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kyeterna · 6 months ago
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Choose a Star Team blog entry:
>humble beginnings<
starkid [data not found]
The Vigilante U.S.O.
Malourgos Inc. Conspiracy
Rose D.C.
[???] [data not found]
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greaseonmymouth · 2 years ago
det allerbedste ved at skrive på dansk er når jeg bevidst vælger at bruge udtryk som jeg ved ikke kan oversættes til engelsk fordi de er særlige danske udtryk med sit eget kulturelle anker
jeg ved godt der er en håndfuld folk der kværner mine danske fics igennem google translate for at læse dem og jeg har da også overvejet at oversætte dem selv fordi jeg har set det makværk der kommer ud af det. og jeg respekterer da også at de har viljen til at læse men ikke sprogfærdigheden, så de tyr til maskineoversættelse i stedet. men jeg gør det ikke. i stedet for skriver jeg bare flere danske vendinger og ord ind i teksten, fordi jeg kan, og fordi jeg gider ikke gøre teksten mere maskinoversættelsesvenlig, jeg vil bare skrive en tekst der er dansk ikke kun sprogligt men også kulturelt. og jeg fryder mig over det
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greenbagjosh · 2 years ago
Monday 18 November 2002 - second visit to Munich - Marienplatz and Viktualienmarkt - the perfect Schwibbogen - Schäufele at the Tucher gastropub
18 November 2002
EN  Hi everyone.  Twenty years ago I was still on my vacation to Germany, Scandinavia and Switzerland.  This would be my last full day.  I visited Munich, particularly Europapark, then the Marienplatz downtown.  I did not spend long there, I went back to Nürnberg and did my remaining shopping.  Then I packed up to go home on the 19th.  
DE  Hallo allerseits. Vor zwanzig Jahren war ich noch im Urlaub in Deutschland, Skandinavien und der Schweiz. Das wäre mein letzter ganzer Tag. Ich habe München besucht, besonders den Europapark, dann den Marienplatz in der Innenstadt. Ich hielt mich dort nicht lange auf, fuhr zurück nach Nürnberg und erledigte meine restlichen Einkäufe. Dann packte ich zusammen, um am 19. nach Hause zu gehen.
DK  Hej allesammen. For tyve år siden var jeg stadig på min ferie til Tyskland, Skandinavien og Schweiz. Dette ville være min sidste hele dag. Jeg besøgte München, især Europapark, derefter Marienplatz downtown. Jeg tilbragte ikke længe der, jeg tog tilbage til Nürnberg og gjorde mine resterende indkøb. Så pakkede jeg sammen for at tage hjem den 19.
SE  Hej allihopa. För tjugo år sedan var jag fortfarande på min semester till Tyskland, Skandinavien och Schweiz. Detta skulle vara min sista hela dag. Jag besökte München, särskilt Europapark, sedan Marienplatz i centrum. Jag tillbringade inte länge där, jag åkte tillbaka till Nürnberg och gjorde mina resterande shopping. Sen packade jag ihop för att åka hem den 19:e.
FR  Salut tout le monde. Il y a vingt ans, j'étais encore en vacances en Allemagne, en Scandinavie et en Suisse. Ce serait ma dernière journée complète. J'ai visité Munich, notamment Europapark, puis la Marienplatz en centre-ville. Je n'y suis pas resté longtemps, je suis retourné à Nürnberg et j'ai fait mes courses restantes. Puis j'ai fait mes valises pour rentrer chez moi le 19.
Guten Morgen!  Good morning!  
Today would be my last full day in Europe until August 2003.  I would visit Munich, and then come back to Nürnberg to do some final shopping before going back to the hotel.  I would find the perfect gift for my mother, in the Handwerkerhof.
I managed to arrive at the hotel the previous evening at a more decent hour so I could wake up by 7 AM.  I had breakfast, then took a shower and took the U1 to Nürnberg Hbf.  I boarded the ICE train to Munich Hbf via Augsburg.  So far it was the only ICE connection until years later when it went through Donauwörth and Ingolstadt.  The train left about 8 AM, and made a stop about 8:35 AM in Augsburg Hbf.  Then it continued to München Hbf.  I was listening to the radio and happened to tune in Bayern 3.  It was playing "Dilemma" by Nelly and Kelly.  I cannot remember the other songs though, will have to refer to the audio tape which I had recorded at the time.
At München Hbf I accidentally dropped my radio.  It did not completely break it but the hinge for the cassette would not completely close unless I jiggled it a bit.  It was a misfortune.  I went on to the U1-U2 station, bought a day pass, and took the U2 to the Am Hart station.  I took a shuttle bus for the V Markt, or rather, the Walmart, which had replaced it.  I used to go there a few times a week after work when I was living there in Summers of 1997 and 1998.  Prices were cheaper than in downtown, especially for food.  I bought a couple of beers to take home.  Then I took the shuttle to Kieferngarten, the other stop with a U Bahn connection.  I took it southbound to Marienplatz, through Münchner Freiheit that converges with the M3 that came from the west, namely Olympiazentrum which eventually was extended to Moosach.
I walked to the Viktualienmarkt and the Rathaus at Marienplatz.  I also walked towards the Karlsplatz past the St. Michael church.  I had been there in the winter when there was snow, months before.  I did not go to the Hofbrauhaus until at least August 2003, so this time I just took the S Bahn back to Hbf and tried to find a train back to Nürnberg through Augsburg.  At München Hbf, I took a 1:51 PM train to Nürnberg Hbf through Augsburg.  I arrived about 3 PM.
In Nürnberg, I walked from Lorenzkirche to Weißer Turm and back.  At one department store, I think, Hertie, I was at the World of Music, and listened to two CDs that I thought I should buy.  One was the follow up CD Unbelievable by Sarah Connor.  Months earlier, in Sevilla, Spain, I had bought her debut CD "Green Eyed Soul".  I passed on that sadly.  Another one was Otto Waalkes in concert.  One of his songs was a parody of Toto's "Africa", called "Arschgesicht".  That cracked me up.  
I had to find something for my mother, and the time was getting short.  4 PM on a November afternoon is not exactly late, but if one is flying home the next day, it is better to find something to buy earlier than later.  I went to the Handwerkerhof and found a shop that sold Schwibbogen.  I found one powered by candles.  I asked the saleslady to put it in a box, and she had the exact box to pack it in.  I think it cost around € 30,00.  I bought similar presents in that area, even a bottle of Frankish wine in a distinctive bottle, which is kind of flat, not the usual cylindrical type.  Also I bought some delicious Lebkuchen to take back home.  I also bought some candies for my colleagues at work to enjoy.
For supper, I went to the Tucher Mautkeller on Königstraße, towards Lorenzkirche.  I had to go one flight of stairs down.  I had a Schäufele, which was a pork shoulder, cole slaw and potato dumpling.  I had it with glass of Tucher Dunkel.  It was excellent.  I paid about € 30 for the meal.  
I walked back to Hbf and took the U1 back to Maximilianstraße, the bus 38 to Lenkersheimer Straße, and back to the hotel.  I had to pack up my bags to see where I could put my beers, the Schwibbogen, wine and other things.  Then I went to sleep.
I hope you will join me on my long journey home, through Washington DC Dulles and an unexpected "change of gauge", and a movie with shouts of "Jiggance!" from Portia de Rossi.
Gute Nacht!  Good night!
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checkingcal · 7 years ago
I går aftes gik det ikke så godt med kalorierne. Fik spist lidt kage og et par skiver brød, men er bestemt ikke røget ud af den. I dag er en ny dag og har heldigvis stadig motivation til at tælle. Husk at gøre alt med kærlighed, så snart jeg sammenligner mig med de utallige 20 årige svenske babes Michael følger på insta får jeg næsten lyst til st grov æde - du er så sej og motion gør stadig en forskel selvom det kun er tyve min
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kyeterna · 2 years ago
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I might as well start posting the rest of the meme collages I have made (I am thinking of making one more because they are a lot of fun to make) so for now the Star Team collage
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