#stars align has lots of implied gay relationships and one character whos explicitly gay and implied to be nb
hecksupremechips · 2 years
I saw a post the other day saying something along the lines of "I’m forbidding Japanese people from ever talking about the gay community cuz they do it wrong" and like uh maybe if you stopped watching big boob anime from 2012 and stop being a racist ass you’ll know that’s a stupid thing to say?
#the klock keeps ticking#like yeah lots of anime and Japanese games have some bullshit in it#but so does western stuff???#plus theres gay Japanese ppl fighting for and making representation all the time#stop claiming to know everything about japan cuz you watched some offensive anime#i can think of a good few recent animes that have done pretty good with queer characters#wonder egg priority has a transfem main character who struggles with not passing and being sexualized by straight girls#who think they can ‘fix’ the uncomfortable ‘gay boy’#stars align has lots of implied gay relationships and one character whos explicitly gay and implied to be nb#carole and tuesday has heavy queer subtext between the two protagonist as well as lots of queer characters sprinkled in#like the ex wife of one of the characters who remarried a woman#and a character who was nb#and others i assume its been a while since i watched#zombie land saga which is my personal favorite has a transfem character and the tatsumi guy is definitely some kind of queer#these are just from the top of my head#aitsf handles lgbt topics with care and has queer characters#so theres obviously good representation in Japanese media the exists#theres content made by big companies that are bigoted#but the happens in the us as well#they sucked really bad just a few years ago and still do#so dont fucking blame an entire country for that like yes im aware that theres bullshit laws in japan#but theres queer ppl and allies fighting tooth and nail for representation just like in every other part of the world
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unofficially-geeky · 5 years
I didn’t wanna make this a post, but tumblr is refusing to save it as a page.. So I guess it’s reblogable. 
These are just some mlm/queer anime that I’ve found and ended up liking, so I’ll update this as I find more! The paragraphs might be a bit spoilerish but they’re important for tws/cws. Any title in italics isn’t explicitly mlm, but can be interpreted that way.  
Please note that I have bad memory and likely didn’t list all tws in stuff! 
I'd rather read the manga than the anime since the anime does censor their relationship quite a bit, but if you couldn't tell from my theme, I love No.6! It's not the healthiest sadly, but it's still healthier than most anime with boys loving boys. There's also a trans nonbinary character named Inukashi! To sum up the plot, three queer kids take down the dystopian city (also there's the old man whos the token cishet probably). Trigger warnings for this are guns, blood, violence in general, prostitution, sexual harassment, needles, insects, vomiting, corpses, animal death, government conspiracies, human experimentation, and an oddly specific one that I feel should still be mentioned, surgery on the neck and surgery without anesthetics. on the neck.
This one's sweet!! It's about a boy teaching his classmate how to sing and they fall in love. There is some slight pedophilia but the scene is clearly meant to make you uncomfortable and the teacher gets beaten. This one's a movie!
Hoshiai no Sora / Stars Align 
This is a sports anime! Or, well, kind of? The cast is of a boy’s soft tennis team. It was supposed to be 24 episodes, but got cut off at 12, and then almost wasn’t allowed to have a season two. As of now, season 2 should be coming sometime in 2020-2021. Now, this anime in general has a very leftist tone. Right off the bat, we’re given a main character who is gnc and lives with his single mother. This anime goes into so much more than just being about tennis that sometimes I forgot I was even watching a sports anime. It genuinely makes me so emotional, from how it handles queer topics to abuse. A huge focus of Hoshiai no Sora, instead of just being on soft tennis, is about the team and their family/home situations. Almost all of the characters are in an abusive environment, or had a past of being abused by a parent who’s now out of the picture. There’s two trans characters, one being a trans man, who’s dating the main character’s mother and is like family to him, and the other being x-gender and nblm. This was the first anime to take the ‘dressing as a girl to get into a place’ trope, and turn it into a conversation about gender identity without any transphobia in a realistic manner, even using queer terms like ‘ftm’ and shows the x-gender character reading an lgbt+ book. Many of the teams interactions with each other can be read as platonic or romantic, highly depending on how you personally interpret it, and a supporting character who hangs around the team reads heavily as lesbian, or at least wlw. So, if you’re queer and can handle seeing animated abuse without being triggered, this is definitely an anime I’d reccomend to you.
Content warnings for this, as of season one, are on-screen child abuse of both teenagers, toddlers, and babies, domestic violence, violence, blood, transphobia + denial of a child’s gender from a parent, dissociation, homophobia/bullying from peers, annd that’s all I remember off the top of my head.
This Boy Caught a Merman & This Boy Can Fight Aliens
These are also movies, and as obvious by the titles are created by the same person/people. They're not tied together in actual plot, though you will find some easter eggs referencing the other movie, specifically in the merman one. It's been a while since I've seen either, but there's almost drowning in Merman at the start as well as death of a family member.
This isn't finished airing at the time of writing this, so I hope this promising series doesn't go downhill in the last few episodes. This is a band anime! All four members are mlm. It has very healthy friendships between teens and adults. It lets the characters speak openly about their sexuality and feelings. It's just very good. One of the characters is a victim of abuse from his father, and his ex-boyfriend did commit suicide for some current trigger warnings.
Update: Now that it’s finished, I’d say this anime still holds up! It has a very nice portrayal of the two main leads and their romantic relationship in the final episodes. Here’s to hoping the movie’s good as well~ 
91 Days
I'll always try to keep this lower on the list, since it's not explicit, and many people disagree on the homoerotic undertones. Personally though, I think it is gay. It's implied one of the main characters is killed in the end, though it's left rather open. It's a mafia anime, so there's already some stuff you should expect, but in more detail there's death of a child, guns, vomiting, cannibalism, drinking, torture, blood, and that’s all I can think of now. 
Banana Fish
I’ll probably always keep this very close to the bottom. This is not a good anime for anyone who wants happy mlm anime. It’s depressing, gritty, and extreamly upsetting, but the two main characters have the most healthy relationship between two men that I’ve ever seen in anime. One of the main characters died in the end of the manga, but in the anime it can be interpreted that he survives if you look at the op and official site.
Trigger warnings are major character death, homophobic slurs, general homophobia, rape, child porn, abuse, drugs, drugging, drinking, torture, hypnotism, guns, explosions, child death, death of poc, eating disorders (specially acute anorexia) and probably a lot more I'm missing. I think this show handles rape victims very well, there’s some found family sprinkled in, and a lot of the major characters on the main characters’ sides are lovable and grow on you quickly.
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