firelance2361 · 9 months
Between Two Worlds (Oliverse/What If...?)
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Here’s a cool little mashup piece I did of both of my versions of Oliver Osnick/Steel Spider lined up side by side, with the Earth-5203 (Oliverse) Ollie on the right and the Earth-15594 (What If…?) Ollie on the left.
I thought it would be a fun little treat for all the Webheads out there as we head into 2024.
Hope you like it!
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firelance2361 · 1 year
What If...Someone Stole The Iron Spider?
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Here is a piece I made for a Spider-Man-Centric idea I had for a What If…? scenario for Season 2 or 3. As you can guess, the idea revolves around the introduction of Ollie Osnick into the MCU.
Anyway, here’s the pitch:
[In this universe, during Spider-Man’s fight with the Vulture, a nine-year old boy by the name of Ollie Osnick finds the Iron Spider Suit in its container among the wreckage and, not entirely sure what it is but not wanting Vulture to get it, decides to take it and run.
Because of this, when Tony Stark tries to present the suit to Peter as a reward for defeating Vulture, both find out it is missing and go on a search for it encountering the young Ollie trying to emulate his idol with the Iron Spider suit.
While Peter is reluctant to have a fan of his trying to be his sidekick, especially after the craziness he went through in Homecoming, after some classic Spidey hijinks, Peter starts to see not only the value in Ollie as a partner, but also that even if Spider-Man isn’t an Avenger, that doesn’t mean he can’t inspire people like they do.
In the end of this scenario, it would have Peter telling Ollie to keep the suit and to keep in touch in case he needed him, while also telling the kid own personal flair to it, thus creating the MCU version of…Steel Spider.]
I know this idea kind of sound far-fetched, and might be a little biased based on my recent Steel Spider-related artwork, but I think it would be a fun twist on the story of Spider-Man: Homecoming while also incorporating and simplifying a forgotten aspect of the Spider-Man mythos.
IDK, let me know what you guys think! Hope you like it!
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firelance2361 · 2 years
From Steel Spider to Superior Spider-Man
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Just a redrawing of Ollie Osnick’s first appearance as Steel Spider from Spider-Man Unlimited #5 in both my custom Steel Spider and Superior Spider-Man suits that I made for him.
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Hope you like it!
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firelance2361 · 2 years
The Oliverse (Earth-5203)
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Here’s a little something I’ve been working on for a bit. It’s a character roster for an AU with Oliver Osnick/Steel Spider and many others. In this universe, after Oliver’s girlfriend, Jane Lane was paralyzed by Muggers, instead of going after them solo, he sought out the help of Peter Parker/Spider-Man to bring them to justice. Because of this partnership, not only were they able to bring the muggers to justice, but they also found a suspicious hidden link to them and Miles Warren/The Jackal. Due to this, not only was the life of Spider-Man’s unborn child saved, so too were the lives of the clones created by Miles Warren for Norman Osborn. Those clones being Ben Reilly, Kaine Parker, and Gwen Warren. Osnick’s actions also allowed for the Clone Saga to be resolved faster than it was in the original timeline, exposing both Osborn and Warren’s inhuman actions to the public, leading to their arrest. This is set 10 years after these events, in where many changes have happened. - The Parker Family has grown exceptionally in this times.        - Peter and Mary Jane successfully had their child, May Parker, who took on the mantle of Night-Spider. They also discovered through an investigation of Osborn's and Warren's experiments, the existence of their half-human/half-symbiote child April Parker/Mayhem, who they took in with welcome arms. She and May get along well pretty well, though April still has some issues keeping her symbiotic side under control.        - The clones of Ben Reilly and Kaine Parker have become part of the family as well, becoming Peter’s official brothers and May’s “super-uncles.”        - Peter’s secret sister, Teresa Parker was also discovered earlier in this universe thanks to Peter and Oliver’s resources in Oscorp. It took a while for her to get back into the family, but they’re slowing starting to accept Terry. She aids them out in the field as the hero, Birdstrike. - Oliver himself gained a little sister named Sadie, who after suffering an attack from Kidney Failure, received a transfusion with Spider-Blood that saved her life.        - Said event gave her traditional Spider-Powers, along with bone-like stingers similar to Kaine Parker, leading her to become the heroine, Spindle. - Felicia Hardy retired as the Black Cat due to worsening conditions with her mother’s health, entrusting the mantle to Mary Jane. - The Various Spider-People, including the clones, have reorganized into the Spider-Society, with Ezekiel Sims as a consultant/mentor of the group.         - Cindy Moon does exist in this universe with her powers, but she has yet to emerge as the heroine Silk. For now she serves as technical assistant, while training on the sides with some of the other Spiders. - Oscorp came under the control of Oliver’s father, Milton Osnick, who as CEO, reorganized the company into something more beneficial for the public.                          - Peter Parker works as Oscorp as a consultant on the Scientific Board. - Earth-5203 Oliver, sadly, like his mainstream counterpart, lost his arm in a confrontation with Eddie Brock/Venom and Lily Hollister/Demogoblin that also took the life of Jessica Drew.        - Such incident caused Ollie to take a brief Hiatus as Steel Spider until he could get back up on his feet again.        - He does usual therapy sessions with Jane once a week, which has helped out with some of problems in their relationship.                - Ollie also built a working prosthetic arm to compensate for the damage, which was able to interact with his hero-tech; a trait that helped him out it the field when he finally did return to crimefighting.        - Julia Carpenter and Mattie Franklin stepped into the void left by Jessica Drew's death, becoming the unofficial leaders of the Spider-Society.        - Eddie Brock, gave up the Venom Symbiote due to Cancer treatments. In his wake, his son Dylan Brock bonded with the Sleeper Symbiote, becoming a somewhat more versatile antihero than his mainstream counterpart, with some harder anger management issues. - Carolyn Trainer has taken up the mantle of Doctor Octopus after Otto Octavius suffered a neuro-related injury to his cranium after a fight with Spider-Man, leaving him comatose. She serves as Oliver’s antithesis in this universe. - In this universe, other sidelined heroes and villains have started to have a greater influence in the superpowered community, from Sally Arvil/Bluebird to Dwight Faron/Counterblow and Elias Wirtham/Cardiac, and several others. Sorry if the bio’s a bit lengthy, I just didn’t want to skimp on the details here. Hope you like it!
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firelance2361 · 2 years
Spider Siblings (Oliverse)
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Just a little sentimental Oliverse piece I did of Oliver Osnick/Steel Spider having a heart to heart moment with his little sister Sadie Osnick/Spindle.
I did this little piece because since Ollie had a problematic experience as Spider-Kid in his youth, I would think he’d have little moments like this with his sister to make sure she doesn’t make the same mistakes he did.
Hope you like it!
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firelance2361 · 2 years
A Jollie Night Indeed (Jane x Ollie)
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Just a little early Valentine’s Day piece I did of Ollie Osnick/Steel Spider and Jane Lane all dressed up for a special night.
Hope you like it and Happy Valentine’s Day.
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firelance2361 · 2 years
Steel Spider (Hellfire Gala)
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(Hey guys! Sorry if I’ve been absent for a while, I’ve been very busy recently with work and all. So since it’s been a while since my last piece, here’s a little something for you guys.)
In preparation for the next Marvel Hellfire Gala, I designed a little something for my favorite obscure webslinger, Oliver Osnick/Steel Spider.
Hope you like it!
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