#starcout mall
sofiiel · 9 months
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Starry-eyed at Starcourt
Nancy was taking pictures of the pair at Starcourt. Barb just couldn't stop looking at him, and every second Jeff's grin just got bigger.
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roanofarcc · 3 months
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summary: steve harrington x oc
when another product of Hawkins National Laboratory escaped a long-survived nightmare alongside her sister, she crashed into one unsuspecting teenage boy and dragged him deeper into the dark mysteries that made up their hometown.
word count. 3.7k || masterlist || oc moodboard
warnings: cannon typical violence, child abuse, horror, gore, and depictions of mental illness. parts of this story were written pre-season 4 release. cannon divergence.
a/n: omg we love the 4th of july :) nothing bad ever happens on the 4th :) it’s such a fun day :) everything will surely be fine :)
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Closing up Scoops Ahoy for the night, Steve sighed in frustration. “It just can’t be right,” he said, falling in line with the odd group Dustin had assembled as they walked down the darkened mall toward the employee parking lot. Starcout was eerie after closing, without the bright fluorescent lights and the constant buzz of people coming and going. The only ones left were the unlucky workers who got stuck with the closing shift, Steve and Robin being among them. 
“It’s right,” Robin replied. She had figured out most of the translation on her own, which Steve had to admit was impressive, but it made no sense. 
“Honestly, I think it’s great news!” Dustin chirped, earning himself a look from Steve that he ignored. 
“How is this great news? I mean, so much for being American heroes. It’s total nonsense.” 
Robin shook her head. “It’s not nonsense. It’s too specific. It’s obviously a code.” 
To Steve’s right, Sunshine walked closely beside him, their hands occasionally brushing against each other but neither one moved to put distance between them. Maybe the message made no sense to him because he was impossibly distracted by Sunshine. The conversation he had with Robin and Dustin replayed in his head, and he found himself focusing more on the golden-eyed girl than his quest to become an American hero. 
“A code, you think?” Sunshine asked, curiously. 
“Yeah, like a super-secret spy code,” Dustin replied.
With a roll of his eyes, Steve said, “That’s a total stretch.” He had seen a lot of weird and unexplainable things in his life, but he still had a hard time believing they were in possession of a ‘super-secret’ Russian spy code. Though, maybe Russian spies wouldn’t be as bad as monsters. 
“I don’t know, is it?” Robin seemed to be swept up in the conspiracy that Dustin had dreamed up. “Listen, just for kicks, let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What do you think they’re going to say? ‘Fire the warhead at noon.’” Steve supposed not, but that didn’t justify their theory. “My translation is correct. I know that for sure. The silver cat feeds. Why would anyone talk like that unless they’re trying to mask the meaning of their message? And why would anyone mask the meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive?” 
Great, so Robin had the same brain as Dustin; that was just great. 
“So,” Robin continued, looking at Dustin. “I guess that confirms your suspicion.” 
“Evil Russians,” said Dustin, like that was a totally normal conclusion to come to. 
Robin snorted. “I can’t believe I’m agreeing with this strange child, but yeah, evil Russians.” 
A beat of silence passed before Sunshine spoke. “Well, if this message is from, um, evil Russians, how do we figure out what the code means?” 
“I guess we finish translating the rest of the message and hopefully a pattern emerges.” 
Steve was suddenly caught by Robin’s words. He managed to drag his focus away from Sunshine for a moment to replay the message one more time in his mind. He didn’t speak Russian, but they had listened to the tape recording at least a hundred times that afternoon and managed to pick up every little detail the message contained. The one thing that stuck out to him was a little tune in the background of the message. The music was familiar, really familiar. 
As they continued down the abandoned mall hall, Steve lagged behind as they passed a cluster of children’s rides. He hoped that he had a stroke of genius, or else it was going to be awfully embarrassing. Digging around in his uniform pocket, he tried to find spare change, but he came up empty-handed. 
“Steve?” Sunshine called to him, the whole group stopping and peering back at him with curiosity. 
“What’re you doing?” Dustin asked. 
“I need a quarter.” 
Robin chuckled. “Are you sure you’re tall enough for that ride?” she teased, which Steve did not find funny. He was on to something; he hoped so, anyway. 
“Quarter!” he yelled. 
Dustin muttered something under his breath but dug around his backpack anyway until he pulled out a handful of quarters. Steve snatched the change from the kid, slotted it into a mechanical horse, and waited until it started moving back and forth and playing music. 
“Need help getting up, little Stevie?” 
He rolled his eyes but ignored Robin, pressing his finger to his lips to keep everyone quiet so he could better hear the music. He had heard the little tune from the machine at least twenty times a day when a child begged their parents to ride the horse and waste their money. The music was the same as the music in the recording, identical. 
It took Dustin only a couple of moments to catch onto what Steve was hearing. His eyes widened as he dropped his bag and pulled out the tape recorder. “Holy shit!” he whispered. “The music!” Dustin pressed play on the message and confirmed Steve’s suspicions. 
“I don’t understand,” Robin said. 
“It’s the same song,” Dustin explained, practically giddy at the new information. 
“Maybe they have horses like this in Russia.” 
Steve looked at the sign on the base of the horse, tapping it with his finger. “The Indiana Flyer? I don’t think so.” He found himself looking at Sunshine, waiting for some kind response, but her gaze was far away, brows pulled together in concern as she too pieced together what Steve was getting at. “This code didn’t come from Russia,” he said.
Sunshine finished his thought with, “It came from here.” 
Steve cruised down the moonlit roads of Hawkins with the gentle hum of music from one of Sunshine’s favorite tapes playing on the radio. She sat beside him in the front seat, gazing out the window in thought, and Dustin kept poking his head between the two of them from the backseat. 
“I don’t get it,” Sunshine said, breaking the quiet. Her fingers played with the chain around her neck, nervously. “Why would Russians send a message from our mall?” 
“I don’t know, but this whole thing just got a lot more interesting,” Dustin said, his enthusiasm clashing with Sunshine’s worry. Steve found himself somewhere between the two, unsure of exactly what to make of the situation.
“Maybe we should take it to Hopper. This could be serious,” she suggested. 
Dustin instantly protested. “That’s not a good idea yet. We need to wait until we have more evidence. Besides, I don’t want him getting all the credit for our discovery.” 
“But what if it has something to do with…with something that’s already happened here?” she argued. 
That thought hadn’t occurred to Steve. He believed that they all were out of the woods when it came to Hawkins's paranormal activity. “You think the Russians could know about the Upside Down?” He found that likely. Why would they want anything to do with the horrible place riddled with monsters? 
“I doubt it,” said Dustin. “There’s no way they could have figured that out.” 
Out of the corner of his eye, Steve saw Sunshine’s hand fall from toying with her necklace and onto her tattooed wrist. A part of him itched to reach out and take her hand as the awful memories of her fingernails digging into her skin last fall came back to him. He felt a short surge of panic every time she traced her fingers over her wrist. But she simply rubbed her thumb over the tattoo, and Steve refrained. 
“That’s not exactly what I mean. In the Lab, they used kids like El to do what they called spying on people. They’d listen to conversations and relay them. Some of those people they spied on were Russian.” 
Steve’s stomach churned every time she mentioned the Lab. There were a million questions he, and probably everyone else, had, but they all knew better than to ask. The look that crossed Sunshine’s face every time she talked about it was more than enough to kill any question he had before it could leave his mouth. 
“But that place was shut down,” Steve reminded her. 
She glanced at him, concern pinched in her expression, but she said nothing. 
“We won’t know anything until we finish translating the message and crack the code. Once we do that, we’ll know what we’re dealing with. But we need more evidence before we take anything to Hopper. And we’ll only hand it over if we get credit, obviously,” Dustin said, clearly not super worried about what the Russians could be doing in Hawkins.
They said nothing else until they pulled into Dustin’s driveway. The Henderson Household was quiet as usual. The glow of the television set could be seen from the front window, along with the top of Ms. Henderson’s head poking out from behind the couch. 
They all bid each other goodbye with the promise of resuming their investigation tomorrow at the mall. Steve waited until Dustin was inside, ensuring the kid didn’t find any strange creatures in his trashcan before he backed out of the driveway and started the journey toward Sunshine’s house. 
Even though Steve didn’t want to admit it, Dustin had been right about what he said earlier that day. The longer Steve waited to say something to Sunshine, the more of a risk he ran of someone else realizing just how incredible she was. Robin was right as well; all he could do was ask her a simple question and leave the rest for her to decide. The worst she could say is no. In theory, it was easy, so Steve didn’t understand why it was so terrifying. He'd never been so nervous to ask a girl out before. It was different with Sunshine; Steve wanted it to be different than relationships of his past.
His hands felt clammy as pulled onto her street and parked alongside the curb outside her house. She began to gather her things and he knew it was now or never. 
“Hey, Sunshine?” The words flew out of his mouth before he could stop himself. 
She paused, looking at him and illuminated by the streetlamp that cast a warm glow across her face. “Yeah?”
He cleared his throat and tried to keep the tone of his voice casual, even though his heart felt like it was ready to leap right out of his chest. “I was wondering if you had any plans for the fourth?” The holiday was only a couple of days off, and it felt like the entire town was making a huge deal out of it. 
“No, I don’t think so. Why?” 
He hesitated, running a hand through his hair. “Well, you know, they’re putting on fireworks at the mayor’s fair that night. And, um, if you don’t have any plans maybe we could go? Like, just you and me. Together.” He inwardly cringed at himself and how utterly unsmooth his delivery was, but at least he did it.
Sunshine’s eyes widened just slightly and she was silent for a beat, but it was enough to make Steve momentarily wonder if he had royally messed up asking her out. But then the corner of her lips turned upwards. “Yeah! Yes!” She quickly cleared her throat. “I mean, that sounds nice.” 
Steve mirrored her smile as a surge of relief flooded through him. “It’s a date.” 
“It’s a date,” she repeated before stepping out of the car. Before she closed the door she turned around and said, “Good night, Steve.” 
“Good night, Sunshine.” 
She left Steve smiling like an idiot. Millions of stars twinkled across the night sky, and he suddenly felt like everything was beginning to look up for all of them. Even with the air of mystery surrounding the Russian message, Steve couldn’t help but feel like maybe their silver lining after a series of nightmares was upon them. Or maybe he was just blinded with optimism. 
Whatever it was, all that mattered was that Steve had a date and the Fourth of July couldn’t come soon enough. 
The following morning, the group of Russian investigators split into two teams. Sunshine partnered with Robin to help finish translating the recording and then work on cracking the code while Steve and Dustin ran around the mall looking for ‘evil’ Russians intermingled among the Hawkins mall goers. 
In the back room of Scoops, the two girls spent their morning finishing the translation before they began bouncing ideas back and forth in hopes of understanding what the message was trying to say. 
“Okay, read the whole thing back to me,” Robin said, sitting on the counter in front of the open window so she could man the front counter as well. Luckily, it was a rather slow day which made it perfect for spycraft.
Sunshine peered at the whiteboard and repeated the code. “The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly.” It read like nonsense, as Steve had said, but if the code came from their mall, they needed to figure out what the meaning of it was so they could pass it off to Hopper and get it taken care of; whatever ‘it’ was. 
“Tread lightly,” Robin repeated, deep in thought. 
“Maybe they mean ‘tread lightly’ as in ‘be careful?” Sunshine suggested. 
Robin hummed. “Yeah, maybe. But be careful of what?”
A knock came from the back room, prompting Robin to hop down from the counter and answer it. A delivery man appeared with a shipment of ice cream that he wheeled in while Robin signed for it. 
Sunshine busied herself with rereading the code again. Her head rested in her palm and her eyes drifted from the whiteboard through the open window that looked out across the food court. She absentmindedly watched the people wandering around until her attention fell on the large clock hung high upon the wall, allowing everyone in the main hub to tell the time. Its blue and yellow hands stood out against the stark white wall, and it was illuminated by the rays of sunlight that poured in through the windows position on the roof. The minute hands ticked, and Sunshine sat up straight in her chair, eyebrows furrowing at the color hands of the clock. “Robin-” She began, but Robin cut her off swiftly and excitedly. 
“Silver cat!” she yelled, running up to Sunshine. “The silver cat!” Before Sunshine could ask what she was about the silver cat, Robin grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her seat and out of the back room. They raced past Steve and Dustin, who had said something to them that she missed. Weaving between the scattered people, Robin took Sunshine a concrete plant holder with a thick ledge that she jumped up on, giving Sunshine no choice but to climb on top of the structure as well. They could see above the heads of people more easily, but Sunshine wasn’t sure why they needed that. 
“What are we doing, exactly?” 
“I think the code is referencing places inside the mall,” she explained in a rushed breath. “The silver cat is the delivery company. If I’m right, then the other words have to have some connection with shops or something here inside this building.” 
How Robin’s brain worked, Sunshine had no clue. But it made perfect sense. If the message was recorded inside the mall, then the building must’ve played an integral part in whatever they were doing. If they were dealing with Russians in Indiana, they were there for a reason.
“A trip to China sounds nice. A trip to China…Chinese…ah!” Robin gasped and pointed to the Chinese restaurant in the food court. “The Imperial Panda.” 
Sunshine scanned the area, recalling the code. “If you tread lightly…” 
“Shoes!” Robin pointed at the second story of the mall. Kaufman’s shoes. “Holy shit, we’re really doing this! Okay, okay. What else?” 
“When blue meets yellow in the west,” Sunshine said. She grasped Robin’s shoulder and turned her toward the large clock. “The clock hands.” 
“Holy shit!” Robin grabbed Sunshine’s arms as both of them laughed in pure astonishment that they, mostly Robin and her brilliant brain, cracked the Russian code in less than a day. 
“What are you guys doing?” Steve and Dustin had followed them into the mall’s main hub, staring at them like they were crazy. 
A smirk stretched across Robin’s lips as she said, “We cracked it.” 
“Cracked what?” 
Sunshine mirrored Robin’s smirk. “We cracked the code!” 
Rain poured over the town in a fury. It soaked everyone to the bone; not even their raincoats protected the group as they sat on the roof of Starcourt. Droplets fell into Sunshine’s eyes, making it nearly impossible to focus on the loading dock they were supposed to be staking out.
After she and Robin had deciphered the code, their next course of action was to figure out what the Russians were doing with the different shops at the mall. Dustin had concluded that they were probably using the delivery service to smuggle in or out something, which was how all four of them found themselves on the roof in the middle of a thunderstorm. Sunshine silently thanked her mom for forcing her to bring a coat with her, but it didn’t stop the chill from spreading through her body due to the sudden vanishing of the sticky summer heat. 
“Look for the Imperial Panda and Kaufman shoes,” Robin said to Dustin, who was using a pair of binoculars to see what was happening below. Men were unloading something from trucks; they looked different than the normal mall security. The men were tall and broad with large gigs slung over their shoulders. The sight made Sunshine nervous. What in the world could they be doing in Hawkins? 
“They are with that whistling guy at ten o’clock,” said Dustin. 
Sunshine was posited between Steve and Dustin, on high alert for trouble.
“What do you think’s in there?” Steve asked, wiping the running water from his face. 
“Guns, bombs, chemical weapons,” Dustin rattled off. Each suggestion made Sunshine’s skin crawl. “Whatever it is, they’re armed to the teeth.” 
“Great,” Steve muttered.
The guns alone should have caused them to abort their mission, but three of the four of them had faced down scarier sights. Robin, though, seemed rather unphased by the sight too. Sunshine knew the chances of the Russians having any relation to the Lab were slim, but that didn’t mean it was impossible. She had learned never to discount the impossible; lots of things in Hawkins were impossible and they still occurred. 
A truck door was opened with a loud ‘clank’ and Sunshine nudged Dustin’s shoulder. “What’s in there?” 
“Just more boxes.” 
On her opposite side, Steve grew cold and restless. He reached across Sunshine and swatted Dustin’s arm, trying to grab the binoculars. “Let me check it out.” Dustin held on tighter and refused to give them up, irritating Steve more. “Just let me see!” 
Sunshine sighed, “Guys.” But they ignored her and began fighting over the item. “Be care-” She couldn’t even finish her sentence before the binoculars tumbled out of both of their grasps and smacked against the ground with a loud bang, echoing through the air and alerting the men with massive guns below.
They ducked down out of the men’s sights. Sunshine’s heart raced as her hand grabbed Steve’s out of instinct. Her other hand pressed down against Dustin’s head, pushing him closer to the ground. Muffled voices came from below and she knew they had a small window of time before their hiding spot was uncovered. She dipped her head to Dustin’s ear and instructed him to take Robin and run for the stairs while she caused a distraction. He nodded quickly before doing as told. As they raced for the door, Sunshine peaked up from behind the roof’s ledge that hid them and worked fast to ignite light in her palm. She aimed for the wall just above the men’s heads, and with a careful flick of her wrist the light struck and bounced between the wall and the truck, causing confusion between the men. 
Through the buckets of rain, Sunshine scrambled to her feet just as Steve, who hadn’t followed Dustin but rather stayed behind with her, grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the door. They raced down the stairs, sliding on their soaked shoes, and caught back up to Robin and Dustin. 
The four of them hurried down the maze of service halls in their wet raincoats. Luckily they avoided running into any large men with guns. 
A humorous laugh sounded from Robin as she shook her head, flicking water droplets from her hair. “Well, I think we found your Russians,” she said to Dustin before shooting a look over her shoulder at Sunshine and Steve, ready to say something else before she stopped herself and focused on Sunshine. “Hey, you know your nose is bleeding?”
Sunshine ducked her head slightly, knowing that her eyes probably still held their faint glow that came with the use of her abilities. She quickly wiped the blood away with her sleeve and brushed off Robin’s slight concern. “It happens sometimes.” Robin left it at that and continued leading the way back to their home base, Scoops. 
Glancing down, Sunshine realized her hand was still held in Steve’s, and it didn’t seem like either one of them planned on letting go. She just wished that nearly all of the instances in which she and Steve held hands or toed the line between friendship and something else stopped occurring under anything but normal circumstances. She wanted to hold his hand when they weren’t running from something potentially life-threatening, and she wanted to lean in a little closer and see if he’d met her halfway way not when she was spiraling into some kind of identity crisis. It seemed like they were doomed to only have tension-filled handholds and moments when they were amidst absurd situations or trapped in another nightmare.
All she could hope for was the Fourth of July, happening in just two days time. In forty-eight hours, Sunshine hoped to be holding his hand at the county fair while fireworks burst to life over their heads. She could wait until then
Tagged. @sattlersquarry , @leptitlu , @drunkengodsofslaughter
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My Harringrove Au List N-Z
Baby Did You Come Back Wrong - Steve brings Billy back and he needs more than a burger and fries to survive. 
I’d Sell My Soul to a Devil - Steve sacrifices himself to save Billy at Starcourt. Billy makes a promise to get him back, it's going to take him a while but he plans to keep that promise. Even if he has to make a deal with a demon to do it. Even if the price isn't right.
Necromancin Dancin - Billy died at Starcout, he doesn't stay that way for long.
Sear Through Me - Billy is an asshole with magic, the upside down latches onto him, and he is an unwilling puppet. When he faces the mind flayer at Starcourt he knows he is going to die. Steve doesn't let him.
You Can’t Kill Love - Chrissy dies and Eddie goes to Steve looking to bring her back.
Beauty and The Beast - Mr. Harrington takes a rose and instead of paying the price the beast of the castle demands himself, he sends his son in his stead. Billy is not sure what to do with an omega who not only does not cower away from him like everyone else but also seems to think he is a slob and keeps trying his patience. (Magic and Royalty)
Benefits of Surviving - Billy finds Steve at the gate when the demobats attack.It would be a happier affair if they weren't trapped and Steve wasn't on the brink of a heat.
Come On Alpha - Steve is tired of waiting for Billy to make a move, so he takes matters into his own hands.
Everything I do Is To Bring Me Closer To You - Billy has a long way to go before he can make his dream of marrying Steve a reality. (Royalty and Magic)
Find Comfort In Me - Billy needs a comfort omega after surviving Starcourt. Steve is absolutely not who he expected Hopper to hire. He didn’t even know Steve was an omega.
First Impression - Alpha Billy meeting Steve for the first time at Tina's party.
Flirt Like A Bird - Billy wants to woo Steve, he tries a couple of options that haven't gone well. He tries a new tactic.
Giants Blood - Highborn Omega Steve finally realizing Alpha wildling Billy has been courting him. 
Hay In Your Hair, Mud On My Boots (Series) - Loose Yellowstone inspired au
Need An Alpha To Pop A Knot - Steve's an alpha who's never popped a knot, not until Billy comes along.
Omegas Like Us Have To Stick Together - Steve presents at the mall and bites and cries when any alpha or beta gets to close. Luckily Billy shows up more than willing to help when the end game is getting to keep Steve.
Smoke - Billy is ditching class for a smoke break when Steve comes along.
Track In A Crowd - Billy and Steve find each other by scent at a party. (Model Steve/Musician Billy)
You’re My Bitch - Omega Billy fucking alpha Steve and the one time he finally lets Steve knot him.
You’re Extra Special, Something Else - Billy and Max escape Neil and move to Hawkins, where Billy sets his sights on Steve Harrington.
Party Clown
Clown Shoe (Series) - Billy gets a job as a party clown, Steve has some mixed feeling about it but mostly he’s just horny.
Part 1 and 2 - A pirates of the Caribbean/ Princess Bride mash up
Professional Athlete
Thaw the Ice - Steve needs a new Coach. Billy is here for the job.
You Will Be Made New Again - Jonathan and Tommy succeed in brining Billy back from the dead, Steve their exasperated neighbor is the only thing that can get him to cooperate. AKA A Frankenstein's monster Billy fic. (Collage/University Au)
Dragons Are Hoarders - The kingdom of Harrington offers up anything in the treasury for the return of their lost heir. Billy just so happens to need something they have in their possession. Things of course do not go to plan. (Magic)
The Jester and His King - King Steve getting railed by his jester. 
Pretty Fool (Series) - Snapshots from King Billy and Jester Steve’s exploits around the castle. 
And They Were Roommates - Steve and Billy are roommates, Billy is less than pleased when Steve gets a boyfriend.
Avoidance Techniques - Billy keeps getting drunk at frat parties, and Steve is his roommate who keeps getting called to pick him up. (College/University Au)
The Case of The Missing Clothes - Steve's clothes have been going missing, he finally finds where they've all been going. (College/University Au)
Fill That Hole in Your Life - Pandemic/Quarantine Au - Billy and Steve figure some stuff out during the pandemic when all they have is each other for company. 
Have Some Fun - Steve gets drunk and wanders into Billy's corn maze.
Sea Creature
A Bargain - Steve is a lonely merman who seeks out the sea witch to help him find love.
Salt Skin - Friends don’t plan and construct elaborate surprises that take weeks to prepare and involve a contractor, no that’s beyond friend behavior and edging dangerously close to courting behavior. Except Steve had gone and hurtled right over that line and presents Billy with a gift so fantastic he can no longer ignore his feelings. 
The Whale and The Danio - Steve loses his school, and Billy finds him.
Secret Relationship
The Hard Stuff - When Steve comes over and follows Billy to his bedroom, Tommy over hears them fucking and misunderstands what is going on. 
Serial Killers 
Bloody Summer (Series) - Billy meets Steve at summer camp where the counselors keep dropping like flies. 
Sex Worker
Billy with a Cane - Billy never expected to find Steve working in a strip club.
Camboy/Farmer Steve - Billy comes to help Max with her form and runs into his favorite camboy.
December To New Years - Camboy Steve and his budding relationship with Billy.
Roommates with Pornstar Billy - As a joke Billy gets Steve a subscription to the site he works for. If he’s hoping Steve watches his videos well that’s his business. 
Virgin Territory - Steve accidentally admits to knowing about Billy's cam work, things go a lot better than he ever thought they would.
Let Me Take Your Pain - Billy and Steve are soulmates, they don't find that out till they fight.
Love at First Fight - Love at first sight is bullshit as far as Steve is concerned, he has given up on it. 
Frozen Beauty? - Billy sees Steve cryo frozen for the first time when he’s eight, the older he gets the more obsessed he becomes until he finally has his boy.
WSwaBEwaB - Bounty hunter Billy takes a job that leads him to cyborg Steve.
Star Wars
Come To The Dark Side - Steve and Billy are separated by the Jedi. Billy joins the Sith as a way to find his way back to Steve and get some revenge on those who would keep them apart.
Step Brothers
Step Brothers - Steve and Billy’s mom get together, that doesn’t stop their relationship. 
Hardhat Daddy - Steve works at a hardware store and Billy is a rich contractor. 
Sugar Sugar (Series) - Years after Starcourt a rich and successful Billy runs into a struggling Steve. Billy just wants to take care of him.
All I Want For Christmas - Billy makes a request for Christmas.
Transmasc alpha Billy - story idea for how he ends up in Hawkins and meets Steve. (omegaverse)
Transmasc Billy/ Nonbinary Steve -  Just some hc’s for them.
Tramsmasc Billy rocking Steve’s world - Thinking about trans masc Billy rocking Steve’s world and blowing his back out with his monster strap.
The Calling - Steve gets caught by the demodogs in the tunnels, torn to shreds. He’s on the cusp of dying, no way around that but Billy makes sure he wakes up again. 
Bite - The fight at the Byers doesn't happen but Steve still finds his back against the dirt.
Sink Your Teeth In - Billy isn’t going to let Steve starve.
Shifting Pleasures - Billy takes things out of hand one night. Steve might have fun but that doesn't mean Billy isn't in trouble for not asking first.
Time Travel
If I Could Turn Back Time - When they find themselves in the past Steve is willing to risk the future they know if it means a chance to save Billy.
Reunited - Steve and Billy reuniting during a zombie apocalypse.
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reirvival · 2 years
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plot bunnies: stacy robinson
Stacy Robinson was bored. While her classmate were enjoying their summer before college, Stacy was stuck with her summer job. If you watch her closely, you would soon realize that she was more focused on reading her magazines than helping the Hawkins citizens from drowning in the public pool. But she still felt miserable, unlike her best friend, who loved the job she got at Starcout Mall as a aerobics assistant.
The mall became her favorite spot to hang out, maybe because it was the only decent place in the small town, or maybe it had something to do with her high school crush, Steve Harrington. Unlike the other girls who threw themselves at him in the early days of the job and who soon gave up as soon as they saw the ridiculous uniform he had to wear, Stacy took advantage of meeting her coworker to always stop by while she could. And even though he looked like a dork in that sailor outfit, she stills thought he was cute.
She was going to college and that would be her last chance to finally try her luck with Steve, but as the summer wore on more weird things started happening around them. And soon Stacy found herself caught in the middle of Russian codes, the Upside Down and real monsters. She had no idea what was happening, but she was sure she wasn't bored anymore.
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at1nys-blog · 5 years
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy died trying to save El from the Mind Flayer and you fell guilty because if you didn't broke up with him all of this was never gonna happen.
Counted Words: 714
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She used to love him and he used to love her. She was always there for him, no matter if was early in the morning or not. She used to help him dealing with his father. She loved him and his little sister, their relationship was wonderful but one day he surpassed(?) the line and during his shift at the local pool he started to flirt with another girl. He didn't mean to hurt her but this is what he really is: a player. After what happened at the Starcout Mall she was devastated. If Billy was gone was just because of her and while Max was trying her best to make Billy wake up she was standing there, watching the scene. "It's all my fault" she started whispering. "All my fault."and she cried once again.
The day of the funeral Y/N was wearing Billy's favorite dress, the one she wore during their first date. She was far away from the group, she didn't feel like was part of the town's people, she felt like she was an outsider. Maxine tried to make eye contact with the girl but every time she tried she noticed how Y/N was staring at the ground. That day Y/N had the urge to talk with Max about what happened the day of the fight and how she thought was her fault if Billy was now gone. Once in front of the house she knocked on the door and waited. Neil opened the door reveling how stressed he was about the whole situation. "Hi sir. Can I have two words with Maxine?" She knew how Neil was a better, if you can say so, person when called sir. He nodded and bring her to her step daughter's room. "Max, someone want to talk with you." "Not now. I need some time alone." Y/N closed her eyes, she knew was early to talk with the redhead but since the next day she was moving out of Hawkins she needed to talk with the little girl as soon as possible. "It's me Maxine. Is urgent, please."hearing her voice made the little girl less sad. She opened the door and let her friend in. "I came to apologize. If it wasn't for me he would still be here. I'm so sorry Max, I really I'm." You started sobbing again. The day before Billy started to act different Y/N and him had a fight, she broke up with him and he run away, not wanting to see her one second more. The reason of the fight was Billy's jealousy and the fact that Steve Harrington was always around his girl. "BILLY HARGROVE HOW MANY TIMES I NEED TO TELL YOU THIS: STEVE IS ONLY MY BEST FRIEND, I'M NOT CHEATING ON YOU WITH HARRINGTON." she screamed at the boy. "YEAH, I WAS JUST YOUR FRIEND TOO BEFORE. DO YOU REMEMBER THIS?" He asked furious. "You know what? If you can't get over this stupid idea that I'm cheating on you with Steve we should broke up." She didn't mean it, she really didn't mean it but the words were out before she could comprehend what was going on. He, on the other hand said nothing, he just run away. Y/N tried to call him but was to late. The next day she tried to talk to him but he was broken and since the encounter with the Mind Flayer he was different. "...and if you don't want to talk to me anymore I totally understand, I mean, he is dead because of me and..." "No, Y/N was not your fault. He was being a dick, you broke up with him because you are the most impulsive girl I ever known and he didn't try to fix the problem. You just had a bad timing for arguing. I still like you Y/N."Max told her before hugging her. "You'll still like me if I'm telling you that tomorrow I'm moving away from here?" "Yes. I know you need new air. I understand but promise me..." "I'll call you everyday. No matter if I'm sick or tired. I'll always call you." You hugged her and then went home to get ready for a new chapter in your life.
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pipocacompequi · 5 years
Stranger Things (3° Temporada)
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Finalmente, temos a terceira parte da aventura sinistra dessa turminha que vem conquistando mais e mais público a cada temporada. Stranger Things é inegavelmente uma das séries mais rentáveis da Netflix, não dá para discordar. A série bateu, outra vez, o recorde de mais assistida em menos tempo.
Eu tenho muitos prós e alguns contras enquanto fã e também como graduado na área. Mas vamos começar com as coisas boas?
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Uma das coisas mais lindas dentro dessa temporada com certeza é a ambientação. Para ser mais específico, o shopping center, chamado de “Starcout Mall”, nos levou de uma série mais sinistra a uma produção mais colorida e com o tom de nostalgia, que vem mudando a cada vez que reencontramos essa turma. Naquela época, uma cidade ganhar um shopping era um evento do tamanho que a Netflix demonstrou nessa temporada.
A inserção dos personagens nesse universo também foi interessante, principalmente a de Steve (Joe Keery). Por trabalhar na sorveteria do shopping, ele podia movimentar, do começo ao fim, todo o roteiro e a participação das novas personagens, Robin (Maya Hawke) e Erica (Priah Ferguson), que é irmã do Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin), e só agora ganhou destaque. Ela e Robin são algumas das grandes surpresas, e não vou mentir, são as melhores da temporada inteira.
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Se engana quem acha que as duas são apenas os personagens pícaros da série, pois grande parte da ação só ocorre graças às artimanhas da dupla. No grupo delas, cada um contém uma habilidade e por isso eles se encaixaram tão bem dentro do roteiro. Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo) entra para compor o time e deixar a gente de queixo caído com tamanha inteligência. Robin fala russo e é peça chave para desvendar os mistérios. Steve é a mão de obra pesada, pois além de ser o mais velho e representar os pequeninos, ele ainda tem que levar porrada por todos, dirigir e ser o trapalhão a quase todo momento. Erica é o grande alívio cômico da série. Todas as suas aparições trazem soluções com problemas ou possuem falas engraçadas, chantageando a turma. Inclusive a inserção dela na turma principal foi a melhor jogada da Netflix. Com o aumento do grupo, teremos mais histórias para nos apegarmos e assim não deixar a série cair na rotina.
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Outra coisa bem gostosinha de ter visto foi a amizade entre Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) e Max (Sadie Sink). Nessa temporada, nossas crianças deram os primeiros sinais de que estão deixando a inocência e a infância para trás. Inclusive, isso deixa meio que alguns membros do grupo mais isolados, tipo o Dustin, que fica 80% da série ao lado de Erica, Robin e Steve. Max e Eleven criam um laço de amizade por conta daquela clássica divisão “meninos x meninas”, principalmente por conta dos romances que ambas já consolidam na série pelos meninos. Eu senti a série bem mais teen do que nas temporadas anteriores.
Will (Noah Schnapp) é o que ainda resiste para manter o grupo ativo e unido, mas logo tem sua sexualidade questionada por Mike (Finn Wolfhard), já que ele está profundamente envolvido com Eleven. Será que futuramente teremos um personagem LGBTQ+ na série? 
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Outro grande destaque foi para a atuação de Billy (Drace Montgomery), não só por ter encarnado o hospedeiro da temporada  – e podemos dizer que ele foi o antagonista – , mas pelo desfecho do personagem, que conseguiu arrancar lágrimas. Nancy (Natalia Dyer) e Jonathan (Charlie Heaton) ficaram sem tempero nesta temporada, ao meu ver. Tudo bem que eles ajudaram na investigação, salvaram os meninos e se envolveram em cenas de ação, mas, perto do desenvolvimento dos demais personagens, achei ambos apagados.
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Falando em novos personagens, os coadjuvantes que tiveram participações aleatórias mais importantes foram bem interessantes, tais como o Dr. Alexei (Alex Utgoff). Ele foi sequestrado pela dupla dinâmica Jim (David Harbour) e Joyce (Winona Ryder), que também movimentou a série do começo ao fim com suas loucuras do universo adulto. Alexei entra sem propósito nos primeiros momentos. Nem damos tanta moral por dar a impressão de ser algo que ficaria minutos na série quando, na verdade, rende alguns episódios. Pegamos simpatia por ele graças às peripécias que apronta ao revelar os segredos dos russos e ajudar a nossa turminha. As cenas do parque, apesar de serem curtas, mostram o quanto ele era lindo por dentro e delicado. Estava até shippando ele com o Murray (Brett Gelman). Porra, Netflix, que covardia vocês fizeram com meus bebês, viu? PQP!
Sem esquecer da Suzie (Gabriella Pizzolo), que participa poucos momentos na série e ainda é uma das peças fundamentais para a queda do projeto russo na cidade. E tem a parte da musiquinha dela e do Dustin, que é mega fofa.
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Falando em fofura, Jim e Joyce seria o casal mais improvável da terceira temporada. Tinham tudo para dar errado, mas acabam dando certo. Esse laço afetivo que eles nutriam para manter as crianças seguras e a cidade fora de perigos sobrenaturais era muito legal, sentirei falta. Jim se despede da série provando que é um excelente profissional, mas sinto que o personagem dele seria fundamental para pelo menos mais uma temporada. Porém, eu acho que o caminho que as crianças tomarão será de independência, logo os adultos vão perdendo a participação mais frequente na série.
Quanto ao roteiro, eu senti que se arrastou em alguns momentos. Não possui aquele terror/horror como nas primeiras duas temporadas. A nostalgia também não passa do figurino  – como já falei do shopping que traz uma ambientação bem oitentista. Fora isso, a série perdeu sua essência primordial que trazia nostalgia a cada segundo e em todos os episódios.
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A série tem suas perdas. A saída de diversos personagens foi bastante criticada e envolvida em teorias, por assim dizer. Será que Jim voltará? Para quem não está entendendo muita coisa até aqui, um projeto russo pretendia abrir o portal para o mundo invertido, e a criatura que escapou da segunda temporada está hospedada no corpo de Billy. Desta vez, a criatura mata as pessoas e as usa como pedaços de carne para crescer, ficando cada vez maior e mais forte. Através de ratos, as criaturas vão se espalhando pela cidade, aumentando seu exército de hospedeiros para que, no final, seja apenas um monstro.
Enquanto essa porra toda acontece, o projeto russo quer explorar o mundo invertido com sua ganância e seu exército de homens super armados que quase comandaram a cidade por inteiro devido ela ser um local onde o portal seria aberto com mais facilidade.
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Considero esta, então, dentre as três temporadas,a mais fraca e menos interessante. Eleven não usa seus poderes com excelência como nos anteriores. Falo sobre ela ter a curiosidade de evolui-los. Mas ao contrário, ela os perde e só na próxima temporada saberemos o porquê disso acontecer. Se não fossem as cenas da invasão à base dos russos e algumas cenas do shopping, a série teria sido um fracasso para mim. Contudo, espero que meu pressentimento esteja correto, pois acredito que eles estão focando em tornar as crianças mais adultas para que a série fique mais obscura. Porém, infelizmente, cada vez menos com a pegada nostálgica que tivemos nas temporadas um e dois. Assistam e tirem suas conclusões. 
Até mais!
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totallyybogus · 2 years
it was the adrenaline he had felt before as he watched the familiar lines of time rush past him. he’d been here so many times. over and over. when was time going to stop him? never it seemed. and that’s how bill liked it. but as he glanced down at the crimson on his hands, they shook. it wasn’t his. how did it come to this? hawkins was fucking cursed. why did his dad move him here.... where the fuck was ted when you needed him? oh yeah. fucking alaska.
he didn’t really know if this would work. he was never explained on the rules of time travler. but would he really understand? most definitely not. but he would try. over and over if he had to. the phone booth jolted as it stopped at the destination. he’d have to apologize to rufus later.
 the starcout mall, where he had been working at all summer.
but here--- he was only moments away from tragedy. but he knew what to do now. with exhausted legs and aching arms, he grabbed a long broken piece of debris. “hey!” he called out, limping past eleven as fast as he could. he wouldn’t let this happen again. the sharp tentacle ripped into billy’s side.
he couldn’t let it happen again.
                                    “hey! monster, dickweed!” 
the sharp debris sliced through the one holding billy but not enough damage was done. but at least the attention was taken off billy.
the tentacles ripped into bill instead. one. then another. another. 
blood poured from his mouth before a shaken laugh came from him. that stupid stupid fucking smile. lifting from the ground, the last was coming to do the final damage. but before it could take his heart, the mind flayer screamed in pain; dropping bill onto the ground beside billy before frantically moving until it finally collapsed in death.
bill was wheezing, his body bleeding. 
but he saved billy.
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just woke up from a nap I took in my mom's car from our way home from the airport, i can belive how excited and nervous I am, finally living in Hawkins. when we get home I get my backpack and two of my suitcase, as I enter home Dustin welcomes me with a big loving hug, this is the first time I see each other the last “accident” at the starcout mall. Dustin helps me with my boxes and suitcases and takes them to my room. I can't belive I am actually here
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at1nys-blog · 5 years
Is the two of us
I'm sorry that this has s3 e8 spoilers AGAIN but I read a post on @goodcaliboy blog and I HAD to write this.
This one in not a x reader insert but is a BillyxRobin platonic friendship since she is lesbian and he lowkey is in love with Steve
Ok so let's get started
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Robin Buckley (platonic)
Warnings: Season 3 spoilers.
Summary: After Billy was dismissed from the hospital his home life was not different from before. Neil didn't quite believed that HIS son had saved some bunch of kids and the town from destruction.
After coming out as a lesbian with her family Robin's home live was a living Hell. Her mother stopped talking to her if it wasn't very necessary and her father started harping on her for her sexuality.
The two of them though find peace and happiness in each other company no matter where andn what people said about it.
Counted Words: 1772
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Billy thought that coming back home to an almost dying experience was going to change something but Neil Hargrove was not someone ton change his attitude because some teens obsessed with weird stuffs told him how HIS Billy saved the world from a mystical creature. Max and Susan tried their best to make Billy comfortable every time he needed and he was so glad to have them even tho he will never admit it out loud.
From the other side of the town Robin Buckley is getting ready to confess her true sexuality to her family, the hole Starcout Mall fiasco gave her the courage to speak to them about who truly was attracted to. What is the worst that can happen? She asked herself ready for the talk. Once she was in the living room she spoke. -Mum, dad I need to tell you something.- her parents were staring at her confused. -I'm lesbian.- she said a smile on her face. She was happy about it but her smile dropped when her mum looked at her with sadness while her father looked disappointed. -Nice joke Robin. Now please can you bring me a bear?- he said not looking at her daughter. -Yes dad, and I'm sorry.- she didn't know why she said she was worry but in that moment Robin though those were the right words to say.
That day both Billy and Robin couldn't stand to spend more time in their house so they went to the only place that felt like home from them: the lake.
The lake was a quite place to go and think or just to lose every thoughts and memory of the day. When Robin arrived at her usual spot she noticed something weird. A blue Camaro I just think Billy loves to much his car that after coming home he just fixed his car was parked in front of the lake, lights turn on to have some source of light in the deep dark of the night. She had two options:Going back home and deal with his parents or having some time for herself even tho Billy Hargrove was there with her. She didn't care too much about the guy so she left her bike near a tree and went to sit down near the water.
Billy noticed her, even though he couldn't see her he knew it was her. She was the only one, except for him, to go to the lake when upset. He noticed it before the Mind Flayer took him, so when he heard her parking the bike he smiled, his usual smirk on his face ready to teas her, but the words were stuck in his throat. "Come on Billy don't be such a loser" spoke his mind. "Say something" added. Very -You are Robin right.- he mentally facepalmed himself. What is going on with me he asked himself. -Yeah and you are the asshole that saved the world.-she said almost laughing. They started to talk about nothing in particular when the conversation landed to their favorite topic: Music. They find out how much they had in common, not just in music but in films and in live in general. When they have to leave the lake they promised each other to never talk about that with no one. -Deal?- said Robin ready to go back home. -Deal.- said Billy getting in his car.
Some days had passed and Billy and Robin didn't speak to each other until the guy had to take Max and Eleven to pick up a movie. -I'm waiting in the car.- said Billy and Max rolled her eyes. The cash was not right, and Max had to go back to his brother to ask for more money but Robin stopped her. -This is on me and tell your brother he own me a movie.- the little redhead laughed and storm off outside the movie shop. -What was that?- asked Steve who had heard the conversation. -You own her a movie.-said El when she jumped in the car surprising Billy whom asked for explanations, Max told his brother what Robin said earlier and he laughed, Max and Eleven were shocked. -What? She is funny. I can't laugh now?- he said as if he could read their mind.
Two days after the that episode Billy Hargrove entered the movie shop but at the counter there was Steve. The two Boyd greeted each other with anger in their voices, the reason? Unknown. Before they had a chance to speak Robin made her way to her colleague and her... Almost friend? -Hello costumer you need anything?- she asked with a smile and Steve noticed. -You...You are smiling. You never smile at work.- that was true, she never did at work maybe just with the Party but because they were good kids. -I just wanted to know what movies you like, I own you a movie remember?- he said no smirking, he was curios and he really wanted to spend more time white her. -since we have same taste in everything I trust you picking the movie.- she answered. -Ok so I'm going to pick you up today at 6:00. No need to be fancy.- she nodded and said goodbye to Billy.
The ride to the cinema and the ride back was full of laughter and singing both by the two of them. Robin and Billy came up with the idea to spend more time together, they talked about their family not going into much information and made a deal: If they needed a safe place they can count on the other and for Billy was a blessing. She was his little angel. When they were in front of Robin's house Billy didn't want to let her go, he wanted to spent more time with her. -Goodnight Billy. See you soon.- -Goodnight Robin.- for the first time after Billy's mum left him he was happy.
Was Halloween and since Max was spending the night with her friends and was going to have a sleepover at El's and Neil and Susan were out of town, Billy thought was a good idea to call Robin and asking her if she wanted to watch some horror movies with him. She agreed and invited Steve to hang out with them. What, both Billy and Robin didn't though was Steve being a scary mess every time there was a jumpscare or something very scary. -Ok but remember we have to be quite or he is not going to be scared.- said Robin, Billy nodded and went to kitchen to hide. When Steve came back in the living room was surprised to see no one in there expect for a paper. "Me and Billy went out to buy some food. Don't give our candy to the kids. Robin" he tossed the paper away and switched the channel to see something less scary and this was the perfect moment to start and scaring the hell out of him. Robin was the first one to make some noise but Steve didn't hear anything so Billy started playing with some forks and spoons, this time Steve heard the sound and got up from the couch. Robin tried again and since the TV was off Steve heard her playing up stairs so he followed the noise to see what was happening there, Billy took this as a chance to get out of his spot and following their victim without a sound. Steve reached the second floor when Billy, from downstairs started to punch the walls. -What the hell is going on here?- he asked to no one in particular since he was "alone". Robin played one of Billy's cassettes and run under the bed, she knew Steve and he was going to enter the room to check the music player. Steve has his back toward the door and Robin took this as a chance to run downstairs how she managed to not make make a sound is still a mystery for the two boys -Now for the big finale...- Billy said in a whisper waiting for Steve to come down. Once the two prankster heard him walking to the living room they jumped in front of Steve screaming as maniac. The poor little Harrington fell on his ass scared as never before. -You two are crazy. And Robin, why not I'm still your friend?- the night went smoothly after the little prank and Billy find out that Steve was not so bad as a friend, yes he was weird because he has more kids as friends than people his age but other than that he was funny.
From Halloween to Christmas Robin and Billy spent so much time together. He knew about her father being an asshole, he remembered the first time she told him.
-Billy I need to tell you something. Do you know why I'm spending most of my time here with you and not home?- he said nothing he just shooked his head. -Well my father is being an asshole since I told him I'm lesbian. He is treating me different and... My mum is not speaking to me since the day we have meet on the lake.- his blood was boiling inside him how on Earth they were treating her different just because she loves girls and not boys? -You can come here whenever you want my dad will not care as long as we keep an eye on Max when she is home.- Robin hugged him and he was surprised. -just hug me back asshole.- she said laughing and he did as told. He hugged her back. She was warm and soft. He was happy once again.
From Halloween to Christmas Robin and Billy spent so much time together. She knew about his father being an asshole, she remembered the first time he told her.
-Billy can you stop being an asshole with Steve?-this time Robin wasn't laughing she meant it. This time he was so broke that his best friend, because he really saw her as his best friend, was seeing him as his father even tho she didn't knew yet. -I'm sorry Robin. I... listen I have to tell you something. I think is time for you to know.- and he said to her everything, how his father use to hurt him every time he was not happy about what Billy did or didn't did. -I'm going to kill him. I'm fucking going to kill him.- he laughed no one before was by his side especially a girl but she was different. She was his angel and his best friend.
omg this is the longest thing I wrote on Tumblr so far and I think is my best work for now. I really love Robin and Billy and this is just the perfection. Billy's redemption and Robin as his best friend? What do you want more? Maybe BillyxSteve but not platonic 👀
I hope you like it as much as I do because this is so ♡-♡ i can't control the uwu
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