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#桑德兰大学 #UniversityofSunderland #索伦特大学 #SolentUniversity #圣安德鲁斯大学 #UniversityofStAndrews #圣马克与圣约翰大学 #UniversityofStMarkandStJohnPlymouth #萨里大学 #UniversityofSurrey #斯塔福德郡大学 #StaffordshireUniversity #斯特灵大学 #UniversityofStirling #斯特拉斯克莱德大学 #UniversityofStrathclyde #特威克南圣玛丽大学 #StMarysUniversityTwickenhamLondon #伍赛斯特大学 #UniversityofWorcester #毕业证 #成绩单 #雅思 #托福 #留信认证 #学历学位认证 #offer
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Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Cultural Perceptions towards Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Industry" https://t.co/2aY2YazWnH via @SurveyCircle #diversity #inclusion #EthnicMinority #bame #StaffordshireUniversity #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/aEExI7768v
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Apr 8, 2023
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A Staffordshire greyhound is a rare breed of dog indeed, but a very special breed. It is of course not a pure breed, but a hybrid or mix between the greyhound and the Staffordshire bull terrier. Where you will most likely find this particular mixed breed will be the United Kingdom. There is little information to suggest that greyhounds have been bred with Staffordshire bull terriers or American Staffordshire terriers in the United States.
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26.专业团队绿色通道为您办理国外各高校文凭 #毕业证 #成绩单#学历认证#使馆认证 100%真实可查 不成功不收费 免费咨询敬请保留联系方式 以防后需备用! #南安普顿索伦特大学#universityofsouthamptonsolent#southamptonsolent #圣安德鲁斯大学#universityofstandrews#standrews #伦敦大学圣乔治医学院#stgeorgesuniversityoflondon#stgeorges #圣马克与圣约翰大学#UniversityofStMark&StJohnPlymouth #圣玛丽大学学院#stmarysuniversitytwickenham#smuc #斯泰福厦大学#staffordshireuniversity#staffs#bristol#edinburgh (在 Staffordshire University) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0QZ86PbCO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Early Morning Walk #hanleypark #stoke #stokeontrent #staffordshire #staffs #staffordshireuniversity #uk #england #unitedkingdom https://www.instagram.com/p/CixEooeDRm3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Steady, Boss.
Cheers for the visit, have a look around at all the bits and pieces I’ve done.
My c-v can be found here
You can get in touch with me at [email protected]
I look forward to hearing from you whatever your needs.
*click the arrows in the top left for more*
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You can enjoy another discount for the duration of October. Bookings recommended 25% OFF Sunday to Thursday on the restaurant Order online for 20% discount or book a table at www.restaurantfamily.co.uk Please follow the latest guidance on safe dining outside #restaurantfamily_czsk #stokeontrent #hanley #foodstoke #eatstoke #Staffordshire #stoke #newcastleunderlyme #foodporn #stokesentinel #locallegend #foodhub #justeat #deliveroo #instafood #ubereats #potteries #2020 #keeleuniversity #staffordshireuniversity #finditscoreit #eatouthelpout (at Restaurant Family) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNg9OAhnrs/?igshid=zbygc7kceeh4
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#staffsmas17 A poster using my christmas design for the art fair at #staffordshireuniversity !☆!☆ #artistsoninstagram #staffsuni #staffsuniversity #christmasfair #christmasartfair #christmasartfair2017 #christmas #christmasillustration #christmasart #christmasdesign #illustration #print #printmaking #prints #poster #posterdesign #posterillustration #posterart
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Time to Reflect.
During this, my final year at university, I produced two short films, both varying in duration, style and technical skill. The module itself gave me the freedom to explore my own interests and provided me with the knowledge and skills required to produce a film of my own aspiration from conception to production and marketing to the best of my ability.
My first-semester film idea began as an elderly man recounting his life through photos and then re-enacting them in live action. But I believed this to be too time-consuming and it would be rather difficult to find older actors and younger actors to play the younger version of the older characters. This somewhat formed the foundation for my film Retro which was meant to be a prologue for my first idea which is still possible but is not currently scheduled for production in the near future.
Retro, similar to the first idea revolves around vintage items, specifically record players; an HMV Gramophone and Bluetooth compatible player in an attempt to contrast the difference in the look and the technology. After I finalised the idea, I decided to film the gramophone scenes in a vintage location, with a background that would suit the gramophone which would prove useful if I ever used a wide shot, which I did but those shots never made it into the final cut. After shooting the scenes with the more modern player (in my own home with more time to play with) I realised that it would be best to focus on shooting macro shots. Since the detail and contrast could perhaps make the piece more tactile whilst providing an alternate perspective. I also thought that this would allow the film to stand out during screenings since shorts shot entirely with macro shots is usually rare.
Thankfully this film made allot more sense in post-production where I pieced together the shots making the film as upbeat and as fast paced as possibly could. After I graded the piece I sent a rough edit to a composer (Stuart Read) who created a composition out of a sample taken from Tony Bennet’s ‘Rags to Riches’ and composed a ‘Retro’ piece like the original version of the song as if it were being played as originally intended on a gramophone and a separate piece that continues from the aforementioned piece which plays as a more upbeat and modern version of the song as if it were being played on a modern Bluetooth speaker.
Overall, this film was short and sweet, it was produced, filmed and edited almost solely by myself (with the help of Matt and Stuart) meaning I had a lot more time to focus on the quality of my shots, for instance if you watch the film you notice that there is allot of movement in the frame, if the camera isn’t moving the record player is, in my attempt to keep the film fluid and consistent in motion like a record player. I hope to make more films like this in the future continuing these themes surrounding music genres both vintage and modern and the attitudes that individuals of varying ages have towards them. I hope to produce these films on a similar scale, I also hope to conduct interviews with individuals such as record player ‘aficionados’ in the form of a short documentary since this is a subject area of great interest to me.
*Retro also won me a ‘Progress’ award for best cinematography given by lectures. So spending time meticulously filming those macro shots paid off! So thanks to Mat and, Stuart for the help, as well as Tom and Ash for the award. Much love.
Darren’s Den
After a short break, I and Matt got to talking about our own film ideas and we realised we had a similar idea, one that revolved around drugs. Then we sought to expand this idea by giving some examples that we could base this idea upon. The main example we expanded upon was Don’t Hug Me I’m Scarred (2011 - ) a puppet based dark comedy which although does not necessarily revolve around drugs, it revolves around adult situations in a surrealist and often horrifying way yet it is placed in the context of a children’s puppet television show.
This formed the basis of our next film idea which we both decided to work on together, in order to divide our time and resources including a budget to make the best film we could possibly make. In reflection, it was arguably the most insightful and realistic filmmaking process we have undertaken during our time at university, this is because:
· We worked with a ‘micro’ budget with our own money
· We (unsuccessfully) attempted to create a crowdfunding page for the film (via Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/DarrensDen/x)
·We had to secure a location suitable for a set build
· We built a set
·Sourced and purchased materials and instructions for said set build
·Reached out to cast and crew (Runners) and got allot of interest.
·We worked with the largest group of people to date.
·Required actors to send a clip of them as ‘Darren’ in order to get the person most suitable.
·Used the most equipment to date (although I would have preferred a better camera ;)
·Ultimately, it was a fantastic learning curve and an invaluable experience into producing short/ independent films.
Due to the word count, I can’t explain every issue we had. But, as the last point stated, every issue may have not led to the best possible outcome, but it amounted to an invaluable learning experience which is that no matter how much you prepare and calculate there will be issues that cannot be helped and you must tackle them as they come. For example; we spent more money than we would have liked to, but we accounted for that. Another issue was after we finished the shoot, and the footage was taken over to post we realised that we forgot to shoot certain shots which I am sure is because we were caught up in the heat of the moment and lingered on certain shots than we should have. Fortunately, we accounted for a few more shoot dates the following week, but we did not inform the cast and crew prior, and they were not available which was our fault as producers for not being as organised as we thought. There were some additional issues during postproduction that included the film being too long. Possibly a result of our over ambitiousness. But after a lot of time editing, grading and consulting with a sound designer I realised that there were many things we could do to keep the narrative close to our original idea whilst keeping it somewhat linear, which is not especially easy with the vast amounts of cuts we had to use to reduce the duration of the piece.
During the last two semesters, I worked on three other film projects. I worked on both Joe’s first and second-semester project the most recent film being Inked Up where I acted as a cinematographer/ camera person my job was to help to set up the equipment and capture most of the cutaway shots excluding the shots of a man being tattooed and a few others. I also acted as a DoP on Matts first semester project which was a choreographed dance of a Frank Sinatra song.
To conclude, I believe that my films have progressed a lot throughout my time at university, especially since I had never made a film prior to our second-year. I realise that my films are not technically brilliant nor are they driven by great stories. But, they are of my own creation, ambition and drive. I hope that I continue to improve even after my time as an undergraduate comes to an end as I venture into the world and continue to learn from my mistakes and get better and better.
Papa bless.
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My gofundme campaign is live! Help me reach my goal, go donate now! Much love x
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'Leaving Poland'. One of my Polish students (Tomas?) made this animated boat model when they left home to study with us. #boxofpassions #staffordshireuniversity #paper #artsacademy #illustration #3d #Poland
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