#starter call | jeong jimin.
star-paths · 10 months
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Click the ♥ for a small starter from Jeong Jimin!
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕚𝕠
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borathae · 5 years
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↳ Index [#01 Act One: A Fateful Meeting] 
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 4.3k
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Today is the day where your life will change forever. You don’t know it yet, all you are aware of as of right now is that today is going to be your first day on the nationwide acclaimed “Mukunghwa Private School of Music and Arts”.
You are currently standing in front of the three story-high, European style building, holding your information brochure tightly in one hand and a bottle of spring water in your other. The facades of the building are painted in a dirty white, having an ecru look to if if the sun hits it just right. The red roof shines in the midday sun, it looks new without a single speck of moss or dirt on it. You let your eyes wander over the rows and rows of tall, white-framed windows. Most of them are closed, but every now and then, you can spot an opened one and if you listen closely enough, music comes out of them.
Listening to the sweet melodies of the people practicing makes you smile. This is exactly the kind of place you have dreamed of attending ever since you were a little girl. Now all there is left to do is to go inside and try to fit in. God, how much you dread it. You are terrible at human interactions.
You take a deep breath, watching the flags with the school logo – a white hibiscus on a forest green background – on them, dance in the wind.
You can do this, just smile at people, be friendly to them and nothing can go wrong. You take one last deep breath.
Let’s do this.
Now that you have finally found your courage, you start walking up the white gravel paths to the building. The big ebony doors are opened widely and fellow students scurry in and out of them, all of them too busy with seemingly being stressed to pay you any mind. Good, you don’t need a hundred pairs of curious eyes on you.
The school looks just as beautiful on the inside as it does from the outside. The ceiling is high above your head and beautiful frescoes stretch all over the otherwise white canvas. You take a moment to look at every single painting. Drawings of nature and people are next to music related pictures, musical notes, dancing people, instruments. It fits perfectly into the “vibe” of the school.
Gosh, look at you being all giddy and excited over some paintings on the ceiling. You lower your head quickly, looking around the entrance hall to see if someone had watched you. Everyone seems busy, not one pair of eyes meets yours. Good, that means your short fangirl moment stayed unnoticed.
You decide to finally walk down the hallways to your classroom. A-1-15, so it reads in the mail you had gotten last week. You checked the school's website and according to it, your classroom is situated on the right wing of the building on ground level. A lecture hall as well as the women’s bathrooms are next to it.
After some looking around and reading the room numbers under your breath, you have finally found it.
The lecture has already started when you enter. The teacher, a young lady probably in her thirties, stops for a moment to greet you and then continues on with her teachings. The students however seem to pay her no mind anymore, having found great liking in watching you scurry to an empty seat. Only when you had sat down and had started to stare into your textbook with your cheeks feeling on fire, the curious heads turn back to the teacher.
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The lecture soon finds its end and once the teacher has announced the reading you must do at home, the students get ready to leave for their next lecture.
You are in the middle of stuffing your textbook into your bag, when you start to feel two pairs of eyes on you. You look up, instantly locking eyes with a blond-haired man across the room. His hair is parted in the middle, revealing some parts of his forehead. His eyes are blue, probably contacts, looking you up and down. His cheeks are on the puffier side of the spectrum, all to the contrast of his sharp jawline and muscular neck. He licks his lips, they look pink even from far away. He is definitely what you would consider handsome. And because of it, you find yourself slightly panicking when the man starts to strut over to you with confidence in his steps. Don’t mess this up, you got this, just smile and let him talk. He is coming closer, dear oh dear. One thing is for sure this man knows how to walk to capture someone’s attention. He definitely got yours, by the way his hips move from side to side and it definitely doesn’t help that he is styled from head to toe. His white button-up is tucked neatly into his black jeans, which are secured by a black leather belt and a black leather jacket accentuates his figure all the more.
Smile, just smile, don’t let him notice that you are checking him out. It’s inappropriate, you don’t even know his name yet and there you are thirsting over him.
But before you can mentally scold yourself for being too thirsty, the man arrives by your side.
“Hello, you must be ___, the new girl. I’m Jimin, nice to meet you”, the blond man says, offering you his hand to shake with a big smile on his face, one that reaches his eyes and turns them into little crescent moons.
Jimin. That name fits him, sweet to the ear, just like his voice.
“Hello Jimin. Nice to meet you too.”
Jimin’s smile grows as he bows his head at you.
Suddenly a dark-brown-haired man appears right next to him, looking at you with curious eyes. The man has the biggest doe eyes you have ever seen. Cute. He gives you whiplash actually, his soft face with his bambi eyes and puffy cheeks make you want to ruffle his hair, but when you take a look further down his body, that desire turns into wanting to pull on his strands instead. The yellow shirt hugs his upper body tightly, his obvious muscles stretching it out when he goes to shake your hand.
“Hey I’m Jungkook. And you are?” he asks, his voice is deeper than that of his friend.
His handshake is firm, hurting your knuckles. You’ve been staring too long at his chest. Oh, no. You avert your gaze to his eyes, clearing your throat.
“___. The new girl, you know from the countryside?” you say, trying to sound as normal as possible.
“Oh! ___! Yes, I’ve heard of you already. Miss Jeong talked about you last week, she said that we'll soon have a new student in our class.”
“Yep, that was probably me she was talking about.”
“It’s your first day today, right?” Jimin asks, never once breaking eye contact.
You nod.
“Did you already have time to look around the school?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.
“No, sadly I didn’t.”
At that both Jungkook and Jimin gasp as if shocked. They look at each other for a moment, communicating silently.
“Do you want us to give you a little tour?” Jungkook suggests.
Their offer sounds intriguing. You think it over for a moment. You have no other classes today and would probably spend the rest of your day being bored at home. So why not? Besides, they both seem nice.
“Sure, that would be really nice of you”, you say, smiling at them.
“Great!” Jimin claps into his hands, "let's get going then. We have a lot to show you."
Gosh, he really looks endearing when he smiles like that. You can’t stop yourself from grinning back at him, feeling giddy.
Soon the tour around the school begins. Jimin and Jungkook show you the various classrooms and lecture halls on the ground floor first. It is nothing exciting really, just some white-walled rooms with rows and rows of work desks in front of an old-school chalkboard. So soon, they lead you upstairs to the “more exciting things”, as Jimin liked to call it.
“So ___, why did you decide to move here? I heard your town has its own music program. Why move so far away?” Jungkook asks.
“I mean, I did try our local music program, but as you can imagine it was...how shall I put it? A little too countryside-ish for me.”
“I see, I see. So that’s why you came here. And how are you liking our school so far? Is it better than your program?”
You shrug your shoulders.
“I can’t quite say yet, it’s definitely more expensive however.”
Both Jimin and Jungkook chuckle at that, nodding their heads in agreement.
“Yeah, the prices here are the only things that legitimately suck”, Jungkook says.
They lead you past the toilets and two more classrooms, before they stop at the first room. The door is closed and when you read the sign you soon realise that it is the first of many practice rooms.
“The violin club uses this room. Sometimes the cello students too, as well as the contrabass people”, Jimin explains.
“Basically it’s the string instruments practice room”, Jungkook throws in, “and one door further the wind instruments practice their pieces. It can get quite noisy sometimes. Especially when the horns decide to practice some Gallay.”
Jimin snorts at that, gently bumping his elbow into your side to get you to agree with them. You laugh, nodding your head. They are definitely not wrong, especially for starters Gallay is a lot to handle.
They soon continue their tour, leading you past the practice rooms for the theater club and the drums room, out of which a loud drum solo rings. It still sounds a little rough, vast of rhythm, but you are sure that with a little more practice the person playing is going to be just fine.
Jimin stops in his tracks all of a sudden, making you nearly bump into him if you hadn’t stopped quickly enough. He turns around. A mischievous grin is on his face, his eyes sparkling.
“This-“, he points to the opened room to your right, “-is our practice room. Come on, let’s get inside”, he says, pulling you with him by your arm.
His hand feels firm around your muscle, squeezing it softly enough to not actually hurt you but hard enough to let you know that this isn’t some innocent action. This sneaky man is trying to flirt with you and once he turns around and releases your arm by stroking his fingers down your skin, your assumption turns out to be true. He smirks, acting as if you aren’t completely flustered right now.
“It’s definitely not one of the biggest rooms, but at least it has some character to it. You see that hole over there?” he asks pointing at a dent in the floor.
You can see from the corner of your eye that Jungkook had lowered his head, as if he is getting embarrassed.
“Jungkook once accidentally dropped a mic stand and somehow managed to put a hole into the floor”, Jimin says before breaking out into laughter.
“God damn it Jimin, do you really need to tell everyone this story?” Jungkook whines, pouting.
“Yeah I do, it’s funny. You should have seen his face ___. His eyes were like three times as big as they normally are”, Jimin laughs even harder, holding onto his friend’s shoulder whilst simultaneously holding his stomach.
His laughter is contagious, you can’t help but join in and soon Jungkook joins you too, after some extensive evil glaring of course.
Making friends here is easier as you had thought. Laughing with Jimin and Jungkook feels natural, as if you had known each other for years. Maybe you don’t need to be as alone as you had feared.
Once your laughter had calmed down, Jungkook shows you the rest of the practice room. Where the microphones and microphone stands are, where to store your sheet music if you ever were too lazy to take them home with you and where to write down your name after leaving the practice room (for safety reasons, so people know who to blame if something gets missing).
You walk back to Jimin, giving him a shy smile.
“Where do you guys want to take me next?”
Jimin shrugs his shoulders, leaning against the door frame.
“I don’t know. You decide. More practice rooms or the cafeteria? If I’m being correct, it’s currently cake hour, that’s what we call it when fresh cakes are being delivered. People tend to go crazy for a little while trying to get a good piece with some coffee”, Jimin says.
Your eyes light up at the word “cake”. Your stomach is rumbling and what better food to put into your mouth than sweet, delicious cake.
“Cake hour sounds amazing”, you gush.
Jimin and Jungkook look at each other for a moment, exchanging a smile, one that makes you giddy.
“Cute”, you hear Jungkook mumble under his breath.
He couldn’t have meant you right now, could he?
“So cafeteria it is. Great choice ___”, Jimin smiles.
He is braver this time around, wrapping his fingers around your wrist and leading you to the door. Jungkook is the first one to step outside, holding the door open for you. You are in the midst of taking the first step onto the hallway when someone crashes right into you. You gasp in shock, stumbling to the side. Something falls to the ground in a loud crash and a small, surprised intake of breath follows. Jungkook catches you before you can fall, holding you by your shoulders. When you look up at him to thank him, your breath nearly catches in your throat. His whole expression had changed, the cute innocent look from before completely gone.
“Can’t you see where you are walking? Idiot, didn’t you see her?” he growls, looking at someone, who is apparently kneeling on the floor.
You follow his line of sight. A man is kneeling on the floor, nervously trying to pick up the books he had dropped. His head is lowered, eyes glued to the ground and his hair is hidden behind a grey hoodie. He seems anxious.
“Hey! Answer him! Or can’t you talk?” Jimin growls, hovering over the poor man.
He seems completely changed as well, scary and angry, not at all cute and friendly like before.
The kneeling man tries to frantically pick up his books, dropping them over and over again from how much his hands are shaking. His breathing is ragged, his shoulders heaving up and down.
“We are talking to you!” Jimin yells.
The man flinches, dropping his books again. Other people have stopped on the hallway, watching the man struggle on the floor whilst whispering to each other. Rage starts to boil deep in your stomach, your fist clench by your sides. Can’t they see that the poor guy is close to having a panic attack? How dare they just stare and whisper! But not with you, you are not going to stand here and watch him struggle.
You squat down, all to the surprise of the others, and start to pick up book after book. The man’s fumbling hands stop, clutching onto that one book he was able to pick up. He is watching you, eventhough you can’t see his face, you can feel it.
“Here I got you”, you say and stretch out your arms with the man’s books, waiting for him to accept them.
Probably nothing more than one second passes, but for you it feels like eternity. You hold your breath, watching him. All eyes are on you, staring at you, especially Jimin and Jungkook, their eyes feel painful even, as if they wanted to burn you alive.
Let them stare, you won’t back down now, not when you have come this far.
Another second passes. Why is everyone staring so much? You are just helping a poor man, who had dropped his books. You scoot closer, raising the books slightly. The man’s hands start to shake again.
“It’s okay”, you assure him.
He inhales shakily, before finally reaching out and accepting the books. You release your held breath only to gasp in surprise when the man raises his head high enough so you are the only one able to get a look at him. His cheeks are a deep red, the blush reaches even over his nose. Black hair covers his forehead and eyebrows. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes yet, thankfully because they are beautiful. Sure fear burns in them, but you still can’t deny how pretty they look in this lighting. Your heart feels funny in your chest, as if you had just run a marathon and it is racing.
And just as you had started to smile at him, his head is lowered again, hidden from view. Your heart stops for a moment before it races just as quickly as before.
“I’m, I-I’m sorry”, he whispers.
His voice is deeper than you had expected. God, why is there such a warm feeling in your chest right now?
“No worries”, you answer him, but your words stay unheard, he has already scurried to his feet and started to run down the hallway to the stairs.
“What the hell was that? Why’d you help him?” Jimin asks, helping you stand up by your arm.
“Why not? He seemed to need some help”, you say.
There is not an ounce of friendliness in your voice, not when you had witnessed them practically bullying the poor man.
“I can advise you not to help him. He is bad news”, Jungkook mumbles with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Bad news?” you ask, tilting your head to the side. So there must be a reason for them to be that mean. Is the man perhaps a thief, a murderer, a rapist? This can’t be it.
“Long story. How about we have some cake and coffee instead of talking about him?” Jimin says and just like that the friendly Jimin from before is back.
You really should say no and just walk away, but your curious nature doesn’t let you, not when there is a possibility to get more out of them in the cafeteria.
“Yeah, okay. Sounds nice”, so you agree and let both Jungkook and Jimin hook their arms with yours.
“Awesome!” I can’t wait to buy some chocolate cake. I tell you ___, that cake is heavenly, especially with some matcha latte”, Jungkook says with the same innocent sparkle he had in his eyes before the little showdown in the hallway.
“No! You need to taste the Mozart ball cake. Believe me ___, the Austrians know how to make cakes. It’s sweet, chocolaty with the perfect amount of marzipan and the name fits our school. It’s perfect”, Jimin insists, letting his fingers travel up and down your arm.
His touch doesn’t feel as innocent as it did before. Somehow it feels wrong, he shouldn’t be touchy with you that freely and act all sweet when he literally yelled at a stranger mere minutes ago. 
You don’t say anything for the rest of the walk. You even start to tune out their voices at some point in the conversation, busy with thinking. 
There must be a reason why they were so mean to the man and why everyone was staring at him so weirdly. Jimin and Jungkook seem too nice to be mean to a stranger without a reason. They can’t be that two-faced, it’s impossible; their smiles are too cute for that.
Soon you can’t take it anymore. It is ten minutes into the conversation at one of the tables outside in the beautiful school garden. You had gone for a good old carrot cake, not having wanted to take any of their suggestions and Jimin and Jungkook had gone with their favorite cakes. You had talked about school and you could feel that both were trying hard to avoid the topic you were burning to get answers for. Until you had finally enough of the casual small talk and spoke up.
“Guys? I have a question”, you say when the conversation has died down for a moment.
Jimin and Jungkook tense up, exchanging a quick look.
“Yeah?” Jungkook asks, sounding nervous.
“The guy who I bumped into in the hallway. Who was that?”
“That? Min Yoongi”, Jungkook says, creasing his brows when Jimin secretly kicks his shin under the table.
“Min Yoongi?”you let the name sink in for a moment.
They both swallow, staring at you with big eyes. They are waiting for what you will do next.
“Is there a reason why you were so mean to him?”
Jimin leans back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest in defense.
“Have you seen him?” he scoffs, “that guy is a total wimp. I have never heard him talk and he blushes when someone just dares to look at him. People say the only reason he got accepted was because his parents paid the school a lot of money. No talent, just mommy and daddy doing their thing.”
The way he talks about the man doesn’t sit right with you. There is nothing wrong with being quiet or getting help from your parents, he shouldn’t have this derogatory tone in his voice.
“As if our parents didn’t help us as well”, you can’t stop your voice from sounding icy.
“Sure they did, but at least we have talent”, Jimin shrugs his shoulders.
“Besides, I heard that he is a total creep. You know, snapping pics up girls' skirts, stalking them to their houses and watching them undress through the windows, even sniffing panties”, Jimin continues.
At that your ears perk up. This you have to agree on is really worrisome.
“What? Really?” you gasp. Maybe they were right.
“Yeah, I mean, at least that’s what Jieun says.”
“His ex. She broke up with him because she found pictures of naked girls in his nightstand drawer”, Jimin explains, shrugging his shoulders.
So they are judging this man based on someone else’s story, his ex even. People do a lot of crazy things when they break up, you have heard a lot of untrue stories from heartbroken lovers, who tried to badmouth their exes to make themselves look better.
“She did? Woah, okay, did she tell you that herself?” you make yourself sound interested in that topic, as if you had believed their words.
“I mean, you can ask her yourself if you want to”, Jimin says nonchalantly.
“Where is she?”
Their eyebrows perk up at your question, confusion is written all over their features.
“You really want to ask her?” Jungkook gasps, he leans forward, his eyes widened.
“Yeah, why not? I have to hear it from the original source. You know, it’s just who I am.”
“Good luck finding her. She moved to Tokyo last semester because she got a scholarship at the University of Arts”, Jimin mumbles, clearly annoyed by the whole conversation.
“Oh okay”, you sigh, “I guess I just have to believe you guys then”, you mumble, not really buying your own words.
Jimin and Jungkook however do buy your words. Both of them visibly relax, Jimin even lets out a little sigh.
“Believe me ___ it’s for the better. No one likes this guy anyways. You don’t want to hang out with him unless you want your popularity to go downhill”, Jungkook says, resting his hand on yours in a comforting manner.
You force a smile to your lips, nodding.
“Yeah, stay away from him, who knows how dangerous he actually is”, Jimin says, shuddering as if he had just imagined something terrible.
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This day you go home with your mind clouded by racing thoughts. You can’t shake the memory of what had happened in the hallway. The way everyone was staring and the way Jimin and Jungkook didn’t stop their screaming despite seeing how close to hyperventilating the man was.
The man, Yoongi, Min Yoongi. He didn’t seem dangerous, all you could sense was fear. Fear and embarrassment. Gosh, he looked so scared with his face burning up and his eyes glazing over in tears. 
His eyes.
They looked so innocent as if he had never hurt a soul before
 And beautiful. They looked beautiful.
It was nothing but a mere second that your eyes met, but it still left you with such an intense emotion in your chest, it feels as if thousands of ants are crawling through your veins. You have to stop to catch your breath, leaning yourself against the railing of the small bridge you were currently crossing. You watch the stream take its path beneath you, it purrs its calming melody just loud enough to tune out the loud traffic from the main road two blocks east.
You have never felt something like this before. It feels weird, scary even. You can’t quite say if you like it or not. How can this happen? How is it possible that a second worth of eye contact had such a great impact on you that it leaves you feeling dizzy?
You groan, you are wasting too much time thinking about a situation that is long over and doesn’t need that much analyzing. Sure, you still feel pity towards the man, no one should be yelled at like that. But then Jimin said that he is a total creep, they must know him better than you do. After all, they are going to this school far longer than you do.
So why can’t you shake the feeling that they were lying and that there is more to this story?
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Korean MVs that came out in 2018
~Since i’m not into most kpop groups i might forget to write a comeback so feel free to tell me some that i haven’t written yet or if i have done a mistake.~
*The songs are not in order
**I’ve already made 2016 and 2017 lists
Drug Restaurant - Her
Trcng - Wolf Baby
N.Flying - Hot Potato
Momoland - BBoom BBoom
Oohyo - Honey Tea
Mamamoo - Paint Me
Block B - Don’t Leave
Infinite - Tell Me
JoWoochan, ParkHyunjin, Achillo - OGZ
Stray Kids - Grrr
Stray Kids - Young Wings
Kim Dong Ryul - Reply
Sunmi - Heroine
Chungha - Roller Coaster
JBJ - My Flower
Girlkind - Fanci
Cheetah - Stagger
Ohhyuk, Cifika - Momom
Jane Jang - Button
Ashmute - Ghost
Oh My Girl - Secret Garden
Jay Park - Run It (ft. Woo Wonjae & Jessi)
Kassy - I Want Love
Jimin - Hey
Holland - Neverland
Sik-K - YeLowS Gang (ft. Herr Nayne, Woodie Gochild)
Jonghyun - Shinin’
Jonghyun - Before Our Spring
Dean - Instagram
Red Velvet - Bad Boy
Standing Egg - From the Star
Ikon - Love Scenario
Penomeco -  L.I.E
Suzy - Holiday (ft. Dpr Live)
Suzy - I’m In Love With Someone Else
Golden Child - It’s U
Jeong Sewoon - Baby It’s U (ft. Kiggen, earattack)
Davichi - Days Without You
KCM - Dawnpark
Ravi - Nirvana (ft. Park Jimin) + Alcohol Remix
Vav - Spotlight
Rainz - Turn it Up
Jay Park x Yultron - Forget About Tomorrow
Na Haeun - So Special
BoA - Nega Dola
Jong Shin Yoon - Slow Starter
gugudan - The Boots
Seventeen - Thanks
CoCoSoRi - Miamor
Jung Seung Hwan - The Snowman
Jung Seung Hwan - It’s Raining
Ailee - Rewrite…If Can
Eden - Good Night (ft. Jukjae)
Naeun, Jinsol - My Story
Hong Jinyoung - Good Bye
Yang Yoseob - Star
Yang Yoseob - Where I Am Gone
Vav - Gorgeous
Hyolyn - To Do List
Roy Kim - Only Then
Suzy - SOberR
Nct U - Boss
Min Kyung Hoon x Kim Heechul - Falling Blossoms
Kim YoungChul - Andenayon (ft. Wheesung(Realslow))
Kang Hodong x Hong Jinyoung - I Kicked My Luck Off
I.M - Fly With Me
CLC - Black Dress
Weki Meki - La La La
Vromance - Star
Cheeze - Just as a Lie
Hash Swan - Wang Like Alexander (ft. Gray)
SF9 - Mamma Mia
Red Velvet - I Just
Nct U - Baby Don’t Stop
WJSN - Dreams Come True
Cheetah - I’ll Be There
Jeon Soyeon - Idle Song
I.C.E - Shameless
Sha Sha - You & Me
Yoyomi - Who’s That Guy
Kisses - Blue Lagoon
J.yung - Can I
Trax x Lip2shot [STATION] - Notorious (ft. Sophiya)
Roydo - Crzy
Martin Smith -  Crazy (ft. Jung Sungha)
Kim Sung Kyu - True Love
Marvel.J - Really (ft. New Champ, Olltii)
Got7 - One And Only You (ft. Hyolyn)
Junhyeok - Stay
DongWoo - My Half
Joypark - Missing You
E Hyuk - Come Up To Me Like The Wind
Chris Kim - Miss U
BeautyHandsome - Where Are You
j-hope - Daydream
Jooyoung - Dive
Sleepy - iD
Nct Dream - Go
Nct 127 - Touch
Got7 - Look
Heize - Didn’t Know Me
Heize - Jenga (ft. Gaeko)
Heize - Mianhae
Mamamoo - Starry Night
Mamamoo - Everyday
Suho x Jane Jang [STATION] - Dinner
Jane Jang, Suho - Do You Have a Moment
Noel - Our Last Day
Minseo - The Grand Dreams
Suzy - Midnight (ft. Yiruma)
April - The Blue Bird
Cheetah - Bumpkins (ft. Minos)
Golden Child - Lady
Most Badass Asian - Want
Most Badass Asian - 2018
Choi Ye Geun - To Say Sorry
Junoflo - Grapevine (ft. Jay Park)
Yong Junhyung - Sudden Shower (ft. 10cm)
Wanna One - Boomerang
Yeesang - Here (ft. Loco)
Filmisland - it’s Love (Vocal by OFA)
Monsta X - Jealousy
Stray Kids - District 9
Stray Kids - Grow Up
Jung Joon Young - Fiancée (ft. Microdot)
Samuel - One (ft. Jung Ilhoon)
Hoya - All Eyes On Me
Kisum - It’s Okay (ft. Heize)
San E, Mad Clown - Butterfly (ft. Bumkey)
TVXQ! - The Chance of Love
Super Junior [STATION] - Super Duper
Honey Popcorn - Bibidi Babidi Boo
Crazy Music - We’ll Always Love (ft. Yejoon.E)
Sunwoo Jung A - Fine (ft. Lim Heon Il)
Marmello - Wake Me Up
Kid Milli - Why Do Fuckbois Hang Out On The Net
Sweden Laundry - Scene
Nct U - Yestoday
Oh My Girl Banhana - Banana Allergy Monkey
Pentagon - Shine
Winner - Everyday
Exid - Lady
The Boyz - Giddy Up
YDPP - Love It Live It
Flowsik x Jessi - Wet
LOONA / Olivia Hye - Egoist (ft. JinSoul)
Jeong Jinwoon - Erasing
TVXQ! - Love Line
D:amant - Sick
CLC - Distance
Bigone - Wavywavywavy
Primary, Anda - Moonlight (ft. Xin Seha)
Primary, Anda - Dressroom
Primary, Anda - Zeppelin
Primary, Anda - The Open Boat (ft. Colde)
Twice - What Is Love?
Eric Nam - Potion (ft. Woodie Gochild)
Eric Nam - Honestly
Noir - Gangsta
UNB - Feeling
GreatGuys - Ganda
Hyeongseop x Euiwoong - Love Tint
Badkidz - Just One Day
Exo-CBX - Blooming Day
Ten [STATION] - New Heroes
N.Tic - Once Again
Jo SoJeong - Stars
Gunmin x Heedo - Don’t Worry
Lee Hong Gi, Yoo Hwe Seung - Still Love You
Yoo Seonho - Maybe Spring
Mad Clown, Ailee - Thirst
Super Junior - Lo Siento (ft. Leslie Grace)
Drunken Tiger - Yet
The Rose - Baby
E Hyuk - I’ll Live
Vanilla Acoustic - Travel
Eddy Kim - Whoa Whoa
Jo SoJeong - Lost Sea
WeAreYoung - I Know
Carla - I Don’t Need You
Shin Yong Jae(4Men) - Today
Young Jun (Brown Eyed Soul) - Don’t Leave Me
Imfact - The Light
Soma - Spring
Vixx - Scentist
Whee In - Easy (ft. Sik-k)
JBJ - Call Your Name
Hyo - Sober (ft. Ummet Ozcan)
Hoons - I C U
Highteen - Timing
Jo Hyun Ah - After You
June - Sérénade
Sei - Nobody Knows
HA:TFELT - Pluhmm
H.U.B - When A Blossom Day Of Cherry Blossom
In2it - SnapShot
Apink - Miracle
Cando - Rain Drop
Yoonmirae - KawiBawiBo
Nano - Punishment
Solar - When The Wind Rises [original: Kim Kwang Seok]
Solar - Nada Sou Sou [original: ??? (jp)]
Solar - It’s Been a Long Time [original: Love & Peace?? (not sure)]
Lovelyz - That Day
Hyolyn - Dally (ft. Gray)
Yun Ddan Ddan - It Will Be Okay
Yun Ddan Ddan - In My Room
Yun Ddan Ddan - Let It Flow
Stray Kids - Mirror [Performance]
Hwang In Sun - Dead Clock
Jackson Wang - Dawn of Us
Snuper - Tulips
Hwang Chi Yeul - The Only Star
Luna - Night Reminiscin’ (ft. Yang Da Il)
TheEastLight - Are You Okay
Kim Bum Soo - I Love You
MeloMance - Just Friends
Monday Kiz - Every Moment
Bang Yongguk - Portrait
Zai. ro - When Are You Coming
BrotherSu - What’s Wrong With U (ft. Gaeko)
Sunwoo Jung A, The Barbarettes - Outside The Chart
Kyung Dasom - Fall In Love
Gfriend - Time For The Moon
JBJ - Just Be Stars
Iz - Granulate
Park Hyo Shin - The Other Day
Temperature of Saying ‘hi’ - If You Tell Me
Halo - O.M.G
Colde - Your Dog Loves You (ft. Crush)
Jay Park, Simon Dominic, Loco, Gray - Upside Down
Iz - Angel
ii - I’m Already You
(G)I-Dle - Latata
Jung Up - Nothing Left
Loco - Party Band (ft. Punchnello, Thur)
So Soo Bin - Sweet Nothings
Gaho - Stay Here
Crush - Bittersweet
Teen Top - Seoul Night
Vinxen - Sinking Down With U
Yong Jun Hyung - Go Away
Dreamcatcher - You And I
Seo Eun Kwang, Changsub - My Day
K.Will - My Star
Cross Gene - Touch It
Woodz - Pool
Jay Moon - Fire
N.Flying - How R U Today
Kanto - Salty
Doko - Don’t
Paul Kim - Additional
Bts - Fake Love
GB9, Park Bo Ram - If You
Eyedi - Luv Highway
Uni.t - No More
Trei - Nike
Eluphant - Welcome
PLT - Hocus Pocus
V.O.S - Door
Jisook - Edelweiss
Gross Gene - Believe Me
Moonbyul (ft. Seulgi) - Selfish
Moonbyul - In my room
Victon - Time of Sorrow
Jinjin (Astro) - Like a King (ft. Superbee, MyunDo)
Khan - I’m Your Girl?
Bang Yongguk - Drunkenness
Shinee - Good Evening
AOA - Bingle Bangle
NTB - Dramatic
Boyfriend - Sunshower
The Rose - I.L.Y
TST - Love Story
Eyedi - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Junoflo - Real Ones
Adoy - Young
Han Yo Han - Helicopter (ft. Kid Milli, No:el)
The Night of Seokyo - Falling in Moonlight (ft. Dawon)
Bol4 - Travel
Bol4 - Starlight
Bol4 - Wind
TheEastLight - Love Flutters
24K - Bonnie N Clyde
Risabae - E.N.C (ft. Kisum)
ii - I’m Already You
C.A.P - For
Sung Si Kyung - Eternally
Pristin V - Get It
Marmello - Moonlight
Crucial Star - Night Alone
Jane Jang - Seoul Noir
Samuel - Teenager (ft. Lee Rohan)
Thama - Like That (ft. Giriboy)
Elo - Osaka (ft. Zico)
Hyukoh - SkyWorld
Hyukoh - Love Ya!
South Club - Outcast
Pudditorium - Paradise
Stagger - DnA
Stagger - 4 Your Eyez Only
Girlkind - S.O.R.R.Y
Shinee - I Want You
Shinee - Our Page
A.C.E - Take Me Higher
Yu Seungwoo - Slowly
Dpr Live - Playlist
Blackpink - Ddu-du Ddu-du
Rothy - Sullae
Kobel - Don’t Hit My Line
Longguo - Clover (ft. Yoonmirae)
Koh Na Young - Humming
Jay Park - Soju (ft. 2 Chainz)
Like A Movie - Twilight
Yubin - Lady
1sagain, Nuun - Fade Away
Minseo - Is Who
Red House - Endless Night
Taeyeon - Something New
Kim Dong Han - Sunset
Bloo - So Rude
Busters - Grapes
Katie - Remember
Melodyday - Restless
Day6 - Shoot Me
It’s - Sleep
Momoland - Baam
Tenny - 159cm
UNB - Black Heart
d.ear - Rain is Fallin’
Onf - Complete
BTOB - Only One For Me
Kang Gogh - Stay
Arkay - Because Of You (ft. Le.Ju’ce)
[HNB] Woo Jin Young, Kim Hyun Soo - Falling in Love
Park Kyung - Instant (ft. Sumin)
Nano - Maladgjustment (ft. Yezi)
NeonPunch - Moonlight
Lee Jin Ah - Run (ft. Gray)
Apink - I’m So Sick
Gyeong Ree - Blue Moon
Yoonmirae - You & Me (ft. Junoflo)
Jay Park - FSU (ft. GAshi, Rich The Kid)
Holland - I’m Not Afraid
Holland - I’m So Afraid
Jessi - Down
Twice - Dance The Night Away
Oohyo - Papercut
Golden Child - Let Me
Hickee - Fragrance
Epik High x End of the World (Sekai No Owari) - Sleeping Beauty
MyTeen - She Bad
Aivan - Tell The World
Sugarbowl - Getting Better
Target - Is It True
gugudan Semina - Semina
Seenroot - Paradise
MeloMance - Tale
Jeonghan - Think About It
LambC - Beauty
Crush - Cereal (ft. Zico)
Jaejooboys - First Trip
No:el - Parrot (ft. Giriboy, Han Yo Han)
The Boyz - KeePer
Moti - Blue
Suran - A Pleasant Meal
Louie, Geeks - Penalty
Park BoRam - How About U
Jvcki Wai, Kid Milli, No:el, Young B, Swings - Work Out
Jvcki Wai - Enchanted Propaganda
John OFA Rhee - Brightest Star (ft. Kim Minseok)
Geupsik-Dan - Geupsik
Prep - Cold Fire (ft. Dean)
Mamamoo - Egotistic
Seventeen - Oh My!
Han Yeoyoo - Bang Bang Bang
Lee Seung Hwan - For Your Ears Only (ft. Stella Jang)
Ashley - Here We Are
Uniqnote - Like Gentle Rain (ft. Crucial Star, Park Jeonkoo)
Myteen - Martian
TaPi - Croquette
Triple H - Retro Future
Chung Ha - Love U
Varsity - Flower
Saturday - Mmook Jji Bba
Bassagong - HBD
GFriend - Sunny Summer
Hyolyn - See Sea
Mudskipper - Universe
Seungri - 1,2,3!
Seungri - Where R U From (ft. Mino)
Aoora - Harder (ft. $mili, B.E, Eili)
Woodz - Different
Rocoberry - Telephone (ft. Punch)
Minseo - Zero
Super Junior ~ D&E - Sunrise {Japanese}
Standing Egg - Oh, Wait
Jeong Sewoon - 20 Something
Choiza, Microdot - Hit!!!
FtIsland - Pretty Girl {Japanese}
FtIsland - Summer Night’s Dream
Astro - Always You
MaseWonder - Love Me (ft. Choilb)
In2it - Sorry For My English
Kard - Ride on the Wind
Laboum - Between Us
yeesang - Game
John Park - Understand
Boi B - Neymar (ft. Ted Park)
Ben x Kim Won Joon - The First Night
Band 88 - Windmill
Carla - Hate U
RPR - Dang Diggi Bang (ft. Beenie Man)
Leo - Touch & Sketch
Zico - Soulmate (ft. IU)
SixBomb - Hiccup Hiccup
SF9 - Now or Never
Joo Jin-Woo - Ever
Park Ki Young - Mercy
A-Yeon - You & I
Kevin Oh - Lover
Miryo - Yellow
Kisum - 100%
Hanscur - Toomuch (ft. Charles Shin)
Jo Gon - Old Notes
Heygirls - Nog-Yeojwo
South Club - Grown Up
Ikon - Killing Me
Btob-Blue - When It Rains
Voisper - I Believe
Yerin Baek - La La La Love Song
Yeoone - Pat Pat
Glabingo - On My Body
Cho Kyu-chan - Deja Vu
gracie - 25/7
Villain - Manitto
Nature - Allegro Cantabile
Stray Kids - My Pace
Red Velvet - Power Up
Loona - favOriTe
D-Crunch - Palace
Giriboy, Kid Milli, No:el, Swings - Flex
Apollo, No.11,  Ekko, SungJoo - Honey
WooIn - That Night
Hollen - Shimmer
DailyNote - Where Are U
12Dal - A Second
Honk - Perphaps
Aivan - Curious
Somdef - One Plus One (ft. Loco, Bravo)
E Mel - Tomorrow
Cherry On Top - Hi Five
Yoo Hyung Kyun - Diamonds In Your Eyes
Sundae - How?
Imfact - NaNaNa
Super Junior-D&E - ‘Bout You
Hyolyn - Bae
Mc Sniper - Skyfall
BerryGood - Green Apple
(G)I-DLE - Hann
Penomeco - Coco Bottle
Coco - Sugar Cake (ft. Microdot)
Jannabi - Good Boy Twist
Hoons - Sweet & Salty, Sweet & Salty
Bigflo - Upside Down
We Higher - Like You Better (ft. Douner)
Yang Hee Eun, Sung Si Kyung - You
GrimGrim - Rooftop Bird
Loona - Hi High
Red Velvet - Power Up
Gaeko - Vacation (ft. Sole)
10cm - Mattress
BTS - Idol
Sha Sha - What The Heck
Norazo - Cider
Shinhwa - Kiss Me Like That
Leebada - Night Dream
Rothy - Burning
Stray Kids- My Pace
Stray Kids - Awkward Silence
NCT Dream - We Go Up
Jin Longguo - Friday n Night
Part Time Cooks - California Butterfly (ft. Jay Park)
Baekhyun X Loco [STATION X 0] - Young
June - Sérénade
Drug Restaurant - 403
Jooheon - Red Carpet
DyoN - #Life_Is_Pain
Ovan - Twenty (ft. Shaun)
EZ Kim - Straw
Young B - Polo
the Night of Seokyo - City Girl City Boy (ft. Dawon)
Jeong Jinwoon - All I Need Is You
Nana Mellie - Falling
KwonMilk - Guitar Man
100% - Heart
Nam Woo Hyun - If Only You Are Fine
Nam Taehyun - Star
Blanc7 - Drama
Sumni - Siren
Jimin Park - April Fools
James - Up [not a korean mv but a lot of us know james]
WINee - May
The Boyz - Right Here
GWSN - Puzzle Moon
SoRi - Touch (ft. Basick)
Great Guys - Illusion
Elaine - Wake Me Up
Bravo - Sunny Day
Yook Sungjae - Confession
Thama - Nuuh
Jjangyou - Koki7
Blue Lamb - Universe
Chanyeol x Sehun [STATION x 0] - We Young
Got7 Jackson - Made It
Got7 BamBam - Party
Got7 Jinyoung - My Youth
Got7 Yugyeom - Fine
Got7 Youngjae - Nobody Knows
Got7 JB - Sunrise
Got7 Mark - OMW
Got7 - Lullaby
Haon - Noah (ft. Hoody)
12Dal - Day Off
Day6 - Beautiful Feeling
Pentagon - Naughty Boy
Oh My Girl - Remember Me
Jay Park - V
SHINee - Countless
seizetheday - Ocean View (ft. Sleepy)
ms. isohp romatem - Trauma
ms. isohp romatem Distance From You And The Stars
Hyomin - Mango
Giriboy - Used (ft. Kid Milli)
Hoya - Baby U (ft. Hanhae)
EB - Wanna Know
JooYoung - N/A
Gavy NJ - I’m Fine
S.I.S - Say Yes
Orange Fang Fang Boys - Ready To
Roy Kim - The Hardest Part
Uni.T - I Mean
Uni.T - Begin With The End
Lucente - Your Difference
DinDin - Insomnia (ft. Lee Hongki)
Mommy Son - Shonen Jump (ft. Bae Gisung)
PLT - Igoholic
Vinxen - Yoo Jae Suk
Modsdive - Buran
Lof.T -  밤이 피네
Dreamcatcher - What
WJSN - Save Me, Save You
Day6 - Breaking Down {Japanese}
Gwon Youngchan - Weak
GFriend - Memoria {Japanese}
Spectrum - Dear my
Girls’ Generation-Oh!GG - Lil’ Touch
Heo Seongjeong - Sound
VeriVery - Super Special
Onewe, Oneus - Last Song
Giriboy - acrnm (ft. Goretexx)
Boy Story - Enough
Amber - White Noise
Eyedi - Red
Vanmal - Unification Road March
Bambi - Violin (ft. Dunkin Downer)
Park Sanhee - Over The Blue
Soran - Zamianwa (Can’t Close My Eyes)
JooYoung - Inn
The Black Underground - Slow Life
Krr - The Night Time
Shirts Boy Frank - Foam
Jay Park - Sexy 4 Eva
Seulgi x SinB x Chung Ha x Soyeon [STATIONx0]  - Wow Thing
Tiffany Young - Teach You
Woodie Gochild, Haon, Sik-K, pH-1 - Kitkat
SOMDEF - Slip N Slide (ft. Crush)
Sik-K - XiBal
Lee Hongki - I Am (ft. Cheetah)
Lee Hongki - Cookies (ft. Jung Ilhoon)
Park Won - Rudderless
Ikon - Goodbye Road
Nu’est W - I Don’t Care (ft. Spoonz)
S.O.U.L - Get Myself With You
Noir - Airplane Mode
Hangzoo - Drive Thru (ft. Gaeko)
Lay - Give My A Chance
Cheeze - Everything to
Yoo Hwe Seung (N.Flying) - Expectation
Soyou - All Night (ft. Sik-K)
Seven O’clock - Searchlight
Seven O’clock - Nothing Better
Epitone Project - First Love
Super Junior x REIK - One More Time (Otra Vez)
Ashmute - Summer’s Gone
UV - Who Am I (ft. Yoo Hee Yeol, Jung Jae Hyung)
Loco - It Takes Time (ft. Colde)
fromis_9 - Love Bomb
NCT 127 - Regular
San E - Wannabe Rapper
Wheesung (Realslow) - Breaking Down
Haebi - Wolfboy
Yoonhan - Saryuni Forest
Weki Meki - Crush
VAV - Senorita
NakJoon (Bernard Park)  - Still (ft. Luna)
NC.A - I’m Fine
Park Bo Gum - Let’s go see the stars
John Legend x Wendy [STATIONx0] - Written In The Stars
The Black Underground - Love Is Love, Life Is Life
Eddy Kim - Trace
Yu Seungwoo - Always
Deepshower - Summer (ft. Jeebanoff, George)
Yang Da Il - sorry
April - Oh! my mistake
Zion.T - Hello Tutorial (ft. Seulgi)
Crush - none
Kim Dong Han - Good Night Kiss
Jeong Eun Ji - Being There
The Rose - She’s In the Rain
Sohee - Hurry Up (ft. Bol4)
Stray Kids - I am YOU
Monsta X - Shoot Out
Charari Danchu - 노잼시기
Hoody - Sunshine (ft. Crush)
Sam Kim - Make Up (ft. Crush)
Sik-K - Fire
Hailey - Truly
the Night of Seokyo - Hug You (ft. Dawon)
RM - Forever Rain
RM - Seoul
son&johwa - Mokhwa
Lee Moon Sae - Between us
UV - Sorry
Golden Child - Genie
BoA - Woman
ATEEZ - Pirate KIng
ATEEZ - Treasure
Horim - Street
Lee Kichan - 지구인
gwon.u - Home Sweet Home
LYn - Run to you
Kiha & The Faces - Cho Shim
N.Flying - Like A FLower
Jin Ju - Petal
Flowsik - Bbung
Eian - Me in the A.M
Ha Hyun Woo - Home
Horan - Wanted
Marychou 2018 - Beacuse of Weather
IZ*ONE - La Vie en Rose
Paul Kim - Me After You
Black6ix - Swamp of Despair
Richard Parkers - Stay with me
Eric Nam - Miss You
JBJ95 - Home
Monday Kiz - The World That is of You
Samui - Today Of All Days
Peterpan Complex - Ghosting
Fromm - Hold Me Like It’s Forever (ft. car, the garden)
B.A.P (Jongup) - Annoying (ft. Zelo)
South Club - I’m Crazy
Twice - Yes or Yes
Bloo - I’m the one
Hwang Chiyeul - Learn to Love
[i’ll do this month soon]
Hong Jinyoung - Seoul (ft. Bray)
H M Moon - The Poet’s Winter
Got7 - Miracle
Sam Kim - When You Fall (ft. Chai)
Kream - You can take my youth away, but you can never take my dream away
Holmes Crew - Holmes Delivery
O.O.O - Seesaw
Avatar Darko - C U When I C U (ft Jay Park)
Ezen - Fly Away
Jung Key - Star With ME (ft. Yoo Sungjae)
Jung Key - Honest (ft. Minseo)
Onew - Blue
Soran - Happy
Up10tion - Blue Rose
Laboom - Turn It On
Minyong - I can’t do that thing
Junoflo - Autopilot (ft. BoA)
Starship Planet - Christmas Time
Bay P - Snow In Your Eyes
Coogie - Justin Bieber (ft. Jay Park)
Well - Settle (ft. Realslow)
Rira - Love Spoon
B1A4, Oh My Girl, Onf - Timing
Day6 - days gone by
anna - Let It Snow
Changsub - Gone
982 notes · View notes
ti-infires30x · 5 years
Symphonic Dysfunction
Chapter 1
The cavernous walls of the hallway seemed stifling and cramped this morning. Namjoon usually found solace in the sound of his shoes click clacking across the tile, reverberating and filling the empty hall as if the acoustics were built for him. A far cry  from the Performing Arts Center that his father had conducted at, with its slatted panels that shifted and directed the sound offstage as if the world was his music box for just a few minutes. Still, he was grateful for what he had here at the YONSEI. Even if the Auditorium practically rattled,  he would make the best of it. Even if ‘the best of it’ included having his kids play their concert in the hallway outside so they could understand how it feels to hear and be heard. The first hour or so that Namjoon was at school were hardly his favorite of the day but they were definitely moments of silence that he cherished. As an interim conductor of 3 string Orchestras, a full symphony, and his part-time student status as he grapples to juggle his final semester toward his Masters degree in Conducting, he has little time to himself.
Running a hand over his face, he wipes his eyes and lets out a yawn as he finally rounds the bend to the fine arts hall. Why they stuck my parking space all the way over by the gym with the coaches, I will never know. Namjoon made it a point to avoid the coaches at all cost after their altercation over funding in the fall. How many soccer jerseys can one team need that we don’t even have room in the budget for a proper score library? Coach Wonho, a rookie soccer coach who everyone took a shining to because of  his reputation as a former starter for the South Korean Olympic team, assumed upon meeting Namjoon that he was a fellow coach. An easy misconception to adopt largely because of Namjoon’s towering height, youth, and physical fitness, however Mr.Kim was quick to correct his colleague. Ever since Namjoon told Wonho exactly where he could go to find his precious special edition cleats for his team, the two had not necessarily been on good terms.
Regardless, Mr.Kim continued to plow on and was already being thrust into his 2nd semester as Orchestra director for the YONSEI University symphony program. Mrs. Eun Joo had been very pregnant at the beginning of last year’s fall semester and had left on her 3 month maternity leave.  3 months turned into 6 months which turned into her resignation as word spread of the paternity of her child. Wonho walked around like he was the most virile man in South Korea for months afterward. The Dean, of course, caught wind and every member of faculty was greeted at the beginning of the term with a flowery email filled with sheepish wording that said in no uncertain terms: don’t fuck your coworkers. Especially the married ones.
Inadvertent as his employment was, he loved it nonetheless. The chief reason that you could tell that Mr. Kim Namjoon loved nothing more in his life than his job was the smile that could be seen on his face whenever he saw one of his kids. The visible change as his chest swelled with pride, his eyes brightened, and his legendary dimples appeared was infectious.  Each student carried that energy and confidence with them throughout their day because when that pride is directed at you, there can be no doubt in your mind that it is genuine and deserved. Of course, he can only call them his ‘kids’ in his head since in reality, there are quite a few members who are considerably older than he is.
Checking his watch, Namjoon winces at the time. 7:45am. Right on time for sectionals. With a concert date looming, Namjoon decided to buckle down and have the kids lead student taught sectionals for his struggling club students. Led by the Chamber top group, of course, the advanced students would instruct the non-major students who were merely in the Camerata Orchestra for something to be involved in, with drills and practice techniques to level up in their musicianship. As lovely as an idea that Namjoon remains convinced that it was, since its inception about 2 weeks ago, it has gone less than smoothly. The first Monday sectional featured the section leader of the violas abandoning their Little’s altogether upon hearing them screech out the opening chord of their Telemann. That Wednesday, the 1st violin first stand knocked over what had to have been the tiniest freshman girl on campus  in their attempt to rock paper scissor who gets to play the tuning note. Oh, and the poor dear that told Hobi he should ‘lighten up’. I honestly don’t know if she’s going to pick up a bass ever again.
It was now the following Friday and it was time for none other than the cello sectionals. The previous week they had gone fairly well under the guidance of Park Jimin, and Namjoon saw considerable improvement of the Camerata group’s G major 3 octave scales in rehearsal. They were working hard and there was no doubt that the reason for the improvement was Jimin’s skill paired with Taehyung’s sheer magnetic approachability. And his smile, of course his smile. As talented a cellist as Jimin is, Kim Taehyung could make the devil feel comfortable in a church. Of course it helps that many of the freshman girls were absolutely infatuated with him. And with good reason, it must be said.
Fumbling with his belongings  at the big double doors of the Orchestra hall, Namjoon goes red in the face as he drops his keys. Again. He’s had a set of keys for the Orchestra Hall since his sophomore year as a student. He was in the room more than the instructors so Eun Joo-nim finally caved and printed her annoying little try-hard a copy.
His father had told him that he should never do something he enjoyed as a job because it would soon become a chore, however, he was never happier than he was now. The job came with its difficulties of course, he got very little respect from the rest of the staff. Namjoon tried to remain patient with those who condescended to him, he really did. He fully understands how ludicrous and humiliating it must be to have a department head who has only been able to drink alcohol legally for 3 years. At 22, he was the youngest faculty member by a long shot, but that didn’t bug him at all. Having graduated high school at 16, 3 years ahead of his peers, he was comfortable with being the youngest in the room. What made Namjoon uncomfortable was the assumption that he was inherently less than qualified just because of his age. If I’m a shitty conductor, then I’m a shitty conductor but don’t you dare pin that on my age.
“Good morning Mr.Kim!”, the proud bearer of a boxy, bouncy smile swoops down and picks up Namjoon’s keys for him. Namjoon can’t help but melt a little as Taehyung grins at him as if he’s never been happier to see someone in his entire life. Taehyung is blissfully unaware of his slightly dishevelled state, touting sweatpants with one leg rolled halfway up his shin, a massive hoodie that he stole from his older brother, ashen hair that stuck straight up the back of his head, and a sleep-puffed face.
“Good morning Taehyungie,”, Namjoon indulges, as he swings the door wide for Taehyung to accommodate his cello. “And don’t call me Mr. Kim.”
“Yah, Tae! Hold the door!” From down the hall, an undeniably beautiful man cartoonishly speedwalks to the door, laden with a stack of papers that makes the broad man look tiny.
“Good morning, Jin!” Tae chimes once again.
Chest heaving, Jin storms into the office door that sits adjacent to the front entrance of the Orchestra Hall and sets the papers down with a huff.
“Yah! You call this maknae ‘Mr.Kim’ but all I get is “Good morning, Jin”? You should be ashamed, how can you treat your hyung like that? Worse still, your concertmaster? I bust my ass making sure we have scores and assignments and all I get is-” Jin’s half-hearted, bemused tirade is cut off as abruptly as it begins as another boy enters the room, the door yawning shut behind him.
“Kim Namjoon. Kim Seokjin. Kim Taehyung.” His soft voice renders any harsher tone obsolete and the boys stare at the smaller boy blinkingly as he takes up the remaining space in the office. As if answering their unspoken question he stifles a yawn and mumbles, “You’re all “Mr.Kim”.’
The tirade quieted, Jimin rolls his case to his section and begins unpacking his cello. A stark difference from his stand partner, Jimin is the picture of elegance. Or as elegant as a 21 year old man can get. His honey colored hair perfectly in place, dressed simply in a loose collared shirt and ripped dark jeans, Taehyung continuously found himself captivated with the effortless way that Jimin presented himself. I wish I could be that cool. Looking down at his own clothes, he mentally kicks himself for not putting in more effort on a day to day basis. That’s just not where my energy goes,he reconciles with himself, I’m concerned with other things.
Taehyung crosses the hall to the cello locker room, fetches his cello case, and returns to take his place next to Jimin as second chair. Jimin frets over his cello, rosining his bow, tuning and re-tuning, ensuring his music is in the right order. Glancing over at Tae, who is busying himself with plucking out chords in an attempt to play a double stop that he hasn’t yet heard, Jimin grows envious of Tae’s care-free nature. I wish I could just fly into things like Tae does, without a plan. It would save me so much trouble.
All too aware of the silence that has settled in the hall since he stopped his plucking, Tae clears his throat to cut the awkward tension. The most unsettling thing is silence in a place that is supposed to be filled with noise.
“So what are we going over in sectionals with the Little’s today?”
“Tae, you can’t call them Little’s, Jeong Jae-Sun is a year older than us.”
“But. But. He’s so… Little!” Tae pouts. “Have you seen his bow hold? He might be able to knock me out in one punch and outdrink… well, you; but he has the bow hold of a 6th grade girl.”
“Yeah I know Tae, I was tempted to bring thumbtacks to fix our Yoo Soo Jin’s collapsing wrist. If they keep playing like this, they’re going to hurt themselves.”
Jimin falls silent and rubs his wrist, empathetic pain from his own tendonitis flaring at the memory of their poor posturing. I got hurt, and I was playing correctly. Jimin had played violin since he was 3 and while he was training for his audition for Julliard his sophomore year, he worked so tirelessly that he developed carpal tunnel syndrome and couldn’t play for months. The beginning of the end of his promising violin career.
    Namjoon takes long strides out of his office to his place on the podium before chuckling, “First of all, no one could ever out drink our Jiminnie. Second of all, I’m glad you’re showing so much concern for the well being and progress of our kids because we’re having an emergency rehearsal Saturday and I need you there if you can make it.”
    Tae heaves a great dramatic sigh and throws his head back, sinking down into his chair until the neck of his cello is resting on the back of his chair. “And if I can’t make it?”
    Namjoon sobers a bit and faces Tae, “Then I completely understand, but I do hope you can make it. You make the kids more comfortable. They love you.”
    Jimin bends to set his end pin up and then hoists his cello up onto his shoulder, “Besides, what do you have planned? You practically live here.”
    “That’s pretty rich coming from the one that I found sleeping in a practice room at 4am last week.” Tae shoots back in mock defense.
    “Yeah, and what were you doing by the practice rooms at 4am last week?” Jimin wheedles.
    Tae’s face falls when he sees that he’s been beat. ”...Practicing.”
    Jimin’s face brightens into a smug shit eating grin and his posture screams an explicit, check mate.
    Tae, already embarrassed at being outed hangs his head over his cello and absently picks at the rosin build up under his bridge. Face reddening at the anticipation of the ribbing to come, Tae mumbles, “I have a date on Saturday.”
    Jin materializes from thin air next to the podium and begins shouting about how “this girl better not break your heart” and “make sure you stay safe, use protection, you don’t know what these hoes got” and “oh lord, he’s just a kid. Don’t you think you should wait a while to date again?”
    Namjoon raises a hand to silence Jin and melts further at the visibly mortified maknae in front of him. Leaning down to where they meet eye to eye, he smiles affectionately at Tae. “Well, who is it?”
    Tae, grateful for the reprieve in shouting, allows his smile to fall open once more and his cheeks redden in a very different tone as he recalls the object of his infatuation. I can’t believe I got this lucky. Years of pining and I finally got her to say yes to  a date. A real date.
    “Chung So-Young.” Jimin could tell from the lilting way Tae hung onto every vowel in her name as if he were afraid to let go of them, that he was head over heels for her.  
    “Oh, the saxophone player from Jazz Band? I thought she was with Hobi?” Jin pops Tae’s love sick bubble without remorse.
    Visibly pouting, Tae snaps back, “Look, if I swore off being interested in any girls that Hobi-hyung has been with then I would never date anyone. I don’t have many options as it is since Kang Mo-Yeon turned the entire Yonsei English Society against me. And I really like this girl.”
    Jin returns to the office, fuming. Shutting the door firmly behind him, he lasts a good 3 seconds before whipping it back open and marching back to the cello stand. Tae might have been intimidated by the massive man barreling towards him with rage in his eyes had it not been for the knowledge of his intent. Jin comes to a halt and in a deluge of profanity begins cursing anything that has to do with Kang Mo-Yeon and the YES club. “How dare she cheat on you and then convince half of the campus that you’re the jackass?! Tae-Tae?! You couldn’t hurt a fly! You’re a jackass but you’re OUR jackass and if she publishes one more vaguely accusatory article in the English Paper I will single handedly drag her ass-”
    “Jin-hyung.” the honorific coming from Namjoon is enough to give Jin reason to pause. Namjoon jerks his head to the door and the herd of cellists that are gathering around it, waiting for the sectional to begin. “There’s a time and a place. They don’t all need to know his business.” Turning to Tae, he places his hand on top of Tae’s mop of hair and  smiles down at him. “Have fun on your date. Just know that there will be a legion of cellist noonas absolutely heartbroken that their handsome oppa isn’t there to show them thumb position for the upteenth time.” Laughing at the sheepish flush that graces the boys cheeks once again, Namjoon adds, “Oh, and stop giving May Sun private lessons, I overheard her working in the practice room the other day and she knows how to do everything you’re teaching her. She’s been playing dumb to get more time with you.”
    Struck dumb by that information and deaf by the resounding cackle from his stand partner, Tae sits mouth agape like a fish as the floodgates of the door break and none other than May Sun is the first to breach the Orchestra room.
    “Good Morning Taehyung oppa!” a bright girl who is far too well done up for 8am, in a cute outfit, heels, and full makeup, plants herself firmly in front of Taehyung and presents a muffin to him. “I brought you breakfast, oppa! I wanted to say thank you for all of the time you’ve spent with me on lessons this week. Kamsahamnida- oppa!”
    Jimin does his best to choke down his laughter but Taehyung just straight up chokes. Stuttering like his bow in the Dvorak piece, he numbly takes the muffin and, in an attempt to avoid further conversation, stuffs the whole thing in his mouth.
    Namjoon prompts the confused looking girl to unpack her instrument so they can start sectionals, and she scatters to do as she’s told. Jimin leads sectionals in his signature matter of fact style, fixing bow holds now and again. Although he receives less attention borne of infatuation from his pupils, he receives the most respect and attentiveness. Jimin has studied at Julliard and has a reputation as being hands down,  the best cellist in the school, and the most stern. Conscious of his intimidating demeanor in rehearsal settings, Jimin is glad to have Taehyung present to lighten the mood. Jimin is glad for the company but frustrated that this is the one facet of the musical process that he doesn’t excel at. Taehyungie is training to become an Orchestra teacher, it only makes sense that he is a natural teacher. People are drawn to his personality, people are drawn to my music. There’s a reason I’m applying for my Master’s in Cello Performance and not Music Education. Despite his regular pep talk regarding the fact that it is ok to not excel at teaching, Jimin still envies the easy way that Tae corrects the kids with kindness and patience shining in his eyes.
    8:40am comes and goes and students enrolled in the 9am Symphony block class begin to show up. A small boy with shining white hair stalks in without a word and settles into the back row of the 2nd violin section as if he was made for that chair. Somehow willing himself invisible even in the morning light, he fades into the background of the classroom. Tae waves at him from his adjacent place in the Orchestra, furiously mouthing “Morning, Yoongi-ssi!”
    Next to make an appearance was a man with the complete opposite and equal energy as Yoongi. A tall figure entered that exuded so much attitude that he actually sauntered into the room through the side door. Dressed to the nines in an effortlessly cool look of dark jeans, a dangerously low-buttoned collared shirt, and the latest Yeezy’s that color coordinated perfectly with his round tinted glasses and bandana. Every head in the Hall turned to follow his gait to the bass locker as if transfixed by his energy. He appeared aware of but completely unbothered by the attention he was receiving, even smirking slightly as he met eyes with several of the cellists, making them blush furiously.
    Namjoon takes advantage of the pause in productivity to address him from the podium. “Nice to have you back Hoseok-hyung. I trust the Jazz Studies field trip went well and you are returning to us as a more enlightened and sensitive musician.”
To which Hobi grins, scratching the back of his head and stammers something along the lines of ‘Uh… yeah it was, great.”
    Seokjin peeks his head out from the office and shouts, “He went to New Orleans and he studied… jazz? Yeah right, Namjoon. He is returning to us with a higher alcohol tolerance and at least 3 STD’s.”
    “SEOKJIN. NOT the time.” Namjoon pulls out his Director-nim voice that he hides away for special occasions such as these.
    The entirety of the participants of the now long dismissed sectional remain standing in the back, watching the verbal volley with bated breath. Eyes bouncing from Jin to Hobi to Namjoon as if if the contents of the conversation were going to be on their final exam.
    “Don’t you guys have classes to go to? Go on, scatter.” Jimin speaks up, shooing the group away with no regard to his social reputation with them.
    The remainder of the relatively small 20 piece orchestra files in, class begins and they go straight into the Holst Planets movements that they had been agonizing over for months. After Hu Yoon-Ji and Seokjin’s savage ‘discussion’ about whether the Andante Maestoso should start on an upbow or downbow, the final missing seat is filled. Another boy barrels in and as soon as he comes into view he gives the impression that he has grown very quickly in a very short period of time. Not exactly towering in height, but large and muscular, he looks as if he should be on his way to lacrosse practice, not Orchestra. He chucks his bag near across the room and rushes to unpack his violin. Crashing through the rest of the Orchestra, nearly knocking Baek Chi-Young’s stand over in the process, he finally takes his seat next to Jin, a huge smile plastered across his face.
    “Nice of you to join us Jungkook.” Namjoon, says, with only minor sarcasm.
    “Joesonghamnida, Sunbae-” Jungkook attempts a full 90 degree bow from his chair but ends up hitting his head on his stand and knocking his instrument out of tune. Rubbing his head, he looks up at Namjoon apologetically. Namjoon could tell that he had prepared a well thought out apology and excuse to present on behalf of his tardiness but the lump on his head and the humiliated look on his face was all the penance he needed.
    “That’s okay Jungkook. Just tell Coach Wonho that you need to leave soccer practice early next week and I’m sure we can get you here on time.”
    “Yes, sunbae.”
    “And stop calling me Sunbae, Kookie.”
    “Yes, sun-... Namjoon-hyung.”
After running their 30 minute show, once, twice, and spot checking trouble areas, Namjoon finally released the class.
    “Good work today, guys!” Namjoon bellows to the fleeing kids.
    “Get home safe, hyung!” Echoes back from the retreating crowd and Namjoon is sure that it’s Hu Yoon-Ji.
    “With Jin driving? Not likely!”
    “Yah, drive yourself then!” Jin snips back from his position in the office.
Although Namjoon was technically Jin’s sunbae by occupation, Jin is more than happy to point out the 2 year age difference between the two roomates. Jin casts his thoughts back to his freshman orientation. He had waited on pins and needles for his roommate assignment and was shocked when a gangly boy with a jet black bowl haircut rolled in with a suitcase that was wider than himself. Tagging behind were an older couple that he assumed were his parents.
“Kim Namjoon?” Jin questioned, as the boy took in the room with oddly wise eyes.
“Pleased to meet you. You must be Kim Seokjin. You’re a violin performance major, aren’t you?” Dumbfounded by this child’s confidence, Jin merely nodded. Namjoon’s parents rushed in with a distinct air of protectiveness.
“So you’re Namjoon’s roomate? Please take care of him. He won’t be here long so just, while he’s here, can you please make sure he doesn't cause too much trouble for himself?” Jin agreed as noncommittally as possible and then beat a hasty retreat to the hall on the pretense of saying goodbye to his parents. His parents had left hours ago, but he needed distance from the smothering tension in that tiny brick prison. Catching his breath just outside the door he catches snippets of a conversation. Chills ran down his spine as they always do when you know that you’re overhearing something that was never intended for your ears.
“You’re only 16, are you sure you don’t want to take a gap year or two? We can still get a spot in the Engineering camp that offered you a scholarship.”
“Min-ya, it’s not worth it. He won’t listen to us. You’ve been telling him for years to abandon this music foolishness.”
What surprised Jin the most wasn’t the sentiment from Namjoon’s parents, it was more common than not in the fine arts department for students to not have the blessing of their parents. What took Jin aback was the stony silence coming from Namjoon’s side of the conversation, as if he had nothing to say so nothing should be said. That level of maturity from a sixteen year old kid was something unheard of. Even Jin, who had a supportive, if absentee family, snapped at his mother occasionally with his 19 years of experience.
He decided at that point that he would do exactly as Ms.Kim requested of him. He would protect little Namjoon and hopefully learn as much as he can from him. Not that he would ever tell him that.
“Jin-hyung, what time is your Music Theory class today?” Namjoon interrupts.
“I only teach Tuesday and Friday. We can go home for lunch and come back at 2pm for Philharmonia.”
“Excellent!” Namjoon, practically bounces out of his chair, rocking on the balls of his feet. Slipping into his jacket he qualifies, “Do you want to go to Goreul-saem first, I don’t feel like cooking tonight.”
“Namjoon, you haven’t cooked in 6 years.”
“Yah, I cook sometimes! I made ramyeon for you last week.”
“Jinja, fine. We’ll go out. But I know it’s just because of that cute noona that works the register.”
“No, I-” Namjoon panics as he goes to lock the door of the Orchestra room behind him.
“Yah, yah, yah, They serve the same menu at Booreul- saem but you’ve insisted on Goreul the past three weeks. Booreul is closer! I don’t care if you like her, just fucking ask her out already so I can stop wasting my time on it!”
Namjoon scratches the back of his head and stares at the floor. “I guess. Yeah, that’s true.”
“I know! When I have ever been wrong?” Jin slings his arm across the shoulders of his dongsaeng and they marched back down the hallway together.
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