four inches still slid in with ease. Your body momentarily seized and you breathed out a straggled moan.
Wanda took it slow at first, leaning forward to kiss your face and whisper words of encouragement as she gently eased the toy deeper and deeper with each thrust. “That’s it. That’s my pretty girl,” she cooed. “You look so pretty stretched out around mama’s cock, baby. Does it feel good? Is this just what you needed from mama?”
“Uh huh,” you moaned, eyes already starting to roll backwards. Your face flushed red when you realized you had nothing to cover your mouth with, leaving you squeaking and whining uncontrollably with each thrust.
Your mouth opened in a silent scream as Wanda bottomed out. You quickly realized the reason Wanda had you folded over like this: the strap could go impossibly deep, stretching you out in ways you’d never felt before. It was like she was kissing your womb with every stroke.
She groaned, slowly but firmly thrusting in as far as she could and holding it there before pulling back again. “Look at you, honey. Mama’s got you nice and ready. Are you gonna be a good girl for mama and let me give your body what it needs? Are you gonna let mama give you her babies?”
You bit down hard on your lip. You didn’t really understand what she was talking about. She couldn’t actually get you pregnant, but you did not care. You nodded eagerly, looking up at her with pleading eyes. “Mhm.”
“Say it for me. Tell me you want mama to fill you with her babies,” she commanded gently, continuing her slow and careful thrusts.
“I want… I want your babies mama. Please. Please mama I want you inside me forever,” you whined. Still you didn’t exactly understand what you were begging for, but the glare in her eyes told you that must have done the trick.
She leaned forward, pressing her whole body against yours and pinning you to the mattress. Your feet went up over her shoulders, keeping you trapped in the position even as her hands moved from your legs to the mattress. What had previously been slow, shallow strokes turned into faster, brutal thrusts. She pulled the toy nearly completely out of you before slamming it all the way back in. Her hips met yours in a merciless rhythm that left you shaking.
“Fuck! Mama… Mama!” You screamed, trying to reach out and grab her, but unable to get your hands out from under your legs. “Mama… I love you. I love you mama.”
“I love you too, sweet girl,” she said, nearly grunting with the intensity of her movement.
There was a shift that happened sometimes, when things got particularly intense between the two of you. It was like the slipping of a mask, but not in a scary or malicious way. Just Wanda so brutally intoxicated with you that she lost control. Her eyes narrowed and her face hardened. Her breaths came more as grunts than light moans. Her grip on you tightened into something more possessive and domineering. It never failed to drive you crazy.
“Fuck,” she growled, leaning back and moving her hand to your throat. “I’m gonna breed you. I’m going to keep filling you up until you can’t do anything but lay here and wait for me to come back and fill you up again. I’m gonna keep you leaking with my cum until this sweet little belly is all nice and swollen. Would you like that, angel? Do you want mama to keep you nice and full?”
“Yes mama!” you cried. “Please… please mama. Mama I’m gonna cum for you. Please cum inside of me mama. Please cum in…” you were cut short by an orgasm tearing through your body, leaving you speechless and dumb.
Wanda did not let up, continuing to chase her own pleasure. You tried to speak, but you couldn’t get out anymore than incoherent babbles. Wanda grabbed the vibrator she had given you earlier from your hand, turning it on and holding it to your clit. You writhed underneath her, jerking and spasming off the mattress, but she held you firmly in place.
Neither of you could do anymore than whimper or squeak. The only sound in the room was her hips hitting yours and the low thrum of the vibrator.
She let go of your throat, leaning forward again so she could kiss your face. “You're so beautiful, angel. And you feel so good on mama’s cock.” She turned up the setting on the vibrator, burying herself inside of you as deep as she could go. She could feel the vibrations against her own clit now. “Oh angel, mama’s gonna cum inside of you. Mama’s gonna fill you up and give your body everything it wants.” She squeezed the strap as she came, filling you with a warm, thick liquid unlike anything you’d ever felt before.
Wanda slowly pulled out, and gently guided your legs down to a more natural and comfortable position.
You shuttered as you felt the liquid leak out of you and drip down the crack of your ass. You furrowed your brow in confusion. “Mama…” you whined. You were so exhausted you couldn’t do anything but turn your head to look at her.
“Yes, little love?” She said, leaning forward to gently wipe the stray hairs from your sweaty forehead.
“What was that?” You asked breathlessly. “Feels funny…”
“Mama just came inside of you, sweet girl,” she explained quietly, bending down to kiss your head.
“It’s so… warm,” you noted, rolling your head to the side. Your nose pinched uncomfortably as you felt the thick liquid dripping down onto the bed sheets.
Wanda reached her hand back down between your legs, collecting the cum on her fingers and pushing it back inside of you. You whined.
“Shshsh angel,” she cooed. “Mama’s just making sure you stay nice and full, sweetheart. You remember what we talked about, yes? That’s why you’ve been so needy for mama all afternoon. This is what your body wants.”
When she was satisfied, she discarded the strap and laid down behind you, putting her arms under yours and methodically rubbing your stomach. She imagined your stomach swelling with life you created together. What a beautiful display that would be, of your love for each other. She moved your hair aside so she could kiss the back of your neck and the spot up under your ears.
You laced your fingers in hers, resting them just below your navel. “Do you really have to go back to work, mama?” You couldn’t handle it if she left you in here alone, all sweaty and still leaking cum. Surely she would at least carry you to the bathroom, maybe run you a bath and get you cleaned up.
Wanda chuckled and kissed your shoulder blade. “I think Tasha can handle it on her own.” She pulled you closer, rubbing her cheek against your shoulder. She wasn’t exactly sure how she would explain this to her coworker in the morning, but she would be sure to start taking a day off around the same time every month.
“You want me to…” you asked nervously, but even the idea made your pupils dilate. You had never used that particular strap inside of her. She’d only ever used it on you. It was honestly still a mystery to you, how the thing worked.
Wanda bit her lip and nodded, pulling your hand from her pants. “I mean, only if you-”
“I do!” you interrupted.
She raised her brows and opened her mouth like she was getting ready to chastise you for interrupting, but when she saw the eager, innocent excitement in your eyes, she just sighed. “Okay angel. Let’s go up to your room.”
You practically jumped up off of the couch and raced upstairs, grabbing the strap and shedding your clothes before she could even make it up the stairs. She merely chuckled at your overeager behavior, casually stripping off her own clothes while you fiddled with the harness.
She sat down naked on the end of the bed, helping you secure it around your waist. She pulled at the straps you had already managed to get twisted and tangled, adjusting and tightening it to your body. “Is that too tight?”
You shook your head, waving your hips back and forth to make sure it was snug.
She led your hand to a bulge at the base of the toy. “Now when you’re ready, you’re gonna squeeze right here, okay?”
You nodded, feeling the unfamiliar shape with the pads of your fingers.
Wanda scooted backwards until her head hit the pillows. You followed, crawling on your knees until you were nestled comfortably between her legs.
You were always a little awkward, trying to get the toy in. Luckily Wanda was right there to help. She eased the tip in herself, biting her lip to contain a moan as she did so. “Okay now remember, just start nice and slow.”
You leaned over her, putting your hand against the mattress on either side of her. You stuck your tongue out slightly in concentration, trying to focus on finding a good movement. If you were being honest, you were never particularly good at this part either. But what you lacked in skill, you made up for in determination. You found a slow, and slightly awkward, but steady rhythm.
Wanda hummed delightedly, pulling you down against her. “Mmm… that’s it angel. Nice and slow. Give mama some time to adjust.”
As you continued your easy, slow ministrations, you found yourself being able to go deeper with each stroke. It was only a minute or two before you were all the way inside. If you weren’t actually trying to make her cum, you might just stay like that forever, deep inside of Wanda, feeling her body clench and pulse around you. It felt so natural. More natural to you than anything else in the world. Your bodies fit together like perfect puzzle pieces.
You took the opportunity to crane your neck downward and trace your tongue over her sensitive nipples. She gasped, squeezing her eyes closed and burying her hands in your hair. You sucked the hardened bud into your mouth and gently flicked it with the point of your tongue. Her body was taut like a bowstring, hardly moving under you aside from a few swallow gasps. You moved to the other side, gently circling the exposed one nipple with your fingertip while you did the same with your tongue on the other.
“Keep going, baby,” she panted, arching her chest up into you. She reached one of her hands down to play with her clit. “That feels so good. Mama is so sensitive for you. Mama’s body knows you’re her baby.”
You moaned at her words, your mouth and fingers doubling down. Her body shuttered and you felt her start to pulse around the strap. You felt a surge of warmth pool between her legs. You pulled your head up to look her in the eyes. “Did you just…”
She nodded and chuckled a little bit. “I told you I was sensitive.”
Your eyes went wide. You had never made her cum so fast. But a certain pride swelled up in your chest as you watched her body react to what you were doing. You gained a bit of confidence: enough to start rolling your hips in a steady motion against hers.
The smug chuckle immediately stopped as the strap started to scrap her sensitive walls. The toy was traced with vein-like bumps that scratched at that special spot inside of her. Her hands shot up and wrapped around your back, clawing gently at your shoulder blades and the length of your spine. “Ah!” she squeaked in pleasant surprise. You’d never quite taken initiative like this before. “Good girl. You're making mama feel so good. Keep going, just like that.”
She wrapped her legs around your waist, keeping your thrusts shallow and deep. “Oh god. I want to feel your cum inside of me, angel. You’re gonna make mama feel so full and happy. Tell me you want to cum inside me, sweet girl.”
“I wanna cum inside you mama. I wanna make you feel so full and… and happy. I’m gonna do such a good job for you mama. I promise,” you stammer. The sounds she was making were music to your ears. Her heels dug into your thighs in tandem with her nails on your back. She was everywhere, surrounding you in every way possible. You looked down between her legs, watching the strap slide in and out of her pussy. That was your cock inside of her.
Suddenly, as if it were some trick of your brain, you could feel it, warm and wet, drawing you in again and again. She wanted you to cum inside of her. You wanted to cum inside of her. You wrapped your arms around her back, pulling her slightly up off the mattress as you started to go faster. You buried your face into her neck, muffling your noises.
“Oh fuck,” Wanda panted, bury her hand in your hair. She cradled your head just over her shoulder. “Fuck… you would give me such beautiful babies.”
You whimpered and rutted into her so hard and fast she nearly hit her head on the headboard. She smiled breathlessly. Clearly she got you riled up.
“Did that make you happy? The idea of giving mama a baby?” She asked, turning her head so she was only inches away from your ear.
You whined and nodded, rutting into her again. This time she let out a deep, satisfied moan as she felt the tip of the toy kiss her cervix. “You want to put a baby inside of mama?”
You knew it wasn’t possible, of course. Wanda couldn’t have any more children, and even if she could you certainly couldn’t get her pregnant. Still, the idea tickled your brain in all the best ways. It would be a part of you inside of Wanda. You nodded eagerly, biting your lip. “Mhm.”
You wrapped yourself even tighter around her waist thrusting your hips into her with a new determination. “I wanna hear you say it baby…” she gasped. “Tell mama what you want.”
That was all she needed to say to get the dam to break. As soon as you open your mouth, the words flowed out of you in a flurry of desperation. “I want… I wanna fill you up mama. Please. Please, I need it. Please mama.” You were bucking into her like a virginal teenage boy, erratic and sloppy, like you could actually feel yourself inside of her. “You feel so good, mama.”
“I’m so full,” she breathed. She was so sensitive. You were hitting every spot inside of her while simultaneously laying on her aching chest. “Fuck, angel, you’re filling me up so good. Do you want to feel mama cum on your cock? Do you wanna make mama cum?”
“Yes. Please yes,” you begged, rolling your hips into hers. You sat up a little more, getting a better angle that allowed you to get even deeper inside of her. There was a surge of hunger that shot through you at the sight of her, absolutely beside herself with pleasure underneath you. You reduced her to this. You are the reason she feels so good. In a feeble attempt at dominance, you took her wrists in your hands and pinned them to the bed.
“Yes, baby. Hold mama down and make her take your babies,” she moaned.
You whimpered. You were far too small to even attempt to actually hold her down, but the sentiment still drove you both crazy. You buried the strap as deep as it would go, squeezing the base and releasing inside of her.
She arched up off the mattress, mouth fixed in a perfect “o” shape as she came around you.
You stayed like that for a second, buried inside her until she stopped shaking and collapsed back onto the bed. Slowly, you eased yourself out of her, watching your seed spill out of her. You hadn’t expected it, but there was a certain level of discontentment you felt, seeing your essence drip onto the mattress. You gathered what you could onto the tip of the toy and gently pushed it back in.
She groaned, exhausted and unable to move. You gently eased yourself down to lay on her chest, careful to avoid her tender breasts. You went limp on top of her, merging together in a boneless and sweaty pile of heavy breaths as you both tried to recover.
When she regained the ability to move, she scooted back to sit up against the pillows and moved to stroke your hair. The toy slowly fell out of her, and the warm remnants of your orgasm started to pool on the sheets below. After a long moment of lying lifelessly sprawled out on top of her, you heard her chuckle. You lifted your head to find her smiling down at you in an ecstatic giggle.
“What?” you asked, confused as if you had missed some joke.
“Nothing,” she replied. “I’m just happy.” She craned her neck so she could see your face. She was grinning ear to ear. I was a true smile: one she couldn’t even repress if she tried.
“About what?” you asked, confused. Sex, even good sex, had never left her with such a cheery disposition before.
“Just…” she paused a minute, trying to figure out how to best phrase what she wanted to say. “My body is aching for a baby and then I look down and… you’re here.”
You smiled at that, feeling that you had filled some deep biological need within her just the same as she filled one in you. You looked at her swelling breasts, and you nosed at them in a silent question. She guided your head towards her nipple in a silent answer. Your lips wrapped delicately around the hardened bud, naturally massaging it with your tongue. Much to her dismay, there still wasn’t any milk, but there was a different type of magic to knowing there would be, eventually.
The two of you were working together to create a beautiful thing. It was a sort of tangible proof that her body was responding to you, claiming you as her own. Her breasts were growing for you. Filling with milk they made for you. Because she was your mama, and you were her baby.
#wanda maximoff#wanda x reader#wanda x you#wanda x y/n#mommy wanda#wanda maximoff x reader#mommy!wanda#wanda maximoff x y/n#stepmom!wanda x reader#stepmom!wanda#stepmom wanda#mama Wanda#her special girl
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Just found your blog and wanted to say you seem like such a fun puppy to play with. I saw your nsfw asks post, and figured I'd give you some that I'm curious about. Feel free to answer as few or as many as you want, but I'd love to hear your answers to 11, 12, or 14.
(Also I wouldn't mind claiming 🤠. This cowgirl is a switch, 22 and she/her)
Well hello cowgirl~
Of course I'll answer~
11. What kink/fantasy of yours are you the most embarrassed about? Why?
Well I guess as much as I love my piss kink I also get embarrassed about it. I've been with my partner for 7 years and still get all flushed over it and nervous even when he asks.
12. What’s the weirdest thing that turned you on? Did you masturbate to it? Would you do it again?
I mean I feel like I'm pretty desensitized to what's weird anymore with the kinks I have, but I guess certain fics of Step-mom!Wanda specifically where she's called Mama by the reader makes me feel a certain way. I love Mommy, but something about Mama just makes me feral.
14. What body part would you worship on other people to the end of time because NGHHHH?
Hands and boobies~
#mommy speaks#mommy answers asks#lesbian#lesbian nsft#sapphic#men and minors dni#nonbinary#wlw#wlw nsft#puppy speaks#wlw and nblw only#nblnb#nb puppy#nblw#trans#nb nsft#nblw nsft#nblnb nsft#🤠 anon#wanda x reader#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x fem!reader#stepmom!wanda#stepmom!wanda maximoff
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Mama's Good Girl
Stepmom!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Word count: 825
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, collaring, breath play, stepcest, thigh grinding, age gap (W=35 R=19)
Authors notes: Step mom Wanda could save me I swear

The soft click of the door closing behind you signals your return home from college for the weekend. The house is quiet, and a warm sense of calm washes over you as you step inside, letting your bag drop onto the floor. You’ve been looking forward to this all week—some alone time with Wanda, your stepmom.
She greets you at the top of the staircase, a soft smile playing on her lips as she looks down at you. Her presence is magnetic as always, dressed in a silk robe that hugs her figure, her hair tumbling over her shoulders like scarlet waves.
“Welcome home, sweetheart,” she coos, her voice laced with warmth and something more…something that makes your heart skip a beat.
“Dad’s out of town for the weekend, so it’s just us,” Wanda continues, her smile widening as she gestures for you to come upstairs. You follow her, heartbeat quickening with excitement, knowing that when it’s just the two of you, the boundaries tend to blur.
As you enter her bedroom, you see it laid out neatly on the bed—a scarlet collar, soft and supple, with a gleaming tag that reads "Good Girl." Your breath hitches, heat rising to your cheeks as you understand what she wants.
Wanda approaches you slowly, standing behind you as she takes the collar in her hands. Her fingers brush against your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
“I’ve been thinking about you wearing this while your father’s away,” she whispers, her breath warm against your ear. “Just for me. My good girl.”
Her hands move gently but with intent as she fastens the collar around your neck. The leather is snug, a constant reminder of her control, her care. You feel the weight of the tag, a mix of pride and submission swelling in your chest.
“Let me see,” Wanda murmurs, stepping in front of you, her eyes dark with satisfaction as she takes in the sight. “Perfect.”
She cups your chin, tilting your face up to meet hers, and leans down to brush her lips softly against yours. “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun this weekend, don’t you?”
You nod your head already feeling fuzzy from the collar around your neck. She taps your cheek, "Words baby."
"Yes Mama." You respond and she smiles.
Wanda's smile widens as she hears your soft response, her eyes twinkling with approval. Her hand gently caresses your cheek where she tapped it moments ago, the warmth of her touch making you feel even more fuzzy, almost lightheaded under her gaze.
"Good girl," she purrs, her voice dripping with satisfaction as she lets her thumb brush over your bottom lip. "That’s what I like to hear."
You feel the weight of her words settle over you, her praise making the collar around your neck feel even more significant, a tangible bond between the two of you. Wanda's eyes never leave yours, her thumb now pulling lightly on your lip, teasing.
"I want you to wear this all weekend for me," she continues, her voice soft yet commanding. "No one else has to know. It’s just for us."
The thought sends a wave of warmth coursing through you. You nod again, quickly correcting yourself with a whispered, "Yes, Mama."
Wanda leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "That’s my good girl," she whispers, her lips lingering as her hands slide down to rest on your shoulders. "Now, let’s see what else we can do to make you feel special while we have the house to ourselves."
You hardly realize how you ended up in Wanda’s lap, but the moment her lips crash into yours, nothing else matters. The kiss is deep, intense, sending sparks down your spine as your body instinctively grinds against her thigh, searching for more friction. Her hands roam over your back, her touch igniting every nerve in your body.
Then, you feel her fingers slip through the ring of the collar, tugging gently but firmly. The slight pressure on your throat makes you gasp into her mouth, the restriction of your air leaving you dizzy with want. Wanda pulls you closer, her breath hot against your lips as she continues the kiss, her control over you undeniable.
“Mama's good girl, grinding so desperately,” she murmurs between kisses, her voice husky and dripping with satisfaction. She tugs on the collar again, just enough to make your breath hitch, sending a wave of heat through you.
Your hips move instinctively, grinding down harder on her thigh, each movement sending jolts of pleasure through your body. Wanda’s thigh tenses beneath you, giving you just the right amount of resistance as she encourages your movements, her hand guiding you by the collar.
"That’s it, baby. Take what you need,” she whispers, her lips brushing against the sensitive skin of your neck as her fingers tighten briefly around the collar. “But remember, you belong to me."
#ley writes#ley writes one shots#leys kinktober writing#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda x reader#wanda maximoff x y/n#wanda maximoff x fem!reader#wanda maximoff x female reader#mommy!wanda maximoff x fem!reader#mommy wanda#sub!fem!reader#stepmom!wanda
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Thinking about stepmom Wanda a little too intensely
#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda x reader#elizabeth olsen#mommy!wanda#stepmom!wanda#stepmom wanda
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Last week I went insane over this, she knows what she’s doing…
#flositaa’s ramble#wanda maximoff#wanda#mommy wanda#wanda marvel#elizabeth olsen#lizzie olsen#wanda mcu#wanda maximoff fanfiction#mama wanda maximoff#mommy wanda 🧎♀️#mama wanda#step mom wanda#step mommy wanda#step mommy wanda au#stepmom wanda#wanda maximilf#wanda x fem!reader
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Okay, okay.
So, there was a few fics of a stepmom!Wanda AU.
I forgot who the author was and I think they deleted it.
There was this one called "Stress Relief" (I think) and another where Wanda fucked R in a pool house.
I loved those fics and want to find them again if I can.
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