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thewul · 7 months ago
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scope: logo/font/business concept & image/strategy entity: STARBIKE
As big as the Superbike, why not where's the issue, different more open, based on points scored in different Starbike related regional and local events to qualify, bring your bike you're on, with a hefty money prize
A chance for bikers to make it as pro's, and join a racing team, or form a new one
Think about choking everything up around the Superbike, why not have Starbike, more open, still very competitive, for the riders and the brands, secure racing tracks and there are many around the world
Put the brands on it, a rigorous selection process, hire talented biking events organizers, marketing social media and viral ads talents and make it big
Biking is growing, it's not shrinking, there is room for more large events
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laughingsquid · 10 months ago
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Friends Break the Guinness World Record for the Tallest Rideable Bicycle With Their 25 Foot 'Starbike'
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mushroomb0i · 1 year ago
Decided to translate stuff about Purge and Pudding from the UGA diaries kldsjfios
(i know that everyone most likely already know their content but i just haven’t seen the full translation of these posts yet, apologize in advance i have no idea how to properly format text posts)
I was putting up together the material for the guidebook and publicity.
It is not the NG version, but there are many parts that are not fully depicted in the game.
【Paji/Purge Leader of the Rhythm Rogues (Odori Dan・ Dancho)】
         ※Purge – to purge, to exclude impure things
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Blood type: A
Traits: Intelligent mind, immature spirit, extraordinary hubris.
Background: At a young age, he achieved success in the field of radio mechanics, a good social status and financial power. "My life's mission is to lead the "foolish and unhappy people of the galaxy, who are filled with daily troubles and trivial hesitations," to a paradise by my excellent hands. "
Appearance: A bit out of the ordinary and exaggerated. (On the contrary, it brings out his mischievousness). His eyes show his arousal.
Movements: Intimidating and affectionate. Narcissistic. (He is artificially powered up by dance energy extracted from people who were kidnapped and gathered by the monstrous robots.)
Hobbies: Delusions.
Personality: Extraordinarily strong self-esteem. Smug, single-minded, and highly egocentric. Grandiose.
Motto: I am amazing. (self-produce your own visuals and image)
Goal: "To make everyone in the galaxy dance." = "To create a perfect paradise with my own hands."
Peace – wants to harness his singing energy.
People – thinks they are "stupid and unhappy".
Protagonist – knows about her, wants to use her dance energy.
Pudding – doesn’t really care about her.
Pine – doesn’t know much about her, not really dealing with the space police.
Jaguar – abducts him with the entire Pirate Broadcasting Station vessel and uses it for the initial stage of "sending out dancing monstrous radio waves". Also brainwashes Jaguar to use him to lead the Rhythm Rogues.
Shadow – an ideal subordinate for him, the moment he says "Shadow★", he feels a little sexual arousal.
Robo – created them more like his children than his minions.
We are asking the related parties to make the other characters available on the official website.
Well, this is something I compiled as a material for publicity and the guidebook, even though you don't need to know anything at all to play the game (although that would be good if you know)
【Purin/Pudding Channel 42 Reporter (Chaneru 42・ Ripota)】
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2450.09.05
Age: 19
Height: 157 cm
Basic size: B80/W56/H82 (all estimated)
Blood type: AB
Special skill: Skipping (taken from the resume)
Background: Five years ago, she changed her career from idol to reporter. Recently, the rival relationship with the protagonist has been in the spotlight. She started to play the guitar not a while ago.
Appearance: Cute with a hint of dignity.
Movements: Mainly cute, sometimes punkish and intense.
Hobbies: Music, dancing, mid-size starbikes.
Motto: "Aspiration is detonated by pride."
Personality: Prideful and competitive. She has a strong sense of rivalry with anyone she thinks is (or may be) better than her. At first glance, she seems to be a broken person, but in fact, all of her actions are based on her own pride, and she is always full of initiative. (Her pride (which is by no means a disorder) is often an obstacle to her honest expression of her feelings.)
Protagonist – still thinks of her as a rival, but at the same time, greatly admires her abilities. People around them sometimes wonder if they have become good friends. Although they sometimes become friends, Pudding has not changed his position toward her as just a colleague. → In the previous report, she ended up doing the "Channel 5" pose, which is one of the biggest regrets of her life.
Jaguar – really likes his behavior and appearance. However, she has not developed her feelings further because there’s not so much information available.
Peace – likes his singing and dancing, but she is careful not to be unconditionally impressed. → Anybody who has "immense influence over the people" is a competitor for her.
Purge – not really an enemy to her, just a "competitor" in a larger sense.
Pine – doesn’t like her much. She can't understand Pine's behavior style, which only follows the rules (abandoning her own independence). Nor does she intend to understand it.
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filer38892 · 1 year ago
Visir Rome
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kittygamesda · 3 years ago
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I edited that one piece of offical art to put Rockstar in it instead.
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umbranox-bean-moved · 5 years ago
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So uh- There isn’t that much content of this ship so I tried to make an icon?? Idk- I just really like Rockiwi and wish there were more content ;v;
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flickrnauta · 6 years ago
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Anche oggi “sgambata” con @devidvangi , la bici è bella, in Sardegna di più... #sardegna #climb #sonograsso #ciaomagri #cannonau #zuppagallurese #starbike (presso San Teodoro, Sardegna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0iJBVXHoqkCZmEuU9hFeMYIR5hEK5jRPzV2-40/?igshid=r5kv2htq6q74
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cookiekinhelp · 7 years ago
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Art of Kiwi Biker x Rockstar
I hope you like it! Let me know if you want me to draw something else! <3
-Mod Pancake
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ottottorecords · 5 years ago
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Marco Dionigi & Daniele Baldelli - Race One Pedivelle Records PDV 001 A:Phase The Music B1:Star Bike B2:Phase The Music (Race Remix) format:12’ condition:vg+ sleeve:ex #marcodionigi #danielebaldelli #raceone #pedivellerecords #phasethemusic #starbike #racerrmix #disco #housemusic https://ottottorecords.stores.jp/items/5e749dd29df1634a900ab70c https://www.instagram.com/p/B989qg8gx9Y/?igshid=oohdw5uuugar
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lazuardilogy · 6 years ago
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"Apasih yang dicari?" — kata Bapak kala itu.
Saat itu aku masih terdiam. Membisu. Tak tahu harus bagaimana menjawabnya. Seolah terhenyak, tersadar. "Oh iya ya, apa sih yang aku cari?"
Waktu terus berlalu. Hari berganti. Rutinitas terus berjalan. Hingga pada akhirnya aku dihadapkan dengan kondisi lingkungan kerja yang semakin hari semakin tak karuan. Menurutku. Beberapa kali aku berdiskusi kecil dengan temanku. Santai tapi serius. Diskusi sore di abang starbike. Hahaha, yaa starbike. Dulu sering abang2 jual es, rokok, sama camilan mangkal depan kantor. Makanyaa dinamain starbike. Biar keren. Kaya sodaranya.
Sembari nemenin merokok temanku di starbike, kita diskusi kecil-kecilan. Bukan diskusi sih tepatnya. Ngomongin ulah bos. Apalagi coba topiknya kalo bukan itu. Bos begini lah. Bos begitulah. Ga ada sama sekali yang bener dimata kami. Maaf ya bos. Tapi sore itu mungkin sudah puncak-puncaknya menurut kami. Kami harus ambil tindakan. Sampai-sampai temenku bilang. "Kalau begini caranya, tinggal tunggu waktu aja, mau kita yg angkat kaki duluan atau dia yang didepak". Tapi sepertinya untuk bisa didepak. Harus ada skandal besar. Gak mungkin. Oke baiklah. Kita akhirnya mulai mencari lagi tempat mencari nafkah yang baru sembari menyiapkan semuanya. Untuk pergi
Waktu berlalu, temanku tak kunjung membulatkan tekadnya. Sial, kena jebak nih aku. Saat itu kondisiku sudah menjalani serangkaian proses rekrutmen pegawai baru di salah satu perusahaan swasta nasional. Sementara temenku, ah dia masih sibuk saja di sini. Di tempat yang ia maki-maki. Sudah kepalang tanggung. Akhirnya aku memberanikan diri untuk menghadapi hari yang baru. Hari kelulusan. Lulus kerja. Hahaha.
Singkat cerita aku sudah berpindah dari perusahaan lama ke perusahaan yang baru. Memulai semuanya kembali. Belajar kembali. Apa-apa serba mengulang lagi dari 0. Tapi tentu, tak butuh waktu lama untuk itu. 2 hari cukup. Sudah punya gambaran waktu itu mau apa dan bagaimana di tempat baru. Oke semangat lagi ini.
Tapi kenyataan memang tak seindah yang diharapkan. Yang mulanya semangat jadi patah, putus di tengah jalan. Lingkungan kerjanya sama saja. Malah lebih kejam. Lalu apa aku harus menyerah? Saat itu aku tetap berjuang. Jika tidak dapat kubenahi lingkungannya, paling tidak aku jangan sampai mengikuti arus. Aku berprinsip seperti itu kala itu. Waktu terus berputar. Hingga tiba suatu hari. Dimana semuanya seolah menjadi seperti sebuah film. Kepingan-kepingan kejadian masa lalu diputar kembali. Flashback. Lalu muncul pertanyaan mendasar. "Aku ini sebenarnya cari apa?" "Tujuanku bekerja untuk apa? Untuk siapa?" Begitu pertanyaan ini diulang ulang terus menerus dalam benak.
Sampai pada suatu ketika, kesempatan datang seolah menjawab pertanyaan tadi. Ada lowongan di dekat rumah. Menjanjikan. Oke sikat. Akhirnya aku melamar. Dan tanpa ragu lagi, aku jalani semua tahap seleksinya. Panjang memang. Sampai 5 tahap seleksi. Tapi tak mengapa. Aku justru bahagia, dekat dengan rumah. Dekat dengan keluarga. Akhirnya, singkat cerita, aku diterima kerja di tempat baru ini.
Seperti cerita dongeng saja. Aku dipertemukan oleh orang-orang baik disini. Lingkungan yang baik. Mendukung. Aku mulai betah. Lalu pertanyaan itu kembali lagi menggema "sebenernya apasih yang kamu cari?"
Ternyata bukan tempat kerja. Ternyata, aku mencarimu. Semesta mendukungnya dengan caranya agar bisa denganmu. Mungkin jika saat itu tidak aku ambil kesempatan untuk resign dan tetap mengabdi seperti temanku itu, aku takkan mungkin bertemu kamu. Hey kamu, terima kasih
Gantungkanlah berjuta harapan kita pada malam-malam panjang sujud kita. Aku yakin, Doa itu senjata terampuh bagi kita. Sekeras-kerasnya kita berusaha. Jika Allah tidak berkenan. Apalah jadi kita?
Kamu, doaku untukmu
Jombang, 26 Februari 2019
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mubarik · 2 years ago
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Ganti BB pakai Tiagra biar bisa ngebut 😀 (at Starbike Kalibata) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjUXYKLruyS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cookilicious-kin · 6 years ago
Here's a list of our requests. Anything in drafts will be redone as a text post when I'm ready to post it since I cant seem to move them out of drafts with this update.
��� aesthetic for pink choco with a huge crush on an nb adventurer?
• can i have a shufflemancy on my relationship with sparkling as herb? (i might have a crush on him)
• Hi! Could I pretty please have a strawberry cookie who is in a long distance relationship with werewolf cookie aesthetic? Thanks!
• could i get a playlist for yoga cookie? i honestly like most music, but my favorite are those slo-mo edits on youtube! they’re rlly neat
• aw heck okay I'm the anon who sent in the moon rabbit and moonlight cookie moodboard ask and JUST to make sure,,, I want it to be a platonic moodboard(sorry if I already included it but I'm a worry wart so here u go)
• moodboard for a sea fairy cookie who been letting their emotions get the best of them and hates it , please
• could i get a moodboard for a rockstar who loved and was in a relationship with kiwi? thank you so much !!
• hello!!! could i get an aesthetic for a cotton candy cookie who loves cute things, romance, bright soft colors, and plushies? thank you so much!!!!
• A lesbian mustard cookie playlist?
• Skater x Brave moodboard?
• Are you guys busy? When you can, could I perhaps do an aesthetic with me (princess, you know that part already,) and tiger lily with a theme of friendship and river-related items? (I think I'm met a canonmate so I'm a bit excited) (pixxyofice)
• aesthetic for an adventurer who loved his blackberry with all his heart? (romantically)
• Could I have a lazy bisexual vampire cookie aesthetic? Tysm in advance!!!!
• Hello, can i get an aesthetic for an herb cookie trying to move on from a horrible breakup?
• Could I have a pastel aesthetic for (rose gown) princess cookie? Thanks for all you do! (pixxyofice)
• greetings and salutations, my beautiful person! could I... get a playlist for princess cookie? (pixxyofice)
• hey,,,, do have you have any advice? I'm kin with devil cookie, one of my ex's kins, but I don't wanna make him uncomfy,,,,if you don't do these ignore me ajkansl
• If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd like to request a aesthetic board! I'm Herb and I'm dating Werewolf and Wind Archer! I love them a lot an would like just something sweet with us
• could i have a moodboard for a lime cookie who was best friends with soda pleeease??
• Oh! I see ur taking headcanons requests! Let's go! Again, I'm alchemist cookie and I was a theater kid and went to the same school as my gf, cheerleader cookie!! (dahlingplease)
• aa could i get a moodboard for a moonlight cookie that loves their seafairy?;;
• moodboard/aesthetic for a rockstar cookie who was in love with/dated werewolf cookie ?
• can you do an aesthetic board for macaron cookie who was in love with carol cookie!!
• aaa could you do a moodboard for a moonlight cookie with anxiety who loves her seafairy ?
• oh, headcanons! Hey, could you do a headcanon on how Kumiho and Princess became buddies? (prank buddies, maybe, but just buddies would do too!) Thank you!! (pixxyofice)
• Could you write some headcanons for the Zest Fest cookies?
• Oooh headcanons for Cream Puff Cookie who was good friends with Werewolf Cookie?
• headcanon for a cinnamon cookie and fire spirit cookie who are siblings ?
• hey! could i get an aesthetic for a werewolf cookie who was best friends with cheerleader cookie?
• aesthetic for a moonlight cookie who is qpps with a wind archer cookie in dark blues and greens, like the colors that match the cookie designs, with flowers, stars and space, and whatever else you think would fit?
• could i have a starbike moodboard? thank you so much in advance!!
• could i get an aesthetic for an angel cookie that was close to their wizard cookie ? thank you!
• May I get a moodboard for Me (Cotton Candy Cookie) Who's trying really hard to focus.
• moodboard for a kumiho who was good friends with "the villains" like in the educational comics? especially vampire (nothing romantic)
• Shufflemancy for my relationship with Vampire Cookie as Sparkling? I know it was romantic, but that's about all I can remember. Ty 💛
• hewwo can i get an uhhh shufflemancy for my relationship w mustard cookie? im a pink choco and i Feel Like I Knew Her
• a shufflemancy for a cocoa cookie who loved cherry blossom
• can i get shufflemancy for my relationship with mustard cookie as cherry blossom pretty please??? (cosmicmarshmellow)
• May I ask for a shufflemancy to know how my relationship with Gumball Cookie used to be as Devil Cookie??? (I remember we used to be best friends and then started dating.)
• Can i get a shufflemancy to see how my relationship as adventurer cookie was with sparkling cookie
• Could I perhaps get a shufflemancy for my relationship with Ice Candy in my non canon s’mores timeline?
• could i get shufflemacy for my relationship with gingerbrave as strawberry??
• can i please get a aesthetic board for snow sugar cookie? preferably with pastel colours and i would really appreciate it if there wasnt any hands/irl people in it!! ty ♥
• an aes for werewolf who loves handheld Viddy Games ? tysm !
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kittygamesda · 4 years ago
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Aloecy!Kiwirock AU
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classic-retro-games · 3 years ago
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Free windows remake of Starbike
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flickrnauta · 6 years ago
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La bici non finisce mai di stupirmi, oggi in pochi km siamo passati dal mare, a paesaggi di montagna che non pensavo nemmeno potessero esserci in Sardegna...nei primi 60 km abbiamo incrociato: - 3 cani - 2 auto - 1 mucca #lagodiposada #concas #pedrabianca #padru #sardegna #sardegnainconsueta #vivalabici #starbike (presso Concas, Sardegna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0bR84yIAwjtNcu5-tUyhmrNRlB3-TqkUdoeI00/?igshid=uhmj51dkm50s
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callmeferret · 7 years ago
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haha gaye
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