#stefn salvatore
jamfingers ยท 7 years
You see to me Elena was nothing more than an entitled white girl which is all she needed to have an entire tv series about her because other than that I don't see how she had any real fncton the show besides looking like sm1 else, that was literally all she had to do. She rarely if ever an active part of the plot, she's mostly just there as a love interest. If they stuck to the narrative of it being Stefn's story, not only wood she had function, but the right amount of focus wood've been on her.
Sorry I'm late! Pls forgive!I see your viewpoint, but I still have to politely disagree. Katherine wasn't the first doppelganger, her original function wasn't all that different from just looking like someone else either, she had to alter her function to survive. The TVD books are largely about Elena and Stefan and is *their* story and at first TVD was about that jazz too, the diary entries were narrated by both of them.Let's twist the TVD plot a little: Salvatore bros don't show until later in the narrative (or at all). Elena somehow survives the crash w/o Stef's intervention. She's still a doppelganger, her blood is still cursed. Bon is still a witch, Tyler is still a latent werewolf w/ anger issues, the Founders' Council and their anti-vamp sentiments still exist, Klaus is still out there wreaking havoc and looking for a Petrova doppelganger, Katherine is still willing to do whatever she needs to survive, etc., etc. Even w/o the Salvatores, having Elena as the MC would have been enough to provide a story, bc the story kinda hinges more on her existence than either of Salvatores imho.That's not say I don't think she lost her function eventually, but I wouldn't say she was useless or existed as *only* an LI from the start. Ofc she was Stef's LI, but he was also hers, the story was (kinda?) a romance, so that was a given. Idk anon, like I said I see where you're coming from, but idt I'll be swayed.
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