#stacy earnest lore
weaponizedmoth · 8 days
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Earnest family household.
ko-fi | inprnt | commissions
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weaponizedmoth · 28 days
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Sally the Doll is a toy in a long line of magically modified objects designed by a witch to help kids face and escape their own generational curses. When she was made, it is said she was a beautiful make up bust of the finest wood... But having been in so many houses with so many children has worn her out, and with no hair, and more chips on her body than she will admit, all that Sally wants is to retire somewhere warm and cozy where she never has to face any curse again. So when she was assigned to Stacy Earnest, she was grateful to know this was her last assignment, but she didn't expect it to be such a taxing one. The Earnest curse is one of the strongest she ever encountered. Still, she'll do her best to protect and see the child through the age of eighteen no matter what. After all, it's her duty to do so (and it does helps that she loves Stacy so much, as well).
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weaponizedmoth · 22 days
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Stacy's great grandma, Whitney Amelia Earnest, was born in 1904. She was the eldest of four, and the only one gifted with the Earnest curse. She was the one who inherited the local family meat business through sheer force of will, and some cowardice on her family members' part, when her father committed suicide in 1929. She was the one who, at 25, started to sell some less than apt for consumption meat during the great depression, which made the meat cheap and acessible, and her a local celebrity. Weird disappearances did trace back to her sometimes, but because everyone ate her meat, the idea of something like this happening was considered to be completely absurd. The police and general law enforcement and government were acquainted and friendly with her. During her lifetime, she won several accolades, not only for her meat business, which was local and more than once inspected for animal cruelty, tests it passed with flying colors, but also for her cooking. She published a minor, obscure cooking book that every household in town seems to have a copy of, tucked away somewhere in an attic. Whitney's daughter, Amelia, named after herself, was likewise born in 1929, at the beginning of the crisis. Additionally, she had three sisters, a "spinster" called Evangeline (who had a female "roommate, lovely Meredith)", their sister Maria, who became a nun and lived in France, and the youngest, the most apt to bear the gift and who died taking this opening with her with her, a travesty that made the Cook hold the gift alone until Edwin was born. All the Earnest girls kept Whitney's last, for being the most famous, and for the fact that their father, a gambling addict, died under mysterious circumstances when they were young.
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weaponizedmoth · 24 days
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Stacy E. Earnest was born in the mid 1970s, to mother Emily Earnest, founder of the Earnest theatrical troupe and the responsible for making Stacy act and dress in all of those elaborate, old timey costumes, and father Edward Earnest, heir to the Earnest meat empire, which was sold when she was 15, for a fortune, after the quality of the meat went down exponentially with no explanation as to why.  Stacy herself is interested in video games, insects, and escaping the Earnest family curse -- a curse that has been plaguing all of Stacy's relatives on her father's side for centuries. The curse ensures that a child is chosen to become a serial killer and therefore appease the witch who cursed them, oh so long ago. Stacy has no interest in the family business, but the nightmares and the ghosts knocking on her window every night would have driven her insane, if it weren't for Sally, her protector wooden bust with no hair, who was sent by a benevolent witch who helps children in the same situation as her, when she was a baby. Still, Sally can only do so much, and the perpetual fear in Stacy's eyes have landed her in several different psychiatric offices, with no hope of getting much better. Still, she lives on.
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weaponizedmoth · 1 month
Heya friend can't remember how exactly I ended up followin' you but from one lonely OC artist on tumblr to another I wanted to submit one of them emojis for the OC ask post you reblogged on here 🥰 because I know how much it sucks when you care about your guys that you created but no one asks about 'em. So! My submitted emojis are 💯, 🤍, and 🤔, and you can answer with as many or as few OCs as you feel like in whatever order makes the most sense for you ❤️ the more the merrier obviously, but idk how much effort you wanna put in for a single ask ahahaha basically please tell me things about your kids I would love to hear 💕
Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you. I thought you had followed me from Character Hub, but maybe you followed me there because you found me here??? Anyway, thank you for the follow on both accounts. Considering I have 20.000 OCs, and trust me I'd love to do all three question about all, I'm gonna pick the ones I believe will fit the questions better for each questions. Some OCs don't have facts others don't know and are open books for example, etc.
💯 - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Hayden Metzler: He grew up in a cult town in the desert and hates high temperatures, he broke both his legs at the age of eight, he burned down a church with a molotov cocktail. Stacy Earnest: She hates being in her mother's plays and having to wear those outdated costumes, she's afraid Sally will get sick of her job and leave her, she thinks that she'll never beat the curse no matter what. Abigail Jones: All of her boyfriends looked a little like Cornelius cause she secretly thinks he's handsome, she wishes to be seventeen again, she wished her parents had prevented her from going into the public eye with her deficiency, no matter how much they needed the money from the interviews.
🤍 - what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
(I chose questionable for this because neutral and questionable are not synonyms, which made me a little confused, so I'll go with the morally dubious stuff).
Star Girl: She genuinely didn't care about putting humanity in danger when she made her band, no matter what Matthew's rules of revealing yourselves to humans are. She wanted to play, so she did. Hayden Metzler: Hayden doesn't care about anyone other than himself and his cat for the longest time. He cares about taking down Margaret Lancaster, the cult leader, but when he's possessed all of his worst traits, and then some made up things he thought of himself, come out, so he becomes manipulative, vain, egotistical and violent. The Ghosts of Stacy's story (aka The Cook, The Kid, and The General) (some trigger warning for violent stuff, cannibalism etc because they're the villains): They are all questionable traits. They are supposedly the antagonists, they're all taken by the Earnest curse. So the Cook used to mix her bovine meat she sold to everyone in town with some not so bovine meat, the Kid used to pillage and steal, the General kept going with the family meat business and he was also a sleazy, manipulative bastard. So, they have a mention here.
🤔 - what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Space Pirate: Eats a lot, she loves human food, but only human junk food. Cornelius Wildflower-Stardust: He keeps animals and plants pretty close to him, having so many animals in his house, even though he is a Water Faerie, and doesn't have any real affinity with nature, all because his mother was an Earth Faerie. Margaret Lancaster (aka Mags): She knows everything about Faerie celebrity life, she reads the Faerie Society Gazette pretty frequently even though she is Wiccen.
Thanks for asking!
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weaponizedmoth · 10 months
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Everything else about me is either down there or in my carrd.
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*(Original character art, not Marissa Cooper art) (if you got this one you're old)
Divided by story:
The Faerie Society:
Cornelius Wildflower Stardust.
Abigail Jones.
Gemma Ramone.
Rebecca Silversparkle (aka Silver).
Jasper Kroll (under construction).
Margaret Lancaster.
Amandine Wildflower Stardust.
The Faerie Society.
The Human Society.
The Wiccen Society.
Worm of the Gods:
Hayden Metzler.
Anthony Lamonica.
Ophelia Huang.
Ethan Huang (under construction).
The Cult of the Twin Jet Nebulas (under construction).
Star Girl.
Universe Thunderstoms.
Space Pirate.
Stacy Earnest and Sally the Doll:
The living:
Stacy Earnest.
Sally the Doll.
The Boy.
Emily Earnest.
Edward Earnest.
The Good Witch.
The Bad Witch.
The dead:
The General.
The Cook.
The Kid.
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Venture Bros.
Sundown The Vampire in Retreat.
Phantom of the Opera.
Little Shop of Horrors.
The Walten Files.
The Muppets.
All fanart.
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Self portraits tag (for myself to be able to find them, mostly, but you can enjoy them too!).
My art tag. (Incomplete cause I'm bad at tagging, but does give a general vibe of the blog. Another good thing you could do is check the "Works" tab on my carrd).
I'm @weaponizedmoth across all platforms, so Instagram, Threads, Ko-Fi, Itch.io, Behance, Artstation, Deviantart, etc. If you see a @weaponizedmoth, it's probably me. I post my stuff mainly on Pinterest and here nowadays.
Wmp.txt is my talk tag. Feel free to blacklist it.
I don't draw anything overtly explicit, but I do draw pinups, so minors, kindly be aware of that and DNI when it comes to that. Everything else should be fairly family friendly, or what Twitch would consider to be family friendly. So gore is totally OK and so are horrific things <3
I don't think people have control over who sees their content unfortunately but in case you had any doubt (takes deep breath): TERFS, homophobes, racists, nazis, etc. Minors, see above. I draw some stuff sometimes (mainly half naked men and women). There will be some nudity, probably. Nothing overtly NSFW, but be safe.
I also don't draw ships containing minors, so yeah.
Uhh idk, anything "weird" I'll just block, ok? So if I blocked you, no offense but I think you're weird. We just don't vibe. Nothing personal unless you're the above. Empty blogs withstanding.
Also if you followed me because of a picture of myself I posted and that is painfully obvious (as it usually is), you are going into the meat grinder. Go in. Go in the meat grinder.
Art requests guidelines post.
Art requests tag.
Print shop.
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*here's the link for mobile cause tumblr is a joke lol. It leads to the tumblr post, rather than the carrd page, but same stuff, really.
All drawings I made in this blog belong to me, unless stated otherwise. My art is for personal use only, not commercial.
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