yama-bato · 2 years
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ravenlaguz · 1 year
henry and i have been learning russian now for the past month or so and at this point i can read/pronounce words written in cyrillic and its exciting! and now im learning more words and sentence structure but anyway
the lessons have included names written in cyrillic (Анна - Anna, Дми́трий/Дима - Dimitri/Dima) and im not sure how mine would be translated? its a variant of a diminutive for anastasia so idk if it would be translated as the closest variant or phonetically
Anastasia - Анастаси́я - Ста́ся - Stasja/Stasya - Stacy?
or like
Stacy - Стасй/Стаси with a more elongated ee/ii sound at the end rather than ja/ya?
learning a new alphabet has been really cool
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i-luvstrippers · 1 year
Reposted from @wildmustangdet COME SEE STASJA RIGHT NOW DAYSHIFT 🔥🔥😍😍
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meltingcliffs-fr · 5 years
Lair Building - Stasja
Lore story below the cut. 
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He was flying again. At last, finally, he was flying again. He could feel the wind under his wings; his entire wings. They were there again. All the bones, all of the leather, he could feel the air billow up under them, like he was gathering it close and rolling forward over it. He could even feel the rain and wind pounding down on the tops, and--rain?
No. No, not again. He was flying again. But not just flying, the flight. He tried to angle his wings downward, towards the distant shifting sand below him, trying to get down and out of the storm, but his wings wouldn’t listen. They never listened. He grit his teeth and looked up, squinting into the pelting rain. He’d be fine. He’d be fine. The settlement was just up ahead. His tools jingled in the bag strapped to his back. Thunder cracked behind him. The Stormcatcher was telling him to get a move on. 
He pumped his wings again, angling them downward and speeding up, the buildings just coming into clearer view. He tried desperately to angle down again, to land. Nothing listened. He braced himself for what he knew was coming. 
Thunder slammed around him the same instant a searing pain lit through his entire body, he screamed, but couldn’t hear himself. He plummetted. His wings wouldn’t listen, his back was screaming, his wings were tearing, he smelled something burning. The ground was rushing up to meet him, but he wouldn’t focus. His ears were ringing, his wings had gone limp, and he thought he would pass out from the pain that continued to lance up and down his spine. The ground rushed up to meet him, his head hitting it first. He felt something crack, and--
He jerked awake, his wings aching with pain in places he no longer had. He shook his head as thunder boomed distantly outside, and he lifted his head from the bed. His horns and wings ached again, and the scar up his back was twinging. He winced and stood, trying to stretch out the pain. He wouldn’t be able to sleep with it. 
He stood up, shaking the blanket off his back, and stretched his too-short wings. The scar tissue ached with the strain, but it helped clear the phantom pain. He shuffled his wings into place, and stepped out of his small hut, onto the sheltered balcony. He rested his head on the railing and laid down on the rickety wood, watching the waves slam up against the shore as rain pelted the rough surface. 
He sighed, thinking of the dream again, picturing the sands of the Shifting Expanse. If it wasn’t such poor weather he would go down to the beach to get the sand back in his scales again. He yearned for that feeling, especially after the dream. It was warmer and dryer and the technology was far more advanced. He missed the technicians and electricians of the settlements there. To share knowledge. If he were home, he may have already finished his project. Not that anyone would help. Not when he’d been scorned by the Stormcatcher himself. 
He sighed and wilted, running a claw over the branching scar that ran up his neck from his back and wings. No one from the Shifting Expanse would ever share anything with him now. If he had any hope of ever returning, he’d have to prove that he could overcome the Stormcatcher’s punishment, and be the stronger for it. He stood up and stretched again, then headed for his workshop He had nothing else to do, and he wouldn’t be able to sleep while his wings ached this way. He lit a candle as he passed, shaking the match out, then looked around the cramped room, setting down at the desk in the corner, and picked up the metal and leather contraption. 
It was a prosthetic wing. One that perfectly matched the look of an Imperial’s wing. He extended one of his own, and slipped the prosthetic one over his, securing it at his shoulder, elbow, wrist, and the one finger. It was shorter than the other, and the tip didn’t have any membrane that extended to it, only a skin covering the bone. It was numb. 
He tightened the straps and pulled his wing back close to his body, twisting his neck so he could look at it easier. The metal joints matched the movement of his own perfectly and smoothly, with only a little resistance to it. The leather sagged when he had the wing closed, and was stretched to its limit when he extended the wing all the way. He stepped back out of the cluttered room, filled with past versions of the same contraption. He stood back out on the balcony and attempted a flapping motion. The leather held. He looked out at the storm and wind and closed his eyes, extending both wings to the wind. A couple raindrops made it past the awning and pattered against him. He looked down at the prosthetic. Rain dripped off it and onto the floor below him gently. 
He closed his eyes again. He could almost feel the rain on the membrane if he imagined hard enough. It would never be the same though. 
He sighed again and closed his wings, gently pulling the prosthetic away. He set it back on the desk and pulled a couple of discarded projects from the piles, ready to strip them for parts. He needed to make a duplicate prosthetic if he wanted to ever attempt flying again. 
As much as he hated the dream, he relished it for the feeling of flight again. Hopefully he would feel the rush again, even if he would never feel the wind on his wings the same way. 
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skyhilloutpost-fr · 3 years
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This is Stasja, who, believe it or not, I started designing before Obs were released. Her on-site outfit just has a lion headdress that inspired her to be kinda lion-like.
If you like it, please reblog!
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phippsyart · 8 years
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Did some outfit designs for some of my peeps. Though I did Stasja’s green one like a long time ago. I just needed another image. haha Koyuki Ulrika Stasja they all be my peeps, yo.
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paleogleja · 8 years
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Jānis Tīdemanis, Stasja
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nikolaibelinski · 4 years
sim: *gets pregnant earlier than i wanted*
me: *terminates the pregnancy like its NOTHING*
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lobaznyuk · 4 years
gymnastics abuse in the netherlands and belgium:
in july of last year, joy goedkoop accuses vincent wevers of physical and emotional abuse.
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in a recent interview with joy’s father, he explained how gymnasts always seem to wear a mask.
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he said that joy’s mother had once witnessed wevers hit joy. for a moment, joy’s mask was gone. they ordered him to their house, where he apologised, however it only seemed to exacerbate things— wevers was now more angry than before. after that, joy was too scared to tell her parents about any more incidents; ‘the mask’ was back.
the article also goes into how the last few years have been for her since her retirement in 2016:
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wevers has denied that he has ever physically abused an athlete, but said that when he first started out in the sport, he took on a ‘spartan’ approach.
he also worked with gerrit beltman, a belgian head coach from over a decade ago, who has admitted that he was both mentally and physically abusive. he recently claimed that a greater percentage of his athletes left the sport traumatised than they did unscathed. (!!???)
wevers does not want to be associated with him, of course, but simultaneously mentioned that he had ‘learnt a lot from him.’
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belgium is currently going through their own shit with abuse claims in the sport, but it’s not new issue. aagje vanwalleghem, a gymnast who competed for belgium, claims abuse has been ‘present here in belgium since the start of my top-class career in 2000 until today.’ in 2011, suzanne harmes and gabriëlla wammes made allegations of ill-treatment. in 2013, stasja köhler and simone heitinga published a book about the abuse they’d suffered at the hands of gerrit beltman— which, again, he has admitted to.
but here’s the kicker: the reason beltman was fired in 2008 (hence wevers bringing him to the netherlands to coach with him) was because he was allegedly too nice to the girls, fighting for them to have more time off from training than the flemish federation were willing to allow them. he was then replaced by none other than yves kieffer, nina derwael’s coach (we’ll come back to this later) and ex-coach of emilie lepennec and isabelle severino. kieffer originally wasn’t going to be considered for head coach due to allegations surfacing from french gymnast, cloe briand, who said she lived in constant fear of kieffer and was so frightened of him that she’d vomit before training sessions. actively refuting these claims from briand, the flemish fed decided to instate him anyway (and his wife, marjorie heuls— also derwael’s coach) as belgian head coach. yay! fuck you all!
at the time, severino of Stick It (2006) fame, defended kieffer— saying he was a ‘hot head’ but a good coach. fast forward to 2020, when (many, many) former belgian gymnasts came out about their experiences with kieffer and heuls, nina derwael claimed that she had ‘never seen any abuse’ and that ‘such practices are not happening today.’ the two coaches also allege to have ‘a clear conscience’.
after much backlash from the gymnastics community, an ‘open letter from the gymnasts of team belgium’ was written about how the accusations of abuse had been affecting them.
top dutch gymnasts share a similar story. eythora thorsdottir claimed she didn’t want to continue her career without her now-suspended coach, patrick kiens.
thorsdottir and celine van gerner took to instagram to thank ex-head coach gerben wiersma after he stepped down as head coach yesterday.
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wiersma’s name was mentioned by joy goedkoop. she said that the physical abuse had stopped when she went to train with him, but she was still treated ‘inhumanely’.
it’s also worth noting that there are other gymnasts claiming abuse under gerben and wevers, however they choose to remain anonymous. complaints were made years prior, but the dutch gymnastics association KNGU did not take the allegations seriously.
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task-fr · 3 years
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Hewwo hewwo I have numerous 8th FR Anniversary lore babies to sell-*rattles jar of coins*
All are 25k treasure, Plague aesthetic Ridgebacks, & named to prevent being exalted unnamed :’)
Putting full list of hatchlings (w/links) under a read-more!
(If links are broken they have sold)
Thanks for reading!
1st Nest: Nettle x Balthazar (Likely last nest with Nettle from ol’ Balthy..)
Elhokar | Female | Strawberry/Blood/Chartreuse | Paint/Eyespots/Gembond
Nadina | Male | Blood/Blood/Mantis | Piebald/Eyespots/Spines
2nd Nest: Sorrow x Kaitaka
Orpehus | Female | Red/Crimson/Green | Bar/Seraph/Spines
Yahaloma | Female | Crimson/Crimson/Radioactive | Bar/Seraph/Spines
Badar | Male | Carmine/Crimson/Pear | Bar/Seraph/Spines
3rd Nest: Baal x Stasja
Narrik | Female  | Berry/Blood/Radioactive | Vipera/Eyespots/Gembond
Kaho | Male  | Cerise/Blood/Leaf | Vipera/Eyespots/Gembond
Salvage | Female  | Berry/Blood/Radioactive | Vipera/Eyespots/Gembond
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askmyocsyo · 5 years
5 - curtis, 9 - stasja, 10 - kira, 16 - angelica, 19 - jaeger, 21 - akane, 24 - haruki, 28 - koyuki, 32 - juniper, 35 - ulrika
Curtis -  Q: Is it better to hurt others before they hurt you or let yourself be walked all over and hurt by others? 
A: Of course it would be better to hurt others than let others walk all over you! There is no way I’m going to let someone hurt me ever again!
Stasja - Q:  Can people be held accountable for things people close or related to them did or are they innocent? 
A: I suppose that depends on if that said person that is related or close to knew about or possibly had a small hand in it with whatever they did. It also depends on the severity of what they have done. Now, if we are done here, I’ll take my leave. I’m a very busy person.
Kira - Q:  If a lot of people, possibly innocent people, have to die in order to make a real change, is it worth it? Can you live with their deaths even if it helps people in the present? 
A: I... I don’t think anyone should have to die. There has to be another way to help people without killing.
Angelica - Q:  Have you ever contemplated killing someone? Who and why? Would you ever act on it? Are you frightened you might? 
A: Haha, of course I’ve contemplated on killing someone! Hell, I HAVE killed people. Back during our bandit times, there was this one guy who kept pissing me off. He just wouldn’t stop messing up and stealing from all of his fellow bandit mates, but he messed up BIG when he stole from a poor family that couldn’t even pay for food. So, he had to go! Does that answer your question?
Jaeger -  Q: What is more likely a thought to you – that this world is wrong or that you are wrong?                                                                                               
A: In the past years I’d think I would be wrong. Now, I don’t know.
Akane -  Q:  Are there people in this world you simply think the world would be better without? If you could erase them out of existence without physically murdering them, would you? A: I do feel there are people who should be put to justice for any crime they have committed, IF they have committed one that is. If you “erase” them, wouldn’t that basically be murdering someone? Because, in a sense, you would still be getting rid of something that was once living.
. Haruki - Q:  How do you feel about tears? Are they cowardly and weak? Do you cry? Would you consider that shameful?
A: I don’t think there is anything wrong with tears! But I suppose that depends on why are there tears. Like, are they tears of joy or did someone cause those tears? I can’t stand when people cause other people tears just for their own enjoyment, it’s sickening! I don’t consider tears cowardly and weak. There can be strength in tears. Have I cried? Um, well, of course I have, who hasn’t, especially when they were first born! No, I don’t really consider tears shameful, unless you have something to be ashamed about.
Koyuki - Q:  How long would you wait for the one you love? A year? Fifteen years? Forever? Could you honestly be loyal to an unfulfilled love? A: What is this? Ask a zillion questions time?? “How long would you wait for the one I lo-” wait, what kind of stupid question is this!? I’m not answering this, NEXT!
Juniper - Q:  If you could choose to remove certain feelings such as anger, confusion, sadness, would you remove them? A: If I could remove feelings such as anger, confusion, and sadness, I wouldn’t remove them. All emotions is essential to be able to grow as a person. .
. Ulrika - Q:  Is every person in this world wholly unique or can they be categorized? Can they be grouped and mentally dissected? Are you just another sheep in another flock or are you the sole unique soul?
A: Well, I think every person is unique, of course the level of uniqueness varies from person to person. I’m not too interested in there mentality. I’m more interested in there internal workings, like the heart! The heart is what is so fascinating! Did you know that some people experience different cravings of food from what they normally crave and do not really eat after receiving a heart transplant? It’s just so interesting!
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meltingcliffs-fr · 5 years
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13 - Stasja
Was struck by lightning on his way to a job, scorned by the lightning flight and cast out as a result
Missing most of both wings - incapable of flight
has a massive scar that runs along his spine down his back, as well as partway up his neck and down his tail
Missing both antlers: one broken off, the other removed
Suffered serious damage to mind and body, spent a significant amount of time unable to walk due to lack of balance
One horn was broken during the crash, he had the other removed so the weight on his head was distributed right to avoid damage to his neck
Is currently attempting to build prosthetic wings so he can fly again and return to the Shifting Expanse stronger than when he left and maybe be accepted by the flight again
Suffers serious ptsd over the crash, consistent nightmares and phantom pain in his missing wings
Builds all of the technology in the melting cliffs lair
Expert with electricity/building/tinkering
Generally sad and depressed over his inability to fly - the hanging bridges in the melting cliffs help alleviate some of that
Sells his failed designs to travelers to fund his project
Is my personal favorite baby but don’t tell anyone
Send me a number between 1-30!
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ruurdsnotes · 4 years
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Zondag 12 april – Een open brief van 170 Nederlandse wetenschappers met vijf voorstellen om Nederland na de Corona-crisis duurzamer en eerlijker te maken.
We luisteren nu naar het RIVM. En dat pakt duidelijk goed uit. Is het een idee nu ook naar deze experts te luisteren?
We kunnen Nederland radicaal duurzamer en eerlijker maken: vijf voorstellen voor Nederland na Corona.
OVID-19 doet de wereld op haar grondvesten schudden. De coronapandemie heeft nu al talloze levens gekost en ontwricht, terwijl hulpverleners keihard werken om zieken te verzorgen en verdere verspreiding te voorkomen. De strijd om de enorme persoonlijke en maatschappelijke verliezen te beperken verdient onze waardering en steun. Tegelijkertijd is het van belang om deze pandemie in een historische context te plaatsen om in de toekomst een herhaling van fouten uit het verleden te vermijden.
Het feit dat COVID-19 inmiddels grote economische consequenties heeft gekregen is mede het gevolg van het dominante economische model van de afgelopen dertig jaar. Dit neoliberale model vereist een steeds maar groeiende circulatie van goederen en mensen, ongeacht de talloze ecologische problemen en de toenemende ongelijkheid die dit veroorzaakt. Gedurende de afgelopen weken zijn de zwaktes van deze groeimachine pijnlijk blootgelegd. Zo zijn we onder meer getuige van grote bedrijven die de hand ophouden op het moment dat de vraag naar hun goederen en diensten ook maar even wegvalt, precaire banen die verloren gaan en een toenemende druk op gezondheidssystemen die sowieso al onder grote druk stonden. Opmerkelijk genoeg bestempelt de overheid nu juist die beroepsgroepen als ‘cruciaal’ die nog niet zo lang geleden moesten strijden voor erkenning en een beter salaris: de medische zorg, de ouderenzorg, het openbaar vervoer en het onderwijs.
Een andere zwakte van het huidige systeem is de verbinding tussen het huidige economische ontwikkelingsmodel, het verlies van belangrijke functies van ecosystemen en biodiversiteit en de mogelijkheden voor ziektes zoals COVID-19 om zich snel te verspreiden. De dramatische gevolgen hiervan zouden drastisch kunnen verergeren als we niet overstappen op een ander vorm van ontwikkeling, voorbij ‘business-as-usual’. De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie schat dat er jaarlijks 4,2 miljoen mensen sterven aan luchtvervuiling, en dat de gevolgen van klimaatverandering tussen 2030 en 2050 naar verwachting een extra 250.000 doden per jaar zullen veroorzaken. Experts waarschuwen er voor dat in geval van verdere aantasting van ecosystemen er een verhoogde kans is op nieuwe en krachtigere virusuitbraken.
Dit alles vraagt om doortastende maatregelen en het zo snel mogelijk in gang zetten van een post-COVID-19-tijdperk. Hoewel de huidige crisis ook enkele positieve consequenties heeft gehad – zoals de toename van collectieve actie en solidariteit, verminderde vervuiling en broeikasgasemissies – zullen deze veranderingen tijdelijk en marginaal blijken wanneer een bredere politieke en economische omslag niet wordt gerealiseerd. Het is daarom van belang om ons te verdiepen in de vraag hoe de huidige situatie omgezet kan worden in meer duurzame, eerlijke, gezonde, en veerkrachtige vormen van samenleven en ontwikkeling.
Dit beknopte manifest, ondertekend door 170 in Nederland werkende academici die zich bezig houden met internationale ontwikkelingsvraagstukken, presenteert, op basis van bestaand onderzoek en kennis, een vijftal voorstellen voor Nederland na Corona:
1) Vervanging van het huidige ontwikkelingsmodel gericht op generieke groei van het BNP, door een model dat onderscheid maakt tussen sectoren die mogen groeien en investeringen nodig hebben (de zogenoemde cruciale publieke sectoren, schone energie, onderwijs en zorg) en sectoren die radicaal moeten krimpen, gegeven hun fundamentele gebrek aan duurzaamheid of hun rol in het aanjagen van overmatige consumptie (zoals bijvoorbeeld de olie-, gas-, mijnbouw-, en reclamesectoren).
2) Ontwikkeling van een economisch beleid gericht op herverdeling, dat voorziet in een universeel basisinkomen, ingebed in solide sociaal beleid; een forse progressieve belasting op inkomen, winst en vermogen; kortere werkweken en het delen van banen; en erkenning van de intrinsieke waarde van zorgverlening en essentiële publieke diensten zoals onderwijs en gezondheidszorg.
3) Overgang naar een circulaire landbouw, gebaseerd op het behoud van biodiversiteit, duurzame, veelal lokale voedselproductie, vermindering van vleesproductie en werkgelegenheid met eerlijke arbeidsvoorwaarden.
4) Vermindering van consumptie en reizen, met een radicale afname van luxueuze en verspillende vormen, richting noodzakelijke, duurzame en betekenisvolle vormen van consumptie en reizen.
5) Kwijtschelding van schulden, voornamelijk aan werknemers, zzp-ers en ondernemers in het MKB, maar ook aan ontwikkelingslanden (uit te voeren door zowel de rijkere landen als de internationale organisaties zoals IMF en Wereldbank).
Als wetenschappers en betrokken burgers zijn wij overtuigd dat deze stappen zullen bijdragen aan meer duurzame en gelijkwaardige samenlevingen; samenlevingen die beter bestand zijn tegen de schokken en eventuele pandemieën die ons nog staan te wachten. Wat ons betreft is de vraag niet langer óf we deze stappen moeten zetten maar hóe we dat gaan doen.
We kunnen er niet om heen dat deze crisis sommige mensen harder raakt dan anderen. Maar we kunnen de zwaarst getroffen groepen recht doen door beleidshervormingen in te zetten die zorgen dat toekomstige crises deze groepen – en ons allemaal – minder hard zullen treffen en tot minder angst zullen leiden, of mogelijk zelfs een volgende crisis kunnen voorkomen.
We roepen politici, beleidsmakers en onze medeburgers met klem op om te helpen deze transitie te verwezenlijken.
1. Murat Arsel, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 2. Ellen Bal, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 3. Bosman Batubara, IHE, Delft Universiteit en Universiteit van Amsterdam 4. Maarten Bavinck, Universiteit van Amsterdam 5. Pascal Beckers, Radboud Universiteit 6. Kees Biekart, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 7. Arpita Bisht, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 8. Cebuan Bliss, Radboud Universiteit 9. Rutgerd Boelens, Wageningen Universiteit 10. Simone de Boer, Leiden Universiteit 11. Jun Borras, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 12. Suzanne Brandon, Wageningen Universiteit 13. Arjen Buijs, Wageningen Universiteit 14. Bram Büscher, Wageningen Universiteit 15. Amrita Chhachhi, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 16. Kristen Cheney, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 17. Robert Coates, Wageningen Universiteit 18. Dimitris Dalakoglou, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 19. Jampel Dell’Angelo, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 20. Josephine Chambers, Wageningen Universiteit 21. Freek Colombijn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 22. Tine Davids, Radboud Universiteit 23. Sierra Deutsch, Wageningen Universiteit 24. Madi Ditmars, Afrika Studiecentrum Leiden 25. Guus Dix, Leiden Universiteit 26. Martijn Duineveld, Wageningen Universiteit 27. Henk Eggens, Royal Tropical Institute 28. Thomas Eimer, Radboud Universiteit 29. Flávio Eiró, Radboud Universiteit 30. Willem Elbers, Radboud Universiteit 31. Jaap Evers, IHE Delft Universiteit 32. Giuseppe Feola, Utrecht Universiteit 33. Milja Fenger, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 34. Andrew Fischer, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 35. Robert Fletcher, Wageningen Universiteit 36. Judith Floor, Open Universiteit en Wageningen Universiteit 37. Des Gasper, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 38. Lennie Geerlings, Leiden Universiteit 39. Julien-François Gerber, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 40. Jan Bart Gewald, African Studies Centre Leiden 41. Sterre Gilsing, Utrecht Universiteit 42. Cristina Grasseni, Leiden Universiteit 43. Erella Grassiani, Universiteit van Amsterdam 44. Joyeeta Gupta, Universiteit van Amsterdam 45. Wendy Harcourt, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 46. Janne Heederik, Radboud Universiteit 47. Henk van den Heuvel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 48. Silke Heumann, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 49. Thea Hilhorst, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 50. Helen Hintjens, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 51. Geoffrey Hobbis, Groningen Universiteit 52. Stephanie Hobbis, Wageningen Universiteit 53. Barbara Hogenboom, Universiteit van Amsterdam 54. Michaela Hordijk, Universiteit van Amsterdam 55. Sabine van der Horst, Utrecht Universiteit 56. Henk van Houtum, Radboud Universiteit 57. Edward Huijbens, Wageningen Universiteit 58. Kees Jansen, Wageningen Universiteit 59. Freek Janssens, Leiden Universiteit 60. Rosalba Icaza, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 61. Verina Ingram, Wageningen Economic Research en Wageningen Universiteit 62. Rivke Jaffe, Universiteit van Amsterdam 63. Shyamika Jayasundara-Smits, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 64. Joop de Jong, Amsterdam UMC 65. Rik Jongenelen, African Studies Centre, Leiden 66. Joost Jongerden, Wageningen Universiteit 67. Emanuel de Kadt, Utrecht Universiteit 68. Coco Kanters, Leiden Universiteit. 69. Agnieszka Kazimierczuk, African Studies Centre Leiden 70. Jeltsje Kemerink-Seyoum, IHE Delft Universiteit 71. Thomas Kiggell, Wageningen Universiteit 72. Mathias Koepke, Utrecht Universiteit 73. Michiel Köhne, Wageningen Universiteit 74. Anouk de Koning, Leiden Universiteit 75. Kees Koonings, Utrecht Universiteit en Universiteit van Amsterdam 76. Stasja Koot, Wageningen Universiteit 78. Martijn Koster, Radboud Universiteit 79. Rachel Kuran, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 80. Arnoud Lagendijk, Radboud Universiteit 81. Corinne Lamain, Erasmus Universiteit 82. Irene Leonardelli, IHE Delft Universiteit 83. Maggi Leung, Utrecht Universiteit 84. Yves van Leynseele, Universiteit van Amsterdam 85. Janwillem Liebrand, Utrecht Universiteit 86. Trista Chich-Chen Lin, Wageningen Universiteit 87. Andrew Littlejohn, Leiden Universiteit 88. Mieke Lopes-Cardozo, Universiteit van Amsterdam 89. Erik de Maaker, Leiden Universiteit 90. Žiga Malek, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 91. Ellen Mangnus, Wageningen Universiteit 92. Hans Marks, Radboud Universiteit 93. Jemma Middleton, Leiden Universiteit 94. Irene Moretti, Leiden Universiteit. 95. Esther Miedema, Universiteit van Amsterdam 96. Toon van Meijl, Radboud Universiteit 97. Miriam Meissner, Maastricht Universiteit 98. Adam Moore, Radboud Universiteit 99. Tsegaye Moreda, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 100. Oona Morrow, Wageningen Universiteit 101. Farhad Mukhtarov, Erasmus Universiteit 102. Nikki Mulder, Leiden Universiteit 103. Mansoob Murshed, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 104. Paul Mutsaers, Radboud Universiteit 105. Femke van Noorloos, Utrecht Universiteit 106. Martijn Oosterbaan, Utrecht Universiteit 107. Meghann Ormond, Wageningen Universiteit 108. Annet Pauwelussen, Wageningen Universiteit 109. Peter Pels, Leiden Universiteit 110. Lee Pegler, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 111. Lorenzo Pellegrini, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 112. Yvon van der Pijl, Universiteit Utrecht 113. Liedeke Plate, Radboud Universiteit 114. Fernande Pool, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 115. Metje Postma, Leiden Universiteit 116. Nicky Pouw, Universiteit van Amsterdam 117. CrelisRammelt, UniversiteitvanAmsterdam 118. Elisabet Rasch, Wageningen Universiteit 119. MarinadeRegt,VrijeUniversiteitAmsterdam 120. Ria Reis, Leiden Universiteit Medical Center 121. Andro Rilović, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 122. Tobias Rinke de Wit, UniversiteitvanAmsterdam 123. Claudia Rodríguez Orrego, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 124. Eva van Roekel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 125. MirjamRos-Tonen,UniversiteitvanAmsterdam 126. Martin Ruivenkamp, Wageningen Universiteit 127. Ary A. Samsura, Planologie, Radboud Universiteit 128. Annemarie Samuels, Leiden Universiteit 129. Ton Salman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 130. Younes Saramifar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 131. Federico Savini, Universiteit van Amsterdam 132. Joeri Scholtens, Universiteit van Amsterdam 133. Mindi Schneider, Wageningen Universiteit 134. Lau Schulpen, Radboud Universiteit 135. Peter Schumacher, Utrecht Universiteit 136. Amod Shah, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 137. Murtah Shannon, Utrecht Universiteit 138. Karin Astrid Siegmann, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 139. Sven da Silva, Radboud Universiteit 140. Giulia Sinatti, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 141. Lothar Smit, Radboud Universiteit 142. Marja Spierenburg, Leiden Universiteit 143. Rachel Spronk, Universiteit van Amsterdam 144. Antonia Stanojevic, Radboud Universiteit 145. Nora Stel, Radboud Universiteit 146. Marjo de Theije, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 147. Louis Thiemann, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 148. Lisa Trogisch, Wageningen Universiteit 149. Wendelien Tuyp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 150. Esther Veen, Wageningen Universiteit 151. Lieke van der Veer, Radboud Universiteit 152. Courtney Vegelin, Universiteit van Amsterdam 153. Hemalatha Venkataraman, Radboud Universiteit 154. Willemijn Verkoren, Radboud Universiteit 155. Gerard Verschoor, Wageningen Universiteit 156. Hebe V errest, Universiteit van Amsterdam 157. Bas Verschuuren, Wageningen Universiteit 158. Mark Vicol, Wageningen Universiteit 159. Oanne Visser, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 160. Anick Vollebergh, Radboud Universiteit 161. Roanne van Voorst, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 162. Pieter de Vries, Wageningen Universiteit 163. Vincent Walstra, Leiden Universiteit. 164. Maaike Westra, African Studies Centre Leiden 165. Mark Westmoreland, Leiden Universiteit 166. Niekkie Wiegink, Utrecht Universiteit 167. Saskia Wieringa, Universiteit van Amsterdam 168. Angela Wigger, Radboud Universiteit 169. Han Wiskerke, Wageningen Universiteit 170. Margreet Zwarteveen, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Alsmede de werkgroep voetafdruk Nederland (www.voetafdruk.eu)
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deadwapiti-fr · 7 years
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Children of Nilus and Ancietus! A pair of twins, and almost twins. They all come with lore in their bios and the freedom to try and reach out to their mother if they really desire. And they should grow up tomorrow
They’re all on the AH for 90kt! 
Godwin  ||   Stasja  ||  Brynna  ||  Ximena
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modulchannel-blog · 6 years
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Ĉu iu povas klarigi, kio estas kun mi? Ĉar mi ne komprenas. Tute ne.
Mi amis la unu junulinon, vere amis. Kaj mi pensis, ke ŝi ankaŭ. Mi pensis, ke ŝi estos kun mi al fino de vivo. Mi esperis pri tio. Jes, verŝajne, ĉi tio estis naive. Sed mi vere kredis, ĉar ŝi verigis min pri tio.
Kaj kion mi akiris? Mi estas murdita. Mi pli ne vivas. Mi ne sencas pli. En tion tage la parto de mi estis cindrata.
Nun mi murdiĝas. Per alkoholo, per cigaredoj kaj per venenigo de mia animo. Kaj neniu povas helpi min. Kaj ŝi... Ŝi nur ne zorgas. Kvazaŭ ni ne amis, kvazaŭ ŝi ne ekkonigis min kun ŝia familio, kvazaŭ niaj rilatoj signifis nenion.
Stasja... Kiam mi pensas pri vi, mi rememoras nur unu scenon: kiel ni sidas en vagono de metro, ni legas la librojn kaj via kapo kuŝas sur mia ŝultro. Ŝajne iu junulino fotografis nin. Kaj mi doloras pro tiel plie ne estos. Nek kun vi, nek kun iu alia.
Sed vi ne zorgas. Vi eĉ ne zorgas.
Mi estas murdita.
0 notes
task-fr · 3 years
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*bangs pots and pans together* get your lore dragons here!
Orpehus & Badar are lore children of Sorrow & her latest boytoy Kaitaka while Kaho is the last lore child of Baal & Stasja’s clutch that month. All three are anniversary date dragons (June 8th). Asking 25kt each.
Cutthroat was a fodder rescue but couldn’t get attached, asking 20kt (what I paid). Sickle was a Multi-Gaze born pre-eye vial update, asking 150g (what I paid as well).
Strain & Damianus are old lore dragons, both are unstatted level 10′s, the former is a low 8 digit of 6 years & the latter is a low 8 digit of 5 years. Damianus comes with art and a lore bio, while Strain has just a lore bio. Both are unbred. Unsure of what to price them at exactly, but I won’t take lower than 250kt or 250g each via CR.
L/i/n/k/s to said dragons below the readmore (if they’re broken then the dragon is sold):
Orpehus | F pose Ridgeback | Red/Crimson/Green | 25kt
Badar | M pose Ridgeback | Carmine/Crimson/Pear | 25kt
Kaho | M pose Ridgeback | Cerise/Blood/Leaf | 25kt
Cutthroat | F pose Ridgeback | Silver/Moon/Carmine | 20kt
Sickle | M pose Ridgeback | Blood/Berry/Blood | 150g
Strain | M pose Imperial | triple Blood | 250kt or 200g+
Damianus | M pose Imperial | triple Blood | 250kt or 200g+
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