#starter: sienna
beaxtifxldirtyrich · 21 days
✩ OPEN ⨾ @rhapsxdydivine @cxtyofstxrs ✩ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ⨾ Equinox in Los Angelos
"Being your friend should come with a warning label."
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angelslaain · 1 year
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It took her a second before she could look at him in the eyes. Sienna didn't even really realize he was there, and she had no clue how long she'd been sitting on the floor in the only secluded hallway she could find on set in the first place. One minute? Five minutes? "Oh."
She cleared her throat. "Sorry, Mr. Wynter, I was just, uh..." Taking a break. The truth was, she was getting picked on by some of the other special effects and makeup crew. They'd been working on something involving blood, and while she could accept it was part of her job, she opted not to help out with it if she didn't have to. They called her a scaredy cat for it, but she was struck by memories doused in red, pure red. Avoiding a full blown panic attack, she ran off. And it led her here.
"I'll get back to work. Sorry." // @wynterlanding
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lucasxroden · 11 months
Lucas appreciated that Sienna offered to help him with ideas, since he was trying some menu items. He made his way to her place, but he didn't come empty handed. He brought some dessert for them, vegan of course. He knocked on the door with the dessert in his hand. He knew that having her input would mean a lot to him, especially being from one restaurant owner to another. @siennaxjohnson
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siennagreerrp · 1 year
Location: Ormond's Grocery Status: Open Starter ( @hidehillstart )
Sienna usually preferred an early morning shopping trip, but she'd pulled doubles at The Pet Doctor the past two days. So here she was at 6pm, still in her navy scrubs, a grocery basket hooked around her elbow as she meandered through the store. She'd been so busy between work, and going through her grandfather's affairs, she hadn't realized how empty the pantry and fridge had gotten. A box of cinnamon toast crunch, a box of spaghetti and a jar of pasta, some microwave meals, she was going for quick and easy. But the produce section caught her eye. The strawberries were the largest and most delightful shade of red, and the grapes...not a bad looking one in the bunch. She added both to her grocery basket, which was now getting heavier than she intended, and whirled around with the intention of making a beeline for the register before she added more weight to her basket.
"Oh!" She collided with another body, in such shock she couldn't tell whether her purchases hit the floor or theirs. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I wasn't paying attention..."
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elpida · 1 year
closed starter for @sxrcerxss
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sienna venri would have normally put the noise she heard down to anything other than wind or perhaps a particularly bad snow storm, but no snow storm had ever slammed the front door of this palace quite like that. she went running down the spiral staircase, her feet echoing in the taps of her quick pace hitting against the gleaming tiled floors. a person, but it couldn't be, could it? she knew the rumours, everyone believed her to be a monster. the thing that liked in the castle, something similar to that of a childs night terrors, the bump in the night, the whisper in the cold wind. what kind of person would come looking for a nightmare? what kind of person would look upon her and not see the same failure that she saw?
it stunned her, to see another human there in her hallway. this hadn't originally been her palace but it certainly was now. her palace and her prison. she couldn't help but stare at him. her fingers tingled with this twitching need to help him when she realised that he was in fact, hurt. he must have been cold to, the winters worsened here year after year after all. worse and worse since they trapped away their sunshine all those years ago. her fingers twitched with that same need to help but she felt so.. frozen to the spot. what if she was no help at all? that was her fear.
her lips parted to speak and yet at first she couldn't speak, her words momentarily lost in the dryness of her throat. "h—" she stopped to swallow thickly. "hello." her voice was perhaps quieter than it would have once been but in time that confidence might return. sienna stepped forward, more in to the light that shone off the silky nature of her dark waves of hair, that cast warmth on to her olive toned flesh. "are you hurt?" her eyes, dark pools of voided night, each reflection shimmering starlight. "might i come forward? if i could.." her hands wavered out in front of her tentatively. those nervous digits were nothing to fear and yet, she stood there so fearful that perhaps he just saw a monster there, claws and chaos at the ready. "if i could come closer, i can help take the pain away. i promise you, i have no ill intent.. my name is sienna, i was a healer, i am a healer." a person, a real person. here, in the flesh.
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siiinfully · 7 months
@audaxbellator gets a (s)exting starter for graham from sienna
[ sent 3:00pm ] got room for an afternoon snack? [ sent 3:01pm ] snow took her for the afternoon, so it's just me ;)
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“So...I have news.” Excitement bubbled inside her at the knowledge she had. This next step in her life would sky rocket her out of music and into something even more lucrative; make-up.
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thecdcredubancwski · 9 months
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Theo laughed, "Yeah, that sounds like something he would do," he agreed after Sienna told him a story from his time away from work while he was injured, "I can't believe you only told me that now. Have you been saving that story up?" he joked.
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darksidefuta · 10 months
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"I'm in the mood to pound some cute human girls silly."
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cynthiaclearwater · 1 year
🥤 - cool off with a cold beverage - @siennawilkinson
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"I believe this was very much needed," Cynthia said, taking a sip of the Tango Ice Blast, "You can't beat a drink made mostly of ice on a day like this. Don't you think?"
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angelslaain · 1 year
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"You seem to really like what you do," the brunette told the nurse across the waiting room of the doctor's office, a soft smile adorning the corner of her lips. Sienna was in for her weekly appointment with her therapist, so she'd seen him before a handful of times—she just hadn't had the bravery to say hello before. Perhaps she was sick of looking at the dull paintings on the wall or tired of the book she held in her lap, but an unknown feeling tugged at her to say something to him. She wished she knew his name; she couldn't read his nametag from where she sat. // @horrifiying — ethan
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atvrvxia · 2 years
&. @swtsours​
based on the stuff we plotted ( 1 / 2 )
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                      “SIENNA? SIENNA, baby, please,” luigi pleaded as he knocked repeatedly on her door. he hadn’t meant to let the meeting run late; so late that by the time he was done, it was nearly six hours after they were supposed to meet. “i’m sorry for standing you up. please answer the door...”
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fiinalgiirls · 2 years
tovah & siena, @persephonyed​.
chad lyons was prom king. he was a varsity jacket. he was the guy who carried the keg into the house party. the guy who carried your books home from school for you. the guy who helped your mother with the dishes after dinner (if her parents would’ve allowed her to have a boy over for dinner). he was earnest and kind. he was going to college on a lacrosse scholarship like every other special, earnest boy in america. until he wasn’t. until his dominant hand was devoured by the a girl who didn’t even make the prom ballot. she wasn’t carrie white, but she was somewhere in between her and cher horowitz.
things got much worse after that for tovah. of course chad blamed her for the loss of his hand, but no one really believe that. he’d been mauled by a wild animal and it was the trauma of it that made him blame her. people felt sorry for tovah, as well as chad. it made them popular, but not in the right kinda way. at least tovah had been baptized a girl and come out the other end a saint in the blood of her first love. until the other night.
her first night in town after a good season alone as a park ranger. who really knows when the video could’ve been sent, but it pinged on her phone the second she hit cell service. someone’s shaky hand had captured chad and tovah, lips pressed together in the back of his jeep on the warm spring night, lit clearly underneath a full moon. a red halo framed the moon above and tovah had chuckled when she saw it. just like practical magic, she’d thought. the sender left no name. no demands. just the video and an address. not even a date or time. it made her blood boil, singing hot inside her like the howl of a wolf. 
she needed help from someone. a person who’d been around a hell of a lot longer than she had. since her change, she didn’t keep in touch with many wolves, but a few were worth talking to. everyone needed a pack. she dialed up sonja once she hit the road who gave her the address of someone much older than any of them and, probably more dangerous. whether or not she’d help tovah was anyone’s guess and it was with that trepidation that she made the trek to check the woman’s current local haunts (she was a nomad, like any of them after all). before finding her in a bar decorated as if marie antoinette had ever seen the inside of a warehouse in industrial seattle. there were few things that tovah feared more than herself, but vampires were up there. 
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“no chance in hell you’d be interested in helping a wolf with a problem?” she asked the back of the woman’s head, squinting her eyes in an indulgent blink before circling to face her. “sonja sent me.” she clarified, wishing she’d stayed in the woods and avoided this whole mess altogether. only it would’ve found her anyway. the wrong things always did. “i think i’m about to have a bit of an image problem.” the problem being that people would see beyond the image of an outdoorsy blonde girl and instead know the wolf underneath.
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ambitionbled-arch · 2 years
      ˖ ✶ ❛  you make me smile … and also super horny, but that’s not the point.  ❜ 
//  @iiingenious  liked this post for a short sentence starter.
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elpida · 1 year
closed for @persephonyed from wishlist
sienna really hated being dragged to these dinners. her parents were posh, extremely posh and she never felt like she fit into what they wanted, adopted and very different from their natural born son, her brother. he'd become a golden boy the minute he was born and she couldn't help but feel pushed aside. they fronted the cost of her business, a florist with the most beautiful shop and yet that was never enough. it was never what her brother was doing, he was going to be a lawyer and she already knew that was all they'd talk about tonight, though how could she be ungrateful? without them she'd have been left in a care home, a frightened girl, given up.
the night prior she'd got in a bit of trouble, see she was a sweet person up until you offended her friends or made them uncomfortable and one guy at a bar had made her friend very uncomfortable. it ended up sienna shouting her mouth off, defending her friend without little to much thought about anything else. the same guy jumped her on her way home that night, mugged her, took her phone and wallet and that was fine, a phone could be replaced and cards could be cancelled and replaced but it's what they'd elft her with that wasn't all that easy to fix. she'd gone straight to the bathroom on arrival and was seemingly camping out there, trying to use concealer and foundation to cover the purple bruised eye, the bruise having formed today... but there was no hiding the bust lip, or the fact she'd carelessly rubbed her nose and it started bleeding again. the door was half open and she didn't realise she'd left it like that until she caught the sight of the other in the mirror, they'd never got along.. always bickered ever since they first started coming to these dinner parties, showed face as her parents said. "i can move, if you need the toilet or something.." she mumbles, holding tissue to her nose, her other hand white knuckle gripping the side of the sink. she very clearly wasn't up to being here but heaven forbid she not come, she'd never finish being berated for it. "oh— fuck." she cursed under her breath, a little blood dripping to her hand that now cupped her face.
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siiinfully · 2 years
starter for @isitrecording​ from: sienna verse: main
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Curiosity might have killed a cat, but in her case, it revealed something very interesting about Jake. She’d had her suspicions for a long time, but it was only now, with her feeling his hot breath on the back of her neck, that they were confirmed. “What a naughty puppy,” she murmured, looking back at him over her shoulder. She could see him in the eyes of the being behind her, and she shook her rear at him to entice him to take her.
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