#stargate atantis aus
pantstomatch · 7 years
Oh oh! Yuri On Ice --- and OMG Check Please!
Okay, YOI - they would all be scientists. NAY BOTANISTS. All of ‘em. Victor would be the darling of the Botany lab. Yuri based his masters thesis  on Victor’s work and is in AWE of him, but Victor has been keeping tabs on Yuri’s work with the man-eating plants of the milky way galaxy back at stargate command, so OBVIOUSLY he’s waiting excitedly when Yuri first beams down from the Daedalus and he takes him whole-heartedly under his wing. Wacky hijinks ensue, where-in everyone but Yuri thinks they’re dating. Nobody’s on away teams except Yurio and Otabek, and Yurio likes to burn off a lot of his anger at how adorable everyone thinks Yuri is at the shooting range. ALL BOTANIST SGA AU. BAM.
Annnnnd, Check Please! - okay, okay, I’m thinking Jack’s some sort of rank in the Canadian military (Mountie? Ha ha ha jk) and Bitty’s a scientist on his gate team (along with Shitty and Lardo, Shitty a fellow scientist, Lardo military) and they get into a lot of gate team shenanigans, including being attacked by dinosaurs, captured by Genii, almost eaten by Wraith, Bitty and Jack get accidentally married a lot of times, it’s like a running gag. Jack secretly likes it and is only sad they aren’t real, Shitty’s pretty sure ALL of them are legal, and Bitty stress-bakes a lot in the commissary because he feels bad for all the times it was his fault Jack and him got accidentally married.
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pantstomatch · 7 years
Stranger Things? :D
Okay, this is a hard one!  Well, obviously Eleven would be an alien. Possibly a runner. Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will are the team that find her.  Man, I can’t make this more interesting than the actual show. Uhhhhhhh Steve should be there, and Jonathan. Actually, lets go for a pure Steve and Jonathan au where they have lots of hate-sex in transporters (rival scientists? Jonathan makes fun of Steve’s hair? Steve makes fun of Jonathan’s inability to pull off that uniform jacket?) until Steve has like a life or death situation and they realize how much they need each other and slow-bone.
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