#stance of receivership
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deanmarywinchester · 7 months ago
elect me as mayor my political stances are federal receivership for NYC jails and state receivership for NYC beaches and pools
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kathleencampbelldavis · 1 year ago
A Brief History of US Bankruptcy Law
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American lawmakers instituted the first bankruptcy measures as temporary responses to a harsh economic climate. Land speculation issues resulted in the first bankruptcy legislation in 1800, but the laws were swiftly repealed just three years later. Similar laws were passed in 1841, but repealed in 1843. Bankruptcy laws passed in the wake of the Civil War remained in effect longer, but were also repealed. The 1867 legislation also represented the first time that a corporation, as opposed to an individual, could discharge some amount of debt.
Around the turn of the 20th century, the temporary bankruptcy laws tended to favor creditors over debtors. The primary focus was to ensure creditors received the debt due over time or recovered as much of the debt as possible. Furthermore, virtually all bankruptcy processes in the past were mandatory processes initiated by the courts or creditors. Involuntary bankruptcy filings do exist today, but are far more rare than voluntary filings. Debtors who find themselves in mandatory bankruptcy often have the opportunity to transition to voluntary bankruptcy.
Modern bankruptcy legislation can be traced back to the aptly named Bankruptcy Act of 1898. This marked the first time that the federal government viewed bankruptcy as a means of rehabilitating a debtor’s financial standing, as opposed to simply recovering an outstanding debt. The law also provided companies in financial distress with protections against creditors. The 1898 legislation specifically outlined equity receivership processes, though these processes were frequently and significantly changed over the following decades, particularly in response to the Great Depression.
The Great Depression had a considerable impact on bankruptcy laws in America, as evidenced by the Bankruptcy Act of 1933 and the Bankruptcy Act of 1934. The US Supreme Court made the government’s vision for bankruptcy clear in 1934, stating that the process should provide debtors with a “fresh start,” free of financial burdens. This stance was made clear in Local Loan v. Hunt, while the Chandler Act of 1938 solidified company reorganizations as a main aspect of bankruptcy processes for businesses.
During the following years, the government would continue to adjust bankruptcy legislation in response to national issues and economic events. For instance, the national securities industry experienced significant volatility throughout 1969 and 1970. Congress passed the Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970, which was designed to restore investor confidence in the securities market and place greater responsibility on registered brokers.
The 1980s were an important time for bankruptcy law in the US, signaled by the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, which went into effect in late 1979. This remains the touchstone legislation for American bankruptcy processes. The act created Chapter 11 bankruptcy as a dedicated option for businesses, replacing Chapters X, XI, and XII from the 1898 law. The legislation made several updates to the Chandler Act and introduced Chapter 13, a more robust and customizable personal bankruptcy option compared to the original Chapter XIII.
The significance of the Bankruptcy Reform Act led to numerous controversies, judicial clarifications, and amendments over the following decade. Perhaps most notable was a 1982 Supreme Court ruling that found the enlarged jurisdiction of bankruptcy courts to be unconstitutional. In essence, the Supreme Court felt that the courts had been given power that overlapped or conflicted with the responsibilities of other branches of government. The decision resulted in the Bankruptcy Amendment Act of 1984.
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wildflower8281 · 5 years ago
Receiving Gifts
The moment of receiving gifts is such an interesting chance to observe humanity!
How do you receive gifts?! What are your feelings around receiving gifts from people?
Do you love it or avoid & dread it? Do you burst with gratitude or is that moment maybe extremely uncomfortable or awkward for you? Or are you somewhere in between, depending on the person, the occasion, the gift?
The way we receive gifts reflects so much about us!
The way we receive gifts manifests:
Our beliefs around worthiness and our comfortability in knowing we deserve good things
How we have cultivated our energy of gratitude & receiving in general
Our comfort with expressing emotions
Our ability to receive in other realms of our life, namely receiving pleasure, love, opportunities, wealth and all manner of amazing gifts from the Universe.
In many cases our familial or cultural upbringing regarding gift-giving and how to receive gifts, the meaning of gift-giving, etc.
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Following the Thread of Receivership to your Core Beliefs
So much of the energy around an awkward receiving revolves around the person feeling uncomfortable because there is a deeply seated belief that they are not worthy of gifts of love, time, service, goodness.
Also, most likely, they had no model of gracious receiving/worthiness in their lives to watch.
On the outside, it may just always feel uncomfortable & awkward, but if we focus and follow that thread, it will lead to some answers that can be unraveled, loosened up and opened to make the moment of receiving actually a moment of great joy and ease!
Whenever I have encountered a person in my life who receives gifts/compliments/love very uncomfortably, I have realized that it is very linked to their understanding of Love and Self-Worth. Like intimately tied to it. 
Their stories & beliefs regarding self-worth is unique to each of them. The Medicine & Magic is in following the thread to the origin and then being brave enough to unravel it, let it go and claim a new story, create a new story around their worthiness…. 
The stories of worthiness and love may come from what parents have said or modeled, they may just come from our society that values hard work and does not value play & rest, thereby making being the receiver the more uncomfortable position for many, assented to unconsciously.  How many of us have bought into the cultural story that in order to rest/play/receive, we must work hard first?! We must do/prove/produce before being worthy of the gifts of play/rest/leisure/luxury/love. So many of us think that is just “how it is,” but it’s actually just a cultural story that we can choose to buy into or not. 
What following the thread of  Receivership does for us is land us to our core beliefs about our worthiness, about what we believe to be true about simply our existence. Not our work, not our looks, not what we have done with our lives….About simply US BEING HERE.
Do you believe that you are worthy of love and gifts just because You Are? 
Because You Are You? Because You Are Here?
Can you just relax and receive goodness, compliments, love from others and simply say Thank you?
If not, follow that thread, My Friend!
Why not? What makes it uncomfortable? Keep following that thread and you will arrive right to the heart of it - which is You and Your Core Beliefs about Yourself.
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Why People Don’t Go There
People don’t go there because it means they can’t blame anyone else anymore.
Many people just avoid exploring this thread because addressing the awkward uncomfortable-ness means going to the core of who they are, what they believe about who they are and, wait for it,
Taking Responsibility for their beliefs about their worthiness, meaning it’s not anyone else’s fault anymore. But rather we take responsibility for how we feel at any moment, for what we believe about ourselves and for what we feel and believe even about past events in our lives. Things we may have formerly said, This happened To Me, are upleveled into This happened AND this is how I’m choosing to view it and feel about it!
People don’t go here because it means they can no longer blame someone else, or Life, or God, for how they feel and what they believe about their value & the identity they have formed around old stories... 
It means facing the Truth that we have assented to stories and meanings that are not true and were of low vibrational energy for years. It means releasing the attachment we have to our identities around these low vibe stories, which for many can feel extremely uncomfortable. 
We get comfy and cozy with the energies that we vibe each day, even if they are low. We create identities around our unworthiness, our anxiety, our inability to be competent or lovable or free. Insert preferred adjective. Whatever the story - if it’s been playing for decades, it will feel comfortable and familiar to us. It’s easy for our brains to loop it and it’s the frequency our bodies have become accustomed to.
Stepping out of that energy and opening into something new feels scary.
Note that this is just the brain wanting you to stay where it’s familiar and easy. 
In order to expose ourselves to greater Joy, Happiness and Freedom, we need to step into those places and unravel, and then recalibrate newness.
Ooops. Welcome to the Inner Journey. Where Light is Shed on the Darkness. And re-scripting our stories means unraveling everything we’ve formerly accepted to be true.
For those who prefer to stay where it’s familiar, they will remain in the awkwardness of their energy and the Universe will not deliver more glorious and wonderful gifts because She sees that they do not know how to receive well, and are not in a stance of open receivership. She sees that they are uncomfortable receiving and also are not cultivating the energy of gratitude for all things, always.  For these people, receiving gifts, pleasure, compliments, opportunities will be sparse, uncomfortable and always have a weird tinge of lack & not-worthy surrounding them. 
The Truth is that Just By Being You, You Are Worthy of All Goodness & Beauty The Universe Has to Offer. When we step into this Truth and Radiate it, the Universe Loves showering us with gifts in all realms of our lives! 
The Universe Treats Us How We Treat Ourselves!
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The Art of Receiving Graciously
Many of us probably learned gift-receiving behaviors through our family and cultural experiences growing up: holidays and birthday parties mostly. So, depending on the energy of our families, we learned any number of ways/behaviors around receiving gifts.
My immediate family was always very expressive, gracious & affectionate, and so I learned to be happy, grateful, to hug and express joy at receiving gifts most of the time. I’m sure there were times as a kid when I may have stated, “This isn’t what I wanted” or “I already have this” but overall, receiving was an exciting time, buzzing with joy and anticipation. 
Later in life, in the convent actually, I learned a further lesson about receiving. It seems as we mature into adulthood, it becomes harder for us to receive help, favors, gifts of time or service, etc. We get a little proud or independent or just begin to filter our emotions more, due to societal mores. When I was in the convent, we learned a wonderful concept regarding how to receive: Receiving a gift is an act of charity (love.)
Instead of pulling away, becoming stoic or refusing a gift/compliment/favor/service, we were taught that receiving that small act of love from someone else in a stance of graciousness is actually a gift back to the Giver, in the moment. It is actually an act of Love to receive graciously.
Think of Jesus (or any high vibrational human you prefer honestly.)
Firstly, he was always in a stance of receivership, always welcoming, always open and grateful - to others, to children, to life. Arms Open, Welcoming All Gifts into His Field. 
Stance of Receivership!
Secondly,  how would he receive gifts, any gifts? To him, it wouldn’t really matter what the gift was (time, service, words, food, art, a purchase) but rather he would focus his gratitude on the Giver and on the thoughtfulness, the time, the energy that person spent in preparing, seeking and sharing this gift. 
Think of the ‘sinful woman’ who used her own tears, her precious oils and her own hair to wash his feet. Unlike most people, he received her in tender gratitude and noted to everyone at the table the time, energy and precious resources she utilized in carrying out this gift and act of service. Jesus would receive all things with grace and love, in the moment returning the love back to the Giver. A Full Circle. Love & Gratitude. Welcoming & Thanking.
This understanding helped me to become an even better Receiver, because I learned that it wasn’t about the gift or about me, but more about the Giver & more about Energy. The art of receiving graciously is in itself a Gift in return.
That to receive graciously is to drop the resistance we might feel towards 
if we are worthy and
whether or not we actually want the gift,  
and it simply opens channels of love energy between Receiver & Giver, where Abundance and Joy dwell always.
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Stance of Receivership Always
Once we open and cultivate this stance of receivership, this openness to gifts, knowing we are worthy and living in gratitude, the Universe quite obviously opens the floodgates and pours forth blessings and gifts, so get ready!
(*A Note on Service/Generosity - This post is focused on Receiving, but it goes without saying that this goes hand-in-hand with the Energy of Generosity/Service. I think the majority of us are more comfortable with serving/giving/working/offering value than we are comfortable receiving it, so I’m not focusing on generosity/service/giving here. But they are like yin and yang. We cannot be in a Stance of Receivership only, obviously as that is selfish and the Universe feels that. There is an energetic chasm between Selfishness and Generous Receivership. The energy is vastly different. To be in a true Stance of Receivership implies Gratitude and the intention to use the gifts to further extend the high vibrational frequencies of love, joy, gratitude by continuing the giving/service/gifting outwards.Receiving graciously implies you are open to allow the Flow of Abundance through you and back into the Universe.)
The more I have consciously fostered this Energy of Receivership & Gratitude, the more abundance, work & travel opportunities, beautiful spaces, plentiful chunks of leisure time, amazing foods & drinks and fun experiences have been ushered my way. 
It means being open to not only material gifts like on holidays, but also receiving new opportunities for wealth, for travel or amazing experiences. It means being open to new levels of pleasure & sensations in our bodies, with ourselves and with Lovers. It means being open to new insights in our hearts and minds, tapping into truths and dimensions of ourselves where the world opens up and further shows us Her Beauty, Her Wildness, Her Magic! There are Infinite Means of Abundance that the Universe can usher into our experience, if we simply believe we are worthy of them all!
Remember, the Universe treats us how we treat ourselves. 
Know you are worthy, lovable and deserve all good things just by being You. 
Make this your Belief System and watch the Gifts of all kinds start rolling in! 
Stance of Receivership!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
(Photos: Unsplash)
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nofomoartworld · 7 years ago
Hyperallergic: Art Movements
X-radiograph of Edgar Degas’s “Arabesque over the Right Leg, Left Arm in Front” (© Fitzwilliam Museum)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world. Subscribe to receive these posts as a weekly newsletter.
The Guggenheim Museum withdrew three works from its upcoming exhibition Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World, following a public outcry from animal rights activists. The museum attributed their decision to pull works by Peng Yu and Sun Yuan, Huang Yong Ping, and Xu Bing, to “explicit and repeated threats of violence.” An online petition objecting to the works has so far garnered over 750,000 supporters.
Jean Nouvel dismissed claims of worker abuse and exploitation at the Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi as an “old question.” “They have the same conditions, even better conditions, than those I see in other countries,” the architect told the Anglo-American Press Association. “We checked and it was fine. We saw no problem.” A 2015 report by Human Rights Watch concluded that migrant laborers working on Saadiyat Island’s Louvre and Guggenheim museum projects were living in squalid conditions, subjected to wage theft and underpayment, and routinely had their passports confiscated.
A series of X-rays taken by conservationists at the Fitzwilliam Museum revealed Edgar Degas‘s use of wine bottle corks, shop-bought armatures, and old floor boards for his wax sculptures of dancers.
Dissident cartoonist Ramón Esono Ebalé (aka Jamón y Queso) was arrested in Equatorial Guinea. The artist, who has produced work criticizing dictator Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, had travelled back to his home country to renew his passport.
Richard Rogers challenged Prince Charles to engage in a public architecture debate after claiming he knows of five developers who have privately consulted the prince out of fear of his potential opposition. A spokesman for the prince of Wales denied the architect’s claims. In 2015, the Guardian published the so-called “black spider” memos, a number of letters sent by Charles to British government ministers and politicians advocating his stance on a number of socio-political issues — a violation of the monarchy’s tradition of political neutrality.
Nicole Eisenman‘s sculpture “Sketch for a Fountain” (2017) was vandalized for a second time. The work was spray painted with a swastika and a phallus on the eve of Germany’s 2017 election, in which the far-right party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) made historic gains in the Bundestag.
Hurvin Anderson, “Is it OK to be black?” (2016), oil on canvas, 130 x 130 cm (courtesy the artist)
The 2017 Turner Prize exhibition opened at the Ferens Art Gallery in Hull. This year’s nominees are Hurvin Anderson, Andrea Büttner, Lubaina Himid and Rosalind Nashashibi.
A Manhattan district judge dismissed a lawsuit filed against London’s National Gallery over the ownership of Henri Matisse’s 1908 portrait of Margarete “Greta” Moll.
A group of amateur archaeologists discovered a Roman mosaic in Boxford, England. Part of a larger villa complex, the mosaic is thought to depict Bellerophon, Hercules, and Cupid.
Developers filed an application to destroy the last remaining example of Victorian slum housing in Leicester, England.
The UK’s oldest postcard firm, J Salmon, will close in December. Founded in 1880, the firm remained a family business for five generations.
Anger Management, a pop-up store organized by Marilyn Minter and Andrianna Campbell, opened at the Brooklyn Museum. Featuring works designed by artists including John Baldessari, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, and Glenn Ligon, the store features objects dedicated to themes of “resistance, hope, and protest.”
The empty lot on the corner of Bedford and North 1st Street in Williamsburg — known to locals for its eccentric dioramas of stuffed animals — was listed for sale.
Wisdom King of Passion (Aizen Myōō) (1300s), Kamakura period (1333–1392) to Nanbokuchō period (1336–92), hanging scroll; ink, color, gold and cut gold on silk, 102 x 60.5 cm (courtesy Cleveland Museum of Art)
Agnes Gund donated works by Brice Marden, Robert Colescott, Claes Oldenburg, Donald Sultan, and Adja Yunkers to the Cleveland Museum of Art. The museum also announced a number of other recent acquisitions, including a portrait by Joseph Wright of Derby and a medieval painting of Aizen Myōō, one of the Five Great Wisdom Kings and protectors of the Five Wisdom Buddhas.
The Peabody Essex Museum acquired the Andover Newton Theological School’s collection of Native American and native Hawaiian objects. The museum has committed to identifying possible ownership of the artifacts in compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990.
Cheryl and Haim Saban donated $50 million to the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures.
Yahoo’s cofounder, Jerry Yang, and his wife, Akiko Yamazaki, donated $25 million toward the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco‘s expansion project.
Peter Fu donated $12 million to the McGill School of Architecture.
The Akron Art Museum received an $8-million grant from the Knight Foundation.
Susan and Stephen Wilson donated $1.5 million to the Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University.
Gerhard Richter plans to donate a new, multi-part artwork to the city of Münster, Germany.
The Museum of Fine Arts of Montreal acquired Henry Moore’s “Three Piece Reclining Figure No. 1” (1961–62).
The Woodson Research Center at the Fondren Library at Rice University acquired the archive of the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston.
David Hockney donated his 32-panel painting “The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate, East Yorkshire” (2011) to the Center Pompidou.
The Vivien Leigh collection sold at Sotheby’s for £2.2 million (~$3 million) — a figure five times higher than the pre-sale estimate. Highlights included a sketch of the actress by Augustus John, a watercolor by Roger Kemble Furse, and a still life painting by Winston Churchill.
Roger Kemble Furse, “Vivien Leigh Reading with Tissy” (nd), watercolor, pen, ink, and pencil on paper (courtesy Sotheby’s)
Gerard Vaughan announced his retirement as director of the National Gallery of Australia.
Linda Blumberg will step down as executive director of the Art Dealers Association of America at the end of the year.
Augustus Casely-Hayford was appointed director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art.
Kathy Halbreich was appointed executive director of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation.
Marko Daniel was appointed director of the Joan Miró Foundation.
Thomas Sokolowski was appointed director of the Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University.
Nicola Trezzi was appointed director and chief curator of the Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv.
Kwame Kwei-Armah was appointed artistic director of the Young Vic in London.
Colin B. Bailey was elected to the Richard Diebenkorn Foundation’s board of directors.
Sheikha Hoor Al Qasimi was appointed head of the International Biennial Association.
Rendering of the Studio Museum in Harlem’s new building, facade view from 125th Street (courtesy Adjaye Associates)
Diane Wright was appointed curator of glass at the Toledo Museum of Art.
Douglas Brinkley was appointed the New-York Historical Society’s first presidential historian.
The Meadows School of the Arts at SMU announced new faculty appointments, including the Roberto Conduru as professor of Art History.
Loring Randolph was appointed the Frieze art fair’s artistic director of the Americas.
Former Metropolitan Museum of Art curator Carlos Picón was appointed director of Colnaghi’s new New York gallery.
The Studio Museum in Harlem unveiled the first renderings for its new building.
Canada’s first-ever National Holocaust Monument was opened in Ottawa.
The American Museum of Natural History announced a $14.5 million renovation of the Hall of Northwest Coast Indians.
Architecture firm Yamasaki will reopen under the leadership of Robert Szantner, a longtime employee of the late architect Minoru Yamasaki (1912–1986). Szantner teamed up with fellow employees to purchase the firm’s intellectual property out of receivership.
Two museums dedicated to Yves Saint Laurent (1936–2008) will open in Paris and Marrakech next month.
The Corning Museum of Glass selected Karen LaMonte for its 2018 Specialty Glass Artist-in-Residence.
The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago and the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University were awarded the inaugural Sotheby’s Prize.
The July 1977 issue of Famous Monsters of Filmland, with a cover by Basil Gogos (via Flickr/Toho Scope)
Marc Balakjian (1938–2017), artist.
Katherine M. Bonniwell (1947–2017), Life magazine publisher.
Derek Bourgeois (1941–2017), composer.
Charles Bradley (1948–2017), soul singer and songwriter.
Robert Delpire (1926–2017), editor, curator, and gallery owner.
Ritha Devi (1924–2017), Indian classical dancer and teacher.
Basil Gogos (1929–2017), artist. Best known for his portraits of movie monsters and villains.
Billy Hatton (1941–2017), guitarist and singer. Founding member of the Fourmost.
Hugh Hefner (1926–2017), publisher and founder of Playboy.
Marian Horosko (1925–2017), ballet dancer and historian.
Albert Innaurato (1947–2017), playwright.
John Jack (1933–2017), jazz producer and promoter.
Myrna Lamb (1930–2017), feminist playwright.
Vann Molyvann (1926–2017), architect.
Zuzana Ruzickova (1927–2017), harpsichordist and Holocaust survivor.
David Shepherd (1931–2017), artist and wildlife conservationist.
Albert Speer Jr. (1934–2017), architect. Son of Nazi architect Albert Speer.
Pete Turner (1934–2017), photographer.
The post Art Movements appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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