#steddiebang23 upcoming projects
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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Rounding Third, Sliding Home
Author: @thefreakandthehair l Artist: @sungods_healing l Artist: @oriarts Posting on Saturday, November 25
Steve Harrington is a baseball wunderkind and the star shortstop of the LA Dodgers. It’s his life, his purpose, his escape— so when he injures his UCL and has to return Indiana to recover, he’s not sure where to go from there. It’s here that he meets Eddie Munson, local massage therapist who soon becomes so, so much more. Over the several months he’s back home, Steve is surprised to find that Eddie’s tender, caring touch heals much more than his arm. Love builds a bridge between himself and this wonderfully ridiculous, gregarious man, but digs a mote between who Steve wants to be and who he is. When he heals up and goes back to his old life, can Steve and Eddie find a way to keep what they’ve built?
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Eddie still doesn’t care much about baseball, not about the sport itself at least, but watching Steve play almost makes him care. There’s something special about the way he moves, like his glove is simply part of his body, like he floats around the in-field rather than runs. He’s a fucking natural at this and Eddie has no doubt— not a single one— that this, right here, is what Steve was born to do. Painful though it still is, it’s hard to begrudge Steve for making the choice he’s made.
Something happens that Eddie doesn’t follow, but Chrissy cheers along with the crowd so Eddie follows suit. And then he hears it, the unmistakable twang and reverberation of the guitar lead-in to Tom Petty’s I Won’t Back Down. Blood rushes to his head, all glee and overwhelm when Steve steps out of the dugout and the entire stadium erupts. People scream, sing along, stomp their feet on the bleachers in such a way that it feels like the Earth itself is shaking. 
Eddie’s world certainly is. 
Beyond seeing Steve in his uniform, a treat in itself, it’s as though he’s seeing a wholly different side of him. As he walks up to the plate for the first time all season, bat in one hand and waving to the crowd with the other, Eddie sits silent. He’s only known Steve as the cute guy who’d needed a massage therapist, whose face scrunches up when he laughs from his belly, who falls asleep when Eddie plays with his hair, and who prefers his pasta just a touch underdone for more of a bite. Somehow, the Steve who’d held his hand the first time they slept together is the same Steve whose name and walk-up music sends a packed crowd into a frenzy. 
And for some reason, reasons that become more and more unfathomable the longer the crowd celebrates, Steve wants him. Or at least, wanted him. He’s still unsure of what to expect but even if that happiness is now in the past tense, to have been loved at all by Steve Harrington is miracle enough. 
“That’s your man, Munson! Cheer!” Robin reaches over Chrissy to smack him on the arm and he springs back to life. Your man is presumptuous but even if it’s one-sided, she’s not wrong. 
He cheers so goddamn loud. 
It’s the first time in almost a year that Steve’s stepped up to a plate, and it should make him feel
 something. Nervous, anxious, excited. The roar of the crowd doesn’t die down but he drowns it out and instead searches the bleachers behind third base, looking for a few very specific faces. 
Robin makes herself known first, standing and waving the hand sign for I love you frantically. Dustin and Chrissy flank both sides of her, and then he spots Eddie whose hands are cupped on either side of his mouth in what he’s sure is a terrifyingly loud scream. 
For him. 
Steve can’t give himself the time to process or think, but he knows that having Eddie there for his first game back means more than the entire fucking stadium. 
The crowd sings along to Tom Petty until the music fades out. Steve rolls his shoulders back and stretches his neck, just like Eddie taught him, before cranking the bat back into his stance. Feet hip-width apart, slight bend at the waist and knees, elbow up, eyes on the pitcher. 
Just as he’s ready to swing, the Phillies elect to intentionally walk him. 
The crowd boos at the anticlimactic decision almost as loudly as they’d cheered for his return as he drops his bat and jogs to first base, rolling his eyes at the pitcher who was too cowardly to pitch to him. 
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whataboutthefish · 1 year ago
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It's a lonely world when everyone knows your name
Author - @whataboutthefish | Artist - @hawkinsleather and on Twitter
Posting on 23rd October - for @steddiebang
Steve Harrington had a nemesis, Eddie ‘The Face’ Munson. The only thing was, Eddie didn't know. Eddie Munson was the face of the decade and fashion’s darling, but his hard partying ways and lack of (what Steve perceived) professionalism had Steve seething. When Steve was paired with Eddie for a photo shoot he was already anticipating hating the whole ordeal. What he didn't expect was Eddie being more than just his persona. 
Hottest Alpha Model Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington just might be wrong about Omega Supermodel Eddie ‘The Face’ Munson.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
“Jesus, would you look at the muscles on this one,” Eddie said, one of his entourage hanging off his shoulder and laughing like he just said the funniest thing in the world.  Steve just rolled his eyes, “How about you concentrate on getting ready to work and leave me to my business,” It was a little harsh, even to Steve’s ears and he did his best not to cringe, but Eddie didn’t even bat an eye. “No problem, darling, be with you in two shakes of a lamb's tail.”  Steve looked up with a forced smile on his face about to thank Eddie before the omega grinned, “No need to get your knickers in a twist.” shooting Steve a wink before he flounced off to hair and makeup.  The smell of alcohol and cigarettes were left in his wake, Steve noted the results of a long night were written all over the omega’s face. There were dark circles under his eyes, old makeup and a fine dusting of white powder around his nostrils.  Steve hated Eddie. He was everything Steve wasn’t. Where Steve looked after his body like it was a temple, Eddie worked hard and played harder, seeming to have no care for the vessel that made him all his money. Steve worked out every day, watched what he ate and was careful to always have an even tan, he kept his hair healthy so that it shone under lights. With how often Steve saw Eddie in the tabloids stumbling out of clubs as the sun was coming up, he was sure the omega didn’t know the meaning of a healthy lifestyle.  What made it even worse, just as Steve was having his chest powdered and contoured, Eddie breezed onto set in a pair of boxer briefs and nothing else. Steve’s robe hung off his shoulders and made him feel entirely overdressed. Even barefoot Eddie walked with a grace that made it look like he floated through the world. Eddie’s pale skin was littered with tattoos, another thing Steve hated, the industry never liked tattoos but Eddie, he could tattoo his face and the industry would go mad for it.  He was slim, but oh so omega in all the places that mattered, there was a slight swell over his hips, a small belly that looked so soft that even Steve wanted to reach out and stroke a hand over it. Eddie was undeniably male and omega, the perfect mix that, if he’d been anyone else Steve would have already fallen head over heels for.  Eddie cleared his throat, the slightest hint of a blush showed down his throat. Steve hadn’t realised he’d been staring but as he looked around it was clear everyone else had.  “Oh good, for a moment there I thought you were going to eat me,” Eddie said, biting his bottom lip as he grinned.
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sidekick-hero · 1 year ago
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Suitcase of Memories
Authors: @legitcookie and @sidekick-hero l Artist: @luna-fortunaa l Artist: @maikaartwork | Beta: @acasualcrossfade | Beta and amazing cheerleader: @yournowheregirl
Posting on Tuesday, November 7
In a bygone era, two men defy societal norms and find an instantaneous, powerful connection that defies all odds. Their secret love blossoms in the shadows, forming an unbreakable bond. However, fate eventually intervenes, cruelly tearing them apart. Fast forward to the present day, Steve awakens from an extraordinary dream that feels startlingly genuine and lifelike, like he was really there. The memory of it haunts his every waking moment, making him question if he somehow recognizes the mysterious, curly-haired stranger playing his guitar at a street-corner, although they have never met before. Steve continues to cross paths with this enigmatic figure, Eddie, until they surrender to fate and their instant attraction. As their relationship deepens, Steve's dreams become increasingly vivid, detailed, and intense, leaving him with an uncanny sense of familiarity. They also strangely reflect the growing romance and struggles of his newfound relationship. Is it all just a coincidence, or is there a deeper connection that defies the boundaries of time and fate?
Read more under the cut for a sneak preview!
Steve usually never misses his bus. He’d rather get to the bus stop ten minutes early and wait instead of making a mad dash to catch it. But not today. Today, missing his bus is just the cherry on top of an already off day.
"Shit!" he exclaims as the exhaust from the retreating bus surrounds him, throwing his hands up in frustration. He stomps his foot, chanting "Fuck, fuck, fuck”.
He doesn't regret helping the lady, especially after he was the one who made her drop her groceries, but he also can't help but think: Why today? With a long-suffering groan, he turns and heads toward his apartment.
It's a beautiful day, thankfully. There are only a few clouds in the sky and a light breeze is blowing through the warm summer air. It would be a perfect day for a stroll if it weren't for the dull ache that still lingers deep in his chest. It follows him like his own shadow, dark and elusive. He wishes it would take a hike; he’s always prided himself on being able to shove things that bother him into one of the many boxes he stores in the attic of his mind. If he can pretend they don’t exist, they can’t affect him. It’s worked this long.
Steve just wishes he could remember why something as insignificant as a dream could make him feel like this. Why —
A melody, hauntingly familiar, reaches his ears. It's coming from further up the sidewalk, and he picks up his pace, his feet almost moving on their own in their hurry to find the source of the song before it stops.
Turning the corner, he's greeted by a beautiful man with an acoustic guitar, and the sight steals the breath from his lungs.
The man has long, curly brown hair, and his face is pinched in concentration as his thick, ringed fingers idly strum the instrument. Watching him play is mesmerizing, the gentle melody like a long forgotten memory. It's as if the man has cast a spell over Steve, drawing him closer and closer until Steve is standing right in front of him.
The man must have noticed him approaching because when he lifts his head he looks right at Steve. As their eyes meet, Steve feels an electric charge running through his body. He gasps softly at the overwhelming wave, and the eyes of the guitarist widen at the same time.
"Hi," says the breathtaking figure before him, friendly and curious.
Of course, Steve acts like an idiot, because instead of answering like a normal person, he just keeps staring at the man, mouth probably open, eyes wide. After a long moment he catches himself and replies in a breathless voice, "Hi.”
They look at each other for a moment before the man's lips curl into a small smile. "Like what you hear?"
Steve clears his throat and nods a little too forcefully. "Uh, yeah, man. It sounds great."
The man strums the same chords again, and goose bumps start to rise up Steve's arms. He can't help but ask, "It sounds really familiar. What is it?"
"Oh, it's nothing. Just something that popped into my head," the man shrugs, his eyes moving sideways, finally breaking eye contact, and he starts fidgeting with his rings. There's something so familiar about the way the man talks and moves, but Steve can't put his finger on it.
"Have we met?" Steve asks, eyebrows furrowed. He's still staring intently at the man with the guitar. It's like he's listening to an old record, one he used to know by heart but hasn't listened to in a long time, and it's just skipped a few beats and he doesn't know where he is in the song.
"Pretty sure I'd remember you if we did," the man replies, his eyes shifting sideways and back to Steve, giving him a wink and grinning widely, white teeth flashing behind full lips. Oh fuck, he has dimples too.
Steve ducks his head, the heat of a blush flushing his face, causing the other man’s face to soften into a genuine, warm smile.
The blaring of a car horn cuts through whatever is happening between them, and both sets of eyes look over Steve's shoulder to find the source. A taxi driver is yelling at someone in a Porsche and both men are hurling insults back and forth, getting more creative with them by the second.
Steve turns back to the guitarist with a chuckle and runs a hand through his hair. "I better get going," he says, sounding reluctant to his own ears.
He tosses a thumb over his shoulder as he slowly starts to walk away. "But really, dude, you're, uh, really... good," he finishes lamely. He remembers when he and Robin first started at The Bean Scene. She still hadn't liked him very much back then, leftover animosity from high school, and had started keeping track of all his unsuccessful attempts at flirting. This performance right now would have earned him a tally in the You Suck column. It seems as if the man in front of him had taken the breath out of him and all of his charm with it.
"Thanks, man. Maybe I'll see you around sometime?" God, I hope so.
“Uh, yeah, I’m around!” Stop. Talking. Harrington. Steve raises his hand, about to smack his forehead in exasperation, and just catches himself, giving a little wave with fluttering fingers instead. Just as he's about to turn around to hide his burning face, he remembers with a small oh to drop a $5 bill into the man's open guitar case in front of him.
"Ah, thank you kindly, good sir," the man says dramatically, punctuating it with a small bow, the same wide smile on his face as before. Steve's heart flutters at the sight, and warmth spreads through his body as another wave of familiarity hits him.
Steve finally turns and walks away from the street corner where, unbeknownst to him at the time, his life changed forever. He has to force himself not to turn around, not to look back, because it feels like he might suffer the same fate as Lot's wife. Just turn to salt, unable to ever leave. Still, as he walks home, his mind is caught up in replaying the past few minutes in an endless loop, the feeling of familiarity still nagging at the back of his mind.
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lady-lostmind · 1 year ago
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So excited to finally share my big bang with all of you.
Planning to start posting on Oct. 5th.
@steddiebang Beta: @oh-stars Artist: @fancycheliniarts
Steve and Eddie get very close after the world almost ends. Eddie makes a move but it quickly backfires when Steve pulls away. Eddie, not knowing how to deal with the rejection, runs. They live completely separate lives for years until Steve realizes he might not be living the life he actually wants, and throws himself back into Eddie's world.
Snippet under the cut.
Steve watches as Eddie makes his way to his usual spot on the couch. Steve follows and plops down in the middle of the couch next to him, Nancy following to sit on Steve’s other side. Robin walks in a few minutes later holding two big bowls of popcorn, her eyes flicking over the three of them as she lets out a laugh under her breath and shakes her head, setting a bowl on the table and taking the other one with her to the recliner across from them. 
“This should be fun,” Robin mumbles as she presses play on the remote. 
They’re about ten minutes into the second movie when Nancy shifts in her seat to lean her head against Steve’s shoulder. He pulls his arm up, wrapping it loosely around her shoulder and sinking further into the couch, letting his legs splay a little until his left bumps into Eddie’s. He tries to shoot him an apologetic smile and is met with an uncomfortable scowl, Eddie sitting ridiculously ridgid next to him. He leans a little closer to him, trying not to shift Nancy too much in the process. “You alright, Eds?”
Eddie’s eyes shift to him and he gives him a curt nod before immediately looking back to the TV and shifting so he’s pressed as far into the side of the couch as possible. Steve glances over at Robin in a ‘Are you seeing this?’ kind of way, flitting his eyes quickly back to Eddie. 
Robin snorts and Steve distinctly hears her say dingus under her breath before ignoring him to watch the movie. 
When the movie ends, Nancy goes to stand, her hand trailing down Steve’s arm as she unravels herself from where she was tucked against his side. “I have to get home. I told my Mom I would watch Holly in the morning.” 
Robin hops up with a quick glance between Steve and Eddie. “Mind giving me a ride?” 
Steve walks them to the door, Eddie trailing behind them and hovering in the entryway. Steve turns as he shuts the door and sees Eddie slipping his shoes on, disappointment flaring in his chest. 
“Oh–uh. I thought, maybe. Do you want to stay?” He tries his best to sound casual. But he knows if Eddie leaves now he’ll never fall asleep. It’s always harder when he has to feel the drastic difference between everyone being here and then suddenly not. 
Eddie freezes in his motions, shoe half on, and looks over to him before he sighs and nods, toeing his shoes back off and heading to the kitchen. “Fine but–” He pulls open the fridge and grabs a beer. “I’m drinking your booze for making me sit through that shitty movie.” 
Steve laughs and brushes past him to grab his own beer, leading Eddie outside to sit by the pool. He settles down on the ground, taking a swig as Eddie sits next to him, the chain on his pants jangling slightly as he adjusts. 
They just sit and drink in silence for a few minutes until Eddie leans back on his hands and says “You and Wheeler were awfully cozy on the couch in there tonight.” 
Steve rolls his eyes and groans. “Not this again. Please.” 
Eddie huffs out a laugh. “Come on, Harrington.” 
Steve turns so he’s facing Eddie. “What is it with the obsession with me and Nance? Why do you want something to be happening there so bad?” 
Eddie scoffs. “I don’t. I just think it’s obnoxious that you keep denying it when everyone can plainly se–”
Steve shakes his head. “No, no. You see. You’re the only one who ever brings this up. Me and Nance are just friends, Eds. We did the whole dating thing. It didn’t work out too well.” 
Eddie shakes his head and downs the rest of his beer. “Whatever you say, Harrington.” 
Steve sighs. “Listen. I don’t really know what happened that made you dislike Nance so much–” Steve holds his hand out to stop Eddie before he can interrupt. “But I would really, really appreciate it if you’d give her a chance. She’s had a rough time lately and she can use as many friends as she can get. Like me. Her friend.” 
Eddie smirks and nods. “Alright, I believe ya, Stevie. And I’ll be nice. Promise.” 
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notesappwitch · 1 year ago
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i sing the blues and you swallow them too moodboards
It’s almost here everyone! The first two chapters of my @steddiebang fic go up Monday, 10/6! (Along with the first of @cuips-not-cute amazing drawings!)
To set the vibe a little bit, I’m sharing these moodboards I made! Blues is a Dungeons and Dragons Fantasy AU, where all the characters have D&D classes and abilities. You don’t have to know anything about D&D to enjoy, though there will be some fun surprises in there for you if you do!
(Also, because I’m always so curious when I’m looking at the promos, Blues is explicit đŸ”„ porn with lots of plot.)
I’ll be posting the chapters over 3 weeks, two chapters at a time! Those dates are 10/9, 10/16, and 10/23! The total word count is 53k.
I’m so excited to share this fic with you all, it’s my longest fanfic ever and I had so much fun with it.
See you on Monday!
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rindecision · 1 year ago
5 days until From Hell and Back
Holy shit that's close!
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Today's fic is:
🔞YKWTFM - April Fool's Day '85
The third part of the Steddie series. I have a solid plan of where this is going and taking it there holiday by holiday has been a lot of fun.
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ghostlypallor · 1 year ago
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My Steddie BigBang fic, Saltwater Prayer, will be posted in its entirety on December 7th (along with a playlist)! I'm excited to share this personal piece alongside art from werew0rm and glitterfangart. 💛
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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(You got me) in the palm of your hand
Author: @just-my-latest-hyperfixation l Artist: @jul2ja l Artist: @peachypurr Posting on Wednesday, October 4
"Fortunes told, futures unfold." The sign at the local ren faire looks tempting. After all, Steve is one year out of high school and has no idea where his life is going. Sometimes he wishes someone could just gaze into the future and figure it out for him. In the fortune teller’s tent, Steve has a run-in with his past. And if he doesn’t turn on his heel and leave, it has absolutely nothing to do with how pretty Eddie Munson looks in his costume, all gleaming jewelry and dark tendrils of hair spilling out from under a patterned headscarf. He lets Eddie read his palm, because why the hell not? It’s all bogus anyway! Except, as the summer goes on, Steve finds that Eddie’s cryptic predictions somehow, inexplicably keep coming true. As they keep running into each other, almost as if orchestrated by an invisible force, Steve can’t help but be intrigued with the other boy. He also can’t seem to forget how pretty Eddie’s eyes look in black liner, or the way his fingers feel on his skin, but that is an entirely different problem.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Eddie gasps in mock-offense and clutches a hand to his chest. His bracelets jingle with the movement. 
"So he's a non-believer, our king. Nevermind, I shall convince you of my skills yet." That smile turns just a little sly. He leans forward slowly, eyes shining with mirth. His rings gleam in the light of the lanterns as he lays his hands out on the table, palms up. “Give me your hands.” 
Steve can practically feel himself blush. 
“I, erm .. what?” he sputters. 
Eddie quirks an elegant eyebrow at him and the corner of his mouth curls up into a toothy grin. 
“Don’t fret, my liege, no uncouth intentions here. I’m merely going to introduce you to the ancient art of palmistry.” 
"Palmi- what now?" 
The question has made its way past his lips before he can think better of it. Steve gulps down the embarrassed lump that threatens to clog his throat and steels himself for the inevitable eye roll, maybe an exasperated explanation. 
Eddie merely smiles, a hint of that sweet, genuine thing from before, and fucking winks at him. 
"Our fate is written in the lines of our hands," he claims. "It is but an open book to those who know how to read it. If my king would ever-so-graciously allow me to demonstrate?" 
On the table, his fingers wiggle invitingly. 
A strange feeling flutters in Steve’s chest. He's tempted to say it's fondness, but that would be ridiculous, wouldn’t it? He hardly knows the guy. He undeniable is weirdly charming though, with his theatrical mannerisms and big brown eyes framed in black liner. Before he can think better of it, Steve finds his own hands reaching out to meet Eddie’s. 
The other boy makes a small pleased sound and gently turns Steve’s hands so that the palms are facing up, Eddie's hands cupping his from beneath, fingers lightly brushing his wrists. And fuck, even his hands are nice. Smaller than Steve’s, but lean and slightly calloused, with long, nimble fingers. Steve wonders fleetingly if it's from all the guitar playing. His rings are not cold as he thought they would be, but warm from his body heat. 
" Eddie’s voice pulls him out of his thoughts. "Which one would be your sword hand?" 
"I, um
" says Steve. One hand tries to twitch up to run through his hair awkwardly, but Eddie holds it in place with gentle pressure. "I'm right-handed, if that's what 
Eddie nods and lifts Steve’s right lightly, lets go of his left so that he can point out what he is looking at. 
"See, your dominant hand tells me all about your character," he explains. "This, for example, would be your life line." 
The pad of a slender index finger runs a barely there touch along one of the lines close to Steve’s thumb. He jolts reflexively and snorts a laugh at the ticklish sensation. Eddie glances up at him and tuts in mock-admonishment. 
"From what I garner here," he then says, focusing back on Steve’s hand, and Steve catches himself leaning forward curiously, so that their foreheads almost touch. "You are very energetic. Strong of body, quite obviously, but also of head and heart. There's not much one can do to deter you from a decision once made. Some may call you stubborn, obstinate even. Others will say you are exceptionally determined, and loyal to those you hold dear."
Steve scoffs and glances up to give him a look, flinches back just slightly when he realizes how close they suddenly are. 
"Uh-huh, impressive. And you read all of that from my palm, of course." 
Another toothy grin. 
"Of course," Eddie says seriously. "Just like your heart line - that's the one over here - tells me that you tend to fall in love quickly, but deeply. You're no stranger to heartbreak, are you?" 
Steve rolls his eyes. Sure. Just about every single student at Hawkins High must know this much about him, especially after the absolute car wreck that was his break-up with Nancy.
"Whatever," he mutters and tries to conceal his embarrassment behind a careless shrug. "I already know all that. What about my future, then?" 
"Now this," says Eddie and takes a hold of Steve’s left with a soft sound of his bracelets, "is where we turn to your other hand, Your Grace. Let me see what I can divine from here." 
He regards Steve’s palm for a while and in the meantime, Steve watches his face. How his brow wrinkles in thought. How a few tendrils of dark hair slip out from under the headscarf to curl around his shoulders. How his bottom lip juts out in concentration. How the tip of a pink tongue comes poking out to lick it, leaves a shining trail of moisture. 
"Interesting," Eddie concludes at length. "Very interesting indeed. You have quite the exciting summer ahead of you." 
"Y- yeah?" Steve blinks out of his trance, forgets to sound cocky for a second. 
Eddie nods. "Certainly. I see conflict here. A former friend may step back into your life, but they will have turned against you, so watch your steps." 
"Huh," says Steve. "Sounds like a fun time. Lucky me, I guess." 
Eddie glances up at him and smiles coyly before turning back to his hand. 
"Speaking of lucky 
 I do see adventure, too. You will get to know someone. Someone who intrigues and excites you. You may even make a conquest, if you play your cards right. And then 
 I see something more profound, even. A new love."
Read more on October 4!
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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Road To Nowhere
Author: @sharpbutsoft l Artist: @patternscolorsflowers Posting on Saturday, October 14
Eddie Munson isn’t dead, and he’s trying not to make it everyone’s problem. After the horrorshow that was Spring Break, he’s been keeping to himself, attending his “legally you cannot call this a bribe but, yes, obviously it’s a bribe” physical therapy sessions, and trying to recover from his brief but violent death. Enter Steve Harrington, and his compulsive need to be useful, who’s volunteered to taxi him to and from these sessions (with minimal bitching.) This newfound friendship is not without its challenges though. Steve, never the best with his words, struggles to define his feelings for Eddie, who’s gotten it in his head that the only reason they’re not together yet, is because he’s not better yet. When an argument threatens to snuff out the sparks flying between them, Eddie has to learn that better is a journey, not a destination, and one he doesn’t have to take alone

Keep reading for a sneak preview!
What’s your favorite type of candy?”
“You heard me, Steve. Favorite candy, go!”
Steve tilts his head, like it’s a question that matters, like it deserves a carefully considered answer from him.
“Twizler,” he decides. “Final answer.”
“Ew, licorice,” Eddie replies, mouth faster than brain as usual. Steve’s gasps in shock, clearly offended, but instead of saying anything he huffs out a laugh and Eddie takes the chance to backtrack. “Wait, I didn’t mean that.”
“Sure you didn't. What about you?” Steve turns the question on Eddie.
“Easy, those candy necklaces. They’re delicious and fashionable.”
Steve glances over and back. Eyebrows so high they get lost in his hair, mouth agape in shock, or maybe horror.
“They’re so dry, and they get gross and sticky if you eat and wear them at the same time.”
“Not if you’re careful,” Eddie protests.
“And you were a careful kid?” Steve asks, hard on the sarcasm.
“Well, no, but at least I’m not a freak who likes licorice,” he says with a laugh.
“Bold words from the guy who just admitted he likes eating chalk.”
Eddie cackles, adjusts himself in his seat. As far as icebreakers go, he thinks this one’s a winner. They can never tell Dustin, though. Kid’s head is too big as it is.
The cassette player clicks, rewound at last. Steve presses play and hums along to the intro, sparkly and familiar, though not what Eddie would have expected from him.
“Fleetwood Mac?” he asks, though he knows he’s right.
“Yeah, Robin loves them,” Steve replies. “Well, she loves Stevie Nicks.”
“Who doesn’t?”
Steve hums in agreement, and then sings along to the chorus, low, but surprisingly clear.
Eddie can’t help but join in.
“Oh, I.” He tries to harmonize, but it’s been months since he sang with Corroded Coffin, and he’s a little pitchy. “I want to be with you everywhere.”
Steve grins.
“I didn’t know you could sing,” he says, excitement coloring the words. “You’re good.”
Eddie shrugs, doesn’t think he deserves the compliment.
“I used to be better.”
Read more on October 14!
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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Crossroads (Hellfire on my Trail)
Author: @nevertheless_5 l Artist: @hels._art l Artist: @sunflowerharrington Posting on Tuesday, October 10
Like the infamous urban legend, Eddie meets the Devil at a crossroads and cuts a deal to become a rockstar. In exchange, Henry Creel wants to be his occasional puppetmaster. He grants Eddie one year of his shiny new life to choose to either finalize his deal or break it. As he grows more famous, makes a record, and starts a nationwide U.S. tour, Eddie thinks he’s gotten everything he ever wanted. Then he meets Steve Harrington and realizes how wrong he was. He also didn’t get all the fine print of his contract with the Devil. An explicit, slow burn, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers tale. Tagline: Love be the Devil but it won’t get me.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Eddie kept looking because the guy was hot. Those boring clothes were a little too tight and all Eddie could process was the bulge in his jeans, toned muscles that were obvious under his pastel shirt, and hard forearms. He looked strong, like he worked out. Probably exactly that douchey type, yeah. His face was kind of ridiculous too. Thick, dark eyebrows, defined jaw, moles or freckles dotting his neck and face like beauty marks. He was pretty.
So maybe he was a little taken aback by the guy’s looks. He wasn’t about to show it. Good-looking guys like him were a dime a dozen. Probably straight as an arrow too. He looked it. Boring. 
“And who are you?” Eddie said and looked down like he wasn’t interested in the answer. He watched himself strum the guitar. 
“Who are you?” 
Eddie laughed. “If you’re here you should probably know that already.” He looked up to another bitchy expression and hands still on hips. “What are you, venue staff?”
The man scoffed. Eddie strummed again and turned one of the tuning pegs to adjust the sound, strummed again.
“Hey, stop that.” 
The man placed his hand on the neck of the guitar like he was going to take it and Eddie stood up quickly, pushing the guy back with his body, the guitar between them. He didn’t like people touching his baby, certainly not some random dude with a chip on his shoulder. He wasn’t afraid of his size either. They were the same height anyway, even if pretty boy had 20 lbs or more on him. 
“Back off,” Eddie said, eyes locked on the man, but he wasn’t backing down either. 
The guy’s annoyed expression was angry now, and yeah there was green in his eyes. Eddie could see it really well now that they were so much closer. His dark eyelashes were kind of absurdly long too. Christ, he looked like a girl. Eddie’s gaze fell to pretty boy’s lips without his consent. The hard line of them right now couldn’t hide how they’d probably be soft and sweet to kiss, and Eddie wanted to kiss them, well, if he didn’t rip the guy’s hand off his arm first.
“That’s Munson’s guitar and I’m in charge of it, so hand it over.”
Eddie laughed. “You’re not in charge of it.”
“I’m his guitar tech actually, so yes I am in charge of it, and I don’t appreciate you fucking with the instrument.”
The heat in his voice and that he’d cursed made Eddie smile now. He would never deign to let it show, but he decided he liked how this guy didn’t back down. Also, he was pretty amused that he didn’t have a clue who Eddie was. Idiot. A pretty idiot though. He could work with that, could push this game a little further. 
“Oh, you don’t want me fucking with your instrument huh? You sure? I’m pretty good at it.”
The guy seemed to flatline for a moment before narrowing his eyes, getting the gist of what Eddie was saying. Eddie looked him up and down slowly, acted like he was considering it and, oh, this guy didn’t like that at all. They were still so close, and Eddie ran his hand up the collar of the guy’s shirt. Pretty boy stopped Eddie’s hand immediately, gripping it tight, and that actually hurt a little. Strong, yeah. Eddie grinned.
“Watch it.”
“Or maybe I’ll let you fuck with mine instead. You might like that.”
The guy practically sneered at him, disgusted. Eddie grinned and shrugged. It didn’t bother him. Typical straight guy reaction. Eddie knew he was attractive, so it wasn’t any skin off his back. If anything, it made this more fun. 
“But either way, Adonis, I’ll be tuning my own guitar, thanks. Don’t need your help.”
The guy looked a little confused by that, especially when Eddie stepped away to sit back down and mess around with his guitar.
“Uh.” Eddie looked up and the guy seemed a little lost now. He swallowed and followed that eloquence with, “I’m Steve. What’s
your name?”
Eddie grinned. “I think you might have guessed. Smarter than you look, huh?”
A flash of anger passed over the man’s features before he composed himself. “Eddie Munson?”
Eddie nodded and started to hum along to the song he was playing now. He could feel Steve’s eyes on him and wondered what he was thinking. Probably freaking out that he’d pissed off the boss. The boss who had kind of hit on him. Eddie decided he’d put him out of his misery. He didn’t look up when he spoke. 
“I’ll take care of the Warlock and my acoustic too. You can handle the backup guitars, cords, amps, all the other fun stuff. Got it, Steve?”
Eddie looked up and a little of the defiance was back in Steve’s expression. He found it funny that he was correcting himself now, wanted to be called Harrington instead apparently.
“Harrington then. My other offer still stands by the way.” Eddie grinned at him and Steve looked confused for a second. Just one.
“I don’t mess around with rockstars.”
Eddie glanced at him, raising his eyebrows as he strummed. “Oh? Why’s that?”
“Lots of reasons. Plenty of other people around who are up for that. Men, women, whatever you want.”
“But not you?” Eddie pressed, letting his gaze slide over Steve’s features again. He really was beautiful. Not Eddie’s type at all but there was something about him. Maybe he just liked what he couldn’t have. Steve stared back and seemed to have shut a wall down over his expression. It made Eddie so curious. What was he afraid to show?
“No, I
ah, relationships are kinda bullshit and casual stuff, well, I don’t fuck around on the job.”
That wasn’t what Eddie had meant with his question, and he couldn’t tell if Harrington was avoiding saying whether he was straight or not by deflecting. But if the guy was queer Eddie felt he would have gotten Eddie’s point. So yeah, probably straight. That wouldn’t deter him from flirting in the future though.
Read more on October 10!
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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From Hell and Back
Author: @rindecision l Artist: @lady-lostmind l Artist: @feralsteddie Posting on Sunday, October 1
One Halloween, years after the fall of Hawkins, Steve and Robin end up summoning Eddie from the depths of Hell. Steve, not knowing the ways of the occult, accidentally frees him and has to deal with a mischievous demon on the loose. Eddie drives Steve insane with various shapeshifting antics, both in and out of the bedroom, while Robin tries to find a way to send him back to hell. But, when faced with the opportunity to return his life to normal, will Steve even want to go through with it? OR Lots of supernatural, hentai-esque smut with a playful, romantic plot.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Chapter 1 
The paper that Robin tossed aside caught his eye. He picked it up and hesitated to toss it into the bin.  Curiosity got the better of him, so he flattened it to see the notes. 
He got a strange sensation of someone watching him and he turned around to his empty living room.  He squinted back down at the paper. “Non ampl— How do you even pronounce half of this? Cavee am? Discordi-um?” Steve shrugged and tried it out. “Non amp-lee-us, lie-gat, discord-ee-am, add-uct or, cave-ee-um, too-am, lev-ah-vee.” He snorted and crumpled it back up. 
When he turned around to toss the paper into the trashcan, he froze at what sounded like a match strike. He swallowed and turned around to see the candles lighting by themselves, one by one. Each candle  flared back to life with the sound of a match strike. The flames from the candles grew into thin towers  of flame as the lights of his apartment dimmed out. The light from the flame was blinding, making  Steve shield his eyes as the fire spun together in the center of the pentagram. 
“Fucking finally!” A familiar voice shouted as the flames burst and petered away. 
Steve stared in awe as his lights flickered back on. There was a demon resembling Eddie standing in  his living room casually cracking his neck. His skin was warm grey with lines of black tattoo-esque  writing twisting around his body. A multitude of thin silver chains draped over him as his only form of  clothing. Strangely, it wasn’t offensively indecent that he was mostly exposed, as he didn’t seem to  have any genitalia. He had four horns coming off of his head. The top two flanked the natural part of  his elbow-length wavy hair and curved down the back of his head. The other two started on each  temple and curved around his ears. A thin whip-like tail waved wildly behind him as he stretched. 
“E—Eddie?” Steve gasped. 
“In the flesh.” He paused with a contemplative expression. “If you can call this flesh.” He looked at  Steve and a smile spread across his face. “Did you miss me
 big boy?” 
“Yo—I—th—” Steve stammered, looking into his inhuman eyes. They were black where they should  be white, and his irises looked like hellfire. “I have to be fucking dreaming.” He blinked and shook his  head. 
“Aww,” Eddie cooed. “Are you calling me a dream come true, Harrington?” 
“More like a nightmare.” He looked at the ground and raised his hands in disbelief. “I’ll take it.” Eddie smirked. “Now, how about you finish what you started?” 
Chapter 3 
“Come on, bring your demon to work day.” 
Steve snorted. “Because I can just walk into work with a seven-foot demon on a leash.” Eddie hummed. “I like the idea of you putting me on a leash.” 
Steve rolled his eyes and sat at the kitchen bar to eat.
“Plus, did you forget?” Eddie disappeared. “I can be invisible.” 
“Still no.” 
“What about?” A pocket-sized demon Eddie appeared in front of his plate on the counter from a small  puff of black smoke. “Tiny?” 
Steve had to stop himself from choking on his food at the strange sight. He looked exactly as he did  full-size, but only about three inches tall. The tiny Eddie walked up to his plate and sat on the edge of  it. 
“Seriously, no one would even know I was there.” He speared a blueberry with his tail and held it in  both hands. It was almost the size of a cantaloupe to him. After he removed his tail from it, he whipped  the juice off with a flick and took a bite of it. 
“You’re just trying to trick me into letting you out, like you did with the summoning circle.” He picked  up Eddie by his tail, hanging him upside down as he continued to bite the berry. 
“Actually, I just don’t want to be bored. I wouldn’t even leave your side.” 
“Not happening.” 
Eddie stuck out his forked tongue and tossed the half-eaten berry into Steve’s water. “Nice,” Steve said sarcastically. 
Chapter 8 
If he wasn’t using both hands to stroke the rest of Eddie’s dick, Steve would have one on his own. He  was pleased to find that the chains and piercings didn’t get in the way as much as he thought they  would. In fact, they added a nice texture to the mix. 
While he was enjoying being in control, he wanted Eddie’s touch as well. He swallowed the best he  could around the dick before he pulled off of it and looked up at the demon’s duskily flushed face.  “Eddie,” he panted, rubbing his cheek against the massive dick as he stared hazily at him. “You’re free  to do as you choose.” 
Eddie heaved a heavy sigh and a wide smirk invaded his face. His sharp canine dug into his lip and he  gazed down at Steve’s lust stricken face. “God, you’re gorgeous,” he said softly, stroking his fingers  along Steve’s jaw. 
Steve shuddered and nuzzled Eddie’s hand. He hadn’t expected his touch to feel so good. He kept his  eyes locked on Eddie’s piercing ember irises until he had his lips back around his dick. 
” Eddie sighed, gingerly weaving his fingers through Steve’s hair, careful not to interrupt his  movements. “At least I can actually watch now.” 
After a few more sucks, Steve pulled off and licked under the ridge of the head. “Is that all you plan to  do?” 
Eddie grinned and pushed Steve’s hair back. “Was there something you’d rather I do?”
Read more on October 1!
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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death. (pull up to the second window, please)
Author: @acidicbarkbeast l Artist: @kaspurrcat l Artist: @astradews Posting on Saturday, November 25
The fight has been won, and the war is over, but not without its casualties. While Eddie wakes from his coma, he is devastated to find that Steve has, inexplicably, not been so lucky. With doctors at a loss, El recruits Eddie, Robin, and Dustin, to delve into Steve’s sleeping mind, and find what has its claws sunk into their friend and babysitter. What they discover is the bloody mess of Steve’s various past lives— and deaths. The group must not only find the real Steve, but also convince him of his reality; one where Vecna is dead, and where they can finally have some peace.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
CW; implied suicide, mentions of injury, mentions of death
“Someone’s here already.” Dustin said, pointing. At the shoreline, there was the silhouette of a fellow sitting on a rock, though the dying sun cast them in shadow, “You didn’t accidentally bring anyone else in, did you? I mean, could you?”
El shook her head, eyeing the back of the stranger curiously.
“Do you think it’s some malicious entity?” Robin asked, holding onto Eddie’s arm, “Like an evil spirit? Maybe Steve’s being haunted.”
“No.” The girl tilted her head, calculating. She crept slowly toward the still figure, and the others seemed to hold their breath in anticipation. A few steps behind, they trailed her, shoes rolling over rocks and small pebbles. The person didn’t react to their presence at all, as much as they were making their presence known.
From his distance, Eddie could tell they were wet, as if having been in the water, though they sat perfectly still now. It was only a bit disconcerting, but where supergirls walked, he would trust to follow.
“Steve?” El asked, and all but the boy in question perked up at the name.
Everything clicked suddenly; those broad shoulders, the rumpled camo jacket, the burning red of a dirtied scar looping around his neck. His hair, usually well-tousled and gravity-defying, was flat and plastered to his forehead. He didn’t move.
Eddie looked past an unresponsive Steve, out over the quarry. In the distant middle of the water, protruded some metal arm, and from that, bellowed mouthfuls of opaque exhaust. The smokey plume rose till it dissipated clear into the painted clouds. Eddie could smell it; long put-out, burning fuel. What had happened here?
“Steve.” Dustin tried, and then Robin too. There was another bloated moment of worrying silence, until Steve breathed a quiet sigh, and seemed to come back into himself, like a spirit possessing a body. Still, he said nothing. Eddie walked around the group, placing himself between the water’s bank and Steve’s empty gaze.
“Harrington?” He prompted, and Steve’s wide eyes snapped to him, bright and yet not, like weak sunlight through morning fog.
Eddie inhaled sharply at the fragile state of the younger, cracked like dropped porcelain. One side of his face was bruised a sickly myriad of blues and lilacs, dark splotches where the vessels beneath had burst. A belt of shining stars, pin-pricks of sharded glass, had embedded themselves into the damaged skin, where thin trails of blood trickled down Steve’s jaw and dripped onto his clothes.
?” Steve wondered, squinting as much as he was able. A spider web of blown veins washed the eye on his bad side a pale red, lids puffy and purple. That eye was duller than the other, half-way swollen, and seemed to track him lazily. He chuckled airily, “I must really be losing it.”
“‘Evie?” Robin pleaded, a wobble to her voice, “What happened?”
Looking down at his hands, Steve’s fingers spasmed. He clenched them into trembling fists, and instinctively began running his thumbs over his smallest knuckles. Still looking away, only mildly delirious, he mumbled, “I thought it would work. I thought it would hold— It was supposed to.” He shook his head forcefully, “I had no choice. ‘Always the idiot.”
Eddie took the liberty to walk to his other side, where he could closer see the punch of dried blood matted into his hair. He couldn’t make any sense of things. Why were they at the quarry of all places? Why was Steve all beat up? Did he get into an accident?
El stepped forward, frame strong and face unmoored. It wasn’t out of stoicness, but of compassioned knowing, understanding that the sooner they completed their duty, the sooner they could comfort Steve in the waking world. She said, “We are here to save you. You are dreaming. You need to come with us, and wake up.”
He turned to her fully, raising his head from his slumped shoulders. The setting sun sparkled across the beads of glass knitted into his cheek. It was almost ethereal, “Dreaming
?” He breathed, looking sad, “I can’t wake up. I’m dead.”
Read more on November 25!
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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change your mind
Author: @helix_stomper l Artist: @horsegirleddiemunson Posting on Monday, October 16
After his breakup with Nancy, Steve Harrington keeps it a secret that he hasn’t made an effort to meet his soulmate. When he accidentally wakes up next to them a few days after his 18th birthday, he’s surprised to find that it’s not only another guy, but somebody else in Hawkins. Between losing all his old friends, learning how not to be an asshole, and balancing his newfound sexuality in a closed-minded town, Steve has his work cut out for him. Eddie Munson doesn’t believe in soulmates, but that doesn’t stop him from waiting in the dreamscape every night for his. Balancing life as an openly queer, drug-dealing super senior in Hawkins, Indiana is no cakewalk, especially with Billy Hargrove on his ass. But maybe, just maybe, there’s something to that whole soulmate thing after all. Hawkins is rough, but it's home. Warnings for homophobic language, slight violence, and Billy Hargrove. Modern AU with no Upside Down, obvious canon divergence, and a funky twist on soulmates.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Like all high-schoolers (even as a super senior), Eddie went to bed far too late. It was quarter till three when he climbed into bed, freshly showered and easily attuned to the concertos of crickets outside his open window that replaced the heavy music he’d blasted all evening. Despite what legalities would claim otherwise, Eddie was very much Wayne’s son in all the ways that mattered. Meaning, of course, that as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out.
And then he woke up.
Doctors said it was bad to enter the dreamscape every night. Said it took too much mental energy to keep up, kept you away from hitting that sweet old REM, that your body and mind wouldn’t be as well rested as it could be. Eddie generally ignored the advice. He might let himself fall asleep normally every now and then, but most nights? 
It wasn’t that he was eager to meet his soulmate. Quite the contrary, really. Eddie mourned the day that his soulmate arrived, and he lost his sanctuary in the dark. He treated the dreamscape like his own personal respite. A place that was all his own, where no one else could go. Of course, there was someone else who could come here, but he chose to ignore that tidbit most days. After all, it’d been his space for a whole year now. Nearly two, once December hit. 
He woke up as he always did. To an unending, unyielding darkness. He stretched his arm out in front of him, above and reaching for the ceiling. He felt it go out, knew that if he pulled it back and touched his face it’d be real. But he didn’t see it. He knew his eyes were open. He blinked them a few times, but to no avail. 
Eddie used the dreamscape for a multitude of purposes. Most of all, he used it to think. DnD, his dealings, sometimes he’d practice finger placements for whatever song he was learning on the guitar, and other times he’d just think about life. About Hawkins, about leaving it, about whether he’d ever look back. 
People treated their soulmates like they were their own personal Build-A-Bears. It was fantasy; a cruel joke played on them all by the universe. Eddie couldn’t even talk to people normally in real life. How the hell was he supposed to talk to and fall in love with a total stranger? One he couldn’t see, couldn’t hear, and could barely touch? 
Love wasn’t easy. Couldn’t be. Love was work. He saw it every day, in the way Wayne always made sure there was something for Eddie to eat before he went to work. He read it in his novels, in daring heroes going through physical and mental torture to keep their loved ones safe. Time traveling thousands of years in the past, all to make your way back to them. 
There had to be more to it all than meeting in the dark. It couldn’t be that easy. 
He was content to believe it. Ready for another long night alone in the darkness. Just the way he liked it. 
Until, of course, he rolled over onto his side, stretching his arms out in front of him, and felt something that was far too warm and far too solid to be a pillow.
Oh, god fucking dammit.
Steve fell asleep on the floor of the pool house in a stupor.
Then he woke up.
He was a little sluggish with it, at first. He didn’t realize what was going on. He blinked his eyes open, one at a time, and waited for his eyes to adjust into the darkness of the room. Didn’t remember making it to his bed. But he felt the soft cotton sheets beneath him.
Steve closed his eyes again, sighing into his pillow as he adjusted himself, turning to lay down on his stomach. Who knew? Maybe he’d smother himself in his sleep, and he wouldn’t have to worry about Nancy, or school, or his Dad, or anything at all.
He had just about fallen asleep again when he felt something prod at his side. 
Steve’s eyes blinked open, almost delirious with it. Had he imagined it? He must have. God, that had to be a new low. He was so goddamn lonely, he was imagining someone in bed next to him. Fucking fantastic. 
With a groan, he smashed his face into his pillow, arms coming up to wrap around it as he closed his eyes again. God knew what time it was. He needed to get some sleep, so his headache in the morning didn’t absolutely split his head open—
Steve’s eyes shot wide open when there was a second touch. This time, undeniably, a hand placed firmly on his shoulder. What the—?
He froze, partially from fear, partially because, well, he was still very drunk and he had no idea what the fuck to do about someone being in his bed when he didn’t even know how the hell he got there himself. Had he gone out? He couldn’t remember. Couldn’t conjure anything in his mind but the tiles of the pool house, cool beneath his legs, and a bottle of expensive whiskey between his thighs.
There was a brief moment where all Steve did was breathe. Then, the hand on his shoulder started moving.
More specifically, it started tapping. 
Steve was never very good with learning other languages. dreamscape code, while technically not another language, was not implicit from that. Steve struggled with it all through elementary school, never scoring higher than a B on tests and quizzes.
But he and Nancy had been practicing, secret messages between them on each other’s legs during dinner, and Steve had probably gotten more practice in the last few months than he had in years prior. There was no way he wasn’t still drunk, not with how long it took his brain to catch up, to make sense of the taps and translate them into words. 
‘It’s about time. You kept me waiting long enough.’ 
Read more on October 16!
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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i sing the blues and you swallow them too
Author: @notesappwitch l Artist: @cuips-not-cute Posting on Monday, October 9
Eddie and his bandmates have been traveling from town to town, tavern to tavern, trying to make ends meet for who knows how long. Travelling and playing music for mostly uncaring people isn't the way any of them want to live, but it's their lot in life. Nothing about Hawkins is different from any other town they’ve been to, except one very handsome lord who keeps making eyes at Eddie across the tavern, and also the giant monster that's apparently plaguing the village and ripping holes in their dimension and doing its best to kill them and everyone else. Luckily for Eddie, the very handsome lord also has a slew of teenage adventurers, an ex with great aim, and a best friend that can turn into a wolf. There’s never an easy way into the (literal) lap of luxury, but despite it all, Eddie will get himself there one way or another, and maybe awaken something about himself in the process.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
They make eye contact for a split second. The guy’s eyebrows go up— he’s saying something to the girl, mouth up turned slightly, but he doesn’t break Eddie’s stare. His arms are slung wide, elbows back on the bar, the muscle of his neck cutting a line from his ear to his collarbone. The look he hits Eddie with —open body language, lopsided grin, several calculated seconds of eye contact before looking back to his friend— screams I-am-a-seasoned,-well-practiced-flirt. 
And maybe that’s just okay with Eddie. He’s sick of doing all the work—
He has to pause his thoughts briefly to get out a particularly tricky bit of lyrics. Closing his eyes, he lets his mouth make the familiar shapes, focusing on the words falling out of his mouth, thorn rhymes with scorn,  and he has to line up his fingers just right to nail this chord,  and hope rhymes with slope and he has to be careful not to let his voice get too high and crack, and then its back into the chorus, catching his breath between a line. 
And when he’s opened his eyes again, scanning the crowd, he gets another glimpse of the guy, except this time his guard is down, eyes wide, mouth half open, just staring at Eddie like he just did something incredible. And yeah maybe Eddie did just sing a little louder and a little more clearly than he had been, but surely that can’t be all it takes to impress this guy. 
The moment passes as a group of people migrate between Eddie’s line of sight, and he’s shaken from his daydreaming. They’re at least making a decent amount of coin tonight, especially now as the slightly younger crowd moves through the building. When the sea of bodies parts again, the guy has turned to face the bar, and so Eddie turns and faces the music. 
He’s hoarse by the end of the evening, but it was a calculated gamble. He would think about stopping, another few coins would come, and they would push through one more song. But he’s got to save his voice for the next evening, and so as a large group of patrons leave, they start to wrap up. He’s stiff as he unravels himself from around his lute, ass numb and fingers sore. 
“I’m gonna go get more drinks and ask about a room,” Gareth says, slipping his drum back into his pack as he stands. 
Freak wordlessly pulls his pipe from his pocket and gestures it towards Eddie. “Don’t mind if I do,” Jeff accepts it instead, snatching it away to sniff the tobacco inside. Eddie waves them off noncommittally, clearing his throat in lieu of an answer. His bandmates disappear, leaving Eddie behind at the table in relative silence for a moment. 
They pulled in fifty-something coins for a few hours which, all things considered, could be worse. Now they just had to hope that their luck stayed for a few nights and their act didn’t become stale. Eddie takes a moment to inspect his lute before packing it away, checking the strings and running a hand over the wood looking for scratches. His fingers ache in an overfamiliar way, knuckles creaking as he slips the instrument back into its case. 
Gareth begins to make his way back to the table before abruptly changing his trajectory to go outside. It’s the only warning Eddie gets before someone swings themselves down into one of the chairs at his table. 
“You’re pretty good at that. How come I haven’t seen you around here before?”
The guy is surprisingly better looking up close, which cannot be said for most guys. His nose is big and his eyes crinkle at the corners and his hair must be full of some sort of magic to sit like that without being crunchy. 
Eddie blinks at him for a second before he finds himself, simply because human interaction is never really his strong suit. Performing is one thing and conversation another entirely. 
“We’re just passing through.” Eddie’s voice is hoarse from singing. “Can’t stay anywhere too long or they’ll get bored of you eventually.” 
“It would take me quite a while, I think.” He grins, wide and lopsided, and honestly how is this guy single enough to talk to him? 
Eddie deflects, not sure how to react to the full weight of his attention. “I didn’t catch your name.” 
“Steve,” he says plainly, throwing his hand out. His skin is so soft, confirming Eddie’s suspicion that this guy is rich, but his hand is also big, and warm, and Eddie has to remind himself to shake firmly. 
“I’m Eddie. Is it just Steve, or is there a title or honorific I need to know about?” 
That actually seems to offend Steve a bit, which is surprising given his type. Usually these noble-heir types love to boast about their future inheritances. “It’s technically Lord Harrington, but it just doesn’t have the same ring to it, I don’t think. And what about you, are you just Eddie?” He recovers easily from the slight, leaning back to sling an arm over the back of the chair and taking a long, pointed look up and down Eddie. 
Two can play at that game, and Eddie tips his head and looks up through his bangs when he replies, “You can call me whatever you want to, Steve.” 
And it’s really a shame that Steve doesn’t get to respond to that, because it was one of Eddie’s better flirts. But obviously, gods forbid Eddie try anything at all, lest the entire roof of the tavern cave in on them. 
The next several minutes are simultaneously a momentary blur and horrendous, gut wrenching slow motion. 
Read more on October 9!
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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The World Ends With You
Author: @lihhelsing l Artist: @keikei_firefly l Artist: @verdiris Posting on Thursday, November 30
After the world ended and the undead creatures were everywhere, Steve Harrington survived by isolating himself. Completely alone in a house, he barely knows what to do when someone breaks in. Injured and alone, Eddie Munson slowly wins Steve’s trust as they navigate surviving together in the middle of the Apocalypse and their relationship grows into something Steve can’t quite understand. But just as he has his share of secrets, Eddie has some of his own and this might be enough to get in the way of whatever they were building together.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
It took a bit of time for Eddie Munson to be on his feet. 
Or maybe foot was more accurate. Steve was honestly shocked Eddie had been able to stand like that, let alone walk for who knew how long. 
He would definitely need to take a closer look and he already knew he was completely out of his depth. He had seen broken bones and crushed limbs on his mother’s medical books but he never saw it in real life. That was still the best shot Eddie had so it would have to do. 
Steve also knew what he was about to say was a douche thing, but one could never be too careful. 
“I need you to strip down,” he said and there it was again, the weird sound Eddie made when he laughed. It ringed in Steve’s ears and tingled his brain. 
“Woah, Harrington. Guy’s usually pay at least for a coffee first, but I can’t say I’m opposed to the idea,” Eddie answered easily, a grin splayed across his face. Steve stared and stared and he was afraid he was blushing but the dark should still conceal his face. “Oh, you’re serious.” 
“Deadly,” Steve added and let the word hang between them. 
Death had taken a new meaning for Steve after everything. You didn’t just throw the word around like a joke anymore like ‘Oh I’m dying to eat chocolate muffins’. It felt especially disrespectful now that death walked the earth. 
Eddie bit his lower lip like he was thinking about it. 
“If you’re not going to strip I can show you the exit,” 
“Harsh, man. It’s been a while since I’ve made a show of undressing in front of a guy. Gimme a minute, will you?” 
When they were done Eddie did his bit cleaning everything up and they went into the living room. Eddie lay on the couch and pulled from under his pillow a hardcover book Steve had never seen before. He looked up at Steve and there was a glint in his eyes. 
“I was just going to start this one and I thought I could
 Nevermind, that’s stupid.” Eddie shrugged his shoulders and held the book close to his chest. He was, once again, shirtless. Steve had stayed awake too many nights watching the way Eddie’s pale skin glowed with the moonlight. He was shameless. 
Steve leaned on the chair, his back already twisting in an unpleasant way. 
“You could what?” He asked and Eddie pressed his lips together. 
“I could read it for us. Out loud, I mean.”
Steve blinked, watching him as if Eddie had grown another head. He had never been one to read much, one of the many ways he disappointed his father. Steve found it was hard to concentrate on a book for too long but he always liked when his mother read to him. 
“Forget it,” Eddie said at the same time Steve said “Ok.”
“Yeah? You really want to? You’re not saying that just so you don’t hurt my feelings?”
Steve chuckled. “No. Maybe. A story seems nice, actually. What’s the book?”
Eddie turned it in Steve’s direction and he could barely see the name printed. The Picture of Dorian Gray. 
“It’s one of my favorites of all time. There are so many things he says in this book that stuck with me. There’s so much truth and hurt inside of it.”
“Sounds nice,” Steve said, because it really did. “Can I
 Do you mind if I lie next to you? That way I can hear you and you don’t have to shout.”
“Be my guest, Stevie. It will be just like a slumber party,” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows and Steve rolled his eyes pretending to be annoyed. The truth was Steve’s hearing wasn’t the best, courtesy of years playing sports in high school and getting head injuries. He hadn’t admitted that to Eddie because he had never admitted it to anyone but Eddie seemed so excited about the book Steve didn’t really want to miss anything. 
He put his pillow and some blankets on the floor and he lied, close enough he could touch Eddie if he just reached out his hand. 
“Can I tell you one of my favorite quotes from this book?” Eddie asked and Steve just nodded. The moment felt charged as if Eddie was about to show his soul to Steve. “'Some things are more precious because they don’t last long'.” 
Steve blinked. He looked up at Eddie and he wasn’t sure if that was just a nice citation or maybe a foreshadowing of them. He felt like they were living in a bubble that could burst at any moment and Steve wasn’t really ready for it. It seemed Eddie wasn’t ready either. 
He had to fight the urge to argue about it. To say that some things lasted a long time and were precious and good. Instead, Steve put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He could feel Eddie was looking at him and he knew that was happening more and more, and every day they seemed to be less worried about not being caught. 
Steve opened his eyes and there it was, those two brown eyes watching him curiously, as if Steve was a puzzle Eddie wanted to decipher. They held each other’s gaze for a minute before Eddie adjusted himself back on the couch and opened the book on the first line. 
“The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfum of the pink-flowering thorn.”
Eddie’s voice was velvety and smooth as he dove into the book and soon Steve was deep down in the story, feeling how every word tickled his brain in a way reading a book had never managed to do to him. He fought sleep for as long as he could and when he finally lost the battle he dreamed of flower scented gardens, precious things and deep brown eyes. 
Read more on November 30!
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steddiebang · 1 year ago
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When it feels like heaven, I wanna bare my teeth
Author: @Vicecaptain5 l Artist: @artofstace Posting on Tuesday, October 31
Legend has it that in the depths of Shades State Park once dwelled a bat-like being said to steal people away. Now a mysterious stone effigy lies dormant in the forest, believed to be the creature trapped in slumber. If you perform the proper ritual you will see one wish come true, however were you to fail or disrespect the entity, a curse will befall you and you will be snatched in the night. That’s the myth of the Shades Snatcher. Dustin Henderson believes the legend. And has a wish. In hopes to save Hawkins orphanage, his home, he reaches out to the Snatcher, unaware there’s more to the tale than an urban legend. Like a cryptid that can take human form who they decide to keep and name Eddie. Despite their caretaker Steve’s reservations, he too grows fond of the creature. A story about found family, love, the meaning of being human and the one rule to the universe: what you give comes back to you.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Sure enough, it takes them about ten minutes to finally reach a narrow path diverging from the main one, guiding to a small clearing. There’s nothing particularly impressive in it, aside from the dark statue sitting at the foot of a centuries-old willow tree. The stone is almost black, carved in the shape of a humanoid creature. Big bat-like wings are folded behind it, a long tail curled around its paw-like legs. The face is framed by a curly mane, and something like horns or big animal ears poke from the top of its head. The carefully carved face looks young, and with its eyes closed it almost seems to be asleep. 
The statue is covered in vines. The style is hard to place and the brochure says no one really knows where it comes from. It’s the only statue in the whole park, and in general, no one has ever seen anything similar in the area.
It’s a mystery and one they can’t even place in a particular historical period. 
Dustin runs ahead as soon as he sees the statue and he has to admit, he expected it to be taller in person, but that’s beside the point. 
“Is that it?” asks Max, carefully.
“What was it called again?” adds Lucas.
The small group sits close to the landmark, eyes fixed on the stone figure no one has an explanation for, despite their best efforts. The whining and complaining has died out, and even if they all liked to play the part of the unimpressed little big men, the whole group couldn’t hide their fascination. There’s something inherently enthralling to a statue of a mysterious creature no one knows anything about, lying abandoned in the forest and looking like it could open its eyes and break free from the stone at any moment. 
“We trusted you to come here for the monthly trip. Is this the reason?” wonders Erica.
Dustin waits for his friends to make themselves as comfortable as they can as he stands next to the statue. He owes them an explanation. They all agreed to come to this park. He barely said anything about the urban legend. They gave up their votes for the monthly trip, as they are gladly reminding him since they arrived. The least he can do is expose all his reasons.
“Guys, first of all, thank you for going along with this,” he admits wholeheartedly, “What do you know of Shades State Park?”
“There is a fuckton of trees?” jokes Lucas.
“Correct,” offers Dustin, “Still, it’s not what caught my attention. What do you know of the Shades Snatcher?”
“That you just made it up,” Erica is quick to reply.
The other huffs and sits on the flat stone, right in front of the statue. It almost looks like it was made on purpose if only that rock wasn’t a natural formation. “According to lore, if you come here and sacrifice a black rooster in front of the Snatcher’s statue at night, you can ask for anything you want and the Snatcher will grant your wish. But if you get it wrong or mess it up or disrespect it in any way, the Snatcher will curse you, then find you and then kill you.”
There’s a moment of silence. A very long one, into which they all exchange looks amongst themselves.
“Ooooh,” says Max after a while in mock wonder, “That’s so dumb.”
“You’re clearly disrespecting now,” punctuates Dustin.
“Guess I’ll be snatched tonight, then.”
Dustin sighs and ignores her. He starts rummaging through his backpack so that he doesn’t have to look them all in the eyes, since it’s obvious he’s the only one that believes in the tale, “You will be cursed first. Do keep up.”
El exchanges a look with everyone else before wondering, “You have something you want to ask it?”
The other stops his searching and sighs before finally looking the group in the eyes, “I overheard Steve and Wayne the other day. They said the orphanage will be shut down soon if they don’t find a way to at least pay the overdue taxes, and that the funds have all been cut, because the city council is trying to buy the lot. Then they said lots of stuff in legalese but basically, the orphanage is about to be closed.”
Read more on October 31!
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