#steph has dated tim and is currently dating cass so she should have driving rights she thinks
anxiouslowercase · 2 years
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Brucey Wayne has not always been the sweet, proud father of six he is right now, and all of Gotham remembers it. His kids included.
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double-asking for the roadtrip au because *heart eyes emoji*
the roadtrip fic has hardly and solid plot or a working title yet but heck it's fun akskdjfhskfns
"Where's Jason?" Asks Duke, flat-out on a plush hotel bed that feels like a freaking cloud. Tim stretched out along one side of it, and if it doesn't say something about how big these beds are that the two of them, him and gangly Tim Drake, are both sprawled comfortably in the same one, Duke doesn't know what to say about that.
Tim doesn't look up from his laptop. "Probably pissing off Cass," he replies.
Duke raises an eyebrow, which Tim doesn't see, because he's staring at the computer screen. "On purpose?"
Tim shrugs. "Probably not, but also? Possibly. I don't think the whole thing with Steph is on purpose, though." Duke watches upside-down as a corner of Tim's mouth quirks up.
"Alright, I'll bite. How does Steph play into this?" 'Cause it's not like Duke hasn't noticed the rivalry between Cassie and Jason, they're not that subtle about it. He just hasn't asked. Not his monkeys, not his circus, right? He should use that one around Dick, see what the former circus kid thinks of that very appropriate saying.
Tim sighs. "I mean- you might get caught in the middle of it too. Cass is frustrated enough to stop pulling punches, at this point."
How Tim knows that, without a single word from the Batgirl in question for the duration of today's drive, Duke definitely won't question. If Tim is some kind of potential mind-reading meta, he's not going to be the one to out him.
Tim finally closes the laptop, looks at Duke. "Cass... does not," he emphasizes not, "Like Jay. I won't call it hate, because hate would have to have love to reflect from, but... it's close. It's the killing."
"I figured."
Tim nods. "And Jason hates being hated. They really don't get along in the best of circumstances, and, like... Cass can't turn off her abilities, you know?" He frowns. "Being stuck in an enclosed space with the entire family and all our emotional crap? Sucks for her and I don't think she expected it."
Duke remembers the excited, emoji-filled messages he'd gotten from Cassie about this trip the past few weeks. He doesn't think she expected it, either. "And Steph?"
Tim looks him directly in the eyes, which is freaking unnerving because Tim has those icy blue eyes like Bruce that look like he's staring directly into you sometimes, when he's not looking at you from behind messy-long hair. "Come on," he says, almost abruptly, then relaxes back against the cushiony headboard of the massive bed.
He sighs, loud and grating in the quiet of the room. There's a gorgeous view out the window, but the quiet, free of road noise and navigational conversational chatter, might be the best part. Duke stares out the window, overlooking a shockingly blue lake, watches a floating dock bob in the wind instead of watching the thinly veiled emotions crossing Tim's face. Tim is like a steel trap a lot of the time, expressionless as Red Robin but when he's himself, really, he doesn't hide so much. Duke doubts he really wants him to see all that, though, if he could even parse it all out.
Finally, after long enough that it almost makes Duke jump, Tim speaks again. "Steph has been spending a lot of time with Jason lately." Something about his tone, or maybe the words themselves, sounds weirdly deliberate. It takes Duke a minute to figure out why.
He pushes himself up on an elbow to stare at Tim, not upside-down. "They've got something going on," he fills in, and, yeah, that checks out.
Tim snorts. "Heck if I know. I don't think they're, like... dating? But there's... definitely something there."
"Mutual crush," Duke fills in again, because that definitely fits with what he's seen.
"Something like that," Tim says. "If my ex girlfriend, who's currently one of my best friends in general, and my brother have a thing for each other... who gets the shovel talk?"
Duke, to his credit, doesn't burst out laughing like he wants to do. "Hell if I know," he replies, then laughs because he just repeated what Tim had said a second ago. "So Jason is pissing Cassie off by hanging around with Steph?"
"Yep," Tim replies, popping the P. "I wonder if B is aware of this whole thing," he mutters.
Duke grins. "Tell him. Then he can handle the shovel talk."
Tim looks at him, startled and considering at the same time, then grins back.
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black-streak · 5 years
Saturday night's alright for fighting (but Sundays are meant for rest) - Settled
Part 14.
This is the last official chapter for this. Anything else will be random snippets I come with (also willing to take requests) but this is technically the end of the plotline, folks. It's been wild. Thanks for the support!
Tags: @emjrabbitwolf @mystery-5-5 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @fandomkitty8 @dast218 @silvergold-swirl @shizukiryuu . @my-name-is-michell @kurogaya913 @elspethshadow @thecatnipmademedoit @shamefullove @ladylucina28 @crazylittlemunchkin @rayray384 @cassiejaydee @yuulxd @ladysblackcat @naclychilli @caffeinetheory @persephonebutkore @fertileleaf @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @weird-pale-blonde-person @st0rmy-w1th1n @littleblue5mcdork @dudet @naoryllis @disneyfoxuniverse @lordsmeldingtonthethird @taoiichii @resignedcatservant @iloontjeboontje @a-fan-fighting-for-equality
Today had been normal. Completely, bafflingly normal. Tim had pulled himself away from his computer to drive to work in the morning, dealt with the mundane process of working a board meeting into his favor, left for the manor, transferred a compiled section of files over to the mainframe down in the batcave for review, had dinner with the family and went separate ways before patrol that night.
Imagine his surprise to walk down to the cave only to find everyone already present and accounted for and more ominously, staring him down. Surely they hadn't planned another sleep intervention? Sure he skipped the last two nights, but he had made great strides of improvements in the last three-ish months! They could not expect a lifelong habit to change in such a short period of time. Dammit, he needed coffee if this conversation was to happen.
Turning on his heel, he started back up the stairs only to feel a hand grab his shoulder and pull him back towards the family. He saw faces come into his view one at a time as he was dragged past and promptly dumped into the chair at the Batcomputer. The hand belonged to Jason, who glared down at him and kept the same hand against the chair by his head.
"You want to explain yourself?"
No nicknames or playful digs. Something was very wrong indeed. Tim blinked up at him until he saw Dick in the background, face dark and twisted in a mix of confusion and anger, pointedly staring at the computer past his shoulder. Following his gaze, he saw one of his laptop files opened up on the desktop; specifically the file dedicated to Marinette, pictures of her splayed out for all to see, little comments and captions taking up the spaces between. And okay, that was mildly embarrassing, but not too far off from what one would normally expect from him concerning his girlfriend, right? So what seemed to be the problem? Well, besides that it obviously didn't belong on this screen. Turning back to the others, he blinked up at Jason who hadn't moved. Actually, he seemed to only grow more irritated.
"Ah, sorry, hadn't realized this file ended up in the compiled folder I sent over. I'll take care of it."
The fist by his head clenched harder.
"You'll take care of it? That's all you got to say for yourself?"
"Nothing about the fact that you're obviously stalking, Marinette? Nothing to explain the horrific amount of her privacy you obviously violated? How fucking creepy this all is?"
"Wait, wha-"
"Tim, you have to realize how bad this looks. Just explain to us why you have a file on her," Dick spoke in a faux soothing voice, taking a step closer only to be stopped by Bruce, who remained silent through the encounter, though obviously waiting for an explanation as well.
"Of course I have information about her on my laptop? Why wouldn't I? You know I have files on all of you, right? It's kind of what I do."
"We've seen the files on us. They're nowhere near as detailed or extensive. You're hyper fixating on Marinette," Bruce spoke slowly, as though trying to get Tim to put it together himself.
That, apparently, was the wrong thing to say.
"The point is that it's creepy, Tim!" That was Dick.
"You fuckin pervert, you don't see anything wrong with taking pictures of her while she's sleeping?!" Jason.
"I thought perhaps you two had just found a common point of comfort in the naps, but perhaps I should have separated the two of you. You've obviously become attached to the point of obsession." Bruce.
"She's Damian's girlfriend, Tim, how could you?" And Steph- wait, what? Stephanie?
That's when it clicked. That's when he noticed Damian standing off from the rest, expression closed off, but humor hiding in the glint of his eyes. Stephanie stood a little off to his left, voice hard and accusing, but face barely holding back a gleeful, biting expression. 
Oh god, the bet.
Wide-eyed, he turned back to Damian, "They don't know?"
He shook his head.
"But after Stephanie found out?"
He shook his head again.
"Found out what?" The hard voice of Dick brought him back to his current predicament.
"I could have sworn I already told you," he muttered to himself, "you know that Damian-"
"Tim." Damian's sharp voice cut him off, reminding him of the parameters of the bet. Which left the question of what was worse, pissing off Mari and Damian simultaneously or dealing with his clueless older brothers and father figure right now. Yeah, he'd take his chance with the latter. Wait, was Cass behind him? 'I'll still take that risk.' He couldn't help but think.
Turning back to the steadily growing impatience before him, he sighed, "I thought you already knew."
"So what, you've been trying to steal her from your little brother? And thought our silence on the matter was approval? Of course we didn't know you were taking creep shots of her!" Jason shouted.
"They're not creep shots if she doesn't care."
That only threw them for a loop for a half second.
"She couldn't have realized the intention was this, Tim! And it doesn't make it right! She's with Damian!" Dick growled out.
"Says who?"
"Damian has never said as much. Who's to say they are?" Tim worded carefully, never outright stating who was or wasn't dating, only asking who confirmed the information.
"You know they are, stop deflecting," came from Bruce.
"Did you ask them? Because I did. You should too."
That seemed to throw most of them off and he saw Damian seething in the corner of his eye. The two months of Marinette's wager ended tonight. As of midnight, she'd officially lose even if Damian didn't win outright. Bruce turned to his youngest then, a touch of concern entering his facial expression.
"You're dating Marinette, correct?"
Damian masked his annoyance and turned to face the others.
"What do you mean, babybat? You two are practically joined at the hip. We all have to steal her away to get you two separate." 
"She is my best friend. A literal angel on earth. Beautiful and sweet and dangerous. But absolutely not my girlfriend."
"Why not? You obviously love her."
"Platonically. We would kill each other in a relationship. I do not mean that figuratively either."
"I think you two are missing the point," Jason ground out, cutting off the conversation between Damian and Dick, "those two may not be together, but that still doesn't explain you having a massive ass file on her. She's half naked in some of these, Tim! In her own apartment!"
"I'm aware of the photos there. I'm more annoyed you saw those, actually. How long were you looking through my files, Jason? Should I be worried about You creeping on Ma lutine?" And apparently he had no sense of self preservation left.
"The fuck did you just say? Your pixie? Oh fuck no, you do not get to make claims on her!" 
And that's when chaos broke loose.
Jason had backed off a bit before, but now he was advancing on him, murderous intent in his eyes, Bruce and Dick closing in on them; whether for him or to stop Jason, he did not know. Cass moved closer from behind and for a second he swore he saw Steph and Damian share a concerned look. For a fraction of a second, he resigned himself to his fate. As Jason lifted his gun, luckily only loaded with rubber bullets, but still potentially deadly at this range, he suddenly felt it. A prickling at the back of his neck. Everything happened too quickly.
Something unseen dropped down, the gun went off in response. It blocked the bullet with a hand shrouded in black, the force knocking it back into Tim's lap where he grasped it's hips to steady them on instinct, the body covering his in a protective manner as a growl ripped out of their throat. Everyone froze.
The shadow was here.
In the batcave.
Guarding Tim bodily, silver-blue eyes glinted dangerously at Jason like a cornered predator, ready to attack at any given moment. And Jason could only stare, because he knew who this was. Tim and Damian knew who this was. No one else knew and she had just put herself at the mercy of Batman, Nightwing, Orphan, Spoiler, and likely Oracle. All to protect Tim from Jason. Who had just shot her. The gun dropped. Jason dropped to his knees as the others converged on her. 
"Not. A step. Closer." She growled out, black energy flaring from her hands up her arms. 
"I'm so sorry. Vix, you have to know that I'd never try to shoot you. I didn't know, I'm sorry," Jason rambled, panick flaring up.
"It's okay, Jason. You know now. And you'll never aim at him again, will you? He's mine." She said this to the man in front of her, but her eyes stared down Bruce and Dick as they tried to gain ground. Cass stayed back, Damian and Steph having grabbed her shoulders. 
Damian wanted nothing more than to go up there and protect his best friend, but he knew she wouldn't allow it. This was her battle now. She had laid claim on Tim and someone was threatening her mate. He would never quite understand how the fox instincts inside of a human worked, but knew that she would treat this as she saw fit. Violently if necessary.
"Are you okay," a slightly rattled voice whispered from behind her, arms wrapping around her waist.
Watching the men in front of her, she dissipated the energy, pulling the hood down from her head and lowering the face mask slowly, allowing the entirety of her features to show and dropping the filters wrapping around her voice, letting Marinette shine through for all to see.
As dawning realization struck on the faces around her, she slowly turned in Tim's arms, hand coming up to his cheek, looking for any sign of pain in his eyes, keeping the others in her peripheral.
"I'll be fine. Are you hurt?"
"Me? You took a bullet, Mari!"
"I don't care if it was made of gelatin, you were still shot!"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry I scared you, but I couldn't just watch you get hurt over nothing," she soothed, pressing her forehead to his in a sweet gesture.
The moment was ruined by Batman, of course.
"Miss Marinette? You're Tim's shadow? The shadow of Gotham?"
She raised an eyebrow at the older man, "Duh."
"You've been stalking him this entire time. And I told him to figure out your identity and watch you. His entire file on you is my fault," at this, his gaze shifted to Tim, " and I accused you of being a pervert for it. I'm so sorry."
"Oh my God, is he always this dense? Is this why Ra's called you the detective?"
"Holy shit, you two are dating," Jason seemed to have come out of his panic on the floor, looking at the two in a new light, "how did I not see this before?"
"What?!" And Dick finally came unfrozen, "You're Teumessian? And you knew, didn't you?" He directed at Jason.
"Well yeah, she told me weeks ago. Or rather, showed me, I guess."
"And you never told us?"
"Not my secret identity to share."
"How many of you knew her identity?" Bruce barked out, only to see Damian, Stephanie, Jason, and Tim raise their hands. He could only heft a sigh. Why was he only good at mysteries that didn't involve his family? With that, he trudged off to brood on his own, still catching snippets of the conversation behind him. He was getting too old for this.
"Uh, not to interrupt the identity crisis, but could we get back to the fact that they're obviously together?" Jason cut in.
"They were quite obvious about it," Cass cut in quietly, seeming to have put the pieces together and found piece with them.
"Oh god, they cuddled in front of us. Blatantly. Numerous times. I feel like an idiot," Dick admitted.
"You feel stupid, I knew she was his shadow. I watched how responsive she was to him. She bent to his wishes and practically climbed him in front of me. In fact, she did! She literally climbed on his back and made him carry her!" 
"Yeah, you're all pretty stupid for being detectives," Tim glared over Vixen's shoulder, her now nuzzling his neck for comfort from the stress of this encounter.
"I'm so sorry, Tim, we should've known better than to doubt you," Dick said, puppy dog eyes on full display.
"Yeah, you should've. Ow!" Vixen nipped at his shoulder with a sharp canine.
"Be nice, they didn't know," she pointed out.
"And who's fault is that?"
"Damian's. Obviously. It was his idea to take bets on when the others would put it together."
With that, the others all turned to where Damian was only to find the spot empty. 
"And Steph, actually. She knew we were together too and still let them go after you for it."
Stephanie gave a nervous chuckle and then took off, the others giving chase after her and to find Damian. Screams echoed down the hall and suddenly Tim and her were alone. 
She dropped the transformation and slumped against him. Tim picked up her hand that had dissolved the bullet and cupped it close.
"Does it hurt?"
"It'll bruise, but I'll be okay. It'll look ugly for a little bit."
He pressed a kiss into her palm in response, whisper soft and reverent, "please don't scare me like that again."
"Then you don't needlessly endanger yourself like that again. I don't care what bet I had going, you should have just told them the second they cornered you like that. You could've told Damian that their demands for explanation was technically asking in a way you had to answer. You're too smart to not be using loopholes like that."
"I'm sorry for worrying you, love."
"You better be," she kissed his neck and curled closer, settling in his lap.
"We should relocate."
"No. If they're going to make stupid accusations, they should have to stare at the stupidity of their actions."
"You're cute when you're vindictive, but could we please move to the couch? It'll be comfier," he tempted. Blushing, she peaked up at him.
"That does sound nice… but only if you carry me," she smiled, giving a little excited wiggle.
"Think I can arrange that," he softened under her gaze, picking her up as he stood and made his way up towards the living room couch, patrol forgotten for the night, "hey, who technically won, anyways?"
"Who even cares?... Though I think I did."
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bluboothalassophile · 5 years
Getting to Know More
Fun facts about Terry McGinnis:
He was a notorious middle child in a HUGE family: Dick, Jason, Athanasia, Cassandra, Tim, Duke, Damian, Alina, himself, Helena, Thomas, Bruce Jr., and Matt. His extended family included Dick’s wife, and Dick’s kids, Thomas, Mar’i, and Jake; Jason’s adopted daughter Lian Harper; Tim’s wife, Stephanie; and Duke’s wife; Claire Clover. His extended, extended family also had Uncle Luke’s and Aunt Babs’ kids; Carrie and Nell, Bette Kane, Grampa Lucius, and, well, at this point one got the picture; huge ass colony of Bats living in Gotham here.
He shredded it where skateboard, hockey, motocross were concerned, but he had the coordination of a spaz for baseball and surfing.
His mom was awesome on epic proportions. Seriously, he didn’t know how she did it but she redefined super mom.
Another thing to know, he totally did not have a crush on the Princess of Atlantis, he was only going with her to this movie because he happened to like it, and because Mareena was the only chick he knew who didn’t like chick flicks (Mar’i, Helena, Lian, and Max could all go Suck It! He was going to see a damn action flick if it fucking killed him this year!) Mareena just also happened to like action flicks, which was why she was here with him.
Standing there in the theatre line he tried not to stare at Mareena who was hiding her identity under a hoodie she had stolen from his room when she had walk up to the Manor with a movie for them to see. Mareena did not have friends in Atlantis who appreciated the arts of action flicks. Terry didn’t care though, he was no longer being that weirdo who was going to a theatre alone. Also, she was a chick Dana could not get jealous over and drive him insane. He would think college meant that the drama would die off with the age grow up, but apparently not. And he was not getting blue balls because Dana was having imaginary jealous fits over imaginary slights.
“Why can the line not move faster,” Mareena huffed.
“Because the line is moving this pace because people are slow. Besides, we’re ahead of the line for the premiere line,” he jabbed his thumb over his shoulder to show her. Mareena frowned.
“You people are annoying,” Mareena said icily.
“How are we annoying, you wanted to go to this movie, so I’m going with you to see this movie,” he said.
“I would’ve asked someone else, but,” she started.
“There’s no one but Don and Dawn, and we both know there’s no way in hell that Barry and Iris would let them come.”
“I could’ve gone to New Krypton,” Mareena argued.
“Oh yes, because watching their movies is so entertaining,” Terry rolled his eyes.
“You land dwellers have no appreciation for the fine arts of moving with a flow,” Mareena argued.
“Pipe down, and don’t draw attention of the paparazzi,” he snapped when her hood started falling off of her head, which had him pulling it more firmly over the green hair of hers. Only disadvantage of going to the movies with Mareena was the fact her hair glowed in the dark. But other than that, trade offs, made it worth it!
“You do realize they’d be more inclined to notice you and not me, right?”
“I’m wearing a Gotham Knights cap, and I am not royalty, I’m just one of a hundred Wayne kids,” Terry point out.
“I thought you were a Prince,” Mareena said.
“No, I’m a Wayne,” he said. “Not royalty.”
“You are also…” she held up her index fingers by her head and smiled a bit.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t count,” he shrugged. Dick had been Batman, Jason had briefly been to save Dick’s wedding, Cass currently was, Damian was next. It wasn’t anything special anymore, it wasn’t special in the family he belonged in. Though B was still the control freak behind the scenes for them so technically B was still the Bat.
“Why not?”
“Cause B’s the big man in charge.”
“Your dad is in a wheelchair,” Mareena pointed out.
“Partial paralyses is not a disability, it just means his legs have to take a break sometimes and Mom has to push him around, it’s not abnormal to what normally happens with him,” he shrugged.
“You guys have issues,” Mareena stated.
Terry merely shrugged. “Dad’s fine, we’re fine, it’s all fine!” he snorted.
“Last time you said that everything was on fire,” Mareena stated.
“Let me restate we’re fine. But mostly keep your hair away so I don’t have to explain to Dana why the hell I’m seen with another woman.” Terry stated.
“Ah, the nefarious Dana, why are you still dating that woman?” Mareena asked. “She was bratty when you were a teen, she’s worse now.”
“Not all of us get fairy tale romances,” Terry shrugged. “Besides, I like sex, sex is a great relief to the stress of everything.”
“You sound like a cad.”
“You should hear my sisters talk,” he shrugged. Mar’i, Helena, Max, and Lian were way worse than him about the sex talks, girls were all about feelings, and emotions and connections, it was annoying, and they always talked about it and guys! Terry probably knew more about women than the average guy and it was a disturbing amount information his sisters had given him. And just to clarify, he thought of Mar’i, Lian and Max as his sisters because he had known them since he was in diapers! It was hard to think of them as anything remotely close to something other than sisters.
“And you shouldn’t knock down romance,” Mareena stated. “Your family has the most epic love stories according to my father. Other than maybe Diana and Steve’s.”
“You’re nuts!” he sputtered.
“Am not, the story of B and Selina, Dick and Kori, Jason and Raven, Tim and Stephanie, B and Talia,” she stated. “Epic romances.”
“That’s just gross, and disturbing to think about my family’s love lives,” he grimaced.
“You guys are secret sweethearts I bet,” Mareena decided with a cheeky smile.
“We are the Knight! We are the Terror of Nightmares! We are NOT Sweethearts! Even Alina is even an epic of epic badasses,” he argued. His phone buzzed and he pulled it out to see the text was from his mom.
“What’s up?”
“After the movie we need to go get Matt, Carrie, Tommy and Nell from school. Babs and Luke had to go to Africa,” he said.
“So we’ll get them, get a slice, and then I’ll drop you off, or are you tubing?” he asked.
“Why would I be tubing?”
“Cause it’s up or down with you,” he retorted.
“Can I stay? I haven’t hung around the surface too much, and I do not want to go to the Tower,” she said.
“Yeah. Julia will help us set up a room for you,” Terry said. Julia had come to Gotham recently because Alfred was sick.
“Who is Julia?” Mareena asked.
“Julia is Alfred’s daughter,” he answered.
“Alfred is not B’s father?” she said in bizarre wonderment.
“Uh… yeah, not a secret,” he pointed out. “Alfred is awesome, and he’s totally grandpa, but he’s not blood.” Terry shrugged.
“WHAT!?” Mareena sputtered. Terry jumped a bit as he stared at her bewildered expressioned.
“He’s not blood!?”
“No, I mean, like ninety percent of my family isn’t blood.”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “It’s not news.”
“I…” she started. “I always thought you were related,” he said.
“Black hair, blue eyes, ungodly pale.”
“What about Duke or Damian!?” he sputtered.
“Okay, so you don’t all look alike,” she rolled her eyes.
“Exactly, and we are all pretty much adopted. Only Athanasia, Damian, Alina, Helena, Tommy, Junior, Matt and I are actually B’s blood kids.”
“I thought you were just… you know, cause you’re a huge family and dad says B started young, really young, so I just assumed,” she shrugged.
“It’s all public record,” he shrugged. “B hasn’t been shy about it. Dick, Babs, Jason, Cass, Tim, Duke, Steph, technically and kind of, Harper, Cullen, Bette, and Renee.”
“I just thought you were related, and I thought you were also, you know,” she shrugged innocently.
“What else did you think we were!?” He sputtered.
“Vampires,” she said innocently.
“I hate dad for starting that rumor,” Terry muttered sourly.
“That one is funny though!” She persisted. “Hal told me, before I met you guys, that you were all demons.”
“Well, Rae is,” he shrugged.
“I thought your dad was big anti- anything that isn’t human marrying into my family,” Mareena said.
“Luci made valid points which had B accepting the fact marrying into a family as divine and powerful as Rae’s is a… you know, it’s kind of a divine honor,” Terry shrugged. “Besides, I didn’t know they weren’t married until they were officially married.”
“You didn’t know they weren’t married?” Mareena asked.
“They’ve been together since I was in diapers,” Terry shrugged.
“Yes really. I’m pretty sure they were the ones who found me,” Terry said.
“I’m learning more about you than I ever thought possible.”
“All of this is actually public record.”
“Really?” she asked skeptically.
“My biological mother was Mary McGinnis, she was married to Warren McGinnis, they died in a car crash when I was three days old and they were driving home from the hospital. I’m technically property of A.R.G.U.S. so Waller took me in, Jason found me about a year later,” Terry explained.
“That’s weird,” she decided.
“No, what’s weirder is the fact that Matt is my full brother,” Terry stated. “Mary and Warren were dead five years before Matt was even conceived, and he’s my full brother.”
“I thought you were B’s blood son,” Mareena said carefully.
“I am. Waller injected a serum into Warren McGinnis’ DNA to scramble his own DNA to match with Bruce’s. Warren was a chimera essentially thanks to Waller’s tinkering,” Terry said. “I’m a ‘clone’ of Bruce’s in a way or I was supposed to be with what Waller set up, and I’m his son, but NO, he did not get involved in the conception of me or my blood brother Matt. He’s the genetic material for us. He’s still Dad though since he’s well, Dad,” Terry shrugged.
“That’s complicated.”
“That’s my family. Also, completely public record,” he shrugged.
“You’re not normal,” she said icily.
“What!? I’m completely normal! I’m going to a movie, and with you no less, in broad daylight, and I’m not turning to ash because of the sun either!” he smiled.
“You’re sounding like a assbutt,” she muttered.
“Asshole,” he corrected. “And you started it.”
“What did you expect from my family?” she asked.
“Lots of energy,” he answered honestly. “Dad always said that you guys were energetic like no tomorrow and wild, also unpredictable, dangerous, and loud, very loud.”
“You expected that!?” she sputtered.
“Did you think I was expecting a mermaid from Little Mermaid, fishtail and all?” he asked her.
“Nah,” he shrugged.
“You’re an ass,” she informed him.
“I’m aware.”
“Besides, I’m a you know,” he shrugged. “Being unpleasant and assholes in general are required.”
“Oh! The ticket booth! And next time we are dropping your family name to get into the movie.”
“You wanted to be a normal American teen this time instead of being a Princess of you know,” he said.
“I did not want that. You wanted that. Freaking love of invisibility. I swear if you were metas you’d all be like that.”
“Rae cast an invisibility spell once, that was awesome, terrifying and cool.”
“Oh, the demons were hunting her, I was like seven, and it was a giant hide and seek game,” Terry said.
“That’s not normal.”
“You grew up under the sea,” he pointed out.
“You grew up in Gotham.”
“I don’t like you right now,” she decided.
“You adore me, I’m paying for the movie,” he pointed out.
“True,” she decided.
“Awe, you two are an adorable couple!” the ticket attendant said when they stepped up to buy the tickets for S.O.S. “First date?”
“We’re not a couple,” Terry stated as he paid for the tickets.
“But we are friends!” Mareena declared slinging her arm around his shoulders.
“You adore me!” she declared.
Terry rolled his eyes as the ticket clerk chuckled but gave them their tickets. “I’ll spring for the snacks, you get the good seats,” he ordered as they had their ticket punched and walked into the crowd.
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