#stateless heroes au
hey-hamlet · 2 years
If the ask game is still open, could I request som stateless heroes pretty please?
The kids who got stuck in it got turned into one of a few different fantasy races and could train in different classes. When they awaken back in the real world, some aspects of their appearance are altered to match what they were like in the quirk. Izuku's eyes have black sclera like All Might's, and his nails are naturally a deep red. Shinsou's eyes look like shattered marbles, and Kirishima kept his horns.
Because part of the quirk meant that it was broadcast, it kind of radicalised Tomura and he murders AfO and becomes a very violent vigilante. His name is Ash and he has no beef about murdering you if you are a terrible person. Still hates Stain on sight though, even if they nominally have similar ideals: "if ur shit, go and die".
All Might spends the year Izuku is trapped destroying any villains in his path as he reconnects with Nighteye in an attempt to find whoever is responsible for Izuku's (and the other children's) kidnapping. In the livestreams, its a common topic to try and guess which of the kids is All Might's child/relative/protege. Izuku is a very popular guess, funnily enough.
Izuku spends the whole year hes there befriending people, building connections, running his guild and keeping people safe, all while he's sure he failed the heroics practical exam. Sometimes it feels like a bitter weight in his chest, knowing that he's saved some future hero students but he'll never be one himself.
The final boss rush takes 2 weeks. There are a lot of times Izuku is convinced they aren't gonna make it. It's miserable too, nowhere is totally safe - even places they cleared of monsters still have a chance to let more spawn. They are grimy, hungry, tired and starting to worry there is no escape when they reach the final floor. The little girl who accidentally trapped them there is trapped herself, suspended in crystal, the facets of which are showing reflections of different parts of the world they were in. Izuku reaches into the crystal, grabs her hand, and then they all wake up.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
Au idea
Izuku and others(canon or oc) were part of a survival killing game. At 13 he escaped and destroyed the game, but he didn't know that it was being recorded. Going under a false identity he is going to gen UA when the videos go viral
(Funnily enough I have a similar are called Stateless Heroes, but its more of a 'stuck in a killer MMO thats being live broadcast' type deal)
The game lasted for a year (I'm gonna age him up and say he was kidnapped at 13 and escaped at 14), Izuku managed to find a way to escape the quirk and killed the man running the game, ending it and freeing the remaining survivors. That was the only person Izuku killed, but even that was live-streamed. None of the children who harmed the others are charged for anything, but they are added quietly to a watch list.
Something about the game arena made it impossible to use quirks, making everything quirkless combat. It was Izuku's one advantage - he hadn't lost anything.
Katsuki never forgave himself for letting Izuku get kidnapped. He watched the stream every chance he got, hoping against hope that useless Deku would beat the odds. Of the 50 children take, between the ages of 12 and 18, Izuku was one of 4 survivors, and the youngest one.
The heroics commission tries to contact him once he's out, but Izuku never got a single letter because his mother tore them to near atomic pieces. They wanted her poor baby to join a 'specialised team' like she didn't know they wanted him under their thumb. If he must be a hero, then let it be through UA who would back him up in that cutthroat industry.
Nezu resolves to get Izuku into the hero course no matter what, but then he just kills it at both exams and he laughs so hard the other teachers get nervous.
Izuku's kindness, intelligence and practicality during the killing game make clips of him go viral. Shigaraki, an avid watcher, recognises him during the USJ and resolves to recruit the miniboss.
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hey-hamlet · 9 months
Hello!! Your au's have me very inspired once again, and I was wondering your thoughts on submitting writing inspired by them? Because I'm playing around with a stateless hero au with a world inspired by Eve's music videos instead of the classic rpg, and I'm not sure if it's too dissimilar for you to be okay with me sending it in
Wow im tragically late responding to this, the answer for stuff like that is always yes! no one needs to ask permission or anything, i just want a link so i can see!! i get very excited.
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
Hey Ham, I want to resurrect one of your aus the stateless heroes one to be specific, do the kids after going through all of that re form their guilds or do they just make a mega agency with the guilds contained within?
Also, what did they miss while in the game?
Stateless Heroes is an au im soft for bc I have a not very subtle love of transmigration/isekai type stories.
After they escape the game, they finish their education and then go on to mostly do away with the concept of individual hero agencies. Instead, they agencies that technically belong to one hero team (guild), but have a rotating roster of every one of them that signed on to their 'agency partnership' (mega-agency). They have kinda divided up japan into need little quadrants so that literally all of the populated areas are covered by one guild or another. Think of it as a hero agency franchise. It lets them still patrol lower-income areas because they feed money back into the mega-agency to create a guaranteed basic income for everyone employed.
As for what they miss - they miss a whole year of time, their bodies don't change or age while they are trapped in the quirk. They wake up and a year has passed and they haven't lived it. Their families are a year older. They are all famous now, faces broadcast across local, national and international TV, missing, then broadcast across the world in the worst moments of their lives.
Imagine your best friend died right in front of you. You couldn't save her - you live, you morn, you go back home. And one day you find her brutal death on youtube in a clip compilation, along with other private or important moments you lived that year. People are talking about you in the comments, about how they wouldn't have frozen - they'd have fought back. You have a Wikipedia page. So does your friend. So does the boy who saved you, your guild, the little old lady you would visit every few days for fresh eggs. She's listed as an NPC. She didn't feel like one.
Not a single thing you did that year was private. You come home knowing the whole world watched and judged.
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
Yo can we get some post-escape stateless heroes au stuff? Do the kids go onto UA? Do things go normally? How do the survivors deal with the madness of the game?
So! Post-Escape stateless heroes is... its a bit messy in the way any disaster fall out tends to be. All hero schools accept any students that passed their exams originally, with the students taking up the empty second year slot in schools around the country, but with the caveat that they will still have to spend 3 full years in school. None of the children have aged, so there is now an odd quirk in japan where around 1'000 teenagers have their ages listed on their IDs alongside their birthdays.
Izuku adapts well to his quirk after a year of using magic, everyone who learnt to fight with weapons add them to their hero costumes. Shinsou is moved into 2A without needing to take an exam - they saw enough to know just how good he was. The League never forms - Tomura defects, becoming more of a violent vigilante than anything, so the main threats are the Yakuza and the MLA, but with Izuku generating so much good press for the quirkless (his quirk 'manifesting after the trauma of being trapped in an other world') they table their plans for the next few decades. It's just not worth trying anything yet.
So, most of the big threats they face are the new rise of organised crime followed by All Might's decreasing public appearances and the whole I-Island plot line that happens a year behind schedule.
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
your stateless heros au is one of my favorites. do u have anymore crumbs? I am on my knees ready to beg
The final boss rush through the hundreds or levels to get to the exit of world is gruelling - it takes close to a full 2 weeks to complete, teams sleeping in shifts, massive amounts of supplies and food dragged behind them. In truth, Izuku would have rather waited longer, but the reveal of the exit was calculated on his part - had he waited any longer there was a real chance the secret would get out and small groups would make doomed attempts, racking up this world's body count. He had to weigh the ambient danger of the world they were trapped in and the damage it was going to their mental health and that of the politics of the world outside against the very real danger of the monsters they were about to face with no way to leave.
It was close - Izuku had to use his resurrection skill literally as many times as he was physically capable of (once a day to still be able to fight, twice and he'd pass out and be too weak to fight when he awoke) - but, they did the impossible.
Every student that entered the boss rush left the world they were trapped in alive.
Also I believe I've mentioned before that Todoroki is a ranger here, but I do want you to know that he has three dogs all about 4 feet tall at the shoulder. They are very fluffy and dumb and will also rip your face off if you're mean to him.
Somehow - literally no one know how this happened - but all living creatures that originated in the world they were trapped in also escaped with the kids.
To cut a long story short, Endeavour has to get 40 stitches in his face, hands and groin.
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
It would be extremely interesting if in stateless heroes, the kids retained some of their class/race abilities in the real world. Izuku may be a complete human, but hes still got that oni glare, and while he cant rez anyone, he can Paladin Lay Hands and heal most wounds up to minor stabbings with no trouble, and up to major stabbings and gunshot wounds and the like with Extreme Exertion that takes him out of the fight.
I like the idea that almost everything went back to normal - but Izuku's eyes still have black sclera, and his nails are still bright red, and being around him helps you heal around the same amount as being around a purring cat. Shinso has purple, wing shaped birthmarks over his shoulder blades, and sometimes the air shifts around him a little unnaturally. Feathers sometimes grow in Kirishima's hair, Bakugo has some amount of control over the fire produced by his explosions, etc
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
stateless heros au + don't praise the seventh except it's just all might having heart attacks every time something dangerous happens
from hamlet: bro that's just canon stateless heroes. the dpts version probably also features all might's rapidly yoyoing mental health seeing his boy grow but knowing he's all alone out there. All Might failing him once again.
What kind of symbol of peace can't even keep his own successor safe? Does he have any right to think of himself as better than Nana?
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
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October Song Prompt 7: Soldier, Poet, King
This took so long but im actually really proud of it! It’s the whole reason im like 4 days behind on my prompts, I just love the stateless heroes au!
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
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so @kaii-latte and i came us with a bnha isekai au! not gonna lie, it was just to practise our character design. ask away!
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
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Sketches for the intended finished pieces for yesterday and today! Who knows when they'll be done so have the mock-ups I did while watching a cat ultrasound - sorry ab the lunch table in the background.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
Why have you done this,,, Izuku gets warped into this strange other world, filled tip top with trauma and ready to be a hero if it kills him. Bakugo is terrified at the amount Izuku has changed while he wasn’t watching, even more horrified that any respect for his own life has now vanished like mist in the sunlight. He has his little meltdown at the start but quickly finds his way back to Izuku, terrified that if he takes his eye off him for a moment he’ll be dead.
All Might is incensed that someone would do this to his successor and tracks them down with a vengeance, all while Aizawa stays by the screens, stuck with the terrible job of reporting the dead to their families and he watches these kids fight battles they never should have needed to. 
Izuku constructs his guild quickly, becoming known as one of the most skilled out of any of the teens stuck there. His inner circle can see why - he was already a gifted fighter and he has no fear of his own death, allowing him to throw himself into battles others would run from. It’s awe-inspiring and its terrifying. They just want to help but they don’t know how. 
Here, like Todoroki, Izuku doesn’t really want to leave, but he buries that down because he's being silly - he’s so lucky All Might takes his time to train a quirkless nobody like him - he has to go back. It’s not about him, its about the people he’ll save, the symbol he’ll become. His own happiness doesn’t matter. 
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
For your AU-mix roulette, if that’s still on: 1) I feel like the Choir-Umbridge AU would be just 1A + the Big Three and their 12-step plan to tear down the Hero Commission to something like idk Hamilton 2) but also for smthg a little more light-hearted (well, maybe) what would Stateless Heroes X Choir AU look like?
Oh yeah they’d have a great soundtrack as they systematically destroyed them. 
Stateless and choir would be less stressful than the actual stateless heroes au because the UA kids would know each other! They’d probably also be somewhat familiar with a smattering of other kids from different choirs. 
Izuku’s money-making strategy would be different though, his guild would basically be a bards guild that also dealt in information and other,,, skills,,,. Aizawa would, however, be more stressed. UA would also be more personally involved as the big three were in the choir too and know so many of the kids who got taken away, so the whole school would likely be working to get them free. 
On another hand you also get the cute scene of Izuku, Katsuki, Momo, Tenya and Ochako sleepily singing the repertoire they were meant to be practising for choir on the roof of their guild hall, stubbornly sure they’ll get out soon enough to need to know it.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
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Remind me never to do ambitious things again I've been at this for hours
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
How does the game work? Is it PVP?
I’m working on a full write up of the AU now, but just as a quick explanation: It’s primarily a player vs environment rather than play vs player set up, but you can attack other players. The PVP allowance doesn’t tend to be a problem very often because of the type of people who got sucked in. Additionally, its not technically a game, but a quirk created world that acts like a videogame. 
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
For the video game au thing can shinsō fly
Kinda! Each fantasy race has a racial bonus. Fae, which Shinsou is, don't take fall damage and have a double jump. Oni have perfect night vision and a kind of AOE intimidation, Cervin’s have a faster run speed and extra stamina, Longears have supersense and Humans have charisma!
Uraraka is a Fae too and, predictably, she uses this to wreck people from above. 
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