#star trek tng s03e16
lordlexion · 11 months
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Of course, Picard in his pyjamas is the biggest slut. Damn, I stare respectfully.
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lordlexion · 11 months
Brief thoughts on Lal
I'm watching Star Trek TNG s03e16 and- I love the character of Lal. It was amazing to experience the whole process of her development (I really wish we were given more information about it) it was really comical.
But from the beginning; the process of choosing her form (and gender). At the very beginning of her existence, Lal has freedom that most beings don't have – especially us humans – yet she is faced with a very difficult choice. Because what she picks will be an integral part of her forever.
Later, a tour of Data's quarters, their shared home. That certain lack of human fluidity, was captivating. Lal's exploration of the world (although brief) was intriguing, giving a new perspective on Data's world. And all the way through Lal's learning, from what Data himself (who really did a wonderful job as a father) could and did show her, to what the school taught her. The loneliness that comes with being different, misunderstood – she might not have felt the emotion, but it's not hard to see that something is wrong.
The whole process of Lal's development was also an extraordinary experience for Data, who was given the opportunity to re-experience 'childhood' (like any other parent). Having an insight into an already familiar experience from a completely different perspective. He saw his child develop, at the same time growing with her. He was learning new things, such as what Doctor Crusher told him about sharing his experiences with his child so that he could see that he was not alone. Letting him know about his own struggles, which are similar, making a connection, just being empathetic…
Finding out about human romantic relationships, what people do and how they do it… Hasn't everyone had a kind of fascination similar to hers? The questions she asked with her conversation with Guinan are much more mature, you can see how quickly her development is progressing. She has entered a level of “puberty”.
And to top it off, a kiss with an unsuspecting Riker. I was dying of laughter.
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And then there's a very important element, the conversation between Data and Lal about emotions, which resulted in them holding hands… A really moving scene and showing what an incredible family these two androids are.
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I will skip over some events until the memento in which Lal experiences fear. Although her movements are strangely robotic, you can immediately see the huge level of fright she is experiencing. Her immediate going to Troy in a moment of great distress is somehow logical, and at the same time indicative of the bond she has established with others on board.
She is not just experiencing the fear that comes with talking to an admiral who is trying to separate her from her father, the ship and everything she knows, but with the very fact that she is feeling. She is experiencing feelings and that puts her into a certain level of panic.
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And the end of Lal… Deep emotion, emotion, sadness, grief, mourning. There would probably be even more words to describe the emotions that were evoked by Lal's dying. And yet in all this sadness and pain, there is something beautiful to be found. Lal's (and Data's) love. Pure, innocent and strong, touching almost to tears.
How quickly can one character we have come to know in the space of a few minutes evoke such a strong attachment in the viewer, and be mourned by so many of the crew. Lal was a wonderful character who I'll never forget.
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