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Open for Business. Go check it out if you can find it 😂. Hint: it’s in the forest 🤟🙀 #primacord #mtbbc #newtrails #onecutmedia #onecutmediamtb - - - - - @adventureio #gowiththepros #aioguide #featuredtrail - - - - - #rideyourbike #slabsofsquamish #squamishadventure #steeprocks #granite #mountainbike #mountainbiking #pnw #seatosky #seatoskymtb #whistler #whistlermtb (at Sketchy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDtqyjpn4kY/?igshid=vmw4yqdurs0j
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Victoria at Steep Rock by Tripti Prasad Via Flickr: Edited in Lightroom w/ RNI films, Kodak Ektar 100 v3.
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#steeprock #happycanadaday🇨🇦 thanks to @chichacornnn @mcgquero for some of the photos https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjwrWVuPZDbjtrlUHBuFR4tEfLd0I3nLXD6FE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#steeprock #steeprockmanitoba (at Steep Rock, Manitoba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSpDxFQgIbs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Had an amazing adventure to #SteepRock today with these babes! Such a beautiful beach! The water was beautiful and clear, and it was the perfect temperature 😁 can't wait to go back! ❤ #FriYay #BeachDay #SteepRockMB #Beautiful #GorgeousDay #ManitobaHeatWaveDoneRight (at Steep Rock Beach Park)
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Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But... there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside." #talesfromthedarkside #horror #horrormovies #horrortv #nostalgia #blackandwhitephotography #shepaugriver #shepaugvalleyrailwaytunnel #steeprock #steeprockpreserve #abandonedplaces #nature #naturephotography #outdoorlife #exploring https://www.instagram.com/p/BxvYxtBn5-i/?igshid=1ku0b45vxe6fy
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HONORING MY LATE HUSBAND NICKOLAI COWELL, Screamin' Olaff Maginski, NEW SONG ROAD SCORE ONIONS I am baaaack. I am having an INTENSE physical transformation. In my 10 Years of horrific illness, I had thousands of tumors/graulomas, and many many badly broken and dissinetegated bones. I had numerous surgeries, including 2 prostetic hips, other human bones, screws, and countless stiches in my throat where they kept on having to save my life with IVs sewed into my neck, for my blood was teribly infected, I had DVT blood clots, and my veins had collapsed. I know it is BEYOND a miracle I am here, typing this, smiling, breathing. I am trying to find that balance that I always struggle with between helping make the world a better place and caring for myself. The past few days, as it was most of the last 10 years, I lost hearing in my left ear and every noise that came to me was garbled into torturous pain in my left ear and eye where so many tumors recently melted, leaving holes so to speak. Since I coud not use music at all, I deeply mediated on the places and people I love so dearly and healed healed healed, am healing healing healing. I am almost COMPLETELY off narcotics, just had to add a bit back with he recent intense pain. I realize I am not yet strong enogh to travel on a plane, so I will not make it to the Portland Memorals May 6 and Music May 7 for my dear late husband, 'Nickolai' Nicholas Cowell, Screamin' Olaf Mcginski. My songs will be there, a dozen of them, on recycled paper, as will my spirit, and I will be there on some form of social media. Every single person that was attracted to the wonderous light of my husbad is an exceptional person, I assure you will not be let down if you attend and meet some of his glorious 'extended family'. This is a small event for friends and family organized by his parents and brother. He never had a friend he didn't consider family, so in that vein: all are very welcome, kids too of course! I will post information soon about the event(s), timing and more details. I am working with my dear sisier on a Funeral close to home, in Massachusets perhaps. My nephew and I will be playing songs, and we are planning some beautiful rituals. I will be honoring this brillinat man for the rest of my life, so after Portland will be a Mass/NJ event, one in Telluride, CO, and on from there Interntionally eventually. This hubmle brilliant unseen man in his lifetime deserves the world, and I internd to give it to him now that I am alive again, taking care to first feed and love and heal myself, which I am deepy working on now. He is truly helping me write the Album, Band of Peace, letting all beings know they are dearly loved, powefrul, and thet unity and peace and susainability are all possible! There will be a non-proft fund in his name associated with this evetually. I have been offline, completely had my phone shut off, and have been in a deep cuccoon. I will check messages and emails etc. soon. I was able to listen to music again starting yesterday!!!!!!!! YEAH! I will be working with many many msicinas! SO EXCITED! Today, I wrote the song Road Score Onions about meeting and inevitably falling deepy in love wih my late husband, Screamin' Olaf Mcginski. The greif is deep, for he is my True Love. The music helps immensely, and I am trying to remind myself not to be so sad, for he is here with me!!! Cheers and peace, y'all! No matter what is going on in your world around you, peace is possible-for is inside you!!! I will be recording music videos of Whanganui River and Road Score Onions soon, as my ear pain allows me to, gives me the green light!!@@ ROAD SCORE ONIONS ************************************** Darlin', you brought me road score onions and I was all in. Singing by the fire your face floated through centuries in my dreams. We had the same visions passions hearts right from the start. Always before I thought I was on a holy mission alone. Until you became my only home I've ever really known. I knew I was on a mission to bring sustanability to our people, solar power to every steeple. But oh, how you gloriously stopped me in my tracks. To join me. There is no looking back. Sundays were our days. You taught me how to telemark ski. You moved with me to New Jersey. To move in with grandma so she didnt have to go alone to a sterile home. To Unite. To fight for new state laws for solar wind and earth energy sustainability afforability city. You designed engineered and installed solar all over. You taught biodisel. Your gigantic heart is so damn lethal! We did what we loved for work. Busmans holidays. Neverending passions to create on earth a new and true heaven from seven stars from very far away, away. Oh, how i remember how tender your touch. It is too much to not have you here as I have awakened. No, I am mistaken. For you are writing this with me! Holy!!!! It was way too much. How sick I fell. We went down the deepest well. It was pure hell. Unable to talk. Unable to walk. You never left me, my darling. 10 loooonnng years, beyond our deepest fears. The waxing new moon lends me these tunes. Any days of breath I have left I give honor to the holy father and deep thanks to you. You. You remove my blue. My boo. My true blue. So may Nick names for the man that means the word to me, Nickolai, how you do Fly, Fly. Fly!! My one true new moon. Bloom. Boom. Bloom. You bring me love from my deepest dreams you benevolnt being! How your life was taken mid-steam. No! I am mistaken! You were not taken! For you are here healing with me. I remember it all so clearly. So dearly. You would sing to me Bob Marley and Michael Franti tunes, under our Harvest Moon. We would dance. dance. dance. Into a trance. Until I could no longer stand. How you always held my aching hand. You demanded peace. In all you did. But for your own self. Self less you are my dar'ling. You couldn't see your worth. Your love is so healing, healing, healing. How it removes my ceilings. So many more peaceful warriors I love so are in heaven. Watching over us. They will rise with us again soon, under a glorious winter solstice afternoon. We have a love so true. I have gone so deep down iside. Where you reside. I am your bride. With deep pride. I have been deep in my cuccoon with you and the moon. Thanks and praises to the one above working with you to heal this weary dove. Oh, how you still bring me road score onions straight to my heart. In the end and right from the start. The number of times we saved eachothers lives. Forged in fire. You satisfy my every desire. Spiritually we are steemed from trees. Fom Luxor, Nepal, Tibet. Peru. We are never through. We come from Water. Earth. Air. Dust. Don't despair. All that is true and holy and sacred will soon rise. Stop the illusions and our people's confusion. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. In the Great Spirit I put all my trust. You must know you will never leave my heart. Your essence from me cannot part. Our trip to Nicaragua. Sabana Grade Village. Our Holy Pillage. Staying with our humble loving beautiful family on their earthen floor, teaching eachother about sustainability. Singing dancing so very free! We learned how to make solar panels. Change the channels. Flooding all lies. Bridge the divide. House sitting in straw bale heaven adobe. Riding horses from the mountian peaks to the sea. Dancing underneath the glorious full moon. For you, I do forever swoon. My big spoon. Look at the moon. Planting gardens composting making the most of what we were given. You were always forgiven. Livin' I am again. Your humble brilliant hands they do heal this sacred land. Oh, how your glance and dance does put me into a trance. Come into my arms. Away from all harm. Sway with me to the rhythum of the soft afternoon. Watch the new blooms. Please, deliver me from evil!. All the countries you worked for peace in. To my deep chagrin too brillant you were for the darkness here you are now devoid of fears darling, you are so damn pure!! I can feel you, ever-presently near. Oh, how my days are filled with rain and my nights are filled with sorrow. The thought of loving you brings me rainbows of tomorrow. The kind bones in your face defy space. Your soothing voice is so very gentle. So choice. Your brilliant mind so divine. Your gigantic heart melted me right from the start. Your addictions and earthly afflictions haunt me. I try to remember that now you are finally at peace. You are my peaceful warrior. How you do deliver me from pain. You are a white buffalo in my dreams: dancin' prancin' singing a dancin' and and a bell ringing. You light my fire deep within, my love twin. Sing to me as we sway to the wind in the trees lighting beings. Erupting into a violet orange sky, no longer shy. His white orange violet indigo blue silver gold halo showed me past lifetimes with this precius soul. I right then did know. I would never go. When I was down, you would bring me kittens donkeys and love poems. How I know them all by heart. You are my man. We are taking a stand with this album you are helping me write. People, Unite!!! You took my hand all over this glorious land. Man oh man. When I was long captured underwater and could not talk or sing, I would bring my visions to the pure of heart above. Owlie was sent to Nahko to sing to you this love song, 'She breaks free a flower. Catches the wave of the wind. She plants it South, far below the canyon walls. We are the mighty rivers, emptying at the mouth and joining currents. Currently, I am waiting for the midnight hour when the moon undresses in all her glory. You are my shell. My ocean as well. Put your mouth to my mouth, breathe along. You are my shell my ocean as well. Put your mouth to my mouth breathe along', he croons. How every single night was freight with the deepest strife. I could not even be touched or held. How tears welled and felled. Of course you had to check out!!@@ I do shout! Your addictions and our afflictions were to much to bear. Bear. Bere. Bare. But for our deep deep undying love, and uconditional love from the one above. I swear, I am being miraculously healed. All was reveled. It happened so damn fast. You did not believe your eyes. You tried and tried while I cried and cried for you to wake up. I had to leave to set you free like you had so often delivered to me. After all is said and done, You returned to me! See!! These songs you are writing with me! Glory!! I open my mouth south to your breath. Dissolving the tumors in my brain, my breasts. Your violet eyes Singing and dancing together on the hightest peaks. In your arms I find the deepest releif. The light in your soul. How it roll roll rolls. Over and over with you down the valleys, we met at the mouth of the river where we are finally delivered back into eachothers' arms. I finally received your ashes. I have been planting them all over. Rebirth Rebirth Rebirth. I will show you your worth that you couldn't see in this particular form on Earth. Oh perfect storm! I will always remember your water. We shall recover. All that was lost. lost. Roots run deep. True love doth forever seep. Oh, in my heart how you bring me road score onions every day to keep me sane. I will always honor your true name, my darlin'! Galloping on horses to the sparkling waters in Dominica. You are a fantastic humble leader. Watching all you do the classes you hold. You are so very bold. A sight to behold. You have zero ego, ergo my heart sings for your ring. Your humble brilliance was definately heaven sent. My love for you does rise rise rise. I will always be your bride. We will not be denied. My Darlin', My Serapin. My Dolphin. My Holy Love Twin Deep Within. Oh. How you bring me road score onions every day. It is a miracle I am healing at all. I can feel you holding me carressing me right underneath me singing to me writing these songs with me. How your mighty heart cures my disease. Please. Pleease. Don't leave me. I deeply believe. In you. My boo. I will soon be honoring you across the world 'From the west coast to the east coast blazing a trail of gold', as our wedding song Katharina wrote us our story is Told. Oh, at first glance, you took a deep stance in my heart. Your exceptional kindness, brilliance, humbleness, compassion, deep beauty had me from day 1. You Sacred Sun. We had to meet to consolodate our grants under the same ubmbrella nonprofit Atals Arkology. Steeprock Jointery. Led by the late, the great, the brilliant, the dear my brother from another mother: Glen Harcourt. Dear Brother, I know you are with my lover in Heaven. Creating glorious breathable buildings that sing! Structures that venerate and create love. They self illuminate, never to take. My grant was for green bulding code changes and education series. His was for Biodiesel for town busses and trucks. What Divine luck. That smile. I could see for miles. Your kindness. Your gentle kiss, that sweet abyss. Many many laughs. I crocheted your favorite hat. After our first weekend together, you left me the most heavenly letter. On the back of a macaroni package. That said 'You are like a perfect red apple on top of a tall twisted tree in a desolate land.' Not long after, you asked for my hand. Photon belt. Starseed Gateway. Gravity. Weightless. Unity. Blue Cosmic Hands Across this Sacred Land. Time to take a Stand. A Stand. On our first date after our grants were given to my house in Telluride you had driven. From your Biodisel Warehouse in Montrose. Our date to the potluck at our friends yurt that glorius fall night by the fire. Your face removed all my hurt, You beamed through centuries in my deepest dreams. I knew that road score onions had been planted so deep in my heat. Right from the start. Oh, darling. I 'aint leaving you again. You breathe life into me eveytime I remember you showing up with your road score onions in my heart. They took deep root right from the start. -Elizabeth Robbins April 29, 2017
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Victoria at Steep Rock by Tripti Prasad Via Flickr: Edited in Lightroom w/ RNI films, Kodak Ektar 100 v3.
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No more long captions. Just grateful. 🎆🥳🎄🎅🏻🎁 . . . . . . #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #cute #followme #instadaily #canada #expression #steeprock #canada#manitoba #activities#2022 #NYE #Christmas #Xmas #family https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm8Ij0-tsB9zu_NTTDru1k8-NgX3v04y5kAn5g0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Open for Business. Go check it out if you can find it 😂. Hint: it’s in the forest 🤟🙀 #primacord #mtbbc #newtrails #onecutmedia #onecutmediamtb - - - - - @adventureio #gowiththepros #aioguide #featuredtrail - - - - - #rideyourbike #slabsofsquamish #squamishadventure #steeprocks #granite #mountainbike #mountainbiking #pnw #seatosky #seatoskymtb #whistler #whistlermtb (at Prima Corda) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDtp6IUnk4W/?igshid=tsgmptwzcvph
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Please check out this powerful video by Selena Rushman, Keira Jones, Metahna Steeprock, and Rozalina Hunt from the Bug O Nay Ge Shig School. This group of young women have been creating videos with messages of understanding and thoughts for healing for so many years now. They are a talented team working for their community. I am so proud of them!!
--Living Histories / Bug O Nay Ge Shig School / Leech Lake Reservation
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Steep Rock Train Tunnel #Tunnel, #Winter, #Ice, #Cold, #Dark, #lightpainting, #Hiking, #SteepRock The railroad tunnel was constructed from 1871 to 1872 as part of the Shepaug Valley Railroad. A crew of coal miners from Pennsylvania built the 235-foot curved tunnel by hand using picks, dynamite and nitroglycerin to blast through Steep Rock Ridge.
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And whenever we were kicking it around the cabin, I basically lived in the hammocks 😂 I'm now sold and need a hammock in my life haha #SteepRock #SteepRockMB #Hammock #CabinLife (at Steep Rock, Manitoba) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bfGUjgu5c/?igshid=hzcda6rkcbsm
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A little variety makes getting out a little more exciting. #vexilar #vexilarfishing #vexilarinc (at North Steeprock Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/COIS2wSrvdu/?igshid=1ngsalnv10cb2
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