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Most Important Questions Asked in SSC Exams - Complete Guide
अगर आप एसएससी (SSC) परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं, तो आपको परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों की अच्छी समझ होनी चाहिए। इस आर्टिकल में हम SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, GD, CPO, JE और अन्य परीक्षाओं में बार-बार पूछे जाने वाले सवालों को कवर करेंगे।
SSC परीक्षा में बार-बार पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (Previous Year Questions)
1. सामान्य ज्ञान (General Knowledge)
भारत का पहला राष्ट्रपति कौन था? (उत्तर: डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद)
संविधान सभा के अध्यक्ष कौन थे? (उत्तर: डॉ. बी. आर. अंबेडकर)
योजना आयोग की स्थापना कब हुई थी? (उत्तर: 1950)
संयुक्त राष्ट्र (UN) का मुख्यालय कहाँ स्थित है? (उत्तर: न्यूयॉर्क, अमेरिका)
ओजोन परत कौन सी गैस से प्रभावित होती है? (उत्तर: क्लोरोफ्लोरोकार्बन - CFC)
2. गणित (Mathematics)
25 का 40% कितना होगा? (उत्तर: 10)
किसी त्रिभुज का क्षेत्रफल निकालने का फार्मूला क्या है? (उत्तर: 1/2 × आधार × ऊँचाई)
साधारण ब्याज का सूत्र क्या होता है? (उत्तर: SI = P × R × T / 100)
12 और 18 का LCM (लघुत्तम समापवर्तक) कितना होगा? (उत्तर: 36)
यदि एक वस्तु का क्रय मूल्य 500 रुपये है और विक्रय मूल्य 600 रुपये है, तो लाभ प्रतिशत कितना होगा? (उत्तर: 20%)
3. रीजनिंग (Reasoning)
यदि CAT = 3120, तो DOG = ? (उत्तर: 4157)
यदि 'P' का अर्थ '+', 'Q' का अर्थ '-', 'R' का अर्थ '×', और 'S' का अर्थ '÷' हो, तो 12 R 4 S 2 का उत्तर क्या होगा? (उत्तर: 24)
'ACE, BDF, CEG, ___, EIJ' श्रेणी में अगला पद क्या होगा? (उत्तर: DFH)
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, __? (उत्तर: 36)
एक व्यक्ति उत्तर की ओर 5 किमी चलता है, फिर बाएं मुड़कर 3 किमी चलता है, फिर बाएं मुड़कर 5 किमी चलता है। अब वह किस दिशा में है? (उत्तर: पश्चिम)
4. अंग्रेजी (English)
Synonym of "Brave"? (उत्तर: Courageous)
Antonym of "Happy"? (उत्तर: Sad)
Correct spelling: (a) Recieve (b) Receive (c) Receeve (d) Reciev (उत्तर: Receive)
Fill in the blank: "She ____ a beautiful dress." (Options: (a) wear (b) wearing (c) wore (d) worn) (उत्तर: wore)
Identify the error: "She do not like chocolates." (उत्तर: "do" की जगह "does" होना चाहिए)
SSC परीक्षा की तैयारी कैसे करें?
📌 सिलेबस को अच्छे से समझें और टाइम टेबल बनाएं।
📌 मॉक टेस्ट और पिछले साल के प्रश्न हल करें।
📌 करंट अफेयर्स अपडेट रखें और रोज़ाना समाचार पढ़ें।
📌 गणित और रीजनिंग में तेज़ी लाने के लिए ट्रिक्स सीखें।
📚 बेस्ट बुक्स कहां से खरीदें?
यदि आप SSC परीक्षा की बेहतरीन किताबें खरीदना चाहते हैं, तो Gemmecart.com सबसे अच्छा प्लेटफॉर्म है। यहाँ आपको SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, GD, CPO और अन्य परीक्षाओं के लिए सभी महत्वपूर्ण किताबें मिलेंगी।
👉 अब ही बेस्ट स्टडी मटेरियल खरीदें: https://gemmecart.com
अगर आप SSC परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं, तो उपरोक्त प्रश्न और रणनीतियाँ आपकी मदद करेंगी। मेहनत और सही मार्गदर्शन से सफलता पाना संभव है। इस लेख को अपने दोस्तों के साथ साझा करें और SSC परीक्षा में टॉप करें! 🚀
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এসএসসি ২০২৫ পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি: সফলতার সোপান
📚 সঠিক পরিকল্পনা: পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতিতে একটি সুসংগঠিত পরিকল্পনা অপরিহার্য। প্রতিটি বিষয়ের ��ন্য সময় বরাদ্দ করুন এবং সেই অনুযায়ী অধ্যয়ন করুন।
📝 সাজেশন ও রুটিন: নির্ভরযোগ্য উৎস থেকে সাজেশন সংগ্রহ করুন এবং একটি কার্যকর রুটিন তৈরি করুন। উদ্ভাসের মতো প্রতিষ্ঠানের একাডেমিক প্রোগ্রামে অংশগ্রহণ করতে পারেন, যা আপনাকে সঠিক দিকনির্দেশনা দেবে।
🧠 মনোযোগ ও মনোসংযোগ: পড়াশোনার সময় মনোযোগ বজায় রাখুন এবং নিয়মিত বিরতি নিন। এটি আপনার মস্তিষ্ককে সতেজ রাখবে।
🤝 সহপাঠীদের সাথে আলোচনা: বন্ধুদের সাথে বিষয়ভিত্তিক আলোচনা করুন। এটি জ্ঞান বিনিময়ে সহায়তা করবে এবং বিষয়গুলি আরও পরিষ্কার হবে।
রমজান ২০২৫: পবিত্র মাসের প্রস্তুতি
🕌 ইবাদতের সময়সূচি: রমজান মাসে সঠিক সময়ে সেহরি ও ইফতার গ্রহণ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। ২০২৫ সালের রমজানের সময়সূচি অনুযায়ী, প্রথম রোজা ২ মার্চ এবং ঈদুল ফিতর ১ এপ্রিল অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।
🍽️ সুস্থ খাদ্যাভ্যাস: সেহরি ও ইফতারে পুষ্টিকর খাবার গ্রহণ করুন, যা আপনাকে সারাদিন শক্তি জোগাবে।
🕋 ইবাদতে মনোযোগ: এই মাসে বেশি করে নামাজ, কুরআন তিলাওয়াত এবং দান-সদকা করুন। এটি আত্মার পরিশুদ্ধিতে সহায়তা করবে।
প্রয়োজনীয় লিংক:
আরও বিস্তারিত জানতে এবং প্রস্তুতির জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ রিসোর্স পেতে, নিচের লিংকে ক্লিক করুন:
👉 বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি ও সময়সূচি
:#SSC2025 #পরীক্ষা_প্রস্তুতি #রমজান২০২৫ #ইবাদত #শিক্ষা #সফলতা
সঠিক প্রস্তুতি এবং পরিকল্পনা আপনাকে এসএসসি ২০২৫ পরীক্ষায় সফলতা অর্জনে সহায়তা করবে। একই সাথে, রমজান মাসের পবিত্রতা রক্ষা করে ইবাদতে মনোযোগ দিন। এই সময়গুলি আপনার জীবনে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করবে, তাই তাদের সঠিকভাবে কাজে লাগান।

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#thehinduanalysis #thehindu #vocabulary#thehinduanalysis #thehindu #vocabulary #vocabularywords #thehindutoday The Hindu Editorial Analysis | 13 Feb 2025 | The Hindu Analysis | The Hindu Vocab by Sanjeev sir The Hindu Editorial Today | The Hindu Analysis | The Hindu Vocab by Sanjeev sir Today session we will discuss about the indian political issues with Amit Shah. Amit Shah discussed about the Delhi election. in this article Amit Shah point out the Delhi govt schemes Welcome to Vocab24 - Your Ultimate English Learning Hub! 🌟 Are you ready to master the English language? Look no further! Vocab24 is your all-in-one solution for English vocabulary, grammar, and exam preparation. 📚 What We Offer: Daily Updates: Get 15+ new updates every day to stay ahead. Newspaper Editorials: Read and understand articles from top newspapers like The Hindu, Economic Times, and more. Instant Word Meanings: Tap any word while reading to get its meaning in your preferred language (Hindi, Bengali, and more). Learn 10 New Words Daily: Discover new vocabulary with tricks, synonyms, antonyms, and pictures. Daily Quizzes: Test your knowledge with quizzes and see your All India Rank! Smart Learning: Watch grammar and comprehension videos in both Hindi and English. Comprehensive Vocabulary Resources: Access 60+ vocab videos covering over 3000 words, idioms, phrases, and much more! Practice Tests: Over 5000 practice tests for various competitive exams. Vocab Booster Games: Enhance your vocabulary skills through fun games. Offline Dictionary & Translator: Instant word meanings and translations, even offline. 🎓 Exam Preparation for All: Get tailored content for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, IBPS, GRE, GMAT, IELTS, and more. Our videos cover everything you need for competitive exams! 🔗 Connect with Us: Join our Telegram Channel: Vocab24 Telegram WhatsApp for Courses: +91 78528 89280 👉 If you enjoy our videos, please like, share, and subscribe to support our channel! #Vocab24 #LearnEnglish #EnglishVocabulary #ExamPreparation #SSC #GRE #GMAT #IELTS #toefl #Vocab24 #LearnEnglish #englishvocabulary #exampreparation #ssc #GRE #GMAT #IELTS #toefl #thehindu #thehinduanalysis #thehinduanalysisinhindibankssccglisscchslienglishforall #thehindueditorial #thehindutodayanalysis #thehindunewsanalysis #thehindunewspaper #thehindutoday #thehinduanalysisduanalysis #thehindukannada #dailyvocabs #dailyvocabulary #dailyvocabshorts #dailyvocabularybooster #dailyvocabtricks #dailyvocabularywords #dailyvocab #vocab24 #vocabulary #vocabularywords #vocabularyenglish #vocab #vocabularybuilding #englishspeaking #englishspeakingpractice #englishspeakingcourse #englishspoken #englishlanguage #englsihgrammar #liveenglishclass #englishforssccgl #englishforssc #grammar #grammarquiz #grammarcourse #similarwords #rootwordvocabulary #rootwords #comphression #vocabbooster #englishbysanjeevsir #englishbyharshsir #englishclass #ssc #ssccgl2024 #sscenglish #sscenglishclasses #sscenglishpreviousyearpaper #ssconlineclasses #englishtopic #englishkesebole #englishkesesikhe #englishspeakingpractice #vocabprime #grammertips #vocabforssccgl #vocabforssc #vocabforbankingexam #vocabforbankpo #vocabularyexercises #vocabquiz #sscnotification #sscexam #ssccgl #ssc2025 #englishmarathon #sscgd #sscchsl #sscmts #closetest #parajumbles #sscenglishvocab #sscenglishquiz #sscenglish1stpaper #sscbank #dailyvocabs #dailyvocabulary #thehinduinhindi #vocabularyinhindi #vocabularyinenglish #vocabenglish #vocabboost #wordoftheday #vocab #languagelearning #learnenglish #englishidioms #writing #easyenglish #inglesonline #phrasalverbs #reels #vocabularywords #trending #americanenglish #angielski #ieltsvocabulary #vocabularybuilding #englishteacher #englishlearning #vocabularywords vocabulary | vocabulary words english learn | vocabulary words | vocabulary english | the hindu analysis | the hindu newspaper today | the hindu analysis today | the hindu editorial | the hindu editorial today | the hindu daily news analysis | daily vocab quiz | the hindu | the hindu vocabulary | the hindu vocabulary in hindi | the hindu vocab daily | hindu editorial analysis | english vocabulary | english vocabulary words | sanjeev sir english | daily voca quizs | daily vocab quizs | vocab24 vocabulary,vocabulary words,the hindu analysis,the hindu analysis today,the hindu editorial today,the hindu daily news analysis,daily vocab quiz,the hindu vocabulary in hindi,hindu editorial analysis,english vocabulary words,test your english vocabulary,sanjeev sir english,how to read the hindu newspaper,the hindu editorial,the hindu newspaper editorial,the hindu newspaper analysis today,the hindu editorial analysis,daily vocabulary english,daily vocabulary
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#thehinduanalysis #thehindu #vocabulary#thehinduanalysis #thehindu #vocabulary #vocabularywords #thehindutoday The Hindu Editorial Analysis | 1 Feb 2025 | The Hindu Analysis | The Hindu Vocab by Sanjeev sir The Hindu Editorial Today | The Hindu Analysis | The Hindu Vocab by Sanjeev sir Today session we will discuss about the indian political issues with Amit Shah. Amit Shah discussed about the Delhi election. in this article Amit Shah point out the Delhi govt schemes Welcome to Vocab24 - Your Ultimate English Learning Hub! 🌟 Are you ready to master the English language? Look no further! Vocab24 is your all-in-one solution for English vocabulary, grammar, and exam preparation. 📚 What We Offer: Daily Updates: Get 15+ new updates every day to stay ahead. Newspaper Editorials: Read and understand articles from top newspapers like The Hindu, Economic Times, and more. Instant Word Meanings: Tap any word while reading to get its meaning in your preferred language (Hindi, Bengali, and more). Learn 10 New Words Daily: Discover new vocabulary with tricks, synonyms, antonyms, and pictures. Daily Quizzes: Test your knowledge with quizzes and see your All India Rank! Smart Learning: Watch grammar and comprehension videos in both Hindi and English. Comprehensive Vocabulary Resources: Access 60+ vocab videos covering over 3000 words, idioms, phrases, and much more! Practice Tests: Over 5000 practice tests for various competitive exams. Vocab Booster Games: Enhance your vocabulary skills through fun games. Offline Dictionary & Translator: Instant word meanings and translations, even offline. 🎓 Exam Preparation for All: Get tailored content for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, IBPS, GRE, GMAT, IELTS, and more. Our videos cover everything you need for competitive exams! 🔗 Connect with Us: Join our Telegram Channel: Vocab24 Telegram WhatsApp for Courses: +91 78528 89280 👉 If you enjoy our videos, please like, share, and subscribe to support our channel! #Vocab24 #LearnEnglish #EnglishVocabulary #ExamPreparation #SSC #GRE #GMAT #IELTS #toefl #Vocab24 #LearnEnglish #englishvocabulary #exampreparation #ssc #GRE #GMAT #IELTS #toefl #thehindu #thehinduanalysis #thehinduanalysisinhindibankssccglisscchslienglishforall #thehindueditorial #thehindutodayanalysis #thehindunewsanalysis #thehindunewspaper #thehindutoday #thehinduanalysisduanalysis #thehindukannada #dailyvocabs #dailyvocabulary #dailyvocabshorts #dailyvocabularybooster #dailyvocabtricks #dailyvocabularywords #dailyvocab #vocab24 #vocabulary #vocabularywords #vocabularyenglish #vocab #vocabularybuilding #englishspeaking #englishspeakingpractice #englishspeakingcourse #englishspoken #englishlanguage #englsihgrammar #liveenglishclass #englishforssccgl #englishforssc #grammar #grammarquiz #grammarcourse #similarwords #rootwordvocabulary #rootwords #comphression #vocabbooster #englishbysanjeevsir #englishbyharshsir #englishclass #ssc #ssccgl2024 #sscenglish #sscenglishclasses #sscenglishpreviousyearpaper #ssconlineclasses #englishtopic #englishkesebole #englishkesesikhe #englishspeakingpractice #vocabprime #grammertips #vocabforssccgl #vocabforssc #vocabforbankingexam #vocabforbankpo #vocabularyexercises #vocabquiz #sscnotification #sscexam #ssccgl #ssc2025 #englishmarathon #sscgd #sscchsl #sscmts #closetest #parajumbles #sscenglishvocab #sscenglishquiz #sscenglish1stpaper #sscbank #dailyvocabs #dailyvocabulary #thehinduinhindi #vocabularyinhindi #vocabularyinenglish #vocabenglish #vocabboost #wordoftheday #vocab #languagelearning #learnenglish #englishidioms #writing #easyenglish #inglesonline #phrasalverbs #reels #vocabularywords #trending #americanenglish #angielski #ieltsvocabulary #vocabularybuilding #englishteacher #englishlearning #vocabularywords vocabulary | vocabulary words english learn | vocabulary words | vocabulary english | the hindu analysis | the hindu newspaper today | the hindu analysis today | the hindu editorial | the hindu editorial today | the hindu daily news analysis | daily vocab quiz | the hindu | the hindu vocabulary | the hindu vocabulary in hindi | the hindu vocab daily | hindu editorial analysis | english vocabulary | english vocabulary words | sanjeev sir english | daily voca quizs | daily vocab quizs | vocab24 vocabulary,vocabulary words,the hindu analysis,the hindu analysis today,the hindu editorial today,the hindu daily news analysis,daily vocab quiz,the hindu vocabulary in hindi,hindu editorial analysis,english vocabulary words,test your english vocabulary,sanjeev sir english,how to read the hindu newspaper,the hindu editorial,the hindu newspaper editorial,the hindu newspaper analysis today,the hindu editorial analysis,daily vocabulary english,daily vocabulary
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The Hindu Editorial Today | The hindu vocabulary in Hindi | #thehinduana...
#thehinduanalysis #thehindu #vocabulary #vocabularywords #thehindutoday Today The Hindu Editorial | 20 Dec 2024 | the hindu vocabulary in hindi | #thehinduanalysis🌟 Welcome to Vocab24 - Your Ultimate English Learning Hub! 🌟 Are you ready to master the English language? Look no further! Vocab24 is your all-in-one solution for English vocabulary, grammar, and exam preparation. 📚 What We Offer: Daily Updates: Get 15+ new updates every day to stay ahead. Newspaper Editorials: Read and understand articles from top newspapers like The Hindu, Economic Times, and more. Instant Word Meanings: Tap any word while reading to get its meaning in your preferred language (Hindi, Bengali, and more). Learn 10 New Words Daily: Discover new vocabulary with tricks, synonyms, antonyms, and pictures. Daily Quizzes: Test your knowledge with quizzes and see your All India Rank! Smart Learning: Watch grammar and comprehension videos in both Hindi and English. Comprehensive Vocabulary Resources: Access 60+ vocab videos covering over 3000 words, idioms, phrases, and much more! Practice Tests: Over 5000 practice tests for various competitive exams. Vocab Booster Games: Enhance your vocabulary skills through fun games. Offline Dictionary & Translator: Instant word meanings and translations, even offline. 🎓 Exam Preparation for All: Get tailored content for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, IBPS, GRE, GMAT, IELTS, and more. Our videos cover everything you need for competitive exams! 🔗 Connect with Us: Join our Telegram Channel: Vocab24 Telegram WhatsApp for Courses: +91 78528 89280 👉 If you enjoy our videos, please like, share, and subscribe to support our channel! #Vocab24 #LearnEnglish #EnglishVocabulary #ExamPreparation #SSC #GRE #GMAT #IELTS #toefl #Vocab24 #LearnEnglish #englishvocabulary #exampreparation #ssc #GRE #GMAT #IELTS #toefl #thehindu #thehinduanalysis #thehinduanalysisinhindibankssccglisscchslienglishforall #thehindueditorial #thehindutodayanalysis #thehindunewsanalysis #thehindunewspaper #thehindutoday #thehinduanalysisduanalysis #thehindukannada #dailyvocabs #dailyvocabulary #dailyvocabshorts #dailyvocabularybooster #dailyvocabtricks #dailyvocabularywords #dailyvocab #vocab24 #vocabulary #vocabularywords #vocabularyenglish #vocab #vocabularybuilding #englishspeaking #englishspeakingpractice #englishspeakingcourse #englishspoken #englishlanguage #englsihgrammar #liveenglishclass #englishforssccgl #englishforssc #grammar #grammarquiz #grammarcourse #similarwords #rootwordvocabulary #rootwords #comphression #vocabbooster #englishbysanjeevsir #englishbyharshsir #englishclass #ssc #ssccgl2024 #sscenglish #sscenglishclasses #sscenglishpreviousyearpaper #ssconlineclasses #englishtopic #englishkesebole #englishkesesikhe #englishspeakingpractice #vocabprime #grammertips #vocabforssccgl #vocabforssc #vocabforbankingexam #vocabforbankpo #vocabularyexercises #vocabquiz #sscnotification #sscexam #ssccgl #ssc2025 #englishmarathon #sscgd #sscchsl #sscmts #closetest #parajumbles #sscenglishvocab #sscenglishquiz #sscenglish1stpaper #sscbank #dailyvocabs #dailyvocabulary #thehinduinhindi #vocabularyinhindi #vocabularyinenglish #vocabenglish #vocabboost #wordoftheday #vocab #languagelearning #learnenglish #englishidioms #writing #easyenglish #inglesonline #phrasalverbs #reels #vocabularywords #trending #americanenglish #angielski #ieltsvocabulary #vocabularybuilding #englishteacher #englishlearning #vocabularywords vocabulary | vocabulary words english learn | vocabulary words | vocabulary english | the hindu analysis | the hindu newspaper today | the hindu analysis today | the hindu editorial | the hindu editorial today | the hindu daily news analysis | daily vocab quiz | the hindu | the hindu vocabulary | the hindu vocabulary in hindi | the hindu vocab daily | hindu editorial analysis | english vocabulary | english vocabulary words | sanjeev sir english | daily voca quizs | daily vocab quizs | vocab24 vocabulary,vocabulary words,vocabulary english,the hindu analysis,the hindu newspaper today,the hindu analysis today,the hindu editorial,the hindu editorial today,the hindu daily news analysis,daily vocab quiz,the hindu vocabulary,the hindu vocabulary in hindi,hindu editorial analysis,english vocabulary,english vocabulary words,vocab24,daily vocab,english vocabulary quiz with answers,learn english,vocabulary test with answers,test your english vocabulary
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