#stay tuned for the next posting schedule coming on 19/06/2023
padfootagain · 1 year
Thank you so much to all of you who helped me find back these twenty seconds of interview when Ben mentioned the release of 11:11 and his adventures in a graveyard!
Update on the fic it was for...
This is an actual footage of me writing the fic:
Me, reads the list of requests and chooses one : Oh, that sounds cute. And it shouldn't take too long, maybe a couple of scenes, let's do that. I should be able to finish it in a few hours.
Also me, 24 hours later, after spending 6 hours looking for this ridiculously unimportant piece of information about Ben, and after writing not 2 but 6 full scenes for this one request : Everything is fine. Everything is under control. I am a normal human being...
The fic that was supposed to be 2k words:
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Yes. Yes it should have been a short one...
@simpforhotties I hope you like your fic, because it got completely out of hand!!!
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