meikuree · 6 months
ssrin and ssenenet are just exordia's ianthe and coronabeth send tweet
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meikuree · 6 months
the relationships I came out of Exordia feeling most compelled by were:
Khaje, Arin, and Anna/Jiyan, aka weird snarly triangle of platonic jealousy between a slighted actual daughter, her estranged mother, and said mother’s sort-of surrogate daughter
Khaje and Ssrin
Anna and Ssrin but specifically their New York divergence then re-convergence after the prequel
Arin’s relationship to jineology
AND MOST OF ALL SSRIN’S relationship with her sister Ssenenet, who is mentioned for a total of 1.98 pages out of 576 but haunts the entire narrative and is cloaked in SO MUCH enticing mystery and implication, she probably catapulted ssrin into serendure and then catalysed iruvage’s invasion and a betrayal of ssrin. who is ssenenet because I have been drumming up 18372 dna helixes of headcanons over her being a salvation cult-esque figure and ssrin’s (loving yet begrudging?) loyalty to her. also they canonically have a metaphysical sister complex, see that bit about the wound in ssrin’s soul being in ssenenet’s shape. please Seth how did you manage to pull all this off and jab your snake women’s spurs into my heart off 3 paragraphs
more pet theories: ssenenet might’ve forced ssrin into pulling a trolley problem (see [spoiler detail] near the end) and/or set off on a path of committing more khai trolley problems with the earth invasion, but what am I saying their entire society is built on a huge profane little trolley problem
and of course, the relationships I did not so much feel compelled by as much as wanted to skim over but nevertheless respect:
Davoud and planes
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