#star: hanagata hikaru
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zukalations · 4 years ago
Before retirement, Senka star remembers a miraculous 22 years - Hanagata Hikaru
I am currently focusing on translations of show scripts, but I hope to post new article/interview translations around once a week!
This interview with Hanagata Hikaru discussing her upcoming retirement was first published in April. It was recorded before the originally intended Tokyo opening of the show, so it does not reference the further delays and closures.
The interview was written by Murakami Kumiko and published in Nikkan Sports’ column ‘Melodius Takarazuka’. Click through for pictures!
Before retirement, Senka star remembers a miraculous 22 years - Hanagata Hikaru
Senka star Hanagata Hikaru, who is planning to retire, took part in an interview ahead of her final performance. She has been in the company for 22 years. When asked what was foundational to creating her characters, Hanagata, who is a master of manliness, replied 'tone of voice'. Her final role, in the Star Troupe production Valley of Xuanyao/RAY, is the enemy of the protagonist. When establishing her character as a general, she decided he needed 'a deep voice'. After cancellations, the closing performance took place in the Takarazuka Grand Theatre in Hyogo prefecture, and she bid farewell to her beloved home turf.
This is her final performance as a Takarasienne. After the interview, she wrote the kanji 'heart' on an autograph panel. 'This is the end of a 22-year spring. That's a long time, such a long time.' She is the classmate of former Star Troupe Top Star Yuzuki Reon. Although Hanagata is of a small size for an otokoyaku, she honed her allure as one of 'The Otokoyaku' of Flower Troupe.
After transferring to Senka in July of 2014, she was challenged with a broad variety of new roles. Her performance as Binbougami [God of Poverty] in the 2018 show ANOTHER WORLD, a unique production based on rakugo*, was highly praised.
'[Retirement] is one path out of many that I considered. Finally I concluded 'this is what I want to do' and selected it. I didn't feel the slightest hint of 'is this really it?'--it's the path I chose at the end of a long journey.'
She decided to retire last year, while she was performing in the final show for the previous Star Troupe Top Star, Kurenai Yuzuru. Her last production is the debut performance for Star Troupe's new Top Combi, Rei Makoto and Maisora Hitomi. Although the Takarazuka performance was cancelled due to the effects of the novel coronavirus it held its final show. Hanagata played the antagonist general.
'He's blackhearted, you could say, a real villainous type..'. When putting together the role she felt 'ears' were important, and tried to change her voice during the performance.
'I think the audience ultimately catches things through their ears. If you're in the Grand Theatre, at the far side of the second floor seating, you can't even tell if someone is wearing a beard or not. The ears come first. In this show, I use a really deep voice, like it's echoing through the earth. Something you feel you could cut through with a knife.'
When looking back on her life in Takarauka, she thought 'Was it really me who did all that?' At times she concentrated too much on her roles, and they started to intrude on her daily life like an 'unwelcome guest'. While she was performing in Gin-Chan's Love in 2008, someone pointed out 'Why do you keep moving your shoulders so much?'
'Even though they're all men, the posture and way of walking is always different. There are people like Michael Leitch, and people like Yuzuru Hanyu. Since I'm creating a 'person', the way of walking and voice will change every time. Since I live trying to get deeper into character, it'll pop up in my personal life, too.'
This reply is based in her deep experience as a star pursuing what it means to be an otokoyaku. When jokingly asked 'how much can you say' about her life post retirement, she replied 'I probably won't continue' working on stage.
'How I feel right now is, I got this far into this because I loved being an otokoyaku. As for "blooming outside Takarazuka" that isn't something I want to do at all. I don't have any real interest in being an actress...'
While she was in middle school, one of her acquaintances recommended Takarazuka, and she resolved to enter, succeeding in passing the entrance exam.
'Compared to the 106-year history [of Takarazuka], 22 years isn't even a quarter of it. But it feels like a miracle to me. The ratio [of acceptance to the Takarazuka Music School], the ratio was really memorable too**. I never thought of giving up for a moment, but looking back now I'm just glad I didn't end up losing.'
Each year, around 40 girls enter Takarazuka. Only a few ever gain prominence, let alone become Top Star. '22 years. A child born then would already be an adult, starting their job search...' she said, thinking of the flow of time.
'Being an otokoyaku is something you can only do here. The tradition advances, and there are different eras and styles. For people who don't know Takarazuka, I think we might look a bit silly to them in some ways. But I like the worldview of this as being 'right', I like the unique way time flows here.'
As the 'otokoyaku' she loves being, she is bidding farewell to her country of dreams with her memories of Takarazuka in her heart.
* A traditional Japanese comedy format.
** I could not find details for the ratio of acceptance for the 85th class, but the record of difficulty to entry was set in 1995, 2 years before Hanagata passed the TMS exam, so it was likely also a high-difficulty year.
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andromache-hectoris · 3 years ago
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Press photos of Soga no Iruka (Hanagata Hikaru) and Empress Kōgyoku (Arisa Hitomi) in Kamatari ~Beautiful Yamato, Dreamlike Land of Tranquility~ (star troupe, 2019)
Kōgyoku was a queen-to-tenno and Iruka, as daijin, had a great influence over her. By accounts, when Nakatomi no Kamatari and Kōgyokuhe's son (played by Kurenai Yuzuru and Seo Yuria in the show) attacked Iruka during a court ceremony, the Empress famously stepped away, leaving Iruka to be assassinated.
The historical-fictious coupling first appeared in The Glow of Sunset in Asuka: A Saga of Soga no Iruka (moon troupe, 2004) with Ayaki Nao and Natsukawa Yura, that drew my attention. This time it broke my heart.
the other sources include:
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zukadiary · 5 years ago
Takarazuka roundup 12.20.19
Soragumi has a visual for Flying Sapa and principal roles for both that and Magnificent Emperor or whatever (Haruha Rara got the heroine role and Kazuki Sora the second-billed otokoyaku role)
El Japon/Aquavitae!! ended in Takarazuka, but the theater is on break for the Taka Special. Grand Theater performances will resume in 1/1 with Once Upon a Time in America
Speaking of the Taka Special, Seira Hitomi has been announced out of it due to injury
Maaya Kiho’s music salon will be titled “La Voile”
Rehearsal began for Hoshigumi’s Dazzling Valley/Ray. Announced for the end of this production: Hanagata Hikaru (visiting from Senka) will be retiring, kumichou Mari Yuzumi will be moving to senka, and Miki Chigusa and Shirotae Natsu will be assuming the roles of kumichou and fukukumichou respectively
Hoshigumi’s June/July 2020 small theaters have been announced: Rei Makoto and Maisora Hitomi will be taking restages of El Halcon and Ray on tour, while Todoroki Yuu will borrow a portion of the troupe to preform Cyrano de Bergerac in Akasaka Act and Drama City
Nagina Ruumi along with OGs Haruno Sumire, Mizu Natsuki, and Kurenai Yuzuru will be appearing in the Koshiji Fubuki memorial concert Apres Toi in Hakata in March. A concert of the same name took place last month in Tokyo featuring a different set of OGs
Miya Rurika will be holding a concert (thought it was a photobook at first) ft. a buncha dudes at Tokyo Forum at the end of February
If you’d like to part with 74,000JPY +TAX you can be the proud owner of a custom Star Wars suit with Nanami Hiroki’s name stitched inside it
TO MY GREAT SADNESS, Takarazuka Star Talk is ending after a 6+ year run. You have until January 31 to watch/save your favorites. You can see all the past guests here—keep hitting the もっと見る button to see them all.
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hoshigomi · 5 years ago
2019 in Takarazuka!
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This was my first year of living full time in Japan, and so I got to see more Takarazuka than I would EVER have anticipated would be possible to me. I feel really lucky. Here are my thoughts on this year- I didn’t limit any category to one answer because I wanted to give my respects to everything that caught my heart this year. It gets a little long, but feel free to give it a read!
Favorite Grand Theater musical:  My favorite Grand Theatre Musical was Beside the Foggy Elbe, but it was ALSO God of Stars. These shows could not BE more different. Elbe was my favorite show in the way that Yukigumi’s Gaisenmon was one of my favorite shows last year and in the way that Hoshiai is some people’s favorite show. It’s my favorite show maybe EVER in that I cried during every single one of the [redacted #] performances I got to see. I’m not usually a fan of Heavy Serious Show, but this one may be my top favorite show of all time. (Feel free to read my review here- I can not BEGIN to hash out my feelings for this show in this tiny space!) I have literally never seen a show more perfectly suited for the people performing it than God of Stars was to Hoshigumi. It was stomach-ache funny and heart-ache touching and one of the most respectful, brilliant, plays-to-their-strengths, META taidan shows I have EVER seen- for every taidansha, and the upcoming top combi. God of Stars is overflowing with love and humor, and that’s exactly the kind of show that grabs my heart and refuses to let go.  Special honors for 2019 go to Soragumi’s Oceans 11 because I love the hell out of that show and Makaze’s Danny, Susshii’s Saul, Seiko’s Queen Diana, Madoka’s Tess, Moeko’s Livingston, and Kazuki Sora’s Linus were specifically my favorite portrayals of those characters that I have ever seen. 
Favorite revue:  Hands down, the Grand Theatre run of Estrellas. Estrellas felt more like a rock concert than a revue to me at first, and then I learned to put in words that it felt very Chiegumi in a way that I LOVED. This revue flowed like none other, and  I have really special personal ties to it as well, it having been Kai’s last revue in Takarazuka. I wanted to list standout numbers, but is it really a “standout number” if I can list like 12? There was so much CONTRAST and so many OPPORTUNITIES and so much, again, LOVE in the whole thing!! The chuuzume? Playful! The white number? Sincere! I cried every time! The pop star medley? OOF! BACK? INCREDIBLE! Starlight Parade? Beautiful! Estrellas was the best revue of the year and this is a category in which I don’t personally believe there was any competition.  That said, I want to give special honors to Eclair Brillant for showing a side of Beni’s Hoshigumi that we never really got to see in revues (plus that bolero, which might be the best standalone NUMBER in Takarazuka this year, and the kuroenbi which again, blended personality with crisp blacks and whites and was a MASTERFUL passing of the torch), and Krung Thep which I loved a lot, despite having to see it with a weird flip flopped cast (F for Reiko :( ) Even though I only saw that one once some moments (the boxing number, Sakura generally just kicking ass, the chuzuume, Miya and Tamaki’s duedan) really stuck with me. Music Revolution used Pachelbel’s’ Canon and Neon Outfits in a way that I would never have thought would work, but did, and also featured an INCREDIBLY beautiful taidan number despite it being like, no one’s taidan. 
Favorite small theater musical:  HONESTLY, against ALL ODDS, Kamatari. I didn’t expect to even LIKE Kamatari, but between the HAUNTING score, the performances by Beni, Airi, Hanagata Hikaru, Seocchi, Kuracchi, and Mikkii SPECIFICALLY, the BEAUTIFUL set, and the touching and volatile relationships between the characters, I was HOOKED. It didn’t need a complicated plot- the character relationships drove everything, and I thought it was absolutely masterful. This one slid under a lot of people’s radars- please give it a look for yourself if you can!  Special honors to Mozart, which I don’t think I have to explain,  Diamond as Big as the Ritz for looking fun as HELL though I admit I DIDN’T GET TO SEE IT, On The 20th Century (unfortunately forever lost to time but featuring two of the most professional, brilliant lead performances I have ever seen), and On The Town, for being a faithful, loving take on a classic piece of musical theatre that I would have gladly seen more times than I got to.
Favorite numbers: (In no real order)
L’Operap and Bim Bam Boum  from Mozart.
石を割って咲く桜 from Mibugishiden, because those voices give me CHILLS.
The Gift and Bolero, (Eclair Brillant’s sexy, sexy chuuzume and INSANE artsy number, respectively.)
Some Other Time from On the Town.
Pop Star/Hoshi Ni Negaiwo/Starlight Parade/Championne/星サギの歌 in Estrellas.
Beer Matsuri (prologue) in Beside The Foggy Elbe.
The title song from God of Stars.
愛した日々に偽りは無い from Oceans 11
We Need Love and Adventure In The Life from Casanova straight up slaps.
I haven’t seen Aquavitae but boy the theme song is catchy.
Favorite lead otokoyaku role:  Beni in Beside The Foggy Elbe. I woulda given her the award for God of Stars but her Karl was TRANSFORMATIVE and HEART wrenching. It’s always nice to see someone break out of their comfort zone (or in Beni’s case, the zone that she really just gets the most credit for THRIVING IN), and do something new. Karl shocked me in all the right ways. Beni playing vulnerable? Oof.  Special honor to Coto as Mozart because what the fuck how is anyone that talented, Makaze as Danny Ocean (because duh), Tamaki Ryou as Gabey in On the Town because boy does she nail earnest lovesickness, Daimon as Oscar Jaffee (for MUCH the same reason as I loved Beni as Karl), and Daimon as Yoshimura Kanichirou (which yeah I did have to look up his name but boy THAT was also a TRANSFORMATIVE role!)
Favorite lead musumeyaku role: Before me I have two envelopes and one says “Maaya Kiho as Lily Garland” and the other says “Kisaki Airi as Eileen”, and when I open the envelopes they both say “winner.” Maaya Kiho is probably straight up the most talented person in all of Takarazuka right now and I AM prepared to stand by that claim. Lily is very much the lead role in 20th Century, This was a beyond Broadway caliber performance and I would love nothing more than for her to reprise her role everywhere and anywhere. Airi’s Eileen was maybe one of the best musumeyaku roles I’ve ever seen, and she knocked it out of the park with humor, gravitas, earnesty, vulnerability, and skill that comes with being a musumeyaku with That Much Experience under your belt and That Juicy of a role to work with. Special shoutouts to: also Maaya as Christine in Phantom, if that counts as 2019.
Favorite supporting otokoyaku role: Wow, this one is a three way tie. Shocker.   One of my greatest regrets though one I can’t really change is that I never got to see Mikkii as Mercutio in RetJ. The good news is that her performance as Fune no Esaka in Kamatari had EXACTLY the same kind of UNHINGED, POWERFUL, DANGEROUS energy that I love about her Mercutio. If you know me you know I can NOT get enough of Tenju Mitsuki onstage, and this role was a BIG, BIG validation of my obsession. Also a MASSIVE role for her. Asami Jun was DISTRESSINGLY NASTY and impressive as Saitou Hajime in Mibugishiden. If she was onstage, it was HARD if not impossible to look away from her. In 2020 I want nothing more than for Aasa to continue clawing her way up the ladder- she’s one of the ones who’s working to earn everything she’s got, and BOY, does she deserve all of it and more. Tobias, lovingly, lovingly, lovingly brought to life by Nanami Hiroki in her final Takarazuka role was an angel, a (quiet) voice of reason on a stage full of fools in Elbe. She didn’t have much stage time, but she imbued every second she did have with everything that got her where she is today. While he wasn’t an attention grabbing character, the subtle work she did with him was beautiful, stable, and warm. (And what a send off.)  I was also impressed by and want to shoutout to: Seo Yuria as Nicholas in God of Stars, Hanagata Hikaru as Soga no Iruka (also Kamatari), AKATSUKI CHISEI as Chip in On the Town, Kazuki Sora as Linus in Oceans 11, and Amato Kanon as Johnny in Elbe, who didn’t do a whole lot besides yell, and still made my shoulders SHAKE with laughter every time she ran on.
Favorite supporting musumeyaku role:  Hands down, mother fucking Shirayuki Sachika as Hildy in On The Town. Excuse my language but what a brilliant performance, hooooooly shit.  BIG bonus shoutouts to: Junya Chitose as Diana in Oceans 11, Shirotae Natsu as Louise Bollinger in Algiers, and Kozakura Honoka (voice of an ANGEL, does THE MOST character work, BEAUTIFUL NUANCED FULL REALIZED stage presence, IN THE MOMENT ALIVE choices) as Aloysia in Mozart. 
Favorite up-and-comer (and/or shinko performance if you saw any):
Amato Kanon
Amato Kanon
Amato Kanon
Amato Kanon
Amato Kanon
My favorite shinko performance was the God of Stars shinko, led by: Amato Kanon, and my favorite 2020 shinko performance is the Hoshigumi RetJ shinko that I am assuming will also be led by Amato Kanon as Romeo. 
Kanon aside, if you like dancers, I urge you to look at Ruri Hanaka in literally anything. Also, if you see any pictures of Yukigumi 105th Tsukise You, please send them to me. 
Best Ensemble:  Hoshigumi just like in general. I know I say this all the time, but my love for them came from this. Without fail, this troupe turns out ensemble show after ensemble show, and even the things that AREN’T ensemble shows become them because of how every actress milks their background opportunities for all they’re worth. I could write ESSAYS on the shit I’ve seen go on in the backgrounds of their scenes. I could write NOVELS, and I would be doing it for my own pleasure.  No matter how you feel about WHAT they do, I think you’d be hard pressed to deny that they’re a very particular sort of group with a really high, warm, messy but intense type of energy about them. It works for me. They dealt with a lot this year, from their top being VOICELESS on a big taidan raku, to a top combi taidan, to a weather canceled top combi maeraku, and carried themselves through it all with grace and love and smiles and intentional positivity. I adore everything they are and everything they mean to me. This troupe got me through a lot this year, and I consider it such a privilege to be so enamored with every one of them. 
Someone you gained a new interest in:  This year I kept a planner where I had an entire page dedicated to every day this year and on January 2nd I have a little drawing of Yuunagi Ryou’s background sailor outfit from Elbe and the note “I definitely have a crush on her.” Now, 12 months, 3 reijou, 2 ochakai, and two embarrassing half conversations later, I sometimes look at her and go like “oh that one sure is mine now, huh.”  She’s lovely. Watching her onstage is a type of fun and intrigue and ??? that I’ve never had with anyone else. I like her scratchy Showa voice. I like when she dances with her floppy hair. I like that she draws herself as a sheep on all her stuff. I like her half smirk and freckles. I think she’s neat. Thanks, Shimo, for making losing My One True Takarazuka Love a little easier on my heart and eyes. To 2020 and beyond. <3
Someone you did a 360 on:  MAISORA HITOMI! I have to admit that I was not only not excited for her to transfer over, but also kind of angry when she was announced as Coto’s partner. And then I saw her in God of Stars. And I still wasn’t SOLD. I appreciated what they did with her and Coto, and that they were given chances (and some SAPPY meta lines about building a new future together), but I didn’t GET it. (Though BOY is she a beautiful dancer.) And then the Mozart rehearsal footage started rolling in, and the interviews started rolling in, and she was having FUN and coming into her own and adjusting beautifully, and what surprised me most, really PLAYING with her new partner and troupe. And then I SAW MOZART and I was sold. I saw shonichi and I was a teary bleary MESS by well before their duet dance, and in their duet dance I saw FRIENDS, and I saw two people who were LOVING working with each other. I saw two people having fun. Long story short, her role as Constanze was INCREDIBLE and compelling and it’s INSANE when you realize how YOUNG she is. I can’t WAIT to see where she goes from here. I’ve realized that I wasn’t fair to her at first. I adore her now. In my house? We love and respect Maisora Hitomi.  Oh, also Seo Yuria who I’ve realized over the past 12 months that I would not only die for, but also kill for if the need should arise. 
Personal biggest headline:  Kai taidanned this year.  There’s no possible world in which that WOULDN’T BE my biggest headline. They could swap all the tops and make a TMS kid a top musumeyaku and this would still be my big news.. Kai was the person who caught my heart six days into knowing what Takarazuka was and she was just. So perfect to me and for me. The entire experience of getting to be her fan, even for a short time, was a dream. Nothing about it ever felt hard or scary or stressful, and the people I met through her are some of my favorite people in the world to this day. It was a whirlwind of a run and a taidan experience and though I would do it all again if I could in a heartbeat, what we, and what she has now, is beyond I think any of our wildest dreams. I still feel so lucky about her every single day. Runners up include like Beni losing her voice completely during Estrellas senshuuraku (can’t wait for THAT to air on Skystage) and Hoshigumi losing maeraku for Beni/Airi/Mao/Renta/Riran taidan to Typhoon Hagbis (which also evacuated me from my apartment.) They could not catch a BREAK this year.
Favorite (???)  random memory or happening: 
Aasa Trending on Twitter just because she’s hot. 
I don’t LOVE it but the transfers, from Hitoko to Aichan to SEIRA HITOMI??? to Shidou to Ayaki Hikari were all pretty fuckin’ weird.
Shiiran kissing Kai on Star Talk.
Everything Kai did post-taidan. 
The time I saw God of Stars and Beni broke so bad she made Airi almost cry trying to stop herself from laughing and then Coto lost it and they got off track two distinct times before Hanagata Hikaru had to step in and start the scene over. 
Getting called back at a certain someone’s ochakai because I was so nervous I walked away without shaking her hand.
Kanon’s first shinko lead (mic issues and restarted show and all) left me with a hope for the future and a warmth in my heart that I have never felt before. 
Looking at @zukadiary​ at intermission of Kamatari and realizing that whatever summary was on Takawiki up until that day for that show was WILDLY off, and having to look it up to figure out what the fuck we actually just watched, because it sure wasn’t what I anticipated. 
Most looking forward to: Anastasia, which I spoke into existence, and also Hoshigumi’s Romeo et Juliette which you can NOT convince me isn’t going to be Hoshigumi’s second GT.
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eien-no-gakusha · 6 years ago
Perseverance Prevails (1)
(1) A zuka short comics series.  Pun on 石の上にも三年, which basically means sit on a [cold] rock long enough (3yrs) and it’ll warm up.  But TMS lasts 2 yrs so the figurative rock-sitting trail only lasts 2yrs as opposed to 3yrs.
Basically a bunch of reimaginings of seasoned upperclassmen stars recounting their TMS adventures.
Nozomi Fuuto’s Epic Fail Takarazuka GRAPH Feb 2018
Daimon, Seiko, & a bunch of Kanto classmates used to fly home for the holidays.  On their first summer vacation, they just started singing Valore and probably other songs throughout the flight.
It’s not until they land that Daimon finds out upperclassman Nanakaze Umi had been sitting in front of her the entire time.  Thus Daimon spends her whole summer break freaking out and dutifully warning her entire douki network that she screwed up via being a perceived annoyance to Nanakaze the whole flight. 
Turns out Nanakaze was practically Daimon’s neighbor so she saw her every day and was just waiting to get chewed out every time they crossed paths.  Daimon "went through several months in a depressed haze” until she worked up the courage to apologize to Nanakaze, who was totally cool about it all along.
Apparently, each class has a phone tree and it’s everyone’s collective responsibility to update each other of blunders and other important news so they can function (i.e. apologize) as a unit.
Forever Grateful Nozomi Fuuto Takarazuka GRAPH Aug 2018
Once Mitsuru (Hanagata Hikaru) randomly buys Haagen Dazs ice cream for the 89ths.  Young Daimon declares Mitsuru world’s best boyfriend but they wind up a few quarts short.  Daimon, with her infinite zuka wisdom, deduces 85th class must have been smaller than their own 89th so Mitsuru had miscounted.
Flash forward & Daimon is assigned to Hanagumi where she bumps into Mitsuru and ever dutiful, she thanks her for the ice cream.  Mitsuru brushes it off like it was nothing cuz she’s a cool otokoyaku, missing ice cream included.
Bonus:  Mitsuru is very good at playing the cool boyfriend.  When some 89ths were heading back to the dorm looking chilled, she pulled up in her convertible to check on them & tell them she had a treat for everyone.
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flibbityflob · 7 years ago
Singing in the Rain (Tsukigumi 2018)/Another World/Killer Rouge (Hoshigumi 2018)
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Yesterday was. An absurd level of me running around Tokyo having eaten very little and generally trying to run on sheer excitement, glitter, and joy.
And it was thoroughly successful.
My first kangeki was a double kangeki and it was somehow the most thrilling, exciting day possible. Aside from a pretty major personal setback, I don't think the day could have gone any more wonderfully.
Singing in the Rain was an absolute delight. It's pretty clear that once Chapi retires, Tamaki is gonna be going for the handsome 50s move star vibe and I can't overstate how much she just. Has it. The show is an absolute delight, I ended up loving Sakura and the perpetual enigma of MiyaRuri finally clicked into place with her Cosmo, the most charming man around and. Yeah. Yeah it's good. Singing in the Rain as a song itself is so delightful and happy and I can't think of a better show to start my kangeki life with. It's such a charmibg little show and I desperately hope it doesn't get lost in time because it's so good!
Another World was fun! I didn't get much of what was going on, a lot of the jokes and stuff were explained to me after, but my minikal Japanese managed to get me understanding some stuff! Koto was a DELIGHT and I think Beni sounds a whole lot better irl than over video, which was a pleasant surprise! Some of the more visual jokes landed for me, stuff like Koto's fear of Bin-chan, as Beni dubs Hanagata Hikaru, and the Maido Cafe joke worked, but what really made it wonderful was the sheer JOY hoshigumi evidently felt during this show. Their glee was infectious and I thrived on it. Kai was delightful as the cheerful idiot friend and everything involving her character and his stupid little movements in the background just. Worked. So so well. I'm so very glad this show exists. Also Anru had a gloriously large role and I absolutely adore her for it. That girl has her life sorted and I support her wholly. (EDIT TO SAY!!! THE BUNRAKU SCENE WAS STUNNING!!!! ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! I LOVE TRADITIONAL THEATRE SO MUCH AND IT WAS AMAZINGLY DONE)
Killer Rouge was. Well. Look. I had heard it maybe wasn't the best revue but I can't state how overwhelming it was to finally sit in the theater, opera glasses our and staring at my favourite people in a fantastic troupe. Aachan, decidedly not a singer, sang far more than I expected which I don't think was the best decision, she's a much better dancer and I think it definitely affected the show. But overall that was maybe my only major issue! Otherwise, it wD just. Joyful. Koto was absurd and illegal and I'm forwarding her my therapy bills from now on because I have to completely change my outlook on life she was. Absurd. Absurd!!! Her Romeo was FIVE YEARS AGO and yet she feels like she's aged fifreen on that period. It's alarming and I'd be more angry if I didn't love it so much. Beni was so fun! I enjoyed just watching her because she's such a delight, especially playing a shit cop getting swindled by lady thief Kai, who. Look. I'm biased but it makes me sad she's completely gone from the running because she's so stupidly charming she deserves a revue of her own just for the sheer absurd level of flirt that would occur. Rena's farewell number was just lovely and I can't get the damn theme out of my head. Maybe not the best revue on paper but it was so hard to separate it from the sheer joy of finally being there, seeing something live. An exhausting day that I don't think I'll forget for a long while.
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zukazukazuka · 7 years ago
Takarazuka Calendar Lineups - for info on size / price visit the website, I’m just gonna quickly put down who is where:
Takarazuka Star Calendar Release date: October 20 Cover Page - Yuzuka Rei and Hoshikaze Madoka January - Asumi Rio Feburary - Miya Rurika March - Makaze Suzuho April - Kurenai Yuzuru May - Nozomi Fuuto June - Todoroki Yuu July - Senna Ayase and Kisaki Airi August - Tamaki Ryou September - Manaki Reika October - Rei Makoto November - Ayakaze Sakina and Maaya Kiho December - Serika Toa
Desktop Calendar Release Date: October 20 January - Aizuki Hikaru February - Toa Reiya and Mao Yuuki March - Towaki Sea, Ayaki Hikari, and Rui Makise April - Houzuki An May - Minami Maito and Asami Jun June - Seo Yuria and Shidou Ryuu July - Ayanagi Shou August - Kazuki Sora, Yuunami Kei, Yumena Rune September - Rinjou Kira, Mana Haruto, Sorahane Riku October - Sakuragi Minato November - Akatsuki Chisei, Rukaze Hikaru, Amahana Ema December - Tsukishiro Kanato
Stage Calendar Release Date: November 10 Covers - Tsukishiro Kanato, Hoshikaze Madoka January - Nozomi Fuuto, Miya Rurika February - Manaki Reika, Seto Kazuya March - Serika Toa, Nagina Ruumi April - Ayanagi Shou, Makaze Suzuho May - Kurenai Yuzuru, Houzuki An June - Maaya Kiho, Rei Makoto July - Asumi Rio, Kisaki Airi August - Nanami Hiroki, Todoroki Yuu September - Hanagata Hikaru, Senna Ayase October - Aizuki Hikaru, Tamaki Ryou November - Sakuragi Minato, Seijou Kaito December - Ayakaze Sakina, Yuzuka Rei 
Personal Calendars Release Date: November 17 Senka - Todoroki Yuu Hanagumi - Asumi Rio, Serika Toa*, Yuzuka Rei Tsukigumi - Tamaki Ryou, Miya Rurika Yukigumi - Nozomi Fuuto, Ayakaze Sakina Hoshigumi - Kurenai Yuzuru, Rei Makoto Soragumi - Makaze Suzuho  *Serika Toa will be transferring to Soragumi on October 30th, 2017
Personal Desktop Calendars Release Date: November 17 Senka - Todoroki Yuu Hanagumi - Asumi Rio Tsukigumi - Tamaki Ryou Yukigumi - Nozomi Fuuto Hoshigumi - Kurenai Yuzuru Soragumi - Makaze Suzuho
Poster Calendar Release Date: November 17 Senka: Hanagata Hikaru, Seijou Kaito, Sao Kurama, Nagina Ruumi Hanagumi: Seto Kazuya Tsukigumi: Uzuki Hayate, Shimon Yuriya Hoshigumi: Nanami Hiroki, Tenju Mitsuki Soragumi: Sumiki Sayato
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goingthemilkyway · 8 years ago
Small Sales Post of Miscellaneous Takarazuka Stuff
I’m making my small collection a little smaller again by putting these few precious items on sale. I hope they’d find a good somebody who could give them at least a little bit more love than I am able to give them at the moment.
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The facts: Prices are in euro (€), shipping fees not included, payment via PayPal. Holding an item is possible for a limited time, if you’re committed to buy.
If you need any further information or more pictures, I’m more than happy to provide you anything you need! You can contact me here on tumblr (reply, DM, anything) or via email, kororonari2904[at]gmail.com.
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Studio 54 dvd – 40 € [SOLD]
Tsukigumi 2010-2011. An Awesome, Delightful and Entertaining show starring Kiriya Hiromu, Aono Yuki and Asumi Rio. Comes with the original postcard.
The Rose of Versailles (Fersen & Antoinette) – Mizu Natsuki digest 20 €
Hoshigumi 2006. For clarification: This is not a full show. It’s a beautiful digest showing us every scene Mizu as Oscar was in (~45 minutes). Bonus track contains special interview with Mizu (~15 minutes) and a curtain call speech from her last performance as Oscar.
Oldies – Takarazuka natsumero song (2012) – 10 € [SOLD]
Oldies goldies, 16 tracks of delightful tunes. Booklet contains lyrics for every song, as well as small (and super cute) pictures of seito in the recording studio.
(Sou Kazuho, Ryuu Masaki, Senna Ayase, Tamaki Ryou, Manaki Reika, Sao Kurama, Renjou Makoto, Tenju Mitsuki, Harukaze Misato, Marino Yui, Natsuki Rei, Mikaze Maira, Kasari Jin, Ayashiro Rea, Konohana Inori.)
Jazz on Time (2012) CD – 10€ [SOLD]
What’s better than jazz? Jazz sung by talented seito, of course. The CD has 22 beautiful, legendary jazzified songs, unfortunately not lyrics and just small pictures of every performer, but the content definitely makes up for it.
(Nozomi Fuuto, Misaki Rion, Nagina Ruumi, Ayana Oto, Uzuki Hayate, Miya Rurika, Renjou Makoto, Fujisaki Eri, Haruka Midori, Harune Aki, Hishiro Yua, Hinazuki Otoha, Ichijou Azusa, Ougi Megumu, Houju Ichi, Shimon Yuriya, Shirotae Natsu, Haruhana Kirara, Momochi Ito, Aikaze Yume.)
Because I couldn’t find the CD listed on TCA anymore (??), have a tracklist as a picture!
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Stage album 2011 – 6€ [SOLD]
Pictures from every performance from the awesome year of 2011, as well as program-like summaries of plot and cast for every Grand Theater play. In 2011 we had Romeo & Juliette, Oceans 11, Phantom, NIJINSKY, oh, the best year. Grab a diamond.
The cover has a few marks from me loving it so, but the pages and everything else is pretty much in A+ condition.
Elisabeth II – 15€ [ON HOLD]
Mainly focusing on yukigumi’s 2007 version of said musical, contains tons of pictures from stage, backstage, Mizu, Tonami and Yumiko’s trip to Vienna, interviews, costume details… As well as many gorgeous pages of tsukigumi’s 2005 version, costume etc comparisons to every zuka production up to date (that was indeed 2007 back then), also a nice and tiny glimpse of the Vienna production. Over 100 pages of this gloriousness, what a dream mook.
Roget / Rock on! Grand theater program – 3€
Yukigumi 2010. (Many cute smols here.)
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2015 desktop calendar – 5 €
Still in its original package, aka in wonderful condition. The year may be long gone, but the ladies are gonna look stunnig probably for the next six hundred years so we don’t really mind, do we?
(Aizuki Hikaru, Tenju Mitsuki, Toa Reiya, Ichijou Azusa, Yuuki Mao, Ayanagi Shou, Seto Kazuya, Ootori Mayu, Tamaki Ryou, Sakuragi Minato, Rinjou Kira, Sumiki Sayato, Sorahane Riku, Ayakaze Sakina, Rei Makoto, Mana Haruto, Houshou Dai, Karyou Shizuru, Tsukishiro Kanato, Serika Toa, Shimon Yuriya, Akizuki Saya, Uzuki Hayate, Houzuki An, Yuzuka Rei)
2014 desktop calendar – 4 €
Two-sided ”cards” with a stand for display. The stand has a tiny mysterious stain on the back, but it definitely won’t affect the experience. (Only now I noticed that you can actually put it on your wall as well!)
Please ask for more pictures!
(Makaze Suzuho, Ouki Kaname, Nozomi Fuuto, Kurenai Yuzuru, Ayakaze Sakina, Sou Kazuho, Seijou Kaito, Ranju Tomu, Nagina Ruumi, Ryuu Masaki, Nanami Hiroki, Asumi Rio, Ayanagi Shou, Mizusu Aki, Ozuki Tooma, Hokushou Kairi, Yumeno Seika, Yuzuki Reon, Toki Irisu, Sagiri Seina, Miya Rurika, Asaka Manato, Hanagata Hikaru, Todoroki Yuu, Saou Kurama)
Postcards – 1€ each
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Kozuki Wataru x2 // Mizu Natsuki x2 // Kiriya Hiromu x2 // Ryuu Masaki & Manaki Reika x2 // Asumi Rio x2 // Sakihi Miyu // Nozomi Fuuto // Ranju Tomu // Ozuki Tooma
Still pictures - 1€ each
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Ouki Kaname [ON HOLD] // Hasumi Yuuya // Aizuki Hikaru // Nozomi Fuuto
Stage pictures – 2€ each
Come and grab your darlings!
(Also - who else hates the original big and blurry pockets for bromides? I do, and that’s why I’ve got a new clear pocket for every single one of them!)
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Ranju Tomu // Oto Kurisu & Ayaki Hikari // Kano Maria & Yuzuka Rei // Asumi Rio (’09 Elisabeth shinko)
Ranju Tomu // Kano Maria’s last day // Melodia (grand theater)
MeMy (2016) B-cast // Yabuki Sena & Hozumi Mahiro // Asumi Rio & Ranno Hana & Hokushou Kairi
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Nozomi Fuuto [ON HOLD] // Manaka Ayu // Renjou Makoto x 2
Nozomi Fuuto x 4 [Sasuke ON HOLD] // Nozomi Fuuto & Taiga Rin
Yumesaki Nene & Yuzuki Reon // Hokushou Kairi & Hinami Fuu // Aizuki Hikaru // Hasumi Yuuya
Stage picture holders - 3,50€ each
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All the albums SOLD!
✰ And that’s all for now! Don’t hesistate to contact me if you need more details!
15 notes · View notes
hoshigomi · 6 years ago
God of Stars//Éclair Brillant review, Hoshigumi, 2019
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I may not have a real summer vacation from work, but my schedule allowed me to take a break this weekend to go down to Takarazuka to catch some of the first/second week of Hoshigumi’s God of Stars and Éclair Brillant! 
(I WILL be seeing this show more in Tokyo and I will probably/maybe be able to refine these thoughts by the time it ends there, but let’s start off with first impressions, shall we? ♡)
First thing’s first, I love Hoshigumi. That’s not a secret. It’s not that I think they can Do No Wrong it’s just that I love them even when they Do Wrong. Thankfully, this is a case where I truly BELIEVE they did no wrong. Both the show and the revue were well suited to Hoshigumi and their cast of characters, and well suited to Kurenai Yuzuru and Kisaki Airi, the retiring top stars, as well. 
God of Stars
Ooh BOY. Whatever you expected when you saw this poster,  multiply that by about a thousand and you’ll maybe be a little closer to right. The English language website has released this plot blurb - feel free to read for some context, if you want! 
Tl; dr-  It’s kind of about the dangers of gentrification, it’s kind of about two idol groups vying to rise to the top, it’s kind of about loving someone despite their flaws, it’s kind of about being loved as you are, and it’s kind of about Iron Chef. It’s zany and it’s FUN and the music (some of which is by famed anime and other-things composer Hyadain) is catchy and memorable. (I have seriously had the main theme and one of the big group numbers stuck in my head all week.) I would call this the most anime play I have ever seen, and I’ve seen anime plays. I would also compare it to Om Shanti Om, if you’ve seen that. There are STACKS AND STACKS of references to new media, actual people, mythology, popular culture, and the actresses themselves (half of their characters are plays on their names, if they’re not playing someone real, like Chow Yun-fat, literally the lead actor from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.)
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If you’re generally a fan of comedies, slapstick, BIG group numbers, anime plays, or things that don’t take themselves too seriously, you’ll love it. It’s just pure fun.  It’s light. It’s loving. It’s energetic. It’s happy. It’s Hoshigumi. There are a few very touching scenes between characters - one in particular between Hong (Kurenai Yuzuru) and Lee (Rei Makoto), made someone within earshot of me cry every time I saw it. For me personally, this show REALLY shone in the group scenes- I never knew quite where to look (not because the main action wasn’t engaging, just because WHEREVER you looked in the group scenes, someone was making a specific, motivated, and usually HILARIOUS character choice), and I sincerely wish I could have a star angle of every actress in every big scene.  So, let’s talk about some of these actresses! 
Kurenai Yuzuru plays Hong Xing -Xing, the chef. He’s an asshole. He has a heart of gold underneath it all, but spends the majority of the play having that bit of him excavated. Again, if you’ve seen Om Shanti Om, think act II Om. I loved it. Beni does shine at this kind of thing, playing loveable assholes. The music ROCKED for her, the over the top RIDICULOUSNESS of this show is where she shines the brightest. She worked with everyone around her to create great moments for some little characters and lent her comedic timing to the whole troupe, it seemed like. I missed the depth that her role in Elbe allowed her to show, and the stillness and emotional intent she’s so heartachingly beautiful at was missing here, but that’s the show’s fault, not hers. I loved this as a taidan role. I’ll miss Beni. I can’t wait to see how her and Hong have grown by Tokyo. 
Kisaki Airi as Eileen Chow particularly kicked ass (figuratively and literally, with slipper kung-fu.) She DEFINITELY wasn’t shafted here (hooray!!) with two solos in her wheelhouse and honestly, I feel, a stronger character than Beni even got. She was spunky and sassy and she looked so damn GOOD in all her costumes. Nothing but respect for MY anime heroine, Eileen Chow. 
Hanagata Hikaru from Senka played Eric Yang of the Golden Star Group, a straight man to everyone else’s completely whack roles, unfortunately a little unremarkable (she’s so comedically GIFTED, but this role was strictly there to advance the plot.) Rei Makoto, the-soon-to-be-top star, was sweet as Lee Long Long  Dragon, Hong’s rival. He’s the classic trope of complete nerd-turned- absolute hottie, when he meets his idol (and literal idol) Christina Chang (Maisora Hitomi, next top musumeyaku). Some of the most universally appreciated humor in this show came from Lee being absolutely FLUSTERED by Christina- and it was really NICE to see these two play together as a couple. They have some SWEET SWEET moments, particularly with their scene together at the end of the play. The seeds of good chemistry are there, and they have the potential to sound really great together. I really hope they don’t sacrifice humor and personality in the long run for pure skill, but I’m optimistic. ♡) 
Yumeki Anru as Kitty, Hong’s Kind Of Girlfriend (and later Chow Yun Fat’s arm candy) was a COMPLETELY INCREDIBLE, SEXY, Sailor Moon Villain-esque nuisance- also may or may not have been directly lifted from Crazy Rich Asians.  
The boy band, Paradise Prince, made up of Kiwami Shin, Amato Kanon, Amahana Ema, Amaki Homare, leader Seo Yuria, and long suffering (but LOVING and mature and full of her own life and opinions and things to Get Done- my only complaint is I wish they let her sing more) manager Arisa Hitomi were a COMPLETE delight. If I could give them the small group ensemble award for just the sheer bullshit they were CONSTANTLY giving us, God I would.  If you didn’t know where to look in God of Stars and you defaulted to them, you’d NEVER be disappointed. From choreographing small routines on the side of the stage to taking selfies and making Tik Toks, they were 100% on all the time. (Also, sounded vocally great and looked great dancing, technical skill wise. I would honestly buy this group as a boy band. Let me know when they release their first single. I’ll buy 10.) (Distinguished performance award goes to Amato Kanon, who is Ken 3 but has the raw power of six upperclassman otokoyaku combined, and is going to be absolutely UNSTOPPABLE in a few years once she learns how to refine ALL THAT.) Kozakura Honoka, Sakuraba Mai, Mizuno Yuri, Seira Hitomi, and leader Maisora Hitomi, make up the girl group, Eclipse, who are used more for transitions and set dressing (albiet FUN set dressing), than plot devices of their own. (Sorry girls, the boys win this idol group battle.) 
Kisaragi Ren (Ren), Mao Yuuki (Mao), Miki Chigusa (Lao Hu), Kizaki Reo (Leo) (see what I’m saying about character names....?), and Shizuki Otone (Michelle) are the working class, good people from Eileen’s life who have stakes in the food hawker stalls, and GOD, they, along with the boy band and the underclassmen ensemble characters, really bring the story to life. Every one of them makes a specific character and sticks to it with care and love and humor and stakes and it’s clear and it’s big and it is, in my opinion, so Hoshigumi. (Also, the roles weren’t huge, but these were still nice for Mao Yuuki and Kisaragi Ren’s last roles in Takarazuka. They were usually together and always funny and got to be in PLENTY of the show, which is all we can ask for.) 
Tenju Mitsuki and Otoha Minori both got to flex their acting chops as Eileen’s parents. Even if I am a little sad that the two of them are now officially playing parents, they ARE old enough that that shouldn’t really be surprising. Tenju Mitsuki especially got to be funny, and Otoha Minori got to be loving and maternal, and I feel that both really milked their roles for all they could. Also, for PARENT ROLES, they were hardly shafted, so I’ll count my blessings now.  
Natori Rei, Mari Yuzumi, Hiroka Yuu, and Sazanami Reira as Demon Bull King, Princess Iron Fan, and The Bodhisattva Candraprabha and Suryaprabha respectively (y’all PLEASE look these characters up I am BEGGING you) were Beni’s family (see the show before you decide whether I’m speaking figuratively or literally) and while the show could have happened without that side plot and only a few tweaks, were a really lovely and worldly addition to the cast. It was FUN to see the Gods and People Of Legends giving context to the story and the other characters, and even more fun to see normal people interacting with them at the end of the play. 
As the newswoman and MC Vimmy, Shirotae Natsu was LITERALLY playing her character from Om Shanti Om, and was just as delightful now as she was then (and one of the times I saw the show, worked INCREDIBLY seamlessly and quickly with Beni to fix a mic issue that could have made a whole scene fruitless.) Iroha Reo was Shirotae Natsu’s assistant MC, and Shidou Ryuu was the producer, both in small but still lovingly crafted roles. Haruto Yuuho’s incredible voice was completely wasted as the silent role of cameraman, but she looked cute as hell in a beanie and glasses. Murasaki Rira as Madam Yang was an absolute joy in the back (or front) of every Golden Star Group scene, playing a little batty and a little flirty and a little spacey and a lot wild and fun. Yuunagi Ryou as Chow Yun Fat, actual Real Life Actor (and for the purposes of this play, the deciding judge of the cooking competition,) was a lot of fun if you love looking at the complete storylines people can come up with in the back of scenes, and your kind of character if you’re into the whole bad boy but also kung fu actor guy thing. Toudou Jun (Sheik Jahuli), Asamizu Ryou (Monsieur Lobchamp), and Minato Rihi (Michiba Juusaburou, NOT to be confused with Actual Iron Chef Michiba Rokusaburou) were the other chefs featured by the Golden Star Group, and MAN, they were all funny.  Toudou Jun had a particularly fleshed out take on her character, more naan jokes than I can count, and a surprising amount of heart in the group scenes with Eileen and co. Ooki Makoto as the priest had one of the best lines in the show, correcting Hong’s reading of a sign, and Otosaki Itsuki, while onstage very little, got a KILLER solo as the dragon boat singer at the start of the Singapore scene mid-show.
If you get a chance, I really recommend you see this show in person. It is a lovingly crafted, well performed, slapstick ride in an Iron Chef meets Cutthroat Kitchen vehicle. It ends with rainbow gyoza and a RAP battle, y’all. The LIFE of it is so shockingly full force in the theatre, as is the volume and the humor and the love that I think endears Hoshigumi to its fans. God of Stars is worth a watch- and even if it ends up not for you, at least you’ll be able to see you saw Naan used as a weapon in a stage fight. ♡
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Éclair Brillant,
(which I learned TODAY is not called ‘Éclair Brilliant’). Is, well, Brilliant. While I wouldn't call this the best Benigumi revue in my eyes, (it's no Killer Rouge, and I am PARTICULAR to Estrellas as fair as Hoshigumi Energy goes), the fact is, everyone has different taste, and besides that, Éclair Brillant is BEYOND good. Here's a quick number by number breakdown (as it goes in my memory.) The opening is CLASSY and CLASSIC. It actually is NOT AT ALL unlike the opening to Bouquet De Takarazuka, but it's silver, not beige. The choreography and music both have moments that DEFINITELY struck me with deja vu. Something interesting is that this revue DOES NOT have a title screen/sign/marquee. I am not SURE why that is. In its place, the music starts (a low hum, very space-y), and the theatre slowly fades to complete darkness, before Kurenai Yuzuru (Beni) is illuminated from the back, the light shining through her gauzy, spacey, alien costume in a VERY cool way that made the audience all ooh and ahh, then the lights come up on her face and we begin. The theme is SWEET. Beni sounds INCREDIBLE in this part of her vocal range. Then, enter the rest of the troupe, Rei Makoto (Coto) gets her solo, Seo Yuria (Seo) and Hanagata Hikaru get time on the bridge, Kisaki Airi (Airi) gets her solo. It's all structurally sound, predictable, and good. This opening is the only place in the revue with a kyakusekiori (actresses in the aisles.) 
The opening ends, and Beni is left on the bridge for a solo number. It's playful and uptempo and and not stylistically unlike Leaning on a Lamppost from Me and My Girl, only a little more introspective and slower. She sits on the stairs to the audience for part of it and really focuses on just singing and acting and being present and it's lovely. 
From there, the curtain rises on a very pastoral, calm, almost blank stage, save for a tree, a couple outdoor tables, some underclassmen playing couples and waiters and waitresses, and Maisora Hitomi with a hat. You can tell this is going to be a dance scene immediately, and it is. (Side note: The underclassmen in this scene ROCK. They have a lot of moments of complete stillness and freezes into very fluid natural movement, and they all maintain their storylines and relations throughout. It's nice to see.) Anyway, Maisora is minding her own business and then a sudden gust of WIND blows through the beautiful scene, her hat is whisked away offstage, she briefly chases after it and then ah, gives up. She goes back to her table presumably to like continue having a normal day and mourn the loss of her hat but surprise, there is the personification of the wind itself (Coto) sitting on her table like a little wind nymph. They dance. It's beautiful. I'd say more but that's all there is to say- they dance and it IS beautiful. I think right now dance is looking like it's going to be their strength because boy, they move REAL WELL together. They're both pretty top tier dancers, and it's cool to see them move so naturally together despite having just met. Maisora also VOCALLY sounds better in this number than she did in God of Stars, in my opinion- it's a pretty, lilting slow tune that she definitely sounds good on. The dance ends with an attempted kiss and some falling feathers, and suddenly, all the people from the scene come running back on, breaking the fantasy (with the hat! They found the hat!), and Maisora ultimately runs back off with them after a pensive glance out, as if wondering if the Wind Spirit who visited her Will Ever Return. Then Coto sings some more. It’s predictably beautiful.
Cumbanchero (the start of the chuuzume, despite being only three songs into the revue) is one of my very favorite numbers in the revue, probably because I have a big ol’ Takarazuka Crush on one of the dancers, but also because it’s just really high energy and it’s danced so WELL. It starts ABRUPTLY and features Kurenai Yuzuru, Mao Yuuki, Shidou Ryuu, Kizaki Reo, Sazanami Reira, Hiroka Yuu, Yuunagi Ryou, Minato Rihi, and Amato Kanon. Man, they can all DANCE. If Coto’s Hoshigumi features these actresses in dance numbers, they’re gonna look GOOD. It’s a nice reprieve from the so far calm and pretty revue and starts to take things over to the sexier/bolder/more sensual Latin-inspired side, where a lot of the rest of the revue sits, musically. (Though like, Takarazuka “Latin” is what it is and we all know that.) Airi gets a turn in the spotlight next, singing a song I WISH I knew the title of, with either a long curly blonde wig or a short brown bob  depending on the show while Ooki Makoto and Kisaragi Ren (hell yeah) get fawned over/pawed at/pushed around by musumeyaku. It’s sensual. Also sensual (but leaning much more towards playful and flirty) is The Next Number In The Chuuzume, sung by Amahana Ema, Kiwami Shin, and Arisa Hitomi. Arisa Hitomi SPECIFICALLY sounds mature and sexy and GOOD and everything a musumeyaku learns to be when you give her a chance to grow up. Some of the kids do coupley samba around them. They’re VERY cute.  The stage goes dark and Beni, Airi, and Coto appear- they dance around each other and with each other in every combination possible while Mikkii sings on the stairs- and God, I could talk for ages about how much I love when they let Mikkii sing for duet/trio dances. She brings out all the emotion in the songs and gives the dancers so much space to play in. The END OF THE CHUUZUME is set to The Gift (by Eydie Gorme). It’s too short. The music rocks. It’s all samba stepping and teasing grinning and I loooooved it. Otherwise though, it was a very standard chuuzume. (One of my ONLY complaints about this revue is that I DO wish they took the chance to do something a little more BeniAiri. Anyone can do a Nice Chuuzume. These two have such play and humor in them, and I would have loved to see something more like Championne from Estrellas as their last chuuzume. It was still VERY solid and very good, but lacking in personalization.)
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After the chuuzume, Seo comes on surrounded by eight musumeyaku (Seira Hitomi, Mizuno Yuri, Nijou Hana, Kuresaki Rino, Miyako Yuuna, Sumika Amane, Ruri Hanaka, and Ayane Miran. You didn’t expect Seo Yuria to sing Mas Que Nada with the dirtiest bass line I have ever heard, but here she is, singing it (well!). Seo sings across the bridge and it feels filthy somehow and I have NO idea what to do with it. Everyone in this number is trying to ooze sex appeal out of every pore in their body. Some of them ARE succeeding. This number makes me more uncomfortable than excited, but I think your mileage may vary here.
Ravel’s Bolero is the best number in Éclair Brilliant, and may be one of the best numbers in any revue ever. It’s very long, but I don’t think it’s long ENOUGH. There is NO singing. There is no sound from the actresses save for stepping and clapping and the occasional stomp. 
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These are two pictures from the number but they don’t even BEGIN to do it justice. I am PRAYING the DVD captures it, but the real magic in this number is how groups of dancers use the stage, how they line up SHARPLY and PERFECTLY in place, how they move on and off the stage with incredible fluidity but INTENSE movements, how groups move in sync or against each other, the lighting being low and shadowy- this number was perfect. I am a HUGE sucker for loud flashy funny in your face- and this sharp, understated, stripped down dance number could have brought me to tears. This was one of the most incredible things I have ever seen in any Takarazuka show, and deserves a spot in ANY Best Of list that’s ever compiled from here on out. 
It’s hard to top Bolero, so for a tonal shift, next we have our Taidan Number/Rockette. And honestly? It’s well timed. The taidan medley is Hanagata Hikaru (not retiring), Shirotae Natsu and Yumeki Anru (ALSO not retiring), and our incredible, wonderful, brilliant taidansha, Kisaragi Ren and Mao Yuuki, singing Frank Sinatra’s That’s Life. It’s full of heart and earnesty and smiles and it’s honest and fun and these people on this stage love each other, and they love what they do, and it’s so EASY to see. Renta dances and sings with the same 200% she always gives, and Mao Yuuki takes in everything and everyone around her every time I see her do this number. It’s gonna be BRUTAL on the last day. The four upperclassmen join the rockettes for the first part of their dance (which is CUTE), and then run off to let the girls do their thing.
The rockettes end and a new set of feathers takes the stage- Beni, Airi, Maisora Hitomi, Kiwami Shin, Arisa Hitomi, and Amahana Ema in a slinky, sequined leotard bird of paradise number (Beni has some notes in this song that give me CHILLS in the best way)- and they’re eventually shoo’d off by Coto, Amato Kanon, Aomi Sario, Sakishiro Kei, and Kisa Kaoru, in MORE exciting bird-of-paradise costumes, and a more upbeat and aggressive and slinkier dance. (It was COOL to see Kisa Kaoru and Sakishiro Kei included in here- I don’t feel like I’ve really seen them do anything to date, and they’re both solid! Aomi Sario is familiar and Amato Kanon is climbing the ladder quick.)
The next number is nothing short of beautiful. It’s a Beni dance solo (again, no singing at all- the ending of Éclair is a little sparse on vocals), until she is joined by most of the Hoshigumi musumeyaku, all in flowy pink petals, with an electric shamisen. It was VERY falling-sakura-esque. It was STUNNING. They fall and they scatter and they twirl and Beni is in the midst of it all, and by the end of the song...
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-the petals have all fallen and we are in place for one of my favorite kuroenbi ever. In fact, the whole rest of this revue is beautiful. This kuroenbi is more electric shamisen, a lot of high kicks, a lot of sharp and bold movement and interesting lines and groups of younger actresses and groups of older actresses taking turns centerstage and (a beautifully funny moment between Beni, Renta, and Mao Yuuki that IS a tonal shift for a brief few seconds, but doesn’t interrupt the flow of the dance at all, and is just so ... heartwarming to see. It’s lovely to see the taidansha honored in a way that’s so purely them.)
All the otokoyaku save for seven (Rei Makoto, Hanagata Hikaru, Mao Yuuki, Seo Yuria, Shidou Ryuu, Amahana Ema, and Kiwami Shin) exit the stage, and Airi enters. Coto sings a beautiful song to Airi as Airi gets to dance with all her otokoyaku in turn, it’s also playful and flirty and loving and Mao lifts her and spins her SO well- the dance only ends at its climax when Beni runs onstage from behind Airi and catches her- Airi has found her real partner and the duet dance begins in earnest with just the two of them. It is, as you’d want for the two of them, very sweet, very loving, very kind, and very much just two people who love each other and have gotten to know each other so well.
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 It suits them, and their smiles and the amount of HUGGING in this dance is exactly what they deserve. It’s a good taidan duet dance. It’s a good Beni/Airi taidan duet dance. 
Overall, I think Éclair was very good. It honored a lot of what has made Beni and Airi’s Hoshigumi what it was, in the little moments, but didn’t drown itself in kitsch. That said, I might have liked to see a LITTLE more of their personalities in the revue- I can almost say it felt like Éclair was ushering in Coto’s new era of Hoshigumi a little early and a little rushed. This would have been a BRILLIANT mid-top-run revue for this pair, because GOD did it show that they’re capable of more than the humor and energy that they’re too often pinholed into by Takarazuka fans in general. That is without a doubt their wheelhouse, but both Kurenai Yuzuru and Kisaki Airi are a LOT more than funny. It was incredible to see so much of that in a revue, because while we’ve seen it in plays, they haven’t really had a revue that feels this classic (to me), to date. It was a good revue to pair with God of Stars, though, because the full three hours gave you little bites (haha) of the incredible range that both these actresses have. 
I loved God of Stars and Éclair Brillant. I loved them as a pair. I love Kurenai Yuzuru and Kisaki Airi as a pair. I love Hoshigumi for everything they are and everything every actress brings to the table, and I can not wait to see how this show and the actresses have grown by the time it reaches Tokyo. ♡
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zukadiary · 6 years ago
Hoshigumi Small Theaters ~ Spring 2019
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I am five entire shows behind on reviews and I hate it!!
But I finally make it to Kansai!! I conveniently managed to see these guys on back to back days upstairs and downstairs in the same building. If nothing else I think I am 500% more educated on Hoshigumi after this trip.
Man from Algiers / Estrellas 2.0
Man from Algiers ticks all the National Tour buttons—old, done many times, ambiguous time period (useful for traveling costume recycling, i.e. why not just use the rainbow sports jackets we need for Estrellas anyway!)—and while I’m not surprised that Coto can make just about anything good, I was a bit surprised at how much I enjoyed the show itself (this was the first time I’d seen it at all, which was a blessing as the surprise ending was my favorite part). 
I can definitely envision it in all its original 70s glory, and it made me wonder if they really just wanted to exploit a West Side Story aesthetic’s swoon-inducing abilities and came up with the plot later; the opening looks and choreography were awfully familiar. Am I saying it didn’t work?
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No I am not saying that.
(And the resulting prologue number was really cool).
The story, while dated, was simple and easy to follow, and does a great job of making sure you understand each character’s motivation with minimal info (difficult AND clutch for one-acts). There’s a good summary on the wiki, I’m including spoilers not mentioned there.
Team National Tour is definitely the lighter side of the troupe split, especially with regard to upperclassmen, but I thought Algiers was a good fit for this particular arrangement of members, and everyone really nailed their characters. Most notable: 
Julien is a despicable person, and it’s a testament to Coto’s pure heart and brimming talent that she made him a totally valid protagonist, complete with moments that made my heart lurch a little (when his old friends are bullying him in his cute little chauffeur outfit; how quickly he abandons everything to stand by Sabine when everything goes to hell at the end). 
It was very weird first not to see Aichan in Ocean’s and then to see her hanging out with a percentage of Hoshigumi, but this cast needed her. Her Jacques (albeit very reminiscent of her Bernardo) was a good balance for Coto; they both played unsavory people, but Aichan playing bad has kind of a darker streak that suits the more evil friend well, whereas Coto playing bad still has an undercurrent of goodness that gets you fully on board with his journey to reform.
Otoha Minori as Sabine was a good choice not only for her abs in the gold night club bikini dress, but for her maturity, which lended sincerity to Sabine’s fantasy-level selflessness in her concern for Julien and her desire to watch over him. When she shoots Jacques in her dressing room to get him out of the way so he can’t interfere with Julien’s new life, I was so impressed that it read as an act of sacrifice (however excessive and stupid) purely out of love and desire to see Julien continue to grow and succeed, instead of “look at what I did for you, come back to me!”
Asamizu Ryou played Bollinger, the dude who takes Julien in and grooms him for upper-crust success, opposite not just Coto (her senpai) but Shirotae Natsu (her mega-senpai), and she did it with a surprising amount of gravitas. She’s got that face which definitely helps, but she was a little scary and exuded a lot of authority. Shirotae Natsu was hilarious as the extraordinarily airheaded wife, and her interjections may have even been singlehandedly responsible for keeping the pacing of the show brisk and entertaining. 
Sakuraba Mai played the Bollingers’ daughter Elizabeth. She was detestable, but in the way that indicates a great acting job. She’s at that awkward spot where it looks like she’s getting almost heroine weight roles in small theaters and disappearing in grand theaters. I hope they keep pushing her because she’s very strong.
Number one heartbreaker Kozakura Honoka (voice of an angel!) played blind Annabel, daughter of Kumichou/a very influential duchess. She mostly stays inside alone, and then Julien woos her with the intention of climbing the social/political ladder (while developing feelings for Elizabeth and also really never getting over Sabine). Annabel overhears Julien confessing his feelings to Elizabeth and asks her attendant Andre (Kiwami Shin, in love with Annabel) to let her kill herself. Honoka apparently put an immense amount of time and research into acting blind and it showed. 
Fellow American Sayaka Rin had probably the most lines she’s had yet, in a role formerly held by both Takashio Tomoe and Hyuuga Kaoru <3 
My personal MVPs of this show were Shidou Ryuu and Kiwami Shin, Shidou not even for doing anything particularly spectacular, but just just for having grown so much since I first became aware of her existence via the Koumori shinko 3+ years ago. She’s always going to be on the cute side rather than the devastating side IMO, but she’s developed enough confidence and control in her acting that she’s become a really lovable best friend/brother type; her character’s relationship with Julien and secret-but-obvious admiration of his far superior coolness was really adorable. Andre (Shin) isn’t a super juicy role until the very end, but the way Shin did Andre’s quiet breakdown when Annabel was explaining she didn’t want to live anymore, and then her poise when Andre came out of nowhere and shot Julien just as he and Sabine were trying to run away from shooting Jacques (?!??!) was like, my jaw actually dropped. Granted she’s still super young, but Shin isn’t someone who has thus far impressed me proportionately to the amount they’re pushing her, so this mini breakout was nice to see. 
Estrellas (a revue that I loved!), like all tour revues with less than half the cast and no staircase, felt quite small, at least from the B-seki side box. But in the smallness, normally unseen people get to shine, and there were moments that had me bouncing in my chair. Amato Kanon is going to grow up dangerous (if Tennis Daughter doesn’t just consume all the otokoyaku below 98th); in the opening with everyone else beaming she was smoldering. Aichan and Anru took Kai’s medley (with different songs) and made it a very cute douki thing. Sazanami Reira needs to dance closer to the front more often. Ruri Hanaka (who, bless her heart, cannot sing, at least not like a musumeyaku) somehow snagged Airi’s part in Tonight is What it Means to be Young, and despite the singing, absolutely killed it; that girl can DANCE and she’s got sass and arm muscles for days and a look in her eye like she’ll superglue you to your makeup table if you cross her. 
And boy, Coto looks good in that top position. The talent is really stupid, but on top of that she has such warmth. I’m really excited for her Hoshigumi.
Kamatari accomplished a feat, because admittedly I went in having already biased myself against it; I thought Beni and Airi getting a weird nihonmono for their last small theater was dumb and just about as NOT THEM as you can get.
But I take it back! It was lovely!
For starters it was visually stunning, which feels like the thing you say when you’re trying to convince yourself that you liked a nihonmono you didn’t actually understand a word of... but in this case, it really was just a bonus. The story (summary here) is not actually all that complicated, and the dialogue was even on the friendly side for nihonmono—no weird dialects (beyond what it always takes to decipher Beni), no 12th level keigo. 
Act 1 introduces Kamatari (Beni) and Soga no Iruka (Hanagata Hikaru) meeting as youths in school and developing a friendship, and then takes us, as far as I can tell, fairly historically accurately through the events leading up to and including the Isshi Incident. Act 2 was a little harder for me to follow; but it seems to be just a progression of Kamatari’s struggles living under the new post-incident emperor Naka no Oe (Seocchi), with whom he’d conspired to eliminate Soga no Iruka, and the former empress/Naka no Oe’s mother (Kuracchi), who wants to see Kamatari suffer, because she both loved Iruka and couldn’t side against her son. 
Most of the roles were pretty small so there are fewer standouts, but here they are:
This was the third in a progression of Hoshi shows I saw live (the other two being Another World and Elbe) that really helped cement my respect for Beni and Airi’s brand of chemistry. At the beginning of her top run, I was skeptical about Beni’s ability to generate romantic chemistry with anyone at all (Scarlet Pimpernel didn’t really help me with that, and I haven’t seen anything between that and Another World). They definitely don’t have sizzling hot chemistry, and they don’t have that cute newlywed chemistry either, but I noticed watching Kamatari that in the last few Hoshi things I’ve seen, I’ve found it very easy to believe how deeply Beni loves Airi in whatever world they’re portraying. They have like, comfortable old married couple chemistry (yes, even when they’re playing love at first sight). Their moments in Kamatari were very tender, but in a wholesome “aw, she cooked for him” kind of way. Yoshiko (Airi) also had a lovely part at the end, where the two of them are old, and Kamatari’s health is failing, and they go back to the spot where they met, and she says their life wasn’t always easy, and they suffered, and they struggled, but in the end she can honestly say she had fun, and she’s truly happy. I teared up! It was sweet and meta! That alone convinced me it wasn’t a bad last small theater for them.
Hanagata Hikaru was SO much the star of Act 1 that it had me wondering if this was gonna turn out to be HER taidan present (but then she died and didn’t appear in Act 2 at all). I can’t complain because she kicked ass. I feel like I said this exact thing re: Another World, but Mitsuru is normally about as vanilla as it gets for me, but she blew me away. The pompous genius school kid to the idealistic young man to the uncertainty that comes with the reality of seizing power to the change to tyranny mixed with love for the empress and complicated feelings for his childhood friend all flowed seamlessly.
Not that I’ve watched a ton of Hoshi recently, but this was the best role Tenju Mitsuki has gotten in GOD I can’t even remember how long. Esaka is in service of the (state? empire?) as a historical record keeper, and serves kind of as a narrator as well (along with Itsuki Chihiro). I don’t even know how to describe how she characterized him... he’s odd? Maybe a little off? Regardless, she was brilliant. Watch it.
Arisa Hitomi has that empress energy for sure. I read up on the history of the events afterwards, and the explanation of why she had to give up the throne after witnessing such violence (the idea back then that an empress couldn’t be sullied by such things), and that made the sensitivity with which Kuracchi portrayed her feel even more poignant the more I sat with it afterwards.
This was the first show where to me Seocchi felt like she belonged up there with Beni and Mitsuru. She definitely put some weight behind Naka no Oe and was very princely. NOW I wanna see her tackle a more interesting/challenging (and tbh more Hoshigumi) role from up in this spot. 
All in all now I’m a little sad I won’t be around for God of Stars.
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hoshigomi · 6 years ago
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Disclaimer: I can’t call this a review. I don’t really speak Japanese, and what I understand is sort of limited, so I don’t think it’s fair for me to put my thoughts and opinions out as a REVIEW. I absolutely did not grasp the entirety of this show and will not pretend I did.  I’m just someone who really loves Takarazuka, knows some Japanese, loves Hoshigumi more than air, is enthralled with Thunderbolt Fantasy as a show in and of itself, and was privileged enough to see this production four times. Here is a (very long) collection of thoughts!
This entire experience was a blast from start to finish.  When Thunderbolt Fantasy was announced as Hoshigumi’s tour show, I think a lot of us were rightfully CAUTIOUSLY CURIOUS about the entire situation, especially after we looked up the source material and found a PUPPET SHOW. I remember watching the first episode with a friend, having only the tentative top/nibante/top musumeyaku casting and thinking “wow that’s uh ambitious and confusing but I kind of love it.”  Well, reader, I can personally confirm that in the end, I more than kind of loved it.  I’m currently nine episodes into the TV series and what I can say is the Takarazuka production MOSTLY follows it so far, up until about episode seven, where they start making some sacrifices in order to fit a 13 episode TV show into an hour and some change stage production. Names are a bit confusing, and even the Takarazuka main website put up a glossary of terms, so you know you’re getting into Something before you even start. 
The BASIC, BASIC, BARE BONES PLOT is as follows (I am using the JAPANESE CHARACTER names for consistency):  
Tan Hi (Kisaki Airi) and her brother, Tan Ko (Toudou Jun) are part of a clan that is tasked with protecting a sacred sword. Obviously, A Group Of Bad Guys™ led by Betsu Ten Gai (Tenju Mitsuki) followed by Ryo Mi (Arisa Hitomi), Cho Mei (Amahana Ema), and Zan Kyo (Ooki Makoto) ALSO want the sacred sword. Tan Hi and Tan Ko are ambushed and attacked by Zan Kyo, and Tan Ko (Airi’s character’s brother) is killed. Tan Hi escapes with the hilt of the sacred sword (hereafter: TENGYOKEN), but is in pretty bad shape. 
Meanwhile in the woods, Shou Fu Kan (Nanami Hiroki), a wandering swordsman, is trying to escape the rain and does so by taking an umbrella from over a Buddha Statue. Enter Lin Setsu A (Kurenai Yuzuru), a VERY CANONICALLY MYSTERIOUS AND VAGUE guy who immediately starts giving Shou Fu Kan grief for taking the Buddha’s umbrella, to which Shou Fu Kan replies, “If the stone Buddha gets wet, it will be fine, but if I get wet, I will catch a cold.” Touche, cute swordsman. Enter Tan Hi, still being pursued by Zan Kyo. Tan Hi is in very bad shape, and Shou Fu Kan fights Zan Kyo, Zan Kyo severs his own head.  After, in the land of evil, Betsu Ten Gai receives Zan Kyo’s severed head (really) and accesses his memory, the last of which is Shou Fu Kan giving his name immediately before Zan Kyo is beheaded. Betsu Ten Gai now is targeting Shou Fu Kan who obviously has something to do with the Tengyoken. Betsu Ten Gai sends his lackeys after Shou Fu Kan and co. 
I won’t go any more into the plot (and unfortunately Wikipedia can’t really help you), but if you’re interested I really recommend you watch the TV show, because it is INTERESTING. From there, Ken San Un (Rei Makoto) enters and joins the party because he is a classic cocky charming young boy protagonist who wants to make a name for himself, along with Lin Setsu A’s old “friends”, Shu Un Sho (an archer, played by Kizaki Reo), Kei Gai (a NECROMANCER played by Yumeki Anru), and Setsu Mu Sho, (a LITERAL SERIAL KILLER who wants Lin Setsu A DEAD, played by Mao Yuuki.) Every one of these characters has a complicated and not overtly stated motive, and NONE of them agree on any tactics which is further complicated by the fact that half of them aren’t even human and Demon Motives Are Different. The one thing they have in common is that they all want the Tengyoken out of Betsu Ten Gai’s hands. 
THE PLAY ITSELF:  This was an anime stage play. If you like anime stage plays, you will LOVE Thunderbolt Fantasy. If you have ever loved a video game, an anime, a fantasy story, or THOUGHT you might love a video game, anime, or fantasy story, this play is going to be FUN for you. I felt like I was INSIDE a game in the Final Fantasy series. The technical aspects of the show BLEW ME AWAY. The coolest lighting effects I have seen in my life are in this play. The set is effective at getting across where we are, and projections are used to pretty cool effect this time around, in my opinion. There are LITERALLY only three and a half sung songs in this entire musical, one being the title song sung by the main players, one being another T.M. Revolution song sung by Kurenai Yuzuru to introduce the rest of the characters, one beautiful sweet little half song sung by Kisaki Airi, and one being just something they gave Rei Makoto at the start of the show because she’s technically Hoshigumi’s nibante but you wouldn’t know it just from watching this show.  Which brings us to the cast!
THE CAST: PERFECT and weird. Kurenai Yuzuru as Lin Setsu A was honestly genius. I saw this production with a friend who knows only a little about Takarazuka, knows Beni tangentially, has seen one episode of Thunderbolt Fantasy and she said “that role was made for Beni.” He is sly and manipulative and FUNNY and his motives are ENTIRELY unknown. Beni sings what she sings fantastically, and it’s VERY good to see her slinking around the stage with a sly fox smile all the time.  Nanami Hiroki as Shou Fu Kan. I wouldn’t normally list her second, but in this case, she was the nibante role. I have NO idea why this didn’t go to Rei Makoto, except maybe because Kai can play a disgruntled but good natured adult man better than she can play a like spunky sixteen year old boy. Shou Fu Kan is the protagonist of Thunderbolt and they did NOT change that even ONE BIT for this play. The story directly relied on her action and without spoiling anything, the coolest stage magic and ridiculously anime moment I have ever seen in my life involved her center stage in the final battle, Making It Happen. She has pretty much The Last Moment in the show. She has one-liners and dry humor and handles stage combat INCREDIBLY. Shou Fu Kan is just a morally good guy who doesn’t want trouble and does want to Do The Right Thing. This role was AMAZING for her (I am biased.), and I can’t wait to see how the tour audiences take it. 
Kisaki Airi as Tan Hi. This is my favorite role I have ever seen Airi in. She was the best at stage combat in the entire troupe, and she acted her pants off. Her character goes through a lot of unecessary bullshit and suffering and she remains wholly likeable through it all. Her motivations are clear and her relationships with the other characters are believable and specific. She also has some really lovely comic bits.
Rei Makoto as Ken San Un. Coto was playing a spunky kid and honestly Coto was born to play spunky kids (but what wasn’t Coto born to play?) Ken San Un has an ego that IS backed up by skill, and he really just wants to Make A Name For Himself, Impress A Girl, and do the right thing. Her voice is as usual, killer, and her character is INSANELY charming, especially when interacting with Tan Hi. There’s a lot of complexity in this role too, and Coto handles it fantastically. They padded this role out a lot, which worked well and didn’t seem forced whatsoever, but even so, it was a solidly supporting role. Hopefully Coto got some well deserved rest in the process.
The rest of the roles were similarly well-cast. Hoshigumi’s focus on ensemble casts like they did here and with Another World REALLY do them all some favors. Tenju Mitsuki made short but crucial appearances as the MAIN VILLAN and got to show off the unhinged wildness that made her Mercutio so fantastic. Amahana Ema and Arisa Hitomi were good henchmen, Arisa Hitomi has a cool little fight and a costume with neat slits that make her movement interesting. The characters could have dealt with more development, but they’re also fairly one-dimensional in the show. Mao Yuuki as a serial killer was hard to buy, but she did what she could with a role that in the TV show is like stoic and, well, literally a puppet. Yumeki Anru kind of absolutely SLAYED being a hot demon with a whip, her interactions with fellow demonic entity Beni were true to the show, and she sings fantastically. Kizaki Reo is actually insanely handsome as the really gruff archer with (surprise) also dubious morals. Her voice also SHOCKED me in all the right ways. Other characters were played by everyone else, and the smaller cast meant that a lot of the kids got little moments in prolonged exposition scenes as storytellers or townspeople or evil henchmen. This troupe is in good hands with the younger ones, I think. Shoutout to EVERY ONE OF THE MAIN CAST (and Ruri Hanaka and Sumika Amane, playing TINY roles) for balancing weird puppet-inspired physicality and quirks from the show with like, actual human acting and movement.
More of us have seen Killer Rouge, so this doesn’t need as much from me.  This production, as a tour, has gone through some changes. Notably, the postman number sung by Seo Yuriya/Honoka Kozakura/Seira Hitomi was cut (and literally none of those three were in this because of Bow Hall/injury (get well, Honoka ♥️ ). Solos sung by Toa Reiya/Hanagata Hikaru/Seo Yuriya were mostly distributed to Amahana Ema/Tenju Mitsuki/Kizaki Reo/Amato Kanon etc. The Nippon Seinenkan stage doesn’t make ANY sense for this revue, which originally made pretty nice use of stairs/the ginkyou/the SPACE they had in Mura and Tokyo.  Mask of Rouge got ANOTHER wig option and Nanami Hiroki seems to just be rotating through them entirely at her own chaotic will, which creates a really high stakes Russian Roulette Situation in terms of how Hot Mask Of Rouge Will Be.  The Rose of Versailes/Disgaea/Wonder Rouge section of the revue was SOLIDLY the most charming thing I have ever seen in my life.  Mao Yuuki has joined the Wonder Five audience participation bit in place of Seo Yuriya and Tenju Mitsuki is up there in place of Hanagata Hikaru. This troupe can ad lib like NO ONE’S BUSINESS or more accurately, Beni and Airi can ad lib like no one’s business, Coto occasionally has some bursts of inspiration, and Kai can’t begin to keep a straight face when put on the spot.  There are a lot of new numbers, and all of them are in my opinion, really Good. There’s also a LENGTHY Beniko/Aiko/Reiko ad lib section always beginning with some discussion about studying Chinese and always giving away the fact that Coto and Airi are working harder at that than Beni seems to be.  That said, Beni does have a REALLY BEAUTIFUL AND SIMPLE AND CLASSIC solo kuroenbi situation that is in Chinese and to my (English speaking ears) it sounds really good. We’ll see I guess.  Coto/Airi/Ema have a HEAVY METAL ROCK NUMBER that’s kind of hot and totally in all their powerhouse ranges.  The pegasus/everyone in multicolored outfits is really satisfying to me and would be to any other Hoshigumi fan despite the fact that I don’t love Toa Reiya’s taidan solo going to someone else (which I admit is just maybe because I loved Toa Reiya.)  There’s a cute little number (Timing) with Airi, Minato Rihi, and Yuunagi Ryou. Yuunagi Ryou is CUTE. The number is cute. The kickline was a little different and also involved some girls who weren’t in it originally because it’s not just the whole 104th class anymore and they needed to make up for THAT in a fierce way. Shoutout to all the girls who jumped in and killed it. ♥️ Ruri Hanaka specifically caught my eye and also had a nice solo in the whole costume party number.  Jounetsu no Arashi was replaced for whatever reason but the number thats in it’s place now is equally as hot and like involves some counting in Spanish and a lot of rowdy otokoyaku energy which is my single greatest weakness. 
For me, as a Hoshigumi fan until the day I die probably, Killer Rouge was incredible. So many people got little chances to shine, and the fun the actresses were having with it was PALPABLE. I loved the vast majority of the costumes and set pieces and little themed moments, and I loved the new numbers, and I did not miss the numbers that were cut (save for Jounetsu no Arashi because Coto licking her lips was pretty good.) I got to see the people I love most doing a revue that was so joyful and energetic and group-focused. I could not have asked for more. 
I’d give Thunderbolt Fantasy/Killer Rouge a 100/10, which will surprise no one who has ever met me. 
Thanks Hoshigumi, and good luck in Taiwan!
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