#started writing an email to my therapist but it got sooo long
65kittygirls · 1 year
My meds are literally within arm's reach and I cba taking them... Gonna have brain lightening if I don't lol but fuck it we ball.
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jessjem777 · 6 years
Rachel the fallen Angel
Rachel-Hmm So far i've saved Chloe/Max....Killed Jeffershit what should I do now...GOT IT well time to have some fun with him
Rachel then proceeds to her all seeing machine to play around some more
Satan- So who you Fucking with today Ms Amber
Rachel-God for the last time STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! and yes I am going to Fuck with someone sheesh
Satan- Also don't mention God in here goes both ways...Alright have fun
Rachel-What a prick
Rachel- Okay now where is he at?
Rachel- Ahhh there he is 1 Mr Nathan Prescott time to have some fun with him
Nathan- Fuck me why did I kill Rachel it wasn't my intention at all...WHY DID I listen to that Fucking weirdo perveted prick in Jefferson i'm sooo sorry Rachel I didn't mean to do it I know you'll never forgive me but please
Rachel- Well shit I didn't expect that guess he does have feelings I guess Jeffershit Fucked with him more than I thought this kid needs help badly
Nathan- I know it means shit now but man I wish I could take it back
Rachel-Yea it Fucking doesn't mean shit you cunt but I guess I can forgive you a little bit
Rachel...Hmm I wanna help him but I also wanna fuck with him at the same time....Eh why not both
Rachel then plays around with him by projecting her corpse on his tv with the words "You did this to me...WHY
Nathan-Fuck Fuck FUCK did I just see that? Please tell me I didn't just see that
Rachel- Oh don't worry you did
Nathan- Alright keep cool Nathan you've got this just stop smoking and relax you'll be fine
Rachel- I do feel bad for him buttt i'm having sooo much fun atm to stop
Nathan- Man that was Fucking weird why did I see Rachel's dead body with the writing "You did this to me....WHY" I don't get it
Rachel- That's only the beginning you poor little rich kid shits gonna get a hella of a lot more worse
Nathan- Shit I need to sleep now before more shit gets outta wack
Rachel- Oh you ain't escaping me that easy you prick
Rachel then uses her dreamscape powers to enter Nathan's dreams and Fuck him up even more
Rachel-Hello Nathan long time no see
Nathan- WTF are you doing here you're dead right?
Rachel- Yeah that's right i am dead all because of you and Jeffershit i've already taken care of him sooo i'm here for you
Nathan- Please PLEASE I know I Fucked up i've regretted it ever since just please don't kill me
Rachel- Why shouldn't I kill you give me 1 good reason why I shouldn't
Nathan- I know you wanna kill me which is fair enough I know I Fucked up badly....But I was being used by everyone i've ever known my dad, Jefferson, And who knows who else I always thought I was the good guy but my life has been Fucked
Rachel stares at him blankly
Nathan- Fine fine whatever you can kill me if you want just get it over with already
Rachel- I'm not going to kill you alright Nathan you need help and I know you were used and I want to help you
Nathan- Wha eh wha you're not gonna kill me? You wanna help me?
Rachel- Yeah I ain't killing you i've got Jeffershit burning in hell that's enough satisfaction for me atm
Nathan- Damn hardcore bitch
Rachel- the Cunt deserved it
Nathan- Ain't that the truth
Nathan- So how are you gonna help me specifically
Rachel- You need to help me help you
Nathan- And how am I meant to do that
Rachel- Get yo ass into any kinda therapy you can find try to get yourself a job or anything to keep yo mind off everything Fucking with you atm trust me it helps
Nathan- Alright ALRIGHT I get it i'll go tomorrow to find something
Rachel- Also Fuck off your dad you don't need his negativity in your life whatsoever just hang around with people who make you happy and want the best for you alright
Nathan- Got it I hate his guts my sister is awesome I can talk to her
Rachel- See great start yeah your Sister is a great person to speak to about this shit
Nathan-Yeah she is I miss her soo much but she's in a forest halfway across the world how much help can she be from there
Rachel- It doesn't have to be face-to-face it can be a phonecall an email anything just talk about everything/anything and trust me she'll help
Nathan- Shit girl you're damn Fucking right about everything how could I ever kill you the fact you're giving me a chance to redeem myself is amazing I dont deserve it
Rachel- you're right you don't deserve it but you've got it so make it count get your life back in order and be successful
Nathan- I promise Rachel I shall do everything I can to succeed
Rachel- Good now my job is done here I may drop in from time to time but i'm out for now
Nathan- Thank you Rachel seriously Thank you
Rachel- Just don't Fuck it up catch ya man
Rachel then leaves Nathan's dreams and goes back to her station in Hell and let's Nathan sleep
Next morning
Rachel- Wake up already sheesh you lazy prick "sigh" time for some improvisation
Rachel then starts using her powers to wake him up making loud noises and playing with the light
Nathan- Alright I get the hint i'm up i'm up
Rachel- Finally sheesh been waiting hours you bloody snore loudly as well { Man i gotta stop talking to myself}
Nathan- So today is the day I get my shit in order and take my life back Fuck everyone who's used me i'm being my own man now
Rachel- FINALLY!!! He's being a man not a spoilt little rich kid
Nathan- I HEARD THAT!!!
Rachel- Oops left the mic on my bad
Nathan then has a shower and gets ready for the day getting everything ready to try and find a job or anything
Nathan- Okay time to get my resumais in order
Rachel- Damn this boy is being productive never thought i'd live to see the day.....Oh wait
Nathan- Alright time to see who's hiring please just anyone
Nathan then goes looking around town and finds around 2/3 places hiring people but only 1 took his fancy
Nathan- This place looks alright photography shop I seem about right with everything they need in a worker see how it goes
Rachel- Please accept him please please please
Nathan then goes in for the interview and it all goes well
Interviewer- Thank you for your time Mr Prescott i'll give you a call within a few days
Nathan why thank you sir i'll look forward to it goodbye
Interviewer- Goodbye sir
Rachel- God please let him get accepted....WOW i'm even talking about god meh Fuck that guy
2 Days pass and still no word meanwhile Nathan is trying out new Camera angles and different photography style
Rachel- Man he's reall bloody good this place would be idiotic not to hire him
Then the phone rings
Nathan- Hello sir
Boss- Hello Mr Prescott you came in for an interview a few days ago correct?
Nathan- Indeed I did sir
Boss- Well I have the results here and i'm pleased to inform you that you've been hired you start Monday
Rachel- HELL YESSSSS!!!!!!!!
Nathan oh shit for real? Thank you boss I can't wait to start
Boss- WOW never seen anyone that excited aha all good mate enjoy it
Nathan- I won't let you down boss
Boss- I don't expect you to have a good day see you Monday
Nathan- Catch ya boss
Nathan- HOLY FUCK!!!! I have a job thank you god THANK YOU RACHEL
Rachel- Well I am god so you're welcome Nathan
Monday arrives
Nathan- Holy shit i'm nervous as hell how am I gonna do this
Rachel- Just relax you got this
Nathan- Just breath man...alright let's DO THIS!!!1
Rachel- Damn enthusiasm never seen it on him before
Nathan then enters work gets shown around thevjoint and is ready to start the day
Nathan- I've got this
Rachel- you've got this
Nathan goes through the day without a hitch and his boss is very proud of him
Boss- You did a great job today Nathan i'm very proud of you
Nathan- Thank you boss i'm glad you think so i was pretty darn nervous about it
Boss- Haha That's normal man but you'll find it gets easier with time
Nathan- Indeed boss well i'll see ya tomorrow then?
Boss- You betcha mate catch ya \
Nathan- See ya boss
Rachel- Well that was an successful ass of a day great job Nathan proud of ya
Rachel that's 1 thing sorted now for the other 2
Later that night Rachel enters his dreams again
Rachel- Hello Nathan
Nathan- Shit hello Rachel
Rachel- How ya feeling after today
Nathan- Bloody relieved guess you were right it does take your mind off shit
Rachel- Indeed it does man but you've got a job you're happy with which is awesome BUT you still have the therapy and talking to your sister to go through yet
Nathan- I'll call a therapist tomorrow on my break and my sis on the weekend
Rachel- Sounds like a deal just make sure you do it
Nathan- I will don't worry
Rachel- I'll be watching...Anyway see ya Nathan
Nathan- Goodbye Rachel
The next day on his lunch break Nathan calls up a therapist
Therapist- Hello how are you
Nathan- Hello my name is Nathan Prescott i'd like to book an appointment to see you soon
Therapist- Sure thing is 4pm tomorrow sound good
Nathan- Yeah it sounds perfect thank you
Therapist- You're welcome see you tomorrow goodbye
Nathan- Goodbye
Nathan- Well that's bloody brilliant news I get help i've got a job man all I need to do now is reconnect with my sister and all will be great again
Rachel- Cough cough welcome cough cough agh bad cough....What I was coughing
After work the next day Nathan goes to see his therapist
Therapist- Hello Nathan how are you going today?
Nathan- i'm pretty good Doc things have been looking up lately
Therapist- That's great to hear so what's changed
Nathan- Well my enthusiasm for life has changed i've dropped the toxic people from my life shit i've even got a job now
Therapist- That's brilliant news Nathan
Nathan- Indeed it is i'm gonna try to re-connect with my Sister again this weekend
Therapist- That's a great idea..But how are you mentally are you still relapsing or anything?
Nathan- Ever since i've had this dream where a spirit came into it and told me to get my shit together if you wanna live i've been bloody perfect I haven't been taking any drugs or any thoughts about it been taking my meds every day
Therapist- Holy shit Nathan you're progress in a short time is amazing to see...But what ya mean spirit?
Nathan- I guess I can only explain it as my guardian angel came to my aid
Therapist- That sounds pretty much right mate but that's all we've got time for you've made AMAZING progress lately Nathan but keep it going don't wanna relapse or anything
Nathan- I will doc nothing will stop me now and see ya doc
Therapist- See ya Nathan
On the weekend Nathan decides to try contact his sister
Nathan- I've tried calling her but nothing why won't she answer
Rachel- Probably has no signal she's in a bloody rainforest after all
Nathan- I'll just email her see if she'll answer in time
Nathan then types out a huge ass email telling his sis about everything that's been going on lately
Nathan- well that'll do I hope she sees it soon
Rachel- She Fucking better answer or i'll Fuck with her next
Few hours later of waiting for an answer he's finally got one
Sister "Hey Nathan, It's great to hear how awesome you're going now after everything that's happened i'm thankful you still remembered about your sister that means a lot to me, So you've got a job at a photography store that's great news, And you've dropped dad from your life tbh that's the greatest thing you could've done he's one toxic motherfucker why ya think i'm in a forest away from him, Anyway I gotta go now but I love you little bro and i'm soooo happy to hear your life has turned around for the better keep it up bro love you"
Nathan swelled up with tears, Love everything
Rachel- Aww seeing him this emotional is awesome he really does love his sister
Nathan- That's the greatest thing i've ever read man I love my sister
Nathan- Soo got a job TICK, Been to therapy TICK and reconnected with my sister TICK man i've done everything Rachel said I should do
Rachel-Indeed you have man I guess my work here is done
Dad- How dare you betray me son betray the Prescott name you've disappointed me and trying to drop me from your life? How dare you son I raised you better than that
Nathan's heart sank when he read that message he didn't expect any contact from his dad he stood in shock not knowing how to answer
Rachel- Well i'll be Fucked the prick decided to make a visit as I left to go to the shitter FFS always happens
Nathan not knowing how to answer just took a deep breath and went for it
Nathan- Dear you miserable old cunt..Yes I am indeed done with your bossy ways your my way or the highway attitude...You never really cared what I wanted it was always what was best for you and the "Prescott" name well it's just a Fucking NAME and means shit all if you're the one behind it controlling it...You didn't raise me at aall my life was hell with you nothing you ever did was in my best interest EVER!!!!! So to wrap it up i'm done with you I hope you die alone you miserable ol cunt this will be the last you hear of me...Goodbye
Rachel- DAAAMNNNNN SON...Tell it like it is
Nathan then proceeds to block his number and everything so he can never contact him again
Nathan- WOW that's over with thank Fuck my life is actually in order now all thanks to you Rachel
Rachel- FINALLY!!!! Haha This has been great to watch his life
Nathan then has a nap and for the last time Rachel enters his dreams
Rachel- Hello Nathan
Nathan- Hello Rachel
Rachel- Seems my work here is done you've got everything sorted for the time being you don't need me anymore
Nathan- I guess I don't huh well it's sad to see you go Rachel...You've really REALLY helped me these past weeks I can't believe it
Rachel- Well you did as you promised and got your shit together that's all I cared for tbh
Nathan- So this is goodbye huh...I'm gonna miss you ya know
Rachel- I may drop in now and then we'll see until then i've got other people to Fuck with or help out who knows
Nathan- Alright then good luck with everythingand goodbye
Rachel- You too Nathan just keep doing what you're doing and everything will go great trust me...Goodbye
Rachel- Fuck sake thank Fuck that's done I really need a nap after this time to go home
Satan- Oh you're finally back huh sheesh take your time
Rachel- Shut the Fuck up Satan not in the mood
Satan- sheesh fiesty today alright see ya talk later
Racehl- Yeah whatever you say pal
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