#ssyt's oc
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ewerinreverse · 2 years ago
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ssytdoodles · 5 years ago
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Another character drawing! This time of my mesmer, Oppt! A passionate yet questionable man that is hell bent on learning the secrets of memory and of the mind. No matter the cost.~
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orochixiv · 6 years ago
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『Every time I see a damn mudcrab, all I can think of is YOU @tetenuko and your frick’n Todd Howard.
You ruined fishing for me!
P.S. JK, it makes me giggle each time. <3』
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asura-holic · 7 years ago
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// Redid a bust picture of my beloved Ssyt. I love this snek asura so much. ♥ //
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ssytdoodles · 5 years ago
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Recently, for the first time ever in my life, I been playing DND with my husband and his friends. And honestly? It’s quite fun. Different from what I am use to, but enjoyable. So I drew a bust shot pic of my Tiefling character, Naam Allure! A traveling alchemist that is in search of his father, and the mystery behind it. 
He is a flirt, selfish, ego-driven character that enjoys using others around him for his own gain, and having them go ahead of him. A sweet talker, as well as a charmer when he needs things go his way. 
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ssytdoodles · 5 years ago
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Drew my third new character, Aiddun! A Compassionate 'seer' that has the unknown misfortune of working under Llyei.
Example -->   https://twitter.com/Ssytthesnake/status/1219016137192673282… 
 Not knowing fully what is in store. 
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ssytdoodles · 6 years ago
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After some time thinking on it, I had changed Ssyt back into his male Miqo’te self. I wasn’t enjoying the idea of drawing him in the au ra female form. Yes, it was welcoming, but at the same time it was out of my comfort of drawing him that way. 
That said, this is the new Ssyt Orochi. I have some comic ideas for him with a few other characters. Or pictures. Either or.
And if you enjoyed my drawing, please do link and/or reblog if you enjoy my artwork :>
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orochixiv · 6 years ago
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Credit to @translunaer for the original design and the photoshop template which can be found -> HERE <-.
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ssytdoodles · 6 years ago
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I never posted this of my OC Ssyt Orochi. Though at the moment their hair is now in a ponytail in the back. Will update sometime! Either still, have this drawing I did awhile ago!
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ssytdoodles · 6 years ago
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Finished this piece of my OC Ssyt Orochi!
Tumblr at @ssytxiv if you wish to follow! ♥ 
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ssytdoodles · 6 years ago
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@suzuki-no-kaio bust piece! Thank you for commissioning me, my dear! ♥ I had a lot of fun practicing coloring again, and thank you for your patience! 
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ssytdoodles · 7 years ago
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Enjoying drawing my new persona Ssyt. Still adorable, and getting a reference sheet prepared for him. Enjoy!
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orochixiv · 6 years ago
『Looking for an Active PVE/PVP/Roleplaying Partner!』
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『Hello everyone! At this moment in time, I am seeking someone who is active within the game FFXIV and enjoys PVE, PVP, and roleplay! Mostly, as my buddies for PVE and roleplay enjoyments.
Of which, I have some mentions to provide. Being as I am kinda a hard person to find someone. Here are some things I would like others to have:
Be active in FFXIV: Not a hard one, I enjoy pveing with others. I ain’t a hardcore raider, but I enjoy running content still. Even if you ain’t ALL that active, still hang out with me sometimes and poke me for dungeons. I enjoy any and all!
Enjoy company! I am on FFXIV -a lot-, and enjoy doing content with others. If you are seeking someone to do stuff with, please send me a message! I am slowly becoming a crafter and have all three main classes leveled!
Be humorous: I enjoy a good pun, or mocking each other as anyone would if running content. I am sometimes insulting and don’t mean anything by it, I just enjoy having fun in my game.
Be a paragraph roleplayer: This one is a bit tricky. Now, I ain’t saying be a grammar nazi, or even shell out a book. I just wish someone to be constructive in their emotes and give me something to work off of. Bounce off the characters! Give me drama, angst! Don’t just -sit- there and have -me- do all the work. I will get bored -very- easily.
Be accepting of the LGBTIA+ community: Due to the fact my character is genderfluid, and among other things, I would like someone that doesn’t feel uncomfortable around them. Ssyt has a strange anatomy, and I cease to converse about it due to fearing someone will be uncomfortable.
Be 20+: I am a rather older woman, married, and work from my computer. I would prefer a rather mature person back as my roleplay/PVE partner for Ssyt. I can be brash and very bold with my words, but as well at the same time, I wish it back at me if I cross the line. That said, I am seeking those in the more 20+ years of range to roleplay with. As well as their OC in kind. 
Have ideas for plots! This one kinda is a big one for me. Already hinted, Ssyt is a very plot driven character. He is not seeking out any relationships, but mostly to have retainers/laborers/test subjects for his goal. Possibly even someone that can be your friend or enemy to anyone’s OC. Or hell, even their boss depending. That said, while I enjoy driving my own ideas for scenes, I also enjoy my partner to do the same. Bounce between characters and interact with their actions. I rather not be fully in control of the scene and have your character just--’Go with the flow’. That’s not a character, and that’s not what I am looking for.
Overtime this will be updated if I missed anything from the list above, but in key-point, that is all! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if this doesn’t fit you, please spread it around to someone you think would be interested! Please DM me here if you ARE interested! 
Thank you once more, and have a good day!  
@mooglemeet @crystalxivrp @ffxiv-crystal-rp 』
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orochixiv · 6 years ago
LFRP // FFXIV 『Ssyt Orochi』
The Basics — -
Server/World: Balmung & Mateus {Crystal Server}
Age 32.
Birthday: 13th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demi-sexual :: Poly
Marital Status: Single. [Seeking]
Other sources: https://ssyt.carrd.co/
Character Alignment:  [Neutral Evil]
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Physical Appearance — -
Hair: Off white.
Eyes: Left is emerald green, Right his a bright gold.
Height: 4′8′’
Build: Built enough, has some muscle on his frame. Yet holds a more feminine quality to him.
Distinguishing Marks: Flawless skin upon sight. Yet held a more troubled scar neck to lower stomach. Faded with time.
Common Accessories: Wears very warm jackets. Wears a set of glasses and a bright aether-holding earring.
Personal — -
Profession: Alchemist first, baker second. Owes a company named ‘The Serpent’s List’.
Hobbies: Testing potions, hiring others under him, teaching others skills, binding people under him, creating potions and bakery items, tricking people.
Languages: Eorzean, Ishgardian, Doman, and Hingan.
Residence: His emporium in the Ul’dah, within the Goblet. A small merchant’s shop in Ward 21.
Birthplace: Kugane
Religion: None.
Patron Deity: None
Goals: Studying necromancy. Researching. 
Fears: Dying alone, being forgotten and never wanted. Never having a child or being understood. Being helpless or powerless.
Relationships — -
Partner: No one.
Children: None
Parents: Deceased.
Siblings: None.
Other Relatives: None to mention.
Traits — -
Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional Information — -
Smoking Habit: Sometimes.
Drugs: None.
Alcohol: None.
RP Hooks — -
• THE SERPENT'S LIST! Within the small confines of the Goblet, lays a wondrous, if not curious shop. Leaflets about this interesting store can be found in all the major cities. Posted on billboards and signs. If one dears to venture into this intriguing establishment, one would notice it filled with pies, pastries, meals for the traveling soul, and much more. Some with even enchantments for the wary travelers in need. All seemingly normal--As well as unusual once known. For what lays within some of the delicious pies, are enchanted traits. Some with advanced strength, sleepiness, and more. Either to crush your enemies, or calm your nerves. Or merely to enjoy a bite with a bit of mystery. Relax, enjoy. And welcome to The Serpent's List!
• SEEKING JOBS FOR: ASSISTANT, DELIVERY WORKER, INTEL WORKER, TESTER (FOOD AND POTIONS), GATHERER, HUNTER, AND RETAINER! Businesses thrive on competition, market and others around them. This is no different for Ssyt. Within such a business, he tends to hire all he can under his fold. To give them jobs he feels suits their intent and desire. Be it from a simple retainer's job in errands and collecting things. To a more darker form of potion testing and watching how the body reacts toward combinations and delight. Any and all can be hired for many jobs within The Serpent's List!
• ALCHEMIST/BAKER/TEACHER FOR HIRE! Well keen within the art of potions and binding spells, Ssyt takes pride into creating vials of crafted tonics and enchanted abilities for those interested. As well as craft food for those that desire a sweet tooth to be enjoyed. And if none of those two? And another wishes to expand their knowledge within the confines Ssyt provides? He is readily available to being a teacher toward those that seek it.
• MERCHANTS AND SHOPS!Being one that enjoys the more fashionable style, Ssyt is normally out and about within Ul'dah or among the other major cities, venturing to find any businesses that strike his fancy. Be it from a tailor, butcher, blacksmith, and more. Ssyt is always keeping an eye out for those that long for a customer.
• AETHER SENSITIVITY! If someone comes upon Ssyt and can sense aether, they will notice near instantly the crystal earring he wears holds -a lot- of stored aether inside it.
P.S. Please DM me if you believe your character is able to see passed his veil! ♥
• If you can sense voidsent aether: You are NOT able to see past his glamour, yet you WILL see his earring holds a lot of the voidsent aether itself. • If you are a skilled illusionist: You can probably see a bit past his glamour. Revealing scales, horns, and cat-like seeker eyes.
• DARKER THEMES! Though one that is running a business, Ssyt tends to slip into a more devilish mood more often than not. Arrogant in design, this demon in wait enjoys taunting others, using his potions on another, and gain their more darker secrets. All for the grand final of blackmailing them into servitude.
• HYPNOSIS! Though not used as often, if Ssyt feels desperate enough, he will try and to intimidate someone with his aether imbued voice and gaze. Trying to sway them to listen to him all the more effectively. This is fully up to the person if this is affective or not against their own character. And consent from them after is a given! If someone is uncomfortable from that chance, I will ask. Once under Ssyt's 'spell', there will be a series of questions he ask, altering someone's own memories of events, experiment on, and/or tricking that person to be around him. As well as try to dig deeply into someone's past and their darkest secrets.
• YOUR VILLAIN, YOUR PATH! Ssyt is by no means a fairy tale prince. One that is coated with mystery and layers of deceit, this creature take enjoyment of entrancing those around him. Watching them fall before him in either fear, hatred, or compassion for his cause. With a hypnotizing voice and even curious eyes, it rather hard to not fall prey to this endearing monster. If you have an interest in such a character, do DM me! Consent and agreement is a MUST.
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Mun is over 30+ of age, Muse is over 30+ as well. Please provide your your age to the mun, as well as your OC if you wish to roleplay with Ssyt. Must be above the age of 21+ please. As well as be comfortable and able to provide what may make you uneasy in any part of the roleplay!
I am seeking anything really with Ssyt. Mostly, if not seriously, seeking long term plots and darker theme characters. However, even though I prefer still a darker more conflicted plots, As well as business plots and customer ones! Simple interactions, or meeting one another and seeing what happens between them! Be it from Relic finding, searching for something, to treasure hunts!
If you wish to hunt my character, or think he deserves punishment, ask me first. We can work out something between a group or an individual. Do know I will not nor allow Ssyt to die. For warning if anyone tries to murder Ssyt without my consent, I will end the plot.
I enjoy darker roleplays for the majority of my stories. Or action to conflicting ones. Though I can do some fluff and slice of life if it comes off interesting. I have to have a plot to grasp at, and fully sink into.
Bounce ideas with me! I love people that interact with me for a plot. One that will grow and evolve as the character’s interact more. I revel in such plots. And thoroughly enjoy them.
Ssyt is not me, nor will -ever- be. Do not think his actions are reflected on my own. Please know the difference.
I enjoy PVE a lot! More buddies to torment me in dungeons. If you are on crystal, I would love to do dungeons with anyone! I can help with queue if someone is leveling up, and teach others jobs! I enjoy helping others.
I am open to roleplay on discord/In-game. I prefer in-game mostly, and I get slightly distracted through discord/Skype. ASK FOR DISCORD.
EST times. Sleep is…Odd.
I am open to anything! Just nothing that ends in the life of my character. He maybe vile, but unless consented, I do not wish his death.
[Will add more when more arises.]
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@balmungrp @mooglemeet @ffxiv-crystal-rp @balmungroleplayers@crystalxivrp
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