#star wars infinties 1
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nihtscada · 2 months ago
boba fett is fine as fuck tbh send tweet
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Star Wars Infinities #1
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gremlin-bot · 1 year ago
wip ask & tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @fanfiction-artist-prototype !! this will be a mistake!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The Unfortunate Confusion of Courting a Violent Bird
Down The Line, Flowers Of Mine
You’re about to find out
Drake's are magics
magic Tim :)
Corpse in the garden
break up
Danny just wants a grave (to be loved)
Punk danny in gotham
Johnny's old bike used by jason
Vanishing BatPham AU Danny As ethan and Constinten as Paul
Power Quadrouple AU
STOVE prompt
Footage of life before the past
head in the Game: Heart in the Zone
Gotham's own royalty, (living and dead)
Danny siren of gotham
oh core! oh core! Where are ye?
Mourning Danny
Escape this
Last pice of infinty prompt
Time likes some wings
Smut fic, yes the one with star wars
Body's more then just flesh, you can sell it for success
1 new reply
A place to go (Kiss me better)
There is Closure, Just Adaption to Life
Messages From the Formally Deceased
sexy times ig
Kwan flash villain
Kyle weston & JLD
Mother of monsters
Tattoo And Piercer Mido!!!!
Ass class & BNHA
Bnha fae Izuku&Aizawa AU
tagging @spite-sapphic-starlight @gilbirda @bewitched-forest
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movieswithmac · 4 years ago
Hi everyone!!!
For today’s topic, it’s going to be my favourite top 5 movies from the last 10 years. That’s 2000 - 2020!!
1. Ocean’s 8
Kicking off with the ultimate girl power movie, Ocean’s 8 is the brilliant retake on the 2001 movie franchise of the Ocean’s series starring George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts.
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This all girl take is everything you need for a girls night in..or out, pulling of the biggest jewellery heist in history. It has an all star cast from actresses, singers and rappers. Starring Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchet, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Rhianna, Sarah Paulson, Awkwafina and Mindy Kaling.
They have totally brought in amazing women from every field of the entertainment industry and it was genius!!
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It’s the perfect movie that shows just how smart, strong, sexy and determined woman really are. This is one to grab the popcorn, get the ice cream and cosy up on the couch with your best girlfriends and watch how this brilliant team get away with $30 million EACH!!
Now that’s a sum i’d risk jail time for, would you?
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There are 3 movies prior to Ocean’s 8. These are Ocean’s Eleven(2001), Ocean’s Twelve(2004), Ocean’s Thirteen(2007) and Ocean’s 8 following in 2018.
2. Joker
We all know about the running rivalry between DC Comics and Marvel. Who do you prefer, Batman/Superman(DC) or The Avengers(Marvel)? Personally, I prefer Marvel, however, taking on of the DC characters.. the Joker and making an entire new kind of movie, really stuck with me.
Director Todd Phillips(The Hangover), had an alternative view on the Joker and he created a more real time version, and we loved it!
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If you know the Jokers character in many DC films, you’ll know that he’s an anarchist, crazy, screws loose and very dangerous if he gets his own way.
Todd Phillips done something new and took the viewers behind the scenes of the Joker, giving us just a small understanding of why he is the way he is. Touching on mental health and how society treats those who are known to have a ‘mental illness’, it identifys the stigma and what that stigma can do to a person, inside and out.
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Starring the fantastic Joaquin Phoenix, he plays the character beautifully and really pulls us into the role with him. Slowly losing the will to live and then causing enough uproar to finally be heard by others that share his views on the corrupt world we live in today. It truly is a masterpiece, brought to our screens in 2019. Simply amazing.
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3. Avengers: Infinity War
Going to the otherside of hero’s and bad guys, Marvel Comics creater Stan Lee who sadly passed away in 2018, has pulled us into his world of superhumans that we just can’t help but love. Avengers is an amazing series of men and women who protect us from the evils of other worlds.
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The best team of weird and wonderful avengers that fight off any uninvited guests that try to take over our beloved planet.
Avengers Infinty War is the 21st movie in the Avengers series, there is currently 23 movies in total with more still to come, and it is a real tear jerker if you’re properly invested in the series..which I am.
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From the off, they look like ordinary people with exception of a few, but they are the monster fighting super humans that are there for us on more than one occasion. No matter how big the threat, they protect us. Infinity War brings us their biggest challenege yet, Thanos.
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Thanos is the destroyer of worlds and his theory is that by wiping out half the planet, will make for a better planet? Where is his logic that killing billions of innocent people is the best decsion for us? He’s big, he’s purple, he’s strong and one small problem..he’s collecting infinity stones, the Avengers need to stop him before it’s too late!!
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Avenegers is an all star cast with some of the biggest names in the industry. Starring Robert Downey, Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlette Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Elizabeth Olsen, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Paul Bettany, Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Tom Holland, Chadwisck Boseman, Zoe Saldana, Paul Rudd and Dave Bautista. The levels of talent here are incredible and they do a brilliant job.
But can they save us this time?
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Movies I have seen so far in 2018
A few of these arent new movies, just ones ive watched for the first time in 2018. I felt like doing this cuz I really love watching movies and felt that it might be a good version of those "good things" jars, but instead it's movies I saw. Some reviews are short, mostly cuz I didnt really have much in the way of opinions, but I did have something to say.
Just incase you havent seen them. I have tried to keep them spoiler free, but if you dont want even vague non spoiler spoilers, the list of movies is as follows; 
The Grand Budapest; The greatest showman; Jumanji: out of the jungle, King Arthur: legend of the sword, The Black Panther, Shape of water, Thor Ragnarok, the Emoji Movie, the Good Dinosaur, Jurassic world, Incredibles 2, Hotel Transylvania 3, Ant-man, A Wrinkle in Time, Lara croft: tomb raider, Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2, Spider-man homecoming, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Avengers age of ultron (semi live blogged), Captain America civil war, Avengers Infinty War, Deadpool 2016, King Arthur the one with kiera knightly, Deadpool 2, The Nutcracker, four realms, Venom, Love, Simon, Ready player one, Aquaman, Solo, a star wars story, Ghost stories (2018), Wreck it Ralph, Ralph breaks the internet, Goosebumps 2, Hidden figures, The meg, Pacific Rim, Pacific rim uprising, Wrath of the Titans, Mission impossible: fallout,Oceans 8, The Breadwinner, Mune, Operation Finale, The House With A Clock In Its Walls, Bad times at the El Royale, Outlaw king, Gnome alone, Journey to the center of the earth, Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy, Vvitch, Ex machina, To all the boys ive loved before, Extraordinary Tales, The Golden Compass, Erramentari, the blacksmith and the devil, Dragon heart, The black klansman, Robin Hood 2018, The Princess of Thieves, First Man, Bohemian Rhapsody, What we do in the Shadows, Overlord, For the Love of Spock, Next Gen, Small Foot, The Spy who Dumped Me, The Nun, Kin, Crazy Rich Asians, Spider-Man, Into the Spiderverse, A simple favor, Predator 2018, Rampage, 47 meters down, 2036 Origin Unknown, 2001 A Space Oddessey, The Martian
The grand Budapest hotel - good, great visuals. I enjoyed it.
The greatest showman - wonderful music, actual circus parts were good, the rest was boring. Its really short, and I felt it focused to much on the drama in pt barnums life, too much focus on a silly fuax love triangle, not enough on the acts themselves. I went in hoping to see the acts interact and actually be presented as the forefront. The beginning showed this magnificent scene with the acts, with this wonderful musical number that made me tear up. But then, it was just about Barnum and his kids being boring most of the time. The songs and musical scenes though? Absolutely wonderful, magnificent, stunning, and entertaining. Zendayas and Zac efrons characters duets? Beautiful, I loved the song and choreography. I just feel like the emphasis should have been on the circus itself. Hugh jackman. Needs. To. Do. More. Musicals.
Jumanji: out of the jungle - hilarious omg I laughed my ass off!
King Arthur: legend of the sword: wtf was this movie bro? I mean. I have a new song in my cars playlist, but wtf.
The Black Panther - IT WAS SO COOL! I loved the visuals and the storyline. Shuri is my favorite genius and I can’t wait for more Black Panther
Shape of water: absolutely beautiful omg
Thor Ragnarok: you mean that was the actual movie, that tumblr wasn’t just fuckin with me, like, those were real ass scenes that were filmed?
the Emoji Movie: bad, forgettable, literally did not remember watching it till a friend asked me.
the Good Dinosaur: literally a children's movie, idek why I watched it tbh
Jurassic world: THE HUBRIS OF MAN! THE INDO RAPTOR! BLUE! They made... An indoraptor. Not just any raptor, oh no, that's not enough for the hubris of man, its an indoraptor. What's an indoraptor you may ask? Well it's when you mix a raptor, with the indominous rex DNA. But Cotie, didn't the indominous rex already have raptor DNA? Wasnt that the whole thing that it was a t-rex with raptor DNA? Yes, yes it was. But this one is different, it's smaller, it's smarter, it made to obey commands like a war machine, it's the I N D O R A P T O R! So it's just a super powered velociraptor? Yes, yes it is. So what makes it special? THE HUBRIS BEHIND IT!
Incredibles 2: awesome! I loved it! Those flashing scenes really were no joke though. I don't have epilepsy, but damn those scenes were hard to look at. But I absolutely love the fact that edna babysat jack jack for a night, and gave him a super babysuit. I hope we get to see more of the other superheroes helping out the incredibles!
Hotel Transylvania 3: it was a good movie. Its the only Adam Sandler movie series I can stand, but it was a decent movie. I like the introduction of the van helsing family, and the whole premise. Plus I love the message that its possible to fall in love again.
Ant-man: "in like the Flynn" niiiiiiiiice Tangled ref! "ANT-THONY!!!!" Ok that was a fun and hilarious movie. I fucking love the three wombats, especially Luis omg. Also I love Scott lang relationship with his daughter and that he was the driving force behind his motivation. Also not gonna lie, I kinda watched this one so I could go see Ant-man and the Wasp, but I liked this one too.
A Wrinkle in Time: FUCK ITUNES NOT WANTING TO WORK DURING THIS MOVIE! ok but Chris Pine as a Dad? Awesome. "Happy anniversary, if only you'd dissapear too" wow, these high school preps are viscous. Also I love the little kid calling out grown ups for being pieces of shits. Also this movie was adorable and heart felt and I loved the mix of fantasy and science that made it a science fantasy movie omg.
Lara croft: tomb raider: ok but the girl who kicked Lara crofts butt in the beginning has me gay as Fuck man. "OPEN IT! OPEN IT! OPEN IT!" OK calm down Nicolas cage.
Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2: omg that was indeed another real marvel movie I had just seen. I can't believe the stooges are a space family that just, does stupid things. I love them all. 
We gonna start some parralels; a wrinkle in time - a movie about two siblings trying to find their dad who has been lost for 4 years. They get him back through the power of love; Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - a daughter finds some adverturing stuff to lead her to her father who had been missing for 7 years. Tries to get him back by killing men. Doesn't, and then kills more men; Gaurdians of the Galaxy volume 2: a boy finds his father after 34 years, but turns out he is a huge fucking jerk, also finds that Mary poppins was his dad after all, but then both Mary poppins and jerk dad died, with varying degrees of mourning from Boy.
Spider-man homecoming: omg so many second hand embarrassment scenes but it was so good! I laughed my ass off at the ending omg tony no. But also, that awkward moment when ur dates dad threatens your life and he actually meant it...
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Dude. Duuuuuuude that end credit scene. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude. That movie was just as hilarious as the first ant-man movie omg! It was fun and incredibal and I'm so happy the 3 combats were there. I was losing my shit over the baba yaga stuff!
Avengers age of ultron (semi live blogged): god, I'm 9 minutes in and I hate this movie... 13 minutes in an ur telling me this could've been avoided if marvel hadnt turned two Romani (from what I remember of mutant canon) characters into, not only human expirements instead of mutants, but voluntary hydra agents. -sighhhh-... 20 minutes in and why, why Tony, just... Tell the team, why do we gotta have lazy 'i dont wanna communicate' writing bullshit...Jarrrrrviiiiissssss my boy T.T... Did they really just try to make dissimising female characters and using their achievements as a sort of 'my horse is bigger than yours' as quality character writing? God this Bruce/Nat romance is so forced... Oh no, Ultron fucking appeared, why does he sound like a bad Tony stark impression? Ultron is fucking annoying... Fuck man, the plot with the twins have arrived, and I hate it... -mentions Wakanda- thanks for reminding of a better movie I could be watching... God, the acting is either way too dry, or way too ham... Wow... Clint is... The most mature person in the movie... Wow, the scene where Nat reveals she is infertile, is worse than I thought it would be, and I knew it would be awful... Hour and a half in, still bad... Though ultron is now acting like a c h i l d... Oh no, now we creating Ultron 2.0 this time its Jarvis... Please discuss it with the team, pleeeease... Annnnnnnd U didn't... Fuck... I'm so tired, 1 hour and 31 minutes and the team is fighting... Thor coming in for the jarvis Saaaave! Yassss vision with the worthy of the hammer! Okay the battle scene with ultron was pretty cool. Still dont like the movie over all.
Captain America civil war: not as much fighting as advertised. Too much 'we arent going to sit down and communicate' trope. Honestly I was too bored and tired to really actually pay attention to closely... All I got from it is the russos need to learn what a get along shirt is and be better film makers.
Avengers Infinty War: wtf, what the fuck, was that. That was some fuck right there. You are telling me thanos was really able to get the soul stone like That? And the mind stone like That? And all that other bull shit? Y'all Russo better be ready to have thanos ass kick in the next avengers movie. But damn that was some shit that happened.
Deadpool 2016: I loved every bit of the movie omg, it was everything I hoped for out of a deadpool movie.
King Arthur the one with kiera knightly: That uh, sure was a King Arthur movie? Way less weird than King Arthur Legend of the sword. Merlin didnt cast magic, and arthur was a Roman, but guinevere is a kick ass archer, soooo acceptable...
Deadpool 2: THAT WAS FUCKIN HILARIOUS I LOVE DEADPOOL SO MUCH! god I love this movie, I would die for dominoe.
The Nutcracker, four realms: such a cute af movie omggggggggggggg. I loved Captain Phillip the nutcracker soldier and the gold highlight they put on his lips 💓
Venom: listen. I did no t see this film for quality. I saw it for the symbi ote ok. Ok. I lov it. But blease for the love of god.... Y.... Did...... The......... Symbiote........ Take the shape of a sexy comic book lady..... When........ The same sexyness could have been achieved by letting the symbiote be big beefy orc like lady....
Love, Simon: I'm not one for these films... I dont like these films... They are teary eyed wholesome cake frosting that make my cold gay heart sick... That being said... I relate, I relate so much... Also... If I was in simons shoes and the blackmailing weasle Martin outed me? They would still be scraping him off the pavement... That is all.
Ready player one: it wasn’t as bad as some of the things i heard about it on tumblr, but its not one I will watch again.
Aquaman: "show off, heh, I could've just pee'd on it" is the exact quality line I want out of my films. Also that was soooooooo awesome! I loved it! More Aquaman!
Solo, a star wars story: Not bad, but not great, it kept on plot really well, not memorable but I won’t knock it. I still say the actor playing Han Solo looks photoshopped and not real.
Ghost stories (2018): awful... It was slow and boring, and I didnt like it... I rented it through itunes and it glitched part of the way through and I stopped being able to see the picture. Even after I got it working again I still didnt like it... Though I did like the message of "dont be a bystander", but the whole this was boriiiiiinnnnnnnggggggggggg.
Wreck it Ralph: okay, technically I caught the beginning like 4 or 5 years ago, but I finally actually watched it and it wasnt bad. Will go see the sequel.
Ralph breaks the internet: WAYYYYYY better than the emoji movie, also, I really loved the princesses scene, the bright colors, and following Venelope through the internet... Also.... Ralph........ WTF..................... Also............................. that Stan Lee cameo.................................... Heartbreaking............
Goosebumps 2: Mr. Chu and his Halloween obsession is me... Stones appearence had me dying omg... Also where tf r ppl getting these awesome super cool Halloween stuffs!
Hidden figures: IM NOT CRYING UR CRYING! omg such a great movie i fucking loved it. Couldnt understand a WORD of math that went on, but damn girls, calculate that shit.
The meg: listen... Listen... The trailer looked stupid... And ridiculous... I just... Wanted to know how bad... And it was bad... But it was incredibally enjoyable omg... I loved it... In all seriousness, it was actually a pretty beautiful movie when it came to marine life and the wonder behind it, and it was anti shark culling for fins, and it was very clearly "not all sharks are bad, they do as they do, but megalodon is about to fuck our shit up."... It was also fucking hilarious... My favorite character was meiying, the little 8 year old in the movie... The love plot wasnt forced and they way they did it the two leads were not having it and had actual chemistry... Just... Also the dog... The dog does not die... Pippin lives... The wedding is not ruined... Also the shark ate a billionaire soooooooo... We good meg... We good...
Pacific Rim: yes I know, I took a long ass time to watch this movie... But Listen... Explody robots and monsters... Hannibal chau... Look... I just... Sometimes take a long time to watch movies... You wanna know how long it took me to watch Merlin BBC? I watched every episode as it came out and then put off the last episode for 5 years... Listen...
Pacific rim uprising: ok I watched the first one so I could watch the one with my boi John Boyega in it.
Wrath of the Titans: wtf kind of movie... Like really what the f... Since when is zues ever responsible and wise.
Mission impossible, fallout: I liked it. It's an action movie. Saw it for my birthday, kinda interested in the other mission impossible movies now. I appreciate the advance tech and the obviously stupid impossible shit.
Oceans 8: Listen, i have never been interested in the Oceans franchise, i dont want to see crusty men steal things, but lads, im gay. Extremely gay, just, shamelessly gay.
The Breadwinner: holy shit that was a good movie.
Secret of the Kells: eh, it was a good movie. Not my favorite, but it was good. I mostly just like the animation.
Mune: Guardian of the Moon: dat was a cute movie, and also i loved Munes Design, he is a little fawn
Operation Finale: Wow, that was an amazing film, absolutely superb. Not at all like the trailers. Seriously, what is it and trailers where everything has to either be an high stakes action movie or a romantic comedy? but this film, spectacular.
The House With A Clock In Its Walls: A Neat little movie. Corny, but i liked it. like, its a kids movie in the same way A Wrinkle In Time is, but this one was little less disney-fied in the way that they needed to have this overarching lesson of empowerment, and more “this is a kids movie to enjoy, like Halloweentown”
Bad times at the El Royale: neat movie, somewhat engaging, kept losing focus at the slow parts... Liked the Chapter title cards... Can't remember who that "important person" was supposed to be.... I think I may have missed it...
Outlaw king: I liked it! Way better than Braveheart! Also.... Cpine was not that naked.... Butt....
Gnome alone: weird, didn't like it, like a bad combo of Mean Girls and Coraline?
Journey to the center of the earth: I said old movies were gonna be on this list now didnt I? Also this movie was awesome and I wish the book was real too.
Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy: Nice!!! I had been meaning to read the book before I watched the movie, but I've packed my book away soooo, MOVIE. Also out of all thw sci fi movies that have destroyed planets, this is by far the only good one.
Vvitch: it was okay... By the middle I was kinda wishing it would go faster. But it was okay.
Ex machina: I'm not done with the movie yet but it's so fucking creepy holy shit... Also "its kinda non-autistic" in relation to "aware of her own mind and mine"???? Wtffffffff.uggggghhhhhhhhhh ewwwweeweeewewweeeewwwwwww the talk about giving the robot a sexuality is so grooooooooooooosssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss he gave her a working vag and hearing him talk about fucking the robot was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Mmmmmmmm no, did not like.
To all the boys ive loved before: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... Also that sibling relationship was..... Relatable.
Extraordinary Tales: tales based on Edgar Allen Poe and holy sweet Jesus I loved it, it has multiple different art styles per story and I loved them soooooo much!
The Golden Compass: okay but how could you end on that cliffhanger and not at least put out another movie????
Erramentari, the blacksmith and the devil: based on Basque folklore which I know nothing of, but it looked neat. It's also originally in basque but netflix has the English dub over. AND HOLY SWEET JESUS I KNOW THIS MOVIE IS SUPPOSED TO BE SCARY BUT THE VOICE OVERS ARE SO FUCKING FUNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Dragon heart: I didnt like it, there were better movies I could have seen, I'm not gonna reach for this one again...
The Black Klansman: Damn, I might very well be speechless. That was a Fantastic Movie, came at you like a bag of Bricks, and the ending when it went straight from a cross burning to the 2017 neo nazi rallies, to trumps “good people on both sides” speech, to everything that happened in 2017. The movie did NOT fuck around with anything. God Bless.
Robin Hood, 2018: Antifa film of the YEAR! Yeah Robin, Be a Class Traitor to the ruling class, Spread Wealth, Down with the 1%!
The Princess of Thieves: OMG Kiera Knightly as the daughter of robin and also a kick ass archer that causes trouble!!!! Loved it!
First Man: dude that movie was incredible, it read like you were seeing snapshots of his life, not completely invested, but as though you were a spirit looking at memories. I kinda liked it. I loved the silent scenes that filled the viewer with anxiety, like a realization of the gravity of what was happening. Omg. Good film A+
What we do in the Shadows: that was an enjoyable movie. I didn't quite like the reality show format but it was funny!
Overlord: That was a great movie! it had decently fast pacing, which is good that it was only an hour and forty-eight minutes long... They Plot-Ex-Machina’d alot of the movie, like the wounded soldier feeling fine for the main firefight, then remembering he was supposed to be wounded all of a sudden. I watched it with a friend who saw one character, turned to me and said “He’s cute, i hope he doesnt die” one (1) second before a landmine went off. Also, Ghouls created by science rather by supernatural means.
For the Love of Spock: -cries like a big baby-
Next Gen: screams of anti-tech ideals... Also.... Damn...... They are channeling the "addiction to iPhones" angle man, like, villianous angle...
Small Foot: Not bad, At least it was a Short movie, or at least it didnt feel like it was dragging on. The Songs were great though, I actually liked them and at least they were written for the movie and not like, a song that already existed...
The Spy who Dumped Me: I rented it through iTunes and it gave some Ukrainian nuts swangin in my face...
The Nun: it was okay, but let maurice theirult be a lesson; u see some creepy haunted shit, you grab a cross and you walk away. You dont go back to play hero, cuz then you get possessed.
Kin: there is a line in the movie that says "you got a decade of bad decisions under your belt" and I feel like that sums of this movies plot points...
Crazy Rich Asians: that was so gooooood! I don't normally go for romcoms, but ppl had been praising the film, and I actually liked it. I'm glad I saw the majong scene explain before I actually watched the scene, because it felt a shit ton more powerful.
Spider-Man, Into the Spiderverse: AMAZING! INCREDIBLE! the animation was TOP NOTCH, like, omg!
A simple favor: I didnt like it... It tried to be both a thriller and what seemed like a parody of a thriller.
Predator, 2018: I kinda liked it, it was a mindless action movie, and the ending left it open for a badass sequal. I havent seen the other predator movies so I have no idea if this is in faith for the series, but im guessing yes.
The Martian: It was cool and chill, I liked it, also Mark Watney cussing out a government agency via a hundred thousand dollar communications outlet is.... Mood.
47 meters down: 2hrs of one woman having an absolute panic attack and being right to worry about sketchy diving boats.
2036 Origin Unknown: kinda what I feel like 2001 a space Oddessey wouldve been like if I had actually watched that movie... Oh shit the Borg!
2001 A Space Oddessey: Have I ever told y'all that I dont like Kubrick or his movies? His movies are the epitome of that pretentious art school boi style that just does too much and tries to pretend it's more than it is and sweet merciful god why is this one 2 and a half hours long! I'm 40 minutes in and I have a head ache from the over ise of classical music and boring slow pace of the movie. 2001 a space Oddessey is 2 and a half hours long and only has 1 hr of actual relevant film... The other 1 1/2 is just unending, weirdly colored space shots, two color inversion shots of planets and eyes, theremin and flute noises, and classical music set to nothingness
RAMPAGE: a 30ft alligator showed up about an hour and 10minutes into the movie and the first reaction was "well that sucks" and it killed me on sight. The movie is awesome! In am so glad I picked this as my last movie of 2018.
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sebfiction · 7 years ago
Hey Doc
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Chapter 1
You were never the type of person to get starstruck, but when they called to offer you the job as the medic on Avengers: Infinty War you could barely wait until the end of the phone call to start jumping with excitement. You’d applied to the job almost as a joke, because you needed the money and well, you’d never worked on a movie set before so why not, ya know? However it quickly dawned on you that getting this job meant working with a lot of actually famous people. Like Robert Downey jr. type of famous. Or Chris Evans type of famous. And Paul Rudd type of famous. Generally all your teenage crushes it dawned on you. So as you were sitting in your car on your way to your first day on the job you couldn’t help to feel slightly uneasy. The past year you had been traveling the world, working in hospitals along the way. You’d seen a lot of shit on the job, yet you’d never felt this uncomfortable anywhere else. “Oh well” you muttered to yourself in the rearview mirror, “there’s a first time for everything”. And then you exited the car.
“(Y/N)! Great to see you again!” the man who hired you, Mr. Waters, greeted you as you made your way to the medic trailer!
“Mr. Waters!” You smiled, shaking his outreached hand. “Great to see you again.”
“Ah, call me Logan” he chuckled. You nodded in agreement.
“Anyways, my assistant, Nicky, will give you a tour of the set and help you get settled in your trailer!” he said, as he gestured to the guy awkwardly hovering in the background.
“And I’ll, uh, see ya around (Y/N)” he finished, already walking away. You shot him a short “thanks”, as you made your way over to ‘Nicky’.
Nick, as he told you he preferred to be called, gave you a short tour of the set, before showing you to the medic trailer. It was slightly cramped but seemed to have all the equipment you could possibly need. Nick walked over to one of the closets and pulled out a blue scrub shirt with “Medic” written across the back, and handed it to you. You pulled it over the t-shirt you were already wearing. Shortly after he left you to get settled, a girl that seemed to be about your age stumbled through the door.
“Hello” you greeted her, smiling questioningly.
“Hi!” she exclaimed. “I’m Amanda, the assistant medic. Your assistant I suppose!” She shook your hand eagerly. “You must be (Y/N)!”.
“That would be me yea, nice to meet you Amanda!” you said back, and couldn’t help but smile. You could already tell you would like working with her, and frankly, it was a relief to see someone so ordinary.
“Sooo”, you started. “You ever done this sort of thing before?” you asked. “You know, worked on a movie set”. Amanda chuckled.
“No! And if I can be honest with you, I feel a little lost here.” You smiled and nodded in agreement with her. “I mean, I just hope I don’t make a fool of myself in front of, you know, the stars,” she said, making jazz hands at the last word. You laughed in relief.
“Aw man, me neither. I’m not really one to get starstruck, and honestly, I’m definitely not caught up on celebrity stuff, but there are some big names in this movie!” you exclaimed. “I mean, I remember how in love I was with Paul Rudd after watching Clueless as a kid, and I can’t even imagine working with him now” you trailed off, feeling your nerves start to jitter.
“Well, thank god we got each other then,” Amanda said, and you smiled warmly at her.
“Yeah, thank god”. You continued chatting while you both familiarised yourself with the trailer, making sure you knew where all the important equipment were and such. It was one of those instant connections. Amanda was just one of those people you felt like you’d known for years when it was, in fact, more like ten minutes. After a while there was a knock on the door, before Nick poked his head in.
“Hiya ladies, hope everything is as it should be” he smiled, and the two of you smiled back and told him that yes, everything was great.
“Ah great, well they’re gathering all the crew in the lunch hall for an announcement, so you better get over there” he finished, before popping out. You and Amanda looked at each other. You cocked an eyebrow at her, and she took a sharp breath.
“He only said crew” she murmured. “So maybe none of the cast will even be there” she nodded to herself. She looked about as nervous as you felt.
“This is dumb, come on” you chuckled and grabbed her hand. The two of you quickly made your way to the dining hall, where a small crowd was forming. On one of the tables were two guys as you recognized as the directors, the Russo brothers.
“Hey everyone” the one you guessed was Joseph yelled when it looked like everyone was there. “It’s great to see you all here! As you know this is the first day of filming on this set”. The people around you cheered. “We're really looking forward to working with our American crew, and looking around at this great group of people in front of me I can tell filming is gonna be great!” More cheering. The other brother, Anthony you presumed, grabbed the mice.
“As you all know we’re gonna be shooting mostly action sequences on this location, which means long days with lots of rigs and working out in the sun.” The crowd made and ‘aaaah’ sound. “But fret not! We have to wonderful medics on set, who will be taking care of everyone to make sure the hard work doesn’t kill us!” he said, and gesture to where you and Amanda were standing. You waved awkwardly as the crowd turned to look at the two of you, blushing profusely. After that, the Russo brothers went along introducing all the different teams to the rest of the crew. The stunt team, the caterers, the makeup team and so on… You and Amanda stood silently watching, trying to keep track of everyone on the different teams.
“Aaaand I believe that’s all of the crew!” Anthony said after a while. “Now as for the stars, most of them will not be on set simultaneously, so I won’t be able to introduce them as properly to you. However, later today we're gonna be filming with a few of them, so look forward to that! In the meantime, I suggest you all get to know each other a little before we start work for real!” he finished, as the crowd clapped one last time.
You mingled for a while, before Nick found you and pulled you off to the side.
“Here’s an overview of when and where the different action sequences will be filmed, as well as a short description of their risk levels” he explained, handing you a thick binder. “This is off course top secret stuff” he winked, “so don’t let them fall into the wrong hands.” You raised your eyebrows and assured him you would guard it with your life.
“Hopefully you and Amanda will be very much useless during the entire duration of filming, but because the actors are doing most of their own stunts there is a higher risk of someone fucking up. Usually it’s nothing more than someone being dehydrated from the heat, or maybe needing an ice pack cause their co-star miscalculated a punch” he assured you.
“Usually?” you asked. “Have you ever experienced someone getting really hurt?”. He took a breath, furrowing his eyebrows as he was thinking.
“I think the worst stuff I’ve seen are actors accidentally breaking a glass and cutting themselves. Or maybe this one time a stunt guys sprained his ankle because he landed wrong” he told you. “But if something like that happens we usually drive them to the nearest hospital, cause you can’t fix that in your trailer.” he smiled. “Anyways, as you can see we’re filming the first sequence today around noon. Be sure to read about it first, and we’ll have someone pick you up with your most essential equipment around 11. See ya then!” he said, as he trailed off. You waded through the crowd of people still hanging around to grab Amanda.
“Hey Amanda! We’ve got work to do” you told her, waving the binder in her face. You quickly walked back to your trailer, while you explained what Nick just told you.
“So what’s the first scene? Who’s doing it?” she asked excitedly. You opened the binder and found todays overview.
“Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and Chadwick Boseman” you read. “Captain America and Bucky Barnes fight someone I’ve never heard of because blah blah” you summarised what you read, and looked up to see Amanda staring at you with a shocked expression.
“Holy shit! Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and Chadwick Boseman!” She squealed. “Oh my god! Holy shite!” she continued.
“Not to sound like an idiot,” you said while laughing, “but which one is Sebastian Stan again?”
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theeurebellion · 4 years ago
Legends history resources
Since I want to showcase some of the big history points, it's also a good idea to do a post about the Legends history timeline in general. It spans almost 37,000 years, from the earliest history of the ancient Jed'aii, a little over 34,000 years ago,to 150 years after the battle of Yavin.
It's divided into a number of general eras: Before the Republic, The Old Republic, Rise of the Empire, Rebellion, New Republic, New Jedi Order, and Legacy, with another category, Infinties, encompassing everything that doesn't fit into EU canon. Some eras, like the Old Republic, have a lot of smaller divisions.
A lot of the Old Republic and Before the Republic stuff is covered in The Old Republic MMORPG game, Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 games and comics like Dawn of the Jedi and Tales of the Sith. There are games set in the other eras, though post-ROTJ is mostly books and comics.
There are some good links to read if you're interested, although it's hard to tell what's complete and what isn't.
This Wookiepedia entry has a great video attached
This site is a decent media timeline, if you want to read the material the eras are covered in. https://www.alltimelines.com/star-wars-timeline/legends/
I think this is the guy who included Rebels in his timeline, but just ignore it. The rest is decent.
This seems pretty good too.
Some do include things like Filoni's Clone Wars, but that series is controversial among Legends fans, so take it or leave it.
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marvelllblog · 8 years ago
Le récit d’une nuit orgasmique
En France, la nuit du samedi au dimanche était entièrement consacrée à Avengers: Infinity War au D23. Mais comme on dormait tous, je vous propose de revivre cet événement dans un seul article. Préparez-vous à vibrer !
Fin de tournage pour Avengers: Infinity War
Ça ne fait pas partie du panel, mais c’est quand même une grosse information. Vendredi, les réalisateurs Anthony et Joe Russo ont révélé avoir terminé le tournage d’Avengers: Infinity War. C’est maintenant parti pour trois semaines de repos avant d’enchaîner avec Avengers 4. Reposez-vous bien les mecs !
Fin du tournage d’Avengers: Infinity War avec Anthony et Joe Russo.
Le panel d’Avengers: Infinity War
Tout commence avec une introduction de Kevin Feige, président de Marvel Studios. Blague et j’en passe. Le bonhomme en profite pour révéler le logo pour le dixième anniversaire de Marvel Studios (dix ans, déjà !) en 2018. Bonne idée d’avoir fait STUD10S. Ça passe comme crème. Puis le bonhomme fait monter la sauce en ayant promis que ce que nous avons tous entendu est vrai : presque tous les héros de Marvel (même ceux de Marvel TV ?) seront dans le film et se sont rassemblés pour combattre Thanos. Puis Josh Brolin fait son entrée.
Ce dernier est ensuite rejoint par Pom Klementieff (Mantis), Karen Gillan (Nebula) et Dave Bautista (Drax). Les Gardiens de la Galaxie, dans la place ! Brolin se permet de plaisanter en disant que “Drax n’est pas une merde”, mais qu’ils auront besoin de plus de super-héros pour le faire tomber. Ainsi, d’autres débarquent : Don Cheadle (War Machine), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch), Paul Bettany (Vision), Sebastian Stan (Le Soldat de l’Hiver), Anthony Mackie (Falcon), Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange), Tom Holland (Spider-Man) et Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther).
Alors impressionné, le Thanos ? Brolin dit : “J’avoue que c’est impressionnant, mais est-ce vraiment tout ce que vous avez ?”. Boum, les poids lourds ! Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Chris Hemsworth (Thor) et, enfin, le boss Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) !
Dire qu’il manque Captain America…
Description de la vidéo montrée à la Comic-Con
Alors que le public est à moitié évanoui devant ce casting de malade, Marvel Studios les achève avec une vidéo d’Avengers: Infinity War. Tout commence avec un récapitulatif de tous les films de super-héros Marvel Studios des années passées avec les Infinty Stones en ligne de fond. Puis Infinity War… Tout commence avec les Gardiens de la Galaxie (avec Teen Groot !) dans leur nouveau vaisseau. Les mecs volent peinards dans l’espace et BOUM ! Quelqu’un atterrit directement sur leur capot. C’est Thor avec la coupe de cheveux de Thor: Ragnarok. Il est inconscient. Les Gardiens le transportent à l’intérieur puis Mantis le réveille. Le dieu du Tonnerre s’exclame : “Qui diable êtes-vous les gars ?” avant d’ajouter ensuite : “Quelque chose va très mal.”.
Bam, on passe à Scarlet Witch qui évite un rayon d’énergie et ce dernier détruit un camion derrière elle. On retrouve Loki parmi les ruines. Il tient le Tesseract (le cube cosmique de Captain America et Avengers) et le présente à Thanos. Spider-Man est dans un bus scolaire. Les poils de son bras se hérissent. Il a donc bien le Sens de l’Araignée. Une voix féminine proclame : “La mort le suit comme une ombre.”. Des vaisseaux extraterrestres débarquent sur Terre. Ce qui fait dire à Tony Stark, alors en compagnie des Gardiens, : “Nous avons un avantage, il vient à nous.”.
La voix de Thanos s’élève. “L’amusement n’est pas vraiment quelque chose que l’on considère quand on est sur le point d’équilibrer l’univers, mais cela me met un sourire sur mon visage.”. Gamora est horrifiée. Elle en a des larmes aux yeux. S’ensuit des plans de destruction totale sur Terre, puis dans l’Univers (le repaire du Collectionneur est à nouveau détruit). Thanos passe un portail. Doctor Strange lance de la magie. Star-Lord se bat contre Thanos. Spider-Man se présente dans son nouveau costume (je vous laisse deviner lequel 😉 ). Bucky et Black Panther sont à la tête d’armées. Steve Rogers avec une barbe. Le retour du Hulkbuster. La Vision semble emprisonnée. Thanos serre la tête de Thor avec sa main (MY GOD !!! UN PLAN DIGNE DU COMIC !). Black Widow avec des cheveux blonds. Thanos frappe Iron Man de face. Avec un Gant de l’Infini partiellement assemblé, Thanos pointe le bras vers le ciel et tire vers le bas une lune, envoyant des comètes fracturées volant sur nos héros.
Thanos et le Black Order
Quand on se baladait dans les ruelles de la D23, on avait rapidement pu observer une statue de Thanos. Rien qu’elle seule suffisait à faire monter la hype. Néanmoins, on pouvait observer des formes cachées par un grand voile noire. Ça n’a pas été très compliqué de deviner ce qui se cachait en dessous. Mais la présentation fait quand même son effet. Allez, je vous remets le direct de Marvel Studios (le plus intéressant commence à quatre minutes).
Détail important, ils ne sont pas présentés comme étant le Black Order comme dans les comics, mais comme les Children of Thanos (Enfants de Thanos – ça pète la classe quand même). Quand je vois cette galerie de personnages super badass, je ne peux pas m’empêcher d’avoir une pensée pour Apocalypse et ses ridicules Quatre Cavaliers dans X-Men: Apocalypse. Voilà comme aurait dû être présenté Apocalypse…
Tu ne connais pas le Black Order ? Il s’agit d’une création relativement récente vu qu’ils sont apparus pour la première fois dans New Avengers Vol. 3 #8 (sorti en VO courant 2013). La version qui est présentée pour Avengers: Infinity War se compose de…
Corvus Glaive : Général favori de Thanos. Force, vitesse et endurance renforcés et utilise une lance qui peut tout couper. Quand il a la lame à la main, il est immortel.
Proxima Midnight : Épouse de Corvus Glaive. Combattante à mains nues, super-force et presque imperméable. Sa lance se transforme en faisceaux de lumière toxiques inévitables.
Ebony Maw : Intellect de génie. Spécialisé dans la persuasion. Utilise un dispositif de téléportation et un générateur de champ de force.
Black Dwarf : Super force, densité accrue et peau impénétrable. Frère de Corvus Glaive.
Marvel en VR
Et on finit avec un truc dont j’hésite entre “Ça peut être cool” et “C’est une connerie”.
Avengers: Infinity War est prévu aux States pour le 4 mai 2018.
Avengers: Infinity War – D23 : revivez l’évènement (Thanos, Black Order, vidéo) !!! Le récit d'une nuit orgasmique En France, la nuit du samedi au dimanche était entièrement consacrée à …
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Avengers: Infinity War: Josh Brolin Takes Credit For Aquaman Success
The guy behind the atrocious Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, Josh Brolin jokes that he's made another effective movie with DC's Aquaman . Josh Brolin has starred in numerous comics movies this year . He's appeared in Avengers: Infinity War as Thanos and Deadpool 2 as the X-Men hero, Cable television. Both movies were exceptionally effective at the box workplace and now Josh Brolin has taken to Instagram to jokingly announce his extra success with Aquaman. You can have a look at his post listed below.
#c 9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14 px; line-height:17 px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8 px; overflow: concealed; padding:8 px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"> A post shared by Josh Brolin(@joshbrolin) on Dec 27, 2018 at 7:45 pm PST Aquaman star Jason Momoa and the Avengers: Infinity War star are buddies, so this is all obviously a within(and outside) joke between the two.Both Jason Momoa and Josh Brolin are reeking in success as Aquaman, Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinty War will be 3 of the greatest earning movies this year.Josh Brolin will
return as Thanos in Avengers: Endgame and as Cable in the ultimate X-Force team-up film. The next film out of DC 's stable with be Shazam!, which hits theaters on April 5th, 2019. What did you think of Aquaman, Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War!.
?.!? Noise off in the comments section listed below. A conclusion of 22 interconnected films the fourth installment of the Avengers saga will draw audiences to witness the turning point of this impressive journey. Our precious heroes will truly comprehend how delicate this reality is and the sacrifices that should be made to promote it.Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, Avengers: Endgame is expected to star Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Don Cheadle, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Danai Gurira, Letitia Wright, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Paul Rudd, Jeremy Renner, Brie Larson, Josh Brolin and Chris Pratt. Avengers: Endgame is arranged to be launched in theaters on April 26, 2019. Source: Instagram The Superhero Movies Of 2018, Ranked From Worst To Best
Previous1 of 10 Next 2018 has actually gone by too quick. It appears like yesterday when the start of the new year was upon us, and the development of having so numerous superhero motion pictures hitting theaters appeared like a dream come true for each fanboy and fangirl. It's likewise funny to look back and keep in mind that although we wound up with a whopping nine significant theatrical superhero films, we nearly had eleven. Sadly, Fox postponed both Dark Phoenix and The New Mutants to 2019 instead.
Even with those 2 films postponed, 2018 was still an enormous year not simply at the box office, but for the continued development of the genre on a number of levels. Whether it was through the cultural significance of a movie like Black Panther or the exciting animated adventures of Incredibles 2 and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, there was no shortage of exciting superhero stories informed on the big screen this year.
Here are the 9 theatrical superhero movies of 2018, ranked from worst to best. You can begin the gallery by clicking "Next."
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rcsportstalk-blog · 6 years ago
NBA Season Preview ’19  (Pt.1)
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By Anwar Jones
What. is. GOOOOD!?!?! It’s October and you already know what that means. The NBA Season is upon us and its about to get crazy. You thought last year was wild??? Check yo self, we got our Annual ‘NBA Season Preview’ below!
Be sure to hit us with your comments & subscribe to our Full Episodes at rosecitysportstalk.com
Pacific Division
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Golden State Warriors
So this off-season the Warriors mimicked Thanos in Infinty War to take it’s reign over the league to another level, while the other teams got their Star Lord on, allowing GS to obtain the last Infinity Stone, also known as Demarcus Cousins. Just like fans wanted to slap Star Lord, we should challenge our favorite teams’ GM to a duel for just sitting idle while the Dubs signed Boogie for the mid-level exception. It’s not hyperbole to say this is the best starting five ever. We may only witness this collection of stars for one season, with the rumblings of a KD departure and the inability to give a max contract to Cousins under league rules, this reign could be over with a snap of the finger. If that fate comes to fruition, the damage will already be done, as the Dubs will more than likely win their 4th title in 5 years and cement themselves as one of the top dynasties the NBA has ever seen.
Player to Watch - Can KD win a MVP on this stacked squad Record - 63-19
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Los Angeles Lakers
The Magic Man has been dropping dimes in La La Land for almost 40 years, so it’s only fitting he assisted the Lakers in escaping basketball purgatory. Magic has brought Lebron James aka Maximus to battle in the Staples Center Colosseum. As if Laker Nation wasn’t already entertained by past Gladiators, like the great Black Mamba, the Big Aristotle, or the Goliath known as Wilt the Stilt, Maximus is here to restore past Showtime glory. To earn his freedom he must win the crowd and raise another banner to the rafters. King James will rely on some fiery young fighters looking to make a name for themselves in Ball, Kuzma, Ingram and Hart. He will seek wisdom from another gladiator, Rajon Rondo to help in his journey, but it will be up to Magic to bring in another established soldier to help the true King bring the trophy back to the Roman Laker Nation in the near future. It is why we are here. 
Player to Watch - Which Youngblood with be Lebron’s right hand man Record 53-29
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Los Angles Clippers
Jerry West is the Professor X of the NBA, the behind the scene orchestrator of multiple dynastic teams. But he will need to tap into his cerebral vortex to make the Clippers a champs. The Logo will find a way to rebuild this team quickly, his reputation speaks for itself. It’s safe to either rookie Shai Gilegous-Alexander or Jerome Robinson, if not both, will be steals in the draft because West always finds gems. They have set themselves for the future with the space for two max contracts and tradable assets like Tobias Harris, Sweet Lou and Patrick Beverly to land a disgruntled star. The Clippers window to jack the city from the Lakers came and went, so they might as well just head north to Seattle, bring back the Sonics and establish a new where they will be loved and embraced forever. Can’t be a side piece forever.
Player to watch - Will Shai Gileous-Alexander be the best point guard of the draft class Record- 34-48
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Phoenix Suns
GM Ryan McDonough caught the Jim Buss Holy Ghost during the off-season. His grand scheme of paying 35 million for the combo of Trevor Ariza and Ryan Anderson to help lead them to the playoffs was just delusional. It’s reminiscent of the Infamous summer of 16 and the tragedy that was the Deng and Mosgov. Trading an unprotected 1 st to move up 6 spots into the mid lottery is borderline criminal. The Suns won the lottery and added some solid young buildings blocks in Deandre Ayton, Mikal Bridges, Eli Okobo and Deanthony Melton, but Robert Sarver had enough. The fact that McDonough once had too many talented point guards to make happy a few years back to not having a starting caliber lead guard was too much to overcome. Sarver should’ve done it weeks ago so he focus on partying at the country club. Luckily Phoenix has a human bucket machine in Devin Booker, that they can convert to the point and hopefully create James Harden 2.0
Player to Watch - Can Ayton justify being the 1 st of the draft from day one Record 24-48
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Sacramento Kings
This is the dawn of the post apocalyptic season for the Kings faithful and they can look no further than the self proclaimed Vladefather. He is literally out here making offers teams can’t refuse, like giving up an unprotected 1 st rounder for the opportunity to sign Rajon Rondo, Wes Matthews or Monta Ellis. That’s insanity. Clearly Vlade’s favorite of the Godfather trilogy was the third rendition and he’s using his platform to create his own spoof. Yet again the Kings failed to add the necessary talent to even sniff the playoffs so it’s all about development this season. They have a little bit of hope with sleeper prospect Harry Giles. If he can stay healthy and continues to build off his promising performance during summer league they may have stumbled upon a gold mine. Fox has a nice future and Marvin Bagley should be able to score with ease considering his skill set. It’s not all bad for the Kings from a talent perspective but remember they are by far the worst team in the West and don’t have their pick. The Vlad-Father better avoid the desert.
Player to Watch – Will Marvin Bagley’s collegiate dominance translate to the pro game Record 20-62
Northwest Division
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Utah Jazz
The meteoric rise of Donovan Mitchell was one of the highlights of the 2017-18 season. Watching Spida Mitchell during his rookie campaign was eerily similar to Peter Parker testing out his web slinging potential, as he gradually realized he was a problem for the league. His coming out party came during a surprise upset against the Thunder in the 1 st round, where he looked virtually unstoppable. Now that he’s knows he has great powers, he has the responsibility of building on the momentum and lead the Jazz even further in the postseason. When Rudy Gobert is healthy, Utah is the most menacing defensive in the NBA, so as long as he stays on the court they will be successful. The Jazz had a quiet offseason, so they are clearly banking on their young talent taking a leap. We will see if one of the best coaches in the league, Quinn Snyder will help lead them to the next level.
Player to Watch - Is Donovan Mitchell at the superstar level yet Record 52-30
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OKC Thunder
Russell Westbrook isn’t human, he’s not a mutant either, but he is Wolverine. He’s virtually indestructible and although will miss the start of the year no one is overly concerned considering he is made out of adamantium steel. Even Wolverine needs time to regenerate. Year 2 of the Westbrook and PG13 duo will be drastically different and more successful than the first. Now that their roles will be more defined, Russ and George should thrive and play off each other more effectively in the half court without the task of sharing shots with Hoodie Melo. Defensively, this team could be a juggernaut once Andre Robertson gets into the fold, but even without him they can still be great. The addition of Dennis Schroeder was a sneaky move that will no doubt ease the burden of Westbrook and allow him to attack off ball and be able to score more freely. OKC is a sleeper WCF contender.
Player to Watch - Dennis Schroeder can be the third scorer this has desperately needed Record 47-35
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Portland Trail Blazers
The Blazers are wasting the prime years of Dame Lillard. The second round is this team’s ceiling and it shouldn’t be that way. It’s absolute travesty that Neil Olshey has failed to add the necessary pieces to help out his star studded backcourt. Portland needs a third star, but Olshey refuses to go all in to add one. Cough, Jimmy Butler, cough? The roster has an odd mix of players either ready for prime time or years a way from contributing. Portland needs 3 and D wings, but Olshey fails to address that gaping hole. The roster has taken a set back in a conference that is becoming increasingly more difficult to stay afloat. Maybe Mystique can warn Olshey the sentinels are coming to take Lillard to brighter lights and alter the fate of Portland. Otherwise the writing is on the wall. A miracle needs to happen for Blazers’ fans quickly or their future days are going to be spent reminiscing about the past dominance of Dame Time.
Player to Watch - Can CJ McCollum become an All Star Record 47-35
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Denver Nuggets
The Joker is the main reason why we should all take the the Nuggets playoff hopes so serious. Jokic flipped a switch and just blew up last season showing off his unique point-center skill set, reminiscent of another great international center, Arvydas Sabonis. Now it’s up to his backcourt, Jamal Murray and Gary Harris to take this team to the next level. Murray has the ability to be the go to scorer but he has to bring it every night. Denver have a plethora of young players that can get buckets, but they need to buckle down on defense. Coach Malone gained notoriety for his defensive philosophy, so it’s time for him to step up and earn that rep if this squad wants to be a serious contender in the West.
Player to Watch – The Rise of Jamal Murray Record 44-38
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Minnesota Timberwolves
The Jimmy Butler saga has wrecked the Wolves’ season before it even started. When Butler exposed Towns and Wiggins for being shook ones, halfway crooks, scared to death, scared to look, it was a wrap. The stakes were already high for KAT coming off his disappearing act in his first playoff appearance but his reputation as an upcoming superstar is on the line. Is he minor or major, a true star or just a stat stuffer are the questions that will be answered by seasons’ end. Thibs is undoubtedly stubborn but he has pull the trigger on a Butler deal before he loses all the leverage for the All NBA performer. Thibs will more than likely going lose his job after the season and so next just ride or die with Jimmy and disregard the future. If that happens it will this will be a lost year for the Wolves. If KAT and Wiggins have any heart they better show it now or the will never shake the soft label.
Player to Watch - Make or break year for Andrew Wiggins Record 37-45
Southwest Division
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Houston Rockets
Daryl Morey, why not just bring it back, rewind, pon de replay on a roster that was a CP3 injury away from knocking off the evil empire. This was a confusing off-season for the Rockets, by letting Ariza and Mbah a Moute walk, they lost the defensive switch abilities that made them so special. Adding T.R.O.Y Olympic Melo would’ve been perfect if they maintained there defensive prowess but without it, the squad has taken an unnecessary step back. They will still be in the top 2 or 3 record wise in the West but their championship hopes have dwindled significantly. Morey is a wizard with trades, so it’s a possibility the Rockets still have a chance. I highly doubt Houston will stand pat, the question is will whatever move they make be enough to get one of those rings and things they sing about.
Player to Watch - Can Cp3 avoid his injury playoff curse Record 59-23
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New Orleans Pelicans
The theme song for the Pelicans is Biggie’s “One More Chance” but the writing may already be on the wall. Even if the Brow plays at a historic level, New Orleans won’t even make the WCF. Shunning Boogie during free agency was a head scratcher because he was the only chance of pairing the Brow with an elite talent, even with his recent injury history, they had to bring him back. While they were successful without Cousins by playing at the fastest pace in the league and added a perfect compliment to that style of ball in the summer in Julius Randle, it’s just not enough to put them in chip contention. The holes at the wing position and the lack of a second guard will be this squad’s downfall. This season is shaping up to be a long kiss goodnight for the Pellies (turrrbile nickname) with AD signing with Klutch Sports, the rumblings off a Showtime Introduction with the Brow singing “I’m going, going, back, back to Cali, Cali” is on deck.
Player to Watch – Is Playoff Jrue the real Jrue Holiday Record 45-37
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San Antonio Spurs
The death of a dynasty is upon us all. Jay-Z once said “It’s a secret society, all we ask is trust,”and within a season we saw that trust erode in San Antonio, thus tarnishing what is known as the Spurs Way in the process. Acquiring the somehow grossly undervalued bucket getter Demar Derozen for a disgruntled Kawhi Leonard was actually a great pickup during the summer. Ask Thibs if he would take that now. The problem that the Spurs have is surprisingly identity. With Kawhi, Parker, Ginobli, and the long gone Duncan, the framework of the championship blueprint is now absent. Pop is looking around the locker room like Will in the last episode of Fresh Prince. The injuries to Dejounte Murray, Lonnie Walker, and Derrick White couldn’t have came at a worst time, leaving them scary thin of playmakers on the roster. The Spurs 21 year playoff run is officially in serious jeopardy. I’ll never count out Popovich, but he needs to find a point guard ASAP to salvage this season.
Player to Watch - Demar Derozen Revenge Tour Record 44-38
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Memphis Grizzlies
Running out this Grizzlies team is like churning out another Fast & Furious, we just roll are eyesand say to ourselves “ Really, another one.” The Grit n Grind crew still has familiar faces on the cast, but the culture is gone and it was replace with nothing but random pieces. The biggest flaw with this teamhas been outside shooting which still hasn’t been addressed which is a Tyrese-like head scratcher. Their best bet is to flip Gasol and Conley so they can get value for their aging stars. The West is so stacked, Memphis would have to play out of their minds to sniff the playoffs. Going out on a limb here but the Slow Mo and Garrett Temple acquisitions just don’t seem like enough to do it.
Player to Watch - Jaren Jackson Jr looks like the real deal Record 30-52
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Dallas Mavericks
The Mavs are trying to reboot their success with another international phenom after 20 plus years of the same mega star. Dirk was the Dark Knight of European prospects and nothing will top his epic trilogy. Luka Doncic will have to mimic Bain’s childhood rise from the prison to even challenge the reign of his predecessor. There’s a ton of hype surrounding Luka, but Dallas will be satisfied if he is just a Michael Keaton type of Bruce Wayne, but if he is on that Ben Aflek level, the Mavericks are in trouble. Deandre Jordan finally escaped the barricaded door of the Clippers franchise but it’s couple years too late from him to have a major impact. Dallas has good talent on the roster, the Doncic nd Smith Jr will be fun to watch, but a playoff birth is wishful thinking.
Player to Watch - Will Luka Doncic be the transcendent player his pegged to be Record 30-52
That’s a wrap for the Western Conference Preview, be sure to check back for Pt. 2, the Eastern Conference Preview, and do us a solid and share this article!
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o98 · 6 years ago
Ah thats easy, star AoS after rhe first avengers movie and start the rest after season 3 of AoS(inhumans is not relevant or good but the rest are, also order is AoS, DD1-2, JJ 1, LC 1, IF 1, defenders, seasons 2-3 of perviousky mentioned shows, AoS 5(4 is not relevant to anything) also cloak and dagger as well as runaways should be watched post age of ultron but before infinty war)
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Be sure to give yourself at least twenty two days of movie nights to prepare for the finale.
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azislamayuda · 7 years ago
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Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) Seorang anak yang diculik alien hingga akhirnya menjadi superhero yang menjaga luar angkasa bersama teman-teman aliennya. Meskipun jati diri sebenarnya belum diketahui, Peter Quill / Star Lord (Christ Pratt) mampu menggenggam salah satu batu infinity dalam waktu lumayan lama. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Perkenalan anggota GOTG dan sang penjahat Thanos sebelum mereka bergabung dengan team Avengers di film marvel selanjutnya yaitu Avengers Infinty War. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ " We are Groot (cry) - Groot " ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📆 Agustus 2014 🕣 2 jam 1 menit 🌟 8.5 / 10 🎥 Sci-fi, Action, Adventure ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #gotg #guardianofthegalaxy #guardian #galaxy #groot #rocketraccoon #star #starlord #action #avengers #infinitywar #avengersinfinitywar #thanos #marvel #vindiesel #chrispratt #zoesaldana #davebautista #movie2014 #movieadventure #moviescollection
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eylle9 · 4 years ago
Thank you for tagging me!
Thing 1: Obviously my favourite colour is red. :)
Thing 2: I'm both a Marvel and Star Wars fan. I've been a Marvel fan since my childhood, not MCU but I used to watch Ultimate Spider-man a lot. I've been a Star Wars fan recently(one year ago), I mean I've known about it and watched the movies but I can't say I was a fan. TCW is amazing but I watched Rebels when I was a kid and I wasn't a big fan.
Thing 3: I read comics. Even though my best friend can't understand how amazing they are... (He is neither a SW or Marvel fan.) I love every Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan not Carol Danvers) comic. The new Lokic comic is great. I love the part he is trying to be an Avenger Also Loki: Agent of Asgard comics were so much fun to read. The War of the Realms was great but sad. I read Defenders comics before watching the shows. I probably watched them because I loved the comics. Also the Hawkeye comic by Fraction Aja Hollingsworth, I love Clint even more after reading them. And CW2... HOW CAN THEY KILL BRUCE!? I'm totally team Iron Man. It's more complicated for the first Civil War though. And there was this comic, I belive its name was Zombies Assembele 2, it has some Brutasha in it. Also some Science Bros if I remember correctly. For Star Wars Anakin&Obi-Wan is great. Also I liked the new Darth Vader comic. (It's not that new, it was published in February but I have to wait 6 months to read it so it's new to me.) I've read every Darth Vader comic published by Marvel. And the whole Obi-Wan stuff but there wasn't much.
Thing 4: The first MCU movie I've watched was Guardians of the Galaxy but I became a MCU fan after watching Spiderman Homecoming and Infinty War. I cried several times watching IW and I still remmeber how bad I was feeling when Groot and Peter dusted. Then I started reading every news about Endgame. Well of course we didn't know the name of the movie at that point. The first time I watched the Endgame trailer I was at my friend's house and I was trying to watch it quietly.
Thing 5: I started shipping Brutasha before I watched AOU but I really think they were setting it up on the Avenegrs. I ship Tony Stark with 10 different people, same for Obi-Wan Kenobi. One of them is a playboy and the other is flirting with everyone he meets so it makes sense. (And they deserve to be loved.) I have no idea how I started shipping Obi-Wan with Quinlan Vos. I liked their friendship but something happened and I started seeing their relationship romantically and I loved it.
Yeah, I'm so glad that none of my friends (irl) ask me about my fandoms because it seems like I can talk about them for hours. And I'm going to tag only @crazyinfj because I don't have many friends on Tumblr. :)
💜🌱💙 get-to-know-your-mutuals tag 💜🌱💙
Rules: When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know! They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. When you’re done and if you want to, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @twentyghosts <33
Thing 1: I’m a keen gamer! Have played on PlayStation since the PS1, and I also game on the Switch occasionally. Grew up on Crash and Spyro, and these days I play bits of everything - especially stuff I can play on mute and grind for trophies/collectibles (like the Lego games, and currently Marvel’s Avengers). Currently replaying Oblivion (the one before Skyrim) and play both pretty regularly. Also enjoy weird gems like Untitled Goose Game and Goat Simulator.
Thing 2: I don’t post much about it on my blog, but I’ve been a fan of Doctor Who since I was a young teen. I’m more of a Classic Who fan, and I liked the RTD era although these days I’m more of a casual viewer. But having never taken part in the fandom itself, it’s been nice to admire it from the sidelines.
Thing 3: My username is completely random but I thought it sounded cool. I didn’t want it to be tied to a particular fandom because I wasn’t sure what I’d be writing (a ton of Marvel stuff, it turns out!). It used to be Blizzard-something else but I told a friend about it, and I wanted to keep this totally separate from my personal life so I could just write what I want so I changed it.
Thing 4: My blog is basically Bruce Banner-centric, but occasionally you’ll see some Venom (I wanna see Venom 2 so bad waah), and I passively ship IronStrange and the odd bit of Stony in that I’ll reblog stuff sometimes if it appears on my dash. I love fanon chaotic Clint, and I like Tony too. MCU peaked in 2012 and Endgame ain’t canon I don’t make the rules.
Thing 5: It sounds shallow but I tend to get into fandoms via hyperfixating on a single character (obvs Bruce in this case). I got into the fandom after watching Thor: Ragnarok because Chris Hemsworth (saw it 3 times at the cinema), then rewatching Avengers 2012 to better understand it and something in my brain switched on when lil Bruce walked out in The Purple Shirt. Weirdly I saw that film in 2012 at the cinema and was utterly bored by it so second impressions count I guess!
I’m bad at tagging people but here goes: @onwardmeteors, @loonyasalovegood, @teamthorsblog, @animationimagination, @danya-is-an-idiot, @fergumeister, @winchester-stupid, @meuireka, @one-bigmess, @unstablemolecules <3 but anyone who wants to do this go ahead bc I prolly missed someone!
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left4cake-gaming · 7 years ago
Expecting someone to watch ALL 19 Marvel movies to catch up is a little bit much. You technically only have to watch Potter 7 part 1 to know enough to enjoy Part 2 and Star Wars Episodes 1-3 didn’t demand you already watch 4-6 to fully enjoy them nor did 7 require you to watch any previous film. This is a valid crique. It does need to be expanded upon as to what extent you really need to watch the other movies thou... witch would still require the reviewer to have watched them in order to explain properly. >.> Like do you really need to watch all 19 films or would starting after Age of Ultron be enough for Infinity Wars? THAT would actually be useful for the review other then no specific blind bantering. The person reading the review would probably like to know exactly where they need to start if they want to full enjoy infinty wars.
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