#star jager
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otterkitty · 1 month ago
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I see siebenjäger in everything
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sosadraws · 5 months ago
I was today years old when I finally realized that Hunter and Jäger are the same character.
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wolvzephyr · 2 months ago
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storch pairs i like...
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gunlicker13 · 7 months ago
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fischlich · 7 months ago
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doodles i did bc i was bored lol
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luxstrous · 2 months ago
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Eules want her, Storches fear her ✨
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lady-lostmind · 1 year ago
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I had the absolute pleasure of getting to write a fic based on this amazing art by @ahhrenata for @strangerthingsreversebigbang! Link to art post Thank you @oh-stars for betaing this! Read the fic on ao3 or under the cut!
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Eddie rolls over with a groan. He feels awful. He can’t breath out of his nose, there’s so much pressure in his head he feels like it might explode and his throat feels like he swallowed a cup of razors. He lets out a truly pathetic whimper, the sound catching in his throat as it turns into a cough. He stretches his arm out, feeling around for Steve and is met with cold, empty sheets. He whines again and finally pries his eyes open. 
He hears Steve pad down the hall and then he’s opening the door to their room, a soft smile on his face as he peers down at Eddie on the bed. “Hey, sleepyhead.”
Eddie sniffles loudly. “I don’t feel good.” 
Steve sighs and leans against the door frame. “I told you not to go out in the cold with Dustin the other night. You didn’t even have a coat.” 
Eddie groans again and flops over, reaching his hand out to Steve. “Come cuddle with me.” 
Steve huffs out a laugh. “You’re whiny when you’re sick.” 
But he pushes off the doorframe and crawls onto the bed, dropping down next to Eddie and letting him wrap his limbs around his body and press his face against Steve’s chest. 
Eddie snuggles in and hums, ready to fall back asleep for forever, or until he can actually breathe again. Whichever comes first. 
Steve’s hand lands on his forehead, pushing his bangs out of the way. “Baby, you’re hot.” 
Eddie lets out a little chuckle, his voice low and raspy from the pain in his throat. “I’m flattered, sweetheart. But I don’t think I’m really up for anything sexy right now, Stevie.” 
Steve swats his arm. “I wasn’t coming onto you, asshole. You have a fever.”
Steve pulls away, like he’s going to get back up and Eddie holds on tighter to him, another whine slipping out of his lips.
Steve rolls his eyes and presses a kiss to Eddie’s forehead. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go get you some stuff.” 
Eddie’s hand flops onto the bed as Steve gets up and disappears from the room. Eddie rolls back over, pulling the blankets up and burrowing under them to fall back asleep. 
Eddie wakes up to Steve nudging him gently, holding out a little cup of red liquid. Eddie’s face scrunches up in disgust and he shakes his head with a groan, trying to hide under the covers again. “I hate that shit.” 
Steve rolls his eyes and tugs the blanket back. “Eds, you gotta take this. It’ll bring your fever down. Come on.”
Eddie groans again, but pulls himself up to sit and takes the little shot of medicine with a grimace. 
Steve chuckles beside him. “I’ve seen you drink jager straight from the bottle and you’re making that face over cherry cough medicine?” 
Eddie shoots him a cocky grin. “Jager is good though. That shit tastes like pennies.” 
Steve shakes his head, pulling the covers back up around Eddie’s chin. “There’s tissues and water next to you on the table. You want me to drag the TV in here?” 
Eddie shakes his head, already settling back into the pillows and drifting off. He reaches out a hand to tug at Steve’s wrist. 
Steve sighs, climbing under the blankets with him and pulling him close. “You’re gonna get me sick.” 
Eddie grins and plants a wet kiss to the back of Steve’s hand before he falls asleep again. 
The next time Eddie resurfaces it’s to Steve’s fingers trailing softly through his hair. He sniffs, whining when it makes the pressure in his head spike. 
“Made you some soup, baby. You hungry?” 
Eddie nods and forces himself to sit up, smiling at Steve when he hands him a bowl of chicken noodle. “Thank you, sweetheart.” 
Steve leans over and presses a kiss to Eddie’s temple. “You sure you don’t want the TV in here? We could watch some movies.” 
Eddie shrugs. “I’ll probably just fall asleep five minutes in. But you can bring it in if you’re bored.” 
Steve shakes his head and grabs a book off his side table, wiggling it in the air. “I’m good.”
Eddie’s eyes lock on the book and his jaw drops open. “Are you finally reading The Lord of the Rings?” 
Steve flashes him a big grin and nods. “They’re confusing though. How do you keep track of all these crazy names?” 
Eddie chuckles. “You get used to it after a while.” He sets his empty bowl aside and lays back down, peering up at Steve with big, pleading eyes. “Will you read to me?”
Steve’s face scrunches up. “I’m not very good.”
Eddie scoots in closer, plopping his head onto Steve’s lap. “I just want to hear your voice.” 
Steve’s hand finds its way back into Eddie’s curls again. “Do you want me to start over?”
Eddie shakes his head. “I’ve read them like ten times. You can start where you left off.” 
Steve nods and opens the book, clearing his throat. “‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo.”
Eddie lets the familiar words wash over him. Steve’s voice making him feel safe and warm, the fingers in his hair soothing him to sleep.
Eddie wakes up again, his throat burning and raw. He’s alone in the bed again and it’s dark. The blankets tucked in tight around him, making him over heated, his hair plastered to his forehead. He sits up, reaching for a tissue as a harsh cough racks his body. He groans, wincing as he wipes his mouth. 
Eddie hates being sick. And yeah. He knows nobody likes being sick. Obviously. But he can’t stand it. It makes him feel trapped in his own body. Trapped in his bed. He doesn’t like to sit still for so long. To feel like he can’t do anything. 
The door creaks open, a sliver of light peeking through before it disappears again, Steve’s body blocking it out as he leans in, a sad little smile on his face. “You okay, baby? Heard you coughing.” 
Eddie lets out a pathetic whine, falling against the pillows again, somehow still exhausted even though he slept through most of the day already. “No.” 
Steve pushes the door open the rest of the way, comes up to him and puts his hand on his forehead before making a little tsk noise, and brushing his hair out of his face. “I’m going to get you another dose of medicine.” 
Eddie groans, grabbing Steve’s wrist and shaking his head. 
Steve chuckles, bending down to press a kiss to Eddie’s temple. “What if I bring you a popsicle to chase it with? Make your throat feel a little better.” 
Eddie’s eyes flick up to Steve’s, his eyebrows shooting up. “Not sure your popsicle is going to help my throat much but–”
Steve rolls his eyes with a smile, tugging his arm back and shaking his head. “Would you stop? You’re awful.” He heads back to the door, turning back with his hands on his hips. “Orange or cherry?” 
Eddie whines. “No grape?” 
Steve chuckles. “You and Dustin ate all the grape, baby.” 
Eddie huffs out a breath. “Orange then.” 
Eddie grins as Steve leaves the room. He really hates being sick. But he doesn’t mind this whole Steve-taking-care-of-him thing. That part’s pretty nice. He can’t really remember the last time someone did this for him. Thinks it must have been his mom, when he was still little. Remembers curling up with her on the couch, her humming softly as he fell asleep. 
He doesn’t have a lot of good memories with her. Mostly screaming matches with his dad, and her disappearing for weeks at a time. But there were a few times when things were good. When he felt loved. When he really felt like he understood what it was like to be wanted. And then he’d gone to live with Wayne. And he did his best. And Eddie knows he loves him. Knows he would do anything for him. But he’s a grumpy old man who never thought he’d be raising a kid. His version of taking care of Eddie when he was sick was buying some soup and leaving it on the counter for Eddie to make while he was at work. And that was fine. Eddie is grateful for everything Wayne has done for him. It just wasn’t exactly a lovey household. Not that it wasn’t full of love. They just…didn’t really show it. But he feels the love in everything Steve does. Sees it in the way Steve’s eyes light up when they look at him. In the way his hands always linger. No matter where they touch. Like he never wants to be more than a breath away from him. Like he wants nothing more than to bring him a stupid orange popsicle when his throat hurts to make him feel better. 
Eddie smirks as Steve comes back into the room, cough medicine in one hand, popsicle in the other.
Eddie feels a little better when he wakes up the next morning. Late morning. The room bright with the sun peeking in through the blinds. He’s still sick. Still can’t really breathe normally. His throat is still protesting every time he tries to swallow. But he feels a little less dead. And he didn’t wake up drenched in sweat this time so, hopefully that means his fever is gone. Thanks to Steve’s stupid medicine. Not that he’d ever admit that to him. 
Steve comes in with a plate piled high with toast, and a mug of tea that Eddie is sure has way too much honey in it, for his throat. 
Eddie takes the offered breakfast with a sleepy smile. “Thank you, sweetheart.” 
Steve presses a kiss to Eddie’s forehead. “You’re welcome, baby. You feeling better?”
Eddie shrugs, stuffing half a piece of toast in his mouth. Steve climbs onto the bed with him, grabbing Eddie’s book from the table on his side of the bed, settling back against the pillows.
Eddie perks up, shifting so he can watch the way Steve’s mouth wraps around the words Eddie knows by heart. They’re some of his favorite configurations of words in the world, and Steve somehow makes him love them even more. He loves the slight hesitancy he has as he stumbles over the names, the pauses he adds in strange spots when he’s clearly trying to piece parts of the story together. He can tell he’s really trying to get it. Trying to understand why Eddie loves this so much. Trying to understand Eddie more. Which he’s pretty sure no one else has done before. 
Everyone else just takes him at face value. The loud, over the top, obnoxious behavior, his weird obsessions and interests. People either look at him and want nothing to do with him, or they look at him in awe, like he’s something shiny, something to distract them from whatever bullshit is going on in their own lives. But he’s never had someone look at him like he’s something to be treasured. To dive into and see all the sides of. Until Steve. 
Steve, who he knows hates half of the stuff Eddie is into but still asks questions. Who knows Eddie’s favorite songs and books and movies. Who knows he prefers grape popsicles. Who looks at him in that awestruck way even when he’s quiet. When he’s just existing in their space, not putting on a front or a show. Steve still sees him, even then. 
Eddie leans forward and presses his lips to Steve’s, cutting him off mid sentence. 
Steve huffs out a laugh against Eddie’s lips before pushing him back. “Is my reading that bad?”
Eddie shakes his head and takes another bite of toast, getting crumbs all over the bed as he scooches closer to Steve who lifts his arm to tuck Eddie into his side. 
By day four Eddie is still feeling pretty bad, and worn out, but also bored. He still doesn’t have the energy to leave their bed much but he also can’t stand just laying around anymore. 
He shuffles his way out to the living room, ignoring Steve’s squawk of protest as he spots him from where he’s doing dishes in the kitchen. Eddie makes it halfway to the coffee table before Steve is there, a hand towel slung over his shoulder as he tries to push Eddie back down the hall. 
“What are you doing? Go back to bed.” 
Eddie groans and gestures to his stack of notebooks on the table. “I’m bored, Steve. I want to work on my campaign.” 
Steve nudges him back again, a crease forming between his brows. “I’ll bring them to you. Go lay down.” 
Eddie lets out an annoyed whine but turns and heads back down the hall, collapsing on the bed where he immediately lets out a sigh of relief, the pressure that was building in his head from being vertical backs off as soon as he hits the pillows. Because Steve was right, of course. He should have just asked him to grab his stuff for him. 
Steve comes in a few minutes later with all of Eddie’s notebooks and campaign books piled high in his arms. He dumps them on the bed and disappears again, coming back with a stack of Eddie’s tapes and his walkman, adding them to the mess on the bed and perching on the edge. 
Eddie grins at him. “You’re the best, you know that?” 
Steve shrugs, a little blush flashing on his cheeks. He reaches out and squeezes Eddie’s knee. “Just know you like to listen to music while you work. I’ll bring you some dinner in a little bit, okay?” 
Eddie watches as he gets up to go, smirk firmly in place as he pulls his notebooks closer to him and flips the top one open, trying to jump back into the story he was forming.
Eddie stares down at his notebook, sniffing loudly and tossing a crumpled up tissue onto the floor next to the bed. He taps his pen on the page, trying to will the scene to write itself. A cough works its way up the back of his throat and sticks there, making him hack over and over until he’s pulling in a wheezing breath and falling back against the pillows.
“Fuck me.” He groans out, shoving his notebook away with a huff. He hates being sick. Can’t even manage to focus on his campaign for more than fifteen minutes before he’s coughing and exhausted and–
Steve pushes the door open with his hip, a steaming bowl of soup in his hands and a bright smile that reaches his eyes on his face.
Eddie sighs, pulling himself up to sit against the headboard and lets Steve fuss over pillow placements as he hands over the soup. He stares up at Steve, his chest full of adoration for this wonderful man who works himself into a tizzy because Eddie didn’t make sure he was properly supported by his pillows. Because how is his gorgeous man even real? How did Eddie get so lucky? 
Eddie sets his soup on the side table as Steve leans over him, trying to manhandle Eddie into a position he deems acceptable and Eddie grabs his face, pulling him into a soft kiss, smiling against Steve’s mouth when he feels him melt a little into the touch. 
Steve pulls back with a chuckle, pushing against Eddie’s shoulder. “It’s like you’re trying to get me sick, Eds.” Eddie lets out a laugh and sniffs, trying not to be an oozing, gross mess with Steve so up close and personal. “Sorry. I just can’t help myself when you’re being so sweet.” 
Steve’s face blooms red and he ducks his head with a little shake before standing and grabbing Eddie’s soup off the table again, pushing it back into Eddie’s hands. “Eat your soup, baby.” 
Eddie gives him a little two finger salute and nods, dimple popping on his check. “Yes, sir.” 
Steve rolls his eyes as Eddie takes a big spoonful, making an obnoxiously loud slurp just to see the way Steve’s face scrunches in disgust. 
Eddie wakes up in the middle of the night, coughing and wheezing, trying to catch his breath and be quiet so he doesn’t wake up–
Steve’s hand lands on his back, rubbing gently.
Eddie groans, looking guiltily over at Steve. “Sorry I woke–” His voice catches on another cough, sending him into another fit. 
Steve sits up, hand still on Eddie’s back, the other coming up to sweep the hair away from his face. “It’s okay, baby. Just breathe.” 
Eddie nods, sucking in a deep breath and trying to ignore the tickle in the back of his throat threatening another cough. Steve gets up and heads out of the room, coming back with a glass of water that he hands to Eddie before sliding back into bed, his hand finding its way back to its spot on Eddie’s back. Eddie takes a couple of small sips before setting the glass aside and laying back down, Steve scooches in close, pressing their foreheads together, one hand still on Eddie’s back, the other working its way to tangle in his hair.
Eddie hums reaching up to cup Steve’s face, feeling content as his eyes slip closed. 
The next morning Eddie wakes up feeling much better. He’s still a little stuffy, but his throat doesn’t hurt anymore and his head feels a little clearer. Like the sick haze is starting to dissipate. He stretches, letting out a satisfied groan and slips up to jump in the shower. 
The hot water does wonders for him and by the time he steps out of the bathroom, rubbing his drenched hair with a towel, he feels almost human again. 
He glances over at Steve, still fast asleep in the bed. Eddie’s brow scrunches together and he looks at the clock. 11:15am. 
Huh. Steve never sleeps in this late. He gets up obnoxiously early to work out before he gets moving for the day. Eddie climbs back into the bed and presses soft kisses along Steve’s jaw, smiling when his sleepy eyes peek open at him. 
“You slept in.” Eddie traces his fingers along Steve’s arm. 
Steve lets out a little whimper, pressing his face into the pillows. 
Eddie pushes some hair out of Steve’s face, his fingers grazing his forehead which is blazing. 
Eddie curses under his breath, planting his hand more firmly on Steve’s skin. “Oh no, sweetheart.” 
Steve peers up at him with big, sad puppy eyes, his voice strained and nasally. “I’m sick, Eds.”
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yungistiny · 2 months ago
back of the net ═ chapter one
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▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
chapter one: coach’s daughter
summary: yunho and mingi are the star football players and they have never wanted anything more then their coach’s daughter
warning: creampie, unprotected sex, size kink, public orgasm, dom yunho, dom mingi, sub reader, double penetration, bisexual mingi
pairing: yungi x afab/reader
genre: smut, romance, polyamory
word count: 5.5k
chapter two
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Yunho and Mingi have managed to do some dumb shit in their life. Best friends since they were thirteen. They were practically attached at the hip so it only made sense they would go to the same college together and be star football players together.
Now to incorporate the dumbass shit they have done. Like that time in high school when Mingi slept with the principal’s daughter only to turn around and sleep with his son too. He got suspended from school for a month and had to go to summer school to make up the days he missed.
At their high school graduation, Mingi lost a bet to Yunho which resulted in him accepting his diploma in only his graduation cap. To say principal Kim was more then ecstatic to no longer have Mingi in his school was an understatement.
Then there was that time Yunho was dared freshman year of college by Kim Jungwoo to streak across campus. No one thought he would do it, not even Mingi, but after shots of jager bombs Yunho was fully naked and found passed out in front of the library, face down in the rose bushes and ass on display.
There was also that time at Ten Lee’s birthday party last year where Mingi had accidentally almost sat the dormitory on fire when he dropped the shot of everclear that Hoshi Kwan thought would be cool to light on fire. The flame had burnt Mingi’s lip and he dropped it on a curtain that covered the window. He had never seen anyone piss a fire out but thank god for a drunk Yunho.
Now here they were in their senior year of college, star forwards for their university football team and the dumb thing they were about to do now had to top the list.
Yunho had noticed her first freshman year, she had ran up to coach Choi during practice. Choi Seungcheol was a dilf according to Mingi and Jung Wooyoung and probably most the students at university. He was also a scary and strict football coach. And the beautiful girl Yunho had noticed that day freshman year just happened to be his daughter.
Coach Choi had met y/n mom when he himself was a university student abroad. They had y/n before graduating college and Yunho was very thankful coach forgot to wrap it before tapping it because his daughter was the most beautiful thing he’d ever did see.
It hadn’t taken long for Mingi to notice her too. As a matter of fact it took exactly two minutes and thirty seven seconds after Yunho.
“Holy shit…” Mingi shamelessly raked his eyes down her exposed legs from the short gray shorts she had worn, thighs and legs so smooth and so soft to the eye. A burgundy hoodie unzipped, their school colors, to show the matching gray sports bra.
“Don’t think about it.” Choi Jongho had rolled his eyes at their staring. “It’s coach’s daughter, dumbasses.”
She had also been Kim Mingyu’s girlfriend, at the time he was the star football player before graduating last year. Now Mingyu was no longer in the picture and Yunho and Mingi were ready to do some dumb shit again.
Kang Yeosang looked up from the drawing he had been sketching at his favorite spot in the quad, eyeing Yunho and Mingi curiously. The two twin towers, a nickname given to them by everyone after watching how they dominated the field together, they never spoke to Yeosang outiside of football practice and games.
“You’re y/n best friend, right?”
Oh. Now Yeosang’s curious gaze turned suspicious. “What do you want?” His question might of came out a little harsh but Yeosang was just a tad protective over his best friend and it was no secret that Yunho and Mingi, not exactly fuckboys per say, but they certainly had a reputation. Yeosang had even heard Jungwoo talking about how the two best friends would share partners.
“Relax,” Mingi put his hands up at the hostility as if to say him and Yunho come in peace. “we were just wondering…”
“I’m not helping you sleep with my best friend.” Yeosang stopped Mingi before he could finish. “Who said we wanted to sleep with her?” Yunho had an innocent look on his face that didn’t fool Yeosang one bit.
It was no secret to anyone, except maybe coach and the girl herself, the way Yunho and Mingi had been watching y/n from the sidelines since freshman year. “Oh really? Then why are you both asking about her?”
“Asking about who?” Kim Jungwoo had been Yeosang’s roommate since freshman year, a bag of doritos in his hand, crunching one of the cool ranch chips in his mouth as he sat down beside Yeosang.
“We were just asking Yeosang if y/n was going to be at Johnny Suh’s Halloween party?” Yunho answered with that boyish smile of his, puppy eyes disguising his intentions with innocence.
“Didn’t he graduate like four years ago?” Jungwoo asked smacking on another chip. “Five years ago.” Mingi corrected as him and Yunho waited for Yeosang to answer them.
“Why do you care?” Yeosang arched a brow as Jungwoo snorted. “Please tell me you two aren’t trying to double team coach’s daughter, do you have a death wish?”
“Jungwoo,” Yeosang scrunched his face up in disgust. “that’s so crude.”
“Well,” Jungwoo scoffed, gesturing towards Yunho and Mingi, the latter fighting a smirk off his face. “it’s what they’re planning.”
Yeosang turned a glare towards them. “If you two even think about using her, I’ll tell coach.” He had no problem in snitching if it meant protecting y/n from their devious acts.
“No one is trying to use anyone.” Yunho rolled his. Yes. They wanted to sleep with y/n, they’ve wanted to since freshman year but they also wanted more. They just wanted her. All of her.
“So you do want to die?” Jungwoo laughed. Seeking out Choi Y/N was an insane ass thing to do that only one other person at their university was brave enough to do and Kim Mingyu broke up with her as soon as he graduated. Coach would probably kill the ex star player if he ever showed his face again cause apparently Mingyu didn’t have time for a relationship after being scouted into the South Korean national football team.
“To answer your question” Yeosang turned his focus back down to the drawing he had been sketching. “I have no idea.”
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“What are you doing?”
Y/N stared down at Minghao, her friend sitting on the ground, legs criss crossed together, eyes closed and humming. “I’m centering myself.”
Y/N had met Minghao after he had transferred to their university back in sophomore year. He was intriguing and stood out with his black painted nails, glittering eyeshadow, bright red hair and the lavender kamado he had on with silvery intricate flower designs.
“Is it working?” Y/N arched a brow as Minghao let out a frustrated sigh, opening his eyes. “No.”
She tried not to laugh, she really did, but couldn’t help the giggles leaving her. “Yeah, I don’t think your center exists with that over there happening.” Y/N nodded behind Minghao where Hoshi Kwan, in the universaity tiger mascot, was having a dance off with Jung Wooyoung.
Minghao turned his head, sighing. “Imbeciles.”
“Do you still have those devil horns? I need them for my costume I’m gonna wear to Johnny Suh’s party tomorrow night.” Y/N had everything she needed for her costume, she had decided on going as Power from Chainsaw Man, everything ready but the character’s signature horns.
“Yeah,” Minghao nodded, rotating his neck, letting out deep breaths before narrowing his eyes behind y/n. “The twin towers are coming your way.”
“What?” Y/N furrowed her brows together, turning around to see what he was referring to.
Jeong Yunho and Song Mingi were her dad’s star players. Both reaching well over 6ft and it was rare you would ever catch one without the other. Mingi was a dark contrast to Yunho with his short bleached blonde hair, chunky rings decorating his fingers, the small fix on tattoo on his right cheek just under eye, something he came up with to say whenever he’d score a goal during a game. You would also never find him in colors other than black with the exception of his team jersey. Even his nails were painted as black as night.
Yunho was the exact opposite. He was taller than Mingi by a mere inch but you could barely tell. His hair was only slightly shorter, bangs almost getting into his eyes, a dark shade of brown, no tattoos, no dark color in sight other then his black converse and the dark gray hoodie he wore.
Y/N turned back to Minghao who shrugged at her before closing his eyes and humming once again. She was suddenly nervous as she felt their presence directly behind her.
“What the hell is he doing?” Mingi stared at Minghao as him and Yunho towered behind y/n. “Centering himself.” Y/N replied trying to ignore the way her heart started beating a little faster.
“Is it working?” Yunho asked genuinely curious. Minghao opened his eyes sighing yet again in frustration. “No.” He stood, stretching his arms. “I’ll bring the horns to your dorm later.”
Y/N glared at him and the smirk he sent her before walking off. It was no secret to Minghao that she found the two football players behind her attractive. She had told him exactly how attractive she found them not a couple weeks ago during one of Minghao’s cleansing smoke sessions and y/n had never been high before in her life so the confession was tumbling from her lips before she could think.
“Do you think it’s true,” she had been laying on Minghao bed, his roommate, Yuta, was out for the night. “that they…” she could feel her face blushing at the thought. “share….”
Minghao had looked at her, devious smirk on his lips. “You ask as if you want to personally find out.”
Y/N blushed completely, cheeks warm from the heat of it and she may of had a not so innocent dream of the two of them that night. She blamed it on the weed.
“Y/N,” Yunho stared down at her after him and Mingi stepped around to stand in front of her. “are you going to Johnny Suh’s party tomorrow?” Him and Mingi had a very thought out plan to make y/n theirs.
Y/N looked between them both, they were so much bigger than her. “You have a size kink.” Minghao had teased her once after finding out she was attracted to them “First Mingyu now the twin towers.” “Maybe.” Obviously she was but she was curious as to why they wanted to know.
The rumors that they liked to share causing her to grow flustered under their gaze. Mingyu had hated them.
“They want to fuck you”
“I swear if Mingi looks at your legs one more time”
“Maybe we want you there.” Mingi smirked at her. Y/N had to give it to them, they were bold for even having the balls to seek her out considering every other guy on campus aside from Mingyu, was too scared to pursue coach Choi’s daughter.
But it seemed Yunho and Mingi either had a death wish or just didn’t care.
“Jungwoo said that Mark Lee walked in on them, I think Mingi is his roommate, but like he walked in on them both with some sophomore….. you know…. them both at the same time”
Yeosang’s words haunted her because it’s all she’s been able to think about no matter how hard she tried not to. She almost found herself wanting to ask them if it were true.
She decided to mess with them. “Can’t make it actually.” Y/N lied, suppressing a smirk at the matching disappointing looks on their faces.
“Ssibal” Mingi hissed under his breath. Yunho beside him had his tongue poking the inside of his cheek, eyes trailing y/n as she smiled at them and left.
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Y/N adjusted the horns on her head and did the same with her black tie. The white button up shirt was tight against her chest, her bellybutton peaking at the bottom.
“Here.” Yeosang handed her the dark navy blue blazer and she slipped it on, left open, and checking her reflection in the window of someone’s car. She smirked at her legs on display in the black shorts she wore that left just the smallest of her ass to peak out.
She certainly did not wear the shorts because she knew Mingi liked her legs.
That’s what she told herself anyways.
“Wait…” she stopped Yeosang as Jungwoo shamelessly watched her unbutton her shirt just enough to allow the black lace bra she wore to be visible with her cleavage.
“Y/N you’re so fucking hot.” Jungwoo could have moaned at the sight. Yeosang popped him in the back of the head causing him to yelp.
“Let’s go.” Y/N lead their way into Johnny Suh’s house that was located just off campus where he shared it with his best Jung Jaehyun. The two of them graduated years ago but ended up buying their old frat house for themselves and just couldn’t seem to shake the college life just yet.
“This place is fucking packed!” Jungwoo stumbled as someone in a spiderman costume bumped into him. He readjusted the cat ears he had on, a simple but effective costume. “I’ll find us some drinks.”
Yunho spotted her first. Fuck did she look good. Either she changed her mind about coming or she just lied. Mingi noticed her after coming back with two bottles of beer, one in each hand, tapping Yunho on the arm with one. “There’s a fucking line to get beer, you better enjoy that because I’m not going back.” Mingi huffed, adjusting the cowboy hat atop his head, bringing his own beer up to his lips and pausing when he found her. “Fuck me…” She was dressed as Power. Power from Chainsaw Man. That was Mingi’s favorite anime.
“I’m assuming we’re not getting a drink anytime soon.” Yeosang roamed his eyes around the party, Jungwoo had been gone about ten minutes already and still had yet to return with a beer, soju, anything. He sighed, adjusting his wig, he had decided on Harley Quinn for his costume all the way down to the blonde pigtails.
“I’ll go look for Jungwoo.” Y/N moved to walk off but Yeosang stopped her. “Don’t just run off by yourself, there can be weirdos here.” He was being protective but they didn’t know everyone at this party and he had made a promise to coach freshman year that he’d look out for y/n seeing as the two of them had been best friends almost their entire life, that and Mr. Choi could be terrifying sometimes.
“I can take care of myself,” y/n argued, refraining herself from stomping her foot like a brat. She was just so tired of both her best friend and her dad’s overprotectiveness. She was 22 years old, not some dumb teenager. She was a grown woman. Y/N didn’t give Yeosang a chance to try and stop her again, disappearing into the sea of costumed college students.
A strobe light flashed, y/n seeing her movements as if they were in slow motion as she glided her hand against the wall down the hallway where a couple was practically fucking against a wall. She blushed and avoided her gaze not in search of Jungwoo at all.
The hallway ended in a large dining area where a pool table sat with various bottles of liquor. The room casted in the dark purple glowing hues of a black light. Y/N pushed through a small throng of people, sifting through the liquor until she found an unopened bottle of tequila. She’d never drank tequila before and found herself curious and daring.
Opening the bottle was harder then expected, y/n having to stop and ask a vampire costumed Choi Jongho to open it for her. The first sip burned her throat and choked her a little. The second sip wasn’t much different but by her fourth, it still burned but she now could handle it, body feeling warm, her nerves she had the second she stepped inside the house gone. She was surprised she hadn’t seen Yunho or Mingi yet, their height should have given them away, especially Mingi’s hair. “Sorry!” She apologized as she bumped right into someone’s hard chest, almost dropping the bottle of tequila.
Y/N took in the tall costumed figure that held her up with a hand on each side of her waist. The stranger was hidden behind a Ghostface mask and black robes. Y/N gasped when the Ghostface stranger’s hands gripped her waist, caging her against the wall, moving her out of the way just as a group of guys came tumbling through the hallway, yelling and falling atop each other. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, panting at the sudden whiplash and the effects of the alcohol now running through her body.
“You ok?” The voice behind the Ghostface mask sounded oh so familiar but was too muffled by the loud music bumping throughout the house. Y/N watched the stranger as they removed a hand from her waist, reaching up and pulling the mask off.
And fuck her because Jeong Yunho had never looked more hot then at that exact moment.
Yunho had followed her, losing Mingi in the party, he wanted to make sure she was safe, there was a bunch of people at this party and he had noticed Yeosang throwing a fit at Jungwoo who had returned just as y/n took off. He could smell the tequila on her breath, the strobe light flashing, every few seconds giving him light to see the perfect view of her cleavage. “Grab my hand.” He interlocked his hand with hers, not taking his eyes off of her, gripping his mask in his other hand as he guided her out of the crowded dark hallway.
“I don’t see Mingi….” Yunho casted his gaze over dancing bodies, never dropping y/n hand. He looked down at her and quickly shoved his mask into his pocket, snatching the bottle of tequila from her as she went to take another long sip of the alcohol. “I think you’ve had enough.” Yunho didn’t want to make his move on her if she were drunk.
“You,” y/n reached for the bottle, Yunho holding it up out of her reach. “don’t tell me what to do.” She stomped her foot, Yunho smirking at her bratty attitude.
“Here.” Yunho shoved the tequila into the hands of some dude that walked by them, y/n pouting. “That was mine!”
Yunho reached for her hand again, spinning her and pulling her back flushed against his front, hands gripping her waist as he leaned down to speak into her ear over the loud music.
“You lied to us.” His voice, the deep thrum of it, sent a shiver down y/n spine in the best way. “Brat.” He nipped at her neck then.
Y/N had no control over the moan that escaped her and Yunho had no control over his dick getting hard at the beautiful sound and the way her ass was flushed against him.
“Can I take you out of here?” Yunho asked, grazing his lips against her neck. Nothing was going to his and Mingi’s plan. He had no idea where his best friend was but there was no way he was gonna wait on Mingi to show up.
“Please.” Y/N almost sounded as if she were begging him to and Yunho had to refrain from just taking her in one of the rooms in the old frat house. “Come on.” He grabbed her hand and lead her out of the party, the slight chill in the night air nipping at y/n exposed legs.
Y/N and Yunho both came to a halt, the sight of Lee Seokmin chugging a beer atop a table before jumping onto another table that was on fire. The entire situation was completely outrageous, Seokmin or Dk as most called him, jumped up, his ass now on fire and running with Hoshi behind him, tossing beer at the flame eating at his ass. “Jesus…” Y/N watched them as Yunho snorted, spotting Wooyoung laughing alongside Jongho.
“Your dorm or mine?” Yunho asked. “My roommate is there.” Y/N roommate Karina had come down with a cold and had been resting in their dorm for the last two days knocked out by cold medicine.
“Woo!” Yunho tugged her close, walking over to his roommate. “You coming back late tonight?” It wasn’t exactly a question and one look at y/n beside Yunho, Wooyoung smirked. “Of course.” Wooyoung and Jongho watched Yunho pull coach’s daughter into his side, leading her back towards campus. “Him and Mingi have to be the dumbest players on the team or they just don’t care.”
Wooyoung snickered. “I think it’s a bit of both.”
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The walk back to campus only took them ten minutes and then another five minutes to reach Yunho’s dormitory. Y/N followed him inside his dorm room, eying each side of the room and assuming the bed on the left with the football posters on the wall along with a lone valorant poster and a spiderman plush on the bed above dark blue sheets could only be Yunho’s.
Yunho felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled the black robes off, leaving him in black sweatpants and a black plain tank top. His phone began vibrating again and y/n watched him pull it from his pocket, smirking when he saw Mingi’s name light up the screen.
“Where are you?” Mingi’s voice yelled, barely audible over the loud music in the background. He hadn’t been able to find Yunho or spot y/n anywhere. “I left.” Yunho answered vaguely deciding to mess with his best friend. “Look I’m about to be very…” his gaze landed on y/n, raking his heated stare down to her legs and then back up to her face where she blushed. “busy. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Yunho ended the call, turning his phone off and sitting it on the desk him and Wooyoung shared.
Y/N bit her bottom lip, the boldness to join him she could assume had come from the alcohol she had drank but she wasn’t drunk just a little buzzed enough to not be so nervous. To not think about consequences. She hadn’t been with anyone since Mingyu and he had been the only person y/n had ever been with.
“Am I going to be busy?” Yunho asked her, slowly walking closer towards her. “Because if I’m not, we could just hangout.” He wasn’t about to push her into anything, he hadn’t had a crush on her since freshman year just to fuck her and dump her.
Y/N waited until his tall frame was right in front of her, her hand reaching to tug at the end of his tank top, admiring the way it fit him and his biceps, not too small and not too big, her gaze settling on his hand that reached for her own. They were so big, the veins prominent. His fingers were so long. “Can I ask you something?” Her voice sounded breathless, loving the way his much bigger hand intertwined with hers, enveloping her own much much smaller one. “Is it true…. that you and Mingi like to share…” she couldn’t finish her entire question as Yunho gripped her chin gently with his other hand making her look up and meet his eyes. “Only if you want us to.”
Fuck! Y/N really really wanted them to but right now she’d certainly just have Yunho. If her dad knew or found out what she was about to do he’d probably blow up. Steam would pour from his ears like in an old cartoon but she didn’t care. She was a grown woman and she was horny.
Yunho felt his dick twitch in his underwear as he watched y/n drop to her knees in front of him. The little fake horns on her head peaking up at him as she reached at the waistband of his sweats, looking up at him through her lashes as she pulled them down his legs. Her eyes widened a little, darkening with lust and need at the sight of his bulge in his underwear. Oh he was big.
Her hands hesitated for a second, looking at Yunho and he nodded, reaching one of his hands down to pull the horns off of her, tossing them onto Wooyoung’s bed. He needed them out of the way. “Go ahead.”
Y/N wasted no more time, dragging his underwear down his legs to pool at his ankles with his sweats. His dick, already hard since the party, was free and y/n could have moaned at the sight. Oh he was really big.
She briefly wondered if Mingi were just as big before reaching her hand up to wrap around him, stretching up to be able to dart her tongue across his tip, swallowing the precum as she brought his tip into her mouth. “Fuck..” Yunho tangled his hand into her hair. “If I get too rough just pinch my leg.
Y/N nodded letting him know she understood, heart beating so fast she thought she might have a heart attack, his words making her clench her thighs together wanting some friction before she gagged as Yunho pushed his full length into her mouth, making her deep throat him and she moaned feeling him heavy on her tongue, tears brimming her eyes as her hands moved to grip his thighs, relaxing her jaw and allowing him to use her.
This had to be the filthiest thing she had ever done. Not that sex with Mingyu had been vanilla but he was never too rough and he certainly didn’t face fuck her. An act that had y/n a moaning mess as Yunho thrusted into her mouth, spit collecting at the corners of her mouth. Her moans and gags making him thrust faster.
Fuck if Yunho knew she was gonna feel this good, Kim Mingyu and Coach be damned, he would have pursued her that first day he saw her. His hand gripped tighter in her hair, pupils blown as he watched her deep throat him, gagging on his length.
He almost felt bad that Mingi was missing out.
“Come here” Yunho pulled his dick out of her mouth, y/n breathing heavily, gasping and using a hand to wipe at the tears on her flushed cheeks. She allowed Yunho to help her up, his mouth crashing against hers, tongue darting out to taste himself. He wanted to drop to his own knees and eat her pussy until she was a mess but he had been waiting almost four years for this so decided to save her cumming on his tongue for another time. Because there will certainly be another time.
“I need to be inside you right fucking now.” He panted against her lips and y/n whined, her clit aching, her pussy completely soaked. “Then fucking do it.”
Yunho didn’t have to be told twice. He picked her up, setting her on his bed and yanked the black tank top over his head leaving himself completely naked. Y/N herself was still fully clothed and he couldn’t believe he hadn’t gotten to even touch her yet.
Y/N took in Yunho’s muscles and lean torso and the abs he had gained from years of playing football. He looked so fucking perfect she moaned. “Please take my clothes off?” She practically begged, needing to be just as bare as him. Yunho moved quickly, dragging her shorts down her perfect legs, stopping here and there to leave an open mouth kiss against her. It was him who moaned now at seeing the sopping wet patch on her white cotton panties.
He used one hand to slip inside her aching core, two of his fingers diving easily inside of her from how wet she was. How wet she was for him. Y/N cried out as he finger fucked her all while using his other hand to remove the rest of her clothes, unclasping her bra expertly and then his mouth was pulling one of her perked nipples into his mouth, slipping a third finger inside her, stretching her to be ready for him.
“Look at you…” Yunho pulled his mouth away from her breast “you’re already so fucked out just from my fingers” y/n moaned loudly as he applied pressure to her clit with his thumb still thrusting his fingers inside her, grinning like a mad man when he found her spot, that magnificent little spongey spot deep inside her that had her cling to him and start sobbing as she came, orgasm ripping through her and shaking as clear liquid sprayed Yunho’s arm where he let his fingers to continue to fuck her through it.
“Oh my god you’re a fucking squirter” he said it as if he just discovered the greatest treasure in the world. “I’m… what?” Y/N was breathing heavy, barely catching her breath or understanding what the hell he was so amazed by. “You’ve never squirted before, have you?” OH! If he ever saw Kim Mingyu again he’d have to refrain himself from rubbing it in his face.
Y/N watched Yunho get up and walk over to the desk that sat in the middle the room in front of a curtained window. “Fucking Wooyoung.” He used all the condoms again. “As much as I want nothing more than to fuck you until you’re squirting on my dick right now, I don’t have a condom.” He was gonna kill Wooyoung.
“I’m on the pill.”
Her words caused him to freeze, blinking and brain short circuiting at what she was implying. She was gonna let him fuck her raw. Yunho had never fucked anyone raw before. Never came inside anyone. He was suddenly nervous because he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to last. “You sure?”
He was on her in seconds, maneuvering her to where she was on top of him, gripping her waist and guiding her to help her sink on his length, choked sob leaving y/n as he stretched her and a literal fucking whine leaving Yunho as he felt her so tight and warm and wet around his naked dick.
“Yunho…” y/n moaned his name, needing to move but he was gripping her waist, holding her in place with his eyes closed. “Just give me a minute.” He was trying not to cum like a fucking virgin but the feel of himself balls deep inside her raw was proving to make that difficult.
The moment he opened his eyes, the sight of y/n eager to ride him pulled a guttural moan from him and then he was moving, gripping her waist so hard that it would probably bruise but y/n didn’t care as he lifted his knees to brace himself so he could pound up into her, lewd noises echoing in the room mixed with their moans and y/n cries. “You feel so fucking good…. gonna let me fill you up… watch my cum drip out of you”
“Fuck!” Y/N cried out, his dirty words causing her to clench her walls around him, second orgasm ready to rip through her. She could no longer hold herself up, Yunho sitting up to hold her as she came, clamping around his dick with a vice grip, creaming on him and once again squirting uncontrollably. He lifted her off of him, replacing his dick momentarily with his fingers once again, fucking her fast through her orgasm, the wet slopping sounds something straight from a porno.
“Yunho…. I can’t…” y/n was overstimulated he pulled his hand away and flipping them over, pulling her legs open, wrapping them around his waist as he pushed his dick back inside her, fucking her at a fast pace, his own orgasm so close as y/n was an incoherent mess below him.
He came harder then he thought was possible, painting her white inside, still thrusting, sloppy now, as he buried his face into the crook of her neck, gripping the sheets with his hands, moaning loudly in her ear followed by a whimper as y/n clenched around him, her sensitive and swollen clit being rubbed by his pelvis flushed against her pulling one last orgasm from her.
Yunho was breathing hard, dick still inside her, stopping his cum from leaking out as he lay on her, y/n hands tangled in his hair, playing with the short strands absentmindedly as they both came down from their highs.
Now Yunho really did feel bad for Mingi missing out.
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tag list: @straycat420 @vtyb23 @saintriots @minkysmilk @gigikubolong29 @midnightrebel1028 @whyismingi @atzlordz
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bigcityroadie · 8 months ago
it's a good thing I didn't bet this time
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phoenixyfriend · 22 days ago
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Anyway. Here's all my card decks so far. As you can see, I have at least three sets of two (AO3, Star Wars, Jager poker deck), and the Fyrebird and High Victorian can work as a set too. My family's favorite card game requires a double deck, so I tend to buy things with that in mind.
(There was only one Avengers deck at the store, and I was being very frugal about souvenirs in college, or I'd have bought two of the One Piece deck, too.)
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otterkitty · 22 days ago
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drawing these two makes me very happy :)
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sosadraws · 3 months ago
What is your favorite replika ship so far? Any close seconds worth mentioning as of yet? Also how does Smoke feel about Powder? Most of the cadre seems to somewhat dislike Powder but Smoke seems chill for the most part.
1- First things first, I must clarify that I ship not relying on how factible the pair is in cannon, but how interesting their hypothetical dynamics would be (which is how I come up with things like Falke x Beo, for example)
That being said, there's a certain fanfic that's going around and I think popularized Sieben x Jager. And you know what? Good. Star x Storch is a ship that I think can be very versatile: it can your typical enemies to lovers, the "good cop" and "bad cop" tropes, potential toxic yuri, "I can fix her" if one is mentoring the other etc.
Ok probably this one is kinda lame, but I also enjoy Falke x Adler. Listen, I loved their characterization in Birds of Prey and I love when a tall, powerful woman has a little dude that is very dedicated to her, you know?
Generally speaking I enjoy all replica pairings, but I've seen stuff like Kolibri x Ara, Storch x Mynah or Kolibri x Mynah that makes you go "oooh" when imagining how these characters would interact.
2- She doesn't mind her for the most part. Smoke is the type of person that makes a distinction between friends and coworkers, but even with people she doesn't like she remains polite.
However, one time Powder insinuated that Smoke was dating this particular Eule out of pure convenience ("Oh sure, I too would date the cook's assistant if I got free food in exchange 🙄"), and that angered her. But that was long ago and they're in good terms now.
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wolvzephyr · 2 months ago
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gunlicker13 · 5 months ago
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tereox · 2 months ago
10 (ish) people I'd like to know better
Thanks for the tag @jelenina <3
Last song: Till It's Over by Tristam (the JSAB brainrot is going strong)
Favourite colour: Green and purple (I like dyeing my hair those colours :3)
Last book: Infernal by Mark de Jager (I'll be real with you, I only finished it cause I was reading it for a book club. The last book I enjoyed was Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn)
Last show (movie): Deadpool & Wolverine (finally got around to watching it)
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I got a huge sweet tooth. @skylerskyhigh can confirm that I die even in close proximity to spice.
Last thing I googled: "bezeugen english", literally for the last sentence (I looked up the word 'confirm')
Current obsession: Too many to count. D&D, AvA, JSAB, Undertale, Star Wars, Epic the musical
Look forward to telling you: I have. So many things I wanna yap about. Headcanons, fic ideas, etc. Maybe I'll have the time to do so soonish, but currently univeristy has me in its clutches (sad, I know)
No pressure tags: @an-artistic-sparrow @itsgoldleaf @sallypejr @jkl-fff @controlfate @pandawithawand @lego-toast48 @cythereephoenix @here-be-bec and @skylerskyhigh, of course, even if I can probably guess most of these for you <3
(my Tumblr crashed while coming up with who to tag XD)
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spockanalia-archive · 8 months ago
Spockanalia #1: Off the Top
By Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford
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A Bulletin and Editorial by Yeds
THE BULLETIN—MORE FUN COMING: In June, we learned from Star Trek's Associate Producer, Robert H. Justman, that the tentatively scheduled season opener (September 15th) will take place, in part, on the planet Vulcan. We have since learned that the show, "Amok Time," was written by no less an author than Theodore Sturgeon. In the course of the program, Spock will meet his assigned wife, for the purpose of satisfying the Vulcan septennial mating drive. Vulcans—or at least Vulcan males (at the moment. we're not quite sure which)—must experience sex every seven years, or die.
We have been told that the story is handled with the same care and skill that made Star Trek our favorite program in its first season. Look out, September 15th—here we come!
AND NOW A WORD OR TEN FROM OUR SPONSOR: We are eternally grateful to the people who pick up the check for our favorite program. However, it has come to our attention that small but important segments of action are cut from the broadcast received in some cities, especially those in the parts of the country that get their master broadcasts from New York City. The time gained is used for additional commercials. The most blatant example discovered thus far is in "Dagger of the Mind." Only a fraction of the audience saw the approximately thirty seconds that showed Spock become entrapped in Van Jager's mind, to such a degree that Dr. McCoy was forced to tear him free physically.
This scene was not vital to the action of the plot, but it was quite important in the development of the characters of Spock and McCoy. It also was an extremely dramatic moment.
If you would like to protest this commercial padding, write to WNBC-TV, [Address Redacted].
A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: In "Court Martial," Mr. Spock's rank was given as Lieutenant-Commander. In the third revision of The Star Trek Guide, it is given as Commander. Congratulations on your promotion, sir.
SPEAKING ABOUT RANK: Lest our interest in Mr. Spock make us appear to neglect his companions, it behooves us to say a few words about that other hero. Captain James T. Kirk is a strong, efficient, extremely vital man. He is a very special person, and his command of the Enterprise makes it the ship it is. In his absence, neither the character of Mr. Spock, nor the program itself, could exist. Many thanks to William Shatner for his skillful portrayal of a highly complex character.
IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T HEARD: Leonard Nimoy has one record album, entitled "Leonard Nimoy presents Mr. Spock's Music from Outer Space," Dot # 3794, and one 45 rpm record from Dot, "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins/Cotton Candy." At last word, a second album was being considered.
Mr. Nimoy also has a starring role in the movie version of Genet's Deathwatch, which he co-produced. Deathwatch is a strong, bitter story, powerfully done and emotionally devastating. It proves, for those who had any doubts, that Leonard Nimoy is a very fine actor.
TREK TROUBLES: According to Bjo Trimble (via Dorothy Jones) Star Trek still has renewal problems. If we want the show to continue (if we want…!) we must continue the campaign. Letters should be addressed to: Mort Werner, Programming, NBCTV, [Address Redacted]. Write soon and often. Good continuing public response is a sine que non for any TV series, especially one in prime-time. If we appear to lose interest, so will NBC.
A LAST WORD: Yeds are aware that when the new season begins, two weeks after our anticipated publication date, many (all?) of our lovely theories will be blown to pieces. On the other hand, we console ourselves with thoughts of all the new material we'll have to play with. Anyone for a Spockanalia #2?
Note: With the help and guidance of Open Doors, we digitized the first volume of Spockanalia and imported it to AO3, which you can view here. In order to meet AO3's terms of service, some of the content was edited or removed. The full version of the zine is preserved on this blog. The masterpost is here.
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