camilamcrrone · 10 years
just casually going through your the 100 tag, just pretend i'm not liking/reblogging every thing you've ever posted about it, i'm invisible
the 100 is life
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the-strangest-sea · 10 years
stagtaire replied to your post “so, how was your week?" [the sound of 27 screaming pterodactyls...”
the week is almost over and you'll have time to take a breather and just not focus on school for a couple of days! just keep holding on sofia!!
thank god. although i will have to work on the three essays i have due next week, which is???? very frustrating. but yes. a couple of days to exist outside of the realm of high school will be very, very nice. and thank you!!! i hope that your workload isn't too heavy, and if it's anything like mine, then i offer my most sincere apologies and i hope you can survive this week as well
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dameferre · 10 years
on the film ask game: 9, 12, & 16! i'm rather curious
9. Kind of already done but most aesthetically pleasingi'd like to add the big fish to my earlier list
12. A movie that holds a special place in your heart?well one evening when my best friend was crying about her crush and refused to stop singing shitty love songs and being sad and i made her watch moulin rouge. this was on a friday. she came to school on monday and had watched it eight times over the weekend. and then i bought her a poster and we went to see it in the theatre and it's like a significant part of our friendship.
also i goddamn adore Far and Away, That Old Feeling, The Blues Brothers, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Can't Hardly Wait, and the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
16. A movie I love but everyone else hates?well i just looked up hated movies? and apparently people hate the fifth element, sweet home alabama, and like 30% of the star wars movies and i love those. if anyone wants to bring me movies they hate i can pass judgment on whether or not i love them but other than that i can't really think of any
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tootyfrootycasbooty · 10 years
happy birthday vicky!! i hope it's been absolutely lovely and that nothing but great things happened for you :))
thank you it's been amazing already and it's only 2 hours in!!!!! x
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theoldcoffeetragedy · 10 years
pilferingapples replied to your post: favourite coffee shop in my home town …
Oh. WOW! What an awesome little café!
it’s wonderful, you’d love it. <3 the owner doesn’t really make any money with it, but he owns the building and lives upstairs. basically he says it’s a ‘lifestyle’ and he just stays open because he likes it, and it shows. the walls are filled with tall bookcases full of board games and books and numerous fish over the years. it’s just really warm and cozy and it’s so nice. <3 I used spend several nights per week there when I was younger, and I hadn’t been in so long but he still remembered me and remembered where I lived now, etc… :)
stagtaire a réagi à votre diaporama “favourite coffee shop in my home town - we call it the ‘Klimt café’…”
is the tree upside down???
it is!! isn’t it great? <3 <3 the presents are hanging from the ceiling, too!
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sakura-addict25 · 10 years
happy happy birthday rachel!! I hope you have an absolutely lovely day and that you have loads of fun and feel nothing but nice and fuzzy feelings! sending lots of love and hugs to you!
Aww. Thank you so much! I think your well-wishes must have swayed the universe, since today actually went quite well. Love and hugs to you too, friend!
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polyjolllly · 10 years
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aww thank you!
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water1oo · 10 years
stagtaire replied to your photo:YES!! None of the deaths that happen in this...
where harry no longer wants to be human even though that’s what harry the hero everyone needs is where the true heartbreak is found
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borgeslabyrinth · 10 years
what is your all-time favorite headcanon, actually?
oooh this is hard.
I'd have to say Romani Feuilly. nothing is as important in this world as Romani Feuilly.
my favorite of my own headcanonse would probably be the dinosaur one. my favorite headcanon that someone else has come up with was from this fic where Grantaire had a friendship chart, and he'd put star stickers by their names when they did nice things and he'd take some off if they were jerks and that made me super happy.
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dameferre · 10 years
stagtaire replied to your post:stagtaire replied to your post: things that...
the holidays make me love being mexican even more bc they’re the opportunity for all of us to get together & just stuff our faces, which is why we do the new years thing too. i’m guessing actual christmas day is rather chill for your family too?
oh yeah definitely just like left-overs and television and we open gifts on christmas eve so it's literally just lazing around and eating all day and it's glorious
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aromargaery · 10 years
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stagtaire said: i’ve just followed you. i’m @vtheoddity on there :)
Thank you, i've followed you back uvu
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xmcuallerdrake · 11 years
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stagtaire replied to your photoset:all in reply to my INSISTENCE that i am NOT...
now THIS is how you end a day properly
[yowls quietly]
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the-strangest-sea · 11 years
happy birthday! have the loveliest of days! :)
thank you!!!
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water1oo · 10 years
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YES!! None of the deaths that happen in this series even compares to this. ;_;
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vexvessar · 10 years
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSEPHINE!! I hope it's been a real good one! I hope all the right things happened for you and that you felt nothing but happy and loved today! Sending you lots of hugs and best wishes!!
thank you victoria ♥ you're a doll ^___^
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