priniv · 2 years
Starting my Journey
Don't know what Tumblr is
Maybe ll use as Diary or something
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Les go 😤😤
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jojonesgb-blog · 5 years
Post One
I’m Jo and I am writing this blog…
… so I can pass the Successful Mums’ ‘Back to Work & Digital Skills’ course I am currently enrolled on.
… but also so I can learn how to live my life better .
Last year my life took a turn that I didn’t expect or necessarily want (there were lots of times when I thought it was exactly what I wanted but I didn’t know myself very well then… I still don’t but I’m starting to want to find out). I now find myself unemployed and feeling like I will never find the right job. I know I have some good skills and that I am capable of learning new ones, but I don’t know what would make me happy. And I really, really want to be happy. I also really, really want a lovely job that makes me feel proud.
So I have started on a journey to find a lovely job that will make me happy and proud of myself. On this journey I am surrounded by generous and inspiring Mums, without whom I wouldn’t be writing this blog because I would have given up by now, but they keep giving me their time and encouragement and making me want to turn up to the sessions every week. I also have an amazing family that I need to do this for, because they deserve to have me living my best life and inspiring them to live their best life too.
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lks347 · 5 years
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The Prerequisites. #filter #hardwoodfloors #toes #guns #handguns #czp10csuppresorready #czp10c #czfirearms #contrast #pewpewlife #mynewgirlfriend @instructorzero #pewpew #startingmyjourney #pewpewlife #legionprecision #legionprecisioncomp #compensator #compact #letsgetit #discipline #focus #dotherightthing #dotherightthingforyou #loveforshootingprojectiles #shooting https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ubS_OnV4x/?igshid=1s1odvr6gdw4t
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musicbyshadow-blog · 6 years
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Today starts my official journey as a musician in progress. I downloaded Pro Tools and will be learning more how to use it. I hope to create my own songs very soon. For now, it’s time to learn and get in shape for what’s to come. I can’t wait to see my progress in the future.  Day One: Downloaded/Bought Pro Tools 
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moeybabyy · 7 years
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Look what showed up 👀📦💦💪🏽 #Startingmyjourney #keto #lifestylechanges #ketones #kreme #splash #pruvit #fatforfuel #betterfuel #peaceoutcarbage #imabouttobeskinny #dmifanyquestions
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Hi! 🖐🏻 My name is Samantha and I am starting a personal discovery as well as a weight loss journey! This is me at my heaviest weight at 290 pounds. I've joined Weight Watchers and have joined Planet Fitness. My goal is to lose 100 pounds by my birthday in 2019. (December 29, 2019) I am also going to be posting about finding myself as I go through these changes. Let's get this started and make some crazy lifestyle changes! 😊
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This was me on 01/04/18. I weighed 232 pounds, down from 242 pounds on Thanksgiving, which is the highest I’ve ever weighed in my entire life. I’m documenting this because not only do I want to document my journey to getting healthy, but I also want to stop being afraid of the camera. I want to stop hating pictures. I want to know that my belly is cute (even though I’m trying to make it smaller, and it will still be cute then), that my dress is working, and my eyebrows are still fierce.
This morning, I was 227 pounds. My next monthly goal is 02/03/18, and I hope to be 220. I just joined Weight Watchers again. I needed the structure otherwise I just have no idea what to do with myself. I’m really loving it because it’s showing me that I can eat and not feel hungry, I just have to make the best choices for my body. So, tomorrow I go to the grocery store after work, and Saturday I start my meal plan for the week. I chose one this week with not a lot of cooking because I want to see if eating 5 - 6 times a day every day is doable in terms of prep. This week’s meal plan:
Breakfast: Waffle with Lemony Ricotta and Blueberries
Morning snack: Egg and Cucumber Rounds
Lunch: Roast Beef Sandwich with Broccoli Slaw
Afternoon snack: Cheesy Celery with Hot Sauce
Dinner: Greek Salad with Feta and Olives, Prosciutto Wrapped Melon
Dessert: Strawberries and Cream Chocolate Cookie Sandwich
Holy cow, that seems like a lot of food! But the meal plan I’ve been on has left me hungry and cranky, so maybe this will be better for me. I’m just trying to listen to my body and do right by it. 
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camera-9irl · 7 years
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Look who’s got herself an IMDB?! This girl!! 🙌 . . . . . #filmmaker #director #imdb #movies #startingmyjourney #success
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bithjaaurelien · 7 years
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#TipOfTheIceberg #OpeningMyEyes #StartingMyJourney #LookingForHistory
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iateyocookies78 · 8 years
The beginning
i can bench 100 lbs!!!!! like damn y`all back in my freshman year i could barley lift the bar and it was only 25 pounds! now my senior year and i`m up 100 lbs ha i`ve got myself to thank for this :) Not sure how i did it because i haven`t done any training in between but i`m very proud and excited to official say i am starting my weight loss journey!!! too bad i don`t know how much i weigh
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The Life of a Seeker
I have awakened. I now know about choice. I now know about my power. Today I am choosing... Choosing to be a seeker. To seek amongst the stars and reach the highest one. To seek for answers not yet found. To seek for balance and clarity. Today I choose to start my journey. To walk along my path that my eyes are now open to. I will not give up because this is MY life MY choice MY destiny. I’m writing this out not to gain followers, not to share with people my journey, but to release my inner being into what will one day be my story and if along the way my children read this I hope they become the seeker I became. I will always tell them, “be a seeker, find your truths, for you create your destiny and only you control it, only you can choose. Be the seeker you were born to be.” 
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amorningcommute · 11 years
Wow, am I really doing this?
I’ve been wanting to start this blog for a long time. This post has literally been saved as a draft for over a year. After all that time of being fearful to publish my words on the interwebs, my leap of faith has come. 
I recently went through (and am continuing to go through) a huge transitional journey. Rather than bore you with the details, I hope that this blog serves as a small gift I can offer from my newfound appreciation of life, acceptance that we’re only human, and intention to just live in the moment.
But this is as much as gift to myself, as it is to anyone who may stumble upon it. This documentation is a part of my practice to willingly live a full and happy life, starting with the considerable shift from discursive neuroticism to active presence. Experiencing my world as it is, every single day. My loaded attempt to give energy into things that matter and discarding those that don’t. And above all, my gratitude throughout.
We can choose to clumsily stumble through our day-to-day, distracted by our own fears and annoyed by our routine…
Or we can choose to see the magic in the seemingly mundane.
So put down the coffee, take out those ear buds, and open your eyes.
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