#stefan x bea 001
fadiingstarliights · 11 months
It wasn't rare than whenever Stefan chose to take up working as a first responder, there was something about the job of handling traumatic scenes together daily and voluntarily made him make some really close friends. But Bea was one of those he had stayed in touch longer than most. He couldn't after all, have human friends too long, they started to notice that his appearance never changed but with Bea, he never had to hide what he was and never had to use his magical healing in secret like he had to with his human partners. He was quite eager to see her again and it only seemed logical to him that he went to see her when her shift at work would end so he could whisk her away somewhere. She was of course, engrossed in her own thing when his eyes fell on her. "Cough, cough. I am sick." Stefan smiled widely as he finally had her attention, moving towards her to pull her into a hug. "Hey Bea, how have you been?" @lunarrbxnshee
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