starcityhq · 6 years
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The streets are dark and empty. No one goes outside anymore. Everyone is afraid. NOVA agents prowl the streets at night—people say they abduct innocent citizens for information or leverage. People say they shoot first and ask questions later. The jackboots on the street is a familiar sound for everyone. Helicopters fly overhead with their spotlights, waiting to catch someone. People have been going to prison and disappearing. Everyone is afraid. Mutants and metahumans are being hunted. Heroes and vigilantes are being forced underground. No one is safe.
At last, it’s here! The plot drop we’ve all been waiting for—the announcement of season 2! There are going to be a few new things under the cut so we want to make sure that you guys are aware of some cool stuff we’re introducing!
Under the cut you will find a timeline of major events, starting with events that happened in game over the past two years and going through the two month time-skip. With the two-month time skip, a lot of new IC rules have been put in place and with some of them, there are ways for admins to get characters in trouble for breaking them! Any IC consequences are completely optional and will always be plotted out with the players before anything happens. This is just a fun way for the characters to get more interaction with the world at large in the game!
Thank you all for being so supportive all this time—this wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing members!
Now, without further ado, SEASON 2!
[ APRIL 8, 2017 ] — In honor of the ban’s success, the mayor invited every citizen to attend Star City’s annual masquerade, where there would be burning of vigilante, mutant, and metahuman memorabilia. During a power outage, the mayor was assassinated, rounds were fired, and the memorabilia was stolen.
[ JULY 15, 2017 ] — David Booth, mutant and victim of a suspected hate crime, passes away in the hospital after being attacked outside his apartment. 
[ JULY 16, 2017 ] — News Channel 7′s broadcast signal is hijacked by the Joker. Magneto makes a speech to all mutants in Star City, encouraging them to stand up and fight alongside him. Mass riots follow the speech.
[ JULY 17, 2017 ] — Malcolm Brown, mutant activist and lawyer, is shot to death minutes before giving a speech against a mutant registry. Demonstrations continue throughout the city and many arrests are made. The interim mayor declares martial law and the National Guard arrives. Protests grow more violent and teargas is deployed. The National Guard is eventually able to disperse rioters and take back control of the streets.
[ SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 ] — The interim mayor arranges a charity ball and a silent auction, where all proceeds will be donated to mutant rights, in order to quell recent tensions. Citizens are encouraged to adopt a peaceful approach to change. While the charity ball is a success, many attendees return home to find their homes destroyed with inhuman force and hateful, threatening messages telling them to leave the city.
[ JANUARY 19, 2018 ] — The villains take advantage of the city’s recent vulnerability by choosing one night to wreck havoc. The interim mayor has taken a decisive stand against mutants since the break-in and is assassinated - presumably by Magneto - in front of a crowd. Joker and Harley abduct dozens of school buses and hold Barbara Gordon hostage to lure Batman to them. Star City thieves, including Selina Kyle and Dani Moreno, end up taking hostages during a high stakes robbery, and Harvey Dent and June Moone’s highly publicized and glamorous wedding is interrupted by the literal walking dead. 
[ APRIL 18, 2018 ] — The seventh anniversary of the ban is celebrated in the historic Apollo Ballroom. When the new interim mayor declares the intention to move forward with a mandatory mutant/vigilante/metahuman registry, the protest outside intensifies. Just when it seems the situation has reached its peak, the ballroom doors slam shut and lock. Joker venom pours through the vents and the toxin takes effect. Some people become violent, others are unable to stop laughing, and the interim mayor is swiftly killed. Outside, Harley Quinn releases her hyenas and they attack. She is arrested, but Joker escapes. As people recover, Harvey Dent takes the stage and announces his candidacy for mayor, pledging to do what he can to stop the formation of a registry.
[ JULY 6, 2018 ] — There is a massive security breach at Star City Asylum and Tarasov Penitentiary, resulting in dozens of escaped prisoners. The newly formed Justice League and Teen Titans are the first to respond and contain the situation, but not before the escapees wreck havoc throughout the city. Despite efforts, some prisoners remain unaccounted for - most notably Harley Quinn and Jonny Frost.
[ SEPTEMBER 14, 2018 ] — While the most powerful mutants have left the city to eliminate a branch of HIVE, Star City has received a bomb threat. Evacuations are ordered immediately and citizens race to the bridge, not realizing that the bridge is the target. Casualties rise into the hundreds. 
[ OCTOBER 16, 2018 ] — The time has come for the city to choose its new mayor and Harvey Dent is the victor by a landslide.
[ NOVEMBER 13, 2018 ] — Newspaper offices, including the Gazette, are set on fire during business hours, leaving some trapped inside. The arsonists have not been found.
[ NOVEMBER 14, 2018 ] — Local mutant shelter and clinic is raided and there are four arrests, including mutants Josh Foley and Laura Kinney.
[ NOVEMBER 15, 2018 ] — Star City Children’s Hospitals that will not admit mutants report a mysterious illness rapidly spreading throughout the wards. That same day, the National Oversight and Validation Association (NOVA) is formed. The purpose of the organization is to oversee and validate all mutant, metahuman, hero and vigilante actions in the country through patrol groups.
[ NOVEMBER 16, 2018 ] — A curfew is established in Star City. Residents must be indoors by 10 PM unless proper documentation is provided for a resident to be out after 10.
OOC RULE: The admins will be watching threads to see which ones are taking place after curfew—make sure to label the time of day somewhere in your thread!—and we will use a randomizer to select a thread for the characters to get caught. Consequences after that will be plotted with the players!
[ NOVEMBER 22, 2018 ] — A blanket ban on weapons (including guns, knives, swords, batons, nunchucks, and others) has been imposed in Star City. The only people allowed to carry weapons are members of law enforcement.
OOC RULE: The admins will keep track of threads where a character is in possession of a weapon. Simply having the weapon will result in a single strike added to the character’s record. If the character uses the weapon, they get two. Once a character gets to ten strikes, the character gets caught.
[ NOVEMBER 25, 2018 ] — A city ordinance allows any business to refuse service to any mutant or metahuman at their discretion.
[ NOVEMBER 30, 2018 ] — Anyone can be stopped and searched without probably cause in Star City. All law enforcement officials now carry power-dampening devices.
[ DECEMBER 2, 2018 ] — A new law allows for wiretaps on normal citizens. All online and phone activity can be monitored.
OOC RULE: The admins will keep track of any phone threads on the dash. If the characters are speaking about something illegal in game, the characters get a strike. Once a character gets ten strikes, they get caught.
[ DECEMBER 5, 2018 ] — The printing of pro-mutant, -metahuman, -vigilante or -hero materials is strictly forbidden.
[ DECEMBER 12, 2018 ] — NOVA agents have been authorized to use deadly force against anyone who resists.
[ DECEMBER 15, 2018 ] — Leaving the Star City limits requires special permission. Road blocks have been set up at the main points of egress.
OOC RULE: There are a number of secret ways to get out of Star City, but many of these are monitored. Any threads the admins see with characters leaving the city limits could potentially result in those characters being caught.
[ DECEMBER 20, 2018 ] — Mutants and metahumans are required to relocate to appropriate neighborhoods. Any powered individual found residing outside of these neighborhoods will be fined heavily and potentially arrested unless they find suitable arrangements.
[ DECEMBER 25, 2018 ] — Starting on January 1st, there is a mandatory broadcast by the president every night at 6 pm. Residents are expected to watch. After this broadcast every night, all TV channels and streaming services are shut down for the night.
[ JANUARY 1, 2019 ] — In-game date at the time of this posting. NOTE: Star City HQ is set in real time.
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scncfkrypton-blog · 6 years
Season 2
Below the cut, there are several tidbits of information regarding what my characters have been up to during the time skip and where they currently stand on everything. Since this is such a huge shift in power throughout the story here, some of the changes may come across a little radical.
Kal-El of Krypton - 
Clark has had enough. Spending more of his time in-suit than as a civilian, it is taking every bit of Clark’s willpower to hold onto his sense of justice and honor. He is furious with the City officials, the NOVA agents, the government and anyone else involved in the widespread chaos that has infested the City. Though Clark is still standing with the League as he said he would, anyone close enough to him should be able to tell that the Kryptonian is in a dangerous mindset, and more than once has contemplated bringing the entire City to the ground to make a point.
Kurt Wagner - 
Kurt has lost his way. So much death, so much violence and nothing he can do has been able to ease the conflict. He shut his church down and has been helping people both on and off the streets as he can, but he can’t find the sense in any of this. His faith is even wavering as he questions how God could allow something so terrible to happen.
Billy Kaplan - 
Billy kept his word with Scott and has been pouring himself into his studies -- both as part of the X-men and his own personal experiments with his magical capabilities. He has greatly improved his non-verbal capabilities, but the shift in anti-mutant sentiments has pushed him to stop caring if those individuals get hurt while he is trying to save the people that he views as mattering. Billy has even began tampering with the true nature of his reality warping capabilities, curious to see just where he could take those powers.
Soung Keun, the Kin Slayer - 
All bets are off. When the restrictions on carrying weapons came down, Keun found himself more irritated than anything. Any self-respecting League of Assassin’s member always had a weapon at their disposal and the same was no different for Keun. Knives or fists; broken pipes or rocks -- Keun has began dropping targets. He has taken the liberty of modifying Ra’s orders, however --- while he will gladly kill any mutant or metahuman that he views as being a danger, he is more than happy to purge these meddling NOVA agents or any other ‘authority’ figure from the City as well. Star City has become a killing field ripe for Keun’s picking.
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starcgazette · 6 years
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By Obasi Ihejirika
Ely Ronald, Star City Police Commissioner, resigned Monday amid rumors of ARGUS and SHIELD interference in local jurisdictions. A.R.G.U.S. (Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans) is a United States’ federal agency operating under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security. S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division) is an international peacekeeping, law enforcement, and counter-terrorism agency sanctioned by the United Nations. 
“Every officer in the precinct has released at least half their cases in the last month to these agencies,” stated an unnamed source. “We were told to release all information and not to retain any copies. I have no idea what’s going on with my cases. They shut us out.” When asked if there were specific cases that were being turned over, the source did state that all cases involved mutants. 
Star City Institute for Gifted Youngsters also announced its opening in October. This was followed by an interview with founder and infamous leader of the X-Men, Scott Summers, published by Gazette freelancer Betty Brant, announcing that the X-Men will be regrouping. The X-Men are a privately owned security force created to harbor peace between mutants and humans. Emerging crime statistics allegedly reflect an increase in crime rate since the school has opened, but it is unclear whether or not these developments are related to increased ARGUS and SHIELD scrutiny. 
ARGUS and SHIELD agency leaders Amanda Waller and Sharon Carter could not be reached for comment. 
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pulitzcrwinner · 6 years
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starcityhq · 6 years
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Star City Police Department Report
CASE NUMBER 530320004 11/14/2018
On November 11, 2018 at 1902 hrs, I was dispatched to West 102nd St in reference to a tip of unlawful mutant activity. Upon arrival of OFFICER KAREN HEINZ #537 and myself via our shared squad car, we met with LAURA KINNEY (MF, DOB: U/K). Kinney was uncooperative and would not respond to numerous questions regarding the allegations. I immediately called for back up. Other voices were heard within the residence making threats and with reasonable belief that danger was present, Ofc Heinz and myself entered the residence. Two unidentified subjects approached and engaged in hostile behavior by taunting our safety, prompting Ofc Heinz to give verbal instructions for the subjects to stop and put their hands up. The subjects did not comply. Before he could issue the instructions a second time, Kinney made an aggressive forward motion with her fists lifted and Ofc Heinz deployed OC spray.
I assisted my fellow officer in subduing Kinney. A fourth suspect now known as JOSH FOLEY (MM, DOB: U/K) the alleged perpetuator of mutant activity in our original tip, came between Ofc Heinz and Kinney. Due to immediate danger to Heinz, I deployed my duty issued taser and successfully subdued Foley. As I was handcuffing him, I heard the sound of a gunshot. I was unable to see what happened as I was securing Foley, but once I was able to look up I could see that Kinney had a entry wound in her side. She was still on her feet. Backup arrived and secured the residence. The remaining mutants were taken into custody with Foley and Kinney. The scene was turned over to ARGUS and is being processed as a crime scene.  
Four suspects are being held at Union County Jail without bail. Their hearing is set for Friday.
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Reporting Officer: OFFICER CODY HENIZE #277 SWORN TO and SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME this 14 day of NOVEMBER, 2018. Notary/Law Enforcement Officer: OFFICER JADA CHAN #416 Supervisor Approval: DEPUTY CHIEF ORLANDO HERON #545 Date: NOVEMBER 14TH, 2018
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starcgazette · 6 years
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[ A woman stands across the street from a building up in flames. The first letter of the sign on the side of the quickly crumbling tower is barely readable—a stylized G. The corner of the building collapses. ]
ANCHOR: We’re currently coming to you live from outside the historic Gazette building in Star City. It was one of the city’s first high rises, designed by the first owner of the Star City Gazette. 
[ She can’t help but look behind her as there’s the sounds of more sirens whooping. She looks up at the camera, strangely stoic—she’s listening to her earpiece, the curling wire disappearing under the collar of her fleece jacket. ] 
ANCHOR: We’re getting reports of multiple fires burning around Star City. 
[ She raises her hand to her ear, pressing the earpiece tighter into it. She can’t stay stoic anymore, her concern is written all over her face. She looks back up to the camera with a furrowed brow. ] 
ANCHOR: We’re currently getting reports of fires in West Bay, the Narrows, the Palisades, and out in the surrounding suburbs. These fires have been reported at—
[ She takes a slight pause, listening in for the list of places that have been burned down. ] 
ANCHOR: The Star City Bulletin, the Red Eye Alternative Weekly, the Star City Reader, and both the NBC and ABC affiliate stations. There are reports of multiple casualties but it is too early to tell what is going to happen. 
[ She swallows thickly. She’s clearly off-script. ] 
ANCHOR: They’re burning journalists. 
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starcgazette · 6 years
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[ A visibly shaking man stands in front of a hospital, his gaze occasionally darting to the side as if he’s being given cues. ]
ANCHOR: We’re currently coming to you live from outside St. Paul’s Children’s Hospital. This morning, there was reports of strange behavior followed by extreme symptoms. Please be warned that most will find this news very disturbing. St. Paul’s is only one hospital affected by this outbreak. Two others are in lockdown while officials work to contain this strange, unidentified illness. 
[ A quick clip of the outside of two smaller children’s hospitals located in separate areas of town. ]
ANCHOR: The Children’s Hospital at Brindlewood and Star City Memorial Children’s Hospital are also experiencing this growing crisis. The symptoms are horrifying. 
[ A cut to a man in scrubs looking tired and red-eyed. ]
DOCTOR: The first sign of onset is behavioral. Aggression. We’ve seen this even in the most mild-mannered children. We don't know yet what’s going on internally, but next there is bleeding from multiple orifices. Eyes, nose, mouth. Paralysis swiftly follows. 
[ Cut back to anchor, who appears sick. ]
ANCHOR: We already have dozens of reported fatalities, all children -
[ He pauses, listening, and then begins to speak very fast. ]
ANCHOR: I’m being told that the water in every hospital was polluted with the same toxin. Scientists have determined that it is synthetic and therefore manmade. This is the work of a terrorist, everyone. This is Star City’s first report of biological terrorism. Currently tests are being run to determine if this is the same toxin present at the other two locations. 
[ Another pause as he listens to someone; this time he is unable to hide the shock on his face and the anger in his voice. ]
ANCHOR: We already have suspects. They confessed. They’ve turned themselves in. I’m only getting snippets here and there, people, but I have good sources. Three mutants. They targeted these hospitals because they have a strict policy against admitting mutant and metahuman patients. This was a pointed attack. And the numbers are now in the hundreds.
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starcgazette · 6 years
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 By Gazette Staff
In the weeks since the mutant school has opened up, crime has gone up in the surrounding neighborhood. The Gazette Editorial Board doesn’t think this is a coincidence.
It has been shown that in areas with high mutant and metahuman populations, there is also high crime. Take, for example, the Robbinsville area of Gotham City. Ten years ago, Robbinsville became known as the mutant safe haven for the city of Gotham. According to current city statistics, crime has gone up 30 percent in the area. 
It is clear to the Gazette staff that the problem can be traced back to the influx of mutant and metahuman residents. Now, the same thing is happening in Star City. 
We at the Gazette have felt the pain of the city’s almost uncontrollable crime rate. We have lost some of our own. The more time our staff has to reflect on everything that has happened since the awful events of the night of the prison break, the night that claimed the lives of two of our staff members, the more we realize: mutants are to blame.
It’s no wonder that government sanctions against mutants have been put in place. We at the Gazette agree with these sanctions. It is evident that mutants’ and metahumans’ powers make them a danger to society, and they must be treated as such. 
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starcityhq · 6 years
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It’s nearly here!! Season 2 is coming fast this week and it’s going to be a doozy!
To get things started, we’re going to be doing a little countdown to season 2 on the main! Every day from now until Thursday, we’re going to be posting a little plot drop as well as any necessary OOC information. These plot drops could come in various ways, on the main or on the Gazette blog, so keep an eye out on both!!
One OOC thing that we think it’s important for you guys to know: the beginning of season 2 is going to come with a two month time skip. We’re going to put a date on each of these plot drops so you can get some sense of the timeline in the game, but when it comes to season 2, there is going to be a full time skip of two months. You’ll see why when season 2 begins! 
For all these plot drops, please make sure to follow the tag STARCCOUNTDOWN! Feel free to use this tag for any posts related to the countdown to season 2 and keep track of it to see the daily plot drop posts!
As we come up on this week, we also would like to mention that season 2 is going to be dropping on our 2 year anniversary! It’s been an amazing two years writing in this game and getting to know all of you, so, from the bottoms of our hearts, thank you for being amazing, and we can’t wait to see what you all get up to in season 2! 
Much love,
Kate & Spike
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