starpupilastro · 2 years
Pisces I
Leave what you know to go where you don’t. (2/18-12/28)
This Decan has been prescribed by Chang to the 8 of Cups and is named The Lord of Indolence. The chapter goes on to describe how this is a time of departure, just like the character on the card we are walking away from whatever we might be feeling in order to get somewhere new.
Major Arcana making up this card being The World and The Moon, giving representation to Saturn in the Sign of Pisces. This begs the question “Just what are we trying to end?” we must search all of the things we know before closing the chapter on the right one. If we choose wrong, then we need back peddle and reopen that book.
In my daily pulls over the course of the past 10 days (I missed day 9 -__-) there has been a lot of back and forth, and a lot of confusion. themes of moving forward but in god only knows what direction. But I suppose that makes sense for the sign of Pisces as a sign that is often called directionless. I think the negatives of this past Decan have been more than the positives in number but the positives have been greater in their weight becoming a nice balance.
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In terms of the 8 of Cups, I would guess that maybe the 5 cups that are stacked on the left have been emptied or drank and 3 cups on the right are full still. The traveler wonders off in search of something new, and along the winding path they may get turned around and return to find there is still something left to drink.
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starpupilastro · 2 years
Aquarius III
Starting at the end. (2/10-2/17)
This seems almost like a typical thing for me. I’ve always been kind of bad at following through on things. (zodiac series) This seems like something that has a sort of framework that is already laid out, albeit I’m going out of order.
I’m following in the foot steps of the other astrologers that have taken on this year long endeavor and I’ll be using mainly “36 Secrets” by T. Susan Chang as a guide along the way. I’m really excited about this venture because it will be a good way for me to really dive into learning the Tarot in a much more intentional way. I currently have a simple fascination with tarot and have a couple of decks that I try to read intuitively and can glean a little insight from but this will be good for really internalizing the significations.
According to 36 Secrets the 3rd Decan of Aquarius, or degrees 21-30 of the sign, is called “Lord of Futility” is ruled by the moon, are represent in the tarot by The High Priestess and The Star of the Major Arcana and the 7 of Swords in the Minor Arcana. The High Priestess representing the Moon in the 7 visible planets of the solar system that are used in astrology. The Star representing the sign of Aquarius. The 7 of Swords representing the themes are associated within the last 10 degrees of the sign.
Although there are the Cards of the Major Arcana they seem to take a back seat and simply represent the ruler of the Decan and the sign that is in. The main cards to be focus on is the Minor Arcana, these are the cards that will give us the truer nature of these degrees.
The 7 of Swords in the Rider Waite-Smith deck is shows a man carrying 4 swords while 3 more are planted firmly in the ground.
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Chang talks in her book about how this card represents the “Divided Mind”. Saying one thing and doing the other. Noting that the man has a somewhat suspect air about him. One might think that he is trying to steal the swords he’s carrying. The way he’s looking back while walking away on tip toes. “Midnight Activity while the Sun is brightest”
In my personal life I feel like I’ve noticed this dynamic playing out somewhat in the hunt for new employment.
I have been unemployed for about 2 months now and looking for work has been tough. While the Sun has been in this Decan I feel that it has been especially difficult to stay focused on the the task at hand. I’ve had several ideas of thing that I might be able to start doing to try to make some more money than just my unemployment checks can bring me; but when it comes to put the rubber to the road my tires seem to still be spinning an inch off the ground.
The book also mentions reference to the Picatrix which notes the energy of this area as “-the accomplishing of the will, and the giving of offense” in thinking of things in these terms, I think that I’d like to become an professional astrologer for a living however I’m not sure I could do that without giving some offense to my partner who wants me to do something more stable.
For the next Decan, Pieces I, I’m planning on drawing cards for all the days which I will record and try to draw a theme that puts everything together.
See you then!
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starpupilastro · 2 years
Word Vomit :D
Just spit this out. I had started this post in hopes of having some kind of structure and then it immediately turned into some rambling thoughts. Somethings never change.
Starting with Jupiter in Aries. My rising sign the first house of my chart. I've been feeling quite optimistic about things lately for myself at least. I was laid off from my job at the begging of the month, things have been kind of strange for me since that happened. I haven't had this much free time to just kick around since high school. I think that I need a little more structure in my life and I'm hoping that some how writing more in a slightly public way will help me to be more accountable the ideas that I put down on the page.
Speaking of which, one of those ideas was potentially starting a news letter for lifestyle trend forecasting in. In the past, when I was more actively on social media I used to be very ahead of trends but obviously as I am sitting here writing this down being unemployed I hadn't utilized this skill to my advantage. So starting today (Sun in Cap btw) I've actually been trying to keep my eyes out there to look for things that speak to me scouring through instagram and arch digest as well as looking into more current events that are going on in the world.
I'm not sure if anything will come of this and I probably wont start a newsletter but now that I've started writing things down it feels pretty good to just blurt things out. Once again just like the with my actual Astrological posts I hope that if you stumble upon this and take the time to give it a read through, you find it entertaining and maybe you can there's some value to you in that. The way there it is valuable to me as a way to just type things out and put down words
Thanks and good morning, afternoon, and night.
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starpupilastro · 2 years
The twins 👯‍♀️ 
Mutable / Air / Masculine / Ruled by Mercury / Detriment of Jupiter
Gemini is a little bit chaotic but in the best way.  As the home of the Mercury where Gemini lands in your chart will be an area in your life that you are really good at communicating about. The energy of Gemini is always on the next thing. The love of discovering new things is lifted up here. “Jack of all trades, master of none” is often associated with it, however that doesn’t mean they can’t be really good at what they do. If a Gemini decided to have a career as a surgeon it may bounce around specialties and then become a great all around general surgeon! That can be applied to all fields of life.
When I asked “where to?”
One said to take the left path
The other said right
Wow, so definitely flaked on this one. Sorry about that, but also it's kind of appropriate for the sign of Gemini eheheh. . . when I had started writing these I was working as a architectural designer but had been looking for new work quite passively. Toiling through that job really left me with little bandwidth to put very much effort into this little project of mine. Earlier this month I got laid off by my firm and in the following weeks I have been spending my time trying to learn more about how to synthesize my learning into statements that could accurately make delineations for people. I'm not so secretly thinking of starting to offer some natal consultation a very low rate while I'm still working on this series to get some practice and to take off some financial pressure.
I hope my words reach you in a loving way thanks
-Tory H. - The Star Pupil
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starpupilastro · 2 years
I’m definitely liking this format. I tend to have a hard time sitting down and committing focus on writing. Being able to jot down quicker thoughts is more motivating for me to keep adding little bits and getting something posted plus it’s so much fun for me to do the haiku! As always I’m open to hearing comments/corrections (sited pls) thanks!
Taurus ♉️
The Bull 🐂
Fixed / Earth / Feminine / Ruled by Venus / joy of the Moon / fall of Mars
Taurus is sturdy, stable, reliable. Slow to start hard to stop! Beauty, cozy, comfortable, luxurious, safe, stubborn, tasty. Resource Management, taking stock. Tend to have a good vocal resonance,”podcast/talk show voice” or singers. Always eating well.
Budge not mighty earth
Raging bull can’t be stopped
Living luxury
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starpupilastro · 2 years
I’ve spent the past few days trying to workshop my format for my first post to start introducing the zodiac and as I wrote my thoughts down they ended up being a lot less formal as I was trying to plan and a bit more free form sectioned off into the the most basic attributes of the sign, then a small blurb of delineations, and finally a haiku! o_o so hope you enjoy the post
Aries ♈️
The Ram 🐏
Cardinal / Fire / Masculine / ruled by Mars / Joy of the Sun / Detriment of Venus
Aries is an initiator, an instigator. Being the first sign of the zodiac, this is probably the easiest place to start. Aries people tend to be more introverted. Like to be the first to do things. First in line.
Ram rushes forward
Head first in its own way
Where’d they go
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starpupilastro · 2 years
The Inaugural Post
So far through all of my learning of astrology, I’ve never been good about noting things down. I’ve tried to journal in several small note books in a organized way in hopes that I can return to just the right page whenever I might need to reference something. Alas, I’m far too scatterbrained and three pages later and my new astrology notebook has become a sketchbook and lists of things I need to take care of…
As of the past month or it seems as though a lot of things from my past have been resurfacing in my life one of those things being tumblr. In my teens I was pretty active on tumblr when I remembered that the platform existed again a few days ago I thought that it might be good to think about using it for a better way for me to go forward with publishing my learning for reference and potentially also work on a little website design. (Don’t hold your breath for that part) With the use of tumblr’s searchable archive I think this will be the best way for me to move forward.
Each post will be written with the intention of longevity. I want to have posts that are useful to go back to read several times if needed. I’m also hoping that they will have at least some semblance of academic structure even if my language and cadence may be much more conversational. Reader, please don’t expect too much from me grammatically, I will do my best but I’m still quite out of practice when it comes to writing outside of sending short work emails. As for the frequency of posting, ideally I would like to be doing enough to write something at least 1 or 2 posts a week similar to a newsletter but without another pesky subscription. This may hurt me when it comes to the algorithm but this blog is more for me than it is for you. But if you do follow thank you and if not that’s ok! :3
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