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mysticwrit · 2 years ago
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        with winter finally in full effect, it had only been a matter of time before the snow began to fall.  emma had kept an eye on the weather diligently, trying her best to stay ahead of the curve, to keep an eye on any potential blizzards in the future  —  now, finally, her vigilance is paying off.  she’d meant what she said when she’d promised mike that he wouldn’t have to deal with a snowstorm alone.  packing up the softest blanket she owns, a few games, and some packets of hot chocolate, emma makes her way over to mike’s apartment.  fortunately, the snow isn’t falling too hard just yet, but it’s bound to worsen soon.  emma knocks on the door, readjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder as she stomps her boots to get any residual snow off.  “ hey there, handsome, ”  she greets with a smile the second the door is opened.  she wastes no time in stepping inside, pausing to carefully slip out of her boots before turning to press a kiss to his lips.  “ i thought you might like some company.  i bring hot cocoa. ”  she singsongs the last bit, setting her bag down to properly greet oona.
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bloodin · 1 year ago
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'  —  fuckin'  gnarly,  that  is  .   '
glass  collides  with  wood  ,   cubed  ice  showering  the  length  of  bar  .   pleasure  and  digust  grip  length  of  dishevled  smirk  behind  his  mask  .   pivot  in  seat  ;   hooded  eyes  shift  to  meet  those  across  the  room  .
'   you  ever  taste  this  shit?   '
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immobiliter · 2 years ago
@stardustvein sent a meme: “Girls like you come along once in a lifetime.” / Louis to Clem 🥺
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       Was this what it was like to be an actual teenager? Before the walkers? To hear a boy compliment her and feel something flutter in her chest, filling her lungs until she felt lighter than she had before he'd opened his mouth. Clem could remember plenty of movies she'd watched in the before times with her parents where a boy met a girl and they fell in love — she'd thought it kinda strange and gross at the time, but not so much now. This felt nice. Having people felt nice. She continued to be haunted by the way these things always seemed to end — the way they had always ended, ever since the dead had started to walk — but she hoped things here would be different.
       It was a strange emotion. Hope.
       Her smile was a little bashful as she bit down on her lip, her leg swinging off the edge of the bunk she was sat on. “ Are you sure you're not just saying that because you don't get many visitors here? ” It was true that Louis and the rest of them were rather sheltered here at Ericson's. They hadn't seen what she'd seen. They hadn't done what she'd done. “ There must be plenty of other girls out there surviving, just like me. I haven't met any of them, but still. ”
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forgaeven1 · 2 years ago
❛ hey there, baby momma— ❜
he didn't tell her he was visiting, and so, cam found himself sneaking around — or, well, bothering what other staff who were around the facility — until the general intercom lets him know that artemis was returning from wherever it was that the mission had taken her and the chosen team. she had told him that it was purely a diplomatic and recon sort of work, which he'd only protest mildly because he thinks art really shouldn't be working too much at all, but hey. his girl likes to exercise and walk around ! cam won't be the one to restrain her. so here he is, pulling out from the corner to hug her from behind, grinning into the action, before he pulls away, and his hand, wet, comes away red.
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❛ ... art, is this- is this blood ? ❜
@stardustvein / starter call ♡
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trickstercaptain · 1 year ago
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@stardustvein submitted:
Blue = always, black is situational 😂 from Isabela ofc
isabela sweeeeeep!!! not that I expected any different from her lmao, they are truly two sides of the same coin <3
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tobebrutal · 2 years ago
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" i suppose you'd prefer i not ask, " why her blades sat inches in the side of a tree already riddled with signs of strife.. why @stardustvein had been stood for the finding, staring down the length of bog nathaniel was in no hurry to venture further into, either. not that he offered her that leverage, yet. " is the blackmarsh not to your liking, commander? or were you merely hoping i'd take the lead. " ♡
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spynorth · 2 years ago
what’s your phone wallpaper : tank. last song you listened to : monsters by all time low currently reading : a little life (again), the midnight library, fires of heaven (again) and adam carter: revealed (its hilariously bad.) i just pick one up and go with it and set it down and maybe pick it up again next time or maybe i grab one of the others. it works for me. last movie : the rendezvous last show : currently in the middle of six different ones but the last one i watched an episode of was chicago pd. what are you wearing right now : sweatpants. how tall are you? : 5'3 piercings / tattoos? : rarely wear jewelry in them nowadays but i have 4 piercings in one ear and 3 in the other. glasses ? contacts? : both but i prefer contacts. glasses give me double vision due to my brain not knowing my left eye is there and suddenly trying to see out of it. contacts i can get away with only wearing my right one so.. definitely those. last thing you ate? : cinnamon toast crunch favorite color(s) : forest green, black, navy blue. current obsession : uhh its been ages since i've hyper-focused on something but lately i can't stop making graphics until i finish all of them. it's gonna take me a year, i swear. do you have a crush right now?: yeah. they're pretty cool. we write together sometimes. live together. laugh at each other's stupid jokes. the usual. love of my life but always my best friend and crush too. favorite fictional character : i really don't think i have one. i have a lot that i enjoy to a certain extent but none that are die hard favorites. i'm weird man last place you traveled : long distance? arkansas to see my grandpa. short distance? another state to see tank. we live like half an hour from the border haha.
Tagged by : @ravenskeeper (you tagged me andy, sh) Tagging : @dodgedabullet , @melnchly , @korolevnas , @valantinois , @stardustvein , @starsspin , @marblecarved + you!!
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lorelodge · 2 years ago
Character Quirks
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likes artificial watermelon |  sleeps in what they are already wearing |  eats their cereal with milk  | listens to music with earbuds |  hates the summer | can recite past the first four digits of pi | eats frosting out of the jar | doodles on their notebooks |  can bake cookies | has a garden |  has had a snowball fight  | eats pancakes without syrup | prefers shorts over pants | can name more than ten superheroes | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse |  uses the same password for everything |  can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds | watches anime | hasn’t read harry potter | can say ‘ I love you ‘ in more than one language | prefers mechanical pencils | thinks space is cool | takes personality tests more than once to make sure |  can’t tie their shoelaces | has a purse | likes salads | likes cool colors better than warm colors | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies | can ice skate | knows their mbti | reads astrology charts | prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy |  plays video games  | reads the newspaper | likes chocolate ice cream best | doesn’t cuss |  memorizes song lyrics |  collects coupons | has a preferred order at starbucks | likes movie theater popcorn | has seen a play | listens to music with headphones | owns a hoodie |  would rather own cds than online copies | has written a poem |  can shuffle cards | subscribes to a magazine |  double dips when eating | drinks directly out of the milk container | keeps a journal
tagged by: @dodgedabullet tagging: @stardustvein @talesgolden @pizzatheif
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grimfate · 2 years ago
make a playlist using every letter of your url ! 
G .    GUNS FOR HIRE     —    woodkid.
kiss  your  perfect  day  goodbye  ,    because  the  world  is  on  fire.    tuck  your  innocence  goodnight  ;    you  sold  your  friends  like  guns  for  hire.    go  play  with  your  blocks  ,    and  now  you'll  pay  when  these  walls  come  tumbling  down.  
R .    REQUIEM FOR MY HARLEQUIN     —    poets of the fall.
this  is  a  requiem  for  the  harlequin  ,    the  great  pretender  crashing  down  with  style.    here's  to  the  fall  of  man  ,    fame  to  dust  ,    fortune  to  sand.    the  great  surrender  ,    finally  arrived!    this  is  how  the  requiem  loves  the  harlequin  ;    wake  up  -  your  chains  are  porcelain.    like  a  phoenix  from  the  ashes  ,    we  will  rise  again. 
I .    IRON SKY     —    mo jamil.
we  find  gods  and  religion  to  paint  us  with  salvation  ,    but  no  one  ,    oh  ,    nobody  ,    can  give  you  the  power  to  rise  over  love  ,    over  hate  ,    through  this  iron  sky  that's  fast  becoming  our  mind.    over  fear  ,    and  into  freedom.  
M .    MARCHING ON VERSAILLES     —    ad infinitum.
this  was  your  final  chance  ,    a  chance  you  didn't  take.    like  the  lightning  ,    we  will  fall  on  your  golden  wealth.    this  was  your  final  dance  ,    your  final  reverence  ;    now  on  the  horizon  ,    you  can  see  our  torches  burning.    no  turning  back  -  our  army  will  attack.    your  dynasty  ends  tonight!    we  are  the  army  of  silent  cries  ,    marching  on  your  denial.    we  are  the  justice  for  those  who  died  for  the  glory  of  versailles!  
F .    FEBRUARY SONG     —    josh groban.
sometimes  it's  hard  to  find  my  ground  ,    'cause  i  keep  on  falling  as  i  try  to  get  away  from  this  crazy  world.    and  i  never  want  to  let  you  down  ;    forgive  me  if  i  slip  away.    when  all  that  i've  known  is  lost  and  found  ,    i  promise  you  i  ,    i'll  come  back  to  you  one  day.  
A .    AT THE BREAK OF DAWN     —    arion ft. elize ryd.
close  your  eyes  for  just  one  time  and  lose  your  paradise.    all  we  had  is  gone  ;    it  must  be  sacrificed.  and  i  know  we  have  to  let  it  go  ,    escape  before  we  lie  on  ocean  floor.    and  i  know  ,    when  all  the  hope  is  gone  ,    we  have  to  run  before  we're  at  the  break  of  dawn.  
T .    THE KILLING KIND     —    marianas trench.
if  madness  overtakes  us  both  ,    then  nobody  would  be  alone  ;    the  ghosts  of  us  could  linger  here  ,    forever  not  to  disappear.    stay  ,    stay  near.    oh  ,    stay!    we  could  be  together  here  ;    forever  we're  together  ,    bound  in  madness.  
E .    EATER OF WORLDS     —    everyone loves a villain.
we  are  gods,  we  are  monsters  ;    we  create  to  devour.    not  for  love  ,    but  for  power.    what's  a  life  worth  in  the  end?    look  at  what  you've  created  -  a  creature  so  cruel  and  defeated.    i  am  the  eater  of  worlds  ,    and  i'm  looking  for  someone  to  feed  me.    can't  imagine  the  violence  ,    the  rage  and  the  love  in  my  madness.    i  am  the  eater  of  worlds  ,    and  i'm  looking  for  someone  to  feed  me.  
tagged by:  i stole it, tee hee. 
tagging:  @timethehobo (just for kicks) ,  @ubcs ,  @alphateamsfinest  (lol good luck) ,  @godblooded ,  @idolpyre ,  @mysticwrit ,  @stardustvein  and whoever else is reading this. 
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freaksurrounded · 3 years ago
@stardustvein​       /       continued
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        to say that kaitlyn has been looking forward to this all evening would be quite the understatement.  it’s strange;  she’s never been the type to become boy crazy, not even close ...  and yet with mike, he seems to linger in her thoughts more often than not.  when she’s not with him, her eyes are always surreptitiously scanning the areas around her, hoping to spot him.  and when she is with him?  her heart hammers relentlessly in her chest, her stomach fluttering with the strength of a dozen butterflies’ wings.  she can’t get enough of him.
        so when he leans down to kiss her, kaitlyn’s already on her toes, lips eagerly meeting his as her palms gently frame his face.  the past few hours have been consumed with thoughts of sneaking off with him somewhere, of wandering hands and frantic kisses, but this one is slow and soft.  there’s no reason to rush anything;  mr. h. is nowhere to be found and the other counselors surely have everything under control.
        that’s when the loud thud suddenly hits the library door, followed by nervous laughter, the bouncing of a ball, and a child scolding one of their companions.  kaitlyn lets out an exasperated sigh as she regretfully pulls away from him.  “ one sec, ”  she whispers, holding a finger up.  and then she’s turning away from him, pulling the door open, and sticking her head out.  “ hey!  if i have to come out there and i see something’s been broken because of any of you, i’ll disqualify all of you from the water balloon competition tomorrow.  got it? ”  there’s a chorus of anxious agreement and then further giggling as the group runs off to undoubtedly get into trouble somewhere else.
        as kaitlyn shuts the door behind her once more and leans against it, she’s shaking her head, a vague smile of amusement present.  “ how much you wanna bet one of the others got them to do that on purpose?  my money’s on dylan. ”
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mysticwrit · 1 year ago
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@stardustvein said : ❛ you look better in my clothes than i do. ❜
  the smile on brooke's face is instantaneous as she glances over her shoulder at him. " yeah, well ... just wait until you get to see me out of your clothes, " she replies, flashing a flirtatious grin as she turns back to her task of cutting up pieces of fruit for smoothies. it's not a particularly helpful comment to make, given the circumstances, but she can't help herself. it's bad enough that they have to wait at least two weeks to take things to the next level; if she's expected to keep her suggestive comments to herself as well, she might actually explode (and not in the good way). " so i take it that means you don't mind me stealing them, " brooke adds after a moment, eating a small piece of strawberry. then she offers a piece to him, a mildly adoring smile on her lips as she does so.
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tostarsabove · 3 years ago
The templar encampment fell. The fight was brutal and bloody, but Amelia, James, and the others escaped mostly unscathed. Two days after that came a particularly nasty rift that split open above a stream near the farms. James can still hear the jarring screech of the despair demon that might have bested them if not for Solas’ fire to keep the frigid magic at bay. 
Then today was the mercenaries. The crew had been harassing civilians for weeks, terrorizing already desperate refugees. They tracked them to a fortress in the southwest, dispatched the leader when reason clearly wasn’t an option. It was a good fight. Well, good as in difficult. And the physical toll wasn’t even the worst. James would take being slammed to the ground by a shield another dozen times rather than watch Amelia again. Yet almost worse is the idea of not being there during such recklessness. 
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After making it back to camp, almost everyone called it an early night, limping and trudging back to their tents to attempt some sort of rest before the next fight. So now firelight bleeds through the canvas of his and Amelia’s tent. He rolls to face her with a mild wince, bruised ribs protesting angrily. “Must you always try to fight everyone at once?”  James’ eyes seek her seriously, almost accusing.
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forgaeven1 · 2 years ago
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‘    if he’s terrorising anyone,  i don’t wanna know about it until...   ’    he checks his watch,  quick.    ‘   3 o’clock today.   at least.    ’
   nudges a smol @stardustvein​ for cameron 
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trickstercaptain · 2 years ago
       Jack sat cross-legged on his bed in front of the radio, quietly listening to the static as he turned the knobs through multiple different frequencies. Listening for something. Anything. A turbulent year of existence within the New Orleans QZ, watching it morph from a genuine attempt at infection control to a military state all of its own, would have anyone thinking that there was nothing else out there. Jack knew differently; he'd snuck out and back in again on multiple occasions ( though flooding that resulted from abandoned flood defences had hampered his efforts to traverse much of the city ), and knew that there was more out there than anyone on this wretched continent knew what to do with. Even before the outbreak, he'd never done well confined behind four walls, and fortunately his attempts at bringing contraband in from outside into the QZ had certainly made him a valuable asset in certain influential circles.
       That was what he needed to be for now. Valuable. It was his means of remaining freelance and negotiating his own terms, rather than being inducted into the machine that was FEDRA on account of his particular skillset. More than a civilian, but not yet a soldier. Jack wished for things to stay that way for as long as possible.
       The sensation of arms slowly wrapping around him from behind disrupted his reverie. Jack turned his head, making eye contact with Isabela, still half dressed, and half asleep by the look of it, and a small smile crossed his face. “ You know, if Luis succeeds in getting me onto FEDRA's payroll, this, ” he gestured between them, “ will become even more difficult. ” And yet, the thought didn't deter him. He turned on the bed to face her properly, fingertips trailing along her bare leg as he caught her gaze again with a knowing look. “ And I have a feeling you'd enjoy that even more. ”
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shelbyltds · 3 years ago
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twelve  past  the  hour  .   rubber  sole  scrapes  gravel  ,   circular  patterns  traced  upon  loose  ground  .   parking  lot  .   twelve  past  the  scheduled  arrival  of  a  man  known  to  the  community  as  wealthy  ,   a  man  of  power  ;   standing  .   tommy  shelby  is  never  late  .   nor  a  human  spoken  of  with  words  of  admiration  .   striking  is  his  presence  at  a  place  of  meeting  for  the  rich  .   a  place  he  is  unwelcome  .   the  lot  stands  empty  ,   littered  with  cars  driven  by  higher  class  .   nicotine  permeates  air  ,   contrast  to  freshly  mowed  golf  courses  .   a  sharp  inhale  as  he  waits  ,   patience  waning  .
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mobiues · 2 years ago
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‘   you know what keeps me going?   that one day i’ll get there :   that wide,  open beach.   maybe a shining jet ski across the horizon.   ’    the older agent whistles,   mouth pulled into this lopsided grin,  but it doesn’t reach his eyes.    ‘    yeah...   it’ll be worth it.   ’
   @stardustvein​    /    back from hiatus sc 
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