#starbucks HEHE those were his exact words
inkykeiji · 1 year
when i was in my first year of university, i lived next to a halfway house for troubled young adults (drug addicts, abuse victims, homeless kids). they never caused me any trouble of course, they had a curfew at 11pm and if they wanted to stay there and get better they had to stay on the property, so they frequently hung out in front of the building.
once, when i was walking to school, this guy who had been staying there jogged to catch up to me (and walked with me all the way to the stoplight, which could’ve gotten him into trouble tbh and i remember thinking that in the moment) and was like ‘hey, you’re really cute, and i was just wondering if maybe you’d like to, i dunno, get starbucks with me or something? i can’t—i can’t take you out just yet, but i swear i’m gonna get outta here soon, and then maybe we could go out?’
and obv i turned him down and was like no sorry i have a boyfriend and all that and he was actually so sweet about it like oh, that’s cool, it’s alright and jogged back but anyway this memory just popped in my head while i’m on a run and i’m just thinking about this interaction but with like,,, bmb dabi??? because he’s the sweetest out of all my iterations and none of the others would’ve taken no for an answer;; or maybe a totally new version of touya??? or tomu??? idk why this is on my mind right now but it clearly left such an inexplicable impact on me and i hope that man is doing incredible now, living a happy and fulfilling life. i hope he got out of there and got better and is absolutely flourishing now.
edit: actually now that i’m ruminating on it i think the reason why this stuck with me is because there’s something so quietly yet distinctly romantic about him literally risking getting kicked out of this sanctuary, out of a program he was clearly almost finished, just to ask me out??? they were pretty strict with those rules. i dunno i dunnoooo i’m just thinkinggg
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Duchy Conversation 11
[The following transcript details the conversation is between one of the Crown ARG Discord members and Duke on Twitter]
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Donti: “Hello! I'm back again, hehe”
Duke: “Hello there Donti, how have you been little lamb?”
Donti: “Hi Duke :D I’ve been doing great! My friend gave me a wonderful gift yesterday!
How have you been?”
Duke: “Oh? That is splendid to hear! What gift did you receive? I myself have been doing well, thank you for asking. Things have been.. Quieter recently”
Donti: “She gave me a little compass that always points to her quarters to keep me from getting lost. ^^ It was becoming a problem, you see.
..Oh,,, is it because you and Duchess have been spending less time with each other?”
Duke: “That is truly heartwarming to hear such a thoughtful gift was given to one so deserving like yourself. I hope you cherish it, those gifts will never fade from memory.
I would not say my sister and I are necessarily spreading apart but.. The moment she stops this silly plan of hers we will both be off for the better.”
Donti: “I heard she had some projects, and I have a few guesses to what they are... But she never told me what they were ^^'
Is it really as bad as you make it out to be?”
Duke: “She wants to get in contact with our "hosts", a word that I find revolting. My sister stumbled upon these missing person posters of the people we used to be and once an idea is inside her head it is nigh impossible to get it out. I do not understand why she needs to do this, why she is so intent on causing problems for us both. I adore her, but she is being foolish.”
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Donti: “Is it for simple curiosities sake? Or does she want to.. Cohabit the body like some of the others do?”
Duke: “No matter what curiosity killed the cat. We are who we are now, let sleeping lions rest. Her plan is idiotic no matter what the outcome she hopes to achieve.”
Donti: “That makes sense.. You said you've tried to convince her otherwise?”
Duke: “Indeed. My efforts so far have been.. Lackluster. I do not suppose you would mind dissuading her the next time you two speak?”
Donti: “I will try! But I doubt I will be successful.. You said she is very headstrong, and if she won't listen to you, she probably won't listen to me either..”
Duke: “You underestimate yourself. You are something she has an interest in, your word holds weight with her whereas others do not. You dissuading her could be the last step in ending this.”
Donti: “If you say so, I will do as you ask ^^ We are friends, after all.
Onto a different note... Have you met the new... Person? Their name is Chorus, if I remember correctly”
Duke: “Indeed we are! Tell me, besides the gift what else has been going on in your life, little lamb?
Chorus.... Hm. It sounds.. Familiar”
Donti: “Yes, that’s another thing that’s happened. Jay was one of the ah, non-Dreamons staying over. 14 foot tall, he’s quite hard to miss. He was coronated recently, and the Dreamon named themself Chorus”
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Duke: “Oh! Oh what a simpleton I am! I have indeed met Chorus, although... Ah, I won't divulge in case they do not wish for it to be known. They are a fascinating person.
Oh good, you are aware Jay is Chorus. I was worried I was going to have to keep secrets!
May I let you in on one anyway?”
Donti: “Of course.”
Duke: “I prefer Jay.”
Donti: “Ah, I think people in the Mineshaft feel the same..”
Duke: “I haven't even met Chorus yet, in true honesty. Not face to face at least. Their existence feels like a mockery but I must nod my head at them nonetheless. The strong live while the weak die, tis life.”
Donti: “When we met them, they were quite blunt... But they said they would let Jay out eventually, and I guess we felt better about that..
How have you been, spending your time, with Duchess so involved with her project?”
Duke: “Will they truly? Or was that just a lie to settle the masses? After all, it is not hard to fool those stuck with love in their hearts.”
Donti: “They said they would eventually... Words must mean something...
Duke: “I have been doing well, thank you. I have been introduced to a new game called ah, Grand Theft Auto? It is rather confusing but I do enjoy the pretty lights at night.”
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Duke: “Words mean nothing, my dear. They are worth less than air.”
Donti: “... I see,,,”
Duke: “Words only hold meaning to the foolish or the dumb, little lamb. It is best you learn that.”
Donti: “And what about promises?”
Duke: “Ah, promises. What a tricky thing. Tell me, do you think an eel would break a promise? a platypus as well?”
Donti: “... I guess they would, if it would serve their purposes... But they are just simple animals who don't know the weight behind them...
Surely thinking beings would put some weight behind them?”
Duke: “Neither the platypus nor the eel would keep a promise. They are indeed just simple animals as you put it, they do not understand the full extent.
Tell me, Donti, what is humanity? Where did we originate from?”
Donti: “Ah... I guess most of us originate from a single cell. A dot of consciousness
The ability of 'humanity' is because of a large brain, and an ability of higher thought,,,” 
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Duke: “And these exact same animals originate from this very same dot.
Promises are worth nothing to the platypus and the eel, why would it matter to a human? What makes humanity so high and mighty for such a worthless thing to matter?
Promises may be exchanged between loved ones, that I do understand. It is an oath taken between two people, it is meant to be solemn. I promised my sister I would do anything to protect her and I will stand by that to my dying days. Between friends and strangers however?
Between friends and strangers, little lamb, do not be afraid to crush fools who make a promise to you.
Whales have large brains, are we less than a whale?”
Donti: “But is it so foolish, my friend, to trust? For I to trust you? We are not family, we are not each other's loved ones. Is it truly strong to disregard words and promises, when they bring you joy and companionship?”
Duke: “It is not foolish to trust me, I am your friend. I care about your wellbeing. It is foolish to trust other people though - they are not like you and I, they are uncivilized and cruel.
It would be a wonderful world to walk around with your heart on your sleeve and trust in the air, but that is not this world. That is not the animal world.
Do not fret though! You have my sister and I, little lamb, and that is all you need. No one else has your best interest at heart like us, for why would I take time telling you these things otherwise? I do not wish to see you get hurt.”
Donti: “Of course, where would I be without you two? You two are some of my closest friends. I shudder at a life where we had never met.
Life would be so dull”
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Duke: “Indeed. I am pleased you have my sister and I to depend upon, as we depend upon you. You are so kind and so trusting, so friendly without a thought... I can only think in horror what may have happened if we had not stumbled upon  you. The world is cruel, little lamb, and the fact you've only barely come out unscathed is nothing short than a miracle.
Without us.... Who knows what could occur? I am happy as always to speak with you Donti, do know this. My ears are always open if you need someone to talk to.”
Donti: “The world is definitely cruel, but unscathed isn't the correct word, unfortunately. Life comes with ups and downs, and I have had my share of both ^^”
Duke: “I am terribly sorry to hear that.”
Donti: “Of course, it all got better, didn't it? You're here :D”
Duke: “No more, I say. Life will be cruel to you no more, not while I'm around.
Exactly, little lamb. I am here and you are here, isn't that wonderful? Living despite all the odds. The strong truly do rule over the weak.”
Donti: “I guess you do rule over the weak, ha! I was wondering.. What makes one weak?”
Duke: “Still so naive! You are endlessly endearing, little lamb. You will see with your own eyes what makes someone weak with time.”
Donti: “So cryptic, Duke hehe
Oh Duke! Have you heard about King? I heard they went missing...”
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Duke: “If you fear you are weak then do not. You are young, Donti. A sapling still waiting to grow. My sister and I will protect you until you can do so yourself.
You will learn to be strong, little one, with time. Just do as we say until then, the thought of you getting hurt makes me positively miserable.
Indeed I have. How surprising the most volatile out of all of us goes missing. How strange indeed.”
Donti: “Oh, of course! I take all of your advice to heart!”
Duke: “Honestly.. This is a big fuss about nothing. Why do we simply not look under the couch cushions? I'm sure King is there, acting like an untrained dog wishing for attention.”
Donti: “Oh dear... I think the rest of the Court have been worried enough to do that..
I hope they come back eventually though, theyre worrying a friend of a friend ^^'”
Duke: “King is fine, Donti. I assure you. The Court is simply made up of worriers projecting their anxiety onto you and the rest of the members.
I am not terribly upset at their disappearance but if it is causing you grievance I will attempt to locate them.”
Donti: “Oh, of course! that makes perfect sense ^^ I'll tell the others not to worry
And that would ease my mind, thank you Duke!”
Duke: “I will look then, little lamb, just for you. It will hopefully not take too much time out of my day.”
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Donti: “If you were just to keep an eye out? I know you don't like them very much, and you have your own things to do!”
Duke: “It is alright, for you I will search. It is no great loss of my time if it means I may ease yours.”
Donti: “Well.. Duke, do you have any places you frequent? My friend showed me a lovely clearing the other day!”
Duke: “Nature truly is wonderful, isn't it. I enjoy going for walks in the woods, hearing the birds trill and flutter about just out of view is calming. I do also enjoy going to this one shop, Starbucks I believe it is called? They have wonderous teas that are cold, although I find the cup they deliver in perplexing.”
Donti: “Oh? How so?”
Duke: “It goes beyond common sense. The cup is not made of glass, nor wood, nor clay. It is made of this very... Unique material. Then there is the paint on it that isn't paint... How does it stay on the glass then? It does not chip but could that be due to a wonderous sealant? And why do they give these cups out so freely?”
Donti: “Oh! Plastic! Starbucks has them printed. It's a very economically useful modern material, but personally I cannot stand it. They're cheap for Starbucks to make, but they're disposable and do terrible things to the environment, as they don't decompose for several hundred years... Animals who eat them get sick, and often die..”
Duke: “That is disturbing. Why not simply use glass like reasonable people do?”
Donti: “Plastic is simply cheaper to use.”
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Duke: “It is just a cup. How much could it cost, eight dollars?”
Donti: “Pennies. :(
They're really really cheap.”
Duke: “Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.”
Donti: “Yea... I think Starbucks lets you use reusable cups, which limits waste ^^”
Duke: “Fascinating. I will keep that in mind for tomorrow.”
Donti: “Do you enjoy going to other places? Or perhaps a favorite animal?”
Duke: “Oh, the animals I favour above all is the Korat and Chinese Li Hua cats. They are truly specimens of perfection, and admittedly quite wonderful to look at as well.”
Donti: “So you like cats! Those two breeds are lovely!”
Duke: “Cats are my sisters and I favourite animal, yes. Those two breeds are indeed lovely which is why I think them best of all.”
Donti: “Hehe, two of my friends look like cats, I think your sister met one of them! The one who gave me the compass? She looks like a cat with lovely little glow marks! And wings!”
Duke: “That sounds fascinating! Is she able to fly?”
Donti: “I believe so, although I've only ever seen her use them to propell herself forwards ^^' The tunnels aren't exactly suitable conditions for flight”
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Duke: “I see.. That is interesting. You have quite a colourful array of friends.”
Donti: “I dont think anyone down here is fully human, ha!
I assume you are, your pictures do seem to suggest that!”
Duke: “Indeed I am. Fully human with only ten fingers and toes and all that. Not terribly interesting but something I wear with pride nonetheless.”
Donti: “Ha, and you’re fantastic the way you are!
Unfortunately, I'm afraid I must sign off for the night, sweet dreams, Duke!”
Duke: “I wish you a wonderous rest and a quiet slumber. Sweet dreams, little lamb.”
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stilesloverdaily · 7 years
Jock or Not
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Reggie Mantle x OC
Words: 2,300
Note; brief mention of death, pictured Emmy Rossum as Nina, slight swearing. fluff
It was an average day in the small and quaint town that I lived in, nothing very special about the day. I had work at the local coffee shop, Grundy’s Grind, and I was babysitting tonight - two toddler twins, Bella and Ben. Not much of an excentric lifestyle, but I managed.
I needed to save up money for University anyway, and since I decided to take a gap year to save up money for school, I took and did what needed to do. Plus, I was going to be staying on campus, which was extra money. Why I chose to go to Manhattan Art Academy, I have no idea.
Anyway, it was Fourth of July weekend in Riverdale and it was literally one of the busiest and boring holidays at the shop. I mean, it wasn’t any Starbucks, but it was a shop.
I got up at six am to open the coffee shop, since I did that every holiday weekend due to the boss having to make sure his kids were up and fed and his wife was good and not disturbed. It didn’t really bother me, since I was kinda a morning person anyway.
Getting out of bed, I stood up and walked to the kitchen to make some Coco-pops with milk, making sure to knock on my little brother’s door so he’s up for the day. I did that everyday, for a couple of reasons, my mom is a drunk and doesn’t normally wake until three pm and my dad left with a hooker when I was four, so I basically looked after my little brother Elijah.
After finishing my cereal, I made sure to open up his door to check on him and the door swung open to reveal his half-hearted attempted to get out of bed, making me smile. Glancing over his room, I picked up one of his stuffed teddy bears and threw it at his head, “Up and atom!” I laughed, causing what sounded like a groan into his pillow as the rest of his body was mostly on the floor.
Moving along, I opened the front door to get the mail, sighing at the few bills that needed to be paid. Electric, gas and water, the usual. Walking back to the house, I thought over why Riverdale was such an expensive town to live in for a middle class borderline in poverty person like me, bad luck I guess. I made sure that I gathered all the money and placed it inside envelopes with the addresses written with the companies address on them, before hopping in the shower.
The water ran smoothly against my skin, and I sighed at the feeling of the hot water running against my body, a nice sensation in the ugly bathroom. I got out after ten or so minutes since, no need to waste hot water and everything and got dressed as Elijah hopped into the shower. For today, I had chosen jean short shorts, however an appropriate length for work and a white v-neck with my brown hair up in a ponytail.
After I was finished, I grabbed my bag and shoved the envelopes inside, making sure that I drop it off on the way to the shop. “Alright, I’m off!” I shouted to Elijah whom was now in his bedroom getting changed.
“Wait!” I halted and turned to my brother as he had a blue singlet on and orange swim shorts on. “Can I go hang out with a friend today?”
I eyed him suspiciously, “You don’t have any friends…”
“Yes I do!” he scoffed.
“No, no you don’t.” I told him with a small smile. “Alright, who is it?”
“Just some kid who lives on the south side.” My eyes narrowed at the boy as he swayed on his feet in a failed attempt to look innocent. “Fine, it’s Jughead Jones.”
I nodded, “I know him, good guy. In my year.” He rolled his eyes at me, “Fine, hang out with him. However, to Pop’s and where he lives only. No South Side Serpents!”
He smiled and ran to give me a hug, “Okay, I promise.”
“Alright, bye and be good.” Then I left to go to work and stop off at the post office.
Nothing said Fourth of July quite like teenaged girls in my year grade where some top brand American flag shirt and the shortest shorts they could find, to show off what limited butt they had.
“What can I get you today?” I plastered a smile on my face as the girls all fed me back the over the top and extra orders of coffee. My job was always just the best! Not.
I sighed as I leant on my hand as my elbow rested upon the countertop as I watched people gossip amongst each other, when the bell went, signifying that someone was here. Glancing up, I see three girls in my year with smiles upon their faces as they approached me, me instantly recognising them as Josie and the Pussycats.
Standing up straight, I smiled genuinely at the three, “Hey, what do the pussycats want today?”
Josie sighed, “Go-go juice, we are working hard today practicing for the party my mom’s having tonight. Can I get a non-fat White Mochiatto?”
I nodded and glanced at Valerie, “Um, non-fat latte?”
“And a non-fat black coffee?” The last girl, whom I always forget the name of added. I nodded back and repeated the order back, confirming it and got to work.
As I was in the middle of making the latte, Josie spoke up, “Hey, do you want to come to the party tonight? Everyone’s gonna be there. The Blossoms, the Coopers, the Mantles etcetera.”
I finished up the last drink and handed them back to them as they passed me the money, “Uh, thanks but I can’t, I have to babysit tonight and I’m looking after my brother.”
“Alright, have a good day!”
My hand waved back automatically, “You too!” The door closed, only to open again a second later as the bell rang, once again annoying me beyond compare. But, hey if listening to that damn bell paid the bills then I was fine with it.
“Hey, what can I get for you?” I smiled at the guy whom I recognised as one of the jocks from the football team at school.
His brown eyes glanced over the menu on the board above my head, “Uh,” he glanced back down at me, “could I get you?”
Rolling my eyes at his cheesy line, I shook my head at the taller boy, “Sorry, not on the specials today. Should’ve here yesterday.”
“It’s alright,” he smiled. “Could I get a green lemon tea? Oh, and one of those!” The guy pointed at the display case to the side of me, which held cakes and muffins. Pausing, he glanced back up at me and coughed, regaining his composure. “Please.”
I nodded, “Green lemon tea and a chocolate chip muffin, on it.” Getting to work on the tea, I quickly opened the display case and reached for the muffin. Pulling it out, (hehe) I placed in front of the guy and I, and quickly finished off the tea by placing a slice of lemon in the to go cup, then placing it next to the muffin.
He handed over a twenty-dollar note and our hands touch. It was both uncomfortable and nice. The guy had nice soft hand, which leads me to believe he moisturises, which then got my mind onto a different track altogether wondering what moisturiser it was in the first place.
A cough brought me out of my small trance and I went completely wide-eyed, yanking my hand away. “Uh, thanks.” He chuckled at my now awkwardness as I retrieved his change, placing it on the counter and taking a step back, so the same thing doesn’t happen twice. After giving me a blank stare with a smirk, the somewhat Asian guy, slid his change across the counter and pocketed it.
“You’re cute.” My cheeks blushed on their own accord as I just slowly nodded. He chuckled again, “I’m Reggie, well, my mom and dad call me Reginald, but all my friends call me Reggie.” I smiled sweetly at the boy, since I didn’t expect such humour and curtesy from a letterman jacket wearing jock. But, then again, why judge a book by its cover and title? “Are you going to the party tonight?”
I shook my head no, “Uh no, I’m babysitting my brother and the Patterson’s twin toddlers.”
“Shame.” Reggie shrugged, “Nice meeting you, Nina!” The boy hollered as he walked out of the Grind and I somehow couldn’t help the smile on my face, and the inability to get rid of it. Also, guessing he knew my name from the nametag and he wasn’t some creepy stalker.
It was seven o’clock and I was completely exhausted from work and watching the toddlers as Elijah just sat playing Minecraft on the Xbox, we stole a while back for entertainment. The twins go to sleep in half an hour, and then I can do some holiday revision for the coming year of high school.
Not long after the twins went down, for a nap, my mom burst in drunk and made her way to her room. Day drinking again, I presume. I got up to shut the door and went to go sit down when there was a knock at the front door.
“You expecting someone?” I asked Elijah who shook his head.
“You?” Thinking quickly, I shook my head and went to go open the door. Opening the door, my vision caught sight of the boy from earlier with lilies in his hands. “Reggie?”
He smiled at me, “Can I come in?”
“Uh, sure…” I moved to the side to let Reggie inside.
His eyes glanced over the dump that was my house as I looked at him quizzically. “These are for you,” he pushed the flowers towards me and sat on the sofa.
“Um, thanks. I’ll go put these in water…” I walked off to the kitchen to find a vase and filled it with water, my eyebrows scrunched together as I went back out to the living room to place the flowers on the coffee table, only to find Reggie watching my brother build his underground lair in Minecraft.
“Try, obsidian and end stone.” He suggested to Elijah.
“Oh my god, you’re right!” Elijah beamed as he went to go grab the blocks. “I thought something didn’t look right.”
I smiled at the two, before I shook my head. “Hey, I never asked. Reggie, what are you doing at my house and how did you know where I lived?” Sitting on the sofa, I questioned the guy in front of me, who turned up at my front door with flowers and knowledge on which block to use for an underground lair.
“Oh, yeah.” Reggie moved closer to me and faced me. “I didn’t want to do Josie’s party since it’s the exact same every year and my friend Archie was busy doing something so I decided to come and chill with a beautiful girl called Nina instead.” A small smile let out onto my face as a small laugh escaped too, as Elijah gagged from in front of the TV. I rolled my eyes at my brother, and let Reggie continue. “You said you were babysitting the Patterson’s twins tonight, so I called them and asked where you were.” He smiled, chuffed with himself.
“And they just gave you my address?”
He shook his head, “Oh no, first I had to convince them that I was your boyfriend and that I wanted to surprise you for our anniversary and that we met this time last year.”
The smirk on his face told me everything, “Alright, you can chill here with me on one condition, you buy pizza.”
“Agreed.” Reggie pulled out his phone and went on the Domino’s website. “Didn’t you already eat?”
I shook my head, “Nah, only gave the toddlers their ‘organic’ food.”
It was later on and Elijah had gone to bed, as Reggie and I were on the couch watching Mr. & Mrs Smith, per his request. Even though I loved his movie choice, I don’t know but there was something about him that was just alluring to me. Jock or not, there was something about Reggie Mantle (I had learned his last name an hour before).
The movie finished and Reggie had fallen asleep on the couch, to which made me smile. I pulled the blanket over his body as I sat down on the other side of the sofa, and switched over channels. The news was on so I just clicked on it and settled down.
I also surveyed Reggie’s features, his soft and clean skin, and plump nude lips. He was attractive, no doubt in my mind. Reggie Mantle was just something different to the guys I’ve liked before. Different in his own, sweet kind of way.
“Everybody is upset to find out that Riverdale’s very own Jason Blossom is now presumed dead this morning, however search parties are still searching the river for his body.” My head snapped to the screen at the mention of Jason’s death as he was a friend of mine who usually came into the shop and I saw in Pop’s occasionally. “Twin sister Cheryl Blossom has claimed to have seen him before he drowned in Riverdale River…”
“Oh shit, Jason.” Reggie piped up in a sleepy voice. He glanced to me as I stared at the screen in pure shock and he sat up and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, to which I hugged back.
@justsomewritingsandshit @itsnotnormalteen
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