stahl is giftwrapped at your door in a playboy bunny costume + holding roses and the same amount of balloons shaped like sommie's head as there are takes in your inbox
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why do you hate stahl?
He drank my bubblegum soda and called me a bitch
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i've come to make an announcement: Stahl Fire Emblem pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his quilly fucking dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife and he said his dick was "tHiS bIg" and I said "that's disgusting" so I'm making a callout post on Twitter.com. Stahl, you got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAYYY smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like:
*explosion noises*
That's right, baby! All points, no quills, no pillows! Look at that! It looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my wife so guess what? I'm gonna FUCK THE EARTH! THATS RIGHT. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LAZER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth... I'm gonna go higher...
HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! You have 23 hours before the PISS DRRRRROPLLLETS hit the fucking Earth! Now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too
--horror anon
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My cat just hurt me with his little claws and I blame Edelgard Fire Emblem for it. She ruined football and now this??
Me but with Stahl
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I never got the Stahl hate bc he's, quite literally, just some guy.
"just some guy" thats what he wants you to think
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Stahl is banging at your door violently, birthday cake in hand. A blank smile on his face, blood staining his cheeks
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Mod goldmary im curious what fe characters do you hate
Probably just the obvious ones like Count Varley, Shinon, Stahl, Sombron and Garon
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Wait Stahl x the guillotine? Wtf? Do you like. want him to die or do you want him to sloppily make out with a French execution device. what happened between you two.
i want him to suffer for eternity but i feel like thats too cruel so guillotine it is
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I think the people who say stuff like, “I hope this character, who isn’t even or anything I just don’t like them, dies because they deserve it,” need to seriously go touch grass.
no you don't understand stahl is extremely evil and can never be redeemed
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hating any character is kinda hilarious imo. those are pixels
i hope stahls pixellated ass goes to pixel hell forever and ever. its what he deserves.
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mod sommie can i ask why you don’t like stahl. very curious.
Idk something about him fills me with murderous rage
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I forget about Stahl constantly it's so funny to see that anyone hates him tbh
(I'm sorry Stahl stans)
I want that twunk obliterated
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