#starship kang minhee
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two ❥ under the rose
word count:3k
warnings:slight swearing (once again, literally 5 cuss words)
i am back!! so this chapter was interesting to write and maybe i finished it like 10 minutes ago, bUT ITS DONE AND I LIKE HOW IT CAME OUT :)
hope you enjoy and please feel free to talk about it with me cuties!!
song rec:wonderland ❥ dreamcatcher
chapter two
"Dongpyo, what the hell happened to Minhee?” I turned to the boy, and he himself had a look of utter shock. He stayed deadly silent, now I was absolutely positive something was wrong. He’d never just stay silent after seeing something like this. “Dongpyo, Dongpyo. Dongpyo!” His face went pale as his head turned to look at mine,
“Y/N, I have no idea what happened, but this is bad. We have to tell Yunseo.”
He swallowed nervously. I felt my body tense up as a chill creeped up my spine. My eyes wandered back to where he once stood. It seemed almost closed off, as if I went any more near it a more intensified feeling of worry and doubt would consume me. I took an anxious step back, my ankles and knees feeling weak. Dongpyo’s hand landed on my shoulder, “Y/N I jut called Yunseo, she told me she and her mom are going to pick us up. Let’s go wait by those benches.” I nodded softly, my legs moved sluggishly following closely behind Dongpyo.
We both fell onto the bench staying silent as what we had just seen truly dawned on us. Why the hell was Minhee a ghost? I pulled my lips closed tightly together before turning to Dongpyo. “Did nobody notice?” He looked confused for just a second before he realized what I was hinting at, “It was like he just disappeared. One day he was here the next he wasn’t. Not even Hyeongjun noticed.”
“Really? Hyeongjun didn’t notice? Haven’t they been friends for like, ever?” He nodded, then lifted his hands to rub at the skin of his eyelid. “I knew something was off but I wasn’t sure. I told Hyeongjun, he thought I was crazy. He mostly hangs out with Wonjin now. It’s like Minhee never existed.”
“That’s not right. Minhee and Hyeongjun were inseparable, now you’re telling me Hyeongjun doesn’t even have the slightest memory of him?” My voice came out more skeptical that intended, but did it really matter? His eyes widened suddenly with his eyes attached to the sidewalk across the street, “Y/N! Look.”
My head whipped around to find the boy stood, exactly where Minhee and I had our first date. He stood anxiously by a large oak tree before his eyes met mine for a second, when I came to blink, he was gone.
The anxious, shy, tall boy I had fallen for was gone. . In the blink of an eye he was gone. Each time I saw him, the more it hurt. The more it felt like if I had stayed, he’d still be here. I was losing Minhee all over again.
Dongpyo pulled me into a hug and I just laughed quietly to myself as my arms wrapped around his waist. My head rested on his shoulder as my eyes began to sting. My nose tingled, prompting me to sniffle. He pulled away and smiled at me cutely. His lips displayed in a pout and he pinched my cheeks.
“Awe, Y/N! Are you crying?” He pulled out the ending syllables of his words teasingly making me laugh, a tear just managing to escape my eye. I wiped it quickly and looked up, my hand coming to ruffle his hair, and his fingers pulled the corners of my lips up.
“Not anymore!”
“Who’s Minhee?”
My head looked up to see her face, genuinely confused by the name. “Kang Minhee. Like my ex boyfriend.” She looked shocked. “Y/N you had a boyfriend? When? Why didn’t you tell me!” Dongpyo turned to look at me, he mouthed out, ‘What the hell?’
I shrugged but leaned my head back on the seat, and shut my eyes. My eyes sealed tightly as I continuously tried to convince myself I was making this up. I had to be. There’s no way Yunseo would forget Minhee. She was the one dealing with for for a few weeks as I cried about it.
“Yunseo you really don’t remember?”
My voice was weaker then I meant it to come out as. I hated that. I swallowed the small lump I felt growing in the back of my throat and rolled my eyes. No way in hell was I crying again today. My hands gripped at the hem of my sweater and I turned to look at the stars. Dongpyo and Yunseo’s voices sounded distant and far as my head was preoccupied with thoughts.
My eyes closed for just a second, just a brief moment, then a sudden loud screeching made me go deaf. For just a moment I saw our car swerving. I felt my body being pushed up against the door, my rib cage being roughly pressed up against the door so badly I swore I heard something crack. When my eyes opened, nothing. I saw Dongpyo and Yunseo staring at me, but nothing had really registered.
Nothing had happened. We were fine. The car was fine. My ribs were fine. But I wasn’t fine. I knew I wasn’t.
It was just starting to register in everyones mind, something wasn’t right with me. Something in me had changed, and certainly not in a good way.
I used to love them. Over time though, it felt like each one kept getting considerably worse and less enjoyable. Yunseo’s bed was soft, her plush blankets were soft and welcoming. Dongpyo laid on an air mattress on the floor, another one of the soft blankets laid across his body.
“Y/N, you haven’t said anything since we were in the car. Are you alright?”
Dongpyo’s voice was sudden and unexpected. His upper body shot up and he turned to stare at my body. I laid flatly on my back looking up at the ceiling thinking about the events of the day. “I’m alright Dongpyo, just overwhelmed I guess.” My eyes were tired, but at the same time they were droopy. I felt like sleeping, but was aware I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep that night.
“Do you want to sleep Y/N?” Yunseo’s voice was small, she sounded unsure of what she was saying. I simply shook my head and turned to look at her. “Not yet Yunseo, lets do something. I want to get my mind off the shit storm that was today.”
She grinned and sat up, pulling me up along with her. “Let’s play some games! It’ll be like old times!”
I turned to look at Dongpyo and we grinned. Just like old times.
It had been a few hours of playing games, and we had all grown quite tired of it. Yunseo moved and laid her head into my lap and sighed loudly, puffing her cheeks out and stretching her arms out.
“Y/N! Dongpyo! I’m bored. Let’s go do something. I’m so bored here. Can we go get food from somewhere I’m hungry.”
Dongpyo smirked as he laughed to himself, “I expect this behavior from me and probably Y/N honestly, but Yunseo? What have we done to her Y/N?” I laughed, then looked down to pinch her cheeks tightly. She let out squeals of disapproval desperately trying to get away from my hands. “Dongpyo I haven’t been with Yunseo in person for quite a while. I think you did this to her.” I looked up to make eye contact with him, winking at him.
His face flushed bright pink as he rolled his eyes, scoffing at me. I stuck my tongue out in return, which he did right after me. Yunseo, who was also blushing, giggled, “You two haven’t seen eachother in 6 months and already started fighting again.”
“How about we go get some snacks from the convenience store around the corner? I’m really hungry.” Dongpyo hummed in agreement, and I nodded, “Let’s go then.”
As Yunseo stood up I followed closely, adjusting my pajama pants and straightening up my shirt. My bones cracking slightly at the sudden movement. I walked out of her room followed closely by Dongpyo, who flicked the back of my head childishly. We scrambled down the stair, picked up our jackets that laid thrown across the couch messily and walked out to be met with the surprisingly cold air.
The air seared through my previously warm skin, leaving my face feeling uncomfortably fresh. I rubbed my hands together inside my pocket and walked next to Yunseo. I rolled my eyes at the sight of their hands interlocked together and finally spoke. “I wasn’t going to do anything for Halloween besides eat any candy I could find, but I think I might just have a costume in mind now.”
“What’s your costume idea Y/N?” Yunseo asked, her voice was trembling, it was oddly cold for an October evening. “I was thinking a wheel.” Dongpyo seemed taken aback, he squinted at me and let out a breathy laugh, “Why would you dress up as a wheel?”
I looked down at my hands, they felt slightly numb at the finger tips, but what did it matter? “Cause I can see into the future, and I can tell I’ll be third wheeling a lot.” I rubbed my old hands against my sweater in an attempt to warm them up. Minhee’s hands were always really warm. I missed that. Yunseo laughed, and Dongpyo’s stayed quiet, but tried his hardest to hide his snickers.
“No you won’t!”
“I’m third wheeling right now, I swear Dongpyo was just looking at you with hearts in his eyes.”
“Y/N!” He whined loudly, “I wasn’t not.” It was now my turn to roll my eyes and hide snickers under my breath as I watched their faces turn bright red. Except now it wasn’t due to the cold air. It was embarrassment, and if I was being honest I loved every second of making fun of them.
“Sure Dongpyo, if it makes you feel any better Yunseo was looking at you the same way.”
Yunseo’s small hand reached mine and slapped my arm, making me and Dongpyo laugh and she buried her head further into her hoodie.
“Am not.” She whined quietly. Dongpyo smiled cutely at the sight of this, making me scoff at them. They just proved my point. I smiled painfully, looking at them. They weren’t that disgusting to be with. Yet. If anything it was almost, dare I say, cute? I laughed at them before responding,
“Sure Yunseo.”
My hand held tightly onto the warm drink in my hands as we walked out of the store. Dongpyo and Yunseo holding the bags as pay for making me third wheel. The October night was unsettlingly cold, as small gusts of wind occasionally blew by. The days earlier events continuously play in my head and Yunseo and Dongpyo’s shy nervous babbling continued.
Yunseo poked my shoulder, “Y/N why do you think it’s already really cold? It’s only October.”
I shrugged, a shiver racking through my whole body. My hands began to rub my arms gently trying to get any feeling of warmth. I came to a sudden halt, the plastic bag Yunseo held was now on the floor. I looked up at her, And I had never seen Yunseo’s face so pale.
“Yunseo what happened?”
She stayed silent, her face rosy, her mouth hung open, her eyes widened in fear. I looked around trying my hardest to find anything that’d warrant such a reaction.
Nothing. I had found absolutely nothing.
Dongpyo looked equally as confused. He gently shook her body, and I put my now warm hands on her cheeks, after handing Dongpyo my drink, trying to get her attention. Her jaw began trembling in the cold. I stood in front of her and put her arms around my neck, then pulled her up onto my back. Her arms tightened, her legs then moved to wrap around me as I picked her up fully. Dongpyo picked up the bag she had been carrying and we began to walk quickly.
At this point we weren’t even walking. We were running. It was difficult with her body weight over mine, but I had never ran as fast as I did that night ever. I was scared of something that lurked in the darkness. I wasn’t sure what of though.
We reached the doorstep and Dongpyo pulled the key Yunseo had dangling in her hand and opened the door. We hurried inside, locking the door once again as soon as we had entered.
She still hadn’t said a thing.
Yunseo’s head laid comfortably on my shoulder, soundly asleep. After last night she hadn’t said anything about it, she seemed too scared to. I didn’t press further, when she felt okay with it, she would. The both of us sat in her mom’s car, we were going to be visiting her grandparents.
Her grandparents were the grandparents I never had, by now I was basically their 8th grandchild. They never treated me any different from their grandchildren.
With Yunseo alseep, my phone pretty much dead, I sat quietly looking out the window. Yunseo’s mom and my Aunt continuously talked about, pretty much anything. It wasn’t until I heard my name that my ears perked in.
“I don’t think where we live is good for Y/N. She hates it. She’s totally changed ever since she moved in with us. She used to be so talkative, she barely speaks full sentences back where we live. She seems so much happier here. The last thing her mom would’ve wanted for Y/N was this. Miyoung what do you think I should do?”
Yunseo’s mom hummed quietly, her lips pursed as she took a right turn. “She can always live with us, we sure wouldn’t mind having Y/N live here with us. But you should talk to Y/N about it. If you want what’s best for Y/N, then you have to ask her what she thinks is best for herself.”
I stopped listening there. I wasn’t sure what I thought was best for myself. Hell if I knew what I wanted anymore. Yunseo began to stir. Her head lifted up from my shoulder and she rubbed her eyes. “Y/N how long was I asleep?”
“The whole car ride Yun.”
She scrunched up her face slightly. “Sorry Y/N, didn’t mean to leave you for the car ride like that.”
“It’s fine, you didn’t sleep like at all last night.”
We got out of the car, Yunseo’s mom and my aunt stayed sat. “We’ll be back to pick you guys up in a few hours!”
We waved watching them drive off, then began to walk into the house. Their house was welcoming and warm, it smelled of fall spices, like warm food, and looked like the standard family home.
“Y/N! Yunseo! It’s nice to see you guys!”
Yunseo’s grandma came running up to us, her arms wrapping around us tenderly, she turned to focus on me and gasped. “Y/N you look so different! Your hair looks very pretty dear.” I smiled shyly, “Thanks Grandma!”
She turned to Yunseo and fixed her tousled hair before pinching her cheek playfully flicking her forehead.
Then her grandpa came in and smiled at us both. Following close behind him was Cocoa and Brownie. I giggled when they came to play with me. My hands gently running through Brownies fur. I straightened up to give him a hug. “Nice to see you Y/N. How have you been?”
“Pretty alright Grandpa. How have you and Grandma been?” Yunseo hugged him and he turned to look at the both of us, “We’ve been doing well. Your Grandma is finally feeling better after she hurt her arm.”
“Glad to hear that!” Yunseo said before she ran over to the table where food laid. “This looks so good!” They chuckled, “Yunseo, Y/N, feel free to get some! Junho, will you please bring some utensils dear?”
“On it.”
My stomach was stuffed to the brim with food. I felt almost tired after the sheer amount of food I had just devoured. “So Yunseo, Y/N, I have a question for you two.” Grandma began as she walked around the kitchen with Grandpa cleaning up the table. I turned away from washing the forks replying with,
“What is it Grandma?”
“Have you two seen the ghosts around town?”
Yunseo came to an abrupt halt, “Yeah I’ve seen one.” I knew she had to have seen one last night. “What about you Y/N?”
“I’ve seen the male ghost twice and I might’ve seen the female once.”
Grandpa came up to me, quietly saying, “I’ll take it from here, your grandma wants to show you something.”
I wiped my hands across my pants drying them off before I went to sit on the couch next to Grandma. She pulled out a photo album, one looking very much familiar. “Grandma isn’t this the album with your first love’s picture?”
She nodded, “Pay him no mind, I just want to know if you’ve seen the same ghosts I’ve been seeing.”
She came to a certain page and stopped. She pulled out a photograph from a clear sleeve and handed it to me. “Hey that’s the woman I saw on the side of the road!”
I handed the photo to Yunseo, and she bit her lip harshly. She handed it back quietly before nodding, “Thats the ghost I saw last night. It has to be.”
Grandma smiled softly, “It’s Eunsang’s mom.”
She began flipping through pages once again, until she stopped moving them suddenly. She pulled out a photograph with roughly 5 people. But when my eyes landed on boy, I was shocked, “Grandma, what’s his name?”
She looked at who I was point and smiled gently, “Thats Kang Minhee. We haven’t seen him since 1980-“
“1982, Dear!” Grandpa said from the living room.
“Since 1982.” Yunseo’s eyes widened, her hand gripped my arm tightly as she whispered quietly, “I remember him now.”
Grandma looked at me oddly, “Why are you so interested in Minhee?” I looked even closer at the photo. It couldn’t be Minhee. Before I could say anything Yunseo responded for me,
“Because she dated someone who looked just like him, named Kang Minhee. And he disappeared when she left.”
#x1 fluff#x1 angst#x1 imagine#x1 scenarios#x1 reactions#x1 kang minhee#starship kang minhee#kpop reactions#kpop imagines#kpop angst#kpop scenarios#produce x 101#x1#kang minhee#produce x 101 fluff#produce x imagines#omg#pdx 101#produce x 101 imagine#under the rose ❥ k.mh
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》 minimo aegyo time? ♡
#minhee#jungmo#cravity#cravitynet#malegroupsnet#kpopco#kang minhee#koo jungmo#cravity gifs#minhee gifs#jungmo gifs#kpop gifs#gifs#edits#graphics#starship entertainment#bg#source: assorted video#chu.gifs#this is also from the y magazine emoji quiz videooo#ik jungmo is trying to be cool/sexy but boy.... that's cute if i've ever seen it smh#i was going to do these w/ the serimie in one set buttt it is how it isss#this interview was sooo cute i want to gif them more :pleading:
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lil heart seongmin edit :))
like & reblog if used
#cravity#starship entertainment#cravity starship#cravity edits#park serim#allen ma#koo jungmo#seo woobin#ham wonjin#kang minhee#song hyeongjun#kim taeyoung#ahn seongmin#kpop aesthetic#kpop edits#kpop layouts#kpop#monsta x
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Every time i see that thing i get anxious
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Okay but what I want to know is WHAT HAPPENED TO KANG MINHEE’S FRECKLES? 😭
#I want the freckles back!#starship I stg#let my boy have his cute freckles 👊😡#feel like pure shit just want Minhee freckles back#kang minhee#x1#cravity#amy speaks
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Please support the former X1 members. Some of them might start a new project soon (Minhee and Hyeungjun are under starship and I'm sure they want to debut them).
Seungyoun is active under the name WOODZ and Seungwoo has Victon and Wooseok Up10tion. If you don't know theses projects/groups please check them out. Up10tion is really good and underrated and Victon just had their first win since their debut in 2016.
All the other members, let's support them and hope for their success and happiness 💕
#x1#pdx101#han seungwoo#cho seungyoun#kim wooseok#kim yohan#lee hangyeol#cha junho#son dongpyo#kang minhee#lee eunsang#song hyeongjun#nam dohyon#victon#woodz#Up10tion#starship
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When the group presentation is not graded individually:
#kpop#x1#pd x 101#produce x 101#x1 memes#x1 crack#memehee#x1 minhee#minhee#kang minhee#starship entertainment#incorrect x1#incorrect x1 quotes#x1 fluff#x1 flash#x1 imagines#x1 blurbs#x1 dongpyo#x1 eunsang#x1 hyeongjun#x1 02 liners
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Forever with X1
#X1#produce x 101#oneit#foreverwithx1#Han Seungwoo#Cho Seungyeon#Kim Wooseok#Kim Yohan#Lee Hangyul#Cha Junho#Son Dongpyo#Kang Minhee#Lee Eunsang#song hyeongjun#Nam Dohyun#oui entertainment#TOP media#Plan A entertainment#starship entertainment#yuehua entertainment#DSP media#mbk entertainment#Woolim#Brand New Music#pdx101#quantum leap#Kmine
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Kang Minhee freckles appreciation post
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₊˚✧ produce x 101 icons
➳ fav or reblog if you use.
➳ don't repost without the credits.
#produce x 101#produce x 101 icons#pdx101#kang minhee#kang minhee icons#minhee icons#koo jungmo#koo jungmo icons#jungmo icons#jungmo minhee match#starship boys#cho seungyoun#luizy icons#seungyoun icons#uniq icons#cha junho#junho icons#mbk boys#nam dohyun#dohyun icons#kim wooseok#wooseok icons#wooshin icons#wooshin#up10tion icons#kpop edit#icons#kpop icons
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one ❥ under the rose
warnings:death & talks of drunk driving/alcohol issues
word count:4.3k
(ikikik that sounds bad, but i promise it doesn’t consume the whole first part!)
so this part, really hit home for me at parts, bUT it definitely starts to build up a lot of the story and I’m very excited about that :D
originally chapter one was going to be on the more boring side, but then i added things I wasn’t anticipating and it definitely came out a lot different than how it originally was going to
song rec:love foolish ❥ twice
chapter one
If I’m being honest, I wasn’t hungry at all. Sure I’m sitting at the table across from my mom, the seats once occupied by my father and sister empty as always, but the conversation from last night burned painfully in the back of my head as I tried to forced myself to eat my cereal. My mom drank her coffee silently, she was refusing to even look at me in the eyes after yesterday, I’m not complaining. I came to a point where the cereal had become so unappetizing I couldn’t fathom the idea of eating it. I placed my bowl in the sink and went back to the sit on the couch in the living room. I turned the TV and watched pointless shows for maybe an hour or two. If you had asked me what I was watching I wouldn’t be able to tell you, I hadn’t been paying attention.
“Did you do it Y/N?” My mother’s harsh voice sounded throughout the house, where the only noise had been the blurred voices radiating from the TV and the occasional car passing by. I looked at her and nodded, I didn’t want to talk. I sure as hell wasn’t going to back down from my promise to myself to not talk to her. She groaned knowing I wouldn’t be talking anytime soon before saying, “I invited Yunseo over. I’m heading out tonight and I want to make sure you stay here. I’ll be back tomorrow morning. When she gets here, you guys are not to leave this house. Do you understand?” I nodded, not even looking at her this time. She picked up her purse, and a bag filled with what I assumed was food and she turned to walk out. As she reached the back of the couch she leaned down and placed a chaste kiss to the top of my head with a gentle ‘“love you’ accompanying it.
I leaned my head back on the couch and sighed. Why did this hurt so much? I heard the door open and chose to stay in place, I already knew it was Yunseo. I lifted my head up and turned to look at her, my eyes beginning to water. She rushed over, never asking anything, and just moved my head to her shoulder and let me cry.
“You broke up?” Yunseo questioned shocked at the sudden statement. I nodded softly, sniffling as I raised my arm covered by large sweater to try to wipe away the tears that had begun to fall once again. Yunseo laughed softly and raised her dainty hands to wipe away my tears. “Y/N it’s okay. I promise everything will be okay. You know I’m here for you. I always will be!” I smiled at that. They really helped. I moved my head to lay on her shoulder before talking, “Can we order something to eat I’m starving.” She laughed before agreeing, “God I was waiting for you to say that!”
We ordered pizza. The both of us sat on the floor watching a random movie until the door bell rang. The pizza had finally arrived. Yunseo stood up and ran towards the door, after a quick conversation, she was back at the coffee table opening the pizza excitedly. We ate in silence, the only noise really taking place was the subdued chewing and the random movie we both had our eyes trained on. When we were done there were 4 slices left, and there was less than 10 minutes left on the movie. I sat silently my mind both paying attention to the movie yet slightly distracted, what was he doing?
Is he thinking of me?
Yunseo woke me up frantically, she looked worried, not even worried. She looked horrified. “Y/N! Wake up!” She shook me hurriedly. My body shot up, I had never seen her this frantic. My hands went to her shoulders as I continuously asked her what happened, “Yunseo. Yunseo! What happened?” Her hands trembled as they lifted up from my shoulders, “Y/N, your mom is in the hospital.” My jaw tightened, and eyes watered, no she couldn’t be.
This was a sick joke. It had to be. There’s no way she could be in the hospital.
I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up along with Yunseo. She handed me a sweater, “My mom is on her way to pick us up. Let’s go get our shoes on and wait outside.” My head nodded silently and quickly pulled on the large sweater and grabbed my phone and shoved it into the hoodies pocket paying it no attention.
We quickly walked out to the door and began to hurriedly pull on our shoes. My hands messily tied the laces of my sneakers before we both stood outside and waited for her mom to pick us up. I nervously began to fiddle with my fingers, my mind much too preoccupied with much too scary scenarios. Yunseo’s hand found mine and gripped it tightly. “Y/N I’m always here for you.” She said as she turned to look at me. I looked back at her and nervously and gripped her hand back just as tightly, “I know.”
Her mom’s car pulled up and we both practically sprinted to the car. We both hopped into the back seats and buckled up our seatbelts quickly right as her mom began to drive in the direction of the hospital. The ride was uncomfortably silent. The air was thick, and I was struggling to hold back tears. It was unbearable. I looked out at the night sky, the stars, and the clouds that hung sparsely and continued to endlessly wonder if she was okay.
Yunseo’s mom cleared her throat, and looked into rear view mirror carefully looking at Yunseo and I. I tried my hardest to gather up the words to speak, no matter how hard I tried it all stopped at my mouth. It was glued shut, I couldn’t say anything. I forcibly opened my mouth to finally ask the question I had been wanting to ask most, “What happened to her?” My voice trembled as I asked, a clear sign I was close to tears. Yunseo’s eyes wandered over to me before she turned back to look out the window. Her mom let out a heavy sigh before she answer me, “She got into a driving accident.” My throat tightened, and for a moment I couldn’t breathe. I was stuck in a place in my head where I no longer wanted to be in. My brain ran in circles. “Was she drunk?” I asked softly. My hands getting sweatier by the second and I felt my jaw begin to tighten. She swallowed nervously and sucked in air, “They don’t know yet dear.”
My hands gripped tightly at my large sweater, as tears began to well painfully at my eyes. The countless times I told her that her addiction would kill her began to flash through my head, what if I had jinxed it? My grip began to loosen and I looked down at the scrunched up fabric of my sweater and began to cry. The tears stung as they fell, I made no effort to stop crying. Yunseo looked over as soon as she heard my breaths begin to become ragged. Her hand took mine and she stayed silent, her hand became tighter as my sobs increased. She couldn’t say anything. With my lone hand I began to wipe away at my tears, I couldn’t cry. I shouldn’t cry. Well, not yet at least.
When we arrived at the ER entrance I felt my chest tighten, I had no idea what was going to happen right now. Yunseo’s mom walked up to the information desk asking for my mom, we followed close behind. The woman behind the counter seemed sympathetic as she saw my red eyes. They allowed us to go one at a time to visit her, Yunseo’s mom went in first and Yunseo and I stayed sat at two chairs in the ER waiting room waiting for our turn. Yunseo still held onto my hand tightly, she was just as nervous as I was. My mom was like another aunt to her, she wasn’t just a friends mom. We had all become a family, and our close knit family kept getting smaller, and smaller. It was horrible. First it was my dad, then it was my sister, then it was her sister. The last thing any of us wanted to do was add my mom to the list of people.
Her mom walked out in tears, I had never once seen her cry, although unconfirmed I knew it was bad. She smiled sadly at me ”Yunseo go in now, love.” She stood up to go leaving me with her mom. Her mom gently placed her hand on mine and held it. “Honey, when you go in there tell her you love her and that everything will be okay. Just remember you’re her baby, and she loves you so much.” The tears that had stopped began to well up again and I nodded softly, trying my hardest to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. Yunseo walked out of the door, but stayed still and held it open, she signaled for me to walk over. I stood up and took a deep breath and began to walk over to the large door.
The walk there felt like it took forever, my breathing was uneven as I walked towards her. The tears the fell from her eyes were rampant, she gently placed her hand on my head before saying, “Hurry.” I nodded and walked in through the door, the nurse stood there and began to lead me to where my mom was. My heart dropped at the sight of her. Cuts and scratches littered her face and her body was badly beaten from the accident. I hurried towards her and sat at her side. My hands reached out to hold hers.
My body began to shake as I saw her weakly smile at me. “Y/N,” she began, “I’m sorry. You’re my baby and I love you so much. If you ever find your sister, tell her I love her.” Her words were clipped and the voice was soft, she was in pain. Tears began to fall and I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my moms hand, “I love you mom. I love you so much. I know I haven’t been the best daughter ever and I’m sorry if I’ve ever done anything to disappoint you.” Her eyes closed slowly and she smiled softly, “I’m so proud of you. Please don’t ever forget that baby. I love you.” Her breathing began to slow and I panicked. My chest tightened and my mind went blank. “Mom! Mom! No, please no!” Tears blurred my vision completely, a group of doctors and nurses rushed over and I let go of her hand and watched. I whispered to myself, “I promise I won’t mom. I love you too.”
I woke up cold and next to Yunseo on her bed. Yunseo had stolen the blankets over the course of the night, and I of course had a headache one can only describe as excruciatingly painful. I sat at the edge of the bed, feeling numb, and feeling empty. I wasn’t sure what would happen from this point on. I stood up and gently fixed the blankets to make sure they covered Yunseo completely. I stood up and began to walk out of the room, and quietly shut the door behind me. I walked through the hallway and came across her mom sat at the table drinking coffee. She looked at me and tried her hardest to offer me a smile. I forced a smile in return and sniffled softly. “Would you like something to eat?” For a split second my head wanted me to lie, wanted me to tell her I was fine, my stomach betrayed this idea with a loud roar, I was extremely hungry. I hadn’t eating anything since the pizza from the night before.
She let out a small chuckle before she asked, “Are eggs okay?” She turned to look at me nodding, she began to take out eggs and turned back to her stove and got a pan out. I began to zone out once again, my mind was filled with thought of what would happen to me? Where would I go? Who will I live with? Will it be nearby?
Yunseo plopped down besides me in the chair and looked at me before giving me a small smile. “Hey Y/N,” She started, “I want to give you this.” My eyes wandered down to her small hands. In the palm of her right hand she held a dainty bracelet. My hand went to take the bracelet and examine it more, “Where did you get this Yunseo?” She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder, “My older sister gave it to me when I was recovering, remember? She told me to give it to someone else going through a hard time when I thought they needed it.” The corners of my lips turned up into a smile, “Will you put it on me?” She nodded and her hands instantly went to fasten the bracelet.
“Breakfast is ready!”
“Yunseo, Dongpyo come look at this!” Packing up things wasn’t pleasant. This house had been my home for all of my life, moving definitely wasn’t exciting. I’d now be living with my aunt and my nephew, and while I loved them dearly, they lived about an hour away. The more we put things away, the more hesitant I became, I didn’t want to leave behind everything here. They came and plopped themselves down besides me.
“What is that Y/N?” I turned to Dongpyo and opened up an album of pictures, one each page lied four pictures. Each of them had been dated, described, and labeled. “Look it’s us when Dongpyo turned 9!” Yunseo exclaimed when she saw a picture of the three of us sat around a cake. His face scrunched up in disgust, “Ew! Wait, Yunseo look at how your hair used to look!” I laughed as I saw Yunseo’s eyes widen, her hand shot out to cover the picture. Both their eyes wandered to a picture of me with my family, “Look Y/N used to look so cute.” Dongpyo chimed teasingly. I glared at him jokingly, to which he responded my laughing and poking my forehead. We kept flipping pages until we came across one picture, it took up a whole page and the label said ‘Why?’ The three of us stared at it for a while, before I flipped the page. It was just a joke, right?
“Y/N, Dongpyo, Yunseo!” Our heads turned to come face to face with my aunt, cousin, and Yunseo’s parents. They smiled before motioning for us to get up. We stood up and followed them through the now empty living room. “We’re going out for ice cream, get your shoes on!” Now this was unexpected if I was going to be honest.
With our feet now in our shoes we began on the quick walk to the ice cream shop. The roses outside be the window had began to wilt, and the sky began to grey. The once happy atmosphere had completely vanished and as we walked into the shop, a chill passed over us. The seven of us sat at two separate booths by the window, my younger cousin endlessly rambled on about a girl in his class who had given him her lunch after he forgot his. I smiled softly at his endless rant as I simultaneously avoided joining the conversation right next to me between Dongpyo and Yunseo. As I finished up my ice cream, goosebumps began to run up my arms and I felt my body readjust itself on its own. While shivering I leaned my head into Yunseo’s shoulder, something didn’t feel right. I was sure something was off.
“Don’t cry!”
My hands gently cupped her face as tears began to stream down her face. “Yunseo I promise I’ll text you everyday, and call you as much as possible!” She sniffled before smiling gently and hiccuping. “I know you will, it’s just...you’ve always been 3 minutes away! And now you’ll be 3 hours away, and I know it’s now THAT far away but it’s still far.” Soft giggles erupted from my throat and I pulled her closer to me giving her a hug. Her head rested on my shoulder as she continuously sniffled. As my body pulled away from hers my hand gently stroked her head as a smile erupted on my face. She giggled as she sniffled again.
Now I faced Dongpyo. He gave me a wide smile before he laughed and pulled me into a hug. I pulled my head up slightly to whisper into his ear, “You’re so obvious.” He jumped away only slightly at my statement. “What do you mean?” He asked in a hushed voice trying his hardest to make sure no one heard. I grinned mischievously in his direction. “What do YOU mean Dongpyo?” He laughed nervously, he knew. I know he does.
After saying bye to Yunseo’s parents, and Dongpyo’s parents it was time. Boy did I not want to do this. I was hesitant as I walked towards my aunts van. My hand reached the handle, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t seem to open it. Something wasn’t right! I knew it wasn’t. When I finally got my hand to open the door I heard a voice, “Wait!” I turned around to see Dongpyo stood behind me, in his hand was a small envelope with my name scribbled across the front. The writing was Minhee’s. I knew it was. He pushed the letter into my hand before saying,
“Don’t read it yet.” I clutched the letter tightly before quickly sipping it into my bag and turning to him. Yunseo rushed over and gave me a sad smile, Dongpyo’s eyes wandered to Yunseo for a moment. It was comforting to know Yunseo had someone to talk to when I wasn’t here. At once both of their arms extended and I was brought into a hug with them. I unknowingly began to tear up, why was this so difficult? They pulled away and began to walk back to their place on the driveway. I got into the car and buckled my seatbelt. I felt my chest rise and fall nervously. I looked back and waved at them, they waved back and then they were gone.
The drive was much too quite for my liking. I, of course, had forgotten my earbuds at Yunseo’s house. My younger cousin had fallen asleep, and my aunt listened to her old music, which left me in my head. A place I certainly haven’t been liking as of recently. I thought endlessly, topics ranging from my mom, to Minhee, to moving. It wasn’t very pleasant if you could guess. My head pounded as my head fell back onto the seat, tears once again threatening to fall. No. I had to be strong. I let the tear fall before I closed my eyes. Sleeping sounded pretty good if I was being honest.
My head pounded painfully against the side of my skull. These days had been, difficult to say the least. My new school was filled with stuck up brats, which in all honestly probably hate me already. Do I care though? No I don’t. Adjusting to living here was incredibly hard, new surrounds, terrible people, and on tope of that a lack of the people I needed the most.
“How was school?”
I turned to see my uncle, a fairly young man who seemed nice enough, he had asked me that with a forced smile. He pitied me and I knew it. I responded quietly with a small, “Alright,” before continuing to head up the stairs to my room.
I had become quite hesitant to interact with people in the following months after losing my mom and moving. Everybody had noticed it. My aunt constantly tried to get me out of the house and whenever I called Yunseo I was quiet and rarely had anything to say. I tried though, and kept my promise to call and text her.
It wasn’t till about half a year later that things began to change.
"Did you hear about the ghosts going around here Y/N?” Yunseo asked curiously as she stared intently into her bowl of popcorn as she talked to me. “What ghosts?” Her hand stopped as she lifted pieces of popcorn to her mouth before she stopped. “Are you sure you want to know?” My lips went up into a grin, it was October 1st. I nodded lightly. Time to get into the spooky spirit, no?
“On sidewalks and roads, mostly at night, people say they see a woman limping in the search for someone. She’s supposedly average height, has long hair, is an older woman, and her clothes are torn. If you run into her she causes misfortunes and supposedly causes the death of a loved one.” She paused for just a moment before she continued, “They’ve also been seeing a boy recently. He stands in front of all the local date spots and it’s said he waits eternally for a girl he longs to see. When couples on their first date pass by, he makes sure their date goes wrong.”
“Do you think they’re connected?” She thought about it for a moment, her hand stuck itself back into the popcorn and into her mouth. She chewed, swallowed, the answered, “I have no idea, I’ve never seen either of them but it’s all over the news. People are freaking out over it. Dongpyo hasn’t wanted to talk about it, he’s been really weird about the whole thing.”
Dongpyo would talk about anything if it was with Yunseo, as time continued I was positive something was off. I’m still not exactly sure what it is that just feels wrong, but I know something is wrong.
“Are we there yet?” Yejun, my younger cousin, said impatiently. I rolled my eyes for the umpth time. I leaned my head back against a pillow I held against the window I closed my eyes. We were going back to visit Yunseo and her parents for maybe a week, and I was excited. Until I got into the car and realized I was stuck with a bored 7 year old and slightly agitated mom until he’d fall asleep.
The drive was only 3 hours, but it seemed to stretch out to ten the more I was in the car with them. Once he had fallen asleep, and my aunt had finally gotten a rest, everything began to go more smoothly. The familiar scenery that passed by gave off memories of traveling with my mom. They were pleasant memories but to be fair, those always hurt the most.
I anxiously played with my fingers as I began to see the sun set and the moon begin to gleam. We had left later than intended and now the road was dark, the only illumination coming from the headlights of cars that drove along with us. It was peaceful for just a moment before my aunt stopped the car suddenly. My head flew forward then back roughly against the seat. My neck now agitated from the seatbelt rubbing against it roughly. My aunt began to honk fervently at the car in front of us.
I turned to Yejun and began to adjust his seat for him as his eyes began to well with tears. I looked out the window from his side and for a moment saw a figure. My eyes widened and I instantly tie my eyes away. It couldn’t be. Absolutely no way. Was it?
Had I just seen the ghost?
Yejun’s teary eyes began to subside as spoken as the rhythm of the car began to lull him to sleep once again. I smiled softly but only leaned my head back into the seat like I had been doing previously. Yejun’s small hand still held onto mine. We certainly had grown closer in the six months I had spent living with him. When we arrived at Yunseo’s house we were shaken up. Yejun was fast asleep as he was being carried in by Yunseo’s dad. My aunt was still angry about the incident and was talking to Yunseo’s parents about it.
I found myself talking with Yunseo about what I had seen at the edge of the road. If I was being honest with you, she seemed pretty scared.
“Y/N whatever you saw, you definitely shouldn’t have seen.”
“Why did you want to meet up Dongpyo?” I asked as I dropped myself onto the bench beside him. He looked at me and smiled, “What can’t I want to hang out with one of my childhood best friends?” I rolled my eyes and chuckled softly, “Come one there has to be something more to this.” He scoffed before finally replying, “Oh shut up.”
We spent time walking around, rambling on about anything and everything that had gone on. It was a peaceful day. Now we couldn’t help but end the day the an ice cream, it’s a tradition. We headed over to ice cream shop and Dongpyo and I stop dead in our tracks.
There stood a tall boy. His wide shoulders were slipped over and his arms fell to his sides as he turned to look at us. For just a moment he smiled, before ever so gently waved. We began to walk closer, my heart was thumping against my rib cage. The closer we got the father he seemed to be. Before we knew it, he was gone. My jaw dropped, and my hand flew to clutch onto Dongpyo’s arm. As if on cue we simultaneously said it,
“It’s Minhee.”
#kang minhee#x1 kang minhee#x1#x1 imagines#x1 imagine#x1 reactions#x1 scenarios#x1 fluff#x1 angst#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines#kpop angst#kpop fluff#produce x 101#produce x 101 scenarios#produce x imagines#produce x 101 imagine#produce x 101 angst#pdx 101#starship kang minhee#produce x 101 fluff
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🧸 𝑥𝟣 𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑠
[ 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞/𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 • 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ] 💌
#johyuri#my lockscreens#x1#produce x 101#pdx#victon#im#up10tion#lee hangyul#kang minhee#han seungwoo#nam dohyun#son dongpyo#lee eunsang#cho seungyoun#uniq#produce series#mbk entertainment#mbk boys#starship#starship boys#bnm boys#dsp media#pdx101#pdx101 edit
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#starshipz#starship boys#kang minhee#200208#p: minhee#p: official#p: starshipz#p: starship boys#photo
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I could write a whole essay about what X1 meant to me, they were the first group I’d been with since the beginning (Hangyul the longest bc of the Unit), seeing them week by week improve themselves on pdx101 and debuting and doing honestly fucking amazing and now this?? They don’t deserve this tbh and my feelings about the disbandment can’t even compare to how they’re probably feeling right now, absolutely devastated
#i cant even process this#we were supposed to have 5 years!!!#I'm so upset i cant even begin to explain my emotions rn#x1#not @ starship but...#yeah we all know who the bad guy is here#lee hangyul#lee eunsang#cho seungyoun#cha junho#son dongpyo#han seungwoo#kang minhee#nam dohyon#song hyeongjun#kim yohan#kim wooseok#oneit#wetrustx1
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produce x 101 ep 3: starship babies reunite!
#produce x 101#starship#wow my starship children#song hyungjun#ham wonjin#kang minhee#moon hyunbin#not gonna lie this was the most touching moment#look at hyungjun's smile!!!#produce 101#producex101#pdx101#mine
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