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tastclikeubutsweeter-blog · 6 years ago
Avery📱  Gabe
Avery: I am not pouting.
Avery: The labeling of me being a jerk off gets old.
Avery: What's so wrong with trying some stuff out?
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fondazioneterradotranto · 7 years ago
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Nuovo post su http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2018/02/12/magia-contadina-lu-sutazzu/
Magia contadina: “lu sutazzu”. Una pratica divinatoria ancora in uso in alcune aree del Salento
di Gianfranco Mele
  In ambito magico-popolare vi sono diversi utilizzi del setaccio, uno strumento che assume valenze magiche e sacrali fin dall’antichità.
Uno di questi usi è un chiaro esempio di magia imitativa: trattandosi di uno strumento che separa il buono dallo scarto, che filtra, si riteneva fosse in grado di filtrare i malefici, e per questo motivo veniva appeso dietro alla porta di casa come oggetto apotropaico.
Vi sono anche testimonianze riferite ad un uso magico del setaccio per incantesimi inerenti la pioggia, sia a fini di porre fine alla siccità (anche in questo caso attraverso la magia imitativa: un getto d’acqua versato sul setaccio si divide in gocce e rivoli imitando e perciò augurando lo scrosciare della pioggia), sia a fini di malefizio (nel territorio friulano della Carnia le leggende popolari narrano di streghe che, cavalcando le nuvole, “gettavano la grandine cul drazz” [1] (drazz è un termine friulano per indicare il setaccio).
L’utilizzo più frequente del setaccio nell’ambito della magia popolare è tuttavia quello mantico. L’impiego del setaccio in questo ambito è detto Coscinomanzia (da  κόσκινον, = crivello, e μαντεια = divinazione), ed è molto praticato sia dagli antichi greci che dagli antichi romani.[2] Inoltre, un papiro magico greco (PGM IV, 2303) lo definisce come uno dei più antichi simboli dell’arte divinatoria.[3]
Diversi autori dell’antichità ne fanno riferimento, tra cui Teocrito di Siracusa (315-260 a.C.). Nel suo Idillio III, La serenata (un monologo pronunciato da un capraio) si legge:
Anche Agreò, l’indovina con lo staccio che poc’ anzi veniva a spigolare in cerca d’erbe, disse ciò che è vero, che mentre io sono tutto in tuo potere tu non ti fai di me nessun pensiero.[4]
In questo caso, dunque, il pastore si è servito delle arti divinatorie di una indovina, che con il suo setaccio ha confermato al pastore che il suo amore per Amarillide non è contraccambiato.
Un cenno all’ usanza del ricavare profezie dal setaccio o crivello lo fa anche Luciano di Samosata (II sec. d.C.) in un capitolo delle sue Opere intitolato “Alessandro, o il falso profeta”:
“…i Paflagoni di là d’Abonotechia, tutti superstiziosi e sciocchi, per modo che se pur veggono uno che menandosi dietro un sonatore di flauto, di timpano o di tamburello, predica la ventura con un crivello, come suol dirsi, tosto tutti gli si affollano intorno a bocca aperta, e lo riguardano come uno degl’immortali. “ [5]
Ce ne parla anche Lucio Flavio Filostrato (172-247 d.C.) nella sua opera Vita di Apollonio di Tiana:
“vi sono delle vecchie che, armate di uno staccio, si presentano ai pastori e ai bovari, affermando di guarire le bestie ammalate per mezzo della divinazione; ed esse pretendono di venire chiamate sapienti, e di esserlo più che gli autentici indovini”[6]
In una antica opera di area tedesca, il De furtu (XII sec., riedito nel XIII sec.), si ritrova una dettagliata descrizione della pratica della divinazione col setaccio. Trattasi di un codice contenente testi in latino e in tedesco, riportante una serie di prescrizioni utili a scovare l’autore di un furto. La parte relativa alla mantica con il setaccio recita così:
“Sul furto. Prendi un setaccio. Prendi un setaccio e conficcaci in mezzo un fuso. Quindi infila un altro fuso e fai tenere il secondo con le dita contro un altro e chiama dentro tutti quelli che tu sospetti di furto e pronuncia l’incantesimo verso di loro: “chi ha rubato questo è qui dentro”. L’altro dica: “egli non è”. Pronunciare le parole per tre volte, poi dì: “Dio, ora afferra il vero colpevole”. E metti del sale sul setaccio, nel nome del Padre, nel nome del Figlio e nel nome dello Spirito santo, nel nome di tutti i Santi, nel nome della Santa Croce. E pronuncia quindi queste parole a forma di croce.” (seguono nel testo sei simboli di croce e parole illegibili in corrispondenza delle croci sovrascritte) [7]
Della divinazione con il setaccio fa cenno il filosofo cinquecentesco Pomponazzi nel suo De incantationibus [8](un’opera che si distacca dalla letteratura di stampo inquisitoriale in voga nel periodo e che propone una spiegazione fisica della magia).
Una descrizione dettagliata dell’utilizzo del setaccio in ambito magico-oracolare si trova in un’opera attribuita all’esoterista, mago e alchimista cinquecentesco Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa di Nettesheim:
Modo di conoscere il nome delle persone colpevoli di qualche delitto occulto, con il mezzo d’un setaccio.
Si mette un crivello da farina in equilibrio sopra una tenaglia, che si prende con due dita; poi si pronunzia il nome delle persone sospette di furto, o di qualche delitto occulto, e si giudica colpevole quella al cui nome il crivello gira e trema. In luogo del crivello, si mette pure (poiché queste divinazioni si praticano tuttora) un setaccio sopra un perno. Per conoscere l’autore di un latrocinio si chiamano per nome le persone sospette, e lo setaccio gira quando si proferisce il nome del ladro.
Con un altro metodo, si fa così. Prendi un setaccio e sospendilo a un tratto di corda con la quale è stato impiccato un uomo, fissando la corda tutto intorno al setaccio. Sul setaccio scrivi col sangue, nelle Quattro direzioni del mondo, questi caratteri: “Hels, Hels, Hels”. Dopo di ciò, prendi un bacile d’ottone perfettamente pulito e riempilo d’acqua di fonte. Quindi pronunzia queste parole: “Dies mie Jeschet Bene done fet Donnima Metemauz”.
Fai ruotare il setaccio appeso alla corda con la mano sinistra, mentre con la destra muoverai l’acqua del bacile in direzione opposta alla direzione del setaccio, agitandola con un rametto d’alloro. Quando l’acqua si sarà fermata e il setaccio non ruoterà più, osserva fissamente l’acqua e vi vedrai apparire l’aspetto di chi ha commesso il furto. Per poterlo riconoscere più facilmente, fai un segno in una parte del suo volto con la bacchetta del comando: perchè quel segno che tu hai tracciato sull’acqua lo ritroverai sulla persona”.  [9]
Un riferimento alla divinazione con il setaccio appare anche in un’opera di Pietro Aretino: due donne parlano di divinazioni e sortilegi, e l’una dice all’ altra :
“… ti insegnerò quello dei paternostri, la malia dell’uovo, e fino a la staccia da cernere la farina, ne la quale si ficca le forbici, con lo scongiuro del san Pietro e del san Pavolo…” [10]
Il frate Francesco Maria Guaccio (noto anche come Guazzo o Guaccius), nel suo Compendium maleficarum, un manuale di demonologia e stregoneria edito nel 1608, tratta espressamente e dettagliatamente della coscinomanzia indicandola come pratica di magia divinatoria molto diffusa per individuare ladri o ritrovare oggetti rubati o smarriti, ma anche per praticare sortilegi ad amorem”. [11]
Da un’opera ottocentesca sugli usi degli antichi greci si legge:
“Κοσκινομαντεια, si faceva col mezzo di un un crivello, e si impiegava ordinariamente per iscovrire i ladri, locchè si faceva nel seguente modo. Si attaccava il crivello ad un filo, che lo tenea sospeso o anche si ponevano un paio di forbici, che si tenevano con due dita. Si pregavano in seguito gli dei a volerli bene rischiarare, e si ripetevano i nomi delle persone sospette; e quegli al cui nome il crivello si moveva, o si voltava, si supponeva che fosse il ladro” [12]
Una descrizione simile si ritrova in un’opera di fine ‘700, con la specifica dell’impiego di una orazione che accompagna la procedura:
“Sospeso il crivello, dopo essersi recitata una formola di parole, si prendea tra due dita solamente e si replicavano i nomi delle parti sospette, e in quel mentre il crivello correa, tremava, o si scuoteva, quello si reputava colpevole del delitto che si questionava” [13]
Negli atti relativi ai processi per stregoneria del Tribunale del Santo Officio di Oria è presente una descrizione particolareggiata della pratica del “sutazzu” o “furnaru”:
“Si pigli un fornaro ed in mezzo di dietro detto fornaro si mettano cinque croci con un paio di forbici s’aggiustino al centro di detto fornaro e si dichino le seguenti parole: per intercessionem S.S. Petri et Pauli et S. Antonij Abati ti priego di dirmi la novità, in difetto ti lego siccome S. Giovanni legò l’agnello, e ciò detto se detto fornaro si moverà, era segno di si, se non si moverà è segno di no, e poi si leghi la detta forbice con una fettuccia negra e se si moverà dentro solo detto fornaro era segno di sì, se non, di no.” [14]
Una versione molto rimaneggiata dell’orazione sopra detta, ma con contenuti simili (è presente sempre S. Pietro, insieme a un indecifrabile “San Bò”) la raccolgo di recente in Sava, recitatami da Gabriella Lorusso:
“San Piè, San Bò… timmi sutazzu mia, timmi tutta la verità…”
Questa pratica oracolare difatti è ancora in uso in diversi paesi del Salento, nell’ambito delle credenze tramandate dalla antica cultura contadina. Si tratta, come per altre pratiche trasmesse nell’ambito di un complesso di credenze legate al masciarismo,[15] di saperi esoterici derivati da un paganesimo persistente e che si è adattato, nel tempo, ai mutamenti religiosi nell’ambito del credo collettivo. Per questo motivo, le procedure e le “formule” sono state cristianizzate, ovvero contaminate da elementi della religiosità dominante. Anticamente si credeva che fosse un demone a provocare il movimento del setaccio, e tale demone era invocato da una frase segreta e pronunciata a voce bassa: il demone, insieme alle divinità pagane preposte agli oracoli, e la relativa orazione, sono sostituiti dalle figure e dalle invocazioni dei santi cristiani (San Pietro, San Paolo, S. Antonio ecc.).
La presenza dell’invocazione a S. Pietro e Paolo è una costante in tutta Italia (abbiamo già visto che è citata anche dall’ Aretino) e si ritrova ad esempio, con diverse testimonianze pervenuteci dai processi inquisitori, in Friuli:
“Feci girar il tamiso sospeso da un per di forbice, e quello Pietro con un dito sosteneva la forbice et io dicevo: «Per san Pietro e per san Paolo che il tale m’ha rubbato i cola- ri» […]).[16]
Un’altra variante della “formula” pervenutaci dal Friuli è:
“Per S. Pietro e per S. Paolo, se i soldi sono qua, va intorno a... “[17] .
Numerosi sono in questa regione gli atti relativi a processi per uso del “tamiso”.[18] Nell’Archivio della Curia Arcivescovile di Udine sono conservati diversi atti inerenti processi inquisitori in cui appare l’uso del setaccio : Processo per uso di cibi proibiti, bestemmie e per aver sperimentato il sortilegio del “tamiso” contro Giovanni Gastaldis da Buia, Sec. XVII (1659); Processo per il sortilegio del “tamiso” contro Aurora Brunelleschi abitante a Buttrio, Sec. XVII (1655) ; Processo per il sortilegio del “tamiso” contro Giacoma di Chions, Sec. XVI (1599). [19] Anche nell’inquisizione veneta, si ritrovano processi e condanne per l’uso magico del setaccio, come nel caso di tal Frà Facondo (1705) che “aveva insegnato il sortilegio del tamiso (staccio) per trovare le cose perdute”.[20]
La mantica del setaccio si ritrova in Lombardia tra le tradizioni del bresciano (fa balà el creel, fai ballare il crivello) [21] e in un passo del Faust di Goethe (nel quale si propone una ulteriore variante delle pratiche su descritte: il setaccio viene sempre usato come strumento divinatorio per conoscere l’autore di un furto, ma è utilizzato come una sorta di filtro attraverso cui guardare):
“Mefistofele: A che serve questo staccio? Il Gatto Mammone (staccandolo dal muro): Se tu fossi un ladro, ti potrei conoscer subito. Corre dalla Gatta Mammona e la fa guardare attraverso lo staccio Guarda nello staccio! Il ladro lo conosci e non puoi dirne il nome? “ [22]
Diverse sono le interpretazioni legate ai setacci con i quali si faceva ritrarre la regina Elisabetta I d’ Inghilterra: alcuni lo hanno voluto identificare come simbolo della castità, altri hanno evidenziato l’intento esoterico della regina, notoriamente dedita alla magia,[23]descrivendo l’immagine come simboleggiante la raccolta dell’intelligenza delle menti degli uomini attraverso il vaglio.[24] Essendo tuttavia addentrata la regina nell’ambito delle pratiche occulte, è verosimile che si dedicasse anche ad applicazioni di magia pratica e dunque al rituale divinatorio del setaccio.
In ambito simbolico, il setaccio, presente anche nel sistema geroglifico egizio con il significato di un mezzo che permette di ottenere la selezione di forze convenienti, è interpretato anche come lavoro alchemico di vaglio, depurazione, perfezionamento e realizzazione. [25]
[1]        Valentino Roiatti, Il lato magico del setaccio, IL FRIULI (website), 2006 http://www.ilfriuli.it/articolo/archivio/il_lato_magico_del_setaccio/29/81654
[2]            Salvatore Costanza, La divinazione greco-romana: dizionario delle mantiche : metodi, testi e protagonisti Forum Ed., 2009, pag. 70; AA.VV., Dizionario Larousse della civiltà greca, Gremese Ed., 2007, pag. 82
[3]    Cit. in Folklore antico e moderno
[4]    Teocrito, Idilli, III, v. 31
[5]    Luciano di Samosata, Opere, XXXI “Alessandro, o il falso profeta” (Opere di Luciano voltate in italiano da Luigi Settembrini, vol. secondo, pag. 82, Liberliber)
[6]    Filostrato Vita di Apollonio 6,11
[7]            Eleonora Cianci, De furtu. Il più antico incantesimo di area tedesca per riconoscere il ladro: eredità e contesto culturale in: Itinerari 4, 2014, pp. 213-214
[8]    Luca Cremonesi, la filosofia della natura nel De incantationibus di Pietro Pomponazzi Gilgamesh Edizioni, 2012
[9]    Jorg Sabellicus (a cura di): E.C. Agrippa Il secondo libro del comando o l’arte di evocare gli spiriti, Edizioni Mediterranee, Roma, 2007
[10]  Pietro Aretino, Sei giornate, Ragionamento della Nanna e della Antonia, Giornata Terza, 1534
[11]  Francesco Maria Guaccio, Compendium maleficarum, Milano, 1608
[12]  John Robinson, Antichità greche ovvero quadro de’ costumi, usi, ed istituzioni de’ greci trad. ital. a cura di Gaetano Maria Monforte, Tip. Porcelli, Napoli, 1823, pp. 119-120
[13]  Giuseppe Maria Secondo, Ciclopedia ovvero Dizionario Universale delle Arti e delle Scienze, Tomo III, Napoli, 1748, pag. 188
[14]  Atti Curia di Oria, Denuncia di Giovanni Greco contro A. Galante e M. Farina, cit. da M.A. Epifani, Stregatura, pag. 76
[15]  Gianfranco Mele, Elementi di magia popolare nel mondo contadino del Salento e della Puglia https://www.academia.edu/13789091/ELEMENTI_DI_MAGIA_POPOLARE_NEL_MONDO_CONTADINO_DEL_SALENTO_E_DELLA_PUGLIA
[16]  Dario Visintin, L’attività dell’inquisitore fra Giulio Missini in Friuli, 1645-1653: l’efficienza della normalità, Università di Trieste, 2008, pag. 100
[17]          A.A.V.V., Lares, Vol. 35-36, L. Olschki Ed., 1969, pag. 349
[18]  Cfr. Benvenuto Castellarin, I Processi dell’Inquisizione nella Bassa Friulana: 1568-1781, la Bassa Ed., 1997, pag. 326 ; A.A.V.V. Atti: Classe di scienze morali, lettere ed arti, Volume 161, l’ Istituto, 2003, pag. 139
[19]  Archivio Curia Arcivescovile di Udine, Elenco processi inquisizione, http://www.torviscosa.org/Elenco-processi-inquisizione.53.0.html
[20]  Vincenzo Bellandi, Documenti e aneddoti di storia veneziana tratti dall’ archivi de’ frari, Firenze, Libraio Editore, 1902
[21]          Leonardo Urbinati, Fa’ bala el creel… ovvero l’antica arte magica della coschinomanzia, «Civiltà bresciana» (1992) 4,4, pp. 67-74
[22]          J. W. Goethe, Faust. Introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di Franco Fortini. Mondadori, Milano 1994, I, 2416-2421, pp. 199-200
[23]          Gli interessi di Elisabetta per la magia e l’occultismo sono noti anche attraverso la figura di John Dee, astronomo, matematico, mago e negromante, che fu suo consigliere e personaggio cardine del suo regno. Per approfondimenti: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee
[24]  http://www.storiamito.it/elisabettaI_magia.asp
[25]  Jean EduardoCirlot, Il Libro dei Simboli, Armenia, 2004, pp. 397-398
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midoridragonuus · 6 years ago
If all the top players in SI (Schwartz, Ellie, etc) suddenly disappeared, who would take their place/would there be multiple candidates vying for the job?
There is protocol in place for when a branch/division leader “disappears.”
Control of SI, (in this example, of Schwartz’s disappearance), does not automatically default to Ellie. Ownership of the company as a whole stays under Werites name, who is listed as Co-Founder. Though Ellie may step up to take the title of CEO, ultimately, the Board of Directors makes the decision to elect a new CEO from the remaining Board members. Volunteers are voted on. The winner is able to ascend to the top spot. However, in the contingency of a tie, other division leads may be brought in to vote.
There also comes the T&C with certain things Schwartz has kept under wraps. Her REDACTED files, that only she has seen? They’re to be sent out to very specific people, depending on their contents.
If, however, the entire Board were to be unavailable or they have “disappeared,” people in each division slot up to take their superior’s place. A new board is compiled from leads in their division, or positions in which specific people were named based on SI protocol set by Schwartz. The ‘New Board of Directors’ would probably look something like this:
Mina Tepes (Acting CEO)
Hellawes “Wes” Yuan (Secretary)
Carlos Saavas
Leetah Dhazheeya
Lilith Belial
Mahouji Maehara
Malkuth Empirio
Morticia Malan
Morgan o'Tora
Nadya Nyx
Pollux Nereid
Valthaas Staccio
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rohobi · 7 years ago
Serendipity 04 | (M)
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pairing— jeon jungkook x reader, friendwithbenefitsAU  genre/warnings— smut, fluff, slight angst, swearing NSFW AT ALL  words—7, 012 ↳ CHAPTERS → CHAPTER 5
chapter 4 summary: ❝O is for Oral❞ A/N: I’m sorry. Also, this is the last part of Serendipity and the following chapters will be called Reciprocity with a more detailed background of both reader and Jungkook. I was originally going to split this into two but thought against it because all of you are hell-dwellers anyway. In any case, happy reading/nutting. 
You haven’t seen Jungkook in two weeks. Which isn’t awfully different from your usual, being two working adults with parents who have exceptionally high expectations for your futures.
But this time, it was different.
You actually kind of miss him.
Jungkook, being the in demand academic, had been pulled into a rip tide of study, pulled under the murky waters of social isolation and into the perils of his education; a last minute assignment and a forgotten seminar on health and architecture that he had to attend. 
And you were left astray, turning to more immaculate reads through pages composed by Malorie Blackman instead of some 34 year old divorced woman discussing a dick drought during golden showers. 
Urban dictionary has this flip a coin feature of being on one side, completely comedic and on the other, bloody disturbing as it’s explanation of that saying has you immediately deleting your search history and leaving the fucking planet.  Humans are disgusting yet, creative and outlandish creatures. 
So in saying that, you hadn’t received any word from Jungkook until this very beautiful Friday evening, 6 hours post-hand in doomsday and 2 hours post-seminar where Jungkook had inhaled their hot horderves to the point of notice and had been kicked out in front of his superiors for excessive eating. 
And who did he call? Ghostbust-
In pulling up to the side walk in your BMW, he hadn’t ushered another word about his shovelling adventures but you did ask him how many plates he had eaten when you arrived outside his apartment. 
“How many plates?” He had turned to you, a smirk accentuated by the orange hues of the streetlight. “All of them.”
And you were pleasantly not surprised this time.  
“You should’ve seen my professors face when I was dragged outside the seminar hall. He looked like he regretted ever forcing me to go,” Jungkook says, laying on his back, computer sitting hazardously on his stomach. “Seriously though. The system is fucking bullshit. Fuck them all. I just want to watch mindless movies and feel my brain leak out of my ears. If that’s okay with you.”
“People are dying around the world Jungkook, complain about things that matter,” You stammer. Laying next to Jungkook with a pillow under your knees, and his socks on your feet. You turn up your spotify playlist. “And, excuse you, what brain?”
“Ha ha, you’re so funny.”
“Just watch a korean drama. You’ll waste 2 days of your life binging it and you would’ve lost some brain cells in the process too. I recommend any drama Suzy is in.”
“What have you got against her? She’s so hot,” He snorts, scrolling through his netflix account. “And this is coming from your experience?”
You kick his leg. “She’s the same character in all of her dramas and it’s getting pretty boring. And, do you want to die?”
Grinning sheepishly at you in response, he continues searching through his recommended tv shows, cursor falling short of season 9 Rupaul’s Drag Race.
“Have you seen season 9 of Rupaul’s?” he asks, and you shake your head. “No, not yet.”
Scrolling past it, he says. “I’m not impartial to watching it if you want….”
“Nah not in the mood today.”
“That’s fine. If you don’t love yourself, hell the hell you gon love somebody else.”
He rolls his eyes. 
“Um, hey Jungkook, can I ask you something?” you ask, scooting closer to his side. “Please?”
He nods without looking away from his computer screen. “You just did.”
“Beside that?”
“You just did again.”
You slap his chest. “Can I ask you lots of questions?”
He snickers. “Sure, shoot.”
“Don’t laugh at me but what is fellatio and why do guys beg for it? Is it good?” you ask him and you hate how serious you sound when the next thing that you hear is a condescending rupture of cackles.
“What?” You watch Jungkook choke on his spit before jerking up and coughing. “What did you just fucking ask me?”
Your cheeks heat up. “I was just reading and they were talking about their partners begging for fellatio …it’s gelato right? Unless of course it isn’t …then just ignore me and let’s pretend I never said anything.”
“What makes you think it’s gelato Y/N?”
“Remember when we went to that new gelato place in town and we got their new flavours, you got their staccio and I got their fellatio with crunchy nuts on top?”
Jungkook laughs so loudly, you aren’t sure how to react. “Omg, I can’t believe you,” Ripping off the covers, Jungkook falls onto the floor laughing. You watch him roll around with tears in his eyes. “Fucking fellatio, omg.”
“What?” you ask, “Did I say something dumb again?”
Wiping the tears from his cheeks, he looks up at you on the bed. “Did you mean fragola?”
You shake your head. “No, of course not. I’ve had fellatio before! It was the one with the nuts”
“Are you kidding?” He laughs again. “I mean, you’re right about the nuts part but are you sure you aren’t thinking of pistachio? I don’t know if you’re joking.”
The realisation feels like you’ve been doused in warm water. “…pistachio?”
Jungkook cackles so loudly, he starts coughing again. “I can’t believe you thought fellatio was a type of gelato, you moron! You’re supposed to be a law student???????? How are you this dumb?”  
Sitting up in his bed, you lean against the headboard. “Well, are you going to tell me what it is or not you wanker?”
He wipes the tears away from his eyes. “Fellatio is oral sex Y/N, blow jobs you idiot.”
You make a silent ‘O’ shape with your mouth. “Oh, that makes so much sense. I was wondering why they were talking about techniques with your tongue. They even made a guideline. I didn’t even read it.”
“A guideline? I already sent you a load of information about oral sex?”
You nod. “Yes, but it all makes sense now.”
“For a smart person, you can be really dumb sometimes. And what were your other questions?” Jungkook asks, putting his phone on his side table to give you all of his attention.
“So if it’s not gelato and you haven’t found a movie and you probably won’t …can I do it on you?” You ask it so nonchalantly that Jungkook chokes on his saliva. Coughing into his pillows again, you pat his back. “Jungkook, you okay?”
He nods. “Yeaah, I am ffiinne,” he stutters, clearing his throat. “Just was not expecting that so soon. You want to give me a blow job?”
Hesitantly, you nod. “Right now?”  
“Hell fucking yeah, are you agreeing to have sex with me?”
You hold your hands up in surrender. “I said I’d give you a blow job and you go ahead and speed down the highway of jumping ahead. No Jungkook, just a blow job.”
Jungkook sits up, turning to face you. Grabbing your hands, he looks you straight in the eyes. “Y/N, you realise that if we’re going to do this every now and then, we need to make some rules okay. I don’t want it to feel like I am taking advantage of you.”
“Oh so, you’re in control of this?” Smiling, you say. “I don’t think so. You want to make rules? New Rules? Like… one, don’t pick up the phone …you know he’s only calling because he’s drunk and alone….”
Sitting up, he frowns at you. “Don’t you dare sing that song. Can you please take this seriously for once in your life?”  
Raising your fingers in a peace sign, you serenade him with the song of your people. “Two, don’t let him in you have to kick him out again.”
“Stop singing you butt.”
Pulling his arms with yours, you sing louder. “Three, don’t be his friend you know you’re gonna wake up in his bed in the morning and if you’re under him, you ain’t get-ting over him. I got new rule-
Slapping a hand over your mouth, Jungkook pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “You’re a fucking cliche Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Is it a cliche because it works or because you feel threatened by my amazing talent?”
“I would hardly call that amazing,” he objects. “By rules, I mean, to keep you safe and to keep me safe. If we were to do this, it could become unhealthy. Almost all friends with benefits relationships don’t end well.”
You slap his hands away from yours. “Someone gets attached and if you think that is going to be me, I’m sorry to tell you first that I have a deep and intricate relationship with your netflix account only, not you. I’ve seen all the movies Jungkook I know all the possible endings, like-
“You’re going on a tangent Y/N, just sto-
“-you could get me pregnant or I drown you in the bathtub.”
Staring at you in horror, he sighs. “Rightio …which part of your small brain did that come out of.”
You smirk. “The same part that remembers when you used to like wearing my makeup and being called princess.”
“Okay,” clearing his throat, he holds his chin in a vice grip. “Let’s make some rules. First rule: Good communication. We tell each other what we’re feeling even if we think it’s stupid. Sound good?”
You hold your hand up to high five him. “Yasss boi, communication is the key to all good and healthy relationships.” He high fives you back. “Rule 2: Purpose. Sex is only happening if it’s for an educational purpose, for example, you think fellatio is a type of gelato and I want to show you why it definitely is not.”
You pout. “Fuck you, it sounds like a type of gelato though.” “It does but only you would think it actually is. Rule 3: No sleepovers after sex. I love having you stay over but it would make me confused if I were to wake up and you had your arms and legs all over me indisposed. So only sleep over if we’re watching Stranger Things or something.
You blush at the thought. “Rule 4: Reciprocity. You do for me what I’ll do for you. If you want to stick a plug in my ass, I’m sticking one in yours. And, we only sleep with each other. We want to keep this both emotionally and physically safe, I don’t want to use condoms if I know you’re on the pill and that we’re both free from sexually transmitted infections. Again, this is a recipe for an emotional disaster.”
You hold your finger up in the air. “And we both know that you’re a horrible cook.”
Frowning he shakes your comment away. “Those rules sound good?”
“Aren’t you going to say, Rule 5: No one falls in love with each other or this thing is over?”
“I’m not going to police your emotions and I hope you don’t police mine either. We are two consenting adults and we communicate together, if that’s something that ends up happening, we’ll deal with it then. Sound good?”
Sitting in front of him with your legs crossed, you push out your hand to shake. “Sounds exceptionally mature of you Jeon Jungkook.”
He puts his hand into yours. “So, to summarise this relationship. You can do whatever you want with me so long as I can do it back to you. You’re uncomfortable with something? Me too. I am uncomfortable with something, so are you.”
Tightening your grip on his hand, you grin. “It’s a deal. Want to start tonight?”
The smile that crawls across his face, is a one you haven’t seen before. It’s a mix between being given an early christmas present and wanting to steal your neighbor’s gopro when they’re on vacation. “Sure,” says, laying back down. “Ladies first.”  
“First to what?”
He laughs softly. “I’m going to eat you out first, ladies first.”
“Ew. Can you not say it like that you ugly mole rat?”
Jumping out of bed, he rips off his shirt before jumping on you. He falls on your knees, trying to wiggle himself between you legs.
“Um, Jungkook?”
You push him away from you. “Ya girl is having a shower first. There’s things a lady needs to prepare okay?”
Jungkook groans before rolling back onto his side of the bed. “Well, will you hurry up then. It’s past midnight and I want to sneak an episode of something in.”
“Oh shut up, I need to prepare myself physically and mentally. I’ll be right back.” you snap. Jungkook doesn’t say anything as he watches you storm off towards the bathroom.
And he doesn’t say anything for the half an hour you take in the shower. He all but strips naked and starts watching the pilot episode of Dark while you do acrobats in the shower trying to get a perfect landing strip with his razor.
He doesn’t even notice you come back into the room until a slippers been thrown at his face when he feels the bed dip.
“Don’t fucking look! I’m moisturising my legs!” you shout, throwing your other slipper at his face. “Give me some privacy.”
“I wasn’t even looking at you and you’ve taken so long that I’m nearly finished this episode.” He grits his teeth, closing his computer and putting it on his bed side table.
“I won’t be long, I just want to make sure everything is right.” you whisper, moisturizing your neck.
Groaning behind you, he falls back into the bed sheets. “Stop being high maintenance, you always smell nice to me.”
“Who the hell said I was doing this for you?”
Turning to face you, he watches you dry the ends of your hair with the corners of his towel before letting the strands dangle down your back. You were wrapped in one of his old white towels sitting at the end of the bed.
“I’m just waiting for my legs to be dry now okay? I don’t understand why you’re in a hurry. Good things take time.” you mutter, feeling nervous. You had shaved your pubic area in the shower and had shaven a nice landing strip before your neck got cramped and then you sat on the shower box asking yourself why you even bothered with your pubes.
You’re a woman. Women have hair.
“Okay, I’m ready. How do you want me?” you say, turning to look at him over your shoulder.
“In the bed beside me please.”
“Your manners are sure nice, why can’t you be like this all the time?” Standing up, you slowly drop your towel down your body. You can tell Jungkook watched every inch of that towel disappear from your body, how could you not, you could feel his eyes scour down your body like two probes.
“Damn,” he whistles.
Ugh. You weren’t even trying to be sexy, just efficient.  
Slowly turning around, Jungkook stares wide eyed at your body. You cover your breasts, insecure of what he might think of them. “Can I wear a shirt?”
Jungkook stutters. “N-no, ggeett in. It’ll be too hot for a shirt.” Jungkook doesn’t know where to look. He hadn’t expected your body to be so feminine.
Walking to your side of his bed, you slip under the sheets, one hand still covering your boobs. “Would you stop staring at me? You’re making me feel insecure.”
Laying on his side, he smiles softly. “You really shouldn’t be because damn girl, you have a nice ass.”
“And it’s off limits Jungkook. Thanks though.”
“For now,” he laughs. “And, you’re welcome.”
An awkward silence hangs between you before you lean over to the bedside table and press play on the playlist you had been listening to in the shower. It hums softly on Jungkook’s speaker, filling the silence between you. Jungkook leans onto his side to turn off the lamp and turn on the fairy lights wrapped around his curtains.
The silence hovers uncomfortably as you grip the sheets up to your chin. You hadn’t thought of this part. Who makes the first move here? Do I? Should I just lean over and tickle his chin or something.
“Y/N,” he whispers, leaning his head on his arm beside you, face hovering above your. “You okay?”
You nod. Please make the first move, I don’t know what I’m doing.
Jungkook closes his eyes, feeling suddenly intoxicated by the smell of your passion fruit shampoo. It was his favourite, something he wouldn’t tell you on a normal basis but one he remembered to buy every time he shopped just in case you stayed over. He had used it before but it had only ever smelt good when it was on you.
Collapsing on top of you, he digs his face into your neck. “God, you smell so good, what the hell.”
You laugh as your rub his bare back. “Didn’t know this was apart of our agreement.”  
Pulling away from your neck, he stares down at you. There are no words for the feeling he suddenly has but other than the feeling of electricity tingling beneath his skin, he feels comfortable.
And all he knows is that he wants to kiss you.
“Didn’t know you being a smart ass was apart of the agreement either, but here we are?” he whispers, brushing his nose against yours. Filling the small space between you, he slides his soft lips over your warm ones without warning. You relax underneath him when he cups your cheek tenderly.
Separated by the thin layer of folded sheet, you can feel his cock begin to harden against your pubic bone.
Running your hands down his bare back, you imagine what Jungkook would look like with back tattoos. You didn’t want to tell him but ever since you saw him shirtless 4 months ago, you wanted to pin him down and tattoo a dragon on his back and across his shoulder blades. Nothing says sex appeal like muscles and tattoos. At the time, the morally good part of your brain shook that one right out of the nest and you decided that maybe just manipulating him at a later date would be more conventional. Jungkook remains on the fence with that idea.
Brushing his nose against yours, he tilts his head to deepen the kiss and if there is one thing you like about Jungkook, it’s the way his mouth is shaped and how you think his lips fit into yours like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. It’s a lame piece of poetry but when something feels right, it might just be right.
Jungkook begins to kiss the hell out of you. You aren’t sure what he’s thinking about or what’s gotten into him but you refuse to french kiss him when you know he hasn’t brushed his teeth. You can already smell his morning breath and it’s enough to make you reconsider this whole thing.
So when Jungkook tries to stick his tongue into your mouth, the most you do is suck on his tongue and then push it back into his mouth while clamping your lips shut. Shops closed Jungkook, I’m not taking any customers at this present time. Please come again at a later date when you learn what a toothbrush is.
“Jeon,” Angling his face, he kisses across your cheek, latching his mouth onto the skin behind your ear. “Why do neck kisses feel so good? It makes my fanny feel like a fire hydrant.”
He laughs against your neck. “What? I’m serious, you just kiss my neck and pow, I’m ready to do the boom boom.”
“I’ve only kissed your neck like once, who else has kissed you here enough for you to think that?”
You shrug. “Irene Bae in 7 minutes of Heaven at Taehyung’s party last year.”
“Wait,” He hovers above your head for a second. “You and Irene? Did you guys do anything else…”
You look at him in thought. “We just kissed, she tried to do things but yeah …I’m not interested in women.”
Jungkook looks at you in new found interest. “Did you guys use tongue? Was it super hot?”
“Not really, I had too much too drink and vomited all over her.”
“Are you serious?”
You stare in disbelief at him. “Of course not. We made out like normal people, admittedly, there was a lot of tongue I think but yeah, you’re still the best kisser I’ve ever had, now keep kissing my neck.”
You turn your head away, allowing him to work his magic against your neck. You don’t give two shits if he gives you hickies, you wore turtlenecks on the regular anyway.
Jungkook returns his lips to your neck, slowly dragging them across your sensitive skin. “Hey,” you moan, feeling it ripple desperately from the bottom of your throat when he rolls his tongue over your pulse points. “That feels so good.”
You can feel his growing erection against you as he grinds softly into you. Rubbing your feet together at the feeling of electricity, you’re embarrassingly wet already and you hate it.
Jungkook presses kisses down your neck, to over your collarbone before grabbing one of your breasts and lightly squeezing. Kissing around your areolar, he flicks his tongue over your nipple.
You slap his hand away. “Hey, what are you doing with my boobs.”
He looks up at you, tongue still touching your nipple before he quips “Relax hagrid, it will feel good.”
Latching his mouth over your nipple, he rolls his tongue and boy be damned. It actually feels good. Weaving your fingers through his hair, you hold him close to your chest.
When you were 14 years old, you had watched this film called Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging and you and your friends had sat on your hands for 10 minutes before fondling your own boobs. Jungkook had been on the end of the couch, completely confused as he tried to fondle the skin of his own chest.  Sure, it felt like someone else but when someone else actually touched you, nothing else compared.
And the feeling flowed straight down to your groin.
Lowering himself, Jungkook grinds his cock through your folds and the feeling is like electricity striking you down and melting you against the bedsheets. That’s a pretty shitty metaphor but there’s no other way to describe it for you, it just feels so good.
Scratching down his back, you open your legs wider for him. “Jungkook, I’m so wet, I’m sorry.”
He ignores you, as he grinds into you harder.
You wrap your feet around his waist, moving your hips against his. “Oh shit, not this again,” He bites into your shoulder, sensually rolling his hips against yours. “Jungkook, we need to reconvene, I’m too hot and you’re not eating me out and at this rate, we’ll have sex because your dingaling feels so good rubbing against me like that, that I’m very close to saying fuck this all and sitting on it. I want you but not like this.”
Jungkook moans loudly at your words, gradually halting his hips. “You make me feel like a 16 year old boy, I’m so close to coming already.”
“God, ew.”
Pushing him off of you, he falls into the sheets beside you. Perspiration drips down his forehead as he pants.  His erection stands at attention, pre-cum already leaking out of his slit. “You have a filthy mouth Y/N, a filthy goddamn mouth.”
Ignoring him, you gasp. “Christ, what is wrong with my vagina.” Looking under the sheet, you frown at just how wet you had become. “Hey, how about I get you off first?”
Putting his hands underneath his head, he whispers. “I’m not against that. Do as you please boss.”
Sitting up, you rustle beneath the sheets, sitting between Jungkook’s thighs. “You aren’t going to like that I’m going to take it slow so remember to take some deep breaths okay?”
With his eyes closed, he nods. “Did you want me to talk you through it?”
“Only if you think I’m doing a shit job.”
He whispers. “You won’t, but I can make you the queen of blow jobs if you want?”
“Fuck off Jungkook, i’m only doing this once.” Rolling your eyes, you lay down between his legs. You’ve always imagined being that person who takes it slow but considering how quickly you get turned on, you don’t think you’d ever have the patience.
Taking a deep breath, you start slow. “I’m just gonna get to know your body okay?”
He hums his response. “As you wish.”
Kissing the area above his knee, you press soft kisses up to his inner thigh. Jungkook hums with approval already feeling skittish when your hot breath hits his balls.
Caressing his thighs, you ask. “Can I suck on your balls? You can say no.”
“Fuck yeah, do whatever you want. Why would I say no to that.”
“I don’t fucking know. You were the one that emphasised asking because consent is important.” Kissing around his penis, you press open mouth kisses on his balls, taking each one into your mouth and sucking. You’re cringing as you do it because not only does he smell bad but because you’re so goddamn close to his butthole and you aren’t ready for that yet.
The reaction from Jungkook is explosive as he jerks against your face. “YoU’VE DONE THIS BEFORE WHAT THE FUCK.”
You cower at his expression. “Username Davidismydick94 told me to never neglect the huevos.”
Falling back onto his pillow, he says. “Well thank you Davidismydick94.”
“Can I continue…?”
“All night long.” he whispers and you lean back in. Pressing your fingertips on the underside of his cock, you lightly run your finger tips over the veins of his penis. It’s the first time you’ve been able to look at his penis in the eye but it’s enough to notice the slight curvature of it and the protruding ridges you think might feel good inside of you.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asks, leaning up on his elbows to watch you. “Are you teasing me?”
“Are veins good or bad on a penis?”
He looks at you with an alarmed expression. “Why? are they ugly?”
You look up at him before wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock and using the tip of your tongue to lick his up his veins. “Not at all. I like it, very sexy like your arms.”
Flattening your tongue, you don’t stray from his eye contact when you lick from the underside of his balls to the tip of his leaking head. His eyes are hazy from the feeling of your wet hot tongue and his heart is pounding at the innocent doe of your eyes.
“Jesus.” he moans.
“Why are you thinking of a man when I’m licking your balls?” you ask, blowing hot air on his balls. “Got something to tell me?”
“Says the one on her knees.”
“Touche and hell no am I trying to make you soft, getting you hard again would give me neck strain.” Swiping your tongue across the tip of his cock, Jungkook hisses at the feeling.
You focus your mouth on the tip as you hold the shaft with both hands. You’re confused but you don’t want to admit it. “How the fuck do I …do I just shove it in my mouth and suck on it?”
“Basically.” he replies.
“Well okay,” you reluctantly, open your mouth taking him in until your nose hits your fingers. Sucking, you hollow your cheeks before bravely moving your head down on him like how the movies do it. You massage his shaft with your tongue as you do it and Jungkook hums as you do it.  
“Oh fuck.” he whimpers.
Taking your mouth off of him with a pop, you begin pumping his shaft as you lick down to his balls again, sucking on them gently. “Y/N, seriously fucking hell. You’re doing so well baby, so well.”
Licking back up to his head, you suck on him again, bobbing up and down to a nice rhythm. You’re thinking about what food to eat after this and why blow jobs are called blow jobs if you’re sucking on and it not blowing, when Jungkook moans your name loudly, pushing on your head to take more of him in. Sinking down to the base of his cock so your nose hits his pubic bone, his dick painfully hits the back of your throat.
“Oh fuck, your mouth feels so fucking insane, so good, so fucking good.” Tangling his fingers in your hair, he fucks into your mouth.
You continue to bob up and down his shaft and for a terrifying second, you think you might vomit on his dick.
Abort. Abort. Abort.  
Quickly returning your hand to the base of his cock, you continue to safely massage your tongue around his head. Keeping a nice rhythm, you pump his shaft while sucking on the tip.
“Use your tongue. Like you’re sucking on your thumb, try that.” He suggests and you do exactly that.
He quivers against you, feeling a desperate need to fuck your mouth again. “I want to fuck your mouth so badly. Can I?”
Pumping him harder and faster, you stammer. “No way on this planet will you be fucking into my mouth again Jeon. I will vomit on your dick.”
“I don’t care what you do baby, you’re so damn beautiful when you do anything.”
You cringe at that. “So bloody entitled.”
Rolling your eyes, you lower your mouth to swallow him down to your fist. You feel comfortable with this as you let him thrust into your mouth. You never signed up for this amount of exercise and your body was beginning to ache at the effort but if you just lay like this and let him do all the work, it still counts right? Pulling a leg over Jungkook’s leg, you grind against his leg, desperate for some form of friction as you suck on his dick.
“Fuck, Y/N. I want to cum.” he chokes. He sounds like he’s tethering across a threshold and everything inside of you just wants to push him off already, no matter how insanely fucking sexy he sounds moaning your name.
Jungkook looks like a mess. You’ve never seen him so desperate to cum in his life. Then again, you haven’t seen him desperate to cum before.
He whines, stuttering his hips.
“I think I’m going to cum.” he says, wrapping your hair up into a ponytail and pulling tightly on it. You hum around his cock and Jungkook moans loudly, making you grind harder against him.
Removing your hand, you take him in as he thrusts down your throat. In a perfect world that wouldn’t be painful but as tears fall down your face, you can’t wait for this to be over.
“I’m going to cum. I’m coming.”  
He tries to take his cock out of your mouth, but you slap him away, letting him finish in your mouth. He doesn’t deserve it but you know for a fact Jungkook would cum on your face if you didn’t.
He’s moaning recklessly before he cums down your throat and you’re goddamn thankful you didn’t eat before this because the taste of Jungkook’s abandoned children is not one compatible with the residual afternoon food in your stomach.
Falling into the sheets, he twitches in oversensitivity when you pull your mouth off with a pop. Patting his shaft goodbye, you roll over Jungkook’s leg to climb into the sheets beside him. Your heart’s pounding and you think you can hear Jungkook’s heart pounding too as he lifelessly lays beside you.
“You okay?” you ask.
Jungkook turns to you. “You’ve got cum on your face.” Wiping your face with the back of your thumb, you suck the residue off your finger. All Jungkook can do is stare at you as you do it.
“Why did you let me cum in your mouth? Not many girls like doing that?”
You roll your eyes, didn’t he want a compliment or something? “I can see why they wouldn’t. Did you know that you’re cum tastes fucking awful. I can already feel my blood pressure rising from how salty it was.”
You watch insecurity wash over his face. “Why are you looking at me like I kicked your dog?” 
“Does it really taste bad…”  “It just tastes …different from the inside of a kinder surprise is all,” you smile, trying to reassure him. “I swallowed because I read in this random academic text that semen was full of protein and I think I’m deficient because I keep saying really dumb things so I thought, why not two birds with one stone.”  
He laughs before turning on his back. “Man, I’m pooped. I’m glad you got off too though, I nearly blew my load when I felt you grind your clit against my leg.”
“Who said I got off? You moved your leg when I was about to. Don’t judge me, I just like it when you moan and I needed some good o’l friction on me private parts, your leg was all I could reach. You sound so hot right before you cum by the way. I feel good about myself when you’re vocal when it feels good.” you admit, smiling at the ceiling.
“Speaking of,” Jungkook grins, before jumping between your legs. Grabbing his duvet, he pulls it over his back, before settling on his stomach between your thighs. “Rule 4: Reciprocacy. My turn.”
“You don’t have to Jungkook, seriously,” you push his sweaty head away from you. “It’s okay.”
He shakes his head. “No, I want to. I want you to feel just as good as you made me.”
“Fine,” you sigh, grabbing his pillow, you put it under your knees for him. There’s a moment of pure silence as Jungkook stares at your lady flower.
“What are you doing?” you ask, unable to decipher the look on his face. “Jungkook, why do I feel like I’m getting my pap smear?”
“Please don’t take offence to what I am about to say,” Jungkook looks up, staring at you. “But did you shave your vagina for me?”
Your cheeks glow red. “What? The vagina is the entrance, you know, the inside of the pink part.”
“You know what I mean,” he says, running a finger through your labia and over your clit. It makes you jolt. “But you did right?”
“I tried my best. I didn’t know if you liked pubes or not and frankly, I don’t give a fuck if you do or not. I wanted to be neat and fresh for myself and if you don’t want to eat me out because of my hair than you’re already missing out because she’s-”
“-shut up, will you. It’s your pussy, your rules. Just, be you and that is all I can ask for.” he smiles up at you and you cower away from his expression.
It was too intimate.
His hands were hot. Two furnaces as he pressed his palms on knees, slowly caressing up the soft skin of your thighs. Leaning his chin on the pillow half way under your ass, he presses soft kisses on your pubic area -much like how you did to him.
Pulling your legs wider, he plants your feet outside of his shoulders. Making himself more comfortable. “Yeah go on, make yourself at home down there.”
“I plan to,” he admits. “You smell good.”
“Those comments make me feel awkward.” 
Shoving a fist in your mouth, you whimper against your knuckles as he tenderly kisses just above your slit. “Don’t be.” 
Dipping his tongue between your folds, he cups his mouth around the top of your slit, pushing his tongue against the hood of your clit.
“Oh good lord,” you whisper. He repeats the movements of his tongue in figure 8s when your hands fly to his hair as you quiver beneath him. You like this image, his head between your thighs, his large hands around your thighs. “Right there, keeping doing that thing. Spell out Micky Mouse or something.” 
Rolling his tongue up and down, you buck your hips against his mouth in a loud half whimper half meow. Obviously, you hadn’t expected to make such a noise and when Jungkook looks up at you with your juices glistening on his chin, you get embarrassed immediately at that stupid look on his face. 
He grins. “What was that?”
“No idea,” Biting your lip, you shake your head as you look left and right. “Wasn’t me.”
Smiling in amusement, he adjusts your legs, so each one sits on his shoulders now. With both hands gripping your thighs, he dives back in. It’s more passionate now, he wants you to finish just as good as you did to him. 
You stare at the ceiling, never wanting this feeling to stop. It feels like you’re breaking and you don’t ever want to get fixed if this is how good it feels being broken. 
He licks every part of you in every pattern and motion your brain can be bothered to form in your mind. If you focus hard enough, you think he might be spelling out his name but who knows, who cares anyway.
“Jungkook.” you moan, closing your eyes. Sucking your labia into his mouth, he twirls his tongue all over it, trying to find the spots that make you moan the loudest.
He growls when you whimper his name again.
Arching your back off the bed at a particular spot, he tilts his head to the side, bringing your lips into his. Gently sliding his tongue all over it. He looks up at you, eyes clenched closed, hands grippin the sheets for dear life. It was the hottest thing he had ever seen and his heart fucking implodes at the sight. 
Flattening his tongue again, he dips his tongue between your folds. Incoherent high pitched moans flutter aimlessly from your lips, slipping past the fist you shoved into you mouth trying to make yourself shut up.
“Does this feel good?” he asks, and you shove his head back as a response. 
“Of course it does.” you whimper, biting down hard on your bottom lip.  Using his other hand, he trails his finger down your clit. “Can I finger you?”
“Like, put your fingers in my vagina?”
“Be my guest homeboy.”
Slowly pushing in his index finger into your entrance, you quiver at the weird feeling as he pumps into you. Keeping a rhythm with his tongue, he suddenly flattens it, you grind your hips against his wide flat tongue as he inserts another finger into you.
“Shit, that’s a weird feeling.”
“Is it bad?” he asks.
You shake your head. “Nope, it’s a good kind of weird.”
Hooking his fingers up inside you, he slowly pumps into you with a smile on his face. It’s messy and it’s loud and you’re thankful that you put on music because you’re so wet and the sound is gross and you don’t want to remember it when you wake up from this stupor.   Leaning forward, he moans as he covers your clit with his mouth, sucking on it gently. Massaging your g spot, he pumps his fingers into you faster and harder as he licks, feeling your walls clamp down on his finger. God, you’re so tight. He can only imagine how you might feel when he pounds you into his sheets and even that thought is enough to make him hard again.
“I think I’m going to cum. I think.” you choke, becoming restless beneath him.
Jungkook groans against you as you whine, bucking your hips against his face. Using his thumb to massage your clit, he thanks the heavens for his gamer fingers as he pulls his fingers into a “come here” expression inside of you. He puts all of his energy into doing that quick and hard inside of you as he watches your hands grabs out to your breasts, squeezing them for dear life.
“You close? God, you look amazing.” he says, rubbing the pad of his thumb over your clit. You pant, feeling your orgasm sneak up behind you. You’re so close you can feel it breathe down your neck.
“If this is what you’re like with my fingers, oh man, I want to fuck you so hard, you’ll see stars.”
“Jungkook you fuck.” you scream, arching your back as high as you can, reaching a blinding white peak of your high. You quiver underneath him as he removes his fingers, gently suckling on your clit. 
You whimper his name again, writhing beneath him as you cum on his face.
Falling back to the bed, your thighs shake as Jungkook laps at your juices. Feeling oversensitive and gross, you languidly push him away. 
You’re still on that high when he pushes himself off the bed, standing up to grab one of his clean basketball shirts.
Wiping your thighs, he licks his lips as you watch him through tired eyes. You’re still panting. Your heart is still racing. And your groin is still recovering.
Falling onto his side of the bed, he says. “I’ll let you stay over just because I know how wrecked you are but if you fuck me up tomorrow morning, just know that it was because you stayed and broke the rule.”
Punching his arm, you frown heavily at the brown haired boy. “Shut the fuck up Jungkook, don’t ruin this for me.”
“Did it feel goood?”
You nod. “More than good. I think I just had my first orgasm. I mean, I don’t know if I did but yes, it felt really really good.”
“You had an orgasm?” Raising his eyebrows, he pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “Well, I am that good.”
“Fuck, you can’t be humble for even a second of your life,” you twist yourself out of his bedsheets, sitting up on the side of the bed. “I’m getting an uber.”
“Hey,” he asks, sitting up behind you. Placing little kisses over your shoulder blade, he whispers into your skin. “It’s late, just stay here. We can have cold pizza in the morning and we can make out in the shower.”
“As much as I like the sound of that idea …I’m going to pass on that,” grabbing your phone, you open up the uber app. “I like kissing you and if you keep doing it, I’m going to want to do it all the time.”
“Really?” he asks, leaning his chin on the junction between your head and your neck.
You nod.
“I’m fine with that.” Jungkook slaps your phone out of your hand and you watch it fall to the floor before you could even confirm your pick up destination. Pulling you back to the mattress and against his chest, he quickly grabs the blanket and throws it over you both.
“You’re staying,” he whispers, rubbing his nose against your cheek. You turn to him, rubbing your nose against his. “Oh my god Jungkook, you were the one who made the rules. What are you doing?”
You can feel him smile before he closes the space to kiss you. “Rules were meant to be broken anyway.”
“Oh for fuck sake Jeon. Get your shit together.”
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passaggioalboscoedizioni · 7 years ago
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Con usura, Erza Pound Cantos, XLV Con usura nessuno ha una solida casa di pietra squadrata e liscia per istoriarne la facciata, con usura non v'è chiesa con affreschi di paradiso harpes et luz e l'Annunciazione dell'Angelo con le aureole sbalzate, con usura nessuno vede dei Gonzaga eredi e concubine non si dipinge per tenersi arte in casa ma per vendere e vendere presto e con profitto, peccato contro natura, il tuo pane sarà staccio vieto arido come carta, senza segala né farina di grano duro, usura appesantisce il tratto, falsa i confini, con usura nessuno trova residenza amena. Si priva lo scalpellino della pietra, il tessitore del telaio CON USURA la lana non giunge al mercato e le pecore non rendono peggio della peste è l'usura, spunta l'ago in mano alle fanciulle e confonde chi fila. Pietro Lombardo non si fe' con usura Duccio non si fe' con usura nè Piero della Francesca o Zuan Bellini nè fu 'La Calunnia' dipinta con usura. L'Angelico non si fe' con usura, nè Ambrogio de Praedis, nessuna chiesa di pietra viva firmata : 'Adamo me fecit'. Con usura non sorsero Saint Trophine e Saint Hilaire, usura arrugginisce il cesello arrugginisce arte ed artigiano tarla la tela nel telaio, nessuno apprende l 'arte d'intessere oro nell'ordito; l'azzurro s'incancrena con usura; non si ricama in cremisi, smeraldo non trova il suo Memling usura soffoca il figlio nel ventre arresta il giovane amante cede il letto a vecchi decrepiti, si frappone tra giovani sposi CONTRO NATURA Ad Eleusi han portato puttane carogne crepulano ospiti d'usura. Canto citato in Ezra Pound economista", Giano Accame. Nuova edizione a cura di Passaggio Al Bosco con prefazione di Adriano Scianca.
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abatelunare · 8 years ago
Nei buchi del suo cervello i cattivi ricordi passavano senza lasciare traccia, come attraverso uno staccio passa l'acqua.
Georges Courteline
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marimaca · 5 years ago
My Corona DAY 26
Oggi sole a Milano, e anche temperatura molto apprezzabile. Ho scoperto come si può lavare i vetri senza lasciare aloni. Acqua e ammoniaca e due stracci. Due passate con lo staccio bagnato e una passata conq uello asciutto. Spettacolo! Provate e poi mi fate sapere. Ormai sto diventando una casalinga vera. Mi manca solo un po’ di pratica in cucina e poi ci siamo. Il problema è che non me la sento…
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maxmrnv · 6 years ago
1. Silvestrina sbrigava mille faccende, senza contare quelle misteriose ed economiche:i vasetti di marmellata – Сильвестрина справлялась с тысячью делами, в том числе дел таинственных хозяйственных: баночки варенья.
2. Il fascismo divenne lo strumento principale di repressione armata del movimento dei lavoratori – Фашизм стал главным средством вооруженного подавления движения рабочих.
3. La politica socialista era volta a continuare il dialogo coi cattolici – Политика социалистов была направлена на продолжение диалога (переговоров) с католиками.
4. Tornò il clima della guerra fredda – Атмосфера холодной войны снова ощущалась (clima dell'epoca — атмосфера эпохи; дух времени) климат 
5. Il congresso del PCI si tenne un anno dopo – Съезд ИКП прошел через год
6. Si parlò della costituzione di un nuovo ministero – Говорили о создании нового министерства 
7. I neofascisti continuarono sotto la protezione democristiana le loro mene – Неофашисты продолжали свою грязную работу под защитой членов христианско-демократической партии
1. Beppino e il barrocciaio arrivarono alla caserma dei carabinieri – Беппино с извозчиком приехали в казарму карабинеров  
2. Sulla soglia apparve il berretto nero di un milite – На пороге показался чёрный бирет солдата 
3. Un pugno di traditori fascisti, i «repubblichini», si schierò al loro fianco – Часть фашистов-придателей, «псевдореспубликанцев», перешла на их сторону 
4. G. Pesce descrìve gli episodi più salienti della lotta eroica combattuta dai GAP contro i nazifascisti – Пеще описал наиболее яркие эпизоды героической борьбы партизан против национал-фашистов (Gruppo d'Azione Patriottica группа патриотического действия). 
5. Angela non voleva che Andrea partecipasse allo sciopero a rovescio – Анджела не хотела, чтобы Андреа учавстовал в забаствоке наоборот.
Gli storici fanno risalire l'apparizione degli spaghetti a Napoli al 1200: un cuoco napoletano, di nome Chico, fatto un pastone di farina di grano, lo fece passare attraverso uno staccio forato. Da allora a Napoli si andò perfezionando continuamente il metodo di produzione di questi spaghetti, finché essi divennero una specialità locale. Più tardi apparvero vermicelli, fettuccine, tagliateli, agnolotti, ecc. I maccheroni sono un piatto nazionale italiano. Si mangiano per minestra a pranzo e a cena, in brodo («pasta in brodo»), oppure cotti («pasta asciutta»), conditi colla salsa di pomodoro o col formaggio grattuggiato e burro. 
Историки относят появление спагетти к 13 веку: Кико, повар из Неаполя, приготовил тесто из пшеничной муки и пропустил его через сито с крупными отверстиями. С тех пор неаполитанцы постоянно совершенствовали метод приготовления спагетти пока они не стали особенностью местной кухни. Позже появились феттуччине, вермишель, тальятелле, аньолотти и другие виды макаронных изделий – национального блюда Италии. У итальянцев макароны – первое блюдо на обед и на ужин. Их добавляют в бульон («паста ин бродо») или варят («паста ашутта»). Макароны заправляют томатным соусом, посыпают тертым сыром или добавляют масло. 
Piacenza – Пьяченца
Genova – Генуя
Giovanni – Джованни
Cagliari – Кальяри
Giuseppe – Джузеппе 
il Quirinale – Квиринал 
il Partito Socialista Italiano – Итальянская социалистическая партия 
Paolo Biagi – Паоло Биаджи
il Partito liberale – Итальянская либеральная партия
il Montecitorio – дворец Монтечиторио или палата депутатов
Reggio Emilia – Реджо Эмилия
la Federazione Giovanile Comunista – Итальянская федерация коммунистической молодёжи
Luigi Sturzo – Луиджи Стурцо
Colonia – Кёльн 
la democrazia cristiana – христианско-демократическая партия
il Lazio – Лацио
i Gruppi d'azione patriottica (GAP) – группа патриотического действия
"Vie nuove" – журнал «Вие Нуове» или «новые пути»
Bruxelles – Брюссель
il movimento sociale italiano – социальное движение Италии
Angelo Buozzi – Анджело Буоцци 
PS (pubblica sicurezza) – государственная полиция
"Messaggero" – «Мессаджеро»
Lago di Como – озеро Комо 
Unione Donne Italiane (UDI) – Союз итальянских женщин
Milano – Милан 
Zurìgo – Цюрих 
Agnese – Агнесса
Palazzo Chigi – Палаццо Киджи
Civitavecchia – Чивитавеккья
il Vaticano – Ватикан 
"Paese sera" – газета «Паезе сера» 
"La Scala" – Ла Скала 
San Pietro – Святой Пётр 
Viareggio – Виареджо
Parigi – Париж
Anversa – Антверпен
il Viminale – Виминал
Maometto – Мухáммед
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nixnjix · 7 years ago
The ever present predator in the back of his mind reared its head at the sight of Lucian's weakness. The human was entering shock, his hands trembled, his face gone pale, his startling luminous green gaze lost. After what he witnessed, Naasir expected no less. He rarely retaliated against others but the sight of the angel brought out the predator in him.
It was not the same leisure creature who now appeared calm as he lounged. Angels perturbed him, brought out the lethal beast beneath his skin, his other nature he often made no effort to hide.
"Lucian," he purred. "If you don't stop acting like prey, you may force my hand." He was still angry. Even now it was barely contained as he watched Lucian with unwavering gaze. His claws had burst through his skin, making him unable to sheathed them. Now he tapped them against the wood, a staccio rhythm that matched Lucian's uneven heartbeat.
The human thought to leave him. For a fleeting moment, he nearly succumbed to the angel's offer. The thought of it angered him. The only way he was leaving him was through death.
"You are a real piece of work, you know. You ate her..." Lucian nearly choked on the words. What he had seen was a violent act from a monster. Blood, the violent shriek from a creature he thought never existed. It almost pierced his eardrums, forcing him to cover his ears. It was horrific, witnessing him taking the sentient being apart piece by piece with guttural feral growls. Only to consume every bit of her. Nothing was left.
It sickened him.
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