marcdecaria · 10 months
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From a multidimensional lens, envision an intricate web of existence where countless Earths overlap, each representing a unique timeline playing out simultaneously. The vastness of this panorama stretches the very boundaries of comprehension. Atop each Earth sits a planet-sized spider, drawing sustenance. This vast and interconnected tableau, unveiled in a profound visual download, serves as a metaphorical lens through which we can deepen our understanding of reality.
These spiders, while not inherently malicious, are creatures driven by necessity, trying to survive. However, their actions can have a negative impact on us if we allow them to. They attempt to feed off the energy of a "planet" of light that symbolizes the collective consciousness of humanity. This energy, often intensifies when we stray from our inherent state of love and unity.
As the spider injects its metaphoric venom, it manipulates the vibrational frequency of each planet, seeking to produce this energy. This venom deceives us into thinking that our current timeline and reality are the only truths, leading to a disconnection from our authentic selves and providing fertile ground for the spiders to harvest the energy they covet.
Yet, there is hope. The true power lies within us. Our intrinsic state of resonance is love. When we dwell in this state, the spider becomes unaware of our presence. It's as if we're cloaked in invisibility, shielding us from its grasp.
In our 3D reality, this plays out in our reactions and interactions. By maintaining a demeanor rooted in love, we deprive the spider of its sustenance. However, reacting from a place other than love offers it the nourishment it seeks. This intricate dance might very well be a design of the larger system, creating the duality and vibrational environment essential for our growth as fractals of source itself.
The download also highlighted the cyclical nature of existence. In a singular moment, all the spiders detached from the myriad of Earths, making way for a new, enigmatic creature – a brown, hairy entity whose role remains a mystery. This revelation accentuates the perpetual cycles of a larger system we are part of, where one chapter concludes only to usher in the next. It's a dance of cosmic roles, with each playing its part in the grand tapestry of existence.
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elayagaia · 2 years
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Love Inspiration Photography, Golden Sunset Photography...now in my Etsy shop! To inspire Love, Divine Love, a State of Love, Flowing Golden Love... to remember to always come back tp that state of inner bliss, of purity, of oneness with the Universe... www.etsy.com/shop/ElayaMagic #photography #sunsetmagic #goldensunset #sunsetphotography #mountainbeauty #mountainphotography #elayamagic #etsyshop #naturephotography #love #loveinspiration #lovephotography #divinelove #flowinglove #innerbliss #oneness #stateoflove #universallove #elayaanoukvellino https://www.instagram.com/p/Chs7yiTI9I5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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What Love Says… State of Love
Why self love? When you choose to love unconditionally all of you just as you are, your heart expands and a desire to treat everyone with unconditional love expands too. Love felt deeply within knows how to love all.
In a state of love you harm no one, you love, you have compassion, care and innerstanding with an open heart. With loving innerstanding you explore truths and ways in which you can help others.
In a state of love, love felt within creates a smile, a laugh, a hug, a desire to share joyful experiences that benefit all. You feel the fullness of being, a need to lovingly create. Love felt within nourishes your thoughts, words, actions enriching you, enriching everyone.
Your heart, eyes, soul, mind in a loving state of being you enter a frequency of love, a place called home. Go home to self love, allow love to be your light and shine your light for all with owlsome state of love.
Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts invites you to embrace love in your life and enjoy What Love Says series. #love #storyteller #illustrator #whatlovesays #life #stateoflove #selflove #light #heartisyourhome #unconditionallove #choose #thoughts #words #actions #owls #owllovers #mondaymotivation
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claudiaaros · 6 years
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@lunaros you always will be my baby! @alhiachacoffberger . . . #proudmom #vassar2022 #vassargirl #love #stateofmind #stateoflove #upstate #ny #iloveyou #luna https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq2LdxZAI78/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4oki4s1qg3b0
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irishbeautysoul · 4 years
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Get into a state of flow.
What my Coffee says to me February 28 - drink YOUR life in - Lift your life with a powerful dream of you.  Being an inner love filled leader of your life, in that state of flow, you help others because love flows! Be the love you want to see and feel in the world. Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts adores floating in creativity making an illustration and positive message for your mental health.
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statebicycle · 11 years
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We've picked 8 finalists for our #stateoflove contest. The pic with the most LIKES by MIDNIGHT will win the #statebicycleco prize pack! Here's picture 7 of 8
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statebicycle · 11 years
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We've picked 8 finalists for our #stateoflove contest. The pic with the most LIKES by MIDNIGHT will win the #statebicycleco prize pack! Here's picture 1 of 8
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statebicycle · 11 years
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Happy Valentine's Day !! #statebicycleco #stateoflove (at State Bicycle Co.)
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davewellbeloved · 11 years
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Valentine's Pt. 8 (via Blind Gate | The Guardian)
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statebicycle · 11 years
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Keep posting your Valentine's Day themed photos and tag #statebicycleco and #stateoflove . We will post our 5 favorites tomorrow and the one the gets the most LIKES will win the prize pack!
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