#starlight plays sv
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
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brassius i love you and i would genuinely love to talk about art with you if the plot wasn't forcing me to battle you instead
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treason-and-plot · 6 years ago
Random Questions for Storytellers by @gaiahypothesims
How do you run your games and sims? I’m just always curious how it works for other people.
Do you have massive households of all the sims in your story?
Do you rotate households?
Free will?
How many saves? Do you have multiple families/ clone families for each save in a different location?
Is everything you do very planned out?
(Feel free to answer on your own page and @ me!!)
I do have massive households that I create for certain scenes so I can pose and control as many Sims as possible. Households of 20 are common. The scene I am shooting at the moment at the Pony has 21 Sims. Half are at the gym, half at the Pony.
Anita and Saffy’s big night out at The Grind is going to need about 30 Sims on the lot, so I have cloned the club and moved it to SV which is more stable than Bridgeport and has never crashed on me (yet). It’s a scene that is taking me forever to plan and execute but I hope it will be worth it in the end!
I rotate households to a small degree for my story. This way I am never, ever bored, but I sometime wonder if I have taken on too much, particularly as I am always adding new households. For example, I need to create a new household in Starlight Shores for story purposes, probably for a single scene. I could stage it in Bridgeport, but that would feel too *cheaty* to me. The scene is supposed to take place in SS, so to SS I will go.
I am sad I cannot devote all the time to my households as I would like, and I’m thinking primarily of Naomi here, and also Audrey and Persephone. I would also love to play Roy’s brother Douglas and uncover the identity of his mystery woman, but sadly not enough time. I am determined that Naomi’s story will be told, but it needs a lot of time and planning to do it justice, and I just don’t have that at the moment. 
I have all my characters futures planned, but nothing is cast in stone. Inspiration  can strike at any time, and destinies are mutable. I may have had a storyline  planned for a long time, but I will have no qualms about abandoning it for whatever reason if it doesn’t feel ‘right’ when I’m executing it. 
I have approximately 4 saves for each world, and each world contains clones of my central chars.
I never played with SP on. It horrifies me tbh. I had very bad experiences with it early on and it drove me straight back to Sims 2.
That said, I do occasionally play with free will on when I’ve finished taking pics for my story, and as I have mentioned in passing several times the thing that has always amused me the most is the animal attraction that Jojo and Sonia have for each other🤣🤣🤣 But usually I am the micromanager from Hell.
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lesbian-sunshim · 7 years ago
so how did starlight become the storm queen in the Shimmerverse
Starlight as storm queen doesn't have a full backstory in SV, mostly bc the canon storm king doesn't have a backstory either and didn't really need one. And yes, Tempest still works for her - I'd link to that post but I'm on mobile lmaoEverything else is largely the same - this change was just to give starlight a more dynamic role bc the one thing I was interested in her was why she was so dang powerful but the show never really went into it, so I figured why not give her a role where her magic can come into play more readily. And bc the canon storm king is just not intimidating.
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rstarsims3 · 4 years ago
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When you ask sims to leave a bachelor/bachelorette party and then this happens... 🔼 (waiting another 3 sim-hours for all the sims to get out the door)
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Daughter’s drawing on the wall (awwww, that’s their small family!!!) 😌 🥰
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Birthday party in the backyard  🥳 🥳 🥳 (Beau Andrews -🤡 💩 -wasn’t invited, but he somehow infiltrated the party just to laugh at my poor girl)
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Just completed Lifetime Wish (Master Acrobat) and the audience seems to be cheering for her too 😁  🥳
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Taking time off work to celebrate the “one year anniversary” (daughter is already a teen, buy okay) with karaoke, a play at the theatre, dinner at the bistro, treehouse fun and fireworks...aaaand starting a fire in the backyard. Not their best date, for sure.
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Celeste has been partnered at the prom with Laron Koffi (Gobias Koffi and Zelda Mae’s only son) and I kinda approve. Was expecting it to be one of Wan-Goddard’s two sons, but apparently the game knows better.
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Was worried that Celeste won’t have too many colleagues in school with EA’s lazy story progression so I loaded up NRaas SP on fast settings. Ended up with 24 teens and about 11 children on their way to age up. Lord knows how many babies and toddlers were also created   😂 🤣
Overpopulating Sunset Valley like a boss... 😎
(let’s see how I’ll get myself out of all the potential issues this maneuver might generate in my save)
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“Ugh, Mom, Dad, will you behave at least today?! You’re embarrassing me!”
Showtime being the 😭🤬🤯😳🤡🤪 EP that it is, has managed to corrupt my sim while in Starlight Shores by making her unclickable. Every time I’d try an error script would notify me about some random sim that didn’t even exist in the world (had them all listed with MC). Nothing worked: reset the dude, reset her, reset everything, etc. So, as a least resort, I tried to move her via phone to Sunset Valley. She was CURED. Was apprehensive about it lasting too long, but I’m already far into this save and nothing weird happened (well, except for the Showtime venues that I placed in SV glitching from time to time. Already removed them after completing her LW. Pity, as I wanted the daughter to become a Vocal Legend).
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
man i really wish there was more of a clear incentive to do the classes in scarlet and violet besides just some exp candies at midterms and finals. i know i'm just some completionist nerd who cares too much about the characters in pokemon games but the classes really surprised me with how much i loved a lot of the teachers, and it makes me sad how many people who aren't also completionist nerds just don't do a single one of them!! i mean, raifort, aside from being a huge mythology nerd and a really intriguing vaguely sinister and volo-like but possibly just overenthusiastic character imo, tells you the lore behind the four treasures of ruin and got me super interested in that story and made me hope there was gonna be a postgame quest about it. and then later she marked the locations of the shrines on the map for me. her classes are genuinely really neat and interacting with her is beneficial to both the lore and the gameplay. saguaro has this super neat little arc of trying to hide his love of things like sweet foods and cute phone cases because people see him as this big tough guy and he's spent his whole life believing he has to maintain that image, but he ends up realizing he should just be himself and people will still love him for who he is, and then he gives you a slowpoke cup. hassel comes from a long line of dragon tamers and was expected to go on to lead his prestigious family, but instead rebelled and became an artist, and was almost persuaded into quitting his job and returning home before realizing that all he wanted was to continue nurturing young and curious minds as an art teacher. doing his classes also helps you learn quite a bit about brassius and the friendship between the two of them. dendra is this excitable and hotheaded battler but then it turns out she also has a really sweet friendship with miriam, who she really looks up to, and is a hilariously terrible cook but works hard at having saguaro teach her to make good sandwiches specifically so she can have miriam try them as a way to repay her for everything miriam has done for her. and miriam is trying to get certified to become a health teacher and ends up passing her exam in the end!! and idk, at first i did expect the teachers to not really have much personality to them and the classes to just be a way to teach new players about the mechanics and stuff but then i ended up genuinely enjoying going back to the school and doing a handful of classes/teacher interactions between each story event i did, so i could get to know all of them and their stories.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
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i love how much larry does not like geeta lmao, can't blame him when she's making him, and no other gym leaders, also work as an elite four member and use a type that's not the one he prefers. when the poor guy already also has an office job!!
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
ugh, anyway, library big and confusing so idk if i've read every book but i found the one i saw earlier that talked about grusha:
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and then also found ones that talked about katy and ryme:
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and also discovered that sonia's book got published!!
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
omg.... hassel has a flapple.... he's a dragon type specialist and a teacher so they gave him the apple dragon, help that's so cute
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
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i love penny so much ajsjzkgkd
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
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AWWWW i really do love dendra, it's so sweet that she and miriam are friends
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
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after 132 eggs and several days of being very annoyed at being the only person in my friend group to not have a single shiny despite all the exploring and egg-hatching i've done, i got the shiny pawmi i've been going for!! gonna name her meilin after mei from turning red... even though the pawmot on my team is already also named after her because the design reminded me vaguely of her before i knew what the shiny looked like lol. it's just too perfect for the shiny.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
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ooh and hassel is really cool too, actually!! also, sorry but this kind of thing is a LOT better to me than if i had learned hassel's backstory, or his history with brassius, by reading it on the back of a league card.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
i find it interesting how many people i've seen be surprised that characters who look like adults are students at the academy. i've run into several student trainers with wrinkles and gray hair and the other day i spoke to a woman in the home ec classroom who appeared to be elderly but was clearly a student and told me it was never too late to learn new things. it seems clear to me that the academy is open to all who are interested in learning and isn't separated by age, which i think is pretty cool! it really does make me wish the protag could've at least been, like, 16 this time around, though.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
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gotta say i love the little detail of brassius terastalizing his sudowoodo into a grass type and then calling it "truleewoodo" in both of his battles.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
too lazy to post screenshots but the lore raifort gives in her classes and the fact that she's investigating that old legend is honestly so interesting and the stuff brassius told us about the hardships he faced as an artist before meeting hassel really made me like him a lot more than i thought i would. i genuinely think it's a shame that some people actually ignore the classes in this game.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years ago
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AWWW katy was kofu's apprentice, that's such a cute little detail... i'm glad we actually do get to see a bit more from the gym leaders in the postgame, they all have such fun personalities this time around.
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