#starlink offers ONE SINGLE SOLITARY OPTION here in mexico: 300mbps
viiridiangreen · 2 years
i left all of my s19 prepping for the last week and was NATURALLY left completely unable to play starting last tuesday night bc of the aforementioned Truck Shitting All Over My Internet Cable incident
wanted to start fresh w/ Content Creation(TM) in the new season & be more consistent abt my streaming & whatnot but, seems like I'm not gonna get to ride that wave- for the second season in a row (the EXACT same cable-getting-fuckt-as-an-act-of-god happened last time too lmaoooooo)
so........ idk. it's 1:30 am. I can't rearrange shit around the apartment or my pieceofshit upstairs neighbours are gonna do the thing they love to do (turn on their car's alarm if they detect any signs of intelligent life from my apartment, waking up my non-pieceofshit neighbour whomst is also my coworker & probably the whole city block in the process)
i'm tempted to buy a geforce now membership & do some absolute last-minute grinding on my bf's laptop that can actually catch enough of the neighbour's wifi for gaming....... but there's a chance the cable does actually get fixed tomorrow & if so I'd be throwing those $9 away
then again, if the cable DOESN'T get fixed tomorrow, I'm gonna Have To buy it or go another week without being able to schedule e-pal orders, the profits of which added up to like 5x-6x my stream income last month, which is a bit more than my 'formal' job -_____-
I'm gonna go stress-cook a fuckton of zucchini so all I need to do tomorrow is toss them in the blender for s o u p
and uhhhh idk, hope for a future where i can get online reliably to do my myriad weird gigs that keep me out of the in-person customer-service world (which would demolish what little sanity i've been able to put together since leaving my parents' abusive grasp) WITHOUT shelling out 1.6 months of my salary for a GODDAMN FUCKING STARLINK GADGET + 1/5th of that each month for the service, as a facebook follower of mine oh-so-kindly suggested since apparently it works Just Fine for him
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