#stateside lover | drabbles
sebsxphia · 2 years
Imagine being the one that got away. You met Jake on his first deployment, before both of you went to top gun. Afterward graduation both of the you went your different ways. You being stationed over seas and Jake stateside. You tried keeping in touch but with intense schedules the letters from both ends stopped arriving.
Jake never forgot you but never really expected to see you again and as much as that hurt he shoved it down as the one who got away. He was currently on an assignment with Coyote and some of the other daggers overseas to be backup for an extraction in enemy territory. It went incredibly smoothly and all was well. The team celebrated back on the flight deck while watching final jet land and the helicopter following closely behind.
What Jake never expected to see was you being helped out of the helicopter and immediately rushed to medical. He froze. Stopped listening to Coyotes story. Was it really you? We’re you okay? What were you doing here?
-🥊 ( @sandbarbirdie )
@sandbarbirdie all aboard the reunited lovers train!!!!
coyote blinked at jake when he didn’t say anything back to him. he was expecting at least on comment on the stupid maneuver he pulled the other day, but there was no reaction. he followed jake’s gaze to you being rushed to medical. “you know them?” jake finally caught on to coyote’s voice. “y- yeah.” coyote laughed through his nose. “damn, didn’t think you would. they’re part of the team called in for backup, special operations.”
“special operations” jake thought to himself. he remembered you always mentioning you wanted to get that far and here you were. unfortunately you were being ran away to the medical department with a gash to your side and fully unconscious.
jake’s whole body went rigid again when he saw you through the tiny window in the medical bay. it was really you. he just wished you weren’t here under these circumstances. he wishes you were here to tell him you made a mistake and that you wanted to start up again with him.
oooof. thank you so much for this incredible lil drabble as always my beloved birdie!! 💌
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
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Helena Raegan Drysdale
“Never say a de Clermont woman won’t make her presence known.” Phillipe had always said.
Despite the fact that her mother had assured them both that she would come when it was time for her fourth grandchild - she had decided those birthed would be counted -, Rhiannon had decided they would go to France for the birth of their second child. It was good for Royce since Rebecca and Philip were there so he got to spend time with his cousins. Baldwin was actually playing somewhat nice. She was pretty sure it was just because she was pregnant. Or Matthew had threatened him. She knew it was probably the latter, but she didn’t care as she settled herself in her mother’s salon on the couch.
They’d been there for three months and it had resulted in some interesting family time. Her brother had finally appeared after his many packages to the house in Massachusetts. When she’d asked him why now, he’d shrugged. Deep down she knew it was because Phillipe had asked far too much as he had always had a habit to do. 
“Time to eat,” it wasn’t just Ransom who had taken to waiting on her hand and foot. Even Matthew had - since he was the brother she was closest to - and he came baring a bowl of pasta and a glass of red wine.
“No wine while pregnant.” Eric spoke looking at the two of them with a shake of his head.
“She can have wine, Gallowglass. It’s not bad for her unless it has a high alcohol content.”
“Where is my husband?” She asked looking between the two of them.
“He went with Diana to ride that beast of yours.” Baldwin had had her horses brought to Sept-Tours when she’d decided to bequeath Autumnburn - her house in Scotland- to the Scotland coven. Certainly she still owned it, but they were making use of it. “Baldwin is with them.”
“He’ll come back mangled.” Rhiannon sighed, rubbing her almost nine month stomach. “Baldwin is probably taking them through the trails we used to ride when I was growing up.”
“No. I think they went to the fields.” Matthew answered, pausing as she slowly started to eat. “They’re actually back.” 
As he finished, Ransom came in, smiling as he saw her sitting and eating. He was always worrying about her when he was away but he knew she still needed her space. He had a bad habit of getting in her bubble so he did what he could to limit it as much as possible. Matthew moved for him to join her on the couch, his lips quickly pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
“You have excellent taste in horses.” Ransom whispered in her ear, though he knew the majority of the room could hear. 
“Blame my father. He always bought me war horses.” She smiled, rubbing her belly. She was exhausted and hadn’t done anything. But that’s why she was happy they were there. She barely had to lift a finger to be taken care of. It was Baldwin who collected her glass and bowl before heading out of the room. “Did you at least have fun?”
“Yeah, it was nice to see the property.” He answered as he leaned in to kiss her temple again. “Do you want to go to bed?”
“No. I’m fine here.” She answered, relaxed for the most part. Braxton Hicks contracts had been annoying but normal this round as her body adjusted. “Besides, if I get comfortable enough in bed, I’ll sleep through dinner.”
“Maman wouldn’t care.” Matthew commented as Marthe brought the kids in. Royce went immediately to his mother, crawling up next to her on the couch. He looked absolutely exhausted as he curled close to her.
“Come on. The two of you could use a nap.” Ransom offered his hand to help her out. Once she was standing, he swept Royce into his arms. Rhiannon made her way down the hall with him until felt water trickle down her leg.
“Ran…” He paused when he heard her, looking back at his wife to see what the worry in her voice was about - not that it was real worry. “Meg is going to kill us.”
“She’ll forgive us. It’s not like you can control when the baby decides to come.” Diana was the one to come into the hall, taking her nephew without a second's hesitation. “Come on.”
Royce was pouting, but quickly moved past the being passed off as Ysabeau came and took him from Diana. He loved his grandmother and usually only would get over things if it was her or Meg giving him attention. 
Rhiannon settled on the side of their bed, thankful for the moment that her contractions weren’t nearly where they eventually would be. He was with her, never leaving her side as he coached her through each one. Around hour seven of labor, she was cursing those who said that the second was always faster. It was nearly dawn when their second child decided it was time for her grand entrance. No fanfare, no exhaustion driving her mother to tears, just her lungs screaming loudly as she was ushered into the world. 
She was settled into Rhiannon’s arms, still crying as Ransom cut her cord. She was the spitting image of her mother as she rested against her mother’s chest. She loved her the moment that she was in her arms, wrapping her in the blanket there as well.
“Hello, little bean.” Rhiannon whispered in those early hours as Ransom settled next to her on the bed. “Hello, our beautiful Helena Raegan.” 
It was later that night after the house had quieted down that Rhiannon found herself lying in bed with their daughter resting on the pillow next to her. She found herself almost fascinated with how tiny she was in comparison to her brother when he had been born. Helena already held her heart in her tiny hands. She wanted nothing more as she lay watching her tiny chest rise and fall with every breath. She knew Helena would have Ransom just as wrapped around her fingers, but for now Rhiannon knew she could be selfish with her. Not that Royce wasn’t her shadow most days, but for now Helena was her little bundle of happiness. 
No, her father was right. A de Clermont woman would always make her presence known. And Helena was certainly the newest member of the de Clermont women. 
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
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Linda Thrombey-Drysdale
Rhiannon and Meg had gone to Boston while Ransom was doing his east coast book tour. Rex was with him so there wasn’t much to worry about. Between Meg and her they could handle the nearly three year old and the four month old that required so much of Rhiannon’s attention with Ransom missing that sometimes she just had to lock herself away in the bedroom and have a good cry. It was after a particular day when Meg had gone out to pick up their dinner that what she’d been expecting to happen did. 
“You will not believe who was there when I went to grab out food.” Meg said as she set the containers on the table. Royce sat in his highchair, watching his aunt as she fixed him a place and handed him his kid’s chopsticks.
“What?” Rhiannon asked as she settled Raegan against her shoulder. Meg was being too good to her as she fixed her a plate and broke her chopsticks for her. “You know you don’t have to do all this.”
“You have made my cousin do a complete 180, Rhi. Yes, I’m going to.. Especially since he’s busy with his book right now.” She finally settled in her own chair as she fixed her plate. “Linda was there.”
“Do what?”
“She was there. And she gave me a letter.”
“Ransom won’t read it.” Rhiannon shook her head as she began picking at her food. 
“It’s for you.” Meg bit her bottom lip looking at the woman. “She asked me to give it to you. I was going to throw it away, but she looked kind of desperate.. Not like she was needing money, but like she’d realized how badly she screwed up.”
“You’re too good, Meg.” Rhiannon smiled, knowing it had probably been hard on her to see it. Whereas if it had been her mother, she probably would have pretended she didn’t exist. “Once we get the kids down for their nap, I’ll at least humor her with reading it.”
And when they finally did, she disappeared into the room that Marcus had claimed as his office - not that it had seen use since he moved to France with the rest of the family. She settled into the chair, using the letter opener to rip the envelope open. She had to give Linda something, her handwriting was beautiful. The leather chair enveloped her as she read. 
I don’t deserve to ask any of this from you after how I’ve treated you. Seeing you with my son… Seeing him happy in a way that I had never seen before was startling. And finding out that not only were you married to one another, but expecting. 
No amount of apologies could make up for what I’ve done. Even the thought of apologizing to Ransom seems as if it would never make up for so many years of ignorance. I thought I was doing right by him, to give him everything. But I realize now that all I did was teach him that money fixes everything when it doesn’t. 
But with you… He’s a completely different person. He’s become the man that I had always hoped he would be, in no thanks to myself. You’ve done what I could never do. 
I know by now that you two have two littles ones. I’ve seen the few photos that have been released to the press and they are perfect, beautiful like their mother and father. I was hoping that, if you felt comfortable, I could meet my grandchildren. If not, then I understand. I don’t really deserve to after that day in the restaurant.
Nothing I say will ever change that day. And I hate myself for it. But if possible, give my office a call and we can set something up. If not, then that is fine.
Sincerely, Linda”
Rhiannon read it over and over again. Linda was asking for a second chance. And she’d promised Ransom that she wouldn’t do this until he was ready. From everything they’d talked about, he wasn’t ready. But what was she supposed to do? Go behind his back? She picked up her cellphone, calling him even though she knew this wasn’t going to go well.
“Hey, babe.” His voice was like honey to her ears. “How are the beans?”
“They’re good. They’re piled up with Meg watching a movie right now.” She answered staring at the letter. “She ran into your mother today when she went to pick up dinner.”
“And what did my darling mother have to say?”
“She gave her a letter to give to me.” Rhiannon continued, biting her bottom lip.
“Burn it.”
“Too late.” She was going to regret this. One day she would. But right now, they needed to address this. “I’ve already opened it and read it.”
“And what does she want?”
“To meet her grandchildren. But at our discretion… Well my discretion. I suppose she thought that I wouldn’t bring you into the conversation.” She sighed, folding the letter up and stuffing it back in the envelope. “Ransom, I know we said no. I’m not asking you to reconsider.”
“Then why are you calling me about this?” He asked, sounding almost angry at her. 
“I want to meet with her. Just me. I want to talk to her, to see if she really has learned her lesson.” She answered, sighing. “Baby, I hate what she’s done to you. The more we unearth in your therapy, the more I want to make her feel like the dirt she is. But, I need to know. I need to know we’re still doing the right thing.”
“Are you asking for my blessing?” He returned, and she could feel the anger now.
“Yes. And if you say no, then I’ll throw the letter away and never bring it up.” She needed to know he was okay with at least her checking this out.
“Baby, I don’t trust her.” He was defeated though, knowing she’d go ahead and do it anyways. “Go on. Meet with her. But don’t trust her.”
“I won’t, Ran. Call me if you need me. I’ll cancel and come to you. Meg can handle the kids.”
“No she won’t. Raegan is still breastfeeding.”
“And I have plenty of milk for her here. I’ll come if you need me.” She was regretting bringing this to him, but she also needed him to know without her doing this behind his back. “I love you, Ransom.”
“I love you, too. I’ll see you in Boston in a few days, okay?”
“Okay.” She smiled now, relaxing as they said their goodbyes and hung up. She waited until Linda’s reality office was closed before calling and leaving her a voicemail. She told her to meet her at the restaurant where they’d ran into her the last time. It was public enough that if it didn’t go well, then she wouldn’t be worried about Linda trying to turn it on her.
Rhiannon was early, sipping quietly at a glass of wine. It would mean dumping what she pumped later, but it was worth it for the moment of escape. Linda arrived on time, settling herself across from her.
“I didn’t think you’d want to meet with me.” Linda spoke first, looking over the blonde. “Motherhood looks good on you.”
“Thank you, Linda.” Rhiannon answered looking at her. “I would say it’s nice to see you, but…”
“Under the circumstances of last time, I can’t blame you. I won’t even try to begin to apologize for how I acted.” Linda hadn’t even reached for the menu. “Are you hungry?”
“I’m always hungry. Growing to tiny people and then breastfeeding them makes me hungry.” Rhiannon picked her menu up, glossing over it for a moment. “Why now?”
“Because I wanted to respect my son’s wishes for once in his life.” She could tell Linda actually meant it. “If neither of you want me to be part of their lives, then so be it… But I had to try. I’m not saying that I’ve changed enough to be around them. But I’ve realized what I’ve done wrong with Ransom… The touch starvation…”
“Trust me, that’s the least you’ve done to him.” She answered looking at the woman. “Linda, he’s in therapy. He’s been dealing with so much of the stuff you have done to him… I can’t dress our daughter in the color yellow because of you. Yellow. Because of the closet you used to stuff him in as a child.” 
Linda’s face changed instantly when she heard the words come out of Rhiannon’s mouth. It was as if she’d broken her again. It made her remember the day it had first happened when she’d seen them there at the restaurant. 
“This was a bad idea then. Considering all the trauma I put him through…”
“Linda, that doesn’t mean we’re going to say no.” Rhiannon watched as she stood. “Sit back down so we can talk. Or it will be a no.”
Linda sat back down, looking her in the eye. She now knew exactly why Rhiannon was perfect for Ransom. 
“I understand that you’re feeling bad about this, Linda. But feeling bad about it isn’t going to get you anywhere near your grandchildren. They have a grandmother who loves them. They have a multitude of uncles who would probably prefer I never let you into their lives. Their father didn’t even want me meeting with you because he doesn’t trust you.” She was angry as she stared at her mother-in-law. “You reached out for some reason.”
“I know that I can’t apologize for what I did.” Linda was nervous, and she knew it was obvious. “I just want the opportunity to know my grandchildren. Even if they never call me grandmother. I would like to be in their lives in whatever way you or Ransom will let me.”
Rhiannon believed her. She knew that Linda had realized that she’d done something wrong and she was starting to realize that it had larger consequences than she was ready to give up.
“I’ll have to talk to Ransom about it. I can’t promise anything, Linda.”
“I know. And I’ll do whatever you two want to earn this.” She was desperate at this point. “Please, Rhiannon?”
“I’ll talk to Ransom when he comes home from his book tour.” Book three had recently been released and he was busy promoting it. “Would you like to see pictures of them?”
“You don’t…”
It was too late as Rhiannon pulled her phone out, quickly moving to the photos section. Since Royce’s birth, her phone was constantly filled with pictures of Ransom and their children. She handed it to Linda, watching her flip through the photos.
“That was the day we told Royce he was going to be a big brother. He wasn’t very happy with that.” She smiled, reminded of how sad he had been that day when they’d told him. Linda flipped to a video next. As it played, Royce was sitting next to her in bed, his little sister slightly lying on his lap. Meg was filming as Ransom came over to pick their daughter up. Royce shooed him away though, protective of his little sister. “Now it’s hard to separate the two of them.”
“Ransom was supposed to have a sister.” Linda spoke softly, looking through the pictures. “I lost her when I was around five months along… He was young so he wouldn’t remember. I’m not saying that’s why…. Why all of this happened….”
“Linda, some people aren’t meant to be parents. But I will have to say despite everything, Ransom is a very good man. I don’t know what any of you had to do with that… But I am grateful.” Rhiannon looked at Linda. 
“I owe you an apology for what I said… What I insinuated when I saw you two here before…. I wish I hadn’t. I wish I had given you a chance.”
“Then let’s start over.” She offered a soft smile. “I can’t promise that Ransom will be okay with you seeing the kids.. But we can try to change that.”
“I would like that, Rhiannon.” Linda smiled back at the blonde. “What is Royce like?”
The two ended up spending a solid two hours as Rhiannon told her about Royce and Raegan, showing her pictures.
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
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Hugh Royce Drysdale
Rhiannon’s POV of this. 
They were finally in the home stretch and she was so thankful for it. Her family was all there - shockingly even Baldwin had come. She knew they couldn’t know what day specifically it would be. 
“Babies come when they are ready to and not a moment before.” Ysabeau had said multiple times until Rhiannon had finally grown tired of it and thrown a pillow at her. Not that it had done much.
They’d been getting dressed for the day in their room when her water had broken on the bathroom floor. At first she’d just though she’d lost complete control of her bladder - the shower had been running and the water tended to do that to her -, but it was the moment a contraction ran through her that she knew.
Ransom had paused, but then he was steadily leading her to the bed so he could help her change and get more comfortable. Her mother called the Boston coven who had welcomed her with open arms, and their midwife was there in no time. But this was her first and the Goddess only knew how long this would go on. Ransom never left her, even when she cursed and blamed him. Those were the moments that Matthew and Diana would come in and help in what ways they could. Diana had ended up being more helpful than the two men in the room. 
And eventually she was finally ready to push. She was exhausted, holding as tightly to Ransom’s hand as he coached her.
“Come on baby, just one more push.  You can do it. I’m so proud of you.”  He’d leaned in and kissed her forehead before his had pressed against hers.“I know you’re tired baby, but one more.   For me?”  
“I can’t, Ransom.” She managed to gasp out, her body shaking from the exhaustion.  He squeezed her hand again, making her focus on him.  
“You can, baby girl.  Just one more big push, and we’ll have our baby.  We’ll get to meet our child.  Our little Bean.  Push for me, baby.  I know you can.”
She nodded, taking a deep breath before giving one more push. And then their bedroom was filled with the loud cries of their baby.
“It’s a boy!” The midwife smiled as she took care of him for a moment.
“You hear that, baby?  We have a son!”  His kiss was light as he held her hand still. “You did it, baby.” 
“You want to cut the cord, daddy?” And then their little boy, still crying, was resting on her chest. The tears came slowly as Ransom cut the cord. She’d only ever loved one person unconditionally and that was the man that had given this beautiful boy to her. And now, her heart swelled as she held their baby boy in her arms. 
“I’m so, so proud of you, baby.”  He whispered to her, soft kisses on her forehead as he moved to hold them both. “I love you.  So much.”
Hugh Royce Drysdale, she thought to herself as the midwife gently took him from her to get him cleaned up a little more as well as get his weight and length. Ransom left her to rest while he informed the rest of the family. She’d only closed her eyes to try to drift off after they’d delivered the placenta in his absence. She’d felt him take her hand after he’d gotten comfortable in the chair, but she’d still felt so drained. 
“Hey Bean…”  He must have been holding him now. Slowly she cracked an eye open.
“God, look at you.  You’re finally here.”  He was settled so sweetly in Ransom’s arms, so tiny against his large frame. “Welcome home buddy.  We’re going to have a whole lifetime of adventures together.”
Thankfully she had left her phone on the bedside table, so she quietly grabbed it to snap a picture of the two most precious things in her life. 
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
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Halting Words
When Ransom had told her the truth, Rhiannon had felt as if she had had her heart ripped out. She’d given Linda the opening. She’d agreed to try and convince Ransom to let her see their babies. But what Ransom had told her broke her heart to a degree she never wanted to know again. She’d finally gotten him calmed down after his confession, or at least enough to get him into their bed, before she’d disappeared down to the sunroom again. Dialing Linda’s number, she tried to steady herself for what she knew she had to do.
“Hey, Rhiannon. Can I call you back? I’m in the middle…”
“Linda, I’m sorry…. This can’t really wait.”
She heard Linda ask someone to leave her office before she knew she had her attention.
“Is it Ransom? Or the babies?”
“No, they’re… We’re all okay.” She answered, hearing the worry in Linda’s voice. She had wanted to give her the opportunity. But Ransom’s recent confession had immediately told her it wasn’t a good idea. “I actually just finished discussing with Ransom about you seeing the kids.”
“Oh.” There was hesitation to her voice to ask if it was good or not.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Linda. Neither of us do. Ransom’s therapy has unearthed some things and neither of us feel comfortable having you around the children right now.” It hurt her to say those words. She wanted to believe that Linda had changed, she really did. But unfortunately she knew that this was best. “It might change in the future… But right now.”
“I understand, Rhiannon.” Linda answered, which surprised her even more. “Would you mind if I at least sent presents for the children? I found some things that they might like when I was going through the house.”
“Of course, Linda. That would be fine.” She answered as she settled into her usual window seat. “I appreciate you being understanding of this.”
“I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of, Rhiannon. Nothing I do will ever make amends for that. But I want to try. And I want to love on those babies in any way that I’m allowed to.” Linda’s words nearly broke her heart. She didn’t want to do this, but she needed to make sure that she backed Ransom. He needed her right now, not his mother interfering with their lives. “Just let me know if I can do anything or if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Linda. Are we still good for lunch in a couple weeks?”
“Of course. I’ll let you know when my schedule is clear.” Linda said her goodbyes and they hung up before Rhiannon went upstairs to Ransom.
“I just got off the phone with her. She seemed really understanding about it.” She knew Linda could manipulate, but Rhiannon had grown up with Baldwin. He was good at these things and she knew how to see through it when she was being manipulated. “She’s willing to do this on your terms.. Or so it seems.”
“You’re too good to everyone, Rhi,” he commented as she came over to join him in their bed. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“Goddess only knows. I still want to keep having lunches with her. I don’t want her pulling anything crazy.” Her lips pressed softly to his forehead as she finished speaking. “Babe, I promise I’m not going to let her be around the kids. But she does want to send over some things she found while going through things at her house.”
“I told her to send them. You can go through it and decide if you want the kids to have it or not.” She made Ransom look at her. “I need her to think we’re going to work towards her seeing them. I want to know if she’s really changed or not, Ransom. I need that for me as a person. I’m not going to let her near the babies, but I need to know the truth.”
“You’re so much stronger than I am.” He hid his face against her neck, holding her close to him. She hated seeing him broken like this. “I just.. I don’t trust her.”
“And you shouldn’t, baby. She hurt you in ways that I cannot understand. I mean spanking is one thing. I received plenty of them.” She kissed the top of his head. “But there is a difference in that and what she’s done. Now I’m going to go hunt down Meg and our children before I end up soaking my top because it is time for your daughter to have lunch.”
She could feel his reluctance in letting her go, but he finally released her to go track down their children. Linda would never see them outside of pictures at this point… And part of Rhiannon felt horrible for that. But she had to do what was best for all of them. What was best was keeping Linda at arms length for the moment until she knew all the pieces she needed to make a better judgement. Ransom came after her in the nursery as she nursed Helena, Royce playing quietly on the floor.
“Are we going to be okay?” She asked, looking at him as he settled on the floor with Royce. 
“I think we will, Mama.” He smiled, looking up at her.
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
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They’d just found out they were pregnant and had only told Meg. But Rhiannon had insisted the next person they tell was her mother. Though she was a grandmother a million times over - Goddess only knew how many there really were - Rhiannon wanted to tell her. It was their first and it meant so much for her to be able to share the news with at least one of her parents. 
So they’d overnighted the second copy of their scan to her mother with strict instructions on an envelope to not open until Matthew could get them on a video chat. And her brother had come through one night. Rhiannon couldn’t help but smile as they sat in the chair at Ransom’s desk. 
“Matthew, Rhiannon, this is absurd. You could have very easily let me do this over the phone.” She said looking at the both of them.
“Maman, I wanted to see this for myself, so humor me.” Rhiannon’s smile was like the cheshire cat. “Besides, Matthew has no clue what’s going on. And he’s going to leave right now until we’ve finished.”
He looked at his sister, shaking his head before she heard him leave the room. Ysabeau fixed her with a look that she knew oh so well, but she didn’t care as she settled into Ransom’s lap. She could tell that France was in full bloom with the colors that Ysabeau wore. It made her long for the green fields to go riding in.
“Why did I have to wait to open this until now?” She asked, looking at both of them.
“Why don’t you open it and find out, Mom?” Ransom returned, head resting on his wife’s shoulder as his mother-in-law opened the envelope. Inside was just an ultrasound still. Ysabeau looked up from the image to the two of them. 
“How far along?”
“Only nine weeks.” Rhiannon answered, knowing it was taking everything for Ysabeau not to start crying. It was scary when you weren’t used to the idea that vampires could only cry blood. “But that’s your next grandchild.”
“We told Meg first because she’s living with us. But Rhiannon insisted that we had to tell you next.” Ransom smiled before kissing Rhiannon’s shoulder. “I promise I’ll bring her to France before she can’t fly anymore.”
“At worst she’ll make Baldwin fly them all here so she doesn’t miss anything.” Ysabeau nodded, agreeing with her daughter. “Are you happy, maman?”
“Très heureux.“ Ysabeau answered. “Most happy.”
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
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You’re Married?
They’d been hiding out at Ransom’s place for weeks with Rex. They hadn’t even stepped out of the house in that time, his friends playing delivery people to bring them food and things that they needed off and on. Amelia had even brought Rhiannon’s supply of herbs so that she could continue with her contraceptive tea.
“You’re always drinking that stuff.”
“Not always,” she answered shaking her head as she put the kettle on the stove top to boil the water. “And trust me, the last thing you want is me to stop.”
“Why?” He asked, looking over at her from where he was mixing pancake mix. “Does it keep you from wreaking havoc with your powers?”
“No.” Rhiannon answered, grabbing a bag of it and setting it in a mug. “It’s a contraceptive tea.”
“Oh,” they hadn’t talked about kids before other than briefly. “Normal birth control won’t work?”
“Wouldn’t know. I’ve never tried it.” She shrugged as the kettle whistled. Slowly, she grabbed it and poured it over her bag of tea. “I’ve been on this since I was thirteen, Ransom. I’d hate to get off of it and have some other form fail.”
They’d essentially just gotten married. Pregnancy now would bring eyes on them that she didn’t want - at least not from the rest of the human world. They were mid-breakfast when his phone started ringing. She watched as he stepped away to answer it, smile forming on his face.
“Meg, calm down…. Meg!” He half yelled, and she couldn’t help but cover her mouth to keep her from laughing. “I’m going to put you on speaker.”
“You’re married?!” She yelled as soon as he did, Rhiannon trying to bite back her laugh more.
“We are?” He asked curiously, smiling at her. “According to who?”
“Boston Society! They have a picture from that party the two of you went to weeks ago before your trial. There’s a picture with you with a ring on your left hand they got when you left to wherever the hell you are!” Meg answered, sounding hurt. “Why didn’t you two tell me?”
“Meg, we’re at my house. Come over, bring the tabloid with you.” He said as he sat back down. “We’ll talk about it when you get here.”
She hung up without goodbye before showing up about an hour later, throwing the Boston Society magazine at him. There they were on the cover. Rhiannon watched over his shoulder as he flipped over to the spread, spotting the photograph of him with his ring on. Both still wore them even though Meg had no clue.
“The recent talk of Boston is accused murder and known playboy, Hugh Ransom Drysdale, seems to be settling down with model and Adas makeup brand owner/founder, Rhiannon Montclair. The two have been seen and photographed at multiple parties in the Boston area up until the day of Mr. Drysdale’s trial as well as by his side the only day of his trial before it was thrown out of court for lack of evidence. When asked about their relationship, both have waved it off as being purely friendly. But recently Boston’s notorious playboy was seen leaving the Montclair manor, Magnolia, in his beemer with Ms. Montclair and the most adorable puppy. When he waved at the paps, one spotted the antique gold band on his left hand. A sign that Ms. Montclair has tamed the playboy into settling down? Or a show of pretend for the courts? Ms. Montclair’s agent has stated that she is not reachable for comment. Has our local playboy whisked her away to some secret hideaway?”
“Well, it doesn’t look like they have much proof in regards to it.” He commented, tossing it onto the coffee table. “You think I’d get married and not tell you?”
“Yes,” Meg answered, dead serious as she looked at him. “You know Aunt Linda is going to see this? She’s going to lose it again.”
“What’s it matter?” He asked looking at her and then Rhiannon. “It’s out there. People make up bull all the time. It’s not like the family fortune is at stake.”
“It’s not the point. Are you two married or not?” Meg asked looking at the two of them.
Rhiannon looked up from the magazine to Meg and then Ransom. She bit her lip, waiting for him to say something. When he didn’t, she shook her head.
“Yes, Meg. We got married in secret at Magnolia before the trial. We didn’t want to make it official to the public just yet because we didn’t want it to sway the trial.” She said as she looked at Meg. “We’re sorry we didn’t tell you, but we didn’t want to risk anyone getting the information before the trial and it getting out.”
“I wouldn’t have told anyone.” She sat down on the coffee table, looking at the two of them. “I seriously wouldn’t have.”
“We know, Meg.” It was Ransom who spoke now, putting his hand on her knee. “But we wanted to be safe with it and kind of have that time to ourselves. You are the first person we’ve told though.”
“Really? You haven’t even told Aunt Linda yet?” This seemed to perk Meg up.
“No. And we’re not going to.” Rhiannon had already dictated that from day one. She held no love of any kind for the woman who gave birth to the love of her life. “She can find out like everyone else, when we decide we’re going public. I’ll call my family and tell them. But yours can find out with the rest of the world.”
“You two will seriously give her a stroke.” Meg laughed, shaking her head.
Unfortunately, Linda did not have a stroke when she read the magazine.... Nor did she bother to try and contact her son to find out the truth. 
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
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@magickisafoot​ inquired:  Last Words
It had started as a cold. 
It had started as a simple cold.
Or at least that was what she’d claimed until Marcus had finally made her let him run a few tests. Immortal witches were only immune to the ravages of time, not illness. The cold had progressed into a major case of pneumonia. She refused to be hospitalized, mostly because she didn’t want any restrictions on their little boy being able to visit her. But despite the steroids and everything that Marcus knew to fight this, she was still sick and growing sicker. Their bedroom that they’d shared had become a sterile space. All the pictures gone from the walls, the furniture moved out. 
Within a week after the transition, she’d slipped into a coma, her body fragile in a way it had never been. She barely held on another week, before she went with them all in the room. Ever since, he hadn’t been able to walk into the room without feeling as if he’d failed her. The will reading was uneventful as not much had changed since they’d married. The only difference was that she’d given Meg the flat in New York and their son, Hugh Royce, a house she’d bought in the village around Sept-Tours.
He was sitting in his study, staring at the last manuscript he’d been working on. They’d just finished it when she’d first started getting sick. He still hadn’t figured out the dedication yet. Not that it needed one, but it felt wrong after every book having a dedication. One for her, one for Meg, one for their son, his mother-in-law… The list went on. A quiet knock came at the door of his study, his eyes peeling away from it. 
“Come in.” He called, looking away to the book again. Hamish came in, briefcase in one hand and an envelope in the other. “Thought you were on your way back to London.”
“And not say goodbye to my godson?” Hamish shook his head with a smile, walking over to the desk. He held the envelope out to Ransom, her elegant script had written his name on the front. “She made me promise to give it to you after the reading if anything happened.”
“It shouldn’t have happened.”
“We all agree, Ransom, but… Even immortal witches are susceptible to illness.” Hamish looked at the book he held in his other hand. “New book?”
“We just finished it when she was first sick.” He answered, looking at it again. “Just needs to be sent out for publishing.”
“She’d hate you if you didn’t publish it.” Hamish reminded him, going for the door. “I’ll see you and Royce for Samhain right?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Ransom sat the book down, fingering the envelope for a moment. He grabbed the letter opener that had been his grandfather before him. He ripped it open, pulling the pages out. He took a breath before unfolding them.
“Ransom, my love,
I’m writing this as I sit here, watching you with our son in the sunroom. You’re the happiest I’ve seen you since I gave you Rex. I love you so much.
I hope that Hamish never has to give you this. That I’m writing it because I felt the need to tuck it away forever, to look back on when our son is grown. If you’re reading this, then I was completely wrong in all sense of the idea. And for that I’m sorry.
I’m sorry I’m not there for all of Royce’s milestones. I’m sorry I’m not there to read your manuscripts. I’m sorry I’m not there for you. Because without you, my love, I would not have everything that I have now. 
Even before we lost Phillipe, I was wandering this world aimlessly. I had no one that really understood that all I wanted was someone that was for me that I didn’t have to share. For a while each of my brothers were good at that, but it never compared to the idea I had in my head.
And then I came to Massachusetts, to Magnolia. You stole my heart and I didn’t even know it. You were what I had been searching 1500 years for. I found my forever with you. Even though it’s come short, you are what has made it worth it. All the wandering was worth every second I had with you and our beautiful son.
And I know that you’re probably not at that point yet, but don’t worry about screwing Royce up, love. He loves you for you. He doesn’t care about the books, the legacy, the houses, the vacations. He loves you because you are his dad. You know what he needs in this world, no one else does. But do listen to maman for her advice on occasion. If he starts showing signs of magick, let Diana help you. But as far as everything else goes, you can’t do anything wrong. 
I’m always with you, Ransom, and I will never leave you. Kiss our beautiful boy for me every night and remind him that I love him.
Love always,
He folded the letter back up, wiping at his eyes. She was right. None of this had really hit him yet. But he knew exactly what the dedication should read. He grabbed his pen, scratching it into the paper.
“For my wife, 
A bond between souls is ancient – older than the planet.
I love you.”
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
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@magickisafoot​ inquired:  Last Words
How am I supposed to fit all the words that would help you right now? I know that life isn’t fair because if it was you wouldn’t be sitting somewhere in our home reading this. We would be piled up in your study, working on your newest book or we’d be lying in the sunroom with Rex.
I love you. And you have to promise that you won’t ever forget it. 
You are so much more than what you think you are, my love. You have no idea how strong you are. You are not the monster that you think you are. You are kind and gentle. You have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. 
I’ll always be with you, my love.
Love always, 
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rhiannondeclermont · 5 years
Stateside Lover | Drabble Master List
Main Verse
Second Date
You’re Married?
Dress On The Floor
Charity Ball
First Born
Hugh Royce Drysdale
Sweater Dreams
Helena Raegan Drysdale
Linda Thrombey-Drysdale
Truth Time
Halting Words
Knives Out AU
Family Dinner
Last Words
0 notes