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fromtenthousandfeet · 3 months
All Cash and No Credit
Let's talk about HYBE's strategy for Jimin's MUSE. It's pretty simple
Maximize Profit - Minimize Success
Let's break down how they're doing it.
Goal #1 is to get as many customers as possible to buy from Weverse instead of regular retailers like chains (Target, Walmart, Barnes & Noble) and online sellers like Amazon. When fans buy on Weverse, a HYBE subsidiary, the company keeps not only the wholesale portion of the album sale, but the retail portion as well. This is obvious, right? If not, I'm happy to explain. The company likely makes twice the profit (give or take) on albums purchased via Weverse. AND, they can control when those albums are shipped, and how, when, or if the sales are reported to the music charting agencies.
The fact that Target pre-sales of MUSE is sold out within hours is suspect. This indicates limited stock, just like the strategy used for Like Crazy CD singles. Meanwhile, Geffen is very slow to release the pre-sale links for other retailers. The Walmart presale just went up. Where are B&N and Amazon? Will they have limited inventory, too?
Putting Jimin's Production Diary on Weverse only was a conscious choice. The cost of the documentary was expensive - more than the monthly fee for streaming services, the company kept all the profit (didn't have to share the costs with Netflix or Disney+), and limited his exposure to the general public. I suspect they will operate the same way with MUSE.
Goal #2 Keep Jimin as low as possible on the charts. We've seen this over and over. First, by splitting Like Crazy versions and disappearing sales, no CD restocks. Then we saw the same behavior from BH/HYBE again with Closer Than This being released on the worst possible day of the year and almost zero promotion. You know the details.
HYBE will limit stock. They will likely not report all sales.
MUSE physical albums will not be eligible for UK charts because of a random inclusion. The previous four solo album releases have had specific UK versions with no inclusions. UK fans will have to rely on digital sales for charting purposes unless BH provides a new version. Dirty.
Goal #3 Promote the album just enough to garner sales from fans while minimizing advertising to the greater public. The announcement of the new album is also strange. The teaser video was only on Instagram and only on the BigHit/BTS channel (this didn't stop anyone, though, as far as I can tell) as well as Weverse (I'm getting tired of that platform). TikTok is a far more effective advertising tool when it comes to targeting young people. Why wasn't the teaser posted to TikTok? Either way, "Jimin Jimin" was trending on X/Twitter with over 1.7 million mentions many hours after the announcement of the new album. There's only so much BH can do to suppress Jimin now that fans have taken marketing him into their own hands.
Let's keep an eye on this.
What's different this time around? This time the fandom knows who is behind thwarting Jimin's success. Precious time was lost during the FACE era when everyone was blaming Jimin's sabotage on Billboard and Spotify, rather than the rightful villain - HYBE/Big Hit. This time the fandom knows to watch their every move and call them out on their shady and unequal treatment. That said, tagging Geffen, Big Hit, and HYBE on X is pretty much useless. They have shown they won't change their behavior when fans complain. Instead, fans must start tagging Billboard, Spotify, and media outlets. Media outlets are the most important. HYBE does not care about the fandom, but they do care about their public image, especially after all the damage that's been done to the company and the stock price due to the ADOR controversy and court case.
I think Jimin is going to a different label for his solo work. That's my hunch. The company is going to squeeze as much profit out of him as possible before he goes, but it's a balancing act because they don't want him to outshine Jungkook. Of course, I could be completely wrong.
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imfullysatisfied · 4 months
Google Ad business faces breakup after being charged with EU antitrust violations
Google may be forced to sell part of its ad business after being charged with violating the European Union’s antitrust laws. Following a lengthy investigation, the European Commission suggested that “mandatory divestment” is the only way the search engine can resolve the issue.
Why we care: If Google does sell part of its ad business, it could mark the start of a new digital marketing era with a more competitive market and fairer pricing. This could potentially lead to more transparency, greater campaign control for advertisers and increased innovation, which could prompt the creation of new ad tools.
What’s happening: The European Commission conducted a report into the operation of Google Ads and found that the search engine typically tends to favor its own ads, causing difficulties for competing providers.
When discussing potential solutions, the commission said that behavioral improvements would not be enough to rectify the matter. Instead, it has recommended that the search giant sells off part of its business.
What has Google said? Google released a statement today criticizing the commission’s findings. Dan Taylor, Vice President of Google Ads, wrote:
“The Statement of Objections from the European Commission sets out claims that are not new and relate to a narrow part of our advertising business. It fails to recognize how advanced advertising technology helps merchants reach customers and grow their businesses — while lowering costs and expanding choices for consumers.
“Ad tech is fiercely competitive and constantly evolving. We compete with hundreds of companies in this space, including household names like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta as well as specialized advertising technology companies like Criteo, The Trade Desk, and many others. Even media companies and retailers now offer competing advertising technologies.
“The digital advertising market enjoys competitive pricing, lively innovation, and robust competition — helping advertisers, publishers, and consumers. We look forward to showing how our ad tech tools help make the internet open, and accessible — and how breaking them would diminish the availability of free, ad-supported content that benefits everyone.”
Has this happened before? Earlier this year, nine U.S. states (Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia), joined forces to bring a similar lawsuit against Google.
The states accused the search engine’s ad business of violating antitrust regulations. To rectify the matter, they urged Google to break up its Ad Manager suite, claiming it was exploiting its online advertising dominance. Google denied the claims and asked for the case to be dismissed.
In 2020, Google was also accused of breaching antitrust laws again in order to sustain its position as the leading search engine. This case is set for trial in September.
Deeper dive: You can read Google’s full response to the European Commission announcement about its advertising technology.
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Nicola Agius is Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land after joining in 2023. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company’s editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book ‘Mastering In-House SEO’.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/jedi-digital-marketing/social-media-management
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johnnyrobish · 1 year
Trump’s Financially Troubled ‘Truth Social’ Facing Key Funding Deadline
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A complex deal to take Donald Trump’s social-media platform Truth Social public faces a crucial test next week that could determine whether it becomes a multibillion-dollar company that the former US president once vowed would stand up to “big tech,” or just languish in financial limbo.  Trump’s Truth Social network’s “blank check” ally Digital World Acquisition, once considered a stock-market star, is now just days away from potential total liquidation.  
Ah, what shame!  It seems Humpty Trumpty is falling down.  Now, a lot of people will claim Donald Trump is totally useless, but I disagree.  They all seem to forget there are two things Trump does extremely well - spending other people's money and conning morons.  They say suckers are “born” every minute - and Trump is right there in the nursery to reel them in.  That said, you didn’t exactly have to be Nostradamus to figure out how this grift would end. 
You’d think six previous bankruptcies would’ve raised a red flag or two for these “investors.”  Hell, if these folks over at “Truth Social” were being completely “truthful,” they’d have named the platform “Lying Through My Teeth Social,” or perhaps “Spoof Social.” The only real “truth” about Truth Social” is that they're headed for bankruptcy.  And to think poor MAGA sycophant Marjorie Trailor Greene had $50K invested.  Damm shame, if you ask me, although I don’t think she will.
Gee, this Donald Trump fellow sure has the magic touch, doesn't he?  Now, I wouldn’t call it a “Midas Touch,” but its a “touch,” just the same.  Wonder what’s next, “Trump Tacos?”  Those might help coat your stomach if you’re hammering down Trump Vodka to drown your sorrows over all the money you’ve lost. Now, the big question is, how long before Trump and his pals start blaming some nefarious, secret "Deep State" agency for the collapse of his shining bastion of "free speech?”  After all, Trump is usually all winning, winning, winning. 
The way I see it, about the only positive thing about this whole Trump MAGA phenomenon - is that we now know who the monsters are who’ve been living among us all along.  Oh sure, its true they love him, but the fact is, they love him most when he’s busy breaking china and glassware.  I mean, they have to know he’s a fraud, but hey - he hates all the same people they hate, which makes it all OK.  So they keep sending him money.  Apparently, you really can fool some of the people - “all of the time.”
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kayerarajpoot · 9 months
What Makes A Digital Marketing Agency Profitable Today?
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Every day, we admire successful digital marketing agencies in Bangalore, with their creative campaigns and clients lining up to partner with them. But have you ever paused to consider what it is that makes a digital marketing agency in Bangalore truly profitable in today's market conditions? As someone who's spent more than a decade in this industry, I'm excited to share my insights with you.
Importance of Digital Marketing
In a world where our morning coffees are incomplete without scrolling through our social media feeds, the importance of digital marketing is akin to the importance of that precious caffeine in our mugs. Ah, remember when our grandparents told us stories not scrolling through their Instagram feeds but with a newspaper in hand? Those days are as long gone as the dinosaurs now.
My neighbor's cat could probably launch an Instagram page and amass more followers than a brick-and-mortar store would attract in foot traffic. Such is the gripping power of digital marketing. It holds the potential to reach more audiences, convert more leads, and build brand loyalty like never before. Simply put - digital marketing is the LeBron James of marketing, powerful, hard to ignore, and let’s admit it, the GOAT in the game.
Are Digital Marketing Agencies Profitable Businesses?
A question is as old as the practice itself. Have you been sitting on the edge of starting a digital marketing agency but wondering about the profitability? Picture this, seated comfortably in your chair, creating optimized and impactful campaigns, with the cat snoozing beside you. Sounds like a dream? That can be your reality.
Digital marketing, my friend, is akin to the gold rush of the 21st Century. Except, of course, we're not panning for gold but chasing algorithms, engagement rates, and conversion metrics. With businesses globally embracing digital platforms, the potential to earn from this venture is only getting hotter than my grandma's saucepan. Toss in some unique strategies and a pinch of 'know-how,' and voila, you've cooked up a profitable digital marketing agency.
How to choose the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore for your Business
Sweating over Google's SERPs (Search Engine Result Page)  trying to find the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore? Ah, I feel you. The process can be as messy as attempting to make a Thanksgiving turkey from scratch without a recipe. But fresher up, I've got a roadmap.
Check their digital presence. It's like an artist's portfolio, the proof of the pudding as they say.
Review their previous work. If they managed to turn Joe's backyard lemonade stand into a global brand, imagine what they could do for you.
Introduce yourself to their team. You are handing over your brand's reins, you deserve to know who's in the driver’s seat.
Know their techniques. Some might play Mozart on a grand piano; others are belting out rock anthems on an electric guitar. You need to pick whose tune you want to dance to.
How Does A Digital Marketing Agency Become Profitable?
Let's dive right in, no messing around: the digital marketing world isn't a kiddy pool. It's an immense, ever-changing ocean, fraught with unseen predators—and some truly incredible treasures. Rule number one: clichés are like plastic polluting the waters. Avoid them or be lost in the depths.
Instead, aim for the unexpected. Those "aha!" moments that get clients clicking and sharing. Dancing with joy because they've found your needle in the digital haystack.
Strong Client Relationships: Building strong client relationships is essential for the long-term success and profitability of a digital marketing agency. By establishing trust and delivering exceptional results, agencies can foster long-term partnerships and a steady stream of repeat clients.
Learn and Adapt: Digital marketing is constantly changing. Profitable agencies invest in continuous learning and stay up-to-date with the latest trends, algorithms, and best practices. By adapting their strategies and approaches, these agencies can deliver superior results and maintain their competitiveness.
Efficient Resource Allocation: Effective resource allocation is crucial for profitability. Digital marketing agencies need to strike a balance between their human resources, tools, and investments in various marketing channels. By optimizing their resource allocation, agencies can maximize their efficiency and profitability.
Innovation and Creativity: Profitable digital marketing agencies in Bangalore understand the importance of innovation and creativity. They continuously strive to provide unique and captivating campaigns that capture the attention of their target audience. By thinking outside the box and exploring new ideas, these agencies can differentiate themselves from the competition and attract high-value clients.
In conclusion, digital marketing agencies play a vital role in driving the success and profitability of businesses in today's digital world. By harnessing the power of digital marketing techniques and leveraging their expertise, these agencies help businesses reach their target audience, build brand recognition, and ultimately drive sales. When choosing a digital marketing agency in Bangalore, it is essential to consider factors such as experience, services offered, client references, communication, and tailored strategies. Additionally, for a digital marketing agency to become profitable, strong client relationships, continual learning and adaptation, efficient resource allocation, and a focus on innovation and creativity are crucial. By embracing these factors, digital marketing agencies can thrive in today's competitive landscape and deliver exceptional results for their clients.
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leeanndicicco · 9 months
Google Ad business faces breakup after being charged with EU antitrust violations
Google may be forced to sell part of its ad business after being charged with violating the European Union’s antitrust laws. Following a lengthy investigation, the European Commission suggested that “mandatory divestment” is the only way the search engine can resolve the issue.
Why we care: If Google does sell part of its ad business, it could mark the start of a new digital marketing era with a more competitive market and fairer pricing. This could potentially lead to more transparency, greater campaign control for advertisers and increased innovation, which could prompt the creation of new ad tools.
What’s happening: The European Commission conducted a report into the operation of Google Ads and found that the search engine typically tends to favor its own ads, causing difficulties for competing providers.
When discussing potential solutions, the commission said that behavioral improvements would not be enough to rectify the matter. Instead, it has recommended that the search giant sells off part of its business.
What has Google said? Google released a statement today criticizing the commission’s findings. Dan Taylor, Vice President of Google Ads, wrote:
“The Statement of Objections from the European Commission sets out claims that are not new and relate to a narrow part of our advertising business. It fails to recognize how advanced advertising technology helps merchants reach customers and grow their businesses — while lowering costs and expanding choices for consumers.
“Ad tech is fiercely competitive and constantly evolving. We compete with hundreds of companies in this space, including household names like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta as well as specialized advertising technology companies like Criteo, The Trade Desk, and many others. Even media companies and retailers now offer competing advertising technologies.
“The digital advertising market enjoys competitive pricing, lively innovation, and robust competition — helping advertisers, publishers, and consumers. We look forward to showing how our ad tech tools help make the internet open, and accessible — and how breaking them would diminish the availability of free, ad-supported content that benefits everyone.”
Has this happened before? Earlier this year, nine U.S. states (Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia), joined forces to bring a similar lawsuit against Google.
The states accused the search engine’s ad business of violating antitrust regulations. To rectify the matter, they urged Google to break up its Ad Manager suite, claiming it was exploiting its online advertising dominance. Google denied the claims and asked for the case to be dismissed.
In 2020, Google was also accused of breaching antitrust laws again in order to sustain its position as the leading search engine. This case is set for trial in September.
Deeper dive: You can read Google’s full response to the European Commission announcement about its advertising technology.
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Nicola Agius is Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land after joining in 2023. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company’s editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book ‘Mastering In-House SEO’.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/jedi-digital-marketing/social-media-management
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txshelby · 1 year
Google Ad business faces breakup after being charged with EU antitrust violations
Google may be forced to sell part of its ad business after being charged with violating the European Union’s antitrust laws. Following a lengthy investigation, the European Commission suggested that “mandatory divestment” is the only way the search engine can resolve the issue.
Why we care: If Google does sell part of its ad business, it could mark the start of a new digital marketing era with a more competitive market and fairer pricing. This could potentially lead to more transparency, greater campaign control for advertisers and increased innovation, which could prompt the creation of new ad tools.
What’s happening: The European Commission conducted a report into the operation of Google Ads and found that the search engine typically tends to favor its own ads, causing difficulties for competing providers.
When discussing potential solutions, the commission said that behavioral improvements would not be enough to rectify the matter. Instead, it has recommended that the search giant sells off part of its business.
What has Google said? Google released a statement today criticizing the commission’s findings. Dan Taylor, Vice President of Google Ads, wrote:
“The Statement of Objections from the European Commission sets out claims that are not new and relate to a narrow part of our advertising business. It fails to recognize how advanced advertising technology helps merchants reach customers and grow their businesses — while lowering costs and expanding choices for consumers.
“Ad tech is fiercely competitive and constantly evolving. We compete with hundreds of companies in this space, including household names like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta as well as specialized advertising technology companies like Criteo, The Trade Desk, and many others. Even media companies and retailers now offer competing advertising technologies.
“The digital advertising market enjoys competitive pricing, lively innovation, and robust competition — helping advertisers, publishers, and consumers. We look forward to showing how our ad tech tools help make the internet open, and accessible — and how breaking them would diminish the availability of free, ad-supported content that benefits everyone.”
Has this happened before? Earlier this year, nine U.S. states (Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia), joined forces to bring a similar lawsuit against Google.
The states accused the search engine’s ad business of violating antitrust regulations. To rectify the matter, they urged Google to break up its Ad Manager suite, claiming it was exploiting its online advertising dominance. Google denied the claims and asked for the case to be dismissed.
In 2020, Google was also accused of breaching antitrust laws again in order to sustain its position as the leading search engine. This case is set for trial in September.
Deeper dive: You can read Google’s full response to the European Commission announcement about its advertising technology.
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Nicola Agius is Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land after joining in 2023. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company’s editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book ‘Mastering In-House SEO’.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/jedi-digital-marketing/social-media-management
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yungmalta · 11 months
Google Ad business faces breakup after being charged with EU antitrust violations
Google may be forced to sell part of its ad business after being charged with violating the European Union’s antitrust laws. Following a lengthy investigation, the European Commission suggested that “mandatory divestment” is the only way the search engine can resolve the issue.
Why we care: If Google does sell part of its ad business, it could mark the start of a new digital marketing era with a more competitive market and fairer pricing. This could potentially lead to more transparency, greater campaign control for advertisers and increased innovation, which could prompt the creation of new ad tools.
What’s happening: The European Commission conducted a report into the operation of Google Ads and found that the search engine typically tends to favor its own ads, causing difficulties for competing providers.
When discussing potential solutions, the commission said that behavioral improvements would not be enough to rectify the matter. Instead, it has recommended that the search giant sells off part of its business.
What has Google said? Google released a statement today criticizing the commission’s findings. Dan Taylor, Vice President of Google Ads, wrote:
“The Statement of Objections from the European Commission sets out claims that are not new and relate to a narrow part of our advertising business. It fails to recognize how advanced advertising technology helps merchants reach customers and grow their businesses — while lowering costs and expanding choices for consumers.
“Ad tech is fiercely competitive and constantly evolving. We compete with hundreds of companies in this space, including household names like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta as well as specialized advertising technology companies like Criteo, The Trade Desk, and many others. Even media companies and retailers now offer competing advertising technologies.
“The digital advertising market enjoys competitive pricing, lively innovation, and robust competition — helping advertisers, publishers, and consumers. We look forward to showing how our ad tech tools help make the internet open, and accessible — and how breaking them would diminish the availability of free, ad-supported content that benefits everyone.”
Has this happened before? Earlier this year, nine U.S. states (Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia), joined forces to bring a similar lawsuit against Google.
The states accused the search engine’s ad business of violating antitrust regulations. To rectify the matter, they urged Google to break up its Ad Manager suite, claiming it was exploiting its online advertising dominance. Google denied the claims and asked for the case to be dismissed.
In 2020, Google was also accused of breaching antitrust laws again in order to sustain its position as the leading search engine. This case is set for trial in September.
Deeper dive: You can read Google’s full response to the European Commission announcement about its advertising technology.
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Nicola Agius is Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land after joining in 2023. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company’s editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book ‘Mastering In-House SEO’.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/jedi-digital-marketing/social-media-management
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n-orway · 1 year
Google Ad business faces breakup after being charged with EU antitrust violations
Google may be forced to sell part of its ad business after being charged with violating the European Union’s antitrust laws. Following a lengthy investigation, the European Commission suggested that “mandatory divestment” is the only way the search engine can resolve the issue.
Why we care: If Google does sell part of its ad business, it could mark the start of a new digital marketing era with a more competitive market and fairer pricing. This could potentially lead to more transparency, greater campaign control for advertisers and increased innovation, which could prompt the creation of new ad tools.
What’s happening: The European Commission conducted a report into the operation of Google Ads and found that the search engine typically tends to favor its own ads, causing difficulties for competing providers.
When discussing potential solutions, the commission said that behavioral improvements would not be enough to rectify the matter. Instead, it has recommended that the search giant sells off part of its business.
What has Google said? Google released a statement today criticizing the commission’s findings. Dan Taylor, Vice President of Google Ads, wrote:
“The Statement of Objections from the European Commission sets out claims that are not new and relate to a narrow part of our advertising business. It fails to recognize how advanced advertising technology helps merchants reach customers and grow their businesses — while lowering costs and expanding choices for consumers.
“Ad tech is fiercely competitive and constantly evolving. We compete with hundreds of companies in this space, including household names like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta as well as specialized advertising technology companies like Criteo, The Trade Desk, and many others. Even media companies and retailers now offer competing advertising technologies.
“The digital advertising market enjoys competitive pricing, lively innovation, and robust competition — helping advertisers, publishers, and consumers. We look forward to showing how our ad tech tools help make the internet open, and accessible — and how breaking them would diminish the availability of free, ad-supported content that benefits everyone.”
Has this happened before? Earlier this year, nine U.S. states (Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia), joined forces to bring a similar lawsuit against Google.
The states accused the search engine’s ad business of violating antitrust regulations. To rectify the matter, they urged Google to break up its Ad Manager suite, claiming it was exploiting its online advertising dominance. Google denied the claims and asked for the case to be dismissed.
In 2020, Google was also accused of breaching antitrust laws again in order to sustain its position as the leading search engine. This case is set for trial in September.
Deeper dive: You can read Google’s full response to the European Commission announcement about its advertising technology.
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<![CDATA[ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:770px; min-height:260px; @media screen and (min-width: 1279px) #div-gpt-ad-3191538-7 display: flex !important; justify-content: center !important; align-items: center !important; min-width:800px!important; min-height:440px!important; ]]>
About the author
Nicola Agius is Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land after joining in 2023. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company’s editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book ‘Mastering In-House SEO’.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/jedi-digital-marketing/social-media-management
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meer-kat · 1 year
Google Ad business faces breakup after being charged with EU antitrust violations
Google may be forced to sell part of its ad business after being charged with violating the European Union’s antitrust laws. Following a lengthy investigation, the European Commission suggested that “mandatory divestment” is the only way the search engine can resolve the issue.
Why we care: If Google does sell part of its ad business, it could mark the start of a new digital marketing era with a more competitive market and fairer pricing. This could potentially lead to more transparency, greater campaign control for advertisers and increased innovation, which could prompt the creation of new ad tools.
What’s happening: The European Commission conducted a report into the operation of Google Ads and found that the search engine typically tends to favor its own ads, causing difficulties for competing providers.
When discussing potential solutions, the commission said that behavioral improvements would not be enough to rectify the matter. Instead, it has recommended that the search giant sells off part of its business.
What has Google said? Google released a statement today criticizing the commission’s findings. Dan Taylor, Vice President of Google Ads, wrote:
“The Statement of Objections from the European Commission sets out claims that are not new and relate to a narrow part of our advertising business. It fails to recognize how advanced advertising technology helps merchants reach customers and grow their businesses — while lowering costs and expanding choices for consumers.
“Ad tech is fiercely competitive and constantly evolving. We compete with hundreds of companies in this space, including household names like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta as well as specialized advertising technology companies like Criteo, The Trade Desk, and many others. Even media companies and retailers now offer competing advertising technologies.
“The digital advertising market enjoys competitive pricing, lively innovation, and robust competition — helping advertisers, publishers, and consumers. We look forward to showing how our ad tech tools help make the internet open, and accessible — and how breaking them would diminish the availability of free, ad-supported content that benefits everyone.”
Has this happened before? Earlier this year, nine U.S. states (Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia), joined forces to bring a similar lawsuit against Google.
The states accused the search engine’s ad business of violating antitrust regulations. To rectify the matter, they urged Google to break up its Ad Manager suite, claiming it was exploiting its online advertising dominance. Google denied the claims and asked for the case to be dismissed.
In 2020, Google was also accused of breaching antitrust laws again in order to sustain its position as the leading search engine. This case is set for trial in September.
Deeper dive: You can read Google’s full response to the European Commission announcement about its advertising technology.
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About the author
Nicola Agius is Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land after joining in 2023. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media and more. Prior to this, she was SEO Director at Jungle Creations (2020-2023), overseeing the company’s editorial strategy for multiple websites. She has over 15 years of experience in journalism and has previously worked at OK! Magazine (2010-2014), Mail Online (2014-2015), Mirror (2015-2017), Digital Spy (2017-2018) and The Sun (2018-2020). She also previously teamed up with SEO agency Blue Array to co-author Amazon bestselling book ‘Mastering In-House SEO’.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/jedi-digital-marketing/social-media-management
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ecommercegyan · 1 year
How Does the Amazon PPC Advertising Work? 
PPC adverts are part of Amazon's internal advertising system. Businesses, agencies, and third-party sellers can advertise in Amazon's search results and their competitors' results pages using Amazon PPC Management. That way, merchants can show Amazon shoppers relevant products at checkout, improving the likelihood of a sale. Due to its effectiveness, three out of four Amazon sellers utilize this method.
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Definition of Amazon PPC
Amazon PPC is the paid advertising service provided by Amazon to its independent sellers. It lets vendors set up advertising campaigns for their wares and collects payment from them at each interaction with a potential consumer.
Now the question at hand is, how much does pay-per-click advertising on Amazon actually cost?
How Much Does Amazon PPC Cost?
Each seller's Amazon PPC charges for Amazon PPC Services will be different based on the number of ad campaigns they're running and the number of keywords they're aiming for. Depending on the degree of competition in your industry, you could spend anywhere from $0.15 to $6 per click.
In What Ways Does Pay-Per-Click Marketing Function?
PPC advertising takes on a variety of forms depending on the medium, but typically consists of the following steps:
Determine your end goal before deciding on a campaign format.
The settings, audiences, devices, locations, schedules, etc., should all be fine-tuned.
List your spending limits and proposed bidding approach.
Enter the web address of the page you wish to visit.
Make a commercial ad.
Your ad's quality and relevance, as well as your campaign's budget, bid, and parameters, are all factored into an algorithm that then determines where your ad will show, how often it will appear, and how much it will cost per click.
Platforms will reward advertisers with better ad placement and lower costs if they take the time to generate high-quality, user-friendly PPC campaigns.
How Does Google Ads' PPC System Work?
Marketers choose keywords to bid on while building ads. You can instruct Google to show your ad for queries that match or are related to the keyword by bidding on it.
Google uses formulas and auctions to select ads for each search. Before entering the auction, your ad's relevance to the term, expected CTR and landing page quality will determine its Quality Score.
Your Quality Score multiplied by the maximum bid determines your Ad Rank. High-ranking ads are displayed first. This technique lets successful advertising access specific audiences at affordable prices. It resembles an auction.
Check here to more about - Why Amazon FBA Coaching is Important for Sellers
Invest In Online Marketing with the Assistance of Experts
Amazon PPC grants you to promote your company's products on the world's most visited online store. However, it takes time and work to create and run an Amazon PPC campaign, especially for companies that provide a vast selection of products. A service like ECommerce Gyan comes in handy at this point. Because of their expert team and long history in e-commerce training, they are the go-to solution for sellers and suppliers who wish to get trained to successfully market their items on Amazon.
E-commerce Gyan is an organization that provides Amazon FBA Course India and Ecommerce PPC management services and is considered the best Amazon PPC expert in India that assist businesses to maximize their advertising investment and accomplish sales goals. Their Ecommerce business training includes learning how to perform market research, create items, create websites, apply digital marketing, and handle logistics. The training can help those who want to start an e-commerce firm and sell things online. 
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nickgerlich · 1 year
When Life Hands You Lemons
The semester is starting to wind down these days, especially for my grad students, whose term lasts only 13 weeks. It may seem like it is long at times, but it really is fast. And like many other semesters before, we have been treated to some very newsworthy, sometimes amusing, other times anger-inspiring, events that cause us to stand up and pay attention.

Like the ongoing worries over TikTok and whether it should be banished not just in individual states and on their government-owned devices, but nationwide. Australia just announced its complete ban on government-owned devices. In the US, in a rather odd come-together moment for the Right and Left, there is momentum to ban it here as well.

It’s just that TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, has more ammo in its case. The top apps right now for lifestyle and video editing are owned by them: Lemon8 and CapCut. Take that, you pompous lawmakers. We’re not just going to roll over and die.

CapCut is a handy tool for creating the reels that users post to TikTok or elsewhere. I only learned about it this last weekend from my oldest daughter, who said that “everyone’s using it” at the digital marketing agency she calls her professional home. Me, I use Mojo, which, for all I know, could be owned by ByteDance as well. She says it is much better than Mojo. I messaged Oldest Daughter yesterday about CapCut’s owner, and I could almost hear her gulp all the way from Dallas.

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And then there’s Lemon8, the new social media app that is designed to take on both Instagram and Pinterest. But in the case of Lemon8, it’s only new to the US. Launched in 2020 to little fanfare, ByteDance kept it in limited circulation until now.

And now we know why.
Lemon8 is not an exact Instagram clone, however, focusing—at least for now—on fashion, food, wellness, and travel, among other general interest topics. Like BeReal, it shuns pretense, and urges users not to stage photos like many we see on Insta. The site also encourages users to include direct links to where viewers can buy featured products.
My question now is whether a ban on TikTok would also include a ban on Lemon8 and CapCut. And even if it does, what’s to stop ByteDance from continuing to roll out new apps to dodge federal bullets? Will it boil down to banishing all Chinese-owned apps, like Pinduoduo and Shein? This could lead to war, you know.
Which makes me begin to wonder if all this pomp and circumstance, this drum-beating, is an exercise in futility. Short of erecting a massive firewall around us, like the Chinese do to keep out western media, there’s little that can be done. Worse yet, it leads to frustrations among the people, especially when we live in a place that espouses First Amendment rights and freedoms. Fire up the VPN, as I have said before, and hope you don’t get caught. I hear that Chinese citizens can be in serious trouble if they do so. The last thing we need is a similar clamp down.
The other part of me wonders how people can continue to absorb so many social media sites. I am not opposed to the development of new ones at all. It’s just that there are still only 24 hours in the day, and I have a hard enough time just attending to Meta’s Facebook and Instagram. I have work to do, you know. Heck, my LinkedIn looks like a ghost page. I guess if I were looking for a job, I’d hop on it.
All of which means we are continuing to slice the market into ever smaller pieces, and as long as it can be done profitably, new sites will continue to roll out. Stir on the controversy of Chinese ownership, and Ima gonna have things to write about for a long, long time.
Let the user beware. There may be someone in Beijing looking over your shoulder.
Dr “But Still I Must Check It Out“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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axad11 · 2 years
Why is Performance Marketing Important for Your Business?
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Whatever you do online to bring the call to action results in performance marketing. This is the general term of performance marketing in simple words. However, if you need to explain it then it refers to online marketing and advertising programs that purely focus on a specific action. Starting from a sale to a lead to a click or another strategy that ultimately results in a call to action. And to make it possible you need a perfect performance marketing agency like AXAD. 
Why is Performance marketing important?
This form of online marketing is very much important to scale your reach, place engagement, and conversion of new buyers in new markets at a lower cost, lower risk and gain much higher ROI than any other marketing channel. To make it possible in your business you need perfect performance marketing and the Best Affiliate Marketing to achieve the best results. 
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance marketing that refers to the practice of digital creators partnering with and promoting brands on their networks. Mostly they use blogs and social media platforms for it.  Affiliate marketer's earnings are based on those affiliate links from which a number of people purchase merchandise. This business uses an affiliate program to promote a retailer's products for a sales commission or a set payment or lead conversions. 
Whereas a performance marketing agency's work depends on the campaign's performance. The success of a campaign's performance is not limited to just a lead generation or the completion of a sale. Other affiliate marketing metrics included within it are mobile app installations, subscriptions, etc. 
How does a performance marketing agency work?
The emerging forms of advertising online are purely objective. They are targeting a precise audience nowadays. What it means is to reach the right people at the right time so that your ads lead to customer acquisition or conversion. Here you have to pay only when your ads perform. 
With the increasing competition, it is necessary to concentrate your budget on marketing channels that bring tangible results. You need to choose services that help measure marketing performance and produce data that drives better business and marketing decisions. 
Practising performance marketing includes the roles of:
Advertisers: This category includes merchants and retailers who want to promote their products, and services through the best affiliate marketing and publishing services. 
Publishers: Affiliates promote brands according to set goals on their personal or business sites. Nowadays, affiliates share the "publisher" label and the market with influencers, content creators, and other marketing partners. 
Affiliate Networks: Best affiliate marketing includes third-party entities or platforms that connect brands and publishers. Provide efficient tracking of key performance indicators to facilitate payments. 
Outsourced Program Managers: This includes full-service digital marketing and performance marketing agency. Here the outsourced program managers take charge of strategy, campaign execution, compliance with regulations, and publisher outreach. 
It is necessary nowadays to have a performance marketing agency that specialises in delivering results. With the usage of analytics, brand marketing, attribution, and channels the brand marketing managers at AXAD report real results in real-time as well as take credit for driving the traffic and sales. To know more about AXAD services please visit www.axad.com. SOURCE URL: https://axad1.blogspot.com/2023/01/why-is-performance-marketing-important.html
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mohaiminul978 · 2 years
Best Email Marketing Platform To Increase Your Earnings
GetResponse is a cloud-based totally advertising and marketing device that lets customers connect to their clients via e-mail and create touchdown pages. It caters mainly to small corporations, bloggers, and advertising and marketing agencies. GetResponse offers an email author that facilitates customers' draft emails without any previous understanding of programming. This module contains templates for sending emails and images for supporting design requirements.
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Get Response's Inbox Preview point displays how emails appear. A/ B testing enables druggies to test the effectiveness of a crusade by optimizing rudiments similar to the subject line and the stylish time to shoot. GetResponse follows a responsive design approach, the appearance of emails can change according to the device display. The result’s List supporter point can import connections from hard disks and correspondence guests similar to Gmail, Magento, Salesforce, and Highrise. It also implements a bus-respond module, which can shoot birthday emails and customized offers. Pricing is per month. Support is offered via converse, dispatch, and tutorials.
In a nutshell, GetResponse is used in campaigns for: 
collecting leads
building email lists
sending and automating emails
and selling products
Simon Grabowski founded GetResponse in 1999 to help small businesses run marketing campaigns. In 2000 they launched their first ‘smart autoresponder’ on their path to smarter email marketing and automation tools.
Some interesting GetResponse stats and facts:
GetResponse has 350,000+ customers
is available in 27 languages
300+ active employees
16.000 active websites using the tool
Estimated annual revenue for last year of $50 million.
Using Getresponse, you can produce leads with signup forms, landing runners, and webinars. You shoot newsletters, automated emails, and produce Facebook advertisements. Track everything with analytics and reporting. You can indeed produce websites with GetResponse in the full set of deals channel tools.
The experience feels simple with the drag-and-drop editor. You choose an element (like a textbook, videotape, button, or image) and drag it onto your content. GetResponse offers pre-built templates so you can produce the content you want with ease.
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Do I need an email marketing tool like GetResponse?
The simple answer is YES. In the moment’s digital geography, dispatch as a marketing channel is stronger than ever. Then are some reasons why you need dispatch marketing
50 of the world’s population use dispatch, with the utmost people checking their dispatch daily. This gives you a huge implicit number of people to communicate with. It can take time to make a dispatch list. But once you do, you can incontinently reach hundreds of thousands of people with what you have to say.
How Does GetResponse work and what is it for?
GetResponse has a ‘forever free plan which lets you send unlimited emails to 500 subscribers.
You choose from 120 dispatch templates to snappily design a dispatch you like.
Alongside newsletters, you produce robotization workflows with GetResponse. Automated juggernauts save time and allow you to communicate with further guests regularly.
GetResponse comes with a drag-and-drop wharf runner creator. You use it to drive attention to your offers and forthcoming events.
GetResponse is useful for deals if you use the conversion channel point. With this, you make content for each step of the client’s trip to turn them from callers to guests.
How can I learn to use GetResponse?
It’s easy to learn and get started with GetResponse. Just produce a free account then and you’ll be guided by a GetResponse wizard. It takes you through a stint of the app and you’ll snappily learn how to shoot your first dispatch.
It’s easy to learn GetResponse. The tools are intuitive and easy to understand. However, you can reach out through converse, watch youtube videos or browse through forums to find results, If you have problems with any point. In the utmost cases, results are readily available.
The first place you’ll want to visit is the support section on their website.
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first-digi-add · 2 years
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What is the Instagram Shadowban?
When a social network becomes not only a place to socialize but also sometimes the main source of income, profile access restrictions can seriously spoil the statistics. Read our blog if you want to know if your account is blocked and how to remove the ban without serious losses. A hidden ban (also called a stealth ban or ghost ban) is a term often used to describe when a social media company limits the organic scope of a user's account.
If you hire a Social Media Marketing Expert they can take care of your all pages of social media they know everything about how to deal with this type of update. 
How to Recognize a Shadowban on Instagram
Shadowbanning can have a negative impact on your marketing strategy because it reduces the number of followers and engagement. As a result, it is always critical to check to see if Instagram has shadowbanned your account. So, how can you tell if your Instagram account has been shadowbanned? The following are key methods for determining whether your account has a shadowban:
1. Tag Search
A hashtag search is a simplest and most effective way to see if your account has been shadowbanned. When doing hashtag research, start by posting to your account and remember to use a hashtag in the post.
In particular, use a unique hashtag to make it easier to verify your post in search results. Then, ask at least five of your friends who do not follow your account to search for the hashtag. If the hashtag doesn't appear in the results, it's likely that Instagram has shadowbanned your account.
2. Use Instagram Analytics
Instagram analytics is also one of the most effective and dependable methods for detecting a shadowban on your account. This mechanism allows you to analyze profile visits, impressions, and additional metrics to see any issues.
These metrics will help you notice any sudden drops in your audience engagement rate. Although the drop in engagement rate is not a significant telltale sign, it does provide a bit of advice to signal a shadowban on your account.
3. Use Shadowban Testing Tools
The  Heist and Triberr are the best tools for analyzing your post and detecting any potential shadowbans. The tools can also reveal the specific hashtag of your shadowbanned account. The tools can help you identify shadowbanning on your account by highlighting or marking shadowbanned hashtags in red.
6 Ways to Avoid an Instagram Shadowban
1. Don't break the community guidelines
2. Don't act like a bot
3. Be consistent
4. Do not use prohibited hashtags
How to Remove a Shadowban on Instagram
1. Delete the Post that Shadowbanned you
If your shadowban occurred immediately after your last post, try removing it to see if your engagement returns to normal for your next posts.
2. Remove All Hashtags from Recent Posts
Does this work alone? Probably not, it's quick and easy. Remove all hashtags from your recent posts from the last 3-7 days.
3. Stop Posting for a Few Days
Some users say that this kind of "reset" their account and deleted a shadowban. Take a two to three-day break from all Instagram content, including Stories and Reels.
4. Check your Hashtags
Look up each of the hashtags you use to see if they have been banned or restricted. If so, stop using them and delete them from all your recent posts. You can take suggestion about the trending hashtag from Digital Marketing Agency in Pune they help you to find the best strategies for your account and pages
5. Go All-in on the Reels
We know Instagram prioritizes Reels right now. Posting Reels will increase your followers and engagement. So, push yourself and post one Reel a day for a few weeks. And, well, reels are always a good idea anyway. Get inspired by these Reel ideas that anyone can make in a short amount of time.
6. Deactivate and Reactivate your Instagram Account
Some users report that temporarily disabling their account for 1-2 days fixed a shadowban. There is no objective evidence that this works, so proceed with caution. Be sure to use the disable feature, which is reversible. It is not the same thing as deleting your account, which is not permitted.
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shosiblog · 1 day
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The Key to Digital Success
In today’s digital age, visibility is everything. With millions of websites competing for attention, it’s crucial to ensure that your business stands out in search results. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in. SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to improve its rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. By leveraging SEO, businesses can attract more visitors, generate leads, and ultimately drive conversions.
For businesses in Tamil Nadu and beyond, investing in the right SEO strategy can make all the difference. If you're looking for a reliable partner to boost your online presence, a Digital Marketing Agency in Tamilnadu can help you navigate the complexities of SEO and get your site ranked higher in search results.
What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques designed to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to the site by making it more relevant and authoritative in the eyes of search engines. SEO involves optimizing various aspects of your website, including content, structure, and performance, to align with search engine algorithms.
Key Components of SEO:
On-Page SEO: This includes optimizing content, meta tags, headings, images, and internal links to make your website more relevant and user-friendly.
Off-Page SEO: This involves building backlinks from other reputable websites to increase your site’s authority and credibility.
Technical SEO: Ensuring your website is technically sound, with fast loading times, secure connections (HTTPS), and mobile optimization.
Content Optimization: Creating high-quality, valuable content that addresses users' search intent and provides solutions to their needs.
How Does SEO Work?
Search engines like Google use complex algorithms to determine the relevance and quality of a website. When users search for a particular term, the search engine crawls and indexes millions of web pages, then ranks them based on various factors such as:
Relevance: How closely the content on your site matches the search query.
Authority: The number of high-quality backlinks pointing to your site from other reputable websites.
User Experience (UX): Factors such as page load time, mobile friendliness, and ease of navigation.
SEO focuses on optimizing your website to meet these criteria, helping search engines understand and prioritize your content in search results.
Why is SEO Important for Your Business?
SEO is essential for several reasons:
Increases Organic Traffic: SEO helps your website rank higher in search results, increasing the chances that potential customers will find and visit your site.
Builds Credibility and Trust: High search rankings signal to users that your website is a trusted source of information or products.
Improves User Experience: SEO is not just about keywords; it also focuses on making your site more user-friendly, which leads to higher engagement and conversions.
Cost-Effective: Unlike paid advertising, organic search traffic is free. Once your site is optimized, you’ll continue to reap the benefits without ongoing ad costs.
Long-Term Results: While SEO requires time and effort, the results are long-lasting. A well-optimized site will continue to attract visitors over time.
How to Implement an Effective SEO Strategy?
Here are some essential steps to get started with SEO for your business:
1. Keyword Research
Identifying the right keywords is the foundation of a successful SEO strategy. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover keywords that your target audience is searching for. Focus on high-intent, low-competition keywords that are relevant to your business.
2. Optimize On-Page Elements
Title Tags: Include relevant keywords in your page titles to help search engines understand the content.
Meta Descriptions: Write concise, engaging meta descriptions that encourage users to click through to your site.
Headings: Use clear, descriptive headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content and include target keywords.
Content: Create valuable, informative content that addresses the needs of your audience. Ensure it's well-organized and includes relevant keywords naturally.
3. Improve Website Speed
Page load time is a critical ranking factor for search engines. Compress images, minify code, and use a reliable hosting service to ensure fast load times for your website.
4. Build Quality Backlinks
Off-page SEO is about earning links from other reputable sites. Reach out to industry blogs, create shareable content, and engage in guest blogging to build high-quality backlinks that boost your site’s authority.
5. Mobile Optimization
With more users accessing websites via mobile devices, optimizing for mobile is essential. Ensure that your site is responsive and provides a seamless experience across all screen sizes.
6. Monitor and Measure Performance
Use tools like Google Analytics, Search Console, and SEMrush to monitor your website’s performance. Track keyword rankings, traffic, and user engagement to see what’s working and where you can improve.
Why Choose a Digital Marketing Agency for SEO?
Implementing a successful SEO strategy requires time, expertise, and ongoing effort. Working with a Digital Marketing Agency in Tamilnadu can help you:
Develop a Comprehensive SEO Plan: A professional agency can analyze your website and create a tailored SEO strategy that aligns with your business goals.
Save Time and Resources: SEO is a time-intensive process. By outsourcing to an experienced agency, you can focus on other aspects of your business while the experts handle your SEO needs.
Achieve Faster Results: With access to advanced SEO tools and industry insights, an agency can help you achieve better results in a shorter time frame.
Stay Updated on SEO Trends: SEO algorithms are constantly evolving. A dedicated agency stays updated on the latest trends and ensures that your website remains optimized.
Ready to enhance your online presence and drive more organic traffic to your website? A Digital Marketing Agency in Tamilnadu can help you achieve top rankings and grow your business with a customized SEO strategy. Contact us today to get started on your path to digital success!
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iquallinfoweb · 2 days
Website Design Portfolio Rajkot | Unique Design Solutions
In the digital age, a well-structured website design portfolio is essential for any web designer or design agency. If you're a designer based in Rajkot, Gujarat, showcasing your skills through a captivating portfolio can be the difference between landing a new client or missing out. Not only does a portfolio highlight your work, but it also serves as a personal brand builder. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into how you can create an impactful website design portfolio, focusing on what works specifically for the Rajkot market, with tips, examples, and knowledge that every designer in this region should embrace.
Why a Website Design Portfolio is Crucial for Rajkot Designers
The demand for website designers in Rajkot is rising due to the city’s growing tech and business ecosystem. Whether you're working as a freelance designer or with a firm like i-Quall, having an online portfolio is your business card in the digital world. Clients from Rajkot, and globally, rely heavily on visual and interactive examples of your work to assess your capabilities.
Let’s explore how you can craft a portfolio that stands out from the rest, specifically catered to your audience.
Main Elements of a Website Design Portfolio
1. Define Your Niche
When building your portfolio, it’s crucial to define your niche. Are you a website designer who specializes in e-commerce, personal blogs, or corporate sites? Perhaps you’re skilled in UI/UX for mobile-first websites? By narrowing down your focus, potential clients in Rajkot can immediately understand your strengths.
Pro Tip: If you work with companies in Rajkot like i-Quall, focus on projects where you’ve helped local businesses improve their online presence. This can help you establish yourself as an expert in the Rajkot market.
2. Show Off Your Best Work First
Your portfolio should start with your top projects, ideally ones that showcase the diversity of your skills. Display projects that demonstrate creativity, problem-solving skills, and technical ability. Each project should be accompanied by a brief description explaining the client’s problem, your solution, and the results.
Example: A Rajkot-based clothing company, for instance, may have approached you to develop an e-commerce website. Highlight how you improved user experience and increased their online sales.
3. Be User-Centric
Your website design portfolio should not only display your skills but should also be easy to navigate. Clean, minimalistic designs often work best. Make sure that your portfolio’s layout reflects your design style, and always keep user experience in mind.
Tip: Use smooth transitions, clear calls-to-action (CTAs), and keep the layout intuitive. If you specialize in responsive design, make sure your portfolio looks equally good on desktop and mobile.
Create a Winning Website Design Portfolio Rajkot
Step 1: Plan Your Portfolio
Begin by outlining the core sections you want to include. Typically, this should consist of a homepage, an "About" section, a portfolio (with your best work), a blog (if applicable), and a contact page. If you're showcasing website design work for Rajkot-based companies, make sure to customize these sections to reflect local client needs.
Important Sections to Include:
Homepage: This is the first impression. It should highlight your design philosophy.
About Page: Share your journey as a designer in Rajkot, including your experience and what sets you apart.
Portfolio: Showcase at least 6-8 examples of your best work.
Blog: Share design tips and case studies (optional but helpful for SEO).
Step 2: Showcase Client Testimonials
Client testimonials build credibility. If you’ve worked with well-known businesses in Rajkot, include their feedback in your portfolio. This adds a local flavor and shows that you're trusted by businesses in your region.
Tip: Reach out to past clients for short quotes on how your designs impacted their business. Make sure to include relevant keywords like Rajkot website design or i-Quall client to optimize your content for local SEO.
Step 3: Include Case Studies
Detailed case studies are one of the most effective ways to sell your skills. Choose 2-3 projects that best reflect your strengths. Discuss the project’s objectives, the challenges you faced, and how you tackled them. Provide before-and-after screenshots, and, if possible, data on how your design solutions improved the client’s business.
Example: For instance, if you redesigned the website for a Rajkot-based restaurant, include how the new design increased online reservations by 30%.
Step 4: Use High-Quality Visuals
Your portfolio is your visual resume, so it’s essential to use high-quality images. Poor-quality screenshots or low-resolution visuals can make even the best designs look amateurish. Show your work in its best light, with clear, crisp images that load quickly.
Building a Website Design Portfolio in Rajkot
Creating a portfolio isn't just about throwing up some images of past work. Here are some foundational pieces of knowledge that can help you refine your approach:
1. The Importance of SEO
Incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) into your portfolio can help it rank higher when potential clients search for designers in Rajkot. Use relevant keywords like "website design portfolio Rajkot" and "Rajkot web design services" throughout your site’s copy and in meta tags.
2. Localize Your Content
Rajkot businesses may prefer working with a local designer because they understand the local market and culture. Highlight that you’re based in Rajkot, understand local business needs, and can provide personalized services.
3. Keep It Updated
A portfolio isn’t a static document. Make sure to regularly update it with new projects, trends, and case studies. This keeps your work fresh and shows clients that you’re always improving.
One of the leading companies in Rajkot, i-Quall, has a portfolio that perfectly captures the spirit of modern web design. They focus on user experience, clean code, and creativity, all while offering local solutions tailored to Rajkot businesses. Their portfolio includes projects with clear objectives, challenges, and outcomes, which clients find incredibly useful. Highlighting their local expertise has also helped them secure clients looking for Rajkot-specific solutions.
Creating a portfolio isn't just about showing your designs—it’s about telling a story of how your work helps businesses. From planning your portfolio layout to showing off your best work and incorporating Rajkot-specific elements, a well-crafted portfolio can make all the difference in landing clients.
If you're serious about web design and want to stand out in the competitive Rajkot market, your portfolio is your most powerful tool. Use it to demonstrate your skills, connect with local businesses, and show how your design solutions can drive real results.
Take a cue from companies like i-Quall Infoweb who have mastered the art of localizing their portfolio to their advantage. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just starting out, a well-built portfolio will help you stand out in Rajkot’s growing digital landscape.
URL : https://www.i-quall.com/rajkot/website-design-portfolio-rajkot/
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