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Splatoon enjoyer spotted
*holds up his switch*
-- @ninjas-greatest-weapon
FUCK YEAH I AM. I KNOW THE WHOLE SPLATOON LORE. I HAVE 1, 2, AND 3 (rip splatoon 1 it will forever be in my heart) AND I GOT ALL THE SPLATOON 3 DLC’S! >:3
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I gotchu I gotchu. So you can keep it classy and have it at a church or you can have it at the beach, mountain top, or you can rent out a little area and have the wedding there. Then for the suits I can go to the local tailor and get your sizes, and if you want to rent a band or a dj we gotta go online and find a few websites to hire somebody. And for food, go to a local bakery, get a wedding cake of your choice and get food for the guests. And you gotta figure out who you’re gonna invite. Now who do you want for all the roles like Ushers, flower girls, groomsmen, I already called dibs on marriage efficient, father of the grooms, ring bearer, and a bunch more roles.
I HEARD ABOUT THE NEWS POOKER!! So.. need help? I’m great at planning weddings. I’ve participated in my son’s wedding, a friends wedding, and a bunch more and I’ve planned out most weddings. So if you need help just let me know, cus I’m an expert. >:3
Don’t call me that.
also, yes. I need help. Desperately.
I want it to be perfect.
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HELLO AND WELCOME TO STELLATI CITY. whether you are a new citizen , or an old citizen , or a returning citizen , we welcome you to our little island city. may your time be as dazzling and bright and cosmically blessed as the universe. without further ado , welcome ! :
Saeko Busujima
may you treat every encounter as a new story , another constellation , that makes you shine bigger and brighter with each passing day.
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ELEKTRODEN UIT ROESTVRIJ STAAL - 32 x 350 mm - 5 stuks
p 5 stbrp afmetingen 32 x 350 mmbr http://dlvr.it/RCGmKM
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CH2TW.CLUB - 2chまとめ 更新情報
http://ch2tw.club/lovesaloon_1398721935 285 2017/10/01(日) 19:44:24 恋する名無しさん https://imgur.com/gallery/rgbQj http://surls.xyz/u0cop 286 2017/10/01(日) 19:47:30 恋する名無しさん https://i.imgur.com/x61PKpJ.jpg
http://surls.xyz/oagrj ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/sfe_1498992546 380 2017/10/01(日) 19:54:12 Miss名無しさん >>379 >だからここを見てる人で、お局に萎縮して下痢や吐気、動悸不眠など身体的症状が出てる人はさっさと辞めるほうがいいよと言っておく >長くいればいるほど、元の自分に戻るまで時間がかかってしまう 同意です。 転職組だけど、お局がもたらすストレスは半端無いから、給料は下がったけど辞めてよかったと思ってる お局BBAは人間関係を破壊するクラッシャーだから手に負えない http://surls.xyz/fERi4 ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1499478524 630 2017/10/01(日) 19:47:41 名無しさん@ピンキー 露出狂にしちゃ控えめだなw http://surls.xyz/eU9vf ★★★★★★★★★★
スレッド:_|__|_ 透けブラ大好き 19 _X_
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1501372239 479 2017/10/01(日) 19:35:38 名無しさん@ピンキー >>478 背中に目を向けるとブラは見えないが、他の所に目を移すと見える不思議w http://surls.xyz/2ObKL ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1501358655 364 2017/10/01(日) 19:40:14 名無しさん@ピンキー (オッペケ Src7-Xvkl) >>350 そそられる! http://surls.xyz/Qa2GN ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/okama_1503464151 549 2017/10/01(日) 19:51:48 ストップ!!名無しくん! >>547 エロすぎ http://surls.xyz/V40Fa 550 2017/10/01(日) 19:59:53 ストップ!!名無しくん! この晒されてる兄さんなにもんよ? ちゃんと身ぎれいにすればそこそこ男前だろうに。 http://surls.xyz/GOXH3 ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1500324412 231 2017/10/01(日) 19:45:33 名無しさん@ピンキー >>225 歌舞伎町のキャバ嬢だがな http://surls.xyz/stbRp ★★★★★★★★★★
スレッド:【定期”のみ”】 お金で繋がるお付き合い Part 172
http://ch2tw.club/kageki2_1482807602 896 2017/10/01(日) 19:52:44 名無しさん@ピンキー コートの顛末を教えてあげよう! 今日、定期に会ってラブホ→焼肉→カラオケの定番コースであった ホテルでコートをプレゼントすると、包みを開け、とても喜んでくれた、そして 電マの力も借りて気持ち良くS○Xしていると、彼女がいつになく感じているようなので、中出しをお願いした 過去にも頼んだ事あったが、けんもほろろに拒否されていたのだが、「いいよ」って! 「コートのお礼」って、「(妊娠は)大丈夫?」「(ピル)飲んでるから大丈夫だよ」 http://surls.xyz/DVMf5 ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/nuki_1379286415 177 2017/10/01(日) 19:55:38 名無しさん@ピンキー マリアに会いたい 新幹線顔が苦手とかいう人にぼろくそに言われてたけど俺は好きでした http://surls.xyz/yZJX0 ★★★★★★★★★★
http://ch2tw.club/minor_1504915681 926 2017/10/01(日) 19:39:36 無名さん 男が単純と思った女多数 http://surls.xyz/HV3Et 927 2017/10/01(日) 19:41:52 無名さん >>925 ぶっちゃけ、自分の好きな人だけが純情ならば男女共に問題なしだろ http://surls.xyz/7R0H3 928 2017/10/01(日) 19:42:51 無名さん それに尽きるわ http://surls.xyz/NCHwA 929 2017/10/01(日) 19:45:21 無名さん それがいい それやってこう http://surls.xyz/Wsb91 930 2017/10/01(日) 19:55:11 無名さん 片一方だけ純情だとしんどいね http://surls.xyz/6bysx 931 2017/10/01(日) 19:55:44 無名さん 男女共に遊び人だったらいいってこと? http://surls.xyz/f24qx 932 2017/10/01(日) 19:56:44 無名さん 男女共に遊び人だったらそれを黙認するの? http://surls.xyz/vmoJa ★★★★★★★★★★
スレッド:喪女で長期(5年以上)ニートしてる人 10
http://ch2tw.club/wmotenai_1504900522 970 2017/10/01(日) 19:41:01 彼氏いない歴774年@無断転載は禁止 もう充分だから、落ち着こうよ by第三者より http://surls.xyz/BDPwH 971 2017/10/01(日) 19:46:22 彼氏いない歴774年@無断転載は禁止 ハゲ http://surls.xyz/fLMYv 972 2017/10/01(日) 19:46:32 彼氏いない歴774年@無断転載は禁止 禿げ埋め http://surls.xyz/3OeD8 973 2017/10/01(日) 19:47:38 彼氏いない歴774年@無断転載は禁止 傍から見たらどっちもどっちだね http://surls.xyz/Ihcqk 974 2017/10/01(日) 19:53:33 @無断転載は禁止 30代以上年収400万未満の男性は末期癌の患者と同じ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net http://medaka.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/wmotenai/1505574737/ http://surls.xyz/oNijP ★★★★★★★★★★
スレッド:パンティラインってたまらん(^ω^ )!!その45
http://ch2tw.club/feti_1503530552 973 2017/10/01(日) 19:35:17 名無しさん@ピンキー >>972 それよりも保育園の運動会が最強だよ ケツが入ってる子供の写真がいっぱいある http://surls.xyz/XbLDR 974 2017/10/01(日) 19:52:06 名無しさん@ピンキー >>972 夜の繁華街のパン線は凄まじいよな 和服やお水スーツやドレスからライン出しまくりや 餌を撒いてるとしか思えない http://surls.xyz/pJ4uX ★★★★★★★★★★ CH2TWクラブ - 2chまとめサービス - ch2tw.club http://ch2tw.club/
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Hallo!!! :D im stb and i think ur really awesome sauce
would you like me to be ur bestie westie pookie wookie snookie bear?
*scurries around the area like a random gremlin*
(just popping in to say haiii :3 ^^)
Oh, uh hi!
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hopefully one of the admins will see this, but i am unable to message you guys through the site tumblr. i don't know if it's my computer being evil to me or if you guys might have the ask option turned off. just thought i'd let ya'll know.
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The names STB or Luz.. whatever u decide is comfortable!! And I think ur pretty cool since ur my fav turtle. So wanna be one of my bestie frenz?? :DDD
*The creature smiled.*
*jumps around like a joyous creature*
(poppin in to say haii as well)
Oh! Hey there!! :D
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made a new rp blog
it’s wingnut, go talk to her ^_^
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oh sorry didn’t know.. I meant hoolllaaaa…
What’s wrong? :(
Poppin in to say HOOOOOLLLLLAAAAAAAAA🗣️🗣️‼️‼️ :3
Please don't yell-..
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New Post has been published on Photos of Wedding
New Post has been published on http://www.photosofwedding.com/tachikara-stbr-p-extra-soft-tetherball-pink.html
Tachikara STBR-P extra soft tetherball (pink).
List Price: $ 19.99 Price: $ 18.22 You Save: $ 1.77 (9%) By: Tachikara
Super soft rubber cover
Yarn winding for durability
Butyl bladder construction
Fluorescent pink, official size and weight
Nylon rope included that has with metal clip that attaches to the ball
STBR-P Super Soft tetherball is manufactured with a special rubber composition cover designed to provide a unique "soft touch" resulting in a no-sting game. Nylon rope included that has with metal clip that attaches to the ball on a durable recessed metal post. Official size and weight (fluorescent pink)
Tachikara STBR-P extra soft tetherball (pink).
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pretty plssss :(
*looks at u like this with a frown*
Can I teach you how to beatbox
#i love bothering ronin :3#silly stb activity’s#smallturtlebombyapping#stbyapping#smallturtlebombrp#stbrp
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as she felt the heat of the sun bearing down on her, marlyn shook her head once more to keep herself awake. keeping a close eye on the sky above her and the water around her, she glanced once or twice at the person across from where she sat. there was something about them that stirred a lost memory, one that she hadn't allowed herself to think about for years now. was it the way their hair fell over their eyes? or perhaps that vacant look on their face as they too kept an eye out for a rescue or their death in the form of another kaiju.
"you can't stop staring at me now, i won't bite."
hearing them pipe up, marlyn quickly looked away as she blinked back the memory once more. already she could feel her hands beginning to shake, whether it be from the cold or from the fear that was slowly creeping its way in she wasn't sure. then it hit her, the tightness in her chest as the words resounded her head just like they did all those years ago. the memory had taken over her once more and she fought to control her breathing. it wasn't until she felt a hand suddenly on her shoulder that she lashed out, waving her fist in every direction to back the person off.
"woah, woah. i'm not trying to hurt her, just to check if you're alright."
as her eyes connected with the face of the stranger she only saw the face of the man that had taken so much from her. there was a part of her mind that shouted at her that this was all a trick of the sun, but a bigger part of her mind screamed out that it was happening all over again. that once more she was a lost seven year old being pushed backwards by her elder sister, katelyn. the man before the two of them had a look of hunger on his face and not just for food either. as she watched the stranger's hand reach out for her once more, it was no longer their hand but that of the monster who reached for her sister. all she could do was stand their in terror as she watched what befall katelyn and then it was as if instinct was taking over.
she reached down to pick up a loose pipe, an oar from where she truly sat, and swung the pipe at the man's head. a loud crack was heard at metal and skull were connected. marlyn screamed out for her sister as she felt strong hands grab hold of her and shake her back to reality.
"dammit woman! snap out of it!"
the memory was gone, reality was back. marlyn's focused in one the scene before her: a stranger across from her with a trickle of blood on the side of his head where she had hit him. the sun bearing heat down from above her and an expanse of ocean around her. in the far distance she could barely make out the thudding sounds of an incoming helicopter. "i...i'm sorry. i don't know w..w..what came over me. the he..heat must have fried my brain."
"whatever, though, i have one question. who's katelyn?"
and there it was, the name she hadn't spoken or thought of in the past seventeen years. "she's my si...she was my sister." that's all she wanted to give, not wanting the rest of who or what had happened to her beloved sister be known. the knowledge she held herself was already troubling for who would want to be around a woman who was called a murderer at the age of seven?
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Fun fact abt me/persona:
Whenever I’m sick aka glitching I say: “C0NGRATULAT10NZ {user} U R 0UR 100th V1ST0R!!! CL1CK here T0 CLA1M UR PRIZE!!! >_< ^^” or something similar to that.
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Oh yeah !!! Now please tell me about all the thingys you like. :3
*jumps around like a joyous creature*
(poppin in to say haii as well)
Oh! Hey there!! :D
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making a new masterpost and changing up my style a bit
im also gonna use slightly different tags so to find past stuff, try to find my old posts sorry😭
#here r my old tags 2 look at old stuff ⇨#stbyapping#smallturtlebombyapping#stbreblogs#smallturtlebombreblogs#stbart#smallturtlebombart#stbrp#smallturtlebombrp#stbaskbox#smallturtlebombaskbox#stbwriting#smallturtlebombwriting
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