#stalker scara who stalks you enough to know which love hotels you go to for your one night stands
merakiui · 2 years
scara smut when. - :) anon
Hopefully soon! >:D Currently, these are the fics you can expect to see in the near future:
✧ azul thought four - scheduled for 21 december. nine months of hard work can finally be posted!!! i'm very excited. i think this is the longest smut piece i've ever written.
✧ yandere!scaramouche - no posting date for this one as it's still a wip. but i've written half of it, so it could very well be posted shortly after azul thought four! since i wrote a story in which scaramouche receives therapy and gets better, i decided to write a story in which he gets progressively worse. it's set in a modern au and is written from scara's pov!
✧ chills & thrills stories - i hope to finish and post both dottore's and scaramouche's stories in the upcoming future!
✧ scara smut. there are plenty of ideas in my head. i will have to sift through all of them and decide which is best, so until then i hope the other fics can be enjoyed! :D
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